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design engineers to obtain an under- Drying of Loose and Particulate particle properties, moisture in particles
standing of the flow and heat transfer that Materials and the effects of drying. Moisture in
occur inside turbomachinery. This is R. B. Keey gases, heat transfer to particles and the
accomplished by introducing the basic Hemisphere Publishing Corp., 504 pp. kinetics of drying are then discussed.
equations that govern the flow. The flow $145.00 Design and specification of a dryer,
and heat transfer associated with a single process conditions and control of dryers,
rotating disk are presented. Rotor-stator hazards in drying and material and
systems with and without superposed This book is written for practicing energy requirements in drying are con-
flow are discussed. Lastly, the sealing of engineers who are interested in industrial sidered. The book concludes with a
rotor-stator systems is presented. The drying technology. It is neither a design chapter on product collection and
monograph was reproduced directly handbook nor a textbook written for a recovery. There is an extensive list of
from the author-supplied, camera-ready specific course. An introduction to drying references for those interested in further
copy. is presented followed by a discussion of reading on the subject.

Symposium on measurement and 8-13 November 1992 Prof. S. A. Sherif, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, University of
modeling of environmental flows (1992 Anaheim, CA, USA Florida, Gainesville,FL 32611, USA. Deadline for receivingabstracts :
ASME winter annual meeting) March 15, 1992
Forum on industrial and environmental 8-13 November 1992 Prof. S. A. Sherif,Department of Mechanical Engineering,University
applications of fluid mechanics (1992 Anaheim, CA, USA of Florida, Gainesville, Gainesville, FL, 32611-2050, USA. Deadline
ASME winter annual meeting) for receiving abstracts: April 1, 1992
First international conference on aerospace 15-17 February 1993 Dr. Ramesh K. Shah, Conference Chairman, Harrison Division,
heat exchanger technology Palo Alto, CA, USA General Motors Corporation, Lockport, NY 14094-1896, USA o r
Dr. Ab Hashemi, Conference Vice-Chairman, Lockheed Palo Alto
Research Laboratories, 0/92-40 B/205, 3251 Hanover St., Palo Alto,
CA 94304-1191, USA. Deadline for receivingabstracts : January 2, 1992
The sixth international symposium on 9-13 May 1993 Dr. Jong H. kim, EPRI, 3412 HillviewAve., P.O. Box 10412, Palo Alto,
transport phenomena (ISTP-6) in thermal Seoul, Korea CA 94303, USA o r Prof. Sung-Tack Ro, Dept. of Mechanical
engineering Engineering, Seoul National University, Shinrim-Dong, Kwanak-Ku,
Seoul 151-742, Korea. Deadline for receiving abstracts: August 31,
The 38th ASME international gas turbine 24-27 May 1993 Carol J. Russo, 1993 Program Chair, GE Aircraft Engines, MS-A318,
and aeroengine congress and exposition Cincinnati, OH, USA 1Neumann Way, Cincinnati, OH 45215, USA. Deadline for receiving
abstracts: July 15, 1992
Symposium on quantification of uncertainty 20-24 June 1993 Dr. Ismail Celik, Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Dept., West
in computational fluid dynamics Washington, DC, USA Virginia University, Morgantown, WV 26505-6101, USA. Deadline
for receiving abstracts: June 30, 1992
Third international symposium on thermal 20--24 June 1993 Prof. David E. Stock, Symposium Chair, Mechanical & Materials
anemometry Washington, DC, USA Engineering,Washington State University, Pullman, WA 99164-2920,
USA. Deadline for receiving abstracts: June 30, 1992
Symposium on devices for flow measurement 20--24 June 1993 Dr. Chester Blechinger,Ford Motor Co. ETC LE-145, 17000Rotunda
and control Washington, DC, USA Drive, Dearborn, MI 48121, USA o r Prof. S. A. Sherif, Dept. of
Mechanical Engineering, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL
32611-2050, USA. Deadline for receiving abstracts: June 30, 1992
Ninth symposium on turbulent shear flows 16-18 August 1993 Prof. F. W. Schmidt, Secretary, Turbulent Shear Flows, Dept. of
Kyoto, Japan MechanicalEngineering,The PennsylvaniaState University,University
Park, PA 16802, USA. Deadline for receivingabstracts: November 1,
3rd World conference on experimental heat 31 October-5 November Prof. Matthew D. Kelleber, Conference Chairman, Mechanical
transfer, fluid mechanics and 1993 EngineeringDept., Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA 93943,
thermodynamics Honolulu, HI, USA USA o r Prof. K. R. Sreenivasan,ConferenceVice-Chairman,Dept. of
Mechanical Engineering,Yale University,New Haven, CT 06520-2159,
USA. Deadline for receiving abstracts: June 1, 1992
Third symposium on experimental and 28 November-3 December Dr. Bahran Khalighi, GM Research and Environmental Staff, Engine
numerical flow visualization (1993 ASME 1993 Research Dept., Warren, M148090-9055,USA. Deadline for receiving
winter annual meeting) New Orleans, LA, USA abstracts: January 1, 1993
First ISHMT-ASME heat and mass 5-7 January 1994 Dr. V. Venkat Raj, ConferenceCo-Chairman, Reactor Safety Division,
transfer conference Bombay, India Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Engineering Hall 7, Bombay 400
085, India o r Dr. R. K. Shah, Conference Co-Chairman, Harrison
Division, GMC, Lockport, NY 14094-1896, USA. Deadline for
receiving abstracts: October 31, 1992

312 Int. J. Heat and Fluid Flow, Vol. 13, No. 3, September 1992

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