Confidential: Iom Minimum Medical Review Questionnaire
Confidential: Iom Minimum Medical Review Questionnaire
Confidential: Iom Minimum Medical Review Questionnaire
Explanatory note:
The purpose of this questionnaire is to evaluate the current health status in conjunction with the availability
of health care services in their proposed duty station. The IOM Medical Officer of the Occupational Health
Unit (OHU) determines whether any further investigations or information is deemed to be necessary.
Please electronically complete and return this questionnaire as soon as possible (preferably within 3 days)
byemail to the IOM Medical Officer of the applicable unitof the Occupational Health Unit (OHU) in:
Family Name (in block capitals): HARUN Duty station: IOM Cotabato Sub Office
Given names:AL-WAHAB
OHU_MMRQ_2019 (EN)
Name, full address, telephone number and email of your doctor:
1. Have you been admitted to the hospital for at least 2 consecutive days in the last 5 years, or have you been absent from
work for more than 30 days in the last 12 months?
2. Are you regularly taking any prescribed medication? Do you have any allergies to medication?
Yes____ No____If “yes” please provide details(please include name/or generic name of medication, dose and frequency)
3. Do you have any condition which will need medical, surgical or psychological intervention or treatment within the next
12 months or an ongoing treatment?
Yes____ No____ If “yes” please state the expected date of delivery (D/M/Y):
5. Do you have any physical or mental health conditions which could make it difficult for you to live and work in, or travel
to, a remote area with limited access to health care facilities?
6. Have you ever suffered from a physical or psychological condition which has been recognized as caused by previous
work or internship?
7. Do you, or will you need any workplace accommodations for medical conditions, and/or disability? (For example do you
have travel limitations, or need a special desk, etc.)
8. Are you aware of any other factors which could affect your health or your ability to perform your duties (such as
physical symptoms, lifestyle habits or family circumstances)
OHU_MMRQ_2019 (EN)
Yes____ No____If “yes please provide details
9. Have you had any of the following symptoms in the past 6 months? None
Underline the symptoms concerned and give details: Coughing or spitting blood, breathing difficulties, blood in your stools, blood
in your urine, chest pain, breathing difficulties, abdominal pain, back pain, fainting, loss of consciousness, seizure, depression,
panic attacks, vertigo, involuntary loss of weight (over3kg), heartpalpitations,unexplained chronic fatigue, transient palsy or loss
of vision.
Declaration - Please read, sign and either check ACCEPT or DECLINE the declaration
I hereby declare that my answers to all questions are true and complete to the best of my knowledge. I also hereby authorize the
reviewing Medical Officer to communicate with my treating physician, or mental health professional, and I simultaneously give
consent to my treating practitioner(s) to release the necessary medical information in order to verify my state of health in relation
to fitness for work.
I understand that failure to disclose a known physical and psychological condition, including conditions under investigation, may
result in future denial of benefits, termination or dismissal.
OHU_MMRQ_2019 (EN)