Development of A Coaxial Dual Cylinder Apparatus For Measurement of Thermal Conductivity of Food Grains
Development of A Coaxial Dual Cylinder Apparatus For Measurement of Thermal Conductivity of Food Grains
Development of A Coaxial Dual Cylinder Apparatus For Measurement of Thermal Conductivity of Food Grains
Research Article
Coaxial dual cylinder apparatus based on steady state method The developed apparatus was found to be widely
was developed and used to determine the thermal conductivity suitable for cereals, pulses and different varieties
of four different types of food grains. The study was conducted of oilseeds. However, it was not found suitable
on freshly harvested whole grains of wheat (Triticum aestivum), for products containing higher moisture content
paddy (Oryza sativa L), Bengal gram (Cicer aritinum L) and because of moisture migration phenomena. Its
black gram (Vigna mungo L) obtained from university farm of simplicity in the mathematical processing of the
Pantnagar, India. Moisture content and bulk density of the acquired data, simple construction, low
above cited grains was determined by hot air oven and simple operational cost involved and its applicability to
measuring cylinder method, respectively. Its suitability for different varieties of cereals, pulses and oilseeds
different food materials was also checked. Time to achieve makes it effective method for determination of
steady state was found to be around 1.5 hours. Asbestos sheets thermal conductivity of granular food products.
and glass wool were used to insulate the apparatus and to
prevent any heat loss to the surroundings. The average bulk Keywords: Thermal conductivity, Wheat,
thermal conductivities of wheat, paddy, Bengal gram and black Paddy, Bengal gram, Black gram
gram at moisture contents (wb) of 9.7±0.30%, 10.5±0.20%,
10.3±0.35% and 11.4±0.20% and bulk densities of 765.4±16, *Correspondence
535.6±20, 721.5±15 and 740.7±25 kg m-3, respectively were Author: Ganesh Upadhyay
found to be 0.2384, 0.1288, 0.2091 and 0.1460 Wm-1 ºC-1, Email:
Freshly harvested cereals and pulses should be aerated during storage or dried before storage depending on their
moisture content variation from optimum value which is appropriate for storage in the grain bins. Farmers and the
food grain industries are largely dependent on the drying, storage and aeration characteristics of grains [1].
Optimization of drying facilities required for bulk storage of grains have necessitates the significance of precise
determination of thermal properties of food grains like thermal conductivity, specific heat and thermal diffusivity
which enables to predict temperature distribution within the granular material [2]. Thermal conductivity is defined as
the quantity of heat that flows per unit time through a food of unit thickness and unit area having unit temperature
difference between faces [3]. It represents ability of a material to conduct heat and is an essential thermal property for
predicting temperature changes in grains during production, handling, drying and storage.
Knowledge about the thermal conductivity of grains is essential in predicting the temperature and moisture of
preserved food grains from available mathematical models of heat and mass transfer during drying and periodic
aeration. This prediction is important for proper storage without causing damage to grain structure or loss of
nutritional value of grain. Thermal conductivity of grain is affected by its moisture content, porosity, temperature and
bulk density that change during drying and aeration [1, 4]. Thermal conductivity data is also useful in determining
thermal diffusivity, a ratio of thermal conductivity to specific heat which further helps in computing the processing
time required in cooking, drying, heating and cooling [5]. Thermal conductivity of the food materials lies between the
limits of air (0.026 W m-1 °C-1 at 27°C) and that of water (0.614 W m-1 °C-1 at 27°C) which could be considered as the
least and the most conductive components in foods products, respectively [6].
Measurement of thermal conductivity can be done by steady-state, transient-state or quasi-steady state methods.
Generally custom made experimental setups and equipment are employed for measuring thermal properties of
agricultural products due to lack of standard techniques available. However, several methods and techniques are
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Chemical Science Review and Letters ISSN 2278-6783
known for measuring these important properties [7]. Measurements of thermal conductivity are much more difficult
than those of specific heat capacity because the heat flow pattern in the sample must be carefully identified and
defined [8]. Inconsistent heterogeneous structure poses difficulty in predicting its thermal properties of food grains [2,
9]. Among various steady state methods known, thermal conductivity of granular materials can be measured simply
and conveniently using the coaxial dual cylinder method compared to other experimental techniques provided that the
sample can be filled appropriately in the annular space of cylinders [10]. This technique has been used previously to
predict the thermal conductivity of liquids [11], paddy [4], freeze dried skim milk [12] and aqueous solutions of
glucose, sucrose, gelatin and egg albumin [10].
In the past, many investigations have been carried out by various researchers to predict the thermal conductivity
of food grains using both steady state and unsteady state methods such as: white wheat and dent corn [13], sorghum
[14], peanut [15], soybean pod [16], chicken, flour, and apple [17], pulses [18], malting barley [19], bulk wheat [20]
and roasted Bengal gram flour [21]. They observed and reported the effect of moisture content, bulk density,
temperature and porosity of the above cited food products on their thermal conductivities.
The objectives of this study were to determine the bulk thermal conductivity of freshly harvested wheat (Triticum
aestivum), paddy (Oryza sativa L.), Bengal gram (Cicer aritinum L.) and black gram (Vigna mungo L.) by co-axial
dual cylinder apparatus based on steady-state method and to check the suitability of developed apparatus for
measuring thermal conductivity of cereals and pulses.
Experimental setup
The thermal conductivities of grain samples were determined by using steady state method with coaxial dual cylinder
apparatus. Figure 1 shows the line diagram of the developed setup. The setup consisted of a hollow brass cylinder
having 245 mm height and an inner diameter of 110 mm. A heating rod of 1000 W capacity was carefully placed at
the central axis of cylinder. The heating rod was enclosed in a hollow steel tube with a gap to avoid short circuiting.
The hollow brass cylinder was jacketed for cold water circulation to keep the cylinder surface at a constant
temperature. For this purpose submersible pump was used to force circulate the water through a tank to hollow brass
cylinder. The annular space between heating rod and brass cylinder was provided for filling the test material. The
space between brass cylinder and outer cylinder is filled by glass wool to avoid heat loss from sides to the
surroundings. A covering plate of asbestos sheet was placed at top and bottom to avoid any heat loss. The top plate
was provided with holes at different radial locations for measuring the temperature by inserting the nib of
thermometer. A voltage current stabilizer (dimmer stat) was used to supply controlled voltage to the heating rod
through 220 V power supply. It was found that grains were getting burned at high voltages, so readings were limited
up to 25 V. The voltmeter and ampere meter used had a least count of 0.5 V and 0.05 A, respectively. Ampere meter
and voltmeter was used to get the reading of current and voltage to find out the actual heat supplied to the grain.
Submersible pump dipped in water tank forced stored water to the bottom of the brass cylinder jacket. Water from
the top portion was collected by collection pipes. Temperature of water at the outlet was measured at different
intervals to know when the steady state has been reached. Almost constant temperature of outlet water indicates the
point of reach of steady state and at that moment temperature readings of grain were recorded simultaneously at
different radial distances. For measuring temperatures at different radial distances, holes were done on the upper
asbestos sheet by drilling machine. The nib of digital thermometers were inserted in these holes and readings were
taken when steady state has been achieved. The digital thermometers had a least count of 0.1°C and a good
temperature range. The formulas applicable for this method are applicable only under the condition of steady state and
radial heat flow. For radial heat flow care should be taken towards the correct vertical instalment of heating rod. The
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heating rod should not come in contact with the steel cylinder to prevent short circuiting. For this vertical installation
of heater and cylinder are necessary. Figure 2 shows the developed coaxial dual cylinder apparatus.
Experimental procedure
For each experiment, the upper asbestos sheet was opened and different samples of whole grains with predetermined
moisture content and bulk density were filled between hollow brass cylinder and steel cylinder. Then upper asbestos
sheet was placed above the test material with some glass wool insulation packed above it to avoid any heat loss to the
surroundings. Electrical connections of dimmer stat, voltmeter, ampere meter, and heater were done systematically.
Cold tap water was circulated around the cylinder to keep the cylinder surface at a constant temperature. Tap water
was stored in a water drum, which was pumped with the help of submersible pump.
At first, dimmer stat was adjusted to 10 V and at the instant when the temperature of outlet water become constant
(i.e. steady state has been reached), nib of digital thermometer was placed vertically at different radial distances from
the heater and readings were recorded. Similar procedure was repeated at 15 and 25 V of supply by adjusting the
dimmer stat. Time to achieve steady state was found to be around 1.5 hours.
Let Q = V × I = heat flow under steady state, which is equal to that generated by heater rod; V and I are the
voltmeter and ampere meter readings, respectively; L = length of cylinder; T i= temperature corresponding to radial
distance (ri) on upper asbestos sheet; k = thermal conductivity of material.
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The rate of heat flow through the cylindrical annular section of apparatus can be predicted as:
also, , therefore,
The steady state temperatures at four different locations can be used to calculate six values of the thermal
conductivities corresponding to different annular zones and voltage. Let the temperature corresponding to the five
locations r1, r2, r3, r4 and r5 be T1, T2, T3, T4 and T5, respectively. Then the thermal conductivity of the sample material
between the two consecutive points k i, i+1 is
Corresponding to a particular set voltage six readings of thermal conductivity were calculated from four radial
distances r1, r2, r3 and r4. These are k12, k13, k14, k23, k24, k34. Then the average of these is calculated (say kavg1). Similar
procedure was repeated at 15 V and 25 V settings of dimmer stat to calculate k avg2 and kavg3. Then the mean thermal
conductivity of sample was calculated as:
Values of radial distances of holes on upper asbestos sheet from central axis are: r 1 = 2.5 cm, r2 = 3.5 cm, r3 = 4
cm, r4 = 5 cm
Moisture content of wheat, paddy, Bengal gram and black gram was found to be 9.7±0.30%, 10.5±0.20%,
10.3±0.35% and 11.4±0.20%, respectively on wet basis. The calculated values are cross checked with the readings
obtained from infrared moisture meter. The bulk densities of wheat, paddy, Bengal gram and black gram were found
to be 765.4±16, 535.6±20, 721.5±15 and 740.7±25 kg m-3, respectively.
Table 2 shows the recorded temperature readings of wheat (T 1, T2, T3 and T4) at different radial distances (r1, r2, r3
and r4) corresponding to 10, 15 and 25 V settings of dimmer stat. Table 3 shows the values of thermal conductivity of
wheat for different annular zones and average value of thermal conductivity at different voltage settings at which
experiments were performed. From Table 3, it is evident that the thermal conductivities of wheat at 10, 15, 25 V
settings were 0.2213, 0.2524 and 0.2415 Wm-1 ºC-1 respectively. The average thermal conductivity of wheat was
found to be 0.2384 Wm-1 ºC-1 at moisture content (wb) and bulk density of 9.7±0.30% and 765.4±16 kg m-3,
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respectively. According to the range given by [22], the range of thermal conductivity of wheat is around 0.1801-0.213
Wm-1 ºC-1 at 12.5-23% moisture content (wb).
Table 3 Thermal conductivity of wheat (Triticum aestivum) at different annular zones and average value of thermal
Voltage, V Thermal conductivity at different annular zones, Average thermal
W m-1 ºC-1 conductivity,
k12 k13 k14 k23 k24 k34 W m-1 ºC-1
10 0.2645 0.2217 0.2299 0.1575 0.2046 0.2493 kavg1 = 0.2213 kwheat = 0.2384
15 0.2871 0.2802 0.2514 0.2641 0.2249 0.2066 kavg2 = 0.2524
25 0.2226 0.2332 0.2360 0.2650 0.2502 0.2421 kavg3 = 0.2415
Table 4 shows the recorded temperature readings of paddy (T 1, T2, T3 and T4) at different radial distances (r1, r2, r3
and r4) corresponding to 10, 15 and 25 V settings of dimmer stat. Table 5 presents the values of thermal conductivity
of paddy for different annular zones and average value of thermal conductivity at different voltage settings at which
experiments were performed. From Table 5, it is evident that the thermal conductivities of paddy at 10, 15, 25 V
settings were 0.1106, 0.1278 and 0.1480 Wm-1 ºC-1 respectively. The average thermal conductivity of paddy was
found to be 0.1288 Wm-1 ºC-1 at moisture content (wb) and bulk density of 10.5±0.20% and 535.6±20 kg m-3,
respectively. According to the range given by [22], the range of thermal conductivity of paddy is around 0.102-0.112
Wm-1 ºC-1 at 10-20% moisture content (wb). Some fluctuations could be because of different variety of grains, heat
loss from sides and top and also because of moisture evaporation from sample.
Table 5 Thermal conductivity of paddy (Oryza sativa L) at different annular zones and average value of thermal
Voltage, V Thermal conductivity at different annular zones, Average thermal
W m-1 ºC-1 conductivity,
k12 k13 k14 k23 k24 k34 W m-1 ºC-1
10 0.1231 0.1146 0.1132 0.0977 0.1051 0.1101 kavg1 = 0.1106 kpaddy = 0.1288
15 0.1117 0.1088 0.1246 0.1019 0.1398 0.1798 kavg2 = 0.1278
25 0.1383 0.1314 0.1472 0.1168 0.1569 0.1974 kavg3 = 0.1480
Table 6 presents the recorded temperature readings of Bengal gram (T 1, T2, T3 and T4) at different radial distances (r1,
r2, r3 and r4) corresponding to 10, 15 and 25 V settings of dimmer stat. Table 7 shows the values of thermal
conductivity of Bengal gram for different annular zones and average value of thermal conductivity at different voltage
settings at which experiments were performed. From Table 7, it is evident that the thermal conductivities of Bengal
gram at 10, 15, 25 V settings were 0.2075, 0.1832 and 0.2366 Wm-1 ºC-1 respectively. The average thermal
conductivity of Bengal gram was found to be 0.2091 Wm-1 ºC-1 at moisture content (wb) and bulk density of
10.3±0.35% and 721.5±15 kg m-3, respectively. According to the range given by [22], the range of thermal
conductivity of Bengal gram is around 0.1535-0.3257 Wm-1 ºC-1 at 7-25% moisture content (wb).
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Table 6 Temperature of Bengal gram (Cicer aritinum L) recorded at different radial distances
Voltage, V Current, A T1 (°C) T2 (°C) T3 (°C) T4 (°C)
10 0.30 49.8 46.8 44.6 42.9
15 0.41 60.8 52.3 48.5 44.3
25 0.46 78.4 65.9 61.6 54.1
Table 7 Thermal conductivity of Bengal gram (Cicer aritinum L) at different annular zones and average value of
thermal conductivity
Voltage, V Thermal conductivity at different annular zones, Average thermal
W m-1 ºC-1 conductivity,
k12 k13 k14 k23 k24 k34 W m-1 ºC-1
10 0.2381 0.1919 0.2132 0.1288 0.1941 0.2786 kavg1 = 0.2075 kBengal gram = 0.2091
15 0.1722 0.1663 0.1828 0.1529 0.1940 0.2312 kavg2 = 0.1832
25 0.2190 0.2276 0.2321 0.2527 0.2460 0.2421 kavg3 = 0.2366
Table 8 shows the recorded temperature readings of black gram (T 1, T2, T3 and T4) at different radial distances (r1, r2,
r3 and r4) corresponding to 10, 15 and 25 V settings of dimmer stat. Table 9 shows the values of thermal conductivity
of black gram for different annular zones and average value of thermal conductivity at different voltage settings at
which experiments were performed. From Table 9, it is evident that the thermal conductivities of black gram at 10,
15, 25 V settings were 0.1458, 0.1348 and 0.1460 Wm-1 ºC-1 respectively. The average thermal conductivity of black
gram was found to be 0.1460 Wm-1 ºC-1 at moisture content (w.b.) and bulk density of 11.4±0.20% and 740.7±25 kg
m-3, respectively. According to the range given by [22], the range of thermal conductivity of black gram is around
0.13-0.22 Wm-1 ºC-1 at 10.3-21.4% moisture content (wb).
Table 8 Temperature of black gram (Vigna mungo L) recorded at different radial distances
Voltage, V Current, A T1 (°C) T2 (°C) T3 (°C) T4 (°C)
10 0.30 47.2 42.6 40.4 37.3
15 0.41 61.2 50.4 45.4 39.1
25 0.46 76.5 59.1 50.9 41.1
Table 9 Thermal conductivity of black gram (Vigna mungo L) at different annular zones and average value of thermal
Voltage, V Thermal conductivity at different annular zones, Average thermal
W m-1 ºC-1 conductivity,
k12 k13 k14 k23 k24 k34 W m-1 ºC-1
10 0.1553 0.1467 0.1486 0.1288 0.1428 0.1528 kavg1 = 0.1458 kblack gram= 0.1460
15 0.1356 0.1294 0.1365 0.1162 0.1373 0.1541 kavg2 = 0.1348
25 0.1573 0.1494 0.1593 0.1325 0.1612 0.1853 kavg3 = 0.1460
The following observations were made during experimentation:
Due to the applied heat input, there was considerable moisture evaporation from the sample, which condensed at the
top covering plate. The moisture evaporation was more at the inner annular zone and decreased towards the outer
zone. As, some energy was consumed in moisture evaporation, less heat was transferred to the consecutive annular
sections. So, it was found to be not suitable for products containing high moisture content.
Some heat loss takes place from the upper asbestos sheet in spite of the glass wool insulation packed above it which
resulted in less heat being transferred through consecutive annular sections. As the moisture evaporation and as well
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as heat loss were more at higher levels of heat input, therefore error could be expected to be increase in the
measurement of thermal conductivity corresponding to the highest level of heat input.
The heat input should be limited to 25 V for the experiment, because at higher heat input the grains were getting
burned and their properties were altered significantly.
On the basis of experimental work done following conclusions can be drawn:
The developed coaxial dual cylinder apparatus based on steady state method can be widely applied to all
types of cereals, pulses and different varieties of oilseeds.
It was not considered suitable for products containing higher moisture content because of the moisture
migration and condensation on the top covering plate. Time to achieve steady state was found to be around
1.5 hours. So, it was found to be not suitable for perishable food products that may change physically or
chemically during the time.
The bulk thermal conductivities of wheat, paddy, Bengal gram and black gram at moisture contents (wb) of
9.7±0.30%, 10.5±0.20%, 10.3±0.35% and 11.4±0.20% and bulk densities of 765.4±16, 535.6±20, 721.5±15
and 740.7±25 kg m-3, respectively were found to be 0.2384, 0.1288, 0.2091 and 0.1460 Wm-1 ºC-1,
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Publication History
© 2017, by the Authors. The articles published from this journal are distributed to
the public under “Creative Commons Attribution License” (http://creative Received 29th Aug 2017 Therefore, upon proper citation of the original Revised 04th Sep 2017
work, all the articles can be used without any restriction or can be distributed in Accepted 10th Sep 2017
any medium in any form. Online 30th Sep 2017
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