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Level 2 Workbook Unit 1

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1 Getting Acquainted
p r e v ie w

1 Look at the pictures. Write the correct greeting under each picture. U se words from the box.

bow hug kiss shake hands

1. 2. 3. 4.

2 Complete the conversation. Write the letter on the line.

A: You look familiar. Haven’t we met before? a. O f course! You work with Joan.
B: b. You, too. We should keep in touch.
A: A ren’t you from Canada? c. Not much. A ctually, I’m on my way to a class.
B: d. I don’t think so. I’m not from around here.
A: I know! I think we met at Joan’s house last month. e. Yes, I am. I’m from Vancouver.
A: Yes, that’s right. What have you been up to?
A: Well, it was nice to see you again.
A: That would be great. Here’s my card.

3 Read the conversation in Exercise 2 again. Circle the subjects the people talk about.
family religion job age weather nationality
4 When you meet someone new, what subjects do you talk about? Write a ✔ next to
the topics you usually talk about. Write an ✗ next to the topics you don’t like to talk about.

1. my family 4. my age 7. politics

2. my religion 5. my hometown or country 8 . my job
3. the weather 6. sports 9. other:

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5 Complete each sentence with the present perfect. U se contractions when possible.
1. A: any coffee today? B: Yes, two cups.
you / have I / have
2. A: to Europe? B: Yes, to Spain.
you / be we / be
3. A: this week? B: Yes, to the gym twice.
you / exercise I / go
4. A: any books lately? B: No, too busy.
you / read I / be

6 Complete the q uestions with the correct form of the verbs from the box.
U se each verb only once. Then write your own responses. When you answer yes,
add specific information, using the simple past tense.

be check eat meet see

1. “ Have you seen any good movies lately?”

Y O U Yes,I have.I saw Toy Story 3 last w eek.
2. “ Have you any famous people?”

3. “ Have you to Europe?”


4. “ Have you lunch today?”


5. “ Have you your e-mail today?”


7 Complete the conversation with the present perfect or the simple past tense.
U se contractions when possible.
Joe: this tour before? I hear it’s great.
1. you / take
Trish: Yes, I have. I to Russia with this group two years ago.
2. come
It a wonderful trip. here before?
3. be 4. you / be
Joe: Yes, I Moscow in 2012, but I much of the city.
5. visit 6. not / see
It a business trip. I’m really excited about this trip!
7. be
Trish: Me too. I the brochures several times last night. I can’t wait to see all
8. read
these places again. By the way, Peter, our tour guide?
9. you / meet
Joe: No, but I’d like to.

Trish: Come. I’ll introduce you.

2 UNIT 1

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8 Complete the sentences. Circle the correct words.
1. Have you visited the Louvre (yet / ever)?
2. I haven’t been to the opera (already / yet).
3. Who is she? I haven’t (ever / before) seen her.
4. Has Evan (yet / ever) tried ceviche (already / before)?
5. We’ve only been here one day, but we’ve (already / yet) taken a lot of pictures.
6. My parents have been to Italy (ever / before).
7. Has she (yet / ever) gone sightseeing in New York?
8 . Have they (already / before) seen the new Brad Pitt movie?

9 Complete the conversations. Write q uestions or answers

in the present perfect. U se already, yet, ever, or before.
1. A: ?
B: Yes, he has. G eorge went horseback riding last summer.

2. A: Have Ted and A lice already taken a tour of the Statue of Liberty?
B: No. They .

3. A: ?
B: Yes. I’ve been to London several times.

4. A: ?
B: No, but they plan to go to the top of Willis Tower tomorrow.

5. A: Has Lisa ever tried Turkish coffee?

B: Yes. She .

10 Look at Anne M arie and G ilbert’s to-do list for their vacation in Toronto. Anne M arie
has checked what they have already done.

 take a tour of the university

 meet Michel for dinner on
Spadina Avenue
visit the Bata Shoe Museum
 see a musical downtown
take a boat trip around Toronto Harbor
 go shopping at the Eaton Centre

Ge t t i n g Ac q u a i n t e d 3

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N ow finish Anne M arie’s postcard to her friend. Write what she and G ilbert have
already done and what they haven’t done yet. U se the present perfect.

Dear Agnes, Sunday, August 6

Gilbert and I are having a wonderful time in Toronto.

We’ve done so many things!

See you when we get back.

Anne Marie

11 Read the article on page 8 in the Student’s Book again. Answer the q uestions.
1. What is non-verbal communication?
2. What kind of handshakes do North A mericans expect?
3. O n how many hands do Chinese indicate the numbers one to ten?
4. What gesture means “ good-bye” i n southern Europe?
5. What advice does the article give?

12 Read the information about greetings in Asia. Then read the statements and
check true, false, or no information.

GETTING T he traditional greeting in Asia is a bow. In fact, there are different

types of bows used in greetings throughout Asia. For example, in
Japan, China, and Korea, people bow, but in Japan the bow is usually lower.
GREETINGS In India and nearby countries in South Asia, most people put their hands
together and bow just a little.

RIGHT While each Asian culture has its own traditional special greeting, these
days, don’t be surprised if people in Asia just shake your hand.

4 UNIT 1

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true false no information
1. People in China, Japan, and Korea bow when they
greet someone. £ £ £
2. In Korea, people usually bow lower than in Japan. £ £ £
3. In India, you shouldn’t touch the person you are greeting. £ £ £
4. People in many places in South A sia use a similar greeting. £ £ £

13 Complete the sentences about yourself.

1. In this country, the most common greeting is .
2. When I greet someone for the first time, I usually .
3. When I greet a family member or close friend, I usually .

History of the Handshake
Shaking hands was a way of making sure
that people were not carrying a weapon
such as a knife or sword. When you shook
hands, you were saying, “Look, I don’t have
a weapon. I trust you. Let’s be friends.”

14 Complete the chart. Write things you’ve done and things you haven’t done but would like to do.

T hings I’ve done Things I’d like to do

climb climb M t.Kilimanjaro climb M t.Everest

Things I’ve done Things I’d like to do

go sightseeing in
go to the top of
take a tour of

Ge t t i n g Ac q u a i n t e d 5

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15 CHALLENGE. Look at your experiences in Exercise 14. Write about three things you’ve done using
already or before. Describe each experience with a participial adjective.

I’ve already climbed M t.Kilimanjaro in Tanz ania.It w as thrilling!


N ow write about three things you haven’t done but would like to do. U se yet, have never, or
haven’t ever.



A Look at the answers. Write information q uestions, using the q uestion words in parentheses.

1. A: (Where) ?
B: He’s lived in Santiago, Budapest, and Kyoto.

2. A: (How) ?
B: It’s been great— sunny and warm every day!

3. A: (What) ?
B: Sophie has studied English, Spanish, and Japanese.

4. A: (Which) ?
B: They’ve gone to the Metropolitan Museum of A rt and the Museum of Modern A rt.

5. A: (How many) ?
B: She’s been to Paris three times.

6. A: (Who) ?
B: I’ve met Mr. Russ, Mr. Sherman, and Ms. Savidge.

B Rewrite each sentence, changing the placement of yet or already.

1. We’ve taken that tour already.
2. They haven’t yet climbed Mt. McK inley.
3. Has he eaten dinner already?
4. I’ve already gone sightseeing in Prague.
5. She hasn’t tried V ietnamese food yet.

6 UNIT 1

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C Complete the sentences. Circle the correct words.
1. Have you (yet / already) taken pictures of the City of
A rts and Sciences building?
2. Josefina hasn’t had her lunch (yet / already).
3. Ryan has finished college (yet / already).
4. Has Michelle (ever / before) been to G reece?
5. My parents have (ever / never) gone on a cruise.
6. I haven’t (ever / never) studied Italian.
7. Ruth has (ever / never) tried duck before.
8 . Simone is from Paris, but she’s never gone to the top City of A rts and Sciences— Valencia, Spain
of the Eiffel Tower (ever / before)!

D Think of a frightening, a thrilling, a fascinating, and a disgusting experience.

Write q uestions with ever.

1. frightening: Have you ever jumped out of an airplane?

1. frightening:
2. thrilling:
3. fascinating:
4. disgusting:

N ow write short answers to your q uestions.

1. 3.
2. 4.

E CHALLENGE. What are four things that you’ve never done? Write sentences
using the words in parentheses.
1. (never)
2. (not ever)
3. (never, before)
4. (never, ever)

Ge t t i n g Ac q u a i n t e d 7

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A Read the run-on sentences. Write each sentence correctly. Separate the independent clauses
with a period or combine them with a coordinating conjunction, such as and or but.
1. My parents went on a cruise to the Bahamas they haven’t been to Bermuda yet.

2. I’ve been to the top of the CN Tower, the view is amazing.

3. They went skiing in the Himalayas, the trip was thrilling.

4. I’ve tried snails before they were disgusting.

5. Devin has never traveled to continental Europe he has visited Ireland before.

6. We have met before we were on the same sightseeing tour yesterday.

7. He’s from Russia, he has studied English, he would like to learn Mandarin.

B Look at Exercise C on page 11 in the Student’s Book. On a separate sheet of paper, write
your partner’s experience. Describe what happened, where your partner was, who your
partner was with, and how he or she felt.

C After you write about your partner’s experience in Exercise B, check to see if you have
written any run-on sentences. Be sure to use a period to separate the independent
clauses or use connecting words to combine them.

8 UNIT 1

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