Project Proposal - SAFD Plan
Project Proposal - SAFD Plan
Project Proposal - SAFD Plan
The goals of the national economy are a more equitable distribution of opportunities, income
and wealth; a sustainable increase in the amount of goods and services produced by the nation
for the benefit of the people: and an expanding productivity as the key to raising the quality of
life for all, especially the underprivileged. The State shall promote industrialization and full
employment based on sound agricultural development and agrarian reform, through industries
that make full and efficient use of human and natural resources, and which are competitive in
both domestic and foreign markets. In pursuit of these goals, all sectors of the economy and all
regions of the country shall be given optimum opportunity to develop. Private enterprises,
including corporation, cooperatives, and similar collective organizations, shall be encouraged to
broaden the base of their ownership. Thus it is hereby declared the policy of the State to enable
those who belong to the agriculture and fisheries sectors to participate and share in the fruits of
development and growth in a manner that utilizes the nation's resources in the most efficient and
sustainable way possible by establishing a more equitable access to assets, income, basic and
support services and infrastructure. The State shall promote food security, including sufficiency
in our staple food namely rice and white corn. The production of rice and white corn shall be
optimized to meet our local consumption and shall be given adequate support by the State. The
State shall adopt the market approach in assisting the agriculture and fisheries sectors while
recognizing the contribution of said sectors to food security, environmental protection, and
balanced urban and rural development, without neglecting the welfare of the consumers,
especially the lower income groups. The State shall promote market-oriented policies in
agricultural production to encourage farmers to shift to more profitable crops. The State shall
empower the agriculture and fisheries sectors to develop and sustain themselves. Toward this
end, the State shall ensure the development of the agriculture and fisheries sectors in accordance
with the following principles:
Poverty Alleviation and Social Equity - The State shall ensure that the poorer sectors of society
have equitable access to resources, income opportunities, basic and support services and
infrastructure especially in areas where productivity is low as a means of improving their quality
of life compared with other sectors of society.
Food Security - The State assure the availability adequacy, accessibility and affordability of food
supplies to all times;
Rational Use of Resources - The State shall adopt a rational approach in the allocation of public
investment in agriculture and fisheries in order to assure efficiency and effectiveness in the use of
scarce resources and thus obtain optimal returns on its investment;
Global Competitiveness - The State shall enhance the competitiveness of the agriculture and
fisheries sectors in both domestic and foreign market;
Sustainable Development - The State shall promote development that is complete with the
preservation of the ecosystem in areas where agriculture and fisheries are carried. The State
should exert care and judicious use of the country's natural resources in order to attain long-
term sustainability;
People Empowerment - The State shall promote people empowerment by enabling all citizens
through direct participation or through their duly elected chosen or designated representatives
the opportunity and
Protection from Unfair Competition - The State shall protect small farmers and fisher folk from
unfair competition such as monopolistic and oligopolistic practices by promoting a policy
environment that provides them priority access to credit and strengthened cooperative-based
marketing system.
To have database on the existing agri-crops and fisheries production area and production
in metric tons
Ensure that the SAFDZs and the infrastructure development and investment are
adequately appreciated, protected and sustained.
Provide guidance in ensuring that prime agricultural lands are efficiently and sustainably
utilized, develop and protected from unreasonable land use conversion;
To prepare zones for Agriculture and Fisheries Development
Action plan:
To establish
tools in the
of the
Finalizing the SAFD
Presentation of
Member for
Prepared by:
Monib Usman