Fatigue Assessment of Ship Structures
Fatigue Assessment of Ship Structures
Fatigue Assessment of Ship Structures
Elsevier ScienceLirnitvd
Printed inGreat Britain.
ELSEVIER 0951-8339(94)00026-3
360 E. H. Cramer, R. Loseth, K. Olaisen
1.1 Background
1.2 Overview
The aim of the fatigue assessment is to ensure that all parts of the hull
structure subjected to dynamic loading have an adequate fatigue life. To
ensure that the structure will fulfil its intended function, a fatigue assess-
ment should be carried out for each individual type of structural detail
which is subjected to extensive dynamic loading. It should be noted that
every welded joint and attachment, or other form for stress concentration,
is potentially a source of fatigue cracking.
The calculated fatigue life provides a basis for the structural design
(steel selection, scantlings and modelling of local details). Furthermore, it
can form the basis for an efficient inspection program during fabrication
and throughout the life of the structure.
In the following, the fatigue design procedure is described using the S-N
data defined for the local notch stress, allowing for a continuous evalua-
tion of the fatigue capacity based on incremental changes in the local
geometry. Credit is given for higher standards of workmanship and the use
of higher quality coating systems.
The long term distribution of the stress range response, being a funda-
mental requirement for the fatigue analysis, is determined in various ways.
Fatigue assessment of ship structures 361
The simplest way is to estimate the reference stress range level at a defined
occurrence rate from empirical rule formulas for the wave induced loading
combined with empirical expressions for the shape of the stress range
distribution. The more accurate way of estimating the stress range distri-
bution is to carry out a direct long term frequency response analysis.
From the wave induced loading, the nominal stresses are derived
applying either specified empirical and analytical formulas, 2- or 3-
dimensional beam element models, or for more accurate estimation, finite
element analyses. The local stress response at the considered hot-spot is
obtained by applying stress concentration factors, defined through
empirical expressions or through the use of local finite element analyses.
2.1 General
The fatigue lives are calculated based on the S-N fatigue approach under
the assumption of linear cumulative damage, Palmgren-Miner rule. The
S-N data are defined for smooth geometries, implying that the notch
stress range, being the maximum principal stress range adjacent to the
potential crack location including stress concentrations, are applied in the
fatigue assessment. The stress concentration is due to the gross shape of
the structure and the local geometry of the weld.
For fatigue analyses of regions in the base material not significantly
affected by residual stresses due to welding, the effective stress range for
the fatigue analysis may be reduced depending on the mean cycling stress.
The S-N curves recommended for the fatigue assessment are obtained
from experience and fatigue tests. 5 The S-N curves are to be applied
together with the notch stress, the local stress at the weld toe due to
structural discontinuities (hot-spot stress) and the weld geometry. Differ-
ent S-N curves are defined for welded joints and base material in air/
cathodic protected environments and for corrosive environments. The
recommended S-N curves to be applied with the derived notch stresses are
given in Table 1. Special considerations should be made for the plate
thicknesses larger than 22 mm.
The design S-N curves are based on the mean-minus-two-standard-
deviation curves for relevant experimental data, and are thus associated
362 E. H. C r a m e r , R. L o s e t h , K. Olaisen
with a 97.7% probability of survival. The basic design S-N curve is given
The cumulative fatigue damage is derived from the local stress range
response over the design life of the ship, having an acceptable usage factor
for the fatigue damage capacity equal to or less than one. The design life
for ship structures is normally not taken to be less than 20 years.
The expression for the accumulated fatigue damage depends on the
formulation of the long term stress range response. When the local long
term stress range response is defined through histograms with k stress
blocks with n; stress cycles in stress block i, the cumulative damage is
defined as,
D = I - - . ~-~ ?li • m f f im
Defining the long term stress range distribution through a Weibull
distribution with scale and shape parameter q and h, respectively, the
cumulative damage is expressed as,
D =--ndq'a • P(1 + h )
where nd is the number of stress cycles over the design life, estimated from
the product of the design life of the ship, the sailing rate and the average
occurrence rate of the stress response. As a first approximation, the aver-
age occurrence rate per second on ship structures may be taken as
v0 = (4. lOgl0 L) -1, where L is the ship rule length in m.
S-N parameters, DNV l
log~ m log~ m
The cumulative fatigue damage can also be estimated from the accu-
mulated damage within each short term condition. The cumulative
damage is then the weighted sum over all the sea states and wave heading
directions the ship is encountering over the design life, weighted with the
occurrence rate r of the different sea states and heading directions,
all seastates
all headings
D = n~. 1" 1 + ~- • E r U • (2 ~ . ) "
3.1 General
The simplified approach for estimating the long term stress range distri-
bution is based on the assumption of Weibull distributed stress ranges.
The approach defines simplified formulas for estimating the individual
stress response components, the combination of global and local stress
response components and the modelling of the shape of the stress response
The wave induced dynamic loading is estimated from empirical rule
formulations or dynamic pressure load analyses. The corresponding stress
response is derived applying empirical and analytical expressions, or for
more accurate estimation, the use of frame analyses or finite element
F(Aa) = 1 - exp -
where the basic shape parameter ho is defined as a function of the ship rule
length L,
h0 --- 2-21 - 0-54 x lOgl0(L)
ha is the additional factor depending on the motion response period, equal
to 0.05 in general and 0.0 for plating subjected to roll motions for vessels
with roll period over 14 seconds. D is the moulded depth of the ship, Tact
is the actual draught and z is the location height above the keel.
The scale parameter is derived from the shape parameter and a refer-
ence stress response, Aa0, exceeded once out of the corresponding refer-
ence number of stress cycles, no, defined as the no -1 probability level.
Atr 0
q -- (In no) 1/h
For each loading condition, the local dynamic stress components due to
internal and external pressure loads are to be combined with the global
stress components induced by hull girder wave bending. The stress
components to be combined are the notch stresses.
If a combined long term stress response analysis is not carried out, the
combined stress range response from the combined global and local stress
range responses is the largest of: 2
AO'g -1- 0-6. Aat
A a = f e "f,n" max 0.6. Atrg + Atrl
where fe is the operation route reduction factor and f,n is the mean stress
reduction factor. A reduction in the effective estimated stress response is
achieved for vessels that for longer periods operate in environments not as
harsh as the North Atlantic. For world wide trade, the reduction factor
may be taken as 0.8.
The combined global stress range response is estimated from the wave
induced vertical hull girder bending stresses, Aav, and the horizontal hull
girder bending (and torsion as relevant) stresses, Aah,
Atrg = V / A a { + A a ~ + 2 . Pvh " mtTh " tTv
where the long term correlation of Pvh is defined as 0.10.
The combined local stress response is estimated assuming an average long
terrn correlation between the external sea pressure induced stress amplitude,
try, and the internal inertia pressure induced stress amplitude, ai,
at = 2 . V/a2e + tr 2 + 2 . Pei " fie" tri
The correlation between the external and internal pressures induced
stresses is a function of the location of the considered detail,
0-5 _ 0"2-~a~t+0"6
02 lyl
I~ . . . .
4 Ixl.z
O" L . Tac t
Pei =
0 . 3 + 0 . 2 I--~--
'"~ 0.2 1]Y~
"" z> Tact
L, /~
366 E. H. Cramer, R. Loseth, K. Olaisen
where B is the greatest moulded breadth of the ship, and x, y, z are the
longitudinal, transverse and vertical distance from the origin at (midship,
centreline, baseline) to the load point of the considered structural detail.
The global and local stress components are derived from the wave induced
bending moments and the external and internal wave induced pressure
The global stress components are based on gross (as build) scantlings,
whereas the local stress components are based on net scantlings, i.e. gross
scantlings minus corrosion addition. The corrosion addition depends both
on the type of tank and the location of the considered detail within the
tank. Each of the individual stress components should be estimated
accounting for the relevant stress concentration factors.
The stress contributions are estimated applying simple analytical and
empirical expressions, accounting for the effective span of longitudinal/
stiffeners, the effective breadth of plate flanges and the relative deflection
between transverse bulkheads and adjacent web frames, l
The linear dynamic load components for which the individual stress
contributions are estimated are calculated from empirical rule expressions
as defined in the DNV Rules. 3 The load components considered are the
global wave induced bending moments the external sea pressure acting on
the hull and the internal inertia pressure acting on the tank boundaries.
The rule expressions are adjusted for an excess probability of 10-4 per
wave cycle.
The fatigue damage should in general be calculated for all representa-
tive load conditions combined with the expected operation time within
each of the considered conditions.
In the calculation of the effective dynamic external pressure at the ship
side, the effective pressure amplitude will be reduced due to intermittent
wet and dry surface in the surface zone.
The dynamic internal inertia pressure loads should be calculated based
on the combined acceleration in longitudinal, transverse and vertical
direction. As an approximation, however, the inertia pressure can be esti-
mated as the maximum inertia induced pressure in the longitudinal,
transverse or vertical direction.
Fatigue assessment of ship structures 367
For vessels that only occasionally operate with partly filled tanks, the
effect of liquid sloshing pressures may be neglected in fatigue computations.
5.1 General
The long term load (or stress) response distribution can be directly derived
applying a long term linear frequency response analysis, accounting for
the ,different sea states the ship will encounter over the design life. The
loads computed by direct computations may substitute the simplified load
components, and can, combined with a strength model, substitute the
simplified expressions for the individual stress components, or the
combined stress response. If a full long term frequency response analysis is
carried out, the long term distribution of stress ranges can be calculated
directly for each load condition.
A linear modelling of the ship response is, in general, sufficient for
fatigue assessment purposes as most of the fatigue damage is related to
moderate wave heights. The fatigue damage should be calculated for all
the main load conditions, applying the cruising speed within each load
conditions in the response modelling.
The long term distribution of stresses for fatigue analyses may be esti-
mated using the estimated long term frequency of occurrence of different
sea states defined in Table 2 or 3, where each sea state is described through
a significant wave height Hs and zero crossing period Tz. Table 2 repre-
sents, the North Atlantic wave climate (Marsden squares 8, 9 and 15)6 and
Table 3 the wave climate for world wide operation. The world wide sailing
route will normally apply, however, for shuttle tankers and vessels that
will frequently sail on the North Atlantic or in other harsh environments,
the wave data for the North Atlantic should be chosen.
The distribution of wave energy for different frequencies within each sea
state is defined through the Pierson-Moskowitz spectrum. The response
spectrum is defined from the modulus square of the transfer function.
The long term distribution of the response is established as the weighted
sum of the individual short term response distributions over all the sea
states and heading directions, weighted with the relative occurrence rate of
response cycles. The long term distribution is fitted to a Weibull distribu-
tion, defining the distribution parameters, q and h.
368 E. H. Cramer, R. Lsseth, K. Olaisen
Scatter Diagram for the North-Atlantic for use in Fatigue Computations
0.5 1.5 2.5 3.5 4.5 5.5 6.5 7.5 8.5 9.5 IO.5 11.5
13.50 000001100000
12.50 0 0 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 0 0
11.50 0146754221 10
10.50 0 4 14 21 19 13 8 4 3 2 1 1
9.50 1 16 43 48 34 20 11 5 3 1 1 0
8.50 4 47 80 65 38 19 8 4 2 1 0 0
7.50 13 75 79 46 21 9 3 1 1 0 0 0
6.50 21 54 33 14 5 2 1 0 0 0 0 0
5.50 14 13 5 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
4.50 300000000000
3.50 000000000000
2.50 000000000000
Scatter Diagram for World Wide Trade for use in Fatigue Computations
0.5 1.5 2.5 3.5 4.5 5.5 6.5 7.5 8.5 9.5 IO.5 Il.5
13.50 000000000000
12.50 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
11.50 012332111000
10.50 0 3 9 11 8 5 2 1 1 0 0 0
9.50 1 13 27 24 15 8 4 2 1 1 0 0
8.50 4 39 57 38 19 8 3 1 1 0 0 0
7-50 13 80 76 37 14 5 2 1 0 0 0 0
6.50 32 99 61 21 6 2 1 0 0 0 0 0
5.50 44 70 28 7 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
4.50 32 22 6 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
3-50 820000000000
2.50 100000000000
Fatigue assessment of ship structures 369
The transfer function, defining the response to a sinusoidal wave with unit
amplitude for different frequencies and wave heading directions, is
obtained applying linear potential theory and the equation of motions of
the ship. Transfer functions should be defined for the vertical-, horizontal-
and torsional bending moments, the external sea pressure and the internal
inertia pressure from cargo.
In the evaluation of the response in the waterline region, a reduction of
the pressure range applies due to intermittent wet and dry surface.
A consistent representation of phase and amplitude for the transfer
functions are necessary in order to achieve the correct modelling of the
combined local stress response. The combined local stress response is
obtained by summation of the local stress transfer functions for all the
relevant load components, conditioned on the wave heading direction
all load
H,(o l 0) = Ai" H,(col O)
Hi(~l 0) is the load transfer function for the sectional load component i
and Ai is the stress response in the considered detail, including the stress
concentration factors, due to a unit load. The A; factors are determined by
finite element calculations, or alternatively, by simplified methods.
Local finite element analyses may be used for calculation of local stresses
for determination of the stress concentration factors, the K-factors. These
analyses involve use of fine element mesh models of details such as bracket
connections, stiffener to web frame connections or local design of frames/
The K-factor is calculated in two steps, K = Kg. Kw, being the product
of the; stress concentration factor due to the geometry effect and the stress
concentration factor due to the weld itself.
2 0 - n o d e solid e l e m e n t s t x t × t
8 - n o d e shell e l e m e n t s 2t x 2t
4 - n o d e shell e l e m e n t s t × t
Normally the element stresses are derived at the nodes or at the Gaus-
sian integration points. Depending on element type one may thus have to
perform several extrapolations in order to determine the stress at the weld
toe. Principal stresses are used for the extrapolation. It is recommended
that the final extrapolation of stresses is performed by a linear extrapola-
tion of the surface stresses at a distance t/2 and 3t/2 from the weld toe.
Elements containing discontinuities should not be included in the extra-
The region between t/2 and 3t/2 is found to be sufficiently far away to
avoid pick-up of the peak of the notch stress resulting from the weld, and
close enough to the notch that it can pick up the gross geometry behavior
in the joint region. The geometric stress concentration factor is then
defined as the increase in the stress level at the weld toe relative to the
nominal stress.
7.1 General
7.2 Workmanship
The fatigue life of a welded joint is highly dependent on the local stress
concentrations factors arising from surface imperfections during the
fabrication process, consisting of weld discontinuities and geometrical
Surface weld discontinuities are weld toe undercuts, cracks, overlaps,
porosity, slag inclusions and incomplete penetration. Geometrical imper-
fections are defined as misalignment, angular distortion, excessive weld
reinforcement and otherwise poor weld shapes.
Embedded weld discontinuities like porosity and slag inclusions are
harmless for the fatigue strength when kept below normal workmanship
Empirical expressions for calculation of the geometric stress concentra-
tion factor due to the local weld geometry and fabrication tolerances for
alignment of butt joints and cruciform joints are given.1 Normally default
value.,; based on geometrical imperfections within limits normally accepted
according to good shipbuilding practices should be applied, if not other-
wise specified.
In special cases, K-factors may be calculated based on specified, higher
standards of workmanship. However, care should be taken not to under-
estimate the stress concentration factors, assuming a quality which is
difficult to achieve and follow up during production.
It is recognized that the fatigue life of steel structures is reduced
under corroding conditions. For steel which is fully cathodic protected,
approximately the same fatigue life as in dry air is obtained.
In estimating the efficient life time of coating- and cathodic protection
systems, due consideration is to be given to specification, application and
maintenance of the systems. A guideline for effective life times for
common corrosion protection systems is given.
374 E. H. Cramer, R. Loseth, K. Olaisen
8.1 Description
Principal dimensions
Load condition
L o a d e d draught Tt = 14-2 m
Metacentric height GM = 5.0 m
Roll radius of gyration KR = 16-4m
Ballast draught Tf = 7-2m
Metacentric height GM -- 13-9 m
Roll radius o f gyration KR = 16.4m
Cruising speed V = 13-0 knots
Fraction of time loaded Ptoad = 0"5
Fraction o f time in ballast Pball : 0"5
Fraction o f time at sea Ps ---- 1.0
i~ Effectivespanlength2753 ~ I ~ ~ x350x10
Skinplate 200x10
790x16.5 250x90x9/14
SectionA-A I I
S - N curve
The S - N curve type I in air is applied over the whole design life as the
considered welded detail is located in a coated ballast tank with cathodic
The stress curve concentration factor is defined due to the local geometry
and the geometry o f the weld. The considered geometry is an un-symmet-
ric L-profile exposed to lateral loading. For laterally loaded panels there is
an additional stress concentration for un-symmetrical stiffeners compared
376 E. H. Cramer, R. Loseth, K. Olaisen
Pe = rp . Pd = 38.2 kN/m 2
Fatigue assessment of ship structures 377
Tact = 26-7 k N / m 2
P c - dh = Pe " - -
M w , vhogg = 3250.4 k N / m
Mw, H = 1843.1 k N / m
The stress per unit pressure (kN/m 2) due to stiffener bending is computed
as described in (3.5.5), 1 accounting for the effective span of the long-
itudinal stiffener and the reduction in the effective bending m o m e n t at the
weld toe,
___P "/~
--"fl ' 10-4 = 2-19.10-2 mm
The estimated maximum deflection results in the following stress per unit
maximum dynamic local pressure at the stiffener,
O'2A-2 = Kaxs" ,-q--~r6 • ~ = 1.65 N/mm 2
Note that for the bracket close to the bulkhead a negative sign applies for
external pressure (compression).
ia and ib are the smeared out stiffness per girder about transverse and
longitudinal neutral axis of double bottom, b is transverse width of double
bottom panel, r a distance from detail considered to neutral axis of panel
and Kb is a coefficient dependent on apparent aspect ratio and the actual
boundary condition.
The vertical and horizontal wave induced bending moments results in the
following stresses,
Fatigue assessment of ship structures 379
A t r , = f a " Kaxs " ( M w, Vhogg - M w, Vsagg ) " Ivv : 133.8 N / m m 2
The stress amplitudes due to internal and external pressures are combined
accounting for the sign.
L o c a l stresses
Global stresses
The ,combined global stress is determined using the average global corre-
lation Pvh : 0 . 1 0 ,
C o m b i n e d notch stresses
The effective combined stress is corrected for an assumed zero mean stress
level at the welded detail, giving fm = 0.9, and assuming world wide trad-
380 E. H. Cramer,R. Leseth,K. Olaisen
ing, resulting in fe = 0"8. The combined hot spot stress range at the 10-4
level for loaded condition is then determined as,
I /~0"g-~-0.6. m0"l
Aa0 = f e "fro" max 0.6. Aa e + Aat = 258.5N/mm 2
For the specified location of the considered detail, the long term Weibull
shape distribution parameter is h = 0-94.
The fatigue damage in fully loaded condition over a design life of 20 years
is investigated. The number of stress cycles in the fully loaded condition
over the design life is:
ntoad =Ps "Ptoad" Td" V0 = 0.9 X 0"5 X 6.7 X 108 = 3.0 X 107
The Weibull scale parameter is:
The part accumulated fatigue damage for the loaded condition over the
design life is then,
_ [. ml fSo'~hl qm2[ (~)h]
Dt°aa=nt°ad'qmlr01 1 + T ; ( , q ) ] +--~-2Y 1 + h ; =0.54.
where y ( ) and I" ( ) are the Incomplete Gamma function and Comple-
mentary Incomplete Gamma function.
By a similar analysis of the ballast condition, the part fatigue damage
over the design life is computed to be, Dbalt = 0.06.
The total fatigue damage over a design life of 20 years for world trade is
D = Dtoad + Dbau = 0.06
which is within the acceptable usage factor r / < 1. The equivalent fatigue
life of the welded detail is,
Tfatig,,~ = -~- = 33 years
Fatigue assessment of ship structures 381
3. Det Norske Veritas, Rules for Classification of Ships, Hull Structural Design,
Ships with Length 100 Meters and above, Hovik, January 1993.
4. Det Norske Veritas, Classification Note no. 30.2, Fatigue Strength Analysis
for Mobile Offshore Units, Hovik, 1984.
5. BS 5400 Part 10, Code of Practice for Fatigue, Steel, Concrete and Composite
Bridges, British Standard Institute, 1980.
6. British Maritime Technology, BMT (Primary Contributors Hogben, H., Da
Cunha, L. F. and Olliver, H. N.), Global Wave Statistics, Unwin Brothers
Limited, London, 1986.
7. Det Norske Veritas, PROBAN-Theory Manual, DNVR Report No. 89-2023,
H~vik, 1989.
8. Det Norske Veritas, Classification Note no. 30.6, Structural Reliability
Analysis of Marine Structures, H~vik, 1991.