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D 0415 Paper II Psychology

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Signature and Name of Invigilator OMR Sheet No. : ..........................................................

(To be filled by the Candidate)

1. (Signature)
Roll No.
(In figures as per admission card)
2. (Signature)
Roll No.
(Name) (In words)
D0 4 1 5 PAPER - II
Time : 1¼ hours] PSYCHOLOGY [Maximum Marks : 100
Number of Pages in this Booklet : 32 Number of Questions in this Booklet : 50
Instructions for the Candidates ÂÚUèÿææçÍüØô¢ ·ð¤ çÜ° çÙÎðüàæ
1. Write your roll number in the space provided on the top of
1. §â ÂëDU ·ð¤ ª¤ÂÚU çÙØÌ SÍæÙ ÂÚU ¥ÂÙæ ÚUôÜU ِÕÚU çÜç¹°Ð
this page.
2. This paper consists of fifty multiple-choice type of questions. 2. §â ÂýàÙ-˜æ ×𢠿æâ Õãéçß·¤ËÂèØ ÂýàÙ ãñ´Ð
3. At the commencement of examination, the question booklet 3. ÂÚUèÿææ ÂýæڐUÖ ãôÙð ÂÚU, ÂýàÙ-ÂéçSÌ·¤æ ¥æ·¤ô Îð Îè ÁæØð»èÐ ÂãÜðU ÂUæ¡¿ ç×ÙÅU
will be given to you. In the first 5 minutes, you are requested ¥æ·¤ô ÂýàÙ-ÂéçSÌ·¤æ ¹ôÜÙð ÌÍæ ©â·¤è çِÙçÜç¹Ì Áæ¡¿ ·ð¤ çÜ° çÎØð
to open the booklet and compulsorily examine it as below : ÁæØð¢»ð, çÁâ·¤è Áæ¡¿ ¥æ·¤ô ¥ßàØ ·¤ÚUÙè ãñ Ñ
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(ii) Tally the number of pages and number of questions in ⢁Øæ ·¤ô ¥‘ÀUè ÌÚUã ¿ñ·¤ ·¤ÚU Üð¢U ç·¤ Øð ÂêÚðU ãñ¢UÐ ÎôáÂê‡æü ÂéçSÌ·¤æ
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page. Faulty booklets due to pages/questions missing ¥ÍæüÌ ç·¤âè Öè Âý·¤æÚU ·¤è ˜æéçÅUÂê‡æü ÂéçSÌ·¤æ Sßè·¤æÚU Ù ·¤Úð¢U ÌÍæ
or duplicate or not in serial order or any other ©âè â×Ø ©âð ÜUõÅUæ·¤ÚU ©â·ð¤ SÍæÙ ÂÚU ÎêâÚUè âãè ÂýàÙ-ÂéçSÌ·¤æ Üð
discrepancy should be got replaced immediately by a
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correct booklet from the invigilator within the period
of 5 minutes. Afterwards, neither the Question Booklet ¥æ·¤è ÂýàÙ-ÂéçSÌ·¤æ ßæÂâ Üè ÁæØð»è ¥õÚU Ù ãè ¥æ·¤ô ¥çÌçÚUQ¤
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(iii) After this verification is over, the Test Booklet Number (iii) §â Áæ¡¿ ·ð¤ ÕæÎ ÂýàÙ-ÂéçSÌ·¤æ ·¤æ Ù´ÕÚU OMR ˜淤 ÂÚU ¥¢ç·¤Ì ·¤Úð¢U
should be entered on the OMR Sheet and the OMR Sheet ¥UõÚU OMR ˜淤 ·¤æ Ù´ÕÚU §â ÂýàÙ-ÂéçSÌ·¤æ ÂÚU ¥¢ç·¤Ì ·¤ÚU Îð¢Ð
Number should be entered on this Test Booklet. 4. ÂýˆØð·¤ ÂýàÙ ·ð¤ çÜ° ¿æÚU ©žæÚU çß·¤Ë (1), (2), (3) ÌÍæ (4) çÎØð »Øð ãñ¢Ð
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the correct response against each item. çιæØæ »Øæ ãñÐ
Example : where (3) is the correct response. ©ÎæãÚU‡æ Ñ ÁÕç·¤ (3) âãè ©žæÚU ãñÐ
5. Your responses to the items are to be indicated in the OMR 5. ÂýàÙæ𴠷𤠩žæÚU ·ð¤ßÜ ÂýàÙ ÂéçSÌ·¤æ ·ð¤ ¥‹ÎÚU çÎØð »Øð OMRU ˜淤 ÂÚU ãè
Sheet given inside the Booklet only. If you mark your ¥´ç·¤Ì ·¤ÚUÙð ãñ´Ð ØçÎ ¥æ OMRU ˜淤 ÂÚU çÎØð »Øð ßëžæ ·ð¤ ¥Üæßæ ç·¤âè
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7. ·¤“ææ ·¤æ× (Rough Work) §â ÂéçSÌ·¤æ ·ð¤ ¥ç‹Ì× ÂëDU ÂÚU ·¤Úð¢UÐ
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8. If you write your Name, Roll Number, Phone Number or 8. ØçÎ ¥æ OMR ˜淤 ÂÚU çÙØÌ SÍæÙ ·ð¤ ¥Üæßæ ¥ÂÙæ Ùæ×, ÚUæðÜ ÙÕÚU,
put any mark on any part of the OMR Sheet, except for the Ȥæð٠ِÕÚU Øæ ·¤æð§ü Öè °ðâæ ç¿q çÁââð ¥æ·¤è Âã¿æÙ ãæð â·ð¤, ¥´ç·¤Ì ·¤ÚUÌð
space allotted for the relevant entries, which may disclose ãñ´ ¥Íßæ ¥ÖÎý Öæáæ ·¤æ ÂýØæð» ·¤ÚUÌð ãñ´, Øæ ·¤æð§ü ¥‹Ø ¥Ùéç¿Ì âæÏÙ ·¤æ
your identity, or use abusive language or employ any other ÂýØæð» ·¤ÚUÌð ãñ´, Áñâð ç·¤ ¥´ç·¤Ì ç·¤Øð »Ø𠩞æÚU ·¤æð ç×ÅUæÙæ Øæ âÈð¤Î SØæãè âð
unfair means, such as change of response by scratching or ÕÎÜÙæ Ìæð ÂÚUèÿææ ·ð¤ çÜØð ¥Øæð‚Ø ƒææðçáÌ ç·¤Øð Áæ â·¤Ìð ãñ´Ð
using white fluid, you will render yourself liable to
9. ¥æ·¤ô ÂÚUèÿææ â×æ# ãôÙð ¤ÂÚU ×êÜ OMR ˜淤 çÙÚUèÿæ·¤ ×ãôÎØ ·¤ô ÜUõÅUæÙæ
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at the end of the examination compulsorily and must not Ù Üð·¤ÚU ÁæØð¢Ð ãæÜæ´ç·¤ ¥æ ÂÚUèÿææ â×æç# ÂÚU ×êÜ ÂýàÙ-ÂéçSÌ·¤æ ÌÍæ OMR
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duplicate copy of OMR Sheet on conclusion of examination. 11. ç·¤âè Öè Âý·¤æÚU ·¤æ ⢻‡æ·¤ (·ñ¤Ü·é¤ÜðÅUÚU) UØæ Üæ» ÅðUÕÜ ¥æçÎ ·¤æ
10. Use only Blue/Black Ball point pen.
ÂýØô» ßçÁüÌ ãñÐ
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12. There are no negative marks for incorrect answers. 12. »ÜÌ ©žæÚUæð´ ·ð¤ çÜ° ·¤æð§ü Ù·¤æÚUæˆ×·¤ ¥´·¤ Ùãè´ ãñ´Ð
13. In case of any discrepancy in the English and Hindi versions, 13. ØçÎ ¥´»ýðÁè Øæ çã´Îè çßßÚU‡æ ×ð´ ·¤æð§ü çßâ´»çÌ ãæð, Ìæð ¥´»ýðÁè çßßÚU‡æ ¥´çÌ×
English version will be taken as final. ×æÙæ Áæ°»æÐ

D-0415 !D-0415-PAPER-II! 1 P.T.O.


Note : This paper contains fifty (50) objective type questions of two (2) marks each. All questions
are compulsory.

1. Motion sickness can occur when :

(a) one loses his vestibular sense.
(b) one relies only on visual information.
(c) one’s visual information and vestibular system’s information are congruent.
(d) one’s visual system and vestibular system are in conflict.
Codes :
(1) (a) only (2) (a) and (b)
(3) (d) only (4) (a) and (d)

2. Read each of the following two statements - Assertion (A) and Reason (R) and indicate
your answer using the codes given below :
Assertion (A) : Iconic store is a discrete visual sensory store.
Reason (R) : Because information is believed to be stored in the form of visual codes.
Codes :
(1) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
(2) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).
(3) (A) is true, but (R) is false.
(4) (A) is false, but (R) is true.

3. Backward Conditioning occurs when :

(1) CS and US are presented simultaneously
(2) CS is presented first and US is presented before the termination of CS
(3) CS is presented first and US is presented after the termination of CS
(4) US is presented first and CS is presented after the termination of US

D-0415 !D-0415-PAPER-II! 2 Paper-II

ÂýàÙ-˜æ - II

çÙÎðüàæ Ñ §â ÂýàÙ-˜æ ×ð´ ¿æâ (50) Õãé-çß·¤ËÂUèØ ÂýàÙ ãñ´Ð ÂýˆØð·¤ ÂýàÙ ·ð¤ Îô (2) ¥¢·¤ ãñ´Ð âÖè ÂýàÙ ¥çÙßæØü ãñ´Ð

1. »çÌ âÕ´Ïè ÚUæð» ©â çSÍçÌ ×ð´ ãæðÌæ ãñ Ñ

(a) ÁÕ ç·¤âè ·¤è Âýƒææ‡æ â´ßðÎÙæ â×æ# ãæð ÁæÌè ãñÐ
(b) ÁÕ ·¤æð§ü ÃØç€Ì ·ð¤ßÜ ÎëàØ âê¿Ùæ¥æð´ ÂÚU çÙÖüÚU ÚUãÌæ ãñÐ
(c) ÁÕ ç·¤âè Öè ÎëàØ âê¿Ùæ¥æð´ ¥æñÚU Âýƒææ‡æ Ì´˜æ ·¤è âê¿Ùæ ×ð´ ÌæÜ×ðÜ ãæðÌæ ãñÐ
(d) ÁÕ ç·¤âè ·ð¤ ÎëàØ Ì‹˜æ ¥æñÚU Âýƒææ‡æ Ì´˜æ ×ð´ ÂÚUSÂÚU ¥‹Ìmü‹m ãæðÌæ ãñÐ
·ê¤ÅU Ñ
(1) ·ð¤ßÜ (a) (2) (a) ¥æñÚU (b)
(3) ·ð¤ßÜ (d) (4) (a) ¥æñÚU (d)

2. çِÙçÜç¹Ì Îæð ·¤ÍÙæð´ - ¥çÖ·¤ÍÙ (A) ¥æñÚU Ì·ü¤ (R) ·¤æð Âçɸ° ¥æñÚU Ùè¿ð çΰ »° ·ê¤ÅUæð´ ·¤æ ©ÂØæð» ·¤ÚUÌð ãé°
¥ÂÙæ ©žæÚU ÎèçÁ° Ñ
¥çÖ·¤ÍÙ (A) : ÂýçÌ×æÂÚU·¤ ևÇUæÚU, çßç‘ÀUóæ ÎëçcÅU â´ßðÎè ևÇUæÚU ãñÐ
Ì·ü¤ (R) : €Øæð´ç·¤ °ðâæ ×æÙæ ÁæÌæ ãñ ç·¤ âê¿Ùæ ÎëçcÅU ·ê¤ÅUæð´ ·ð¤ M¤Â ×ð´ ևÇUæçÚUÌ ãæðÌè ãñÐ
·ê¤ÅU Ñ
(1) (A) ¥æñÚU (R) ÎæðÙæð´ âãè ãñ´ ¥æñÚU (R), (A) ·¤è âãè ÃØæØæ ãñÐ
(2) (A) ¥æñÚU (R) ÎæðÙæð´ âãè ãñ´, Üðç·¤Ù (R), (A) ·¤è âãè ÃØæØæ Ùãè´ ãñÐ
(3) (A) âãè ãñ, Üðç·¤Ù (R) »ÜÌ ãñÐ
(4) (A) »ÜÌ ãñ, Üðç·¤Ù (R) âãè ãñÐ

3. ÁÕ Âà¿»æ×è ¥ÙéÕ´ÏÙ ãæðÌæ ãñ Ñ

(1) ¥Ùé·ê¤çÜÌ ©gè·¤ ¥æñÚU ¥ÙæÙé·ê¤çÜÌ ©gè·¤ âæÍ-âæÍ ÂýSÌéÌ ãæðÌð ãñ´Ð
(2) ¥Ùé·ê¤çÜÌ ©gè·¤ ÂãÜð ×æñÁêÎ ãæðÌæ ãñ ¥æñÚU ¥ÙæÙé·ê¤çÜÌ ©gè·¤ ¥Ùé·ê¤çÜÌ ©gè·¤ ·ð¤ ÂçÚUâ×æÂÙ ·ð¤ Âêßü
ÂýSÌéÌ ãæðÌæ ãñÐ
(3) ¥Ùé·ê¤çÜÌ ©gè·¤ ÂãÜð ×æñÁêÎ ãæðÌæ ãñ ¥æñÚU ¥ÙæÙé·ê¤çÜÌ ©gè·¤ ¥Ùé·ê¤çÜÌ ©gè·¤ ·ð¤ ÂçÚUâ×æÂÙ ·ð¤
Âà¿æÌ÷ ÂýSÌéÌ ãæðÌæ ãñÐ
(4) ¥ÙæÙé·ê¤çÜÌ ©gè·¤ ÂãÜð ÂýSÌéÌ ãæðÌæ ãñ ¥æñÚU ¥ÙæÙé·ê¤çÜÌ ©gè·¤ ·ð¤ ÂçÚUâ×æÂÙ ·ð¤ Âà¿æÌ÷ ¥Ùé·ê¤çÜÌ
©gè·¤ ×æñÁêÎ ãæðÌæ ãñÐ

D-0415 !D-0415-PAPER-II! 3 Paper-II

4. Which among the following defines problem space ?
(a) An initial state
(b) A goal state
(c) A set of operations
Codes :
(1) (a) and (c) (2) (a) and (b) (3) (b) and (c) (4) (a), (b) and (c)

5. The James-Lange theory and the cognitive theory of emotion disagree on whether :
(1) specific brain centers are involved in specific emotions.
(2) bodily feedback determines which emotion is felt.
(3) individuals can judge their emotions accurately.
(4) there is no any biological involvement in human emotions.

6. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer by choosing from the codes given
below :
List-I List-II
(a) Binet (i) Intelligent people often have intelligent relatives
(b) Broca (ii) Performance based intelligence tests eliminate cultural bias
(c) Wechsler (iii) Correlation between intelligence and brain size
(d) Galton (iv) Intelligence is a collection of mental abilities
Codes :
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(1) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)
(2) (ii) (iii) (iv) (i)
(3) (iii) (iv) (i) (ii)
(4) (iv) (iii) (ii) (i)

7. Biologically based emotional and behavioural tendencies that are evident in early childhood
represent :
(1) Trait (2) Type (3) Temperament (4) Style

D-0415 !D-0415-PAPER-II! 4 Paper-II

4. çِÙçÜç¹Ì ×ð´ âð ·¤æñÙ â×SØæ ÿæð˜æ ·¤æð ÂçÚUÖæçáÌ ·¤ÚUÌð ãñ´?
(a) °·¤ ÂýæÍç×·¤ ¥ßSÍæ
(b) °·¤ ÜÿØ ¥ßSÍæ
(c) ¥çÖØæÙæð´ ·¤æ °·¤ â×êã
·ê¤ÅU Ñ
(1) (a) ¥æñÚU (c) (2) (a) ¥æñÚU (b) (3) (b) ¥æñÚU (c) (4) (a), (b) ¥æñÚU (c)

5. â´ßð» ·ð¤ Áðâ-Üñ´»ð ß â´™ææÙæˆ×·¤ çâhæ´Ì çِ٠×ð´ âð ç·¤â ÂÚU âã×Ì Ùãè´ ã´ñ?
(1) çßçàæcÅU ×çSÌc·¤ ·ð´¤Îý çßçàæcÅU â´ßð»æð´ ×ð´ â´Ü‚Ù ãæðÌð ãñ´Ð
(2) àææÚUèçÚU·¤ çÙçßçcÅU (ȤèÇUÕñ·¤) ÌØ ·¤ÚUÌè ãñ ç·¤ ç·¤â â´ßð» ·¤æ ¥ÙéÖß ãæðÌæ ãñÐ
(3) ÃØç€Ì ¥ÂÙð â´ßð»æð´ ·ð¤ â´Õ´Ï ×ð´ âãè É´U» âð çهæüØ Üð â·¤Ìð ãñ´Ð
(4) ×æÙßèØ â´ßð»æð´ ×ð´ ·¤æð§ü Áñçß·¤ â´çÜ#Ìæ Ùãè´ ãæðÌè ãñÐ

6. âê¿è-I ¥æñÚU âê¿è-II ·¤æð âé×ðçÜÌ ·¤èçÁ° ¥æñÚU Ùè¿ð çΰ »° ·ê¤ÅUæð´ ×ð´ âð âãè ©žæÚU ¿éçÙ° Ñ
âê¿è-I âê¿è-II
(a) çÕÙðÅU (i) Õéçh×æÙ Üæð»æð´ ·ð¤ çÚUàÌðÎæÚU ÂýæØÑ Õéçh×æÙ ãæðÌð ãñ´
(b) Õýæð·¤æ (ii) çÙcÂæÎÙ ¥æÏæçÚUÌ Õéçh ÂÚUèÿæ‡æ âæ´S·ë¤çÌ·¤ ÕæØâ ·¤æð â×æ# ·¤ÚUÌè ãñ
(c) ßðSÜÚU (iii) Õéçh ¥æñÚU ×çSÌc·¤ ·ð¤ ¥æ·¤æÚU ·ð¤ Õè¿ âã-â´Õ´Ï
(d) »æËÅUÙ (iv) Õéçh-×æÙçâ·¤ ÿæ×Ìæ¥æð´ ·¤æ â´»ýã ãñ
·ê¤ÅU Ñ
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(1) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)
(2) (ii) (iii) (iv) (i)
(3) (iii) (iv) (i) (ii)
(4) (iv) (iii) (ii) (i)

7. Õ¿ÂÙ ×ð´ Âæ§ü ÁæÙð ßæÜè Áèß çߙææÙ ¥æÏæçÚUÌ ÖæßÙæˆ×·¤ ¥æñÚU ÃØßãæÚU â´Õ´Ïè ÂýßëçžæØæ¡ çِÙçÜç¹Ì ·¤æ ÂýçÌçÙçψß
·¤ÚUÌè ãñ´ Ñ
(1) àæèÜ-»é‡æ (2) Âý·¤æÚU (3) SßÖæß/Âý·ë¤çÌ (4) àæñÜè

D-0415 !D-0415-PAPER-II! 5 Paper-II

8. In Jungian theory, the idea that energy is automatically redistributed in the psyche in order
to achieve equilibrium or balance depicts :
(1) Principle of Equivalence (2) Principle of Synchronicity
(3) Principle of Entrophy (4) Principle of Opposites

9. After the recent terrorist attacks in France, a psychologist proposed a study wherein he
would interview two hundred French citizens to find whether their attitude towards fate as
a consequence of the attack. This study can best be labelled as :
(1) attitude change experiment (2) field experiment
(3) ex post facto study (4) psychometric study

10. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer by choosing from the codes given
below :
List-I List-II
(Cutaneous receptors) (Responds to)
(a) Free nerve endings (i) Sudden displacement of skin
(b) Ruffini endings (ii) Gradual skin indentation
(c) Merkel’s disks (iii) Gradual skin stretch
(d) Pacinian corpuscles (iv) Temperature change and pain
Codes :
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(1) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)
(2) (ii) (iii) (iv) (i)
(3) (iii) (iv) (i) (ii)
(4) (iv) (iii) (ii) (i)

11. Read each of the following two statements - Assertion (A) and Reason (R) and indicate
your answer using the codes given below :
Assertion (A) : A tree shall appear in same perceived size whether one views it from near
or far point.
Reason (R) : The size of retinal image remains invariant.
Codes :
(1) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
(2) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).
(3) (A) is true, but (R) is false.
(4) (A) is false, but (R) is true.

D-0415 !D-0415-PAPER-II! 6 Paper-II

8. Áé´ç»ØÙ çâhæ´Ì ×ð´ Øã çß¿æÚU ç·¤ ª¤Áæü ·¤æ ÂéÙÑ çßÌÚU‡æ ×æÙâ ×ð´ ¥ÂÙð ¥æ ãæð ÁæÌæ ãñ Ìæç·¤ â´ÌéÜÙ ÕÙæ ÚUãð,
çِÙçÜç¹Ì çâhæ´Ì ·¤æð ÎàææüÌæ ãñ Ñ
(1) ÌéËØÌæ ·¤æ çâhæ´Ì (2) â×·¤æçÜ·¤Ìæ ·¤æ çâhæ´Ì
(3) ÌæÚU̐ØÌæ ·¤æ çâhæ´Ì (4) çßÂÚUèÌÌæ ·¤æ çâhæ´Ì

9. ãæÜ ×ð´ Èý¤æ´â ×ð´ ¥æÌ´·¤ßæÎè ¥æ·ý¤×‡æ ·ð¤ ÕæÎ °·¤ ×Ùæðßñ™ææçÙ·¤ Ùð °ðâæ ¥ŠØØÙ ·¤ÚUÙð ·¤æ ÂýSÌæß ç·¤Øæ çÁâ×ð´ ßã
Îæð âæñ Èý¤æ´âèâè Ùæ»çÚU·¤æð´ ·¤æ âæÿæ户¤æÚU Üð·¤ÚU Øã ÂÌæ ܻ氻æ ç·¤ €Øæ ßð §â ¥æ·ý¤×‡æ ·¤æ ·¤æÚU‡æ Öæ‚Ø ·¤æð ×æÙÌð ãñ´Ð
§â ¥ŠØØÙ ·¤æð __________ ·¤ãæ ÁæÌæ ãñÐ
(1) ¥çÖßëçžæ ÂçÚUßÌüÙ ÂýØæð» (2) ÿæð˜æ ÂýØæð»
(3) ƒæÅUÙæðžæÚU ¥ŠØØÙ (4) ×Ùæðç×ÌèØ ¥ŠØØÙ

10. âê¿è-I ·¤æð âê¿è-II ·ð¤ âæÍ âé×ðçÜÌ ·¤èçÁ° ÌÍæ çِÙçÜç¹Ì ·ê¤ÅUæð´ ·¤æ ÂýØæð» ·¤ÚUÌð ãé° âãè ©žæÚU ·¤æ ¿ØÙ
·¤èçÁ° Ñ
âê¿è-I âê¿è-II
(ˆß¿èØ â´»ýæã·¤) (âð ¥Ùéç·ý¤ØæU)
(a) ×é€Ì SÙæØé ¥´çÌ× ÀUæðÚU (i) ¥æ·¤çS×·¤ ˆß¿æ çßSÍæÂÙ
(b) M¤çȤÙè ¥´çÌ× ÀUæðÚU (ii) àæÙñÑ-àæÙñÑ ˆß¿æ δÌéÚUè·¤ÚU‡æ
(c) ×·ü¤Ü Âç^·¤æ (iii) àæÙñÑ-àæÙñÑ ˆß¿æ ÂýâæÚU
(d) ÂñâðçÙØÙ ·¤ç‡æ·¤æ (iv) Ìæ·ý¤× ÂçÚUßÌüÙ ¥æñÚU ÂèǸæ
·ê¤ÅU Ñ
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(1) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)
(2) (ii) (iii) (iv) (i)
(3) (iii) (iv) (i) (ii)
(4) (iv) (iii) (ii) (i)

11. çِÙçÜç¹Ì Îæð ·¤ÍÙæð´ - ¥çÖ·¤ÍÙ (A) ¥æñÚU Ì·ü¤ (R) ·¤æð Âçɸ° ¥æñÚU Ùè¿ð çΰ »° ·ê¤ÅUæð´ ·¤æ ©ÂØæð» ·¤ÚUÌð ãé° âãè
©žæÚU ÎèçÁ° Ñ
¥çÖ·¤ÍÙ (A) : Âæâ Øæ ÎêÚU âð Îð¹Ùð ÂÚU ·¤æð§ü ÂðǸ ©âè ÂýˆØÿææˆ×·¤ ¥æ·¤æÚU ×ð´ ÂýÌèÌ ãæð»æÐ
Ì·ü¤ (R) : ¥çÿæÂÅUÜèØ ¥æ·ë¤çÌ ·¤æ ¥æ·¤æÚU ¥ÂçÚUßÌüÙèØ ÚUãÌæ ãñÐ
·ê¤ÅU Ñ
(1) (A) ¥æñÚU (R) ÎæðÙæð´ âãè ãñ´ ¥æñÚU (R), (A) ·¤è âãè ÃØæØæ ãñÐ
(2) (A) ¥æñÚU (R) ÎæðÙæð´ âãè ãñ´ ÂÚ´UÌé (R), (A) ·¤è âãè ÃØæØæ Ùãè´ ãñÐ
(3) (A) âãè ãñ, Üðç·¤Ù (R) »ÜÌ ãñÐ
(4) (A) »ÜÌ ãñ, Üðç·¤Ù (R) âãè ãñÐ

D-0415 !D-0415-PAPER-II! 7 Paper-II

12. Which of the following is correct while comparing classical and operant conditioning ?

(1) Operant conditioning takes place before reinforcement while classical conditioning takes
place after reinforcement.

(2) Operant conditioning takes place as a result of some voluntary action while classical
conditioning takes place without choice.

(3) In operant conditioning, response is elicited while in classical conditioning it is emitted.

(4) In operant conditioning magnitude of the response is the index of conditioning while
in classical conditioning it is the rate of response.

13. Words learned under water are recalled :

(1) Better on land than under water

(2) Better above land (sky) than on land

(3) Better above land (sky) than under water

(4) Better under water than on land

14. Read each of the following two statements - Assertion (A) and Reason (R) and indicate
your answer using the codes given below :

Assertion (A) : People overlook flaws if the overall issue is perceived as important.

Reason (R) : People have some biases.

Codes :

(1) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).

(2) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).

(3) (A) is true, but (R) is false.

(4) (A) is false, but (R) is true.

D-0415 !D-0415-PAPER-II! 8 Paper-II

12. Ÿæð‡Ø (€Üæçâ·¤Ü) ¥æñÚU ç·ý¤ØæÂýâêÌ (¥æÂÚðU‹ÅU) ¥Ùé·ê¤ÜÙ ·¤è ÌéÜÙæ ·¤ÚUÌð â×Ø çِÙçÜç¹Ì ×ð´ âð ·¤æñÙ âæ âãè ãñ?

(1) ç·ý¤ØæÂýâêÌ ¥Ùé·ê¤ÜÙ ÂéÙÕüÜÙ âð ÂãÜð ãæðÌæ ãñ ÁÕç·¤ Âýæ¿èÙ (€Üæçâ·¤Ü) ¥Ùé·ê¤ÜÙ ÂéÙÕüÜÙ ·ð¤ ÕæÎ ãæðÌæ

(2) ç·ý¤ØæÂýâêÌ ¥Ùé·ê¤ÜÙ ·é¤ÀU °ðç‘ÀU·¤ ç·ý¤Øæ ·ð¤ ȤÜSßM¤Â ãæðÌæ ãñ ÁÕç·¤ Âýæ¿èÙ ¥Ùé·ê¤ÜÙ çÕÙæ ç·¤âè çß·¤ËÂ
·ð¤ ãæðÌæ ãñÐ

(3) ç·ý¤ØæÂýâêÌ ¥Ùé·ê¤ÜÙ ×ð´ ¥Ùéç·ý¤Øæ Âýæ# ·¤è ÁæÌè ãñ ÁÕç·¤ Âýæ¿èÙ ¥Ùé·ê¤ÜÙ ×ð´ ©ˆâçÁüÌ ãæðÌè ãñÐ

(4) ç·ý¤ØæÂýâêÌ ¥Ùé·ê¤ÜÙ ×ð´ ¥Ùéç·ý¤Øæ ·¤è »ãÙÌæ ¥Ùé·ê¤ÜÙ ·¤æ âê¿·¤ ãñ ÁÕç·¤ Âýæ¿èÙ ¥Ùé·ê¤ÜÙ ×ð´ Øã
¥Ùéç·ý¤Øæ ⴁØæ ÎÚU ãæðÌè ãñÐ

13. ÂæÙè ·ð¤ ¥´ÎÚU ØæÎ ç·¤° »° àæŽÎæð´ ·¤æð ÂéÙÑS×ÚU‡æ ç·¤Øæ ÁæÌæ ãñ Ñ

(1) ÂæÙè ·ð¤ ¥´ÎÚU ·¤è ÌéÜÙæ ×ð´ Á×èÙ ÂÚU ÕðãÌÚU

(2) Á×èÙ ÂÚU ·¤è ÌéÜÙæ ×ð´ Á×èÙ â𠪤ÂÚU (¥æ·¤æàæ) ÕðãÌÚU

(3) ÂæÙè ·ð¤ ¥´ÎÚU ·¤è ÌéÜÙæ ×ð´ Á×èÙ â𠪤ÂÚU (¥æ·¤æàæ) ÕðãÌÚU

(4) Á×èÙ ÂÚUU ·¤è ÌéÜÙæ ×ð´ ÂæÙè ·ð¤ ¥´ÎÚU ÕðãÌÚU

14. çِÙçÜç¹Ì Îæð ·¤ÍÙæð´ - ¥çÖ·¤ÍÙ (A) ¥æñÚU Ì·ü¤ (R) ·¤æð Âçɸ° ¥æñÚU Ùè¿ð çΰ »° ·ê¤ÅUæð´ ·¤æ ©ÂØæð» ·¤ÚUÌð ãé° âãè
©žæÚU ÎèçÁ° Ñ

¥çÖ·¤ÍÙ (A) : ØçÎ â×ê¿ð ×æ×Üð ·¤æð ×ãˆßÂê‡æü â×Ûææ Áæ° Ìæð ÃØç€Ì ©â·¤è ·¤ç×Øæð´ ·¤è ¥æðÚU ŠØæÙ Ùãè´ ÎðÌæ ãñÐ

Ì·ü¤ (R) : ÃØç€ÌØæð´ ×ð´ ·é¤ÀU ÕæØçâÁ (¥çÖÙçÌ) ãæðÌð ãñ´Ð

·ê¤ÅU Ñ

(1) (A) ¥æñÚU (R) ÎæðÙæð´ âãè ãñ´ ¥æñÚU (R), (A) ·¤è âãè ÃØæØæ ãñÐ

(2) (A) ¥æñÚU (R) ÎæðÙæð´ âãè ãñ´, ÂÚ´UÌé (R), (A) ·¤è âãè ÃØæØæ Ùãè´ ãñÐ

(3) (A) âãè ãñ, Üðç·¤Ù (R) »ÜÌ ãñÐ

(4) (A) »ÜÌ ãñ, Üðç·¤Ù (R) âãè ãñÐ

D-0415 !D-0415-PAPER-II! 9 Paper-II

15. Simi is totally blind, but she follows a 24-hr day-night cycle like the rest of us, and seems
comfortably adapted to it. Studies on animals suggest she relies on :

(a) a built-in rhythm in her Supra-Chiasmatic Nucleus (SCN).

(b) non-visual receptors in her eyes.

(c) social activity

(d) clocks

Codes :

(1) (b) only (2) (d) only (3) (c) and (d) (4) (a), (c) and (d)

16. Flynn effect is :

(1) High IQ score of a generation in comparison to succeeding generation.

(2) High IQ score of a generation in comparison to preceding generation.

(3) A person’s increase in accumulated knowledge with increase in age.

(4) A person’s change in accumulated knowledge with increase in age.

17. Which of the following sequence is correct ?

(1) Oral phase ® Anal phase ® Latency ® Phallic ® Genital

(2) Anal ® Oral ® Phallic ® Latency ® Genital

(3) Oral ® Anal ® Phallic ® Latency ® Genital

(4) Oral ® Phallic ® Anal ® Genital ® Latency

18. Which one of the following is considered as a non-parametric alternative to one-way ANOVA
for independent samples ?

(1) Kruskal - Wallis H test (2) Mann - Whitney U test

(3) Kolmogorov - Smirnov test (4) Friedman’s ANOVA

D-0415 !D-0415-PAPER-II! 10 Paper-II

15. çâ×è ·¤æð çÕÜ·é¤Ü çιæ§ü Ùãè´ ÎðÌæ, ÂÚ´UÌé ßã àæðá ã× Üæð»æð´ ·ð¤ â×æÙ ãè 24 ƒæ´ÅðU ·ð¤ çÎÙ-ÚUæÌ (ÎñçÙ·¤ ¿·ý¤) ·¤æ ÂæÜÙ
·¤ÚUÌè ãñ ¥æñÚU °ðâæ Ü»Ìæ ãñ ç·¤ ßã ÂêÚUè ÌÚUã âð §â·ð¤ ¥Ùé·ê¤Ü ãæ𠻧ü ãñÐ Âàæé¥æð´ ÂÚU ç·¤° ¥ŠØØÙæð´ âð ÂÌæ ¿ÜÌæ ãñ
ç·¤ ßã çِÙçÜç¹Ì ×ð´ âð ç·¤âè °·¤ ÂÚU çÙÖüÚU ãñ Ñ
(a) ©â·ð¤ âéÂÚUæ-ç·¤ØæÁ×ñçÅU·¤ ·ð¤‹Îý·¤ (°â.âè.°Ù) ×ð´ ¥‹ÌçÙüçãÌ âæ×´ÁSØ
(b) ¥æ¡¹æð´ ×ð´ ¥ÎëàØæˆ×·¤ â´»ýæã·¤
(c) âæ×æçÁ·¤ ç·ý¤Øæ
(d) ƒæçǸØæ¡
·ê¤ÅU Ñ
(1) ·ð¤ßÜ (b) (2) ·ð¤ßÜ (d) (3) (c) ¥æñÚU (d) (4) (a), (c) ¥æñÚU (d)

16. Üæ§Ù ÂýÖæß ãñ Ñ

(1) ç·¤âè ÂèÉ¸è ·¤æ ©â·¤è ¥ÙéßÌèü ÂèçɸØæð´ ·¤è ÌéÜÙæ ×ð´ ©“æ Õéçh ÜçŽÏ (¥æ§ü.€Øê.) ¥´·¤
(2) ç·¤âè ÂèÉ¸è ·¤æ ©â·¤è ÂêßüßÌèü ÂèçɸØæð´ ·¤è ÌéÜÙæ ×ð´ ©“æ Õéçh ÜçŽÏ (¥æ§ü.€Øê.) ¥´·¤
(3) ¥æØé ×ð´ ßëçh ·ð¤ âæÍ-âæÍ ÃØç€Ì ·ð¤ â´ç¿Ì ™ææÙ ×ð´ ßëçh
(4) ¥æØé ×ð´ ßëçh ·ð¤ âæÍ-âæÍ ÃØç€Ì ·ð¤ â´ç¿Ì ™ææÙ ×ð´ ÂçÚUßÌüÙ

17. çِÙçÜç¹Ì ×ð´ âð ·¤æñÙ-âæ ·ý¤× âãè ãñ?

(1) ×é¹èØ ¿ÚU‡æ ® »éÎèØ ¿ÚU‡æ ® çàæàÙèØ ¿ÚU‡æ ® Üñ´ç»·¤ ¿ÚU‡æ ® ÁÙÙèØ ¿ÚU‡æ
(2) »éÎèØ ® ×é¹èØ ® Üñ´ç»·¤ ® çàæàÙèØ ® ÁÙÙèØ
(3) ×é¹èØ ® »éÎèØ ® Üñ´ç»·¤ ® çàæàÙèØ ® ÁÙÙèØ
(4) ×é¹èØ ® Üñ´ç»·¤ ® »éÎèØ ® ÁÙÙèØ ® çàæàÙèØ

18. çِÙçÜç¹Ì ×ð´ âð ç·¤âð °·¤Ü ÂÍ ÂýâÚU‡æ çßàÜðá‡æ (°.°Ù.¥æð.ßè.°.) ·¤æ ¥Âýæ¿çÜ·¤ çß·¤Ë ×æÙæ ÁæÌæ ãñ?
(1) ·ýé¤â·¤æÜ - ßæçÜâ °¿ ÅðUSÅU (2) ×ñÙ çuÅUÙð Øê (U) ÅðUSÅU
(3) ·¤æðË×æð»æðÚUæðß - çS×ÚUÙæðß ÅðUSÅU (4) çÈý¤ÇU×ñ‹â °Ùæðßæ

D-0415 !D-0415-PAPER-II! 11 Paper-II

19. Read each of the following two statements - Assertion (A) and Reason (R) and indicate
your answer using the codes given below :
Assertion (A) : Action potentials normally travel along axons in one direction.
Reason (R) : The portions of an axon over which an action potential has just travelled
are left momentarily refractory.
Codes :
(1) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
(2) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).
(3) (A) is true, but (R) is false.
(4) (A) is false, but (R) is true.

20. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer by choosing from the codes given
below :
List-I List-II
(Cues) (Perception)
(a) Linear perspective (i) Our two eyes observe objects from slightly different
(b) Aerial perspective (ii) Parallel lines appears to converge at distance.
(c) Atmospheric perspective (iii) Objects below the horizon appear near.
(d) Retinal disparity (iv) Farther away objects are less distinctly seen.
Codes :
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(1) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)
(2) (ii) (iii) (iv) (i)
(3) (iii) (iv) (i) (ii)
(4) (iv) (iii) (ii) (i)

21. Read each of the following two statements - Assertion (A) and Reason (R) and indicate
your answer using the codes given below :
Assertion (A) : A desirable behaviour of an individual can be effectively used as a reference
for another less desirable activity.
Reason (R) : Premack has suggested that all responses should be thought of as potential
Codes :
(1) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
(2) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).
(3) (A) is true, but (R) is false.
(4) (A) is false, but (R) is true.

D-0415 !D-0415-PAPER-II! 12 Paper-II

19. çِÙçÜç¹Ì Îæð ·¤ÍÙæð´ - ¥çÖ·¤ÍÙ (A) ¥æñÚU Ì·ü¤ (R) ·¤æð Âçɸ° ¥æñÚU Ùè¿ð çΰ »° ·ê¤ÅUæð´ ·¤æ ©ÂØæð» ·¤ÚUÌð ãé° âãè
©žæÚU ÎèçÁ° Ñ
¥çÖ·¤ÍÙ (A) : ç·ý¤Øæ çßÖß âæ×æ‹ØÌØæ ¥ÿæÌ´Ìé ·ð¤ âæÍ-âæÍ °·¤ ãè çÎàææ ×ð´ ÂýâæçÚUÌ ãæðÌð ãñ´Ð
Ì·ü¤ (R) : ¥ÿæÌ´Ìé ·ð¤ çÁâ Öæ» ×ð´ ·¤æð§ü ç·ý¤Øæ çßÖß ÌéÚ´UÌ ÂýâæçÚUÌ ãé¥æ ãñ, ßð ·é¤ÀU ÎðÚU ·ð¤ çÜ° ÎéÁðüØ ãæð
ÁæÌð ãñ´Ð
·ê¤ÅU Ñ
(1) (A) ¥æñÚU (R) ÎæðÙæð´ âãè ãñ´ ¥æñÚU (R), (A) ·¤è âãè ÃØæØæ ãñÐ
(2) (A) ¥æñÚU (R) ÎæðÙæð´ âãè ãñ´, ÂÚ´UÌé (R), (A) ·¤è âãè ÃØæØæ Ùãè´ ãñÐ
(3) (A) âãè ãñ, Üðç·¤Ù (R) »ÜÌ ãñÐ
(4) (A) »ÜÌ ãñ, Üðç·¤Ù (R) âãè ãñÐ

20. âê¿è-I ·¤æð âê¿è-II ·ð¤ âæÍ âé×çð ÜÌ ·¤èçÁ° ÌÍæ çِÙçÜç¹Ì ·ê¤ÅUæ´ð ·¤æ ÂýØæð» ·¤ÚUÌð ãé° âãè ©žæÚU ·¤æ ¿ØÙ ·¤èçÁ° Ñ
âê¿è-I âê¿è-II
(€Øê/â´·ð¤Ì) (ÂýˆØÿæ)
(a) ÚñUç¹·¤ ÂçÚUÂýðÿØ (i) ã×æÚUè ÎæðÙæ𴠥桹𴠷é¤ÀU çÖóæ çSÍçÌ âð ßSÌé¥æð´ ·¤æð Îð¹Ìè ãñ´Ð
(b) ßæØßèØ ÂçÚUÂýðÿØ (ii) â×æÙæ‹ÌÚU ÚðU¹æ°¡ ÎêÚUè ÂÚU ¥çÖâçÚUÌ ãæðÌè ÂýÌèÌ ãæðÌè ãñ´Ð
(c) ßæØé×´ÇUÜèØ ÂçÚUÂýðÿØ (iii) çÿæçÌÁ âð Ùè¿ð ·¤è ßSÌé°¡ ÙÁÎè·¤ ÂýÌèÌ ãæðÌè ãñ´Ð
(d) ¥çÿæÂÅUÜèØ çßá×Ìæ (iv) ÎêÚU çSÍÌ ßSÌé°¡ ·¤× SÂcÅU çιÌè ãñ´Ð
·ê¤ÅU Ñ
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(1) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)
(2) (ii) (iii) (iv) (i)
(3) (iii) (iv) (i) (ii)
(4) (iv) (iii) (ii) (i)

21. çِÙçÜç¹Ì Îæð ·¤ÍÙæð´ - ¥çÖ·¤ÍÙ (A) ¥æñÚU Ì·ü¤ (R) ·¤æð Âçɸ° ¥æñÚU Ùè¿ð çΰ »° ·ê¤ÅUæð´ ·¤æ ©ÂØæð» ·¤ÚUÌð ãé°
¥ÂÙæ ©žæÚU ÎèçÁ° Ñ
¥çÖ·¤ÍÙ (A) : ç·¤âè ÃØç€Ì ·ð¤ ßæ´çÀUÌ ÃØßãæÚU ·¤æ ÂýÖæßè ©ÂØæð» ç·¤âè ¥‹Ø ·¤× ßæ´ÀUÙèØ ç·ý¤Øæ ·ð¤ â´ÎÖü ×ð´
ç·¤Øæ Áæ â·¤Ìæ ãñÐ
·¤æÚU‡æ (R) : Âýè×ð·¤ ·¤æ âéÛææß Íæ ç·¤ âÖè ¥Ùéç·ý¤Øæ¥æð´ ·¤æð â´ÖæÃØ ÂéÙÕüÜ·¤ ·ð¤ M¤Â ×ð´ â×Ûææ ÁæÙæ ¿æçã°Ð
·ê¤ÅU Ñ
(1) (A) ¥æñÚU (R) ÎæðÙæð´ âãè ãñ´ ¥æñÚU (R), (A) ·¤è âãè ÃØæØæ ãñÐ
(2) (A) ¥æñÚU (R) ÎæðÙæð´ âãè ãñ´, Üðç·¤Ù (R), (A) ·¤è âãè ÃØæØæ Ùãè´ ãñÐ
(3) (A) âãè ãñ, Üðç·¤Ù (R) »ÜÌ ãñÐ
(4) (A) »ÜÌ ãñ, Üðç·¤Ù (R) âãè ãñÐ

D-0415 !D-0415-PAPER-II! 13 Paper-II

22. Which memory is the result of instrumental/motor learning processes ?

(1) Semantic memory (2) Episodic memory

(3) Sensory memory (4) Procedural memory

23. If you begin with a problem and come up with many different solutions; you are using
__________ , which is a form of creative thinking; contrarily sometimes you come up with
correct solution by using __________ thinking.

(1) convergent, inductive (2) convergent, deductive

(3) convergent, divergent (4) divergent, convergent

24. Choose the correct formula to measure Body Mass Index (BMI).

(1) Weight in kg squared/height in meters

(2) Weight in kg squared/Height in meters squrared

(3) Weight in kg/height in meters

(4) Weight in kg/height in meters squared

25. Which of the following are not identified by Thurstone ?

(a) Induction

(b) Spatial

(c) Symbolic

(d) Semantic

Codes :

(1) (a) and (b) (2) (c) and (d) (3) (a) and (c) (4) (a), (b) and (c)

D-0415 !D-0415-PAPER-II! 14 Paper-II

22. ·¤æñÙ-âè S×ëçÌ Ùñ×ðçžæ·¤/»çÌ·¤ ¥çÏ»× Âýç·ý¤Øæ ·¤æ ÂçÚU‡ææ× ãñ?

(1) àæŽÎæÍü S×ëçÌ (2) ƒæÅUÙæÁ‹Ø S×ëçÌ

(3) °ðç‹ÎýØ S×ëçÌ (4) Âýç·ý¤Øæˆ×·¤ S×ëçÌ

23. ØçÎ ¥æ °·¤ â×SØæ ·ð¤ â×æÏæÙ ·¤æ ÂýæÚ´UÖ ·¤ÚUÌð ãñ´ ß çßçÖóæ Âý·¤æÚU ·ð¤ â×æÏæÙæð´ ·ð¤ ÕæÚðU ×ð´ âæð¿Ìð ãñ´ Ìæð
__________ Âý·¤æÚU ·¤æ âëÁÙæˆ×·¤ ç¿´ÌÙ ·¤ÚUÌð ãñ´Ð §â·ð¤ çßÂÚUèÌ ÁÕ ç·¤âè â×SØæ ·¤æ °·¤ âãè â×æÏæÙ Éê¡UɸÌð
ãñ´ Ìæð __________ Âý·¤æÚU ·ð¤ ç¿´ÌÙ ·¤æ ©ÂØæð» ·¤ÚUÌð ãñ´ Ñ

(1) ¥çÖâÚU‡æ, ¥æ»×çÙ·¤ Ì·ü¤ (2) ¥çÖâÚU‡æ, Õçã»ü×çÙ·¤ Ì·ü¤

(3) ¥çÖâÚU‡æ, ¥ÂâÚU‡æ (4) ¥ÂâÚU‡æ, ¥çÖâÚU‡æ

24. ÕæòÇUè ×æâ §´ÇðU€â (BMI) ·¤æð ×æÂÙð ·ð¤ çÜ° âãè Ȥæ×üêÜð ·¤æ ¿ØÙ ·¤èçÁ° Ñ

(1) ç·¤Üæð»ýæ× ×ð´ ÖæÚU ·¤æ ß»ü /×èÅUÚU ×ð´ Ü´Õæ§ü

(2) ç·¤Üæð»ýæ× ×ð´ ÖæÚU ·¤æ ß»ü/×èÅUÚU ×ð´ Ü´Õæ§ü ·¤æ ß»ü

(3) ç·¤Üæð»ýæ× ×ð´ ÖæÚU/×èÅUÚU ×ð´ Ü´Õæ§ü

(4) ç·¤Üæð»ýæ× ×ð´ ÖæÚU/×èÅUÚU ×ð´ Ü´Õæ§ü ·¤æ ß»ü

25. ÍSÅüUÙ mæÚUæ çِÙçÜç¹Ì ×ð´ âð 緤ⷤæ ÂÌæ Ùãè´ Ü»æØæ »Øæ?

(a) ÂýðÚU‡æ

(b) SÍæçÙ·¤

(c) ÂýÌè·¤æˆ×·¤

(d) àæŽÎæÍü çßáØ·¤

·ê¤ÅU Ñ

(1) (a) ¥æñÚU (b) (2) (c) ¥æñÚU (d) (3) (a) ¥æñÚU (c) (4) (a), (b) ¥æñÚU (c)

D-0415 !D-0415-PAPER-II! 15 Paper-II

26. Match the items of List-I with the items of List-II. Select the correct answer from the answer
codes given below :

List-I List-II

(Concept) (Theorist)

(a) Rational Functions (i) Freud

(b) Impetus (ii) Jung

(c) Masculine Protest (iii) Adler

(d) Hyper competitiveness (iv) Horney

Codes :

(a) (b) (c) (d)

(1) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)

(2) (ii) (i) (iii) (iv)

(3) (iii) (ii) (iv) (i)

(4) (iv) (iii) (i) (ii)

27. Match List-I with List-II and indicate your answer using the codes given below :

List-I List-II

(Types of variable) (Examples)

(a) Continuous variable (i) Examination results in terms of pass and fail

(b) Real discrete variable (ii) Voice pitch

(c) Artificially discrete variable (iii) Intelligence

(d) Qualitative variable (iv) Nationality

Codes :

(a) (b) (c) (d)

(1) (iii) (iv) (i) (ii)

(2) (iii) (i) (iv) (ii)

(3) (ii) (iv) (i) (iii)

(4) (ii) (i) (iv) (iii)

D-0415 !D-0415-PAPER-II! 16 Paper-II

26. âê¿è-I ·¤æð âê¿è-II ·ð¤ âæÍ âé×ðçÜÌ ·¤èçÁ° ÌÍæ çِÙçÜç¹Ì ·ê¤ÅUæð´ ·¤æ ÂýØæð» ·¤ÚUÌð ãé° âãè ©žæÚU ·¤æ ¿ØÙ
·¤èçÁ° Ñ
âê¿è-I âê¿è-II
(¥ßÏæÚU‡ææ) (çâhæ´Ìè)
(a) Ì·ü¤â´»Ì Âý·¤æØü (i) Èý¤æØÇU
(b) ÂýðÚU·¤ àæç€Ì (ii) Áé»´
(c) ÂéL¤áæðç¿Ì çßÚUæðÏ (iii) °ÇUÜÚU
(d) ¥çÌ-ÂýçÌSÂÏæü (iv) ãæðÙèü
·ê¤ÅU Ñ
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(1) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)
(2) (ii) (i) (iii) (iv)
(3) (iii) (ii) (iv) (i)
(4) (iv) (iii) (i) (ii)

27. âê¿è-I ·¤æð âê¿è-II ·ð¤ âæÍ âé×ðçÜÌ ·¤èçÁ° ÌÍæ çِÙçÜç¹Ì ·ê¤ÅUæð´ ·¤æ ÂýØæð» ·¤ÚUÌð ãé° âãè ©žæÚU ·¤æ ¿ØÙ
·¤èçÁ° Ñ
âê¿è-I âê¿è-II
(¿ÚU) (©ÎæãÚU‡æ)
(a) çÙÚ´UÌÚU ¿ÚU (i) ©žæè‡æü ¥æñÚU ¥Ùéžæè‡æü ·ð¤ M¤Â ×ð´ ÂÚUèÿææ ·ð¤ ÂçÚU‡ææ×
(b) ßæSÌçß·¤ ¥âÌÌ ¿ÚU (ii) SßÚU ÌèßýÌæ
(c) ·ë¤ç˜æ× ¥âÌÌ ¿ÚU (iii) Õéçh
(d) »é‡ææˆ×·¤ ¿ÚU (iv) ÚUæcÅþUèØÌæ
·ê¤ÅU Ñ
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(1) (iii) (iv) (i) (ii)
(2) (iii) (i) (iv) (ii)
(3) (ii) (iv) (i) (iii)
(4) (ii) (i) (iv) (iii)

D-0415 !D-0415-PAPER-II! 17 Paper-II

28. In which lobe of the cerebral cortex, the primary olfactory cortex lies ?

(1) Frontal lobe (2) Temporal lobe

(3) Occipital lobe (4) Parietal lobe

29. “Factor Analysis is used as a means of confirming a structured model than as a means of
discovering a structural model”. This is true of which theory of intelligence ?

(1) Spearman (2) Thurstone

(3) Jensen (4) Guilford

30. Read each of the following two statements - Assertion (A) and Reason (R) and indicate
your answer using the codes given below :

Assertion (A) : One focuses on the discovery of truth and interests that are empirical, critical
and rational.

Reason (R) : A person high on economic values focuses on usefulness and practicality.

Codes :

(1) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).

(2) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).

(3) (A) is true, but (R) is false.

(4) (A) is false, but (R) is true.

31. A supervisor, who was asked to rate his subordinates on the basis of his observations, found
an employee who did not take a medical leave in that year. On the basis of this observation,
the supervisor rated the employee as ‘medically fit’, ‘highly efficient’ and ‘meticulous’. This
is an example of :

(1) lineancy error (2) constant error

(3) tendency to give extreme rating (4) halo effect

D-0415 !D-0415-PAPER-II! 18 Paper-II

28. Âý×çSÌc·¤ ßË·é¤ÅU ·ð¤ ç·¤â ç´ÇU·¤ ×ð´ ÂýæÍç×·¤ ƒæýæ‡æ ßË·é¤ÅU çÙçãÌ ãæðÌæ ãñ?
(1) ¥»ýÜÜæÅU ÂæçÜ (2) àæ´¹ ÂæçÜ
(3) ¥Ùé·¤ÂæÜ ÂæçÜ (4) ç֞æèØ ÂæçÜ

29. ÒÒ·¤æÚU·¤ çßàÜðá‡æ ·¤æ ©ÂØæð» ç·¤âè â´ÚU¿Ùæˆ×·¤ ÂýçÌM¤Â ·¤è ¹æðÁ ·ð¤ ©ÂæØ ·¤è ÌéÜÙæ ×ð´ â´ÚU¿Ùæˆ×·¤ ÂýçÌM¤Â ·¤è
ÂéçcÅU ·ð¤ ©ÂæØ ·ð¤ M¤Â ×ð´ ç·¤Øæ ÁæÌæ ãñÐÓÓ ç·¤â Õéçh çâhæ´Ì ·ð¤ çÜ° Øã âˆØ ãñ?
(1) SÂèØÚU×ðÙ (2) ÍSÅüUÙ
(3) ÁðÙâÙ (4) ç»ÜȤæðÇüU

30. çِÙçÜç¹Ì Îæð ·¤ÍÙæð´ - ¥çÖ·¤ÍÙ (A) ¥æñÚU Ì·ü¤ (R) ·¤æð Âçɸ° ¥æñÚU Ùè¿ð çΰ »° ·ê¤ÅUæð´ ·¤æ ©ÂØæð» ·¤ÚUÌð ãé° âãè
©žæÚU ÎèçÁ° Ñ
¥çÖ·¤ÍÙ (A) : ØçÎ ·¤æð§ü ÃØç€Ì °ðâð âˆØ ¥æñÚU ¥çÖL¤ç¿Øæð́ ·¤è ¹æðÁ ÂÚU ÕÜ ÎðÌæ ãñ Áæð ÂýØæð»æˆ×·¤, ¥æÜæð¿Ùæˆ×·¤
¥æñÚU Ì·ü¤â´»Ì ãæðÌð ãñ´Ð
Ì·ü¤ (R) : ©“æ ¥æçÍü·¤ ×êËØæð´ ·¤æ ÃØç€Ì ©ÂØæðç»Ìæ ¥æñÚU ÃØæßãæçÚU·¤Ìæ ÂÚU ÕÜ ÎðÌæ ãñÐ
·ê¤ÅU Ñ
(1) (A) ¥æñÚU (R) ÎæðÙæð´ âãè ãñ´ ¥æñÚU (R), (A) ·¤è âãè ÃØæØæ ãñÐ
(2) (A) ¥æñÚU (R) ÎæðÙæð´ âãè ãñ´, ÂÚ´UÌé (R), (A) ·¤è âãè ÃØæØæ Ùãè´ ãñÐ
(3) (A) âãè ãñ, Üðç·¤Ù (R) »ÜÌ ãñÐ
(4) (A) »ÜÌ ãñ, Üðç·¤Ù (R) âãè ãñÐ

31. °·¤ ÂØüßðÿæ·¤, çÁâð Âýðÿæ‡ææ𴠷𤠥æÏæÚU ÂÚU ¥ÂÙð ¥ÏèÙSÍæð´ ·¤æ ×êËØæ´·¤Ù ·¤ÚUÙð ·ð¤ çÜ° ·¤ãæ »Øæ Íæ, Ùð ÂæØæ ç·¤ °·¤
·¤×ü¿æÚUè Ùð ©â ßáü ·ð¤ ÎæñÚUæÙ ç¿ç·¤ˆâæ ¥ß·¤æàæ Ùãè´ çÜØæ ÍæÐ §â Ì‰Ø ·ð¤ ¥æÏæÚU ÂÚU ÂØüßðÿæ·¤ Ùð ©â ·¤×ü¿æÚUè ·¤æ
×êËØæ´·¤Ù Òç¿ç·¤ˆâèØ ÎëçcÅU âð çȤÅUÓ, Ò¥ˆØ´Ì ·¤æØü·é¤àæÜÓ ¥æñÚU ÒâÌ·ü¤Ó ·ð¤ M¤Â ×ð´ ç·¤ØæÐ Øã ©ÎæãÚU‡æ
ãñ Ñ
(1) ©ÎæÚUÌæ ˜æéçÅU ·¤æ (2) çSÍÚU ˜æéçÅU ·¤æ
(3) ¥ˆØçÏ·¤ ×êËØçÙÏæüÚU‡æ ·¤è Âýßëçžæ ·¤æ (4) ÂçÚU¿Ø ÂýÖæß ·¤æ

D-0415 !D-0415-PAPER-II! 19 Paper-II

32. Which of the following parts of the basal ganglia constitute the striatum ?
(a) Amygdala
(b) Caudate
(c) Putamen
(d) Globus Pallidus
Codes :
(1) (a) and (b) (2) (a) and (c) (3) (b) and (c) (4) (c) and (d)

33. Among the laws of perceptual grouping, the law of simplicity is a tendency to :
(1) perceive simple patterns in terms of complex shapes
(2) perceive complex patterns in terms of simpler shapes
(3) perceive simpler shapes only
(4) perceive complex shapes only

34. What is the role of positive and negative reinforcement ?

(1) To increase the likelihood that responses preceding both will be repeated.
(2) To decrease the likelihood that responses preceding negative reinforcement will be
(3) To increase the likelihood that responses preceding only positive reinforcement will be
(4) To ensure that there are no negative consequences following the behaviour.

35. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer by choosing from the codes given
below :
List-I List-II
(a) Sensory memory (i) Information that passes through a gate and
transferred to short term memory
(b) Attention (ii) Information subjected to deep processing
(c) Short term memory (iii) Temporary storage of sensory information
(d) Elaborative rehearsal (iv) Brief storage of information
Codes :
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(1) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)
(2) (iii) (i) (iv) (ii)
(3) (iii) (iv) (i) (ii)
(4) (iv) (iii) (ii) (i)

D-0415 !D-0415-PAPER-II! 20 Paper-II

32. ¥æÏæçÚU·¤ »ñ´»çÜØæ ·¤æ çِÙçÜç¹Ì ·¤æñÙ-âæ Öæ» SÅþðUÅU× ·¤æ çÙ×æü‡æ ·¤ÚUÌæ ãñ?
(a) ¥×é‚ÇUæÜæ
(b) ·¤æñÇðUÅU
(c) ÂéÅUæç×Ù
(d) ‚ÜæðÕâ ÂñçÜÇUâ
·ê¤ÅU Ñ
(1) (a) ¥æñÚU (b) (2) (a) ¥æñÚU (c) (3) (b) ¥æñÚU (c) (4) (c) ¥æñÚU (d)

33. ÂýˆØÿææˆ×·¤ â×êãè·¤ÚU‡æ ·ð¤ çÙØ×æð´ ×ð´ âÚUÜÌæ ·¤æ çÙØ× çِÙçÜç¹Ì Âýßëçžæ ãñ Ñ
(1) ÁçÅUÜ ¥æ·ë¤çÌØæð´ ·ð¤ M¤Â ×ð´ âÚUÜ ÂýçÌ×æÙæð´ ·¤æ ÂýˆØÿæè·¤ÚU‡æ
(2) âÚUÜ ¥æ·ë¤çÌØæð´ ·ð¤ M¤Â ×ð´ ÁçÅUÜ ÂýçÌ×æÙæð´ ·¤æ ÂýˆØÿæè·¤ÚU‡æ
(3) ·ð¤ßÜ âÚUÜ ¥æ·ë¤çÌØæð´ ·¤æ ÂýˆØÿæè·¤ÚU‡æ
(4) ·ð¤ßÜ ÁçÅUÜ ¥æ·ë¤çÌØæð´ ·¤æ ÂýˆØÿæè·¤ÚU‡æ

34. â·¤æÚUæˆ×·¤ ¥æñÚU Ù·¤æÚUæˆ×·¤ ÂéÙÕüÜÙ ·¤è €Øæ Öêç×·¤æ ãæðÌè ãñ?
(1) §â â´ÖæßÙæ ×ð´ ßëçh ·¤ÚUÙæ ç·¤ ÎæðÙæð´ ·¤è ÂêßüßÌèü ¥Ùéç·ý¤Øæ°¡ ÂéÙÚUæßçÌüÌ ãæð´»èÐ
(2) §â â´ÖæßÙæ ×ð´ ·¤×è ÜæÙæ ç·¤ Ù·¤æÚUæˆ×·¤ ÂéÙÕüÜÙ ·¤è ÂêßüßÌèü ¥Ùéç·ý¤Øæ°¡ ÂéÙÚUæßçÌüÌ ãæð´»èÐ
(3) §â â´ÖæßÙæ ×ð´ ßëçh ·¤ÚUÙæ ç·¤ ·ð¤ßÜ ÏÙæˆ×·¤ ÂéÙÕüÜÙ ·¤è ÂêßüßÌèü ¥Ùéç·ý¤Øæ°¡ ÂéÙÚUæßçÌüÌ ãæð´»èÐ
(4) Øã âéçÙçà¿Ì ·¤ÚUÙæ ç·¤ ÃØßãæÚU ·ð¤ Âà¿æÌ ·¤æð§ü Ù·¤æÚUæˆ×·¤ ÂçÚU‡ææ× Ùãè´ ¥æØðÐ

35. âê¿è-I ¥æñÚU âê¿è-II ·¤æð âé×ðçÜÌ ·¤èçÁ° ¥æñÚU Ùè¿ð çΰ »° ·ê¤ÅUæð´ ×ð´ âð âãè ©žæÚU ·¤æ ¿ØÙ ·¤èçÁ° Ñ
âê¿è-I âê¿è-II
(a) â´ßðÎè S×ëçÌ (i) âê¿Ùæ ç·¤âè mæÚU âð ãæð·¤ÚU ÁæÌè ãñ ¥æñÚU ¥Ë·¤æçÜ·¤ S×ëçÌ ×ð´
ÂçÚUßçÌüÌ ãæðÌè ãñ
(b) ¥ßÏæÙ (ii) âê¿Ùæ ·¤æ »ãÙ â´âæÏÙ ãæðÌæ ãñ
(c) ¥ËÂæßçÏ·¤ S×ëçÌ (iii) â´ßðÎè âê¿Ùæ ·¤æ ¥SÍæØè ևÇUæÚU‡æ
(d) çßßÚU‡ææˆ×·¤ ÂéÙÚUæØæâ (iv) âê¿Ùæ ·¤æ â´çÿæ# ևÇUæÚU‡æ
·ê¤ÅU Ñ
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(1) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)
(2) (iii) (i) (iv) (ii)
(3) (iii) (iv) (i) (ii)
(4) (iv) (iii) (ii) (i)

D-0415 !D-0415-PAPER-II! 21 Paper-II

36. While forming a concept one chooses to take one hypothesis and selects many of its features
to quickly form the concept at once :

(1) Successive scanning (2) Conservative focusing

(3) Focus gambling (4) Simultaneous scanning

37. Which among the following are the final outcome of curiosity ?

(a) Drives to explore

(b) Increases arousal

(c) Gains information and resources

(d) Reduction in tension

Codes :

(1) (b) and (c) (2) (b), (c) and (d) (3) (a) and (d) (4) (a), (b) and (c)

38. Read the statement and choose the correct answer out of given options :

“If one hand is placed in a container of hot water and other in cold water. Then both hands
are placed in a container of lukewarm water.” Most people experience :

(1) The hand initially placed in hot water feels the lukewarm water as cool whereas hand
initially placed in cold water feels it as hot.

(2) The hand initially placed in hot water feels the lukewarm water as hot whereas hand
initially placed in cold water feels it as cold.

(3) Both the hands will have feeling of equal hotness but more than temperature of lukewarm

(4) Both the hands will have feeling of equal coldness lower than temperature of lukewarm

39. An accused is harassed and tortured until he confesses to the crime is an example of :

(1) Negative reinforcement (2) Punishment

(3) Primary reinforcement (4) Secondary reinforcement

D-0415 !D-0415-PAPER-II! 22 Paper-II

36. °·¤ ¥ßÏæÚU‡ææ ·¤æð »É¸Ìð â×Ø ¥ßÏæÚU‡ææ ·¤è àæèƒæýÌæ âð »ÆUÙ ·ð¤ çÜ° °·¤ ÃØç€Ì ç·¤âè ·¤è ÂçÚU·¤ËÂÙæ ¥æñÚU §â·¤è
ÕãéÌ âè çßàæðáÌæ¥æð´ ·¤æ ¿ØÙ ·¤ÚUÌæ ãñ Ñ
(1) ¥Ùé·ý¤ç×·¤ ·ý¤×ßèÿæ‡æ (2) â´·é¤ç¿Ì ·ð¤‹Îýè·¤ÚU‡æ
(3) lêÌ·ý¤èǸæ ÂÚU â´·ð¤ç‹ÎýÌ (4) â×·¤æçÜ·¤ ·ý¤×ßèÿæ‡æ

37. çِÙçÜç¹Ì ×ð´ âð ·¤æñÙ-â𠩈âé·¤Ìæ ·ð¤ ¥´çÌ× ÂçÚU‡ææ× ã´ñ?

(a) ¥‹ßðá‡æ ·¤æ ¥‹ÌÙæðüÎ
(b) ©gæðÜÙ ßÏüÙ
(c) âê¿Ùæ°¡ ¥æñÚU â´âæÏÙ Âýæ# ·¤ÚUÙæ
(d) ÌÙæß ×ð´ ·¤×è
·ê¤ÅU Ñ
(1) (b) ¥æñÚU (c) (2) (b), (c) ¥æñÚU (d) (3) (a) ¥æñÚU (d) (4) (a), (b) ¥æñÚU (c)

38. çِÙçÜç¹Ì ·¤ÍÙ ·¤æð Âçɸ° ¥æñÚU çΰ »° çß·¤ËÂæð´ ×ð´ âð âãè ©žæÚU ·¤æ ¿ØÙ ·¤èçÁ° Ñ
ÒÒØçÎ °·¤ ãæÍ »×ü ÂæÙè ßæÜð ÕÌüÙ ×ð´ ÚU¹æ ÁæÌæ ãñ ¥æñÚU ÎêâÚUæ ãæÍ Æ´UÇðU ÂæÙè ßæÜð ÕÌüÙ ×ð´ ÚU¹æ ÁæÌæ ãñÐ §â·ð¤ ÕæÎ
ÎæðÙæð´ ãæÍ »éÙ»éÙæ ÂæÙè ßæÜð ÕÌüÙ ×ð´ ÚU¹æ ÁæÌæ ãñÐÓÓ ¥çÏ·¤æ´àæ Üæð»æð´ ·¤æð §â Âý·¤æÚU ×ãâêâ ãæð»æ Ñ
(1) àæéM¤ ×ð´ »×ü ÂæÙè ×ð´ ÚU¹ð »° ãæÍ ·¤æð »éÙ»éÙæ ÂæÙè Æ´UÇUæ ×ãâêâ ãæð»æ ÁÕç·¤ àæéM¤ ×ð´ Æ´UÇðU ÂæÙè ×ð´ ÚU¹ð »° ãæÍ ·¤æð
Øã »×ü ×ãâêâ ãæð»æÐ
(2) àæéM¤ ×ð´ »×ü ÂæÙè ×ð´ ÚU¹ð »° ãæÍ ·¤æð »éÙ»éÙæ ÂæÙè »×ü ×ãâêâ ãæð»æ ÁÕç·¤ àæéM¤ ×ð´ Æ´UÇðU ÂæÙè ×ð´ ÚU¹ð »° ãæÍ ·¤æð
Øã Æ´UÇUæ ×ãâêâ ãæð»æÐ
(3) ÎæðÙæð´ ãæÍæð´ ·¤æð °·¤ ãè Âý·¤æÚU ·¤è ÂÚ´UÌé »éÙ»éÙð ÂæÙè âð ¥çÏ·¤ ª¤c‡æÌæ ×ãâêâ ãæð»èÐ
(4) ÎæðÙæð´ ãæÍæð´ ·¤æð °·¤ ãè Âý·¤æÚU ·¤è ÂÚ´UÌé »éÙ»éÙð ÂæÙè ·ð¤ Æ´UÇðUÂÙ âð ¥çÏ·¤ Æ´UÇUæÂÙ ×ãâêâ ãæð»æÐ

39. ç·¤âè Îæðáè ÃØç€Ì ·¤æð ©â·ð¤ mæÚUæ ¥ÂÚUæÏ ·¤ÕêÜ ç·¤° ÁæÙð Ì·¤ ÂÚðUàææÙ ¥æñÚU ÂýÌæçÇ¸Ì ·¤ÚUÙæ ç·¤â·¤æ ©ÎæãÚU‡æ ãñ?
(1) Ù·¤æÚUæˆ×·¤ ÂéÙÕüÜÙ (2) ·ÇU
(3) ÂýæÍç×·¤ ÂéÙÕüÜÙ (4) »æñ‡æ ÂéÙÕüÜÙ

D-0415 !D-0415-PAPER-II! 23 Paper-II

40. Which of the following are not Mnemonic devices ?
(a) Categorical clustering
(b) Pegword system
(c) Consolidation
(d) Rehearsal
Codes :
(1) (a) and (b) (2) (b) and (c) (3) (a) and (c) (4) (c) and (d)

41. Read each of the following two statements - Assertion (A) and Reason (R) and indicate
your answer using the codes given below :
Assertion (A) : Advertising and media campaigns are based frequently on the availability
Reason (R) : Consumers recall instances of being satisfied and expect this outcome to
Codes :
(1) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
(2) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).
(3) (A) is true, but (R) is false.
(4) (A) is false, but (R) is true.

42. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer by choosing from the codes given
below :
List-I List-II
(Measures) (Body part)
(a) EMG (i) Sweat glands
(b) EEG (ii) Iris
(c) GSR (iii) Muscles
(d) Pupilometry (iv) Cortical neurons
Codes :
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(1) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)
(2) (ii) (iii) (iv) (i)
(3) (iii) (iv) (i) (ii)
(4) (iv) (iii) (ii) (i)

D-0415 !D-0415-PAPER-II! 24 Paper-II

40. çِÙçÜç¹Ì ×ð´ âð ·¤æñÙ S×ëçÌ âãæØ·¤ çßçÏØæ¡ Ùãè´ ãñ´?
(a) ß»èü·¤ÚU‡ææˆ×·¤ »é‘ÀUÙ
(b) Âð»ßÇüU Âý‡ææÜè
(c) â×ð·¤Ù
(d) ÂéÙÚUæØæâ
·ê¤ÅU Ñ
(1) (a) ¥æñÚU (b) (2) (b) ¥æñÚU (c) (3) (a) ¥æñÚU (c) (4) (c) ¥æñÚU (d)

41. çِÙçÜç¹Ì Îæð ·¤ÍÙæð´ - ¥çÖ·¤ÍÙ (A) ¥æñÚU Ì·ü¤ (R) ·¤æð Âçɸ° ¥æñÚU Ùè¿ð çΰ »° ·ê¤ÅUæð´ ·¤æ ©ÂØæð» ·¤ÚUÌð ãé° âãè
©žæÚU ÎèçÁ° Ñ
¥çÖ·¤ÍÙ (A) : çߙææÂÙ ¥æñÚU ×èçÇUØæ ¥çÖØæÙ ÂýæØÑ ©Â܎ÏÌæ SßæÙéÖæçß·¤è ÂÚU ¥æÏæçÚUÌ ãæðÌð ãñ´Ð
Ì·ü¤ (R) : ©ÂÖæð€Ìæ â´ÌécÅU ¥ÙéÖßæð´ ·ð¤ ÎëcÅUæ´Ìæð´ ·¤æ S×ÚU‡æ ·¤ÚUÌð ãñ´ ¥æñÚU §â·ð¤ ÂçÚU‡ææ× ·ð¤ âæ×Ùð ¥æÙð ·¤è
¥Âðÿææ ÚU¹Ìð ãñ´Ð
·ê¤ÅU Ñ
(1) (A) ¥æñÚU (R) ÎæðÙæð´ âãè ãñ´ ¥æñÚU (R), (A) ·¤è âãè ÃØæØæ ãñÐ
(2) (A) ¥æñÚU (R) ÎæðÙæð´ âãè ãñ´, ÂÚ´UÌé (R), (A) ·¤è âãè ÃØæØæ Ùãè´ ãñÐ
(3) (A) âãè ãñ, Üðç·¤Ù (R) »ÜÌ ãñÐ
(4) (A) »ÜÌ ãñ, Üðç·¤Ù (R) âãè ãñÐ

42. âê¿è-I ·¤æð âê¿è-II ·ð¤ âæÍ âé×ðçÜÌ ·¤èçÁ° ÌÍæ çِÙçÜç¹Ì ·ê¤ÅUæð´ ·¤æ ÂýØæð» ·¤ÚUÌð ãé° âãè ©žæÚU ·¤æ ¿ØÙ
·¤èçÁ° Ñ
âê¿è-I âê¿è-II
(×æÂ) (àæÚUèÚUæ´»)
(a) §ü.°×.Áè. (i) ÂâèÙð ·¤è »ý´çÍØæ¡
(b) §ü.§ü.Áè. (ii) ¥æ§çÚUàæ
(c) Áè.°â.¥æÚU. (iii) ×æ¡â-ÂðçàæØæ¡
(d) ÂéÌÜèç×çÌ·¤æ (iv) ßË·é¤ÅUèØ Ì´ç˜æ·¤æ·¤æðàæ
·ê¤ÅU Ñ
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(1) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)
(2) (ii) (iii) (iv) (i)
(3) (iii) (iv) (i) (ii)
(4) (iv) (iii) (ii) (i)

D-0415 !D-0415-PAPER-II! 25 Paper-II

43. Read each of the following two statements - Assertion (A) and Reason (R) and indicate
your answer using the codes given below :

Assertion (A) : Value of h2 (heritability) derived for a particular population is not the correct
estimation for other populations.

Reason (R) : Different populations have similar genotypes but they experience different

Codes :

(1) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).

(2) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).

(3) (A) is true, but (R) is false.

(4) (A) is false, but (R) is true.

44. What is the correct sequence an auditory stimulus takes to reach the primary auditory
cortex ?

(1) Cochlear nuclei - Superior olive - Inferior colliculus - Medial geniculate nucleus

(2) Cochlear nuclei - Inferior colliculus - Superior olive - Medial geniculate nucleus

(3) Superior olive - Cochlear nuclei - Inferior colliculus - Medial geniculate nucleus

(4) Medial geniculate nucleus - Inferior colliculus - Superior olive - Cochlear nucleus

45. Read each of the following two statements - Assertion (A) and Reason (R) and indicate
your answer using the codes given below :

Assertion (A) : Non-equivalent control groups are often encountered in quasi-experimental


Reason (R) : Quasi-experimental designs are highly useful in policy and program
evaluation research.

Codes :

(1) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).

(2) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).

(3) (A) is true, but (R) is false.

(4) (A) is false, but (R) is true.

D-0415 !D-0415-PAPER-II! 26 Paper-II

43. çِÙçÜç¹Ì Îæð ·¤ÍÙæð´ - ¥çÖ·¤ÍÙ (A) ¥æñÚU Ì·ü¤ (R) ·¤æð Âçɸ° ¥æñÚU Ùè¿ð çΰ »° ·ê¤ÅUæð´ ·¤æ ©ÂØæð» ·¤ÚUÌð ãé°
¥ÂÙæ ©žæÚU ÎèçÁ° Ñ
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â×æÂÙ Ùãè´ ãñÐ
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(2) (A) ¥æñÚU (R) ÎæðÙæð´ âãè ãñ´, ÂÚ´UÌé (R), (A) ·¤è âãè ÃØæØæ Ùãè´ ãñÐ
(3) (A) âãè ãñ, Üðç·¤Ù (R) »ÜÌ ãñÐ
(4) (A) »ÜÌ ãñ, Üðç·¤Ù (R) âãè ãñÐ

44. ÂýæÍç×·¤ Ÿææßç‡æ·¤ ßË·é¤ÅU Ì·¤ Âãé¡¿Ùð ·ð¤ çÜ° Ÿææßç‡æ·¤ ©gèÂÙ ·¤æ âãè ·ý¤× €Øæ ãñ?
(1) ·¤æð¿çÜØÚU ‹Øê€Üð§ - âéÂèçÚUØÚU ¥æðçÜß - §ÙȤèçÚUØÚU ·¤æðçÜ·é¤Üâ - ×ðçÇUØÜ ÁðçÙ·é¤ÜðÅU ‹Øêç€Ü¥â
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45. çِÙçÜç¹Ì Îæð ·¤ÍÙæð´ - ¥çÖ·¤ÍÙ (A) ¥æñÚU Ì·ü¤ (R) ·¤æð Âçɸ° ¥æñÚU Ùè¿ð çΰ »° ·ê¤ÅUæð´ ·¤æ ©ÂØæð» ·¤ÚUÌð ãé° âãè
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(4) (A) »ÜÌ ãñ, Üðç·¤Ù (R) âãè ãñÐ

D-0415 !D-0415-PAPER-II! 27 Paper-II

Instruction for Q.Nos. 46 to 50 :

Read the following paragraph and answer the five questions which follow.

Paragraph : A psychometrician wanted to develop a new test of Abstract Thinking. He

prepared eighty items, presumably assessing abstract thinking. Each item had five alternative
answers, one of them being correct. The psychometrician carried out item analysis by using
item-remainder correlations. Item analysis retained sixty items. To examine internal
consistency among the items, inter-item correlations were inspected. Then the split-half
reliability coefficient, Kuder - Richardson reliability coefficient, and Cronbach’s alpha
coefficient were obtained for the sixty item test. The analysis yielded the Cronbach’s alpha
coefficient of 0.90. Since the test was fairly long and the alpha coefficient was also quite
high, an attempt was made to develop two short versions of equal length by randomly dividing
the test items. The 60 item version was, then, correlated with the already established abstract
reasoning test, using N5500. The correlation between the new and an established test was
0.24, significant at .01 level.

46. In the above context, which one of the following correlation should be computed to obtain
item-remainder correlations ?

(1) Point biserial correlation (2) Phi-coefficient

(3) Rank difference correlation (4) Tetrachoric correlation

47. Which one of the following statement would be true in the above context ?

(1) Kuder - Richardson reliability coefficient would also be .90, but the split-half reliability
coefficient may differ from .90.

(2) Split-half reliability coefficient would also be .90, but the Kuder - Richardson reliability
coefficient may differ from .90.

(3) Both Kuder - Richardson reliability coefficient and split-half reliability coefficient would
be .90.

(4) The correlation between odd and even parts of the test would be .90.

D-0415 !D-0415-PAPER-II! 28 Paper-II

Âýà٠ⴁØæ 46 âð 50 ·ð¤ çÜ° ¥ÙéÎðàæ Ñ

çِÙçÜç¹Ì ¥Ùé‘ÀðUÎ ·¤æð Âçɸ° ¥æñÚU ©â·ð¤ Ùè¿ð çΰ »° Âæ¡¿ ÂýàÙæ𴠷𤠩žæÚU ÎèçÁ° Ñ

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»é‡ææ´·¤ Âýæ# ç·¤° »°Ð çßàÜðá‡æ âð ·ý¤æòÙÕð·¤ ¥ËÈ¤æ »é‡ææ´·¤ 0.90 Âýæ# ãé¥æÐ ¿ê´ç·¤ ÂÚUèÿæ‡æ ·¤æȤè ܐÕæ Íæ ¥æñÚU
¥ËÈ¤æ »é‡ææ´·¤ ·¤æÈ¤è ¥çÏ·¤ Íæ §âçÜ° ÂÚUèÿæ‡æ ×Îæð´ ·¤æ ØæÎëç‘ÀU·¤ çßÖæÁÙ ·¤ÚU·ð¤ â×æÙ ÎñŠØü ·ð¤ Îæð ÀUæðÅðU â´S·¤ÚU‡æ
çß·¤çâÌ ·¤ÚUÙð ·¤æ ÂýØæâ ç·¤ØæР̈Âà¿æÌ 60 ×Î â´S·¤ÚU‡æ ·¤æð, N5500 ·¤æ ©ÂØæð» ·¤ÚUÌð ãé° ÂãÜð âð SÍæçÂÌ
¥×êÌü Ì·ü¤ ÂÚUèÿæ‡æ âð âãâ´Õh ç·¤Øæ »ØæÐ Ù° ¥æñÚU SÍæçÂÌ ÂÚUèÿæ‡æ ·ð¤ Õè¿ âãâ´Õ´Ï 0.24 Íæ, Áæð .01 SÌÚU ÂÚU
âæÍü·¤ ÍæÐ

46. ©ÂØüé€Ì â´ÎÖü ×ð´ çِÙçÜç¹Ì ×ð´ âð ç·¤â âãâ´Õ´Ï ·¤è »‡æÙæ ×Î ¥çÏàæðá âãâ´Õ´Ï Âýæç# ·ð¤ çÜ° ·¤è ÁæÙè ¿æçã°?

(1) çՋÎé çmŸæð‡æè âãâ´Õ´Ï (2) Ȥæ§ü-»é‡ææ´·¤

(3) ·¤æðçÅU çßÖðÎ âãâ´Õ´Ï (4) ¿Ìéc·¤æðcÆU âãâ´Õ´Ï

47. ©ÂØüé€Ì â´ÎÖü ×ð´ çِÙçÜç¹Ì ×ð´ âð ·¤æñÙ âæ ·¤ÍÙ âãè ãæð»æ?

(1) ·é¤ÇUÚU - çÚU¿ÇüUâÙ çßàßâÙèØÌæ »é‡ææ´·¤ Öè .90 ãæð»æ, ç·´¤Ìé ¹ç‡ÇUÌ-¥hü çßàßâÙèØÌæ »é‡ææ´·¤ .90 âð çÖóæ
ãæð â·¤Ìæ ãñÐ

(2) ¹ç‡ÇUÌ ¥hü çßàßâÙèØÌæ »é‡ææ´·¤ Öè .90 ãæð»æ, ç·´¤Ìé ·é¤ÇUÚU çÚU¿ÇüUâÙ çßàßâÙèØÌæ »é‡ææ´·¤ .90 âð çÖóæ ãæð
â·¤Ìæ ãñÐ

(3) ·é¤ÇUÚU çÚU¿ÇüUâÙ çßàßâÙèØÌæ »é‡ææ´·¤ ¥æñÚU ¹ç‡ÇUÌ ¥hü-çßàßâÙèØÌæ »é‡ææ´·¤ .90 ãæð»æÐ

(4) ÂÚUèÿæ‡æ ·ð¤ â× ¥æñÚU çßá× Öæ»æð´ ·ð¤ Õè¿ âãâ´Õ´Ï .90 ãæð»æÐ

D-0415 !D-0415-PAPER-II! 29 Paper-II

48. To obtain inter-item correlations, which one of the following correlation coefficient should
be used in the above analysis ?

(1) Biserial correlation (2) Point biserial correlation

(3) Phi-coefficient (4) Rank difference correlation

49. What is the expected Cronbach alpha for the short versions, referred to in the paragraph ?

(1) 0.45 (2) 0.67 (3) 0.82 (4) 0.90

50. Which one of the following conclusion can be drawn from the data provided above ?

The new Abstract Thinking Test has :

(1) Satisfactory convergent validity (2) Satisfactory divergent validity

(3) Satisfactory concurrent validity (4) Unsatisfactory concurrent validity


D-0415 !D-0415-PAPER-II! 30 Paper-II

48. ¥‹ÌÚU-×Î âãâ´Õ´Ï Âýæ# ·¤ÚUÙð ·ð¤ çÜ° ©ÂØüé€Ì çßàÜðá‡æ ×ð´ çِÙçÜç¹Ì ×ð´ âð ç·¤â âãâ´Õ´Ï ·¤æ ©ÂØæð» ·¤ÚUÙæ
(1) çmŸæð‡æè âãâ´Õ´Ï (2) çՋÎé-çmŸæð‡æè âãâ´Õ´Ï
(3) Ȥæ§ü »é‡ææ´·¤ (4) ·¤æðçÅU çßÖðÎ âãâ´Õ´Ï

49. ¥Ùé‘ÀðUÎ ×ð´ ©çËÜç¹Ì ܃æé â´S·¤ÚU‡æ ·ð¤ çÜ° ÂýˆØæçàæÌ ·ý¤æòÙÕð·¤ ¥ËÈ¤æ €Øæ ãñ?
(1) 0.45 (2) 0.67 (3) 0.82 (4) 0.90

50. ª¤ÂÚU çΰ »° ÂýΞæ âð €Øæ çÙc·¤áü çÙ·¤æÜæ Áæ â·¤Ìæ ãñ?

ÙØæ ×êÌü ç¿´ÌÙ ÂÚUèÿæ‡æ ×ð´ ãæðÌæ ãñ Ñ
(1) â´ÌæðáÁÙ·¤ ¥çÖâÚU·¤ ßñÏÌæ (2) â´ÌæðáÁÙ·¤ ¥ÂâÚU‡æ ßñÏÌæ
(3) â´ÌæðáÁÙ·¤ â×ßÌèü ßñÏÌæ (4) ¥â´ÌæðáÁÙ·¤ â×ßÌèü ßñÏÌæ


D-0415 !D-0415-PAPER-II! 31 Paper-II

Space For Rough Work

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