Soft Decision Feedback Equalization For Pre-Coded Fir-Mimo Systems
Soft Decision Feedback Equalization For Pre-Coded Fir-Mimo Systems
Soft Decision Feedback Equalization For Pre-Coded Fir-Mimo Systems
Zhi Tian
coefficients in the channel response, with L being the chan- Covfb e jy~ g
Ri = i i
nel memory length. For block processing, we group the in- X
put time-serial b(n) into blocks of size N and define the k th = 4j (1 j )ej eTj + Rv~v~ (5)
transmitted block to be b k = [b(kN ); ; b(kN + N 1)]T . j 6=
gi )T Ri 1 (bi ei
1 (b e
To eliminate the inter-block interference, a zero-padding pre- exp 2 gi )
P r(bi ei jy
i i
~) =
(2 )N=2 jRi j1=2
coder can be used to insert guarding bits between successive (6)
data blocks. To do so, let s k = Pbk , where a guard-inserting P r(ei jy
= exp 2giT Ri 1 ei : (7)
i ~)
matrix P = [ITN 0T(K N )N ]T is constructed by choosing 1 i P r( ei jy~)
K N + L. The vector s k is a block of K symbols to
be transmitted over the channel, resulting in a received data Decision on bi can be made from i accordingly. This ap-
block yk = [y (kK ); ; y (kK+K 1)]T . The input-output proach is summarized into the following procedure for soft-
model of the block transmission system with ZP precoding decision DFE:
is given by [7]
yk = Hbk + vk ; (1) SISO-SDFE:
where H 2 RK N is a tall Toeplitz matrix made from h. 1. Initialize the probabilities as j = 0:5; j = 1; ; N .
We assume that the noise vector v k has zero mean and tem-
2. For i = 1 : N , update g i and Ri from (4) and (5), and
poral covariance R vv . In this model, ISI only exists inside
update i based on (7) as follows:
each transmitted block, and does not propagate to adjacent
blocks. This enables the use of block-by-block processing 1
i = 1 :
1 + exp 2giT Ri 1 ei
without loss of optimality, at the expense of transmission re- (8)
dundancy. We will henceforth drop the block index k for
notational simplicity.
3. Repeat (2) if necessary until all i converge.
To construct a soft-decision feedback equalizer (SDFE),
we first perform a zero-forcing (ZF) operation on the re- 4. Make decisions on the block of symbols by
ceived block sequence y to obtain:
1; i 0:5
^bi = i = 1; ; N:
y~ = H+ y = b + H+ v; (2) 1; i < 0:5;
where H+ denotes the Moore-Penrose psuedo-inverse of the Refinements discussed in [5] can be used to reduce the
channel matrix H, which is guaranteed to be invertible due computational cost of the above procedure. The overall com-
to the ZP precoding. Similar to [5], we write y
~ as plexity of SISO-SDFE is on the order of O(N 3 ).
y~ = bi ei + bj ej + v
~; (3) 3. MIMO SDFE
j =1 6=
;j i
antenna. Accordingly, the number of inputs is determined by Joint SDFE/SDFD for FIR-MIMO channels:
the number of transmit antennas and the number of multiple
access users as well. For convenience, we make no distinc- The same as SISO-SDFE, except that (1) is replaced by (10),
tion among the three terms inputs, transmit antennas, and and N is enlarged to N N i .
Similar to Section 2, a zero-padding precoder is employed 3.2. SDFE with nulling-canceling MUD
at each input. The channel response matrix between the sym-
bol block at the ith input and the j th output takes the same When multiple antennas are employed for high data-rate trans-
form as the H matrix in (1), with each element denoted by missions, the number of transmit and receive antennas N i
h(i;j ) (l), l = 0; 1; ; L, where L is the maximum length and No could be large. In [8], a MIMO system with a wire-
of all the No Ni channel impulse responses. Each element in less spectral efficiency higher than 20 bps/Hz is demonstrated
(1) is then augmented into a block element, that is, y (i) and using Ni = 8 and No = 12. In such applications, complex-
b(i) are augmented into y(i) = [y (1) (i); ; y (No ) (i)]T 2
ity is heavily dependent on the multiuser detection schemes
2. Recursion: 3.3. SDFD with hard-decision DFE
(a) User ordering: In MIMO system setups where the block size N is signifi-
cantly greater than the number of transmit and receive anten-
ki = arg min
2f 1
j= k ; ;ki 1g
jj(G ) jj2 :
i j (13) nas, the computational task on multiuser detection becomes
less stringent than block equalization. For such cases, we
may combine soft-decision feedback detection (SDFD) with
(b) Nulling: the conventional hard-decision feedback
equalizers. The over-
all complexity is now O N 2 Ni3 .
wki = (Gi )ki ; (14) Both zero-forcing and MMSE based hard-decision feed-
Wki = IN
wki ; (15) back equalization can be used. The following gives a hybrid
rki = Wki y~ i 2 RN 1 :
solution using hard-decision ZF-DFE and the soft-decision
PDA [5] method for MUD. It takes advantage of the block
Toeplitz structure of the MIMO channel matrix in (11).
(c) SISO-SDFE: note that r ki contains signal com-
ponents from the k i th transmitter only, SDFD-MUD with ZF-DFE for FIR-MIMO channels:
rki = el b(l ki ) + ej b(jki ) + v~ ;
For n = 1 : N
j =1 6=
;j l 1. Hard-decision feedback equalization of previously de-
tected symbols of all users:
where Rv~v~ = Wki TRvv TH WkTi .
y(n) X1
Apply Steps 1-4 of SISO-SDFE to Eqn. (17) to y (n) = H(m;n) b^ (m): (20)
(k )
obtain ^bj i , j = 1; ; N . m =1
(d) Cancellation: With correct past decisions, y
(n) = H(0)b(n)+v(n).
y~ i+1 = y~ i )(j 1) +
Ni ki ; (18) mitted at the nth time, starting with a preprocessor:
j =1
H+ (0)y(n) = b(n) + v~ (n):
Gi+1 = H+
(>ki ) (0); (19) y~ (n) = (21)
i = i + 1:
Apply Steps 1-4 of SISO-SDFE to (21) to obtain the
^ (n) = [^b(1) (n); ; ^b(Ni ) (n)]T .
Ni 1 symbol vector b
As in [8], fk1 ; ; kNi g denotes a permutation of the in-
tegers 1; ; Ni specifying the order in which components End n.
of the transmitted symbol vector b (i) are to be processed,
(Gi )j is the j th row of Gi , (H )ki denotes the ki th column
of H, and H(>ki ) denotes the matrix obtained by zeroing
columns k1 ; ; ki of H. In the first example, we consider a single-user FIR fading
channel with a symbol-spaced memory length of L = 4.
Some observations on the NC-MUD/SDFE algorithm are Each FIR tap coefficient is Rayleigh faded. It is assumed to
in order: remain constant over each block of N = 12 symbols, but is
allowed to change from block to block. SISO-SDFE is com-
Structurally, NC-MUD blends with SISO-SDFE nicely. pared against the conventional zero-forcing hard-decision feed-
After the zero-forcing nulling in Step 2(b), the vec- back equalizer (DFE), zero-forcing linear filter (ZF-only),
tor rki happens to possess the “decorrelated structure” and the optimal ML detector implemented using the sphere
(17) required by the ensuing SISO-SDFE processor. decoding algorithm [9]. The BER performance versus signal-
to-noise ratio (SNR) of these receivers is depicted in Figure
Due to the preprocessing step (12), the structure of the 1. It is shown that the performance of SISO-SDFE is close
noise covariance matrix is changed and the ordering to that of sphere decoded ML. The performance gap is negli-
algorithm in Step 2(a) is no longer optimal. Refine- gible in the low SNR region, but becomes more pronounced
ments through noise whitening or other optimized user for high SNRs. The hard-decision based DFE and ZF re-
ordering criteria must be devised in order to improve ceivers are computationally simple (O(N 2 )), but suffer from
the detection performance. approximately 2 to 4 dB performance losses.
0 0
10 10
−1 −1
10 10
−2 −2
10 10
−4 −4
10 10
0 5 10 15 20 −8 −6 −4 −2 0 2 4 6 8 10
SNR (dB) SNR (dB)