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Global Journal of Management and Business Research: B

Economics and Commerce

Volume 14 Issue 7 Version 1.0 Year 2014
Type: Double Blind Peer Reviewed International Research Journal
Publisher: Global Journals Inc. (USA)
Online ISSN: 2249-4588 & Print ISSN: 0975-5853

Economic Determinants of Domestic Investment: A Case of Pakistan

By Amer Sohail, Umer Rehman & Muhammad Azeem
University of Sargodha, Pakistan
Abstract- The study intends to investigate the determinants of gross domestic investments in Pakistan
from the period of 1973 to 2010. All the annual time series of data have been extracted from the valid
sources like; Business Recorder and State Bank of Pakistan. In order to assess their behavior over the
time, and to evaluate how these variables have either hindered or encouraged the growth of investment in
Pakistan’s economy. Domestic investment in Pakistan is stimulated by real GDP growth as well as with
the expansion of exports of goods and services. Moreover, the flow of FDI in Pakistan is “crowd in”
domestic investment. The development of financial sector and human capital is vital for economic
escalation in country. However, the stimulation in formal credit and formation of industrial capital may lead
towards promulgation in domestic investments. The Pakistan’s economic environment demands massive
level of domestic investments which lead towards capital formation and economic progression.
Keywords: domestic investment, foreign direct investment and economic growth.
GJMBR-B Classification: JEL Code: M50, P36


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Economic Determinants of Domestic
Investment: A Case of Pakistan
Amer Sohail α, Umer Rehman σ & Muhammad Azeem ρ

Abstract- The study intends to investigate the determinants of of capital formation and demolishing financial markets.
gross domestic investments in Pakistan from the period of Policy makers and scholars are in rush to identify, what
1973 to 2010. All the annual time series of data have been are the factors that are important in determining
extracted from the valid sources like; Business Recorder and investment process. The study intends to investigate
State Bank of Pakistan. In order to assess their behavior over

what are the determinants of domestic investment in
the time, and to evaluate how these variables have either
hindered or encouraged the growth of investment in Pakistan’s Pakistan. Because, Pakistan’s economy is suffering for

economy. Domestic investment in Pakistan is stimulated by lack of indigenous resources, which are relevant for
real GDP growth as well as with the expansion of exports of surge in economic progress of a country. The study
goods and services. Moreover, the flow of FDI in Pakistan is contributes to the existing literature in the following 41
“crowd in” domestic investment. The development of financial ways: first, in most of the existing studies FDI has been
sector and human capital is vital for economic escalation in

Global Journal of Management and Business Research ( B ) Volume XIV Issue VII Version I
considered as major predictor of economic growth
country. However, the stimulation in formal credit and whereas less emphasis has been given to domestic
formation of industrial capital may lead towards promulgation investments. So, this study bridges this gap by
in domestic investments. The Pakistan’s economic
exclusively considering the role of domestic investments
environment demands massive level of domestic investments
which lead towards capital formation and economic in economic growth. Secondly, most of the empirical
progression. studies have been carried out on the direct relationship
Keywords: domestic investment, foreign direct between domestic investment and its determinants in
investment and economic growth. developing countries but remained inconclusive.
Because, the scholars have focused on the impact of
I. Introduction determinants like; short and long run respectively.

However, in this study OLS regression has been used,
omestic investment is a tool for measuring the
the technique will not only identify the direction of the
level GDP. It is an important component of GDP
relationship but will also measure the magnitude of the
which is used for future productivity of an
relationship. Finally, this research has been conducted
economy. It includes both replacement purchases plus
following the recent economic reform efforts in Pakistan
net additions to capital assets and investments in
like; involving the economic liberalization for both
inventories. The gross domestic investment includes
domestic and foreign investment, financial
three types of investments like; non-residential
developments, leveraged industrial policies and most
investment, residential investments and change in
importantly after the massive social-economic changes
inventories. In Pakistan, the trend of capital formation
in region.
through these three means is negligible therefore there
is harsh need to investigate what are the basic II. Literature Review
determinants of gross domestic investments in Pakistan. In the last 40 years, we were checking the
Recently, the empirical evidence suggests that the relationship between saving and foreign capital flow. In
fastest growing countries are the biggest FDI-host this research, our aim is to identify the role foreign
countries and resultantly the domestic level of capital as substitute or complementary. There is the
investment creep up (Fabry & Zeghni, 2002). The massive debate on empirical and theoretical levels. The
attention has been changed from FDI to domestic dependency ratio also affects the foreign capital inflows
investment which is the real leader of economic growth and saving rate. This is a very interesting topic and more
after the financial crisis in Asian countries. Whereas, few attractive for study in developing countries (Khan,1992).
researchers have questioned that how did domestic Having focus on factors that affect savings in Pakistan.
investment increase in some developing countries and In this article, they conclude that bad effect of foreign
did not in others, in particular, what causes domestic capital on national saving in Pakistan. In 1970’s,
investment and what retards it. So, it is an important declining period was started for Pakistan but saving was
issue to address for a country like; Pakistan that is increasing in South East Asian countries (Hussein,
characterized by high unemployment, poverty rates, lack 1995). The trend of private saving compared with the
private saving of south East Asian countries by using co
Author α σ ρ: Department of Management Sciences University of integration techniques probed by different studies
Sargodha Gujranwala Campus. e-mail: Azeem_pugc41@yahoo.com Some other factors also influenced the long run
© 2014 Global Journals Inc. (US)
Economic Determinants of Domestic Investment: A Case of Pakistan

evolution of saving like; wealth, public sector debt and to the economy has been debated extensively over the
so on (Khan,H, 1997). The attitude of developing years. These debates help out of developed and under
countries toward foreign direct investment has emerged, developed economies. So, the most relevant material is
but the sentiment is weaker for Pakistan. Policies are put in this research of domestic investment which are
very weak in Pakistan for inflow of foreign direct reducing the spread of poverty in our economy.
investment. Private investment playing a crucial role in
many developing countries especially in Pakistan. As,
III. Methodology
Khan & Khan, (2001) analyzed the determinants of The data has been derives from SBP and
private investment with the help of ARDL technique. business recorder of Pakistan for the period of 1973-
They probed the relationship between long and short 2010. The regression and correlation techniques have
run investment that exist in Pakistan’s environment. been applied to conclude the results. In this line of
Foreign capital inflows are substitute or complementary research, in most of the studies a subset of the following
the researchers have proved that. In Pakistan the impact variables ( among others ) as the exogenous variables

of FDI have long run impact on investments (Ahmed & in the domestic investment equation: FDI, exports and
Ahmed, 2002) . The contribution of domestic investment money supply.

GDI = 0+ 1 G r + 2 FDI + 3 FI+4 H+5 Cr + e………………1

Where: GDI, Denotes domestic investment (net of FDI) X, Denotes the exports of goods and services as a ratio
Global Journal of Management and Business Research ( B ) Volume XIV Issue VII Version I

Denotes the growth rate of real GDP, of GDP,

FDI, Denotes foreign direct investment as a ratio of FI, Denotes financial intermediation as calculated by M2
GDP, as a ratio of GDP,

Table No : 01 Details of Variables

Variable Description of the Data Source

Gr Growth rate of real GDP

FDI Foreign Direct Investment as a ratio of GDP SBP
GDI Gross Domestic Investment as a ratio of GDP SBP
FI Financial intermediation proxied by M2 /GDP SBP
X Export of goods and services as a ratio of GDP SBP

The details of the variables have given in table should be examined. The descriptive statistics have
no 01 along with proxies and sources of date from been presented in table no 02 which show that most of
where the date set has been extracted. the variables have normal standard deviations which
indicate that there is less variation in time series of data.
IV. Results The coefficients of skewness and kurtosis also indicate
In this section the results of the study have been that all the time series are normal and appropriate for
presented in different tables. It is a co-relational study; in regression analysis.
order to go for regression analysis the properties of data
Table No : 02 Descriptive Statistics
Export as a FDI as a GDI as a GDS as a Imports as a M2 as a
%age of %age of %age of %age of %age of %age of
Mean 0.539421 0.021439 18.19572 11.11167 0.896660 0.419954
Median 0.550478 0.019499 18.31845 10.54257 0.755789 0.406806

Maximum 1.191845 0.059260 22.52262 18.10428 2.024221 0.508111

Minimum 0.131507 -0.007151 12.81189 3.998153 0.234898 0.297474
Std. Dev 0.303847 0.013568 1.980600 4.374095 0.589840 0.053139
Skewness 0.454862 0.923387 -0.326181 0.029857 0.501691 -0.191701
Kurtosis 2.223062 4.361356 4.376912 1.675265 1.847894 2.262416

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Economic Determinants of Domestic Investment: A Case of Pakistan

The properties of data further analyzed by using correlations like; exports to GDP, imports to GDP and
pair-wise correlation analysis, its results have been M2. Moreover, this much of correlation between the
shown in table no 02. The coefficients of correlation above said variables can be justified because these are
between predictors clearly indicate that there is not any the macro economic variables which have collective
serious problem of multi-coliniarity and auto-correlation movements in response to external shocks. Overall, the
inresponse variables. However, few variables have data is appropriate for regression analysis.
shown the concerns for multi-coloniarity and auto
Table No : 03 Correlation Analyses

FDI as Exports GDS Imports M2 as

%GDP as as as %GDP

FDI as %GDP 1
Exports as %GDP 0.4873 1

GDS as % GDP 0.2704 0.4308 1
Imports as %GDP 0.3713 0.4053 0.4661 1 43

Global Journal of Management and Business Research ( B ) Volume XIV Issue VII Version I
M2 as %GDP 0.4340 0.6621 0.3235 0.5285 1

In order to investigate the relationship between in country. It has been probed that as the foreign funds
the variables, regression analysis has been applied, and will move in, the level of domestic investments will also
its results are reported in table no 04. Balance of trade, creep up. There are the two approaches to address this
money supply and gross domestic savings are the phenomena, the formal one narrates that as the MNC’S
important determinants of domestic investments. The (Multi-national Corporations) will flourish in country the
results of the study indicate that there are the positive auxiliary industries will also charge in with the local
and significant relationships between gross funding. However, the later one suggests that the
domestic investments with respect to foreign direct confidence of local investor boot up as he finds the
investment, gross domestic savings and money supply international investors in country.

Table No : 04 Regression Analysis

Variable Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic Prob.

FDI 99.00018 17.51985 5.650743 0.0000

EX 4.325702 1.561064 2.770996 0.0092
GDS 0.136654 0.089891 1.520229 0.0383
IMP -3.436955 1.042692 -3.296233 0.0024
M2 6.859344 5.835457 1.175460 0.0485
C 10.92578 2.559829 4.268167 o0.0002

R-squared 0.735496 Mean dependent var 18.19572

Adjusted R-squared 0.694167 S.D. dependent var 1.980600

Moreover, exports have positive relationship V. Conclusion

with domestic investments, which implies that, the
expansion in exports followed by increase in domestic The study intends to investigate the
production. The returns of exports are more than sale determinants of gross domestic savings in Pakistan
within country. So, the domestic producer become from the period of 1973-2010. All the annual time series
active as he finds international demands for product in of data have been extracted from the valid sources of
order cope rich returns. Additionally, the negative data like; business recorder and state bank of Pakistan.
relationship with imports revels that massive inputs from In order to assess their behavior over time, and to
off border may curtail domestic production and may evaluate how these variables have either hindered or
losses the confidence of local producers. encouraged the growth of investment in Pakistan’s

© 2014 Global Journals Inc. (US)

Economic Determinants of Domestic Investment: A Case of Pakistan

economy. Domestic investment in Pakistan is stimulated integration Analysis. In: S. Strom (ed.),
by real GDP growth as well as expansion of exports of Econometrics and Economic Theory in the 20th
goods and services, domestic savings and foreign Century: The Ragnar Frisch Centennial Symposium,
direct investments. Moreover, the flow of FDI to Pakistan 1999, Ch. 11. Cambridge University Cambridge.
is “crowd in” domestic investment but with the more
magnitudes than GDP growth and exports expansion.
The development of financial sector and human capital
is vital for economic escalation in country. However, the
stimulation in formal credit and formation of industrial
capital may lead towards promulgation in domestic
investments. The Pakistan’s economic environment
demands massive level of domestic investments. As for
as the concern of economic determinants, the study has

tried to cover all most all aspects of economic

determinants, but the local environment demands to

probe some other cultural aspects. In Pakistan, our

social values are quite different from the developed part
44 of the world which drives the spending and saving
balance of any individual and entity. Consequently,
Global Journal of Management and Business Research ( B ) Volume XIV Issue VII Version I

further studies should try to include some socio-graphic

values as determinants of gross domestic savings along
with economic determinants in studies.
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