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Vegan Lunch Box

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“Jennifer McCann’s cookbook makes vegan cooking accessible and fun.

It’s informative but not stuffy, detailed yet concise, and the recipes are
creative without being difficult. There are so many delicious, well put to-
gether options here, it’s not only perfect for kids but for anyone who ever
eats lunch!”
—Isa Chandra Moskowitz, author of VEGANOMICON

“Being a vegan kid just got a lot easier! The menus in Vegan Lunch
Lunch Box
make it easy to plan a balanced and nutritious lunch for your kids (or your-
self!). The variety alone makes it worth having.”
—Erin Pavlina, author of

“Destined to become a classic, this is the book vegan parents have been
waiting for. And who knew? A vegan mom started a blog describing the
lunches she made for her son for one school year, and it won the 2006
Bloggie Award for “Best Food Blog” (NOT “best VEGETARIAN food blog,” but
“Best Food Blog,” period!). It inspired, delighted, and motivated not only
vegan parents, but omnivores bored with their own lackluster lunches.
This book will continue delighting with recipes that are as innovative, kid-
pleasing, and healthful as they are delicious.”
—Bryanna Clark Grogan, author of NONNA’S ITALIAN KITCHEN
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Lunch Box 
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Lunch Box
150 Amazing, Animal-Free Lunches
Kids and Grown-Ups Will Love!

Jennifer McCann

A Member of the Perseus Books Group

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Many of the designations used by manufacturers and sellers to

distinguish their products are claimed as trademarks. Where those
designations appear in this book and Da Capo Press was
aware of a trademark claim, the designations have
been printed in initial capital letters.

Copyright © 2008 by Jennifer McCann

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced,

stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or
by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording,
or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher.
Printed in the United States of America.

Photographs © Greg McCann

Designed by Trish Wilkinson

Set in 12 point Goudy by the Perseus Books Group

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

McCann, Jennifer.
Vegan lunch box : 150 amazing, animal-free lunches kids and grown-ups
will love! / Jennifer McCann. — 1st Da Capo Press ed.
p. cm.
Includes index.
ISBN 978-1-60094-072-9 (alk. paper)
1. Vegan cookery. 2. Lunchbox cookery. I. Title.
TX837.M463 2008
641.5'636—dc22 2008004700

First Da Capo Press edition 2008

Published by Da Capo Press

A Member of the Perseus Books Group

Da Capo Press books are available at special discounts for bulk

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“Give children a healthy dose of the truth, and I

believe most of them will hop, skip, and jump over
to the side of the angels and never look back.”
Howard Lyman, NO MORE BULL!
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THANKS . . .
To all the visitors to the Vegan Lunch Box blog—everyone who
left behind a kind word, voted for me, tested recipes, and asked me
to be their mom (okay, now go clean your room).
To my friends Elizabeth Schroeder, Linda Frederick, and Chelee
Ellis for recipe testing; Martie Sahuc for inspiring me with her story;
Joshua Ploeg for the Satya gig; Renee Pottle for your wisdom, help,
and inspiration. To Dione Ruff-Sloan, Tina Stephenson, Amy Ny-
lund, and Candace d’Obrenovic for their contributions.
To Erik Marcus, Erin Pavlina, and Dreena Burton, for your men-
toring and advice, and for all the vital work you do. To PETA for the
Proggy Award and VegNews for the Veg Webby Award.
Very special thanks to Diane Molleson for all her help.
To my whole family: with love to my husband, Greg, for his pho-
tography, advice, support, encouragement, and for putting up with
me; to my mom, Susan Moore, for teaching me to cook with love, and
to Ted Moore for all the asparagus; to my dad, David Andrews, for

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desert hikes and Adobe advice, and to Wilma Andrews for her spirit;
to my aunt, Julie Adamson, for teaching me to love sushi; and to my
sister-in-law Rachel Andrews, for stuffed peppers and recipe testing.
. . . and most of all, to my son, James Henry. Thanks for being
such a good eater.

x Acknowledgments
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Foreword by Erik Marcus xiii

Introduction xvii
How to Use This Book xxi

Part One

1 Quick and Easy 3

Start with menus that are fast, simple, and convenient.

2 Rise and Shine 17

Lunch menus for those mornings when you have more
time to make it great.

3 Ready and Waiting 27

Fix these dishes the night before, and lunch will be ready
and waiting in the morning.
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4 Lunch Box Adventure 41

Fun, exotic menus from around the world.

5 Special Occasions 53
Special lunches for special days, from holidays and
birthdays to graduation.

P a r t Tw o

6 Appetizers and Snacks 65

7 Salads and Dressings 91

8 Dips, Sauces, and Spreads 105

9 Soups and Stews 113

10 Sandwiches 127

11 Mains 143

12 Veggie and Bean Sides 189

13 Breads and Muffins 207

14 Desserts 231

15 Beverages 257

Recommended Resources 261

Allergen-Free Index 265
Index 271

xii Contents
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 Foreword by Erik Marcus

No matter how good a mother’s intentions, it will often seem that

the world doesn’t want children to be vegan. From birthday parties
to day camp outings, being a child in America means being offered
animal products dozens of times each year. And of all the hazards
facing the vegan child, none compares to what happens every day
during the school lunch period.
School cafeterias are enemy territory to vegetarian and vegan
kids. Nearly all these cafeterias serve as the dumping grounds for the
commodity meat and dairy products purchased by the USDA’s price
support program. What’s worse, meat industry lobbyists have suc-
ceeded in shaping the National School Lunch Program’s nutritional
guidelines, so that protein requirements and saturated fat allowances
are kept unreasonably high. In consequence, most school cafeterias
serve meals that resemble some Frankensteinian mishmash of all the
worst foods McDonald’s, Taco Bell, and Long John Silver’s have to
offer. Breaded nuggets and french fries, anyone?

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This insanely unhealthy system seems destined to crumble within

the next generation, but that’s little comfort to vegan mothers whose
children are starting school today. It was in exactly this situation that
Jennifer McCann found herself back in 2005. Her seven-year-old
son, James, was starting the first grade. Soon, every afternoon, he
would find himself in the school cafeteria watching his friends and
classmates devour cheeseburgers, pizza, and fried chicken. What
could Jennifer send her son to school with each day that would en-
sure he wouldn’t feel tempted to eat like the other kids?
The answer: give James a lunch that is better—much better—than
anything served to his classmates. And by better, I don’t simply mean
healthier—I mean better in every respect. Every school day, Jennifer
cooks up a miniature four-course meal that trumps the cafeteria’s of-
ferings in terms of flavor, color, texture, creativity, and especially
love. She packages these meals in snazzy, Japanese-style bento lunch-
boxes and also frequently relies on a Thermos for soups, sauces, and
cold drinks.
Every mother must worry that, by not eating like other kids, their
children will be isolated and even ridiculed for their diet. But James’s
lunches have made him anything but a pariah. His classmates know
great-looking food when they see it, and so his lunches have made
James the envy of his school.
Appreciation for James’s lunches extends well beyond the walls of
his cafeteria. In 2005, Jennifer started her blog at veganlunchbox
.com. And with that, James has become not just the envy of his fel-
low first graders but the poster boy for an international audience of
thousands of kids, parents, and other lovers of great food. Each school
day, Jennifer posts a photo of her latest offering, complete with write-
up, cooking summary, and notes on what James ate, didn’t eat, loved,
hated, or merely tolerated. Based on James’s evaluations, Jennifer
awards each meal from one to five stars. Every recipe in this book has
been rated five stars—certification of absolute James approval.

xiv Foreword by Erik Marcus

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If it sounds like, over the course of each school year, James sam-
ples hundreds of different foods, well, that’s absolutely correct.
Where a typical seven-year-old might think a corn dog exemplifies
gourmet creativity, little James has already experienced vastly more
foods than a typical American eats in an entire lifetime. He’s dined
on Mexican flautas, Japanese vegan sushi, Irish stew, and a seem-
ingly unending variety of other foods. As you can see, James has ab-
solutely no cause to feel left out when the lunch bell rings each
day—rather, it’s his classmates who are envious.
James’s lunches help to illustrate exactly what’s gone wrong with
the National School Lunch Program, and how this dire situation
could quickly be remedied. We would never tolerate an elementary
school that failed to teach its students to read, to add and subtract,
and to know something of history and geography. But in most Amer-
ican schools, the learning stops when the lunch bell rings. Upon
shuffling into the cafeteria, students are expected to eat a limited se-
lection of unimaginative foods day after day after day. Probably the
most pernicious aspect of the National School Lunch Program isn’t
the myriad shortcomings of the food, but rather its uncanny knack
for pushing even the brightest and most curious students into ac-
cepting, and then expecting, repetitive and uncreative meals.
By the time I finished high school, there were scarcely two dozen
foods I regularly ate—and nearly all these foods were loaded with
meat and dairy products. Jennifer was not going to let this happen to
her son, and the daily lunches she fixes have made all the difference.
Say words like “falafel,” “roti,” “penne,” or “pad thai” to most seven-
year-olds, and you’ll be asked what language you’re speaking. But to
James, foods like these are all in a day’s eating.
If you’re a regular visitor to veganlunchbox.com, you know what
it’s like to continually wish you could reach into your computer dis-
play and pull out the day’s featured meal. This book goes a step fur-
ther, giving you the keys to James’s lunchtime kingdom—complete

Foreword by Erik Marcus xv

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recipes for dozens of his very favorite five-star meals. Make any one
of these meals and you’re bound to agree that these are all recipes
worth going to school for.

Erik Marcus is the host of the Vegan.com podcast and the author of Meat
Market: Animals, Ethics, and Money.

xvi Foreword by Erik Marcus

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I first became vegetarian at age fifteen after reading my mother’s old,

worn copy of the cookbook Laurel’s Kitchen. I made the change for
myself, for the earth, and for that “glossy black calf on its way to the
slaughterhouse” that the book was so touchingly dedicated to.
After carefully studying their nutrition guidelines, I transformed
myself from a teenager whose idea of a good lunch was a package of
chocolate cupcakes and a jumbo cola (really), into someone who
begged mom for special trips to the health food store. I tried my
hand in the kitchen with mixed results (my first experience with
tofu was less than stellar). I started baking 100 percent whole wheat
bread—wrinkled, fragrant loaves that had the density and heft of
wholegrain bricks.
But now that I was a vegetarian, I had to start packing my own
lunch. Into my brown paper bag went a peanut butter and honey
sandwich on inch-thick slices of extremely heavy whole wheat, an
apple, and some carrot sticks. That was it—my lunch every after-
noon for an entire school year.

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Sure, it was a bit monotonous, even a bit grim at times. But I was
determined that if this was what I had to do to save the animals, I
would do it. I chewed away stoically on my sandwich, unaware of
the world of bright and exciting vegetarian foods that awaited me in
the future.
Over the years, I moved gradually from vegetarian to vegan. My
love of the kitchen grew stronger and more passionate, and my cook-
ing repertoire expanded considerably. Happily, my baking skills also
improved (see page 220 for the bread that won me the coveted “Su-
perintendent’s Choice” award at our local county fair).
The summer my son turned seven and started preparing for first
grade, I revisited the idea of packed lunches. I looked back on those
peanut butter, carrot, and apple lunch bags, then down at my young
son’s head. There was no way he was going to put up with nothing but
PB&J every afternoon for the next twelve years! There had to be
more out there for vegan school kids.
I looked in every kid-friendly cookbook I could get my hands on.
Some of the suggestions were great, but most of the “healthy” lunch
ideas involved meat, cheese sticks, and hard-boiled eggs. That wasn’t
going to cut it for us.
Running out of inspiration there, I turned to the expert. “What do
you want in your lunch on the first day of school?” I asked my son.
“Sushi!” he said.
I was both startled and thrilled. Sushi!?! How cool! It was light-
years ahead of my own ideas.
From then on, I started keeping notes on various well-balanced
lunch menus as they occurred to me. Soon I realized that not only
did I have enough ideas to keep his meals healthy, well-balanced,
and fun, but perhaps other vegan parents (or anyone trying to pack
interesting, healthy lunches for themselves and their families) would
also benefit from exploring these possibilities with me.
Thus, Vegan Lunch Box was born!

xviii Introduction
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This book is filled with menus, recipes, suggestions, and ideas I have
put to the test over the course of my son’s first school year and on my
Vegan Lunch Box blog. It has been shaped by my successes and even
more importantly by my mistakes and by the many friends, blog
readers, and fellow parents who shared their ideas and lunchtime
tales with me.
It is my hope that this book will inspire you to create fabulous,
healthy, well-balanced meals for your children. These menus are the
perfect place to start building your own repertoire of school lunches
your kids love. Knowing that you have packed them a lunch filled
with the best in nutrition and with foods that they really enjoy will
give you peace of mind during those long hours while they are away
from home.
All the foods you will find in this book are 100 percent vegan.
That means they contain no animal products of any kind—no meat,
no dairy, no fish, no eggs, and no honey. This makes every lunch
suitable for vegans and vegetarians, and for those with food allergies
to fish, shellfish, dairy, or eggs. Many of the recipes are also free of
other common allergens, such as soy, wheat, gluten, peanuts, and
tree nuts (see the Allergen-Free Index on page 265).
Finally, don’t forget the grown-ups in your life, including you!
These menus are perfect for any adult who must eat away from home
each day. Most parents also work outside the home, and dining out
each afternoon can be expensive. When packing your child’s lunch,
make another one for yourself. You’ll be saving money and time
while eating a wonderful meal and will share a special connection to
your child during the workday, when you both pull out your amazing
vegan lunch boxes.
Happy eating!

P.S. Don’t forget to check out the archives at the Vegan Lunch Box
blog (www.veganlunchbox.com) for even more lunch ideas. You’ll

Introduction xix
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find a picture of every lunch I packed for my son during his first year
of school (including pictures for most of the menus listed here).
Each lunch includes a description, commentary, and success rating,
along with helpful suggestions, occasional recipes, cookbook recom-
mendations, and comments from readers. Don’t miss it!

xx Introduction
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 How to Use This Book

This book is divided into two parts: part 1, “The Lunch Menus,” and
part 2, “The Recipes.” Each lunch box menu has been designed to
offer a complete, well-balanced meal. I’ve tried to incorporate each
of the following into every menu:

• Whole Grains. These are an excellent source of healthy complex

carbohydrates, the perfect energy to fuel our bodies and get us
through the day. This category includes not only whole wheat but
also oats, barley, spelt, brown rice, quinoa, and even popcorn!
• Protein. Good vegan sources of protein include beans and le-
gumes, soy products such as tofu, tempeh, edamame, soymilk, and
yogurt, meat analogues such as veggie burgers, deli slices, chicken-
less nuggets, etc., nuts and seeds (also good sources of healthy
fats); and wheat gluten (seitan). Of course, protein is present to
some extent in almost every food we eat.
• Fruit. Fresh, canned, dried, or thawed frozen fruit provide a
wealth of vitamins and antioxidants.

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• Vegetables. Fresh, canned, or cooked frozen veggies are a great

addition to every lunch box and every meal. Offer a rainbow of
colors each day—red tomatoes, orange pumpkin, green broccoli,
purple cabbage—to provide your family with an enormous variety
of health-protecting vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.
• Calcium. Fortified juices and nondairy milks, soy yogurt, calcium-
set tofu, almonds, kale, collards, broccoli, quinoa, figs, blackstrap
molasses, and beans are just some of the good vegan sources of
calcium you’ll find here.
• Dessert! What kid doesn’t appreciate just a bit of something
sweet or fun to complete the meal? Throughout the book, you’ll
find recipes for homemade treats interspersed with examples of
packaged vegan goodies available in grocery and health food
stores. For more on dessert, see “Sweets and Treats” (page 231).

When trying these menus, feel free to make substitutions using what
your children will eat or what you have on hand. If your children
won’t eat sweet potatoes, for example, substitute another orange
vegetable like baby carrots. If they don’t like kiwi fruit, how about
some organic strawberries instead? Talk it over with your children
and find out what they will eat.

W H AT ’ S T O D R I N K ?
Regarding beverages, don’t forget to include lots of the best thirst-
quencher of all: water. Bottles of water can even be frozen and used
as ice packs in the lunch box; by lunchtime, they will have thawed
enough to drink. Calcium-fortified nondairy milks and juices are
also good choices.

xxii How to Use This Book

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The lunch box you see in the pictures (insert) is the Laptop Lunch System
from Obentec in Santa Cruz, California. We love it! This fun, bento-
inspired lunch box comes with removable containers in different sizes and
colors and features a space for a fork and spoon. One of the larger con-

tainers has a lid to hold wet foods like applesauce or soy yogurt, and the
set also comes with a tiny lidded container for things like dressing and
dip. The other containers simply go into the lunch box without lids and
the cover of the lunch box acts as a lid to hold them in place. Usually this
is enough, but if I’m packing something very small, like peas and corn, I
will cover the inner container with plastic wrap or foil just to be safe.
The entire lunch box then slips into an insulated carrying case with
room for a Beverage container and an ice pack.
The Laptop Lunch System is available at www.laptoplunches.com or by
phone at (831) 457-0301.

How to Use This Book xxiii

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Part One
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Let’s start with menus that are fast and simple! This chapter is a
great place to go if you are just learning to cook or don’t have much
time in the morning. Suggestions are included for convenient, store-
bought snacks that can be easily tossed into the lunch box. If pre-
packaged isn’t your thing, plan ahead to have individual serving-size
bags of these cookies or muffins at the ready in your freezer.


Lunch Nibbles (see below)

Easy Potato Salad (page 96)
Back-to-School Chocolate Chip Cookies (page 232)
Beverage: Fortified nondairy milk

If you’ve been in an elementary school or mainstream supermarket

lately, chances are you know all about this popular prepackaged
lunch: processed cheese and deli meat are cut into little circles and

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served up on a plastic tray with just enough crackers to make a per-

fectly matched set of little cracker sandwiches. It’s a great marketing
concept with a lot of kid appeal, but you know from looking at the
ingredients that there is nothing in this little lunch that you want
children putting in their mouths!
So stick it to the man and make your own healthy vegan version,
Lunch Nibbles: Cut circular shapes out of vegan deli slices (bolo-
gna, turkey, ham, salami, and so on) and/or vegan cheese slices using
cookie cutters. Pair them with some savory rice crackers (smoked
almond rice crackers are especially nice). Your child will be assem-
bling cracker sandwiches with the best of them!


Save the scraps of deli slices and cheese left over
after making Lunch Nibbles to dice and sprinkle on
soup, salad, or noodles later.


Tortilla Roll-Ups (page 138)

Salsa for dipping
Jicama sticks
Apple slices
Beverage: Horchata (see below)

A Mexican-inspired menu with some fun foods that may be new

to you:
Jicama (HE-kuh-muh) is a round, brown tuber that is available in
the produce section. Peel off the outer skin and cut the sweet white


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Some vegan kids don’t care what others at school think about their lunch.
They enjoy their meal regardless of what everyone else is eating (in fact, if
they’re lifelong vegans and healthy eaters they may even feel grossed out
by what the other kids are eating). They’re confident in the knowledge
that what they’re doing is right, kind, nutritious, and delicious, no matter
what others may say.
For the rest of us mere mortals, however, peer pressure can have a signifi-
cant impact on what our kids want to eat at school. Some children want

nothing more than to fit in, look just like everyone else, and call absolutely
no attention to themselves. That’s where “fake meats” and many of the
simple menus in this “Quick and Easy” chapter will help. Are all your child’s
peers eating nothing but turkey sandwiches and yogurt, and she or he des-
perately wants to join them? No problem—that’s what vegan turkey slices
and soy yogurt were born to do.
Matching what your child is eating to what is being served in the school
cafeteria is another idea. See if you can get a copy of the cafeteria calendar.
Is the school lunchroom serving hot dogs every Wednesday? Try sending
Pups in Blankets (see page 167) or a veggie dog in a bun that day. Spa-
ghetti and meatballs every Friday? Turn to page 159 for a recipe for pasta
with Lentil-Rice Balls, a dish that will fit in quite nicely. You get the idea.
But perhaps your kid is the kind who enjoys a bit of attention, especially
if that attention is in the form of the envy of their peers. Who can help but

feel jealous when they see these amazing, colorful, well-balanced, exciting
lunches, so obviously made by hand with great love? Check out the fun
gourmet and exotic lunch menus in following chapters for the student who
gets a kick out of showing off his or her vegan stuff.
Whatever your child’s style, it’s important to respect it. Communicate with
them about what they want and pack them lunches in their style. Lunchtime
should be something that they look forward to, both for the food and for
the free time with their friends. And speaking of friends, sending a batch of
Back-to-School Chocolate Chip Cookies (page 232) or Triple Chocolate
Cupcakes (page 253) for your child to share doesn’t hurt, either!

Quick and Easy 5

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flesh into slices or spears. Eaten raw, it tastes something like a cross
between an apple and a potato. Look for smooth-skinned, small ji-
cama; the smaller ones are usually the sweetest.
Horchata is a traditional Mexican beverage made from sweet
cinnamon-flavored rice milk. Rice Dream has recently come out with
an all-natural version that’s available in aseptic containers in the
nondairy section of natural food stores.


Place apple slices in a small bowl and cover them with

orange juice or natural citrus soda. Let them soak
briefly then lift the slices out and shake them off.
Pack in an airtight container or plastic bag. The citrus
will keep the apples from turning brown before
lunchtime arrives!


Nut Butter and Jelly Cutouts (page 133)

A baby banana
Carrot and celery sticks
Easy Ranch Dip (page 106)
Beverage: Cultured soy smoothie

Put a fun new twist on good ol’ PB&J with some cookie cutters! Add
a mini banana and some veggie sticks with ranch dip, and you have
a classic kid’s lunch combination.
Baby bananas are becoming more widely available in American
supermarkets and are a perfect fit for the lunch box. These pint-sized
beauties are a natural banana variety that grows to about half the


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size of a regular banana. Look for them next to the regular bananas
in the produce section. And here’s an interesting tip: they peel best
from the bottom.
Cultured soy smoothies (like Silk Live! and WholeSoy & Co.) are
a sweet, easy way to boost your child’s nutrition at lunchtime. They
are fortified with calcium, rich in soy protein, and contain the live ac-
tive cultures that make yogurt so good for your intestinal well-being.


Check with your children’s school before sending

them in with anything containing peanuts or
peanut butter—some children are deathly allergic.
If your child can’t take peanuts to school, try re-
placing peanut butter with other butters such as
cashew, almond, sunflower seed, or soy nut.


Pups in Blankets (page 167)

Ketchup or mustard
Kiwi fruit
Cooked frozen vegetables
Two crème-filled sandwich cookies
Beverage: Fortified nondairy milk

A good choice for those days when your child’s school cafeteria is
featuring corn dogs. These soy pups are rolled and baked in a deli-
cious blanket of dough—no pigs in here!
Cooked frozen vegetables like peas, carrots, and corn are a con-
venient way to add vegetables to your child’s meals. Cook according

Quick and Easy 7

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to package directions, drain well, and pack in a sealed container.

Don’t worry about the temperature; most children adapt to eating
cold veggies without complaint and may even prefer them (think of
the cold peas and beans you find at salad bars).
On the side is a sweet kiwi fruit. Did you know that one kiwi fruit
has over 100 percent of your vitamin C for the day? Peel off the fuzzy
skin with a paring knife and cut it into wedges or slices, or try eating
it a different way: Cut the kiwi in half without peeling and scoop out
the flesh with a spoon.
A surprising number of crème-filled sandwich cookies are vegan.
Even several varieties of Oreos are now vegan! Look for organic va-
rieties like Newman’s Own in the health food section of the super-
market. Always check the ingredients on the label to be sure.


Mini bagels with vegan cream cheese

Green Beans and Carrots in a Tarragon Vinaigrette (page 98)
Red grapes
Animal crackers or alphabet cookies

Another simple, satisfying lunch that’s easy to throw together on a

hurried morning. But even though it’s fast, it’s still filled with fresh
fruit, fresh green and orange vegetables, and healthy fats and pro-
teins from nuts, seeds, and soy.
Mini bagels, available in most supermarkets, are the perfect size
for little hands and mouths and fit nicely in a lunch box container.
Younger children with smaller appetites may find one mini bagel
suits them well. Throw in two or three for those with a bigger
Vegan cream cheese is available in the refrigerated section of
most health food stores and many supermarkets. Tofutti “Better


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Than Cream Cheese” and WholeSoy are two common brands. Look
for plain vegan cream cheese or flavors like chive, garlic, vegetable,
or berry.
Several brands of animal crackers and alphabet cookies are ve-
gan (always check the ingredients to make sure). Newman’s Own
Organic Chocolate Alphabet Cookies and Barbara’s Bakery Snacki-
mals are two to look for. If using alphabet cookies, sort through and
find the letters of your child’s name or some other special word for
them to puzzle out at lunchtime.


Vegan Deli Slice Roll-Ups (page 139)

Corn Tires (see below)
Melon balls
Pumpkin Carob Chip Muffins (page 214)

Vegan Deli Slice Roll-Ups are a big hit in our household. They are
filling, high in protein, and easy to eat with the fingers, making them
ideal for kids with limited lunch time. Alongside the roll-ups, a
whole-grain pumpkin muffin is both a treat and a clever way to
sneak in a serving of orange vegetables and ground flaxseed.
Corn Tires are little circular slices of corn-on-the cob (thanks to
Liam for teaching us their proper name). They make a fun finger
food for the lunch box and are easy to prepare: cook frozen corn-on-
the-cob according to package directions, then cut into “tires” with a
very sharp, heavy kitchen knife. If using fresh corn, cut the slices
first, then boil until tender.
Use a melon baller to scoop out balls of fresh watermelon, can-
taloupe, or honeydew. The balls of fruit are fun to eat and visually
appealing, especially when mixed with round grapes or fresh blue-
berries. Making the melon balls is fun, too; ask your son or daughter

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if they’d like to scoop while you get the rest of the lunch box ready
to go.


Pita Sandwich with Flaxy Hummus (page 135) and

Oven-Dried Tomatoes (page 200)
Cucumber spears
Lemon soy yogurt topped with frozen blueberries

Several brands of soy yogurt are available at most grocery and

health food stores today. We like to top our yogurts, flavored or
plain, with generous servings of frozen fruit; by lunchtime, the fruit
will have thawed and can be stirred into the yogurt for extra flavor.
Sharkies are fish-shaped gummy snacks that are wheat-free,
gluten-free, fat-free, vegan, and all-natural. They are available at
R.E.I. and some health food stores and on the Web at www.vegan


I find that most kids I meet have more sensitive
taste buds than the adults I know. Many dishes that
taste just right to my husband or me taste “too
spicy” or “too sour” to our son. When you try out

some of the recipes in this book, such as Easy
Hummus (page 105), keep in mind that I have cre-
ated them with young, sensitive palates in mind. If
you know you like your dishes hot and spicy, feel
free to bump up the amount of seasoning.


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Veggie Burger (see below)

Sweet Potato Oven Fries (page 86) or raw sweet potato spears
Wheat-Free Apple Crisp (page 254)
Beverage: Amazake

Oven-roasted sweet potato spears are simple to make and deliciously

addictive. But if your child does not like cooked sweet potatoes (or
you don’t have the time to roast them on a given morning), try serv-
ing peeled, thinly sliced raw sweet potato spears instead; they have
a sweet crunch like carrot sticks.
Amazake is a naturally sweet cultured rice drink available in a
wide variety of flavors at natural food stores. It has a creamy,
smoothielike consistency. Our favorite flavors are hazelnut and
There are dozens of vegan veggie burgers on the market today.
You can find them in the freezer, refrigerator, or even the canned
food section of almost any grocery or health food store. We espe-
cially like the dried veggie burger mixes that you add water to and
form into patties; these economical dried mixes can sometimes be
found sold in bulk bins, saving money and packaging. Some veggie
burgers taste quite a bit like meat; others taste more of brown rice,
beans, mushrooms, or mixed veggies. Try them all and find out
which ones you prefer.
Prepare the burger patty by frying it in a nonstick skillet with a
drizzle of olive oil or according to package directions. Top with a
slice of vegan cheese, if desired. Cover the pan to retain heat and
cook until the cheese is warmed through.
Meanwhile, heat a large nonstick or cast-iron skillet over
medium heat. Add a drizzle of olive oil to the pan. Slice the bun in
half and place cut-side down in the pan. Sear the bun until it is

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toasted and warmed through, about one minute. Pan-toasting the

bun adds a nice flavor and keeps the bread from getting soggy in
the lunch box.
Spread the bread with Vegenaise and/or ketchup and mustard if
desired. Place the burger patty inside the bun topped with your as-
sortment of fresh veggies (if you won’t be eating the burger for a
while, you may wish to pack the vegetables separately in a resealable
plastic bag, then add them at mealtime). Wrap the sandwich in
parchment paper and/or foil and pack in a sealed container.


Beans and Dogs (page 145)

Baked pita chips
Cucumber crescents and edamame
Chocolate Banana Pudding (page 248) or a nondairy
vegan pudding cup

Nothing could be simpler than serving up some warm baked beans

mixed with veggie hot dog bites. It’s always a real kid pleaser!
Baked pita or bagel chips are a great alternative to regular deep-
fried potato chips. Look for low-salt varieties for all the crunch with-
out all the sodium.
Toss together some peeled, seeded cucumber crescents (cut cu-
cumber in half the long way and use a melon baller to scoop out the
seeds, then slice into thin crescents) and shelled edamame (see page
69) for a new, tasty veggie combination.
If you don’t have time to make this tasty homemade pudding
ahead of time, pick up some nondairy vegan pudding cups at the
store. Several varieties of pudding made from soy or rice milk are
available. Look for it in the refrigerated section at your health food
or grocery store.


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Grilled Pepperoni Sandwich (page 130)

Sneaky Momma’s Tomato Sauce (page 109) or store-bought
pizza sauce
Broccoli Piccata (page 192)
A nectarine
A piece of vegan candy

Here’s a quick lunch that’s filled with flavor. A pepperoni-mozzarella

sandwich tastes just right dipped in tomato or pizza sauce; lightly
steamed broccoli shines when topped with vibrant lemon, garlic,
and caper sauce. Throw in a sweet nectarine and a vegan candy treat
and you’ve got yourself a lunch!
There are numerous vegan candies on the market, so there’s no
need to despair come lunch or holiday time. Dozens of mainstream
kid favorites like AirHeads, Pez, Jujyfruits, Twizzlers, and SweeTarts
are free of animal products. My personal favorite is the Mary Jane—
old-fashioned peanut butter and molasses taffy, with what I think are
the cutest candy wrappers ever (if I ever learn to decoupage, I’ll be
making something with Mary Jane wrappers).
For a list of more vegan candies and snacks, as well as some of
the animal ingredients to watch out for, visit www.petakids.com/


Chickpea Salad (page 94) in a whole wheat pita pocket

Green grapes and fresh mandarin orange slices
Jicama and carrot sticks, sugar snap peas, and red cabbage
slices with Easy Ranch Dip (page 106)
Beverage: Vegan Hot Cocoa (see below)

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We were all quite impressed by the rich flavor of this “chickeny”

chickpea salad when I first made it—so impressed, in fact, that we
made another batch for lunch the very next day! Try it in a pita
pocket or on a bed of mixed greens.
Red cabbage makes a tasty addition to a selection of veggie sticks.
Slice the cabbage into finger food–size strips. Pack them with celery,
jicama sticks, sugar snap peas, and/or baby carrots. Include a con-
tainer of Easy Ranch Dip (page 106) or any favorite salad dressing
for dipping.
Vegan Hot Cocoa packed in an insulated container can feel nour-
ishing and cozy on a chilly school day, and it’s a cinch to make: For
every 1 cup of fortified nondairy milk, whisk in 1 heaping teaspoon
of cocoa powder or roasted carob powder and 2 heaping teaspoons of
sugar. Heat in a saucepan or microwave, stirring or whisking fre-
quently, until hot. Pack the cocoa in a preheated insulated food jar
or beverage flask. Don’t forget to include a straw, cut to fit into your
lunch box if necessary.


Layered Bean Dip (page 107)

Baked Tortilla Chips (page 65)
Red, yellow, and orange bell pepper strips
Fresh papaya
Maple sugar candy
Beverage: Fortified nondairy milk

Refried beans and corn chips are an easy lunchtime snack, but that
doesn’t mean they have to be boring. Use the simple recipe on page
107 to turn plain refried beans into a zesty dip filled with layers of avo-
cado and vegan sour cream. Serve with some bright bell pepper strips
in shades of red, orange, and yellow for even more color and zip.


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When packing chunks of fresh, luscious papaya, add a squeeze of

lime juice. It will keep the papaya fresh and add a lovely brightness
to the fruit’s flavor.
Some vegans don’t eat white sugar because of concerns about the
use of animal bone char in the production of some cane sugar. If you
wish to avoid white sugar but still have a sugary melt-in-your mouth
treat every now and again, maple sugar candy—candies made en-
tirely from maple syrup that has been crystallized and set in a deco-
rative mold—can be a sweet alternative. Look for maple sugar candy
in health food stores and gourmet markets, especially around the
winter holidays.

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Here are some lunches made for us morning people! Getting up a

little early can make the difference between a boring same-old lunch
and a fantastic culinary adventure. But don’t worry! Most of these
dishes can still be made ahead, just in case you’d rather sleep in.


“Eat Your Oatmeal” Pancakes (page 156) with

maple syrup
Vegan breakfast sausage
Almond Buttered Sweet Potatoes (page 190)
Fresh organic strawberries
Beverage: Calcium-fortified orange juice

Pack up a “brunch-for-lunch” for a fun new twist on lunchtime. The

next time you make pancakes for breakfast, cook a few extra “silver
dollar”–size pancakes for the lunch box. Pack them cold along with

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a tiny container of syrup for dipping. Use your favorite vegan pan-
cake recipe, or try our wheat-free favorite (page 156).
Vegan breakfast sausage is available in preformed links or patties
or in unformed rolls that you can shape into patties or fry in crum-
bles. Look in the freezer and refrigerator sections at your supermar-
ket. Prepare the sausage according to package directions.
Did you know that the calcium in most calcium-fortified orange
juice (calcium citrate) is actually more bioavailable than the cal-
cium in cow’s milk? (Source: Raising Vegetarian Children by Joanne
Stepaniak and Vesanto Melina.) What a simple way to boost cal-
cium intake during the day!


Cream Cheese Spirals (page 68) and Tapenade Spirals (page 69)
Fruit salad
A vegan snack bar
Beverage: Vegetable–fruit juice blend

Fruit salad is a great way to keep fruit fun and increase the variety of
fresh fruits in your day. Toss together slices of apple, orange, and ba-
nana and add some washed fresh berries or canned pineapple chunks
or use a mixture of whatever fresh fruits you have available.
Healthy, vegan-friendly snack bars are proliferating like mad in
the marketplace! For example, dozens of traditional granola bars
made from oats, sweeteners, dried fruits, or vegan chocolate chips
are available (watch out for added dairy or honey), as well as many
“sports bars” with added protein powder and vitamins. We love the
new lines of snack bars, like Larabar and Clif Nectar bars, made from
dried fruits and nuts. They contain no added sweeteners, wheat,
gluten, or soy and are made with a minimum of ingredients and pro-
cessing. They taste great!


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Vegetable–fruit juice blends are an interesting way to get your

kids to “drink their vegetables.” Look for brands that are heavy on
the fruits and veggies, light on the high-fructose corn syrup.


Easy Pasta and Beans (page 154)

Seedless watermelon
Baby carrots
Nut and Seed Butter Cookies (page 242)
Beverage: Fortified nondairy milk

This is one lunch my son would be happy to eat every day! Most kids
I know love pasta in all its forms, and this flexible recipe allows you
to mix-and-match. It’s a quick and simple recipe to fall back on in a
pinch. If you use different pasta shapes and beans each time, it will
always feel fresh and new.


Sausage biscuits (vegan sausage with

Spelt Biscuits (page 216)
Perfect Hash Browns (page 201)
Vanilla soy yogurt topped with frozen mixed berries
Greg’s Granola (page 71)
Beverage: Calcium-fortified orange juice

Here’s a hearty, satisfying lunch, reminiscent of the breakfasts at cer-

tain fast food chains. Start with one or two sausage biscuits: prepare
store-bought vegan breakfast sausage patties according to package
instructions. Sandwich each patty inside a fresh-baked Spelt Biscuit

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(page 216) and add a layer of Vegenaise and/or ketchup if desired. A

slice of vegan cheese is also an option.
Some crispy hash browns are a perfect side dish, packed with a
small container of ketchup.
For a calcium-rich dessert, top vanilla soy yogurt with frozen fruit
that will be thawed and ready to eat by lunchtime. Include a tiny
container of homemade granola on the side to sprinkle on top for a
healthy yogurt “parfait.”


Carrots and other orange vegetables—such as

sweet potatoes, pumpkin, and winter squash—are
excellent sources of alpha- and beta-carotene. Try
to include a serving of orange vegetables in your
family’s diet each day. Coconut Carrot Rice Pud-
ding (page 152) is a delectable place to start.


Coconut Carrot Rice Pudding (page 152)

Blackstrap Gingerbread (page 207) with
Lemon Sauce (page 208)
Applesauce cup
Soy jerky

This may seem like a lunch full of desserts, but there is a lot of
nutrition hidden in these irresistible dishes! The slightly sweet
Indian-inspired rice dish is filled with whole-grain brown rice, car-


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rots, and heart-healthy fats from flaxseed and pistachios. The

blackstrap molasses in the gingerbread is a great vegan source of
iron and calcium, and the applesauce provides fiber, vitamin C, and
Soy jerky is one of my son’s favorite treats. Chewy jerky is a
portable, protein-rich food to snack on at lunchtime, when hiking
and camping, or on road trips. Several brands are on the market
now, with flavors ranging from gentle to superspicy.


Sweet Cornbread (page 217)

Linda’s Collard Greens (page 199)
Fruit leather
Beverage: Fortified nondairy milk

For those of you not familiar with black-eyed peas, these little white
field peas with black spots have been a dietary staple in the Ameri-
can South for over three hundred years. Available dried, canned, or
in the freezer section, black-eyed peas are traditionally eaten for
good luck on New Year’s Day. They have a pleasant, mild flavor and
are an excellent source of calcium, folate, and vitamin A.
If you have a bag of frozen black-eyed peas, you can whip up some
Black-Eyed Peas and Carrots in a flash:
Empty a 16-ounce bag of frozen black-eyes into 4 cups boiling
water and simmer for 10 minutes. Add 1 cup of chopped carrots,
1 minced garlic clove, and herbs and spices to taste (I like to add a
generous pinch of oregano, thyme, and paprika). Simmer for an-
other 5 minutes or so, until the carrots are barely tender.
Pack your pretty black eyes in a preheated insulated food jar,
alongside a mini loaf of Sweet Cornbread (page 217).

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Tofu Fish Sticks (page 182)

Tater Tots
Cocktail sauce or ketchup
Lightly steamed broccoli florets
Grapefruit segments

These Tofu Fish Sticks have been one of the most requested recipes
on the Vegan Lunch Box blog—everyone’s crazy for these cute little
fishies! They stay crispy and crunchy in the lunchbox.
Tater Tots are their perfect lunchtime partner. These miniature
frozen hash browns are called “potato pom-poms” in Australia and
the United Kingdom—how cute is that? Look for organic varieties
in the freezer section of your health food store. Prepare according to
package directions, and pack them covered with foil. Serve the fish
and tots with a small container of ketchup or cocktail sauce so you
can take them for a dip.


Quinoa Amaranth Timbales (page 169)

Slow Cooker Black Beans (page 204)
Steamed Swiss chard (see below)
Tangerine slices
Beverage: Horchata (page 6)

Timbales are savory custards shaped in molds. Not only is a dish of

quinoa and amaranth ideally suited to making timbales, the grains are
also highly nutritious. These two tiny grains are good sources of high-
quality protein and minerals, including iron and calcium. They are
also gluten-free, which is good news for those with gluten sensitivities.


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Steamed Swiss chard is an easy, nutritious side dish: trim off the
tough lower stems and wash one bunch of fresh chard leaves. Chop
leaves and tender upper stems into small pieces, then steam over
boiling water until tender, about 4 minutes. Pack and eat them cold
with a sprinkle of balsamic vinegar, or mix them in with the warm
Slow Cooker Black Beans (page 204).


Polenta Fries (page 84)
Barbecue sauce or ketchup
Toasted soy nuts (see below)
Raw cauliflower florets
Beverage: Calcium Smoothie (page 257)

Creamy, cooked polenta transforms into luscious Polenta Fries when

chilled, sliced, and broiled. This easy recipe produces fries that are
crisp on the outside and tender on the inside, without the splatter-
ing, spitting hot oil that frying polenta on the stove involves. They
are perfect for dipping into your ketchup or—even better—your fa-
vorite barbecue sauce.
Toasted soy nuts are made by baking dried, soaked soy beans un-
til they turn crisp and brown. They make a good high-protein snack
to pack along in lunches, purses, or backpacks. A bit crunchier than
peanuts, soy nuts are available in a wide variety of flavors, from
hickory smoked to lightly salted. Soy nuts are also easy to make at
Cover dry organic soy beans with water and soak them overnight.
Drain and spread the soy beans in a single layer on a cookie sheet.
Roast at 350ºF, shaking the pan once or twice, until the beans are
well browned and crunchy, about 1 hour. While still hot, sprinkle
the nuts with some soy sauce or Bragg Liquid Aminos and a few

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drops of liquid smoke flavoring and toss well. Store the soy nuts in
an airtight container.


Tennessee Corn Pone Muffins (page 218)

Vegan Ham Cutouts (see below)
Linda’s Collard Greens (page 199)
Fresh or canned peaches

Here’s a lunch menu inspired by my favorite American regional cui-

sine: southern cooking! Corn and bean muffins and southern collard
greens go nicely with Vegan Ham Cutouts: set out a collection of
cookie cutters and let the kids punch fun shapes out of vegan deli
ham slices. Save the scraps to use in soups and salads.
The state of Georgia is famous for its sweet, juicy peaches, so some
sliced peaches, fresh or canned in juice, are a delicious dessert in
keeping with the southern theme.


Play Pretzels (page 83)

Nut butter
Celery sticks
Cheesy Roasted Chickpeas (page 194)
Sliced star fruit and kiwi fruit
Beverage: Fortified chocolate soy or rice milk

Here’s a lunch menu for those mornings when your child and you feel
like spending some time in the kitchen together before heading off to
school and work. Talk about your upcoming day as you take turns
pinching off bits of dough to roll into creative and interesting shapes


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to make Play Pretzels. Shape the dough into hearts, spirals, snakes,
numbers, and letters. Best of all, these little pretzels will taste great at
lunchtime and remind your child of the fun he or she had with you.
Pack them with some celery sticks and a small container of your
favorite nut butter for dipping. Add some crisp and chewy roasted
chickpeas for protein and an unusual fruit to add even more fun
shapes to the lunch box.
The star fruit, also known as Carambola, is a golden yellow,
deeply ribbed tropical fruit with a mild, slightly sweet, slightly sour
taste. Slice star fruit across the middle of the fruit to create five-
pointed stars. Add the stars to a mixed fruit salad or sandwich them
between circles of kiwi fruit for a fun effect.


Lunch Box Fondue (page 72)

Assorted fondue dippers (page 73)
Apple chunks
A square of sweet dark chocolate

Kids love to dip things! A Thermos filled with piping-hot vegan fon-
due turns vegetable eating into a party. Serve it with a wide variety


Keep your eye out at thrift stores and sales for those

little chocolate fondue sets; you may score a miniature
fondue fork that fits nicely in your lunch box. Don’t
send one with a child to school, though—they’re too
sharp and pointy. Save the fancy fork for yourself and
let the kids use a regular fork for dipping.

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of the veggies your kids love—and maybe one or two they aren’t sure
about yet!
Apples also taste great dipped in a cheesy sauce, making them the
perfect fruit for this meal. And a bit of sweet, dark chocolate for
dessert doesn’t hurt, either!


Vegan “chicken” nuggets (see below)

Baked potato chips
Raw veggie shapes
Cherry Chip Brownies (page 236)
Beverage: Fortified nondairy milk

Vegan chicken nuggets are a great finger food for lunchtime. Be-
cause they look and taste so much like the real thing, it’s a nice
“undercover vegan” lunch if your child is feeling sensitive. Several
varieties are available now in the freezer section of health food and
grocery stores. Look carefully at the label before buying your nug-
gets; many contain egg.


When making vegan chicken nuggets and patties, be

sure to bake them in the oven instead of micro-
waving them. When microwaved, they tend to
toughen and become too chewy when they cool.
Follow the cooking temperature and time on the


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Let’s hear it for lunches made the night before, ready and waiting for
you when you wake up in the morning! Doing most of the work in
the evening means a quick lunch box assembly the next day.

R E A D Y A N D WA I T I N G 1

Wheat Gluten Pot Roast and Gravy (page 184)

Potato “Beetles” (page 202)
Blanched green beans
Fruit gel cup
Beverage: Fortified rice or oat milk

Gelatin molds, squares, and snack cups are certainly a mainstay of

the kid-food world. But when I discovered that gelatin is made from
the boiled bones, skins, and tendons of animals, those sweet, jiggly
desserts went off my list for good.
Now, there’s good news: several companies are making vegan
fruit gel cups that use carrageenan seaweed and locust bean gum

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instead of animal gelatin. Many brands and varieties are available,

including some that are organic and all-natural. Look for prepared
fruit and gel cups on the shelf in the canned fruit aisle at the super-
market or in the refrigerated section at your local health food store.

R E A D Y A N D WA I T I N G 2

Roasted Tomato Basil Soup (page 121)

Crackers with slices of vegan cheese
Trail mix (see below)
Cashew Crispy Squares (page 234)

Warm, comforting tomato soup is the perfect lunch for a chilly au-
tumn afternoon. Pack the soup along with some whole-grain crackers
and slices of vegan cheese (see page 131). For a pretty lunch box pres-
entation, use decorative cookie cutters to cut the vegan cheese slices
into circles or square shapes that fit perfectly on top of your crackers.
It’s easy to create your own one-of-a-kind, custom-designed trail
mix: Set out jars or bowls of dried fruit, roasted or raw unsalted nuts
and seeds, nondairy carob or chocolate chips, cereal, mini pretzels,
and so on and let your children fill small containers or bags with their
favorites. Some of our favorite combinations include pistachios with
dried apricots and cherries; cashews with chocolate chips and raisins;
almonds with dates and carob chips; and peanuts with dried pineap-
ple and mini pretzels.

R E A D Y A N D WA I T I N G 3

Sneaky Momma’s Black Bean Soup (page 124)

Baked tortilla chips
Applesauce with walnuts and Sneaky Cinnamon-Sugar
(see below)


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Get double-sneaky today with two stealth health foods! First, make
a warm, creamy soup filled with undercover vegetables, hearty
enough to satisfy even the hungriest tummy. Add some crunchy
baked tortilla chips on the side.
Second, serve up a generous portion of organic, unsweetened
applesauce with two omega–3-rich toppings packed separately to stir
in at lunchtime.
Walnuts are the nuts highest in heart-healthy omega–3 fatty
acids. I always keep a bowl of walnuts handy to crack open and
snack on. Shell a handful just before packing and their flavor will
be at its best. If you prefer your walnuts toasted, spread them on a
baking sheet and toast for about 5 minutes at 350ºF.
And here’s a trick you might find yourself using often if your
children are reluctant to eat their daily serving of ground flax-
seed. It’s Sneaky Cinnamon-Sugar: Stir together fresh, finely
ground flaxseed with some natural dark brown sugar and a shake
of cinnamon and store in a tiny lidded container. It tastes great
on applesauce or hot breakfast cereal. Grind and mix only what
you need for the day, as flaxseed is at its finest only when it’s

R E A D Y A N D WA I T I N G 4

Creamy Cauliflower Soup (page 114)

Perfect Pepitas (page 82)
Blue Ribbon Bread rolls (page 220)
An orange
Two gingersnaps

This Creamy Cauliflower Soup is simple to make, but full of flavor

and looks positively gourmet with its fancy green sprinkle of smoky,
toasted pepitas (pumpkin seeds).

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Vibrant oranges are a sweet treat rich in vitamin C and anti-

oxidants. They can be packed in several different ways: peeled and
divided into segments, cut into wedges, circles, or bite-size pieces, or
left whole. If packing a whole, unpeeled orange, use a paring knife to
cut away the top and bottom peel, then use a citrus peeler to score
lines down the sides of the orange before packing. This makes for
much easier peeling at lunchtime.
Gingersnaps are, you guessed it, yet another easy-to-find, usually
vegan treat. Check the ingredients to be sure. Our favorites are the
imported Swedish gingersnaps we find at gourmet import stores.
Look for organic varieties sold at health food stores.

R E A D Y A N D WA I T I N G 5

Broccoli Fennel Soup (page 113)

Black sesame rice crackers
Tangerine slices
Fruit and Nut Bars (page 237)
Beverage: Soy smoothie

This soup has been one of our favorites for years. Broccoli and fennel
are such a pleasing combination; the flavor of fennel fronds and
ground fennel seeds brightens the earthy broccoli. Fennel, with its
lovely mild licorice taste, is also thought to aid in digestion.
Snappy, gluten-free rice crackers are available in a wide variety of
flavors. We found savory “black sesame” brown rice crackers sea-
soned with a touch of soy sauce paired beautifully with this soup, but
unsalted sesame brown rice crackers are also a good choice.
Fortified soy smoothies might be a good option if your growing
student is looking for some extra calories and protein. Smoothies are
available in cans, bottles, and aseptic packages. They usually con-
tain fruit and fruit juice mixed with soymilk and soy protein powder.


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Try to find smoothies that are heavy on the fruit and soy and light
on the high-fructose corn syrup and sweetener. You can also make
your own by adding some flavored protein powder mix to regular
soymilk and/or fruit juice.

R E A D Y A N D WA I T I N G 6

Peanut Butter and Jelly Muffins (page 213)

A frozen snack tube (see below)
Beverage: Vegetable juice

Here’s a different twist on that old standby, PB&J: peanut butter

muffins topped with chopped peanuts and filled with a pretty piping
of fruit jam.
Snack tubes filled with sweetened yogurt are wildly popular to-
day. What to do if your nondairy kids are pining away for squishy
food-in-a-tube? Look for applesauce and applesauce/fruit blend
snack tubes at your local grocery store, or make your own homemade
snack tubes:
Fill a snack-sized resealable plastic bag with 1⁄ 2 cup soy yogurt or
applesauce, or a mashed ripe banana mixed with mashed strawber-
ries. Add extra goodies as desired (small pieces of dried or frozen
fruit or small vegan chocolate or carob chips). Press the yogurt or
fruit sauce into a tube-shape at the bottom of the bag. Squeeze any
air out of the baggie and seal it shut, then freeze overnight. In the
morning, cut a small slit in one corner of the bag before putting it in
the lunch box. At lunchtime, your child can finish tearing off a
small corner of the bag and squeeze the cool custardy treat into his
or her mouth to eat.
A serving of fresh-popped popcorn packed in a resealable plastic
bag also makes an easy, fun lunchtime snack. Don’t forget to sprinkle

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it with the classic vegan popcorn topping: nutritional yeast flakes.

We wouldn’t dream of eating popcorn in our house without a sprin-
kling of our beloved “cheesy flakes.”
But what is nutritional yeast? The tasty, bright yellow flakes are an
inactive yeast grown especially for human consumption. Don’t con-
fuse them with the active dry yeast used to make bread, or with
brewer’s yeast, a bitter by-product of the brewing industry. Sprinkle
them over popcorn, pasta, soups, or casseroles—anywhere you would
sprinkle cheese or salt—for a great “cheesy” taste. Nutritional yeast
is a rich source of protein and amino acids; look for “vegetarian sup-
port formula” for added Vitamin B12. Nutritional yeast flakes are
available in canisters or in bulk bins at the health food store.


Talking lunches with my vegan friend Martie and her
teenage son inspired me to start thinking about the
perfect lunch for a busy teen. It would have to be
something lightweight, portable, quick to eat, and
not too “strange.” Muffins fit the bill perfectly! You
can bake large batches of muffins on the weekend
and freeze them in individual plastic bags. They’ll be
ready to toss into a backpack at a moment’s notice.
And once you’ve mastered the muffin, the creative
ideas are endless! A tasty whole-grain muffin can

contain vegetables (think zucchini, carrot, pump-
kin), fruits (blueberries, banana, dried fruit), nuts
and ground flaxseed for healthy fats, calcium-
fortified soymilk, or even protein powder for the
growing athlete.


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R E A D Y A N D WA I T I N G 7

Full Meal Muffins (page 212)

Baby carrots
Easy Ranch Dip (page 106)
A Lady apple
Trail mix (page 28)
Beverage: Vegetable juice or fortified nondairy milk

The Lady apple is a tiny apple with a pretty red blush, available dur-
ing the winter months. These apples are the perfect size for packing
whole for those with smaller appetites.

R E A D Y A N D WA I T I N G 8

Veggie Tea Sandwiches (page 141)

Blueberry Lemon Mini Scones (page 209)
Fresh strawberries and purple grapes
Beverage: Kid’s Iced Tea (page 258)

I just love traditional English High Tea—classical music in the

background, little sandwiches with the crusts cut off, tiny scones and
tarts, a sweetly scented cup of Earl Grey. Nothing could be more de-
lightful on a spring afternoon.
In that spirit, here’s an English tea service translated into a lunch
box–friendly meal. An assortment of little sandwiches with their
crusts cut off (how much more kid friendly does it get?) lined up be-
side two sweet mini scones and a colorful serving of fruit. Instead of
hot tea, try this berry-flavored herbal iced tea with no caffeine,
sweetened with apple juice ice cubes.
You can make the sandwiches and even the scones in the morn-
ing, but don’t forget to start the tea and ice cubes the night before.

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R E A D Y A N D WA I T I N G 9

Pizza Shop Breadsticks (page 227)

Sneaky Momma’s Tomato Sauce for dipping (page 109)
Frozen vegetable and bean medley
Fresh blueberries and sliced fresh plums

These “cheesy” garlic breadsticks get their delicious taste from a

mixture of sesame seeds and nutritional yeast. Enjoy them plain or
dip them in a tangy tomato sauce.
Pick up some frozen vegetable medleys at the grocery store for
quick veggies with no prep work; our favorite is a mixture of broc-
coli, carrots, and green, white, black, and kidney beans. Prepare
them according to package directions and top with a spray of Bragg
Liquid Aminos or low-sodium soy sauce.

R E A D Y A N D WA I T I N G 1 0

Hearty Chili Spuds (page 151)

Mixed green salad with Asian Miracle Dressing (page 92)
Banana-Pineapple Fruit Salad (see below)

This filling hot lunch is just right on a cold, rainy school day. A
piping-hot serving of stick-to-your-ribs chili waits to be spooned
over a hearty baked potato.
This Banana-Pineapple Fruit Salad has been a big favorite with
the kids in our family for generations:
Combine equal parts fresh pineapple and banana slices and drizzle
with a bit of agave nectar or Suzanne’s Just-Like-Honey (page 241).
Top with lightly toasted walnuts. The acidic pineapple and drizzle of
“honey” keeps the bananas from getting too brown before lunchtime.


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R E A D Y A N D WA I T I N G 1 1

Mini Wellingtons (page 76)

Peas and carrots
A sliced pear
Sugar wafer cookies
Beverage: Fortified nondairy milk

Sometimes visitors to the Vegan Lunch Box blog leave comments

on which lunch is their favorite. I have to say, this one is mine! Beef
Wellington is a traditional English dish made from a fillet of beef
wrapped in pastry and baked. This vegan version is a savory mini
loaf of nuts, rice, and beans wrapped in a puff pastry crust. The
crispy, flaky puff pastry makes this dish supremely decadent and in-
credible to look at, and the inside loaf is rich, savory, and satisfying.
Keep an eye out for vegan sugar wafer cookies—light, airy wafer
squares filled with creamy fillings. Some common brands include ve-
gan flavors (check the ingredients to make sure). Match the criss-
cross design of your wafer cookies to the criss-cross you make on
your Wellington, and you’ll be oh-so-coordinated!

R E A D Y A N D WA I T I N G 1 2

Mini Vegan Pizzas (page 160)

Spinach-pear salad with Raspberry Vinaigrette
(see below)
Beverage: A can of natural, fruit-sweetened spritzer
or soda

Who doesn’t love pizza? Choose from four fantastic vegan pizza top-
pings and bake a pizza custom-sized to fit in your lunch box.

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For a different twist on the usual tossed green salad, add some
chopped fresh or dried fruit to your favorite greens. For example, we
like a combination of shredded baby spinach and chopped crisp
winter pears, topped with almond slices, dried cranberries, and this
sweet Raspberry Vinaigrette:

⁄ 8 cup balsamic vinegar
⁄8 cup seedless raspberry jam
⁄4 teaspoon Dijon mustard
A dash of toasted sesame oil
⁄4 cup walnut oil (or canola)
Salt and pepper

In a small bowl or liquid measuring cup, whisk together the balsamic

vinegar, raspberry jam, Dijon mustard, and toasted sesame oil. Slowly
drizzle in the walnut oil, whisking constantly. Season with salt and
pepper to taste.

R E A D Y A N D WA I T I N G 1 3

Pasta with Sneaky Momma’s Tomato Sauce (page 109)

Lentil-Rice Balls (page 159)
Pomegranate seeds
A square of sweet dark orange chocolate

Pasta of any shape can be tossed with a rich tomato sauce filled with
veggies and fresh basil and kept warm in an insulated food jar until
lunchtime. Pack Lentil-Rice Balls separately to keep them crisp,
then mix them with the pasta at lunch.
Studies of pomegranates, those lovely ruby “jewels of winter,”
have lately brought to light their powerful health benefits. They are


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high in antioxidants—containing almost three times the total an-

tioxidants of the same quantity of green tea or red wine. However,
they can be quite messy to eat! At home I score the outside of the
fruit, lay down some plastic sheeting, and let my little one rip into it
and go to town. The mess becomes part of the fun!
If you’d like to prepare a pomegranate for neat lunchtime nib-
bling, carefully cut through the outer skin and pull the pomegranate
apart with your hands. Remove the bitter, white inner membranes
and gently pry the seeds out. They are tangy and sweet, perfect on
their own or sprinkled on salad.
For dessert, Newman’s Own Organics makes delicious sweet dark
orange chocolate. Cut off a small piece for lunch rather than send-
ing the whole bar.

R E A D Y A N D WA I T I N G 1 4

Broccoli Calzones (page 147)

Sneaky Momma’s Tomato Sauce for dipping (page 109)
Fresh apricots
An Aplet or Cotlet

This lunch provides whole grains, protein, and a vegetable all in one
neat Italian package you can eat with your hands. A little fruit and a
special little treat complete the meal.
Aplets and Cotlets are jellied fruit candies made by a company
here in the Pacific Northwest. These soft, chewy confections, rolled
in powdered sugar, remind me of Turkish Delights. The company,
Liberty Orchards, uses only plant-sourced pectin to make their
Aplets and Cotlets—they contain no gelatin, eggs, or dairy prod-
ucts. To obtain these goodies for yourself, visit their website at

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R E A D Y A N D WA I T I N G 1 5

Petite Pasta Salad (page 102)

Lightly blanched cauliflower and broccoli florets
Fastest Dip in the West (see below)
Fresh kiwi fruit and fuyu persimmon
Banana Oatmeal Cookies (page 233)

Most pasta salads feature big pasta shapes and tiny bits of vegetables.
I turned the idea on its head for this recipe, which features great big
chunks of healthy vegetables tossed with tiny nibbles of pasta.
Next to the pasta are lightly blanched cauliflower and carrots
with what surely must be the Fastest Dip in the West: toss a spoon-
ful of Vegenaise with a squeeze of fresh lemon juice, a pinch of pep-
per, and a pinch of dried dill weed.


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One morning, I carefully folded two cookies into James’s paper napkin as a
lunchtime surprise. The cookies came home still neatly wrapped and un-
touched. The real surprise was that James never used his napkin!
What can parents do to encourage kids to wipe their hands and face,
even at school? Try this tip from the moms at veganlunchbox.com, and
sew your own lunch box mini napkins! Use fun fabrics that your kids will
enjoy; you can even reuse fabric from old tablecloths, shirts, and so on.
The best part is that they can be washed and used over and over again,
eliminating the daily waste of disposable napkins.
Creative mom Dee Ruff-Sloan was kind enough to share this easy pat-
tern with us, and even made James some exciting “superhero” napkins that

were the envy of his peers. Thanks, Dee!
100% cotton or cotton-poly blend fabric
Basic sewing supplies
Cut your fabric into a 12 x 6-inch rectangle. Fold in half with wrong
sides together and press.
Set fabric 1⁄2 inch from sewing foot and sew up the open edges, making
sure to backstitch at the beginning and end. Clip stray threads. Use pink-
ing shears on the rough edges of fabric.
Wrap your new napkin around some silverware (or some cookies) and
tuck into your lunch box.

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S ick of sandwiches? How about sushi rolls, Greek phyllo triangles,

Ethiopian flatbread, or Cornish pasties instead? Look here to dis-
cover new foods from around the world. You won’t believe how var-
ied and exciting your vegan lunch box will be!

J A PA N E S E A D V E N T U R E 1

Edamame (page 69)

Sushi Rolls (page 178)
Soy sauce
Organic grapes
Botan Rice Candy

This is the lunch box that started it all—my son’s very first packed
lunch on his first day of elementary school! Of course, not all six- or
seven-year-olds may be ready for sushi in their lunchbox, so give
them a taste at home and see how they like it first. But be careful—
you may find that you have a new sushi fiend on your hands!

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Botan Rice Candy are chewy candies covered with edible rice pa-
per that melts away on your tongue. They are available at most
Asian grocery stores.


After you know how to make sushi, consider volun-
teering to lead a sushi rolling party to raise money
or awareness for animal advocacy. Of all the activi-

ties our local vegetarian group has organized, our
summer sushi party is by far the most well at-
tended. Everyone loves rolling and eating sushi,
and omnivores are always amazed at the fantastic
sushi we can create without using fish.

J A PA N E S E A D V E N T U R E 2

Inari Sushi (page 158)

Pickled ginger
Edamame (page 69)
Pear slices
Botan Rice Candy

Literally “fox sushi,” inari is named after the traditional Japanese

god of grain. Inari are sweet, seasoned pouches made from fried tofu
and filled with delicious sushi rice.
This is a great sushi to start the kids out on if they’re not sure
about seaweed. As a child, I stuck to sweet-tasting inari for several
years before graduating to nori rolls. Inari was a big hit at my son’s
kindergarten “World Feast” luncheon, where the kids cleared the
sushi platter in record time!


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J A PA N E S E A D V E N T U R E 3

Sunny Whole-Grain Sushi (page 176)

Ponzu Sauce (page 177) or soy sauce for dipping
Japanese Spinach (page 198)
Asian Salad with Orange Sesame Dressing (page 93)
Fresh mandarin orange slices and kiwi fruit

I’ve always been crazy for vegan sushi. But as you can see from the
basic Sushi Rolls recipe (page 178), regular sushi uses white rice sea-
soned with a mixture of rice vinegar, salt, and lots of sugar. So al-
though it’s fun as an occasional treat, it’s not something I want
showing up in my lunch box every day. Happily, I’ve come up with a
recipe for healthy, whole-grain sushi that lets me enjoy my tasty nori
rolls without all that sugar and salt.
When preparing this sushi for your lunch box, include a container
of regular soy sauce, low-sodium soy sauce, or Ponzu Sauce for dip-
ping and a bit of wasabi if you like the heat.

J A PA N E S E A D V E N T U R E 4

Musubi (page 79)

Adzuki Beans with Pickled Ginger (page 189)
Japanese Spinach (page 198)
An Asian pear

It’s back to Japan again for another Asian lunchtime favorite that
may be new to you: musubi! Musubi (also called onigiri) are balls of
Japanese sticky rice wrapped with nori seaweed and usually stuffed
with an umeboshi plum. “You’re the ume in my musubi” is a Japa-
nese version of “you’re the cream in my coffee.”

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Serve some flavorful Japanese adzuki beans with your musubi,

along with some spinach and a crisp Asian pear for a complete, well-
balanced Lunch Box Adventure.


Phyllo Triangles (page 164)

Fennel Cucumber Salad (page 97)
Gigantes Plakis (Greek “giant beans”) (see below)
Paximadia Cookies (page 243)
Beverage: Organic grape juice

It’s My Big Fat Greek Lunch Box! Here’s a lunch menu celebrating
the wonderful cooking of Greece.
First, golden phyllo triangles are filled with tofu, dill, and lemon,
and baked. Kids will like how neatly they fit in their hands. Adults
will like the same tasty triangles with added onions and spinach.
A clean, refreshing salad of fresh fennel dotted with capers and
olives is a fitting side dish, along with Gigantes Plakis. These Greek
“giant beans” are becoming easier to find in the deli case at gourmet
food stores; look for them prepared in vinaigrette dressing. If you
can’t find Gigantes, regular deli three-bean salad would be a good
For dessert, try some crunchy twice-baked Paximadia Cookies
with some refreshing grape juice. Opa!


Split Pea Alecha (page 126)

Mixed Vegetable Wat (page 120)
Ethiopian Injera Bread (page 225)
Fresh casaba or honeydew melon


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Here’s a spectacular, luscious, Ethiopian-inspired lunch box. If you

are lucky enough to live near an Ethiopian restaurant, you know
that traditional Ethiopian cuisine is filled with mouthwatering vege-
tarian dishes made from lentils, split peas, vegetable stews, and
cooked greens, seasoned with rich spices and hot pepper and served
on top of injera, a flatbread made from nutritious teff flour.
James loves Ethiopian injera bread; he used to call it “silverware
bread” because we eat Ethiopian food in the traditional manner, by
scooping it up with torn-off pieces of injera—no silverware! Now he
likes to top his injera with this stunningly green split pea alecha
(stew) and call it “Martian Pizza.”


Cornish Pasties (page 153)

Brazil nuts
Fresh figs or fig bars
Beverage: Fortified nondairy oat or multigrain milk

The Cornish pasty goes back hundreds of years. Miners in Corn-

wall, England, packed these savory hand pies filled with beef, pota-
toes, onions, and turnips to take into the mines. They made a nicely
portable, handheld meal. Sometimes the pasties were filled with a
bit of apple or jam at one end so you could eat through lunch and hit
dessert! I wasn’t that clever, though; these pasties are filled from end
to end with savory diced potato, turnip, and vegan steak strips.
Did you know that Brazil nuts are actually seeds? The enormous
Brazil nut tree produces hard pods resembling coconuts, containing
ten to twenty-five seeds each. Very popular in the United Kingdom,
Brazil nuts are eaten raw or roasted. They are an excellent source of
protein, fiber, and selenium and are high in zinc, magnesium, and
other minerals.

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Figs are traditionally used dried in preserves, puddings, and cakes

in England. But if you can find juicy green or brown fresh figs at the
farmers’ market or fruit aisle, they make a stunning fresh fruit for
the lunch box. If you can’t find fresh ones, there are a few vegan fig
bars on the market; check the ingredients listed on the package to
make sure. And by the way, did you know figs are a good source of


Spanish Empanadas (page 175)

Red Rice and Black Beans (page 170)
Mango, Jicama, and Cucumber Snack (see below)
Beverage: Lemonade

When I started the Vegan Lunch Box project, I had no idea how
universal the hand pie was—portable, packable, handheld pies
stuffed with savory fillings. Now I’ve made friends with the Italian
calzone (page 147), Russian piroshki (page 168), Cornish pasty
(page 153), and these Spanish empanadas! Any food wrapped in pie
dough gets an immediate five-star rating in my household.
These easy empanadas are filled with spicy, taco-flavored veggie
meat; include a small container of vegan sour cream for dipping.
Also on the side, red rice looks vibrant sitting side-by-side with a
serving of dark black beans.
Traditional Mango, Jicama, and Cucumber Snack tastes cool,
light, and refreshing, just right next to the heavier empanada with
rice and beans. I still remember when I bought my first paper cone
filled with this intriguing fruit and vegetable combination from a
street vendor at a Cinco de Mayo celebration.
Peel mango, jicama, and cucumber (or leave the cucumber peel
on if it is organic) and cut them into long spears. Toss with a squeeze


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of fresh lime juice and sprinkle with salt and dried ground ancho
chile or cayenne (optional).


Black Bean Tamales (page 146)

Calabacita con Elote (page 193)
Fresh mango slices
Beverage: Horchata (page 6)

Delicious tamales—wedges of corn masa dough filled with luscious

refried beans—served with salsa, Mexican zucchini, fresh mango,
and sweet cinnamon rice milk make a fantastic lunch filled with the
flavors of Mexico.
You could plan this for right after Christmas break, as tamale-
making is a traditional holiday-time activity. Once you are comfort-
able making delicious tamales, quadruple (or more!) the recipe and
invite some friends over for your own tamalada–a traditional tamale-
making party. Your guests will be delighted when you send them
home with their own package of gorgeous, handcrafted tamales.

Aloo Samosas (page 143)
Massur Dal and Carrot Soup (page 118)
Cucumber Raita (page 95)
Fresh mango slices mixed with canned mandarin oranges

Here is a menu that hints at the wonders to be found in Indian cui-

sine. First, delicious little baked bundles filled with potatoes and
peas, followed by a warm, satisfying soup made from red lentils and

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carrots, and finally a cool cucumber-yogurt salad. Fresh mango slices

pair wonderfully with drained, canned mandarin orange segments
for a sweet treat.
There is nothing I love more than Indian food. There was great
happiness in our household the day we discovered an Indian restau-
rant opening just down the street from us. Unfortunately, my son
finds many Indian dishes too spicy for his taste. So, for James and his
wimpy-tongued Western compatriots, these simple Indian-inspired
recipes hopefully have just enough spice to get them started on a fine
lifelong addiction to Indian food, without sending them running for
the tap.

VARIATION: Instead of yogurt salad and mango slices, try a mango-

flavored cultured soy beverage or blend a handful of fresh or frozen
mango with vanilla soy yogurt and ice or water. It tastes like the de-
licious mango lassi drinks served at Indian restaurants.


Tofu Apple Spring Rolls (page 87)

Quick Peanut Sauce (page 108)
Ted’s Asian Asparagus (page 205)
A fresh plum
Black Rice Pudding (page 247)

Here’s a lunch box menu inspired by the flavors of Asia and the fresh
fruits and vegetables of spring. Tender spring asparagus and a fresh
plum or other springtime fruit go nicely with delicious rice paper
wraps filled with tofu and crunchy cabbage.
At first glance, this may look like one of the more “grown-up”
lunches in this book, and it certainly is sophisticated enough to im-
press the folks at the office. But give it a try with the kids, too—


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chewy rice paper spring rolls filled with tofu and apples and dipped
in peanut sauce can be a real kid pleaser, and a sweet pudding made
with jet black rice is a delightful treat at any age!


Rice paper wrappers are a fantastic alternative to

bread for the gluten-intolerant. Look for them in
packages at Asian markets. Dry and hard when pur-
chased, they become soft and pliable with a quick
soak in warm water. Wrap up any favorite salad or
baked tofu to make a handy portable lunch.


Ham and Cheese Croissant (page 222)

Haricot verts (see below)
Beverage: Hazelnut Soymilk (see below)

Here’s a vegan culinary trip to France! There is nothing like the

smell of hot, baking croissants wafting through the kitchen and the
taste of one fresh from the oven. See if you can save any long
enough to fill them with vegan ham and cheese for un déjeuner déli-
cieux (a delicious lunch).
Classic French filet green beans or haricot verts are slimmer,
smaller, and faster-cooking than regular Western green beans. The
thin young beans have a delicate sweetness and great flavor. Look for
them at farmers’ markets and grocery stores. Blanch them briefly (4
to 5 minutes) in boiling salted water, until barely tender. Rinse the
beans with cold water, drain, and pack.

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Before I liked soymilk, I liked Hazelnut Soymilk: mix one cup of

vanilla soymilk with one tablespoon of hazelnut syrup (the kind of
bottled syrup used to flavor coffee drinks at espresso bars). The fla-
vors are so right together—even soy haters may convert! Pack it
cold with an ice cube or two or try warming it up and keeping it in
an insulated beverage flask on a cold day. A soymilk “steamer” (hot,
steamed milk with a bit of foam) flavored with a shot of hazelnut is
my favorite drink to order at espresso stands that carry soymilk. Kids
love it, too!


Tofu Lettuce Cups with Mango Chutney (page 89)

Hazelnut Banana Sandwich Bites (page 132)
Peas and carrots
Corn Tires (page 9)
Monkey Chow (fruit-shaped cereal)

Monkeys love to eat their fruits and vegetables! Pack your own little
monkeys a fresh, fun mix of peas, carrots, corn, and Hazelnut Ba-
nana Sandwich Bites. A handful of Monkey Chow (dry, fruit-shaped
breakfast cereal) makes a crunchy, fun dessert.
For more adventurous monkeys (and adults), these Tofu Lettuce
Cups make a refreshing, satisfying lunch. Gingery tofu is paired with
lively lime, coconut, and peanuts in a lettuce wrapper. Be sure to
tuck in an ice pack or frozen water bottle to protect your lunch from
the heat.
Enjoy your Monkey Madness Adventure, and then hit the local
Jungle Gym for a little after-lunch swinging!


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Looking for more menu ideas and lunch box Adventures? Not to fear! Just

visit the Vegan Lunch Box blog: veganlunchbox.blogspot.com.
Once there, you’ll find dozens of creative ideas, pictures, and lunch box
suggestions. Browse the entire blog archive month-by-month. You’ll find
an entire year of vegan lunches, including dishes from dozens of vegan
and vegan-friendly cookbooks, all handily referenced and reviewed.
Many of the lunches feature ethnic menus like those in this chapter
from around the world. In addition to all the menus you see here, you’ll
find Chinese, Australian, Jewish, Japanese, Indian, French dishes, and
more, plus lots of good ol’ American kids’ cuisine—bologna and snack
cakes, anyone?

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Every day is a celebration, but special times call for extra-special

lunches. Here are themed menus designed for those grand days—
birthdays, holidays, graduation, and celebrations of the season. Let
your little lunchers know how special they are by surprising them
with these fun-filled holiday menus.


Your child’s favorite lunch

Fluffy White Cupcakes or Triple Chocolate Cupcakes
(pages 249 and 253)

Birthdays are the perfect time to bring a treat to share with the class
or coworkers. Everyone, both young and old, veggie and omnivore,
will love these incredible, decadent cupcakes. No one will ever guess
that they contain no dairy or eggs!
We have a tradition in our family that the birthday person always
chooses what we have for dinner. Why not extend this tradition to

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lunch as well? Let your child pick his or her favorite lunch menu,
and don’t forget to tuck a surprise birthday card into the lunch box!


Who says sugar has to be part of every classroom

celebration? If your family is trying to avoid the
white stuff, try bringing a sugar-free treat to share
instead. Fresh Fruit Kabobs (page 61) are colorful,
fun, and easy. Nonfood items like pencils or little
toys are another alternative.


Savory Autumn Leaf Pies (page 172)

Pretzel sticks
Nut butter
Lima or butter beans
Apple slices

Leaves and sticks—it’s what many people think vegans eat, isn’t it?
In celebration of the Fall Equinox, send your son or daughter to
school with this earthy menu: savory leaves made from a barley
poppy seed crust and filled with roasted autumn vegetables, along-
side pretzel sticks with a small container of natural peanut or al-
mond butter for dipping.
Throughout the school year as I posted lunch pictures on my blog
at veganlunchbox.com, people asked me how I got my son to eat


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lima beans. What was my secret recipe? It’s simple: I open a can of
lima beans, drain them, rinse them, and set them before him. It’s
one of his favorite beans, and he gets grumpy if he has to share. Look
for canned limas at any supermarket; in some stores you can even
find canned “chestnut” limas with beautiful brown speckling. Chest-
nut limas make an even lovelier, earthier-looking accompaniment
to this fall feast.


Make this lunch extra-fun by decorating your lunch

box with Halloween-themed stickers and toys. Last
year, I used black cat stickers and Halloween-style
spooky letters on the outside of the lunch box to
warn the diner to “BEWARE” of what they would dis-
cover when the box was opened!


Scary Spider Sandwiches (page 136)

Gobblin’ Fingers (page 70)
A pear
Beverage: Witches’ Brew (page 259)

Here’s a spine-tingling lunch for that spookiest of holidays, Hallo-

ween. “Spider” sandwiches creep around on a nest of “mummy wrap-
pings,” while Gobblin’ Fingers await dipping. A murky bottle of
Witches’ Brew is sure to chill and delight.

Special Occasions 55
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Pumpkin Anadama Rolls (page 229)

Cranberry Sauce
Wild Rice Pilaf (page 187)
Native Blend Popcorn Balls (page 80)
Beverage: Concord grape juice

Here are some wonderful recipes that will give all the vegans in your
life something to be thankful for at Thanksgiving dinner (not to
mention making the animals thankful as well).
After your Thanksgiving feast, save some leftovers and put to-
gether this native foods–themed lunch box the next day. Sandwich
a few slices of leftover Tofurky or other vegan roast in a Pumpkin
Anadama Roll (page 229). Spread the sandwich with a bit of Vege-
naise and/or cranberry sauce for a lovely post-Thanksgiving treat.


A picture of your family’s own adopted turkey
would be the perfect thing to tuck into this lunch
box to give your loved one an afternoon smile. To
adopt, visit www.adoptaturkey.org.

I like to use the time around Thanksgiving to highlight some of

the foods that we eat that are native to North America. While your
children help you pop popcorn or shape dinner rolls, tell them a lit-
tle about the native foods that are featured in today’s lunch:


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• Corn was domesticated in central Mexico, then spread north,

and was a major part of the Native American diet by Columbus’s
• Cranberries, blueberries, and concord grapes are the top three
Native American fruits that are commercially grown today.
• Pecans are the only major commercially grown tree nut that is
native to North America. The name “pecan” is an Algonquin
word, meaning a nut that must be cracked open.
• Popcorn was spreading through almost all the tribes of North and
South America by the time the pilgrims arrived. To the early Na-
tive Americans, popcorn was a currency of trade and friendship
and a symbol of hospitality.
• Pumpkins and squashes are also native to the New World. Na-
tive Americans grew pumpkins for food for thousands of years.
Pumpkin was served at the first Thanksgiving and quickly became
a staple in the diet of the first European settlers, as well.
• Sunflower was a common crop among Native American tribes
throughout North America. Sunflower seeds were ground or
pounded into flour, cracked and eaten, or even squeezed for oil.
• Wild rice is actually not rice but a native grass that grows in lakes
and river beds primarily in areas west and north of the Great Lakes.
The Algonquin, Ojibwa, Dakota, Winnebago, Sioux, Fox, and
Chippewa tribes used wild rice as an important staple in their diets.


Best Brussels Sprouts (page 191)

Golden Chestnut Soup (page 117)
A clementine or satsuma
Gingerbread Vegans (page 238) with Gingerbread Vegan Icing
(page 240)
Beverage: Soy nog

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Here’s a warm welcome to the wintertime holidays! Creamy, piping-

hot Golden Chestnut Soup warms the tummy on a cold winter’s day.
Brussels sprouts have long accompanied chestnuts at holiday meals,
and this meal is no exception; I find them addictive in this sweet,
tangy sauce.
Clementines and satsumas are sweet, seedless mandarin oranges
that become available each year around Christmastime. Pick some
up for a special holiday treat and old-time stocking stuffer.
You can decorate your Gingerbread Vegans at home before you
pack them, but they are really the most fun when you pack them
naked along with some sprinkles and a miniature piping bag filled
with icing, so the luncher can decorate the cookies right before eat-
ing them (see directions in the recipe).
And finally, what would the holidays be without some soy nog? I
think Silk brand soy nog is one of the best things in life. Really, give
it a try—it will nog your socks off!


Christmas Limas with Chestnuts and Brussels Sprouts

(page 196)
A whole-grain dinner roll
Radishes, trimmed to look like peppermints
Fastest Dip in the West (page 38)
Star fruit and pomegranate seeds
Vegan Fudge (page 245)

Christmas lima beans pair beautifully with the traditional holiday

mix of sweet chestnuts and brussels sprouts.
Radishes can be trimmed to look like peppermints: use a paring
knife to scrape off strips of red skin to expose the white flesh. The ef-
fect is quite convincing; when I featured a picture of this lunch on


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my blog, many readers wrote to tell me they thought the radishes

really were big Christmas candies!


Tomato Roses on a Bed of Cannellini Been Puree

(page 110)
Whole-grain crackers
Cherry Almond Mini Scones (page 210)
A piece of vegan dark chocolate

Send your sweethearts, big and small, out into the world this Valen-
tine’s Day with a special lunch that says “I love you!” First, roasted


Chocoholics, don’t worry! Going vegan doesn’t mean giving

up your daily chocolate fix! Chocolate comes from a plant—
the cacao plant—and is a vegan product in its natural state.
Most chocolate is then combined with sugar and dairy to

make the “milk chocolate” we find in most stores, but non-
dairy chocolate is becoming more and more available.
Fantastic dairy-free dark chocolate can be found in most
health food stores (but not all dark chocolate is dairy-free,
so be sure to check the ingredients). You can also find an
enormous selection of gourmet vegan chocolates online, in-
cluding truffles, hearts, bunnies, and boxes of vegan cream-
filled assortments. Check out sites like Vegan Essentials and
Food Fight! Vegan Grocery (see Recommended Resources,
page 261), or do a Web search for “vegan chocolate.” You’ll
be amazed at the mouthwatering selection.

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beets are shaped into hearts in a flavorful salad filled with fruits and
vegetables. Then, parsley and tomato skins are used to create minia-
ture red roses on a bed of rich cannellini beans.
For dessert, a sweet cherry and almond scone is a romantic rosy
red. You could even shape your scones into hearts using large cookie
cutters or a heart-shaped muffin pan. Follow the scone recipe on page
209, using the variation for Cherry Almond Mini Scones at the end.
Finally, don’t forget to include a special Valentine’s card or hand-
written love note, along with that little bite of sweet dark chocolate for
dessert (see page 59). Because what food says “love” like chocolate?

VA L E N T I N E ’ S D AY M E N U 2

Peanut Butter and Jelly Pop Hearts (see page 134)

An assortment of raw vegetables
Store-bought vegan salad dressing for dipping
Fresh strawberries
Beverage: Fortified nondairy milk

Here’s a simpler, very kid-friendly Valentine’s Day lunch menu, fea-

turing an adorable heart-shaped pastry filled with nut butter and
jam. Use a piping bag filled with icing to decorate the baked, cooled
Pop Hearts with swirls and stripes or sweet sayings like “Be Mine” or
“I Love You.”


Sunflower Sandwich (page 137)

Honeybee No-Bakes (page 241)
Sprout Salad with Mandarin Orange Dressing
(page 103)
A plastic egg filled with vegan jelly beans


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This lunch box is a cheerful celebration of springtime! The sand-

wich is masquerading as a beautiful sunflower and has attracted a fol-
lowing of no-bake cookie bees that can’t wait to take a taste.
The crispy sprout salad is a celebration of the new, emerging life
of spring, especially when you take the time to grow the sprouts
yourself. Don’t forget to tuck in an ice pack with this lunch—sprouts
will wilt quickly if they get warm.
Watch out when choosing jelly beans. Jelly beans and other jelly
candies may contain gelatin and beeswax. For a list of vegan can-
dies (including gelatin-free jelly beans) and other great Easter ideas,
visit PETA’s “Cruelty-Free Easter” page at www.peta.org/feat/easter/


Vegan Mini Pizzas (page 160) or Build-Your-Own-Tacos

(see below)
Fruit Kabobs (see below)
Graduation Hats (page 251)
Beverage: Sparkling juices and seltzers

You’ve done it! You’ve survived another school year (and I’m talking
to you parents and teachers as well as the kids)! Whether it’s kinder-
garten, senior year, or somewhere in between, it’s time to celebrate!
Throw a graduation bash with an assortment of vegan pizzas or a
Build-Your-Own-Taco Buffet: start with crisp corn taco shells and
lay out a selection of taco toppers like taco-flavored veggie meat, re-
fried beans, guacamole, vegan sour cream, black olives, shredded let-
tuce, tomatoes, and salsa.
Fruit Kabobs make regular fruit into something celebratory: alter-
nate chunks of colorful fresh pineapple, grapes, strawberries, and tan-
gerine segments on small bamboo skewers. If taking this to school or

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serving it to younger children, use small red coffee stir straws instead
of wooden skewers for safety.
For dessert, bake a batch of chocolate cupcakes and use a bit of
kitchen magic to transform them into Graduation Hats.


One afternoon in third grade, I opened my lunch bag and

discovered a special note from my mom, jokingly referring
to a funny story she had told me the day before. “Dear
Jenna, Don’t let a birdie poopoo on your head! Love,
Now everyone knows that the mention of “poo” can
send kids into fits of hysterics. I immediately shared this
with the kids around me, and the giggling quickly reached

a fever pitch. Suddenly, a large shadow loomed over us.
“Girls?” the teacher asked, “What’s so funny? Ah. I’ll
take that, thank you.”
I was mortified. Not only had I gotten us all in trouble,
but my precious letter had been taken away from me. I
never forgot that note from home, nor did I ever see it
Now, I’ve recovered enough from my childhood trauma
to become a big fan of notes in the lunch box. I’ve built
up a fun collection of little notes to tuck into lunches at
random, including mazes, jokes, brain teasers, mini cards

for holidays and special occasions, and sweet little illus-
trated notes that say things like “I’m Proud of You!”
Lunchtime notes can be a nice way to remind your chil-
dren that even though they’re away from home, you’re
still thinking about them. But please, nothing too hysteri-
cal, okay?


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Part Two
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Buy baked, unsalted tortilla chips to cut out the fat and sodium of
regular chips, or make your own from fresh corn tortillas.

About 2 tortillas Corn tortillas

make a serving
Canola oil
Sea salt
Chili powder (optional)

 Preheat the oven to 350ºF.

 Use a pizza wheel or sharp knife to cut the tortillas into strips or
wedges. Brush both sides with canola oil and sprinkle with salt to
taste and chili powder, if desired.
 Arrange the chips in a single layer on a baking sheet and bake
until golden brown and crisp, about 15 minutes.

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These crisp, not-too-sweet crackers are just right eaten plain, spread
with nut butter, or dipped into spicy pumpkin butter or apple butter.
Homemade graham crackers are fun to make together. Let your
young artists cut out the dough with cookie cutters and use a fork or
toothpick to poke holes in the tops.
Graham flour is a coarse grind of whole wheat flour. If you can’t
find it at your local health food store, substitute regular whole wheat

Makes about 3 1 cup all-purpose flour

dozen crackers, 1 cup graham or whole wheat flour
depending on the 1
size you cut them
⁄4 cup sugar
⁄4 cup cocoa powder (or carob powder)
1 teaspoon baking powder
⁄2 teaspoon kosher salt
⁄4 teaspoon cinnamon
⁄2 cup nonhydrogenated margarine, chilled
2 tablespoons maple syrup
⁄2 cup water
1 teaspoon vanilla

 In the bowl of a food processor fitted with the S blade, combine

the flours, sugar, cocoa powder, baking powder, salt, and cinna-
mon. Pulse to combine. Dot the top of the flour mixture evenly
with spoonfuls of the cold margarine. Process until the mixture
resembles coarse meal.
 Add the maple syrup, water, and vanilla, and process until the
mixture forms a dough.


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 Scrape the dough out of the food processor onto a well-floured

surface and form into a flat disk. Wrap the disk in plastic wrap
and refrigerate for at least 1 hour.
 Preheat the oven to 350ºF. Line two baking sheets with parch-
ment paper and set aside.
 Working with half of the dough at a time and keeping the other
half wrapped in plastic, roll the dough out on a lightly floured sur-
face using a rolling pin. Roll to a thickness of about 1⁄ 8 inch (the
thinner the crackers are, the crisper they will be). Cut out the
crackers into squares, circles, or whatever shape you desire. Use a
thin metal spatula to transfer the crackers to a baking sheet.
 With a fork, prick several holes in each cracker (this allows mois-
ture to escape and makes the crackers crisp). Bake for 15 to 18
minutes, until the crackers are firm and lightly browned on the
bottom. Don’t worry if they are a bit soft; they will become
crisper as they cool. Remove the crackers to a wire rack to cool
completely before storing in an airtight container.

VARIATION: Sprinkle the tops with Perfect Cinnamon-Sugar (page

215) before baking.



On Halloween or All Souls’ Eve (October 31), you
can follow an old European tradition by leaving out
a plate of circle-shaped Chocolate Graham Crackers
as “soul cakes” for the wandering souls of the dead.
The shape represents the circle of life and death.

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These lovely cookie-size spirals filled with vegan cream cheese and
fresh herbs or a zesty tapenade are the perfect addition to an appe-
tizer or finger food tray and are fantastic in the lunch box.

Makes 20 spirals, 3
⁄4 cup all-purpose flour
about 4 servings 1
⁄4 cup whole wheat flour
11⁄2 teaspoons baking powder
⁄2 teaspoon kosher salt
4 tablespoons canola oil
4 tablespoons plain, nondairy milk,
plus more as needed
6 tablespoons vegan cream cheese,
room temperature
2 tablespoons minced fresh herbs
(basil, parsley, dill, and thyme)
Freshly ground black pepper

 Preheat oven to 350ºF. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper

and set aside.
 Whisk together the flours, baking powder, and salt, then stir in
the oil and milk to form a stiff dough (add a bit more milk if
needed to hold the dough together). Turn the dough out onto a
lightly floured surface and roll out with a rolling pin into an 8 x
11-inch rectangle. Spread on a thin layer of cream cheese and
sprinkle with herbs and black pepper to taste. Starting at a long
edge, roll the dough into a log, pressing firmly so that no pockets
of air are trapped inside. Cut the dough log into twenty 1⁄ 2-inch
disks. Place on the baking sheet and bake until set and golden
brown on the bottom, about 20 minutes.


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VARIATION: Tapenade Spirals: follow directions above, substituting

4 tablespoons store-bought roasted red pepper or black olive tape-
nade for the vegan cream cheese.


Edamame (eh-dah-MAH-may) are green baby soybeans, available in

the freezer section of most grocery and health food stores. They are
easy to prepare and fun for kids to eat; pick up a pod and pinch the
soybeans out into your mouth.
You can also buy frozen edamame that are already shelled. These
take up less space in the lunch box and are faster to eat (but not as
much fun!). Prepare them as described above, or follow package di-

Makes 3 to 4 5 cups water, lightly salted

1 (12-ounce) package frozen edamame pods
Garlic salt and/or coarse sea salt

 In a medium saucepan, bring salted water to a boil and add the

edamame. Return to a boil, then lower heat to maintain a slow
rolling boil for 5 minutes, until warmed through. Watch carefully
so that the boiling water does not foam up and overflow.
 Drain the edamame in a colander, then sprinkle liberally with salt
and/or garlic salt. Serve cold or at room temperature. Don’t eat
the pods.

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Radishes make creepy-looking fingernails on these oddly orange fingers.

5 fingers make Easy Ranch Dip (page 106)

a fine serving
Baby carrots

 Prepare the Easy Ranch Dip and refrigerate several hours or

 Wash the radishes and use a sharp paring knife to cut small oval slices
from the sides. Use a small amount of dip to attach radish slices as
“fingernails” onto the baby carrots. Serve the fingers by poking them,
fingernails up, out of a container filled with a small layer of dip.


Vegans, are you getting your B12? Vitamin B12 is the only vitamin that is
not reliably supplied by a plant-based diet and exposure to the sun. Be-
cause of this, vegetarians and vegans may have low stores of the vitamin.
The good news is that the crystalline form of B12 in vitamin supple-

ments and cereals is actually more easily absorbed by our bodies than
the B12 found in animal products. In fact, even some meat eaters have
been found to be lacking in B12 and could benefit from supplementa-
tion. (Source: “Vegetarians, Older Folks Advised to Get Enough B12,”
Amy Norton, Reuters Health, August 2005).
So stay healthy! Make sure Vitamin B12 is included in your diet.
Many nondairy milks, cereals, and veggie meats are fortified with B12,
and B12 supplements are inexpensive and available at most health food
and grocery stores. For more information I recommend the article
“What Every Vegan Should Know about Vitamin B12,” by Jack Norris,
RD, at veganhealth.org/articles/everyvegan.


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Granola makes a fine crunchy snack at any time of day. Pack a small,
sealed container of granola separately so it stays crunchy, then sprin-
kle it over soy yogurt and fresh fruit at lunchtime.
This is my husband’s favorite granola; feel free to substitute your
own favorite dried fruit or nuts.

Makes about 3 cups old-fashioned rolled oats

4 cups 1
⁄2 cup chopped pecans
⁄2 teaspoon nutmeg
⁄4 teaspoon cinnamon
A pinch of salt
⁄4 cup canola oil
⁄3 cup maple syrup
⁄2 cup diced dried apple
⁄2 cup raisins

 Preheat the oven to 300ºF.

 In a large mixing bowl, combine the oats, pecans, nutmeg, cinna-
mon, and salt. Stir with a large wooden spoon to combine.
 In a 2-cup liquid measuring cup or small bowl, whisk together the
canola oil and maple syrup. Pour the liquid over the oat mixture,
stirring well to coat the oats completely with the oil and syrup.
 Spread the mixture out evenly on a baking sheet and place in the
oven. Bake until the granola is lightly toasted, about 30 minutes,
stirring once halfway through. Remove from the oven and place
the baking sheet on a wire rack to cool. Stir in the dried apple
and raisins, then store in an airtight container.

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My son loves this creamy, cheesy fondue. His favorite dippers are
steamed brussels sprouts; he asks me for fondue every time he sees
good-looking sprouts at the store. This recipe also makes a nice
“cheese” sauce to pour over baked potatoes or steamed greens.

Makes about 1
⁄2 cup sliced baby carrots
2 cups
1 (12-ounce) package soft or firm silken tofu
⁄4 cup nutritional yeast flakes
⁄4 teaspoon dry mustard
1 tablespoon mellow white miso
1 teaspoon freshly squeezed lemon juice
⁄4 teaspoon salt (or to taste)
A pinch of white pepper
A pinch of nutmeg

 Place the carrots in a small saucepan and cover with a scant 1⁄ 2

cup of water. Bring to boil and lower the heat to a simmer. Cook
until the carrots are completely tender.
 Meanwhile, place all the rest of the ingredients in a blender.
When the carrots are done add them and their cooking liquid
and puree until completely smooth.
 Place the fondue back into the saucepan and heat on medium-
low heat, stirring frequently, until piping hot.
 To serve immediately, pour the fondue into a small slow cooker or
fondue pot and serve surrounded by vegetables and bread for dip-
ping (our list of favorites follows).
 To pack fondue for a lunch, pour the hot fondue into a small in-
sulated food jar that has been preheated with boiling water for 10


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Some favorite fondue dippers:

• cubes of crusty whole-grain bread

• boiled baby new potatoes
• lightly steamed baby carrots
• raw or lightly steamed cauliflower florets
• raw or lightly steamed broccoli florets
• steamed brussels sprouts
• blanched asparagus spears
• bell pepper strips
• apple chunks
• cherry tomatoes
• artichoke hearts
• raw button mushrooms
• raw zucchini slices
• blanched whole green beans
• pineapple chunks
• baby corn
• pickled jalapeños
• large, pitted olives
• celery sticks
• a spoon!

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My son HATES cooked leafy greens. Spinach, cabbage, kale, chard, col-
lards, you name it—the sight of a stray bit of cooked leafy on his plate is
enough to send him into hysterics. He also hates most dried fruit, winter
squash, sweet potatoes, mushrooms, onions, hot cereal, cold cereal,
plums, eggplant, bell peppers . . . could I ever go on! Sometimes he sim-
ply refuses to eat anything at all.
But is he a picky eater? I wouldn’t say so. He loves broccoli, green
beans, brussels sprouts, and cauliflower, and he’s never met a lima bean

he didn’t like. He’s also usually willing to try a new food at least once be-
fore making a face.
Aren’t we all—kids and adults alike—picky eaters in our own way? I
could create a list of likes and dislikes similar to the one above for my
husband or myself. We each grew up with foods we loved and foods we
couldn’t stand. Some of our tastes changed as we grew; some stayed the
same (my stepdad is still waiting for me to like green bell pepper so he
can consider me officially grown up).
Our taste buds like what they like, regardless of what others would wish
us to eat. Too much pressure on children to eat something they really

don’t like can backfire, leading to a stubborn, rebellious refusal to try
anything new at all.
If your child has tried a food a few times and still doesn’t like it, don’t
make her eat it. For example, although you will find onions are called for
in some of my recipes, because James hates onions with such passion, I
make all my recipes without onions when I make them for him. Feel free to
leave onions or anything else your child will take exception to out of a
Mealtimes should be relaxed and enjoyable for everyone. If you fill your
house with a wide variety of healthy choices, limit unhealthy foods, get


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regular checkups, and offer appropriate supplements (such as calcium-
fortified beverages, iron-fortified cereal, and a chewable vegan multivita-
min), everything should be okay. Here are a few more tips:

• Experiment, trying new foods together. My uncle used to take his

young grandchildren to the grocery store each Saturday morning
and would ask them to pick one new fruit or vegetable to try that
day. Some they liked, some they didn’t, but the point was to have
fun. If you explore healthy foods with the same sense of adventure,

you may be surprised at what your child enjoys.

• If a particular fruit or vegetable is turned down in one dish, try serv-

ing it another way—raw instead of cooked, or roasted instead of
steamed. Try chopping or shredding it into tinier, kid-size bites
(some kids are more bothered by the size of those big pieces of let-
tuce in the salad rather than their actual taste). Or try using a
blender to puree it into velvety soups and smoothies.

• Don’t give up too soon. Experts say children usually need to be pre-

sented with a new food several times before they will accept it. Try
bringing back old rejects for another try later on. James abhorred
cooked tomatoes until he turned seven. One day he smelled some
Roasted Tomato Basil Soup (page 121) bubbling on the stove. “Do
you think I’d like that?” he asked. I stifled my immediate response
(“No, you don’t like tomatoes”) and said, “Maybe. It’s very good
soup.” He ate three bowls for lunch! It taught me that a kid’s tastes
are his own, and there is always, always hope.

Except when it comes to me and green peppers, of course.

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The day I discovered that Pepperidge Farm puff pastry sheets are ve-
gan, there was much rejoicing and dancing in the store aisles. I’ve
always been a sucker for anything en croûte (wrapped in pastry).
These are wonderful as is, but if you like mushrooms, check out
the variation on page 78.

Makes 12 1 cup walnuts

Mini Wellingtons
1 cup cooked brown rice
1 cup canned chickpeas, rinsed and drained
1 cup oat bran
⁄2 teaspoon sage
⁄2 teaspoon marjoram
⁄4 teaspoon thyme
⁄4 teaspoon onion powder
2 tablespoons soy sauce
1 tablespoon Dijon mustard
1 tablespoon natural peanut butter
1 (1-pound) package frozen puff pastry,
thawed at room temperature for about
30 minutes
Extra virgin olive oil, for brushing

 Line two baking sheets with parchment paper, spray with non-
stick spray, and set aside. Have a small bowl of water and a clean,
floured pastry board or flat surface ready.
 Using a food processor fitted with the S blade, process the wal-
nuts into very small bits. Scrape the walnuts into a large mixing
bowl and set aside.
 Add the brown rice and chickpeas to the bowl of the food proces-
sor and process until the mixture forms a coarse mash. Add this


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mash to the mixing bowl along with the oat bran, sage, marjoram,
thyme, onion powder, soy sauce, mustard, and peanut butter. Us-
ing your hands, knead the mixture well until it is thoroughly
mixed and holds its shape. Cool completely (if the filling is too
warm it will melt the puff pastry and the pastry won’t bake up
puffy and crisp).
 Unfold the first sheet of puff pastry on a floured pastry board or
flat surface (it should still be cold, but thawed enough to unfold
without cracking). Using a rolling pin, roll the pastry out into a
12 x 12-inch square. Cut the sheet into six rectangles, each about
6 x 4 inches.
 Scoop up a handful of the nut loaf mixture and form it into a
small rectangular loaf, about 3 x 1 x 3⁄ 4 inches. Place the loaf in
the center of a piece of puff pastry. Dip your fingers in the bowl of
water and lightly wet the top of the loaf.
 Fold the short ends of the puff pastry up over the loaf, then fold
the long edges up, using a bit of water on the edges of the pastry
to help seal it shut. The loaf should be completely encased in puff
 Place the Mini Wellingtons, seam side down, on the prepared
baking sheets. Repeat with the other sheet of puff pastry and the
remaining bean and nut mixture. Lightly brush the pastries with
olive oil.
 You may score the tops of the puff pastry with a decorative design
using a very sharp knife or razor blade. Don’t cut completely
through the puff pastry.
 Cover the baking sheets completely with plastic wrap and refrig-
erate overnight or until ready to bake.
 When ready to bake, preheat the oven to 400ºF (give the oven
plenty of time to warm up to ensure a good puff pastry crust).
Bake for 25 minutes, until the crust is puffed and golden and the
inside is heated through.

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VARIATION: We adults love this version with mushrooms: Sauté 2

cups minced button mushrooms, 1 minced garlic clove, and a pinch
of salt in 2 teaspoons olive oil over medium-high heat until the
moisture has evaporated and the mushrooms are soft, fragrant, and
starting to brown, about 5 minutes. Stir the mushrooms into the nut
loaf mixture and proceed with the recipe.

VARIATION: Stuffed Peppers: My lovely sister-in-law devised this

healthy variation made without the puff pastry: “I made the nut and
bean loaf, then added a 1⁄ 4 cup of tomato sauce. I stuffed it into
seven cleaned-out medium green bell peppers and baked them at
350ºF for 30 minutes. They tasted great, travel nicely (I took one to
work), and are very filling! While I was stuffing the peppers, I no-
ticed that (for me) cutting a slit down one of the sides is helpful in
stuffing the pepper, but you might be better at stuffing than I am.”
Thanks, Rachel!


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These rice balls were a favorite snack of my Japanese uncle, who

loved to eat them with the traditional umeboshi filling. Umeboshi
are tart, salty, pickled plums, and you may find them to be a bit of an
acquired taste.
If pickled plum is too much of a stretch for your little luncher, Jap-
anese schoolchildren have also started enjoying their musubi with a
new filling: peanut butter!

Makes 6 musubi, 2 cups uncooked Japanese sticky rice

serves 3
Kosher or sea salt
Nori seaweed, cut into strips or squares
6 pitted umeboshi (or 6 teaspoons natural
peanut butter)

 Cook the sticky rice according to package directions, or as fol-

lows: rinse and drain the rice, then place in a medium saucepan
with 21⁄ 2 cups water (1 part rice to 11⁄ 4 parts water). Bring to a
boil and set the heat to low. Cover and cook on low for 25 min-
utes, until the water is absorbed and the rice is tender. Uncover
and toss the rice with a rice paddle or wooden spoon, then allow
to cool.
 Meanwhile, have a bowl of water, a salt shaker, nori strips, and
your filling ingredients ready.
 When the rice is cool enough to handle, moisten your hands with
water, then sprinkle some salt on your palms. Spoon up a large
ball of rice, about the size of a racquet ball, and use your hands to
press the rice into a ball or triangle.
 Push your thumb into the center of the rice, fill with one pitted
umeboshi plum or a teaspoon of peanut butter, and cover the hole
with rice. Set the musubi on a strip or square of nori. Use a bit of

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water on your fingertips to moisten the nori so it will stick, then

wrap it around the musubi.
 Cover the rice balls with plastic wrap until lunchtime.

VARIATION: Last Easter we shaped our musubi into “eggs” and deco-
rated them with colorful soy paper (mamenori) to make vegan Easter
Eggs. Place the filling where the egg yolk would be!


You might consider bringing this treat into the classroom to share.
As the students munch away, you can share with them that popcorn,
sunflowers, pumpkins, blueberries, and cranberries were used by the
Native Americans and are all foods native to our continent (see
page 57). They’re darn tasty, too!

Makes 12 balls ⁄3 cup roasted, unsalted pumpkin seeds
(or buy them raw and toast your own,
see below)
10 cups popped popcorn (1⁄2 cup unpopped
kernels, popped in 1⁄8 cup corn or
canola oil)
⁄3 cup roasted, unsalted sunflower seeds
⁄3 cup dried blueberries
⁄3 cup dried cranberries
⁄4 cup brown rice syrup
1 cup packed light brown sugar
⁄2 teaspoon salt
Margarine or oil for hands


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 To toast raw pumpkin seeds, preheat the oven to 350ºF. Place the
pumpkin seeds on a baking sheet and toast, shaking the pan one
or two times, for 10 minutes, until the seeds are slightly puffed.
Set aside.
 Pop the popcorn and place it in a large mixing bowl with the sun-
flower seeds, pumpkin seeds, dried blueberries, and dried cranber-
ries. Remove any unpopped kernels. Set aside.
 Place the brown rice syrup, brown sugar, salt, and 1⁄ 4 cup water in
a small saucepan over medium heat. Cook, stirring constantly,
until the mixture boils over the entire surface. Stop stirring and
adjust the heat if necessary to maintain this constant boil without
boiling over.
 Okay, now you have a choice. If you want soft, somewhat gooey,
chewy popcorn balls (my personal preference), boil for about 8
to 10 minutes (240ºF on a candy thermometer, also known as
soft-ball stage). If you want hard, less chewy popcorn balls that
crackle when you crunch into them (my husband’s preference),
boil for up to 15 minutes (250ºF on a candy thermometer, or
hard-ball stage).
 Pour the sugar mixture evenly over the popcorn, stirring con-
stantly until everything is completely coated, being sure to stir
from the bottom of the bowl to catch all those little sunflower
seeds that like to fall to the bottom. Put some margarine or oil on
your hands to keep the mixture from sticking. Scoop up large
handfuls and shape into balls, pressing firmly (if you are packing
some inside a lunch box, make sure you make them small or flat
enough so that they fit with the lid closed).
 Work quickly before the mixture has a chance to cool. If the mix-
ture gets too firm to shape, place it in a warm (300ºF) oven for 1
to 2 minutes to soften.

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Pepitas (green pumpkin seeds) are available in bulk bins at most

health foods stores and some grocery stores. They are an excellent
source of protein, iron, and other minerals. These savory, smoky
pumpkin seeds are reminiscent of bacon bits. Use them as a garnish
on salads, soups, and greens, or eat them by the handful for a high-
protein snack.

Makes 1 cup 1 cup raw, hulled pepitas

A large pinch (about 1⁄16 teaspoon) cayenne
1 tablespoon Bragg Liquid Aminos
(or soy sauce)
⁄2 teaspoon liquid smoke flavoring

 Heat a large cast-iron skillet over medium heat. Place the pump-
kin seeds in the skillet and stir constantly with a wooden spoon.
Toast the seeds for about 8 to 10 minutes, until the seeds are
puffed and making popping noises. Lower the heat as needed to
avoid burning; some of the seeds should turn a golden brown.
 Remove from heat and sprinkle with the cayenne. Pour in the Li-
quid Aminos or soy sauce and the liquid smoke (the liquid should
sizzle when it hits the pan–don’t inhale that first puff of peppery
smoke!). Return the skillet to the burner, stirring continually.
Stir and scrape the bottom of the skillet until the seeds are dry,
about 1 to 2 minutes.
 Pour the seeds out onto a large plate and spread them out to cool.
Cool completely and store in an airtight jar at room temperature.


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Don’t even think about making Play Pretzels without some little
hands around to help you! Get creative and have fun!

Makes about 1
3 dozen pretzels,
⁄2 cup warm water (110 F)
1 teaspoon sugar
depending on
the size you 1 scant tablespoon (1 package) active dry yeast
make them 2
⁄3 cup whole wheat flour
⁄3 cup all-purpose flour
⁄4 teaspoon kosher salt
Coarse salt or Perfect Cinnamon-Sugar
(page 215), optional

 Preheat the oven to 425ºF. Line two baking sheets with parch-
ment paper, spray with nonstick spray, and set aside.
 Pour the warm water into a mug or liquid measuring cup and stir
in the sugar. Sprinkle the yeast into the water and stir well. Let
the mixture sit until it’s bubbly and dissolved, about 5 minutes.
 Meanwhile, in a medium mixing bowl, whisk together the whole
wheat flour, all-purpose flour, and salt. Pour the yeast mixture
into the flour, stirring until a dough forms.
 Turn the dough out onto a lightly floured surface and knead for
about 2 minutes, until a smooth dough forms. Cover the dough
with plastic wrap and set aside to rest for 10 minutes.
 Pinch or cut off bits of the dough and roll into long, thin snakes,
about 1⁄ 4 inch wide. Form the snakes into letters, numbers, squares,
spirals, pretzels, hearts, or other fun shapes.
 Place the shapes on the prepared baking sheet. Brush the pretzels
with water using a pastry brush. If you like, sprinkle them with
some coarse salt or Perfect Cinnamon-Sugar. Bake for about 10
minutes, until lightly golden.

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Polenta is a coarse grind of cornmeal similar to grits. It is usually yel-

low, but white polenta and grits also make great fries.
The polenta is prepared the night before and refrigerated. In the
morning allow about 20 minutes to slice and broil the polenta
wedges, turning them into perfect, crispy fries. Instead of cooking
your own polenta, you can use a tube of precooked polenta from the
store. Slice and broil it into fries using the instructions above.

Makes 2 to 3 4 cups water, lightly salted

11⁄2 cups polenta or grits
1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil,
plus more for pan
1 tablespoon nutritional yeast flakes
Salt (optional)
Barbecue sauce or ketchup, for serving

 Spray or brush one 8.5 x 3.5-inch loaf pan with olive oil. Cut a
piece of parchment paper large enough to cover the bottom of
the loaf pan with two edges folding up and over the sides of the
pan (this will help you unmold the polenta). Spray or brush the
parchment paper with olive oil. Set aside.
 In a medium saucepan, bring the salted water to a boil. Gradually
add the polenta, whisking constantly. Return to a boil, lower the
heat to the lowest setting, and cook, stirring constantly with a
wooden spoon, until the mixture is thick, about 8 minutes. Add
the olive oil and the nutritional yeast and stir well to combine.
 Pour the polenta mixture into the prepared loaf pan. Use a
wooden spoon or spatula to smooth the top. Refrigerate several
hours or overnight.


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 In the morning, preheat the oven to broil with the oven rack set
about 5 to 6 inches from the broiler. Line a baking sheet with
parchment paper and brush the paper with olive oil.
 Remove the polenta from the loaf pan and set it on a cutting
board. Slice the polenta width-wise into 1⁄ 2-inch slices, then cut
the slices in half to make bite-size pieces. Arrange the slices on
the baking sheet and brush them with olive oil.
 Broil for about 10 minutes, until the tops are crispy. Flip the
slices over and broil for an additional 5 minutes, until crispy and
beginning to brown. Sprinkle with nutritional yeast flakes and/or
salt if desired. Serve the fries with barbecue sauce or ketchup for


Some raw vegetables can be cut into fun shapes for snacking or dip-
ping. Sweet, crunchy jicama is our favorite, but many different raw
veggies work nicely. Use a mix of different vegetables for a variety of

Makes 1 to Special equipment you will need:

several servings
Small, sharp cookie cutters (preferably metal)

One or more raw vegetables:

Daikon radish
Large carrots
Sweet potato/yam
Golden beets

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 Peel your veggies and slice them into thin circles (about 1⁄ 8 inch
 Use small, sharp cookie cutters to cut out decorative shapes. Press
down evenly and firmly. Save the scraps to chop up and add to
salad later on.

VARIATION: Try using long strips taken from the sides of zucchini,
cucumber, or tomatoes. Keep the skin on to help the veggies hold


If you are used to eating sweet potatoes candied with brown sugar
and cinnamon, you might be surprised to discover how good they
can be with savory seasonings like olive oil, garlic, or onions. Roast-
ing brings out their flavor and turns them into a great substitute for
regular french fries.

Makes 2 servings One large sweet potato or red garnet yam,

peeled and cut into 21⁄2 x 1⁄2 x 1⁄2-inch fries
(about 3 cups)
1 teaspoon extra virgin olive oil
⁄4 teaspoon garlic salt
Salt (optional)

 Preheat the oven to 475ºF. Line a baking sheet with parchment

paper and set aside.
 In a medium bowl, toss together the sweet potatoes, olive oil, and
garlic salt. Spread in a single layer on the baking sheet.
 Roast the fries for about 20 minutes, stirring two or three times
during the roasting to ensure even cooking. Watch them carefully


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toward the end of roasting so they don’t burn; they should be

cooked through and golden brown. Salt to taste and serve.

VARIATION: For a real grown-up treat, try topping these sweet potato
fries with red onion slices browned in olive oil.


My husband tells me this recipe is worth the entire price of the book!
Tofu is baked in a flavorful orange-ginger marinade, then paired with
tart apple and sweet Napa cabbage and rolled in a rice paper wrapper.
For younger kids, try leaving out the cabbage, cilantro, and scallion.
Serve with Quick Peanut Sauce (page 108) for dipping.

Makes 9 rolls 1 pound firm tofu

4 tablespoons freshly squeezed orange juice
1 tablespoon mirin (sweet Japanese
cooking wine)
1 tablespoon soy sauce
1 tablespoon canola oil
2 garlic cloves, minced
1 tablespoon minced fresh ginger
A pinch of cayenne
1 Granny Smith apple
9 (8-inch diameter) dried rice paper wrappers
(see note on page 49)
18 fresh cilantro stems
1 cup finely shredded Napa cabbage
1 bunch scallions, sliced
9 large leaf or butterhead lettuce leaves,
washed and patted dry

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 Wrap the tofu in a kitchen towel and set it on a plate. Put an-
other plate on top and weigh it down with something heavy.
Press the tofu for 30 minutes.
 Make a marinade by whisking together 3 tablespoons of the
orange juice, the mirin, soy sauce, and canola oil. Stir in the gar-
lic, ginger, and cayenne.
 Cut the tofu into three slices lengthwise, then turn the tofu block
on its side and cut into thirds again, making nine equal slices.
Place the slices in an 8 x 8-inch baking dish and pour the mari-
nade over the top. Let the tofu sit for 30 minutes, then turn the
slices over and let sit for another 30 minutes.
 Preheat the oven to 375ºF. Bake the tofu and marinade for 40
minutes, until it is golden brown and the marinade is absorbed.
Set aside to cool.
 Peel, core, and thinly slice the Granny Smith apple. Toss the ap-
ple slices with the remaining tablespoon of orange juice to keep
them from browning.
 Dip one of the wrappers in a wide bowl filled with warm water for
15 seconds, or until softened. Transfer to a dry work surface and
pat dry. Arrange a slice of tofu along with some apple slices, 2
sprigs of cilantro, some Napa cabbage, and scallions in a mound
just below the center of the wrapper. Roll up the rice paper to
form a tight bundle, folding in the sides along the way.
 Serve or pack each roll wrapped in a lettuce leaf (this will keep
the spring roll from sticking to the plate). If packing for later,
cover the rolls with a damp paper towel and some plastic wrap to
keep them from drying out.


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The mix of lively flavors sings in the mouth with every bite of these
easy-to-make lettuce cups!
In this recipe the tofu is steam-fried, which infuses it with the
fresh ginger and soy sauce without using any oil. Cook the tofu well
ahead of time and refrigerate before assembling the lettuce cups.

Makes 18 1 tablespoon minced fresh ginger

lettuce cups
1 tablespoon soy sauce
2 tablespoons water, plus more as needed
1 pound firm tofu, drained and cut into
18 cubes
1 large head butterhead lettuce, leaves
separated, washed, and patted dry
Approximately 1⁄2 cup roasted peanuts,
coarsely chopped
Approximately 1 tablespoon toasted coconut
1 lime
1 jar mango chutney

 Heat a nonstick or cast-iron skillet over medium-high heat. Stir

together the minced ginger, soy sauce, and water. Pour the mix-
ture into the hot pan; the liquid should sizzle and begin to bubble.
Add the tofu cubes in a single layer and cook, turning frequently,
until the tofu is touched with brown and warmed through and all
the liquid has been cooked off (turn down the heat and add a bit
more water if the liquid is boiling off too fast).
 Remove the tofu cubes from the pan and place on a platter in the
refrigerator to chill for several hours.

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 To assemble the lettuce cups, lay out the lettuce leaves so that
they curl upward. Sprinkle each leaf with a generous teaspoon of
chopped peanuts and about 1⁄ 4 teaspoon coconut (use more or less
as desired). Top each leaf with a tofu cube and sprinkle with a
generous squeeze of fresh lime juice.
 Top each tofu cube with a dollop of mango chutney, or serve
chutney on the side.
 To eat, pick up a lettuce cup with your fingers and fold the lettuce
around the filling slightly like a taco shell. Try to get a bit of tofu,
chutney, peanuts, and coconut in every bite.


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Thursday, Nov. 3, 2005: Tonight my son ATE A SALAD! I saw it happen! I

can’t believe it—the same kid who objected to even a wayward bit of ice-
berg lettuce on a bite of burrito suddenly ate his greens!
James had wandered into the kitchen and was watching me chop
lettuce and spinach. He picked up a baby spinach leaf, examined it,
and handed it to me. “I think I could eat that if it had a yummy dress-

ing on it,” he told me, “and if it had things I like in it, like carrots.”
WHAT?!? Okay, I thought, I must show no emotion, lest I spook
the strange creature and cause it to flee. “Sure, I think we can do
that,” I calmly replied. I put him to work spinning the lettuce and
chopping chunks of carrot and apple while I tried to come up with a
“yummy dressing.”
I had to think fast. Suddenly, I remembered a recent podcast on
salad dressing by vegan cookbook author Dreena Burton. I hastily
pulled out my notes. She suggested adding a sweetener, like maple

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“AND THEN, A MIRACLE OCCURRED. . . ” continued

syrup, to cut acidity. Starting with her example, I put together a

dressing I am now calling Asian Miracle Dressing.
Together we brought the salad of greens, carrots, apple, walnuts,
and dressing to the table, and I served my son up a bowlful.
“Mmm, this dressing is my number one dressing!” he said as he
started in.
“So many flavors!” he said a few bites later.
He ate two bowlfuls.
I tried not to gape. The immutable law of Green Leafy Hatred
had suddenly and inexplicably reversed itself!


(Results atypical; individual results may vary; please try this at home.)

Makes 2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar

approximately 1
⁄2 cup
⁄4 teaspoon Dijon mustard
11⁄2 tablespoons maple syrup
A pinch of salt
A grind of pepper
⁄2 teaspoon soy sauce
1 teaspoon toasted sesame oil
11⁄2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil

 Combine all ingredients and whisk with a fork until well blended.


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This recipe is designed to create two individually arranged salads. If

it’s easier for you, toss all the salad ingredients together in a single
bowl and serve with dressing on the side, or arrange them into sev-
eral smaller salads.

Makes 2 Dressing:
large salads 1
⁄4 cup freshly squeezed orange juice
(the juice of one orange)
⁄4 cup brown rice vinegar
1 teaspoon toasted sesame oil
Shichimi togarashi (Japanese seven-spice
blend) if you have it, or cayenne.

 Combine orange juice, brown rice vinegar, and toasted sesame

oil. Season to taste with salt and shichimi togarashi and set aside.

1 (5-ounce) bag of spring mix or baby
lettuce salad greens
⁄4 cup carrot, peeled and grated,
loosely packed
⁄4 cup daikon radish, peeled and grated,
loosely packed
1 cup cucumber, peeled and diced
1 cup shelled edamame, thawed if frozen
Toasted sesame seeds

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 Arrange the salad greens in a small mound on each of two salad

plates. Mix together the grated carrot and daikon radish and
arrange around the edges of each bed of lettuce, forming a
wreath. Mix together the cucumber and edamame and place half
in the center of each lettuce bed. Sprinkle the cucumber mixture
with toasted sesame seeds. Add the dressing just before serving.


This luscious salad makes a great sandwich filling tucked into a

whole wheat pita with lettuce and spinach, or it can be enjoyed on
its own as a side dish or on top a bed of mixed greens.
Use roasted chickpeas for a chewier texture (roast them the night
before to save time in the morning) or use them straight from the
can if you’re in a hurry.

Makes 2 servings 1 recipe Cheesy Roasted Chickpeas

(page 194), cooled, or Fast Cheesy
Chickpeas (page 194)
2 tablespoons Vegenaise
1 teaspoon toasted sesame oil
1 tablespoon minced fresh cilantro
2 tablespoons chopped pecans
1 celery stalk, minced
One scallion, white and part of the green,
minced (optional)

 Combine the chickpeas, Vegenaise, toasted sesame oil, cilantro,

pecans, celery, and scallion in a medium bowl and mix gently
with a spatula.


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A raita is a cooling yogurt salad made with cucumber, tomato, onion,

or grated carrot. According to Julie Sahni, author of Classic Indian
Cooking, “an Indian meal, especially a vegetarian meal, is never con-
sidered complete without a dish containing yogurt.”
Unfortunately, plain soy yogurt is not available in most areas, and
even when it is, it can contain large amounts of sweetener, making it
ill suited to a dish like raita. Here, I have substituted silken tofu. If you
do have access to unsweetened plain soy yogurt—or better yet, if you
make your own—use it in place of the silken tofu and lemon juice.

Makes 4 servings 1 medium-size cucumber

⁄4 cup soft silken tofu
2 teaspoons freshly squeezed lemon juice
(or more, to taste)
⁄4 cup vegan sour cream (or more silken tofu)
A pinch of sugar
⁄2 teaspoon kosher salt (or to taste)
⁄2 teaspoon canola oil
⁄4 teaspoon black mustard seeds
A pinch of asafoetida powder (optional)

 Peel the cucumber, trim off the ends, and cut in half lengthwise.
Use a melon baller or teaspoon to scoop out the seeds. Grate the
cucumber into a small bowl, using the large holes of a hand
grater, and set aside.
 In a blender, combine the silken tofu, lemon juice, vegan sour
cream, sugar, and salt. Puree until smooth. Pour over the cucum-
ber and stir to combine.
 In a small, heavy skillet, heat the oil over medium-high heat.
When the oil is hot, add the black mustard seeds and asafoetida

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powder, if desired. Cover the skillet with a lid and listen for the
seeds to start popping. When they have begun to pop, scrape the
oil and spices into the cucumber raita and stir well. Chill for an
hour or so before serving. Taste for seasoning and add more lemon
juice as needed to brighten the flavors.

Finally! It’s the potato salad I longed for as a child—all the delicious
potatoes and creamy dressing without the dreaded bits of raw onion
and bell pepper. My son hates onions the same I way I used to (how
soon we forget the picky palates of our youth!), so he’s very happy to
get this onion-free dish in his lunch box.
This salad is especially easy to throw together if you have leftover
cooked potatoes in the fridge, but freshly cooked potatoes will ab-
sorb more of the flavor.

Makes 2 servings 2 medium-size new potatoes, boiled until

tender but still holding their shape
⁄2 teaspoon white vinegar
⁄8 cup Vegenaise
⁄4 teaspoon Dijon mustard
⁄8 teaspoon garlic salt
1 tablespoon capers, rinsed and drained
1 tablespoon diced celery (optional)
Salt and pepper

 When the potatoes are cool enough to handle, peel the skin off
with the back of a knife. Dice the potatoes and place them in a
small mixing bowl.


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 Add the white vinegar, Vegenaise, Dijon mustard, and garlic salt
and stir gently with a spatula until well combined. Add the capers
and/or celery, if using, and season to taste with salt and pepper.


Fennel bulbs are licorice-flavored vegetables that are at their prime

during the fall and winter months. Fennel bulbs can be roasted,
grilled, sautéed, or eaten raw. Here, they are shaved paper-thin using
a mandoline (an adjustable-blade slicer used to cut fruits and vegeta-
bles), then tossed with cucumber, capers, lemon, and olive oil.

Makes 4 servings 1 large fennel bulb, rinsed

⁄2 medium-size cucumber
4 tablespoons capers, drained
⁄2 teaspoon fresh lemon zest
1 tablespoon freshly squeezed lemon juice
⁄2 teaspoon kosher salt (or to taste)
1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil
Pitted Kalamata or black olives (optional)

 Cut the stalks off the fennel bulb, cutting close to the bulb. Re-
move any bruised or tough outer layers. Cut away the bottom of
the bulb, then cut the bulb in half lengthwise and remove the
hard inner core. Slice the fennel into paper-thin strips using a
mandoline or vegetable slicer. If you don’t have a mandoline,
slice the fennel as thinly as possible with a large chef’s knife.
 Peel the cucumber and rinse. Cut the cucumber into 2-inch
pieces. If using a mandoline, adjust the blade to make match-
sticks and cut the cucumber, rotating it to cut all around the out-
side, discarding the inner core of seeds. If slicing the cucumber by

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hand, cut the cucumber in half and scoop out the seeds, then cut
into 2-inch-long matchsticks.
 Toss the fennel and cucumber together with the capers and
lemon zest. In a small bowl, mix together the lemon juice, salt,
and olive oil. Pour over the salad and toss well. Garnish each
serving with one or two pitted olives.



The flavors of lemon and tarragon nicely complement the green

beans and carrots in this simple salad. Double or triple the recipe to
suit your needs. This vinaigrette also tastes lovely on boiled new po-
tatoes or cooked beets.

Makes 1 serving 3 baby carrots, cut into matchsticks

1 handful fresh French green beans, trimmed
(about 3 ounces)
⁄2 teaspoon Dijon mustard
⁄4 teaspoon salt (or to taste)
1 tablespoon freshly squeezed lemon juice
2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
⁄2 teaspoon dried tarragon or 1 teaspoon
fresh, minced
Freshly ground black pepper

 Bring a small saucepan of lightly salted water to a boil. Fill a mix-

ing bowl with ice water set aside in the sink.
 When the water boils, add the carrot matchsticks and green
beans. Boil until they are just tender and the beans are still bright
green, about 4 minutes. Immediately drain off the boiling water


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and place the vegetables in the ice water bath (this stops the
cooking and retains the bright color). Drain again and set aside.
 Meanwhile, make the vinaigrette: in a small measuring cup,
whisk together the Dijon mustard, salt, and lemon juice with a
fork. Slowly add the olive oil, whisking constantly. Add the tar-
ragon and whisk to blend. Season to taste with black pepper.
 Drizzle the vegetables with a small amount of vinaigrette and toss


This has been a favorite Valentine’s Day meal for my sweetie and me
for several years now. The sweet flavor of the roasted beets marries
beautifully with the flavors of orange and apple. Use blood oranges if
you can find them.

Makes 4 servings Special equipment you will need:

A small, heart-shaped cookie cutter
3 large beets, scrubbed but not peeled
1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar
3 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
3 or 4 fresh basil leaves, cut into thin ribbons
Salt and pepper
1 head of butterhead lettuce or heart of
romaine, washed and dried
1 large handful baby spinach leaves, washed
and dried
1 celery stalk, chopped
1 tart apple, peeled, cored, and chopped
2 oranges (preferably blood oranges)
⁄4 cup raw or toasted walnuts, chopped

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 Preheat the oven to 450ºF. Wrap the beets in foil or parchment

paper and place on the oven rack. Roast the beets until they’re
tender when pierced with a sharp knife through their thickest
part, about 60 to 75 minutes. Set aside to cool completely.
 Meanwhile, prepare the dressing: whisk together the balsamic
vinegar, olive oil, and basil leaves. Season to taste with salt and
pepper. Set aside.
 When the beets have cooled, use the back of a paring knife to
peel off the outer skins. Lay each beet on its side and cut it into
⁄ 4-inch slices. Use the cookie cutter to make heart-shaped
cutouts (save the scraps to snack on or use in another dish).
 Cut or tear the lettuce into bite-size pieces, then place the let-
tuce, baby spinach, celery, and apple into a large salad bowl. Cut
the orange in half and score as you would a grapefruit, then spoon
out the orange segments into the bowl. Squeeze the remaining
orange juice into the dressing and whisk to combine.
 To serve immediately, toss the salad with the dressing, then
arrange on plates topped with the heart beets and walnuts. If
packing for a lunch, arrange the beets and walnuts on top of the
salad in a lunch container, with a smaller container of dressing on
the side.


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Niter Kebbeh is the foundation flavor for Ethiopian stews; it is tradi-

tionally made with clarified butter, but mild canola oil works nicely.
In addition to using it in Ethiopian recipes, you can also add a drizzle
of this oil to soups, stews, cooked beans, or steamed mixed vegeta-
bles for a dash of exotic aroma and flavor.

Makes about ⁄2 cup canola oil
⁄ 2 cup 1
⁄4 onion, chopped into large pieces
2 garlic cloves, peeled and crushed
2 slices (1⁄4-inch) fresh ginger
⁄4 teaspoon turmeric
2 cardamom pods, crushed
1 clove
1 (2-inch) cinnamon stick
A pinch of nutmeg

 Combine all the ingredients in a small saucepan. Bring to a sim-

mer; reduce the heat to very low and simmer for 10 minutes, stir-
ring occasionally. Let the oil sit for another 20 minutes to allow
the flavors to develop. Strain the oil through a fine mesh sieve
and store in the refrigerator.

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This is a fun and easy way to showcase the small star or alphabet
pasta shapes commonly used in vegetable soup.
James usually doesn’t like pasta salad; he says it is “too sour.” I
think the amount of vinegar in most commercial dressings is too
strong for his taste. So I took it easy here and added just a touch of
white vinegar mixed with white balsamic vinegar, which is mellower
and sweeter than plain balsamic vinegar. Adjust the seasonings and
vegetables according to your taste.

Makes 4 to 6 1 (7-ounce) package tiny star or

alphabet pasta
1 cup frozen corn
8 ounces sugar snap or snow peas,
cut into bite-size pieces
1 cucumber (peeled or not, as desired),
cut into bite-size pieces
1 tomato, seeded and diced
⁄2 a red or orange bell pepper, diced
1 (2.25-ounce) can sliced black olives,
rinsed and drained
⁄2 cup chopped fresh cilantro
1 tablespoon chopped fresh basil
2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
1 to 2 tablespoons white wine vinegar
(or to taste)
1 teaspoon white balsamic vinegar
Salt and white pepper

 Bring a medium-size saucepan of water to a boil. Add the pasta

and cook until just barely tender, about 2 to 3 minutes. During


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the last minute, add the frozen corn and chopped sugar snap or
snow peas.
 Drain the pasta, corn, and peas and rinse well with cold running
water. Drain.
 In a large mixing bowl, toss the pasta, corn, and peas with the rest
of the vegetables and fresh herbs.
 In a small bowl whisk together the olive oil and vinegars and season
to taste with salt and white pepper. Pour over the pasta salad and toss
together until well combined. Taste and adjust seasonings as needed.



Making your own sprouts for this salad is a great way to teach chil-
dren about the life cycle of plants. Sprouting is a perfect activity for
the early springtime, when the seeds that have been asleep in the
soil all winter long are getting ready to burst forth with new life.

Makes 4 servings 1 can (11 ounces) mandarin orange segments

1 teaspoon maple syrup
⁄8 cup white wine vinegar
⁄2 teaspoon kosher salt (or to taste)
A pinch of freshly ground black pepper
(or to taste)
A pinch of cayenne (or to taste)
⁄8 cup canola oil
4 cups Homemade Sprouts (see page 197)
2 large carrots, peeled and grated
Butterhead lettuce
A small handful toasted, unsalted
sunflower seeds

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 Drain the canned mandarin orange segments, reserving 1⁄ 8 cup of

the mandarin juice for the dressing. Set aside the orange seg-
ments to top the salad.
 To make the dressing, in a liquid measuring cup whisk together
the mandarin orange juice, maple syrup, white wine vinegar, salt,
pepper, and cayenne. Slowly whisk in the canola oil. Set aside.
 In a large salad bowl, combine the sprouts and grated carrot.
 To serve, line a plate or lunch box container with a lettuce leaf.
Place a mound of the sprout mixture on the lettuce leaf, then top
with mandarin orange segments and a sprinkle of sunflower seeds.
Drizzle with the mandarin orange dressing just before serving.


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This is a simple, bare-bones recipe for hummus, without any of the

green flecks of parsley or bits of raw garlic that sometimes turn chil-
dren off.
Feel free to experiment with different types of beans or additional
flavorings, like mellow white miso, fresh herbs, nutritional yeast, or
ground nuts.

Makes about 1 (15-ounce) can chickpeas, drained,

2 cups
liquid reserved
1 tablespoon tahini (sesame paste)
2 tablespoons freshly squeezed lemon juice
⁄4 teaspoon ground cumin
⁄4 teaspoon paprika
⁄2 teaspoon kosher salt (or to taste)
1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil (optional)

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 Combine all the ingredients and process in a food processor fitted

with the S blade until completely smooth, stopping to scrape
down the sides once or twice during processing.
 If your food processor has difficulty processing the beans or the
mixture seems too dry, add a bit of the liquid from the can of
beans, just enough to get the mixture going.
 Serve on bread or in pita for sandwiches or as a dip for baked pita
chips, crackers, and veggies.


This makes a fabulous dip for veggies, crackers, or baked potato

crisps. Of course, you can always replace regular sour cream with ve-
gan sour cream and use a ranch dressing mix (check the label—some
contain dairy). We prefer this recipe using beans and soy “butter-
milk” to replace the sour cream; it’s delicious, lower in fat, and ap-
peals to those of us who wish to avoid processed foods.

Makes about 1
⁄2 cup plain, unsweetened soymilk
2 cups
1 tablespoon freshly squeezed lemon juice
1 (15-ounce) can white beans,
rinsed and drained
1 teaspoon dried dill weed
1 teaspoon dried parsley
⁄4 teaspoon dried tarragon
⁄4 teaspoon onion powder
⁄4 teaspoon garlic powder
A pinch of cayenne
⁄2 teaspoon salt (or to taste)
Freshly ground black or white pepper


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 Combine the soymilk and lemon juice and set aside for 2 minutes
(the mixture will curdle). Add the soy “buttermilk” to the beans
in a blender and blend on high until completely smooth, about 2
minutes or more, scraping down the sides of the blender as
 Spoon the mixture into a bowl and stir in the rest of the ingredi-
ents, seasoning with pepper to taste. Cover and chill for several
hours in the refrigerator before serving.


Finally, a way to pack avocado in the lunch box so it won’t turn

brown! Enclosing the avocado in layers of bean dip keeps air out and
prevents browning from oxidation.

Makes 2 servings 1 cup Refried Black Beans

(page 203, or use canned refried beans)
⁄2 cup salsa
1 ripe avocado
Freshly squeezed lemon or lime juice
Sea salt
Vegan sour cream (optional)
Black olives, pitted and sliced

 In a small bowl, mix the refried beans and salsa together.

 In another small bowl, scoop out the ripe avocado and mash with
a fork. Add a squeeze of lemon or lime juice and sea salt to taste.
 Use a small spatula to spread a layer of the bean mixture at the
bottom of your lunch container, then spread a layer of avocado
mixture over the beans. Cover the avocado with another layer
of beans (make sure the avocado is completely covered to avoid

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discoloration). Top the beans with a layer of vegan sour cream, if

desired, and decorate the top with olive slices.
 Serve with tortilla chips and veggies on the side for dipping.

VARIATION: Get creative and add more layers to your dip: shredded
vegan cheese, chopped lettuce and/or tomato, or sliced green onions.


A very simple and kid-friendly dipping sauce. Great with spring rolls
or veggies, Quick Peanut Sauce is also lovely over cooked noodles.

Makes about 1
⁄2 cup natural peanut butter
1 cup
1 teaspoon toasted sesame oil
2 tablespoons soy sauce
2 teaspoons golden brown sugar
1 tablespoon brown rice vinegar
1 clove garlic, finely minced
Tabasco pepper sauce

 In a small bowl, mix all ingredients together, seasoning with

Tabasco and salt to taste. Slowly add 1⁄ 4 to 1⁄ 2 cup of warm water
or more to achieve desired consistency.


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I finally found the way to get my family to eat kale—they have to be

unaware that they are eating it! In this flavorful tomato sauce, the
kale is not even noticeable. I like this sauce in its unblended state,
with nice chunks of tomato and kale and carrot. But blend it smooth
if you want to keep your secret safe.

Makes about 1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil

4 cups 1
⁄2 cup chopped onion
⁄2 cup chopped red bell pepper (optional)
2 garlic cloves, minced
2 (28-ounce) cans whole peeled tomatoes,
1 (6-ounce) can tomato paste
1 cup shredded basil leaves
2 cups shredded kale leaves
1 large carrot, grated
2 tablespoons minced fresh parsley
1 teaspoon dried oregano
⁄2 teaspoon dried thyme
A pinch of dried red pepper flakes
⁄2 teaspoon sugar
⁄2 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
⁄4 teaspoon salt (or to taste)

 Heat the olive oil in a wide saucepan over medium heat. Sauté the
onion (and red bell pepper, if using) until soft, about 5 minutes.
Add the garlic and sauté, stirring constantly, for 1 more minute.
 Add the tomatoes, tomato paste, basil, kale, carrot, parsley,
oregano, thyme, and red pepper flakes. Break the whole tomatoes
apart with the back of a wooden spoon and stir until everything is

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well blended. When the mixture begins to bubble, lower the heat
and cook on low, stirring occasionally, for about one hour.
 Let cool slightly, then transfer the tomato sauce to a blender,
working in batches if necessary. Blend until completely smooth,
then transfer to a clean saucepan and stir over low heat until
warm. Add the sugar, pepper, and salt.
 This tomato sauce also freezes well.


Finally, something worthwhile to do with those flavorless winter

grocery store tomatoes! Their tight, unappetizing skin can be shaped
into beautiful “roses” and nestled on top of a “long stem” of parsley
as a cute, romantic garnish. The savory cannellini bean puree is
made with rosemary-infused olive oil and garlic and served with
crisp whole-grain crackers or pita chips.

Makes 4 servings 1 (15-ounce) can cannellini beans,

rinsed and drained
1 ⁄2 teaspoons extra virgin olive oil
1 (4-inch) sprig of fresh rosemary
1 garlic clove, minced
1 tablespoon white wine vinegar
⁄4 teaspoon salt (or to taste)
A pinch of white pepper (or to taste)
1 or 2 large, firm tomatoes
Italian parsley

 Rinse and drain the cannellini beans, then place them in the
bowl of a food processor fitted with the S blade. Set aside.


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 Heat the olive oil in a small skillet set over medium heat. When
hot, add the rosemary sprig and cook, turning occasionally, until
the rosemary is dark and limp and the oil is very aromatic, about
2 minutes. Remove the rosemary from the oil and discard. Add
the garlic and cook, stirring constantly, until the garlic is soft,
about 1 minute. Scrape the oil and garlic into the food processor
and add the white wine vinegar, salt, and pepper. Process until
completely smooth, stopping to scrape down the sides of the bowl
as needed.
 To make the rose garnish, bring a small saucepan of water to a
boil. Have a small bowl of ice water ready. Submerge the tomato
in the boiling water for 30 seconds, then immediately plunge the
tomato into cold water to stop the cooking. Dry off the tomato,
then use a sharp paring knife to cut off two long, thin strips of
tomato skin. Wrap the strips into tight spirals to form the roses.
 To serve, spoon the bean puree into a serving dish and use a spat-
ula to smooth the top. Lay a large sprig of Italian parsley on the
surface and nestle the tomato roses gently on top of the beans,
surrounded by parsley leaves. Serve with crackers or pita crisps for

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This recipe uses the feathery fronds on the top of the fennel bulb. Save
the bulb itself to use in the Roasted Vegetable Broth on page 123.

Makes 4 to 6 1 large leek, trimmed and rinsed well

1 garlic clove, minced
1 teaspoon ground fennel seeds
1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil
6 cups Roasted Vegetable Broth (page 123)
or water
⁄4 cup plus 1 tablespoon uncooked white rice
1 large head broccoli, cut into large florets
(4–5 cups)
The feathery fronds from one fennel bulb,
finely minced
1 teaspoon salt (or to taste)
Freshly ground black pepper (optional)

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 Chop the leek into 1⁄ 2-inch pieces, using the white and lighter
green part only, discarding the dark green top.
 In a large saucepan over medium heat, sauté the leek, garlic, and
fennel seeds in the olive oil until soft, about 3 to 4 minutes. Add
the stock or water and uncooked rice, bring to a boil, and simmer
for 10 minutes. Add the broccoli and fennel fronds and simmer
until the broccoli is completely tender, about 15 minutes.
 Working in batches if necessary, puree the soup in a blender until
smooth. Pour the soup into a clean saucepan and add the salt.
Add some freshly ground black pepper if desired. Serve immedi-
ately or pack into a preheated insulated food jar for lunch.


This warm, golden cauliflower soup gets just a hint of cheesiness

from nutritional yeast. The soup is filled with potatoes, carrots, and
cauliflower—a great way to eat your vegetables!

Makes 6 cups 1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil

⁄2 a small onion, diced
1 large garlic clove, minced
11⁄2 cups potato, peeled and chopped
1 cup peeled and diced carrots
1 small head cauliflower, cut into small florets
(about 6 cups)
1 ⁄4 teaspoons salt
⁄4 teaspoon white pepper (or more to taste)
1 tablespoon nutritional yeast flakes

 Heat the olive oil in a large saucepan over medium-high heat.

Add the onion and sauté, stirring frequently, until the onion is


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soft and translucent, about 5 minutes. Add the garlic and cook,
stirring, for another minute. Add the potatoes, carrots, and 4 cups
of water. Bring to a boil and lower the heat. Simmer, covered, un-
til the potatoes and carrots are completely tender (the potatoes
should be falling-apart tender so the blended soup does not be-
come gluey).
 Place the cauliflower florets in a steamer basket and steam until
tender, about 10 minutes. Measure out 2 cups of the steamed cau-
liflower florets and set aside. Add the rest of the cauliflower to the
potato mixture.
 Remove from heat and transfer the soup to a blender, in batches
if necessary, and puree until smooth. Pour soup into a clean
saucepan and return to the stove on medium-low heat. Add the
cauliflower florets, salt, white pepper, and nutritional yeast flakes.
Cook, stirring, until warmed through. Taste for salt and adjust as
needed. Serve as is or sprinkle with Perfect Pepitas (page 82).

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A good blender is one kitchen tool I consider absolutely essential. You’ll

need a good, high-quality blender for many of the recipes here, and quite
frankly I would have a hard time being a parent without one.
Blending soups and sauces to a smooth consistency is a good way to
make them more palatable to picky children. My son hates chunky sauces,
or soups with several vegetables mixed together; he can’t stop analyzing

and fretting about what each little bit is. Blending leads to “out of sight,
out of mind.” I can tell him that an entire bunch of kale is in Sneaky
Momma’s Tomato Sauce (page 109), or that Sneaky Momma’s Black Bean
Soup (page 124) is filled with zucchini, bell pepper, and onions. As long he
can’t see them, he’s okay with that.
I highly recommend you invest in the best blender you can possibly
afford, and keep it out on the kitchen counter to blend kid-friendly
smoothies and soups in a flash. Personally, I have used a Vita-Mix blender
every day for over five years without ever having to replace a single part.
Vita-Mix blenders are even strong enough to grind whole grains into fresh


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The first time we ever tried roasting chestnuts, my husband and I

bought some on a whim at the grocery store (“Hey, look—chestnuts!
Just like in that song!”) We spread them out on a baking sheet and
put them in the oven. Unfortunately, we didn’t know you must cut a
slit in the shell of the chestnut to release steam. In a few minutes,
chestnuts were going off like fireworks, ricocheting inside the oven
with deep, muffled booms. What a mess that was!
We learned our lesson that day, but we never gave up on chest-
nuts. They are delicious roasted and eaten plain as a snack, or
pureed into a rich, golden soup.

Makes 4 servings 1 pound fresh chestnuts

4 large garlic cloves, unpeeled
1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil
1 onion, chopped
1 carrot, diced
1 celery stalk, diced
4 sprigs fresh thyme
2 bay leaves
⁄4 teaspoon salt (or to taste)
⁄8 teaspoon nutmeg
⁄8 teaspoon white pepper

 Preheat the oven to 475ºF. Cut an “x” in the shell of each chest-
nut with a sharp paring knife. Arrange the chestnuts on a baking
sheet with the unpeeled garlic cloves. Roast for 20 minutes, until
the outer shell has pulled slightly away from the chestnut and the
shell and inner skin peel away easily.
 Remove the outer shell and inner skin of each chestnut and place
them in a bowl. Work quickly while the chestnuts are still hot

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(hold them with a kitchen towel if they are too hot to touch).
Squeeze the roasted garlic out of the garlic cloves and add it to
the bowl with the chestnuts. Set aside.
 In a medium saucepan, heat the olive oil over medium-high heat.
Add the onion, carrot, celery, thyme, and bay leaves. Sauté, stir-
ring often, until the onion is translucent, about 5 minutes. Add
the chestnuts and garlic and 4 cups of water. Bring to a boil, lower
the heat and simmer, covered, until the carrots are tender, about
10 minutes.
 Remove from heat. Remove the thyme sprigs and bay leaves and
let the soup cool slightly. Transfer the soup to a blender, in
batches if necessary, and puree until the soup is completely
smooth. Pour the soup into a clean saucepan and add the salt,
nutmeg, and white pepper. Warm over medium-low heat, stirring.
Thin with water or broth as desired. Taste for salt and serve.


In India, dal (split, hulled legumes or pulses) is a staple in the daily

diet. A large portion of the population in India is vegetarian, and dal
is an important and satisfying source of protein. In this dish, red
lentils, known in India as massur dal, are cooked with carrots and
pureed into a creamy, earthy soup.
Red lentils are lentils that have been hulled; do not substitute reg-
ular green or brown lentils.

Makes 6 servings 1 tablespoon canola oil

⁄2 cup chopped onion
1 garlic clove, minced
⁄2 teaspoon turmeric
1 teaspoon ground cumin


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1 teaspoon ground coriander

⁄8 teaspoon cayenne (or to taste), optional
1 cup uncooked red lentils, rinsed thoroughly
and drained
2 cups peeled and diced carrots
1 teaspoon sea salt
1 cup light coconut milk
1 tablespoon freshly squeezed lemon
or lime juice

 Heat the canola oil in a large saucepan over medium-high heat.

Add the onion and sauté, stirring frequently, until the onion soft-
ens and just begins to brown, about 5 minutes. Add the garlic,
turmeric, cumin, coriander, and cayenne (if using) and cook, stir-
ring constantly, for another minute. Add the red lentils, carrots,
and 4 cups water. Turn the heat to high, bring to a boil, then
lower the heat and simmer, covered, until the carrots are com-
pletely tender and the lentils are dissolving, about 30 minutes.
Allow the soup to cool slightly.
 Working in batches if necessary, pour the soup into a blender and
blend until completely smooth. Transfer the pureed soup to a
clean saucepan and return to the stove over low heat. Add the
salt and coconut milk.
 Simmer for another 10 minutes or so, to allow the flavors time to
marry. At this point, the soup can be refrigerated and reheated the
following day (the soup will actually taste better the next day).
 When ready to serve, stir in the fresh lemon juice and taste for

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M I X E D V E G E TA B L E W AT ( S P I C Y S T E W )

A wat is a spicy Ethiopian stew made with berbere, an Ethiopian

spice blend, heavy on the hot pepper. Leave it out or be judicious
with it unless you know your family likes it spicy.
The richly seasoned Niter Kebbeh oil adds an amazing flavor to
this dish, so don’t be tempted to skip it. (“These are the best vegeta-
bles I’ve ever had!” my son once exclaimed.)
Serve the mixed vegetable wat with Ethiopian Injera Bread (page
225) and eat it in the traditional Ethiopian manner, by tearing off
pieces of the bread and scooping up bites of the spicy stew.

Makes 4 servings ⁄2 recipe (scant 1⁄4 cup) Niter Kebbeh
(page 101)
1 onion, minced
1 garlic clove, minced
⁄2 a red bell pepper, chopped
1 tablespoon tomato paste
2 large carrots, cut into 1⁄2-inch slices
2 cups peeled new potatoes, cut into
⁄4-inch cubes
A pinch of berbere (or cayenne)
2 cups mixed vegetables (cauliflower or
broccoli florets, fresh green beans,
large slices of zucchini, and so on)
1 teaspoon salt (or to taste)
Black pepper
1 cup frozen peas

 Heat the Niter Kebbeh in a large saucepan over medium heat.

Sauté the onion until soft, about 5 minutes. Add the garlic and
bell pepper and sauté an additional minute. Add the tomato


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paste, carrots, potatoes, berbere, and 1 cup water. Bring to a boil

and lower the heat. Simmer, partially covered, for 10 minutes,
then add the mixed vegetables and cook for another 10 minutes,
or until all the vegetables are tender. Add the salt, pepper to
taste, and frozen peas. Cover and cook until the peas are tender,
about 2 minutes.
 Serve directly on top of injera bread, tearing off pieces of the
bread to scoop up the stew, or serve in a bowl on the side. Pack
for lunch in a sealed container at room temperature or in a pre-
heated insulated food jar, with pieces of injera bread packed sepa-
rately to scoop up the wat at lunchtime.

VARIATION: Instead of peas, top the stew with four 1-inch wedges of
fresh green cabbage. Simmer until the cabbage is tender.


Here it is—the recipe that transformed my son into a tomato lover!

Tomato soup is all warmth and comfort on a cold winter day, and
this one is as vibrant, creamy, and flavorful as it gets. I make and
freeze large batches of this soup in the summertime when our tomato
plants are overflowing with fruit. But you can make it anytime:
roasting punches up the flavor of even grocery store tomatoes.

Makes 4 servings 6–61⁄2 pounds plum tomatoes, cut in half

lengthwise (about 35)
⁄4 cup plus 1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil
1 tablespoon kosher salt
⁄2 a medium onion, chopped
1 large garlic clove, minced
1 teaspoon red pepper flakes

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2 cups fresh whole basil leaves

(one 2-ounce bag)
⁄2 teaspoon dried thyme

 Preheat the oven to 400ºF.

 Arrange the cut tomatoes on a large (10 x 16-inch) baking sheet.
Drizzle the tomatoes with 1⁄ 4 cup olive oil and sprinkle with salt.
Toss with your hands until the tomatoes are evenly coated with
oil, then arrange them cut side up; they should fill the pan com-
pletely. Place in oven and roast the tomatoes for 50 minutes. Re-
move pan from the oven and set aside.
 Warm the rest of the olive oil in a large saucepan over medium
heat. Add the onion and sauté until soft and slightly golden,
about 10 minutes. Add garlic and pepper flakes and sauté for one
more minute. Carefully pour in all the tomatoes and their juices.
Add the basil, thyme, and 1 cup water (you may need to add an
extra cup if the tomatoes are on the dry side). Simmer for 15 min-
utes. Remove from heat and allow to cool slightly.
 Blend the soup in batches in the blender, pouring finished soup
into a clean saucepan or soup tureen (you may wish to strain the
soup as you do this to remove any remaining skin or seeds, de-
pending on the strength of your blender).
 Serve piping hot, with crackers or chunks of store-bought artisan-
style bread.


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This lovely golden broth adds flavor to soups, stews, and sauces and
is so much better than anything you can buy in a box. Roasting
brings out the flavor of the vegetables.

Makes about 2 large onions, peeled and quartered

10 cups
2 leeks, roots and dark green portions cut
away, halved lengthwise and rinsed well
3 large carrots, peeled and cut into
⁄4-inch pieces
4 celery stalks, cut into 3⁄4-inch pieces
1 fennel bulb, end and stalks removed,
cut into sixths
⁄2 a red bell pepper, seeded and
cut into strips
1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil
6 large garlic cloves, peeled and crushed
8 sprigs fresh parsley
6 sprigs fresh thyme or 1⁄2 teaspoon
dried thyme
1 bay leaf
6 whole black peppercorns
2 tablespoons nutritional yeast flakes
⁄4 teaspoon salt

 Preheat the oven to 450ºF. Place the onions, leeks, carrots, celery,
fennel, and red bell pepper in a 9 x 13-inch baking dish and toss
with the olive oil. Roast for 30 minutes, stirring once halfway

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 Put the vegetables into a large stockpot with 11 cups of water.

Add the garlic, herbs, nutritional yeast, and salt. Bring to a boil,
then lower the heat and simmer, lid slightly ajar, for 30 to 60
minutes. Strain.
 The stock can be used right away, refrigerated for up to a week, or
frozen in serving-size portions for several months.

S N E A K Y M O M M A’ S B L A C K B E A N S O U P

Creamy, pureed soups can hide a number of nutritious vegetables.

My zucchini-, onion- and pepper-hating son calls this “the best soup
I ever ate!”

Makes 31⁄2 cups 1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil

⁄4 onion, chopped
⁄4 red bell pepper, chopped
1 garlic clove, minced
1 teaspoon ground cumin
1 medium zucchini, peeled and chopped
1 tomato, peeled, seeded, and chopped (or
one canned tomato, drained and chopped)
2 (15-ounce) cans black beans, or about
31⁄2 cups cooked black beans, drained
and rinsed
⁄2 teaspoon oregano
⁄4 teaspoon salt (or to taste)
Freshly ground black pepper

 Heat the olive oil in a saucepan over medium-high heat. Add the
onion and bell pepper and cook, stirring frequently, until the
onion is softened and beginning to brown, about 4 minutes. Add


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the garlic and cumin. Stir briefly, about 30 seconds, then add the
zucchini, tomato, and 11⁄ 2 cups water. Bring to a boil, then turn
heat to low and simmer, covered, until the zucchini is tender,
about 5 minutes.
 Measure out 1 cup of the black beans and set them aside. Put the
rest of the beans and the oregano into the saucepan.
 Transfer the soup to a blender, in batches if necessary, and puree
until thick, smooth, and creamy. Pour soup into a clean saucepan
and return to the stove on medium-low heat.
 Add the whole beans and the salt. Cook, stirring, until warmed
through. Add a bit more water if the soup is too thick for your
taste. Taste for salt, season with pepper to taste, and serve.


Once when I was in middle school, my mom packed me an insulated

food jar (also known as a Thermos) filled with pasta for lunch. I was
mortified. I positively burned with embarrassment at the thought of
eating food from a food jar. Cool kids did not pack a warm lunch.

Skip ahead a few years to my son’s first grade classroom and hey,
the Thermos is in! Everyone who is anyone has an insulated food jar
to carry hot items for lunch. There are food jars covered with car-
toon characters, pink food jars, multicolored food jars with folding
sporks that fit inside the lids. We found our stainless steel wide-
mouth Thermos at a local grocery store. It holds 10 ounces—the
perfect size for a kid-size serving of soup, beans, or fondue.
Always preheat your insulated food jar by filling it with boiling
water, covering it with the lid, and setting it aside for 10 minutes
while you heat up your soup or stew. Drain and dry with a clean
towel before filling.

Soups and Stews 125

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If you are making Split Pea Alecha in advance, be aware that the
stew will thicken considerably as it cools. Simply add a couple table-
spoons of water when reheating. The stew should not be too thin—
it should remain thick enough to scoop up with Ethiopian Injera
Bread (page 225).

Makes 4 servings 11⁄2 cups dried split peas, rinsed and drained
⁄4 teaspoon turmeric
⁄2 recipe (scant 1⁄4 cup) Niter Kebbeh
(page 101)
1 small onion, diced
⁄4 teaspoon salt (or to taste)

 In a large saucepan, combine the split peas with 5 cups water and
sprinkle with the turmeric. Bring to a boil and lower the heat.
Simmer, partially covered, until the liquid has thickened and the
split peas have lost their shape, about 60 to 70 minutes. Stir the
split peas frequently during the last 20 minutes of cooking to keep
them from sticking to the bottom of the pan.
 Meanwhile, heat the Niter Kebbeh in a small skillet over medium
heat. When hot, add the onion and sauté, stirring frequently, un-
til the onion is completely soft, about 10 minutes. When the split
peas are done, add in the onion mixture and the salt and stir well
to combine.
 Serve directly on top of the Ethiopian Injera Bread, tearing off
pieces of the bread to scoop up the stew. Pack for lunch in a pre-
heated insulated food jar, with pieces of injera bread packed sepa-
rately to scoop up the alecha at lunchtime.


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If you’re new to veganism, it may seem hard to imagine sandwiches

without meat, eggs, or cheese. Here’s a small sampling of ideas for
vegan sandwich fillings to help get you started!

• nut butter with jam or fruit spread

• vegan cream cheese, strawberry jam, and cashews
• mashed beans and chopped pickle
• avocado, sprouts, lettuce, and tomato
• mixed green salad with salad dressing
• baked or smoked tofu
• Chickpea Salad (see page 94)
• vegan pâté (available at health food stores)
• cashew butter and banana

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• leftover Wheat Gluten Pot Roast and Gravy (see page 184) with
• sliced tofu hot dog with ketchup and mustard
• Veggie Tea Sandwiches (see page 141)
• peanut butter with grated carrot and mung bean sprouts
• Grilled Pepperoni Sandwich (see page 130)
• vegan deli slices with Vegenaise, lettuce, and tomato

• almond butter and chopped dates or a mashed date-coconut roll
• Imitation vegan tuna mixed with Vegenaise, black pepper, chopped
celery, onion, and pickle
• vegan cheese (see “Gettin’ Cheesy,” page 131)
• Tofurky with vegan cream cheese and cranberry sauce
• sunflower seed butter with raisins and Sneaky Cinnamon-Sugar
(page 29)
• Veggie Burger (see page 140)
• roasted red peppers, marinated artichoke hearts, and black olive
• Lentil-Rice Balls (page 159) mashed with tomato sauce or ketchup

• Easy Hummus (see page 105) with cucumber slices and black olives
• baba ganoush (eggplant dip) with grilled zucchini
• falafel balls with hummus, tahini (sesame seed butter), and lettuce
• vegan “chicken” patties with Vegenaise and mustard
• mixed grilled zucchini, eggplant, and onion slices
• vegan cream cheese mixed with canned crushed pineapple
• almond butter and apple slices
• refried beans mixed with salsa


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• mixed roasted vegetables topped with pesto or basil puree
• fried tempeh
• peanut butter and kiwi fruit
• margarine with spicy pumpkin, apple, or pear butter
• grilled portobello mushroom with caramelized onions and a drizzle
of balsamic vinegar
• vegan bacon with Vegenaise, lettuce, and Oven-Dried Tomatoes
(page 200)
• scrambled tofu

• vegan coleslaw and toasted cashews
• dried figs, soaked overnight to soften, then mashed with ground
hazelnuts or hazelnut butter
• soynut butter with jam or fruit spread
• golden-fried tofu with Quick Peanut Sauce (page 108) and
baby spinach
• a thin layer of Vegemite or Marmite (yeast extract) topped with
avocado and tomato
• baked beans
• herb and chive vegan cream cheese with sprouts, red onion,

lettuce, and tomato
• a slice of leftover “meatloaf” with ketchup or chutney
(visit my “Magical Loaf Studio” to create your very own loaf:
• peanut butter and vegan chocolate or carob chips

P.S. To keep your sandwiches from becoming soggy, pack the filling
ingredients separately and assemble the sandwich just before eating. If
using nut butters, vegan cream cheese, or margarine, spreading some on
both sides of the bread will also help prevent the sogs.

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An interesting and very easy variation on pizza!

This sandwich is lightly toasted in a skillet before packing. But
since it won’t still be hot at lunchtime, what’s the point? Well, we
still enjoy the crispy crunch of the toasted bread, and the once-
melted cheese helps hold the sandwich together.

Makes 1 sandwich 2 slices of sandwich bread

9 slices of vegan pepperoni
2 slices of vegan mozzarella-style cheese
(see “Gettin’ Cheesy,” page 131)
Extra virgin olive oil
Sneaky Momma’s Tomato Sauce (page 109)
or store-bought pizza sauce

 Lay one slice of vegan cheese on a slice of bread, then evenly dis-
tribute the vegan pepperoni slices over the cheese. Top the pep-
peroni with the other slice of cheese, then cover with the other
slice of bread.
 Heat a drizzle of olive oil in a small skillet and grill the sandwich
until the bread is brown and crisp on the outside.
 Cut the sandwich in half and wrap in a paper towel or foil. Pack
the sandwich in a sealed lunch container along with a small con-
tainer of tomato sauce for dipping.


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Be sure to read labels when looking for vegan cheese; most “nondairy”
cheeses still contain dairy in the form of casein, so watch out. Several
brands of vegan block cheeses and slices are available in the refrigerated
section of health food and grocery stores.
Common brands include Tofutti and VeganRella. These cheeses are
usually made from soy and can be used in most recipes that call for reg-
ular cheese.
As I write this, Tofutti slices are the only vegan cheeses available in
our local area. They’re tasty, and our son enjoys them as an occasional
treat. Unfortunately, they contain hydrogenated oil, so we try to go easy
on them. Vegan Gourmet by Follow Your Heart (www.followyourheart
.com) is considered by many to be the best vegan cheese in the states,

but it is not currently widely available. I have also heard reports of good
vegan cheeses in other parts of the world—Cheezly in the United King-
dom and Scheese in Scotland are two. Shop around and try out the dif-
ferent brands available in your area and see what you like.
If you’re feeling adventurous and oh-so-clever, you can try making
your own vegan block cheeses from scratch. I like to make vegan “cheese
sticks” for lunches, using some of the block cheese recipes found in
vegan cookbooks such as Dairy-Free and Delicious and The Ultimate
Uncheese Cookbook (see Recommended Resources on page 261). I pour
the warm “cheese” mixture into an oiled ice stick tray to cool, forming
sticks that can be eaten as a finger food.

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Hazelnut butter makes an interesting alternative to peanut butter in

these little sandwiches. It has a rich, sweet flavor that pairs nicely
with bananas or chocolate.
Kids love it when I serve these easy bites using party toothpicks
topped with umbrellas or paper fruit.

2 or 3 sandwich Special equipment you will need:

bites make a
good serving
A small circular cookie cutter
(about 11⁄2 inches across)

Hazelnut butter
A banana, sliced into rounds
Whole-grain sandwich bread

 Use a small circular cookie cutter to cut out circles of bread that
are just a bit bigger than a slice of banana. Spread the bread
rounds with hazelnut butter and sandwich a banana slice in the
 Poke a fun party toothpick through the middle of each sandwich
to hold the bite-sized sandwiches together (make sure any sharp
ends are trimmed off before serving them to a younger child).

VARIATION: Chocolate Hazelnut Banana Bites: Add a bit of vegan

chocolate syrup to the hazelnut butter.


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When cutting out sandwiches with cookie cutters, cut the bread first
before spreading on the nut butter and jam; the bread will hold its
shape better and you won’t waste any filling. If you’re a frugal mom,
as I am, you can save the leftover bread and crusts and make them
into croutons or breadcrumbs to use in other recipes.
Also, when making any nut butter and jelly sandwich to go, al-
ways spread a thin layer of nut butter on both inner sides of the
sandwich to keep the jam from soaking into the bread and becoming
soggy in the lunch box.

Makes 1 serving Special equipment you will need:

Cookie cutters

2 slices of sandwich bread

All-natural peanut butter or other nut butter
Fruit-sweetened jam

 Use cookie cutters to cut shapes out of the bread one at a time,
then spread a thin layer of nut butter on both slices of bread.
Make sure to use corresponding sides of the bread so the cutout
shapes will line up when placed together (hey, if you’re making
these at 6 a.m., this could be a helpful reminder). Spread a thin
layer of jam on one slice and press the slices together, crimping
with your fingers along any pointed edges to help the sandwich
stay together.

VARIATION: Try using one slice of white bread and one slice of wheat
for a two-tone sandwich.

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Here’s a treat to make for your own little sweethearts, on Valentine’s

Day or any day. Heart-shaped pastry cutouts are filled with nut but-
ter and jelly for a very different take on PB&J. These hearts can be
eaten cold for lunch or warmed up in a toaster for breakfast.

Makes 10 (4-inch) Special equipment you will need:

Pop Hearts
A 4-inch heart-shaped cookie cutter

1 recipe Easy Piecrust (page 211)

10 tablespoons peanut or other nut butter
10 tablespoons jam, jelly, or fruit spread

 Preheat the oven to 400ºF. Line a baking sheet with parchment

paper, spray with nonstick spray, and set aside.
 Prepare a batch of Easy Piecrust, either the white or half whole
wheat version. Roll the piecrust out on a floured surface and cut it
into heart shapes using a 4-inch cookie cutter.
 Place one heart on the prepared baking sheet. Dab a spoonful of
nut butter into the center of the heart and top with a spoonful
of your favorite fruit spread or jam. Spread out the butter and jam
using the back of a spoon, leaving a half inch of space all around
the edges. Brush the edges with cold water and top with another
heart. Press the edges together and crimp all around with a fork.
 Bake for 20 minutes, or until lightly browned.

VARIATION: When the Pop Hearts are cool, you can decorate them
with any favorite icing or frosting (powdered sugar mixed with juice
or nondairy milk makes an easy, quick icing). I like to use a pastry
bag fitted with a small round tip to write little messages such as “Be
Mine” on the tops of my Pop Hearts, rather like the candy hearts


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you see on Valentine’s Day. Frosted Pop Hearts can be warmed up

while lying flat in a toaster oven or oven, but I fear the frosting
would make a mess in a regular toaster.


Hummus, a creamy bean spread traditionally made with chickpeas

(also known as garbanzo beans), is a perennial vegetarian favorite.
This recipe can even supply your children with their daily serving of
healthy omega–3 fatty acids from ground flax.
Hummus is getting easier to find at most large grocery stores, health
food stores, and delis. For this recipe, you can use your favorite home-
made or store-bought hummus, or try the simple recipe on page 105.
This recipe can easily be doubled or tripled to suit your needs.

Makes 1 serving ⁄2 a piece of white or whole wheat pita bread
3 tablespoons Easy Hummus (page 105) or your
favorite homemade or store-bought hummus
1 teaspoon ground flaxseed
Optional additions:
Lettuce or baby spinach
Oven-Dried Tomatoes (page 200)
Black or Kalamata olives

 Place the hummus into a small bowl and stir in the ground
flaxseed until well blended. Use a butter knife to fill the pita
bread with an even layer of hummus.
 You can cut the filled pita into wedges to serve as an easy finger
food, or fill the pita with any or all of the optional additions for a

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Circular chocolate graham crackers make up the bodies of these

spooky spiders. Crisp chow mein noodles make fine squiggly, squirmy
spider legs, or use pretzels for longer, straight ones.
Spicy pumpkin butter or apple butter makes a fine fall sandwich
filling when mixed with peanut butter.

Makes 4 spiders 8 Chocolate Graham Crackers (page 66),

(1 serving)
shaped as 2-inch circles
2 tablespoons natural peanut butter
2 teaspoons store-bought pumpkin butter or
apple butter
Chow mein noodles or small pretzel sticks
Pine nuts or raisins

 Prepare the graham crackers the day before.

 In the morning, mix the peanut butter with the pumpkin or apple
butter in a small bowl. Spread a thick layer of the peanut butter
mixture on each graham cracker. Press eight chow mein noodles
or pretzel sticks along the edges of half of the graham crackers to
make spider legs, and top with the other graham crackers. Dab a
bit of the peanut butter mixture onto the pine nuts or raisins and
press them onto the tops of the graham crackers to make eyes.
 To pack, tear white paper towels into strips and crunch them up
to make a bed of “mummy wrap.” Rest the spiders gently on top
and cover with another paper towel so they don’t get jostled in
the lunch box.


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These are as tasty as they are adorable! The flavors of vegan cream
cheese and pineapple go so well together.

Makes 1 serving ⁄2 an English muffin (or any round-shaped
bread or bun)
Vegan cream cheese or nut butter
1 dried pineapple ring
Toasted, unsalted sunflower seeds

 Spread the English muffin with a generous layer of vegan cream

cheese or nut butter.
 Cut the dried pineapple ring into 6 to 8 wedges. Arrange the
pineapple wedges around the perimeter of the English muffin to
resemble the petals of a flower.
 Place a small heap of currants mixed with sunflower seeds in the
middle of the English muffin to resemble the center of a sunflower.

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A tortilla rolled up with refried beans makes a quick, easy meal and
has become one of our lunch-in-a-hurry standbys. Older children
can easily put this lunch together themselves.

Makes 1 serving 1 whole wheat, white, or spelt tortilla

2–3 tablespoons Refried Black Beans
(page 203, or use any canned
refried beans)
⁄2 teaspoon ground cumin (optional)

 Lay the tortilla out on a cutting board. Using a small spatula,

spread a thin layer of beans across the surface of the tortilla.
Sprinkle with cumin, if using.
 Starting at the base, roll the tortilla up tightly. Lay the tortilla
seam side down, and cut into 2-inch pieces using a serrated knife.
 Pack along with a small container of salsa for dipping, if you like.


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Even young kids can make these for themselves with just a bit of
help getting the roll started.

3 to 5 roll-ups 1 package vegan deli slices (ham, turkey,

make a good
bologna, and so on)
Vegan cream cheese

 Working with one deli slice at a time, pat the deli slice dry with a
kitchen towel. Using a butter knife, spread one side of the deli
slice with vegan cream cheese.
 Roll the slice up (the inner edge of the roll may tear a bit when
you start rolling, so be gentle). Press gently to seal, and stack
them in the lunch container.

VARIATION: Zucchini Roll-Ups: Place a small raw baby zucchini at

the edge of the cream cheese–covered deli slice and roll it up.

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There are dozens of vegan veggie burgers on the market today. You
can find them in the freezer, refrigerator, or even the canned food sec-
tion of almost any grocery or health food store. We especially like the
dried veggie burger mixes that you add water to and form into patties;
these economical dried mixes can sometimes be found in bulk bins,
saving money and packaging. Some veggie burgers taste quite a bit
like meat; others taste more of brown rice, beans, mushrooms, or
mixed veggies. Try them all and find out which ones you prefer.
Pan toasting the bun adds a nice flavor and keeps the bread from
getting soggy in the lunch box.

Makes 1 1 vegan burger patty

veggie burger
1 slice of vegan cheese (optional)
1 hamburger bun
Extra virgin olive oil
Vegenaise, barbecue sauce, ketchup,
or mustard (optional)
Lettuce, tomato, red onion, or other
veggies (optional)

 Prepare the burger patty by frying it in a nonstick skillet with a

drizzle of olive oil or cook according to package directions. Top
with a slice of vegan cheese, if desired. Cover the pan to retain
heat and cook until the cheese is warmed through.
 Meanwhile, heat a large nonstick or cast-iron skillet over medium
heat. Add a drizzle of olive oil to the pan. Slice the bun in half and
place pieces cut-side down in the pan. Sear the bun until it is
toasted and warmed through, about 1 minute.
 Spread the bread with Vegenaise and/or ketchup and mustard if
desired. Place the burger patty inside the bun topped with your


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assortment of fresh veggies (if you won’t be eating the burger for a
while, you may wish to pack the vegetables separately in a reseal-
able plastic bag, then add them at mealtime). Wrap the sandwich
in parchment paper and/or foil and pack in a sealed container.


Tea sandwiches are so dainty and fun to eat. You might be surprised
at how good radish sandwiches taste! Try making two or three vari-
eties and alternating them in a row in a lunch container.
Save the crusts you cut away and pulse them in a food processor to
make breadcrumbs for veggie burger patties. Breadcrumbs can be
stored in the freezer.

4 bite-size Good-quality sandwich bread, including white,

sandwiches equal
1 serving
wheat, light rye, or Pumpernickel,
crusts removed
Fillings of choice (see below)

 Use a bread knife to cut the bread into thin rectangles, triangles,
or squares, or use sharp cookie cutters to cut the sandwiches into
fun shapes. (Traditional tea sandwiches should be large enough to
be eaten in two bites.) Spread two corresponding pieces of bread
with a thin layer of margarine, Vegenaise, or cream cheese and fill
with the vegetable of your choice.

Classic tea sandwich filling combinations include the following:

• radish slices with margarine

• peeled cucumber slices with vegan cream cheese and fresh dill
• peeled cucumber slices with margarine and fresh mint

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• lightly blanched slim asparagus stalks with Vegenaise

• chopped celery and walnuts mixed with vegan cream cheese
• watercress or arugula with margarine


Be careful serving these tea sandwiches—your son or daughter may

ask for crustless bread from now on! If they do, here are some tried-
and-true “mom-isms” to get crusts back in your kid’s good graces:

“They’re the most nutritious part!”

Did you know that this might actually be true? In 2002, German re-
searchers found that the cancer-fighting antioxidant pronyllysine is
concentrated in the crust of bread.

“They’ll put hair on your chest!” Uh, and is that a good thing?

And a personal favorite from my own mom:

“They help you whistle!”


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These savory hand pies travel well and are simple to prepare. Tradi-
tional Indian samosas are deep-fried, but here they are baked. “I
looove this filling,” says James, between mouthfuls.

Makes 18 samosas 11⁄2 pounds russet potatoes (about 3

medium), peeled and quartered
⁄4 cup frozen green peas
⁄2 teaspoon ground cumin
⁄2 teaspoon turmeric
⁄4 teaspoon cayenne (or to taste)
⁄2 teaspoon kosher salt (or to taste)
Freshly ground black pepper
1 tablespoon finely minced fresh cilantro
One recipe Easy Piecrust (page 211)
Extra virgin olive oil

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 Spray a nonstick muffin tin with nonstick spray and set aside.
Have a small rolling pin and a small bowl of water ready.
 To make the filling, place the potatoes in a medium saucepan and
cover with water. Bring to a boil, lower the heat, and simmer, par-
tially covered, until the potatoes are tender. Meanwhile, cook the
green peas according to package directions, drain, and set aside.
 Drain the potatoes. Add the cumin, turmeric, cayenne, salt, and
pepper to taste, and mash the potatoes coarsely using a potato
masher. Add the peas and cilantro and mix together. Set aside to
 Make the piecrust according to the directions on page 211. Di-
vide the dough into eighteen equal pieces, each roughly the size
of a walnut.
 Working with one piece at a time on a lightly floured work sur-
face, roll the dough into a ball, then use the rolling pin to roll the
ball into a flat, 5-inch-wide circle. Sprinkle the work surface and
rolling pin with flour as necessary to keep the dough from sticking.
 Place a heaping 11⁄ 2 tablespoons of potato filling in the center of
the circle. Dip a finger in the bowl of water and run it around the
edges of the dough to moisten it. Bring all the edges of the dough
up, folding and gathering them together over the filling. Pinch
with your fingers to seal. Repeat with the remaining dough and
filling, placing each finished samosa in a muffin cup. Spray or
brush the finished samosas with olive oil.
 At this point, the samosas can be baked immediately or refriger-
ated, covered with plastic wrap, for several hours or overnight.
 When ready to bake, preheat the oven to 400ºF. Bake for 25 min-
utes, until warmed through and golden brown on the bottom.

VARIATION: Gobi Samosas: Replace all or part of the potatoes with

cooked cauliflower for delicious gobi samosas.


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This recipe can easily be doubled, tripled, or even quadrupled to

feed a crowd of hungry children; we often bring this to our monthly
vegetarian potlucks so the kids are sure to find a dish they enjoy.

Makes 2 servings 1 (16-ounce) can vegetarian baked beans

Two soy hot dogs

 Bring a medium saucepan filled with water to a boil. Pour off

some of the boiling water into your insulated food jar, and set it
aside for 10 minutes to preheat as you finish making the dish.
 Set the soy hot dogs in the saucepan, covered with the remaining
boiling water. Cover the saucepan and set aside for 2 minutes (or
cook according to package directions). Meanwhile, heat the
baked beans in a small saucepan or in the microwave.
 When the hot dogs are done, drain and pat dry. Slice the hot dogs
into bite-size pieces (if making this for very young children, be
sure to cut the hot dogs in halves or quarters to avoid a choking
hazard) and stir them into the warm beans.
 Drain the food jar and wipe dry, then fill with Beans and Dogs.

Mains 145
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Tamales aren’t difficult, but they may seem intimidating if you’ve

never made them before. Visit a Mexican grocery store or the ethnic
section of your supermarket to find bags of dried corn husks and
masa harina (a special cornmeal used for making tortillas) and start
out with this small batch.

Makes 12 tamales 4 ounces dried corn husks

2 cups instant masa harina
1 teaspoon baking powder
⁄4 teaspoon kosher salt
⁄2 cup nonhydrogenated shortening
About 11⁄8 cups warm “no-chicken” or
vegetable broth, plus more as needed
2 cups Refried Black Beans (page 203,
or use any canned vegan refried beans)

 Start the dried corn husks soaking in a sink full of warm water
about 15 minutes before you begin so they can soften (put a lid or
plate over the husks to keep them submerged).
 In a small bowl, mix together the masa harina, baking powder,
and salt. Set aside.
 Using a handheld beater or a stand mixer fitted with the paddle
attachment, cream the shortening until it is light and fluffy, about
1 minute. Add the masa to the shortening, alternating with the
broth, until a light, nonsticky dough is formed. Use only as much
broth as needed. Continue beating for 1 minute more.
 To shape the tamales, pat a large corn husk dry and lay it out with
the tapered end facing you. Scoop out a 2-inch round ball of
masa, and spread it into a 4-inch square in the middle of the husk
about 3⁄ 4 of an inch down from the top of the husk.


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 Spread 11⁄ 2 tablespoons of refried beans down the center of the masa
dough. Pick up the sides of the corn husk and fold them in, closing
up the refried beans in masa. Fold up the tapered section of the husk
to form the sealed bottom of the tamale (the top remains open). Tie
up the tamale loosely using kitchen twine or a strip of corn husk.
 Set all the tamales upright on their folded bottoms in a large
steamer basket with a bit of room between them for the steam to
circulate. Steam over boiling water for 40 to 45 minutes, until the
tamale dough pulls away easily from the corn husk.
 Serve tamales with salsa for dipping.
 Tamales refrigerate and freeze well. Reheat by steaming them for
a few minutes or popping them in the microwave.


These tasty “pizza pockets” are made the night before and then re-
frigerated until the morning. Calzones are a wonderful, kid-friendly
food, a kind of stuffed “mini pizza.”

Makes 8 calzones One recipe Easy Whole-Grain Pizza Dough

(page 224)
4 to 5 cups broccoli, washed and cut into
bite-size pieces
⁄4 pound firm tofu, drained and crumbled
2 tablespoons freshly squeezed lemon juice
⁄4 teaspoon dried basil
1 teaspoon salt
⁄8 teaspoon garlic powder
Extra virgin olive oil
Sneaky Momma’s Tomato Sauce (page 109)
or store-bought tomato sauce

Mains 147
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 Make the pizza dough, then cut it into eight equal pieces. Shape
dough into smooth balls and place them on a well-floured surface
about 2 inches apart. Cover with plastic wrap and let the dough
rise for 45 minutes.
 Line two baking sheets with parchment paper and dust with
cornmeal. Set aside.
 Meanwhile, steam the broccoli in a steamer basket until tender
when pierced with a knife, about 10 minutes. Allow to cool
slightly, then put the broccoli on a cutting board and chop it into
bite-size pieces. Place in a large mixing bowl and set aside.
 To make the tofu “ricotta,” place tofu, lemon juice, basil, salt,
and garlic powder in the bowl of a food processor fitted with the
S blade. Process until the mixture has a fine, grainy texture like
ricotta cheese. Fold the “ricotta” into the broccoli and mix to-
gether gently.
 On a lightly floured surface, roll a dough ball into a 7-inch-wide
circle. Place about 1⁄ 2 cup of filling just off the center of the circle.
Lightly moisten the edges of the dough (it helps to have a glass of
water handy to dip your fingers into) and fold the edges together.
Press and roll the edge up slightly to seal.
 Place four calzones on each baking sheet and brush each lightly
with olive oil. Cover well with plastic wrap and refrigerate the
calzones overnight.
 In the morning, take the calzones out of the refrigerator and pre-
heat the oven to 425ºF. Bake for 20 to 25 minutes, until golden
and warmed through. Let cool for 5 to 10 minutes, then wrap in
clean parchment or foil. Pack with a small container of tomato
sauce to dip or drizzle over the calzone.


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This chili uses inexpensive dried beans rather than canned and
spends the day bubbling away in the slow cooker. Start it in the
morning, and it will be ready in time for a delicious dinner when you
get home from work.
The “carne” in this recipe is textured vegetable protein (TVP).
TVP is made from defatted soy flour and has a chewy, meaty flavor
and texture; it comes dried in the bulk bins at most natural food

Makes 6 servings ⁄2 cup dried black beans
⁄2 cup dried pinto beans
⁄2 cup dried navy beans
1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil
1 onion, finely chopped
⁄2 a green or red bell pepper, chopped
1 garlic clove, minced
1 teaspoon ground cumin
11⁄2 teaspoons paprika
⁄2 teaspoon dried thyme
⁄2 teaspoon dried sage
1 teaspoon dried oregano
A pinch of cayenne
⁄2 cup uncooked lentils (black, brown, or
crimson are all fine here, just not red)
1 cup dried, beef-style TVP granules
1 (6-ounce) can salt-free tomato paste
1 teaspoon salt (or to taste)
Freshly ground black pepper

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 Combine the black beans, pinto beans, and navy beans in a mix-
ing bowl. Rinse and drain the beans, then cover with a generous
amount of water. Let the beans soak for several hours or overnight.
 Heat the olive oil in a skillet over medium-high heat. When the
oil is hot, add the onion and bell pepper and sauté until the onion
is translucent and soft, about 5 minutes. Add the garlic, cumin,
paprika, thyme, sage, oregano, and cayenne and sauté, stirring
constantly, for another 2 minutes, or until the garlic is soft and the
spices are fragrant.
 Scrape the onion and spice mixture into the insert of a medium-
size (2.5 to 3 quarts) slow cooker. Drain the dry beans and add
them to the slow cooker along with the lentils, TVP, and tomato
paste. Add 5 cups of boiling water and stir until everything is
combined and there are no lumps of tomato paste.
 Cover the slow cooker and cook on high for 5 hours or on low for
8 hours, until the beans are tender. If you are around, give the
chili a stir or two during the day to ensure even cooking.
 When the chili is done, stir in the salt and pepper to taste and
serve hot.

VARIATION: “Picky Chili”: I like to call our usual version of this

recipe “James’s Picky Chili.” “I love chili,” he says, “as long as it
doesn’t have any onions . . . or peppers . . . or chunks of tomato . . .
or green stuff . . . and as long as it’s not too spicy.” Allllrighty, then.
So I leave out the onions and peppers and my son is in Chili
Heaven. Feel free to skip the onions yourself if you have an onion-
hating child.


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Our local vegetarian group once hosted a “Baked Potato Bar” potluck:
we supplied the baked potatoes and everyone brought their favorite
toppings. There was vegan sour cream and bacon bits, of course, and
broccoli and grated vegan cheese. But guess which topping arrived over
and over? You guessed it—vegetarian chili! Lucky thing, too, because
after we ran out of potatoes, we still had satisfying bowls of chili to eat.

Makes 6 servings One recipe Chili Con “Carne” (page 149)

6 baking potatoes

 To bake potatoes, preheat the oven to 400ºF. Scrub the potato

skins to remove any surface dirt. Wrap each potato individually
in a piece of foil or parchment paper so that the potatoes are
completely enclosed.
 Place the potatoes directly on the rack in the oven and bake until
they are soft and tender when poked with a finger, about 1 to 2
hours, depending on the size of the potato.
 If baking the potatoes a day ahead, store them, still wrapped, in the
refrigerator. In the morning, warm them up briefly in the microwave.
 To pack, cut the baked potato almost in half with a sharp knife,
then wrap the potato in clean foil or parchment. To eat, remove
the wrap, open the spud, and spoon hot chili on top.


While you are baking these potatoes, wrap and bake some sweet
potatoes or yams the same way. You can eat them hot from the
oven with a dab of margarine, or use them to make Almond But-
tered Sweet Potatoes (page 190).

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The next time you cook brown rice, you’ll want to make extra just so
you can enjoy this wonderful dish, redolent of cinnamon, cardamom,
and coconut.

Makes 6 servings 1 pound carrots, peeled and grated

(3 cups grated)
1 (14-ounce) can light coconut milk
⁄2 cup pure maple syrup
3 cups cooked brown basmati rice
⁄2 teaspoon cinnamon
⁄2 teaspoon ground cardamom
⁄4 cup golden raisins
Ground flaxseed (optional)
Finely chopped unsalted pistachios (optional)

 Using the large holes of a hand grater, grate the carrot directly
into a medium saucepan. Add the coconut milk and maple syrup
and place on the stove over medium-high heat. Bring to a boil,
then turn the heat to low and simmer, covered, stirring occasion-
ally, until carrots are completely tender, about 15 minutes.
 Stir in the brown rice, cinnamon, cardamom, and raisins. Con-
tinue cooking, stirring occasionally, until the rice is heated
through and the mixture has thickened slightly, 4 to 5 minutes.
 Remove from heat and allow to cool. When ready to serve or
pack, place a serving of rice pudding into a dish or container. Stir
in some ground flaxseed (up to one tablespoon per serving) and
top with pistachios, if desired.


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Look for vegan “steak strips” in the freezer section, but be warned: if
it’s been several years since you tasted steak, you may find the first
bite unsettling—they’re very steaklike!

Makes 4 pasties 1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil

⁄2 (4-ounce) package frozen vegan steak
strips (such as Morningstar Farms)
1 tablespoon nonhydrogenated margarine
1 medium turnip, peeled and cut in
a 1⁄2-inch dice
1 medium-large potato, peeled and cut in
a 1⁄2-inch dice
⁄2 teaspoon Marmite, Vegemite, or other
yeast extract
Freshly ground black pepper
1 recipe Easy Piecrust (page 211)

 Heat the olive oil in a nonstick skillet and cook the steak strips
according to package instructions. Drain on paper towels. When
cool, cut into 1⁄ 2-inch pieces and set aside.
 Heat the margarine in the skillet and add the turnip and potato.
Turn the heat to low and cook, covered, until completely tender,
about 15 minutes. Add the Marmite and pepper to taste and stir
gently to combine, then add the steak pieces. Let cool completely
while you prepare the piecrust.
 Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and spray with non-
stick spray. Have a small bowl of water ready.
 To form the pasties, divide the piecrust into four equal pieces.
Lightly flour a work surface and roll the dough out with a rolling
pin to about 1⁄ 8 inch thick. Cut the pastry into a 7-inch-wide circle

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(use a small plate or saucer to help guide you). Cover half of the
pastry with a quarter of the potato mixture, leaving about 1⁄ 2 inch
uncovered around the edges.
 Dip your fingers in water and moisten the edges of the pastry,
then fold over the dough. Use your fingers to pinch and curl up
the edges all the way around. Repeat with the remaining pastry
and filling. You may wish to use the pastry scraps to cut out deco-
rative shapes and affix them to the pasty with a dab of water.
Spray or brush the pasties with olive oil.
 At this point, the pasties may be refrigerated for several hours or
overnight. When ready to bake, preheat the oven to 400ºF. Bake the
pasties for 25 minutes, until lightly browned and warmed through.


More of a creative technique to add to your repertoire than an exact

recipe, Easy Pasta and Beans can be made in a flash with any favorite
pasta shape, bean, pea, or veggie. It’s always a kid pleaser, and the
possibilities are endless!

Makes 3 servings 4 ounces pasta shapes (spirals, bows,

macaroni, shells, and so on)
1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil
1 small onion, diced, and/or 1 garlic clove,
1 ⁄2 cups frozen lima beans or frozen
shelled edamame or canned beans
(drained and rinsed) or frozen peas
2 tablespoons minced fresh parsley
Freshly ground black or white pepper


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 Bring a large saucepan of lightly salted water to boil over high

heat. If using frozen lima beans or edamame, add the beans to the
pot. Boil limas until tender (about 12 minutes), edamame until
warmed through (about 5 minutes). Scoop them out and set them
 Add the pasta to the boiling water and cook until tender (check
package for cooking time).
 Meanwhile, heat the olive oil in a large skillet or sauté pan. Add
the onion and/or garlic, and sauté, stirring frequently, until soft,
about 5 to 10 minutes. Add 1⁄ 4 cup water and your bean of choice,
either the cooked limas, edamame, canned beans, or frozen peas.
Simmer gently until heated through, and set aside.
 When the pasta is done, drain it in a colander and add it to the
bean or pea mixture. Add the fresh parsley and an extra drizzle of
olive oil, if desired, and toss to combine. Season with salt and
pepper to taste.


• Add a teaspoon of minced fresh rosemary to the onion when using

lima beans.
• Add other mixed frozen veggies along with the frozen peas.
• Sauté garlic in sesame oil when using edamame and season with a
dash of soy sauce and a sprinkle of toasted sesame seeds.
• Add some canned, chopped tomatoes and 1⁄ 2 teaspoon oregano
to the onion and/or garlic when using canned white beans for
pasta e fagioli.

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“ E AT Y O U R O AT M E A L ” PA N C A K E S

A great new way to get kids to eat their oatmeal! These pancakes are
wheat- and oil-free, and contain heart-healthy omega–3 fatty acids
from flax. The leftover pancakes taste great cold and make a tasty
snack either plain, rolled up with jam, or dipped in syrup. They can
easily be made a day in advance and refrigerated.
Keep in mind that oats do not contain the same gluten that wheat
does, so these pancakes may be more delicate than what you are used
to. Make sure your griddle is well heated and oiled so the pancakes
don’t stick and make them small until you get the hang of it.

Makes about 20 13⁄4 cups oat flour

small pancakes 1
⁄4 teaspoon kosher salt
⁄4 teaspoon cinnamon
3 tablespoons ground flaxseed
2 cups plain, unsweetened soymilk, plus more
as needed (don’t substitute rice milk;
soy really does work best here)
1 tablespoon applesauce
1 tablespoon maple syrup (or another
tablespoon of applesauce)
2 teaspoons baking powder

 Whisk together the oat flour, salt, and cinnamon in a mixing

bowl. Set aside.
 Put the ground flaxseed into a blender with the soymilk, apple-
sauce, and maple syrup. Blend together for 1 minute. Pour the li-
quid into the dry ingredients and whisk well until smooth. Set
the batter aside for about 10 minutes while you preheat a non-
stick or well-seasoned cast-iron griddle. The mixture will thicken
as it sits.


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 When the griddle is hot, stir the baking powder into the batter.
Add a few tablespoons of water to thin the mixture to pancake
batter consistency.
 Lightly oil your griddle or spray it with nonstick spray if neces-
sary. When the griddle is nice and hot, pour out a small amount
of batter, about 3 inches in diameter, and cook until the bottom is
nicely browned and the sides are dry. Insert a spatula underneath
the pancake and flip. Cook until this side is also browned and the
center springs back gently to the touch.
 Serve these pancakes with fruit, nut butter, applesauce (my fa-
vorite is apple blackberry sauce), and/or maple syrup.

VARIATION: “Eat Your Oatmeal” Waffles: This batter also makes fan-
tastic waffles. Follow recipe above but pour the batter into a pre-
heated nonstick waffle iron that has been sprayed with nonstick
spray. How many waffles and the cooking time will depend on your
waffle iron. My iron makes two large squares (four waffles each) at
8 minutes each.

 For a great lunch, spread some peanut or almond butter between

two waffles and cut the waffles into strips. Pack with a small con-
tainer of maple syrup or some applesauce for dipping.

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Seasoned inari sushi pouches are available in cans at Asian markets.

They are golden pockets made from fried tofu that are gently opened
and stuffed with rice. They have a mild taste and make a great intro-
duction to sushi for those who haven’t tried it yet.

Makes 16 1
⁄2 recipe prepared sushi rice (1 cup dry rice)
1 (10-ounce) can inari pouches (also called
inari zushi no moto)
Optional toppings:
sesame seeds, pickled ginger, or grated carrot

 Prepare the sushi rice according to instructions beginning on

page 178.
 Open the can of inari pouches and drain (you can save the liquid
to moisten your fingers as you prepare the inari). Gently open one
side of the inari pouch with your fingers or the tip of a sharp knife.
 Dip your fingers in the inari liquid or vinegared water (to keep the
rice from sticking). Scoop up a large ball of rice and fill the inari
 Top with any of the optional toppings, or serve as is. Inari is tradi-
tionally not dipped in soy sauce, but you may do so if you like.


You may end up with one or two torn inari pouches that do not want
to open (at least I always do). Don’t throw them away! You can slice
these into strips and use them as a filling in Sushi Rolls (page 178).
Inari strips also go well with raw spinach and grated carrot in thick-
rolled sushi (futomaki-zushi) or by themselves in narrow-rolled sushi


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If you cook up these savory Lentil-Rice Balls to serve with pasta and
tomato sauce for dinner, the leftovers will make a fine, quickly as-
sembled lunch the next day. Or you can prepare and store the
shaped, uncooked balls in the refrigerator overnight and bake them
in the morning especially for the lunch box. Pack the tomato sauce
separately, so the balls don’t get soggy.

Makes 22 balls, 1
⁄2 cup brown rice, rinsed and drained
about 5 servings 1
⁄2 cup uncooked lentils, rinsed and drained
(use green, brown, black, or crimson lentils,
not red)
⁄2 cup whole wheat flour
⁄4 teaspoon baking powder
⁄2 teaspoon salt (or to taste)
1 teaspoon Italian herb seasoning blend
⁄4 teaspoon garlic granules
1 teaspoon cumin
Freshly ground black pepper

 Place the rice and lentils in a small saucepan and add 2 cups of
water. Bring to a boil, lower the heat, and cover with a lid. Cook
on low for 30 to 40 minutes, until rice and lentils are soft (or as
one tester put it, “quite gooshy and easy to squish”). Remove
from heat and drain the rice and lentils thoroughly in a fine mesh
sieve to remove any excess water.
 Preheat the oven to 350ºF. Line a baking sheet with parchment
paper and spray with nonstick spray and set aside.
 When the rice and lentils are cool enough to touch, place them
in a mixing bowl and add the flour, baking powder, salt, Italian
seasoning, garlic granules, cumin, and pepper to taste. Mix well

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with your hands. Use a 1-ounce cookie scoop or a tablespoon to

scoop out about 1 heaping tablespoon of the lentil mixture. Use
your hands to squeeze and shape the mixture into tight balls
about the size of walnuts. Place the balls on the prepared baking
 If not baking right away, cover the Lentil-Rice Balls with plastic
wrap and refrigerate for several hours or overnight.
 Drizzle a tiny bit of olive oil on top of each ball. Bake them in the
oven, turning the balls occasionally, until browned and crispy on
the outside, about 30 to 35 minutes. Serve with pasta or not, but
always with lots of tomato sauce.


Each filling recipe makes enough for two mini-size pizzas; feel free to
double or quadruple any single topping recipe or try all four!

Makes 8 One recipe Easy Whole-Grain Pizza Dough

mini pizzas
(page 224)
Vegan Pizza Toppings (page 161)

 Prepare the pizza dough, then cut the dough into eight equal
pieces. Shape each piece into a smooth ball. If you are going to
bake the pizzas right away, set the dough balls about 2 inches
apart on a floured surface and cover lightly with plastic wrap. Let
rise at room temperature for 45 minutes.
 If you wish to bake the pizzas later, place the balls about 2 inches
apart on a well-floured baking sheet and cover well with plastic
wrap. Refrigerate for several hours or overnight. When ready,
take the pizza dough out of the refrigerator and let it sit at room
temperature for about 15 minutes.


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 Preheat the oven to 500ºF. If you have a pizza stone, place it on

the center rack in the oven to preheat for at least 30 minutes. If
not, sprinkle a baking sheet with cornmeal and set aside.
 Working on a well-floured surface, pat out one dough ball at a
time into a 61⁄ 2-inch-wide circle. Top with your chosen topping,
then use a pizza peel to slide your pizza directly on the hot pizza
stone (or place on the baking sheet and put in the oven). Bake
mini pizzas for 7 to 8 minutes, until crust is golden and the top-
pings are piping hot.


Here are four great pizzas to get you going, but I’m sure you’ll soon
discover that the topping ideas for vegan pizzas are simply endless!

Topping 1: Zucchini Lattice

A sophisticated-looking pizza. It looks even more impressive if you
use both green and yellow zucchini and alternate colors in the lattice.

Makes enough for 1 medium-size zucchini, preferably long

2 mini pizzas
and narrow
Kosher salt
1 large garlic clove
2 teaspoons extra virgin olive oil, plus extra
for topping
Fresh or dried oregano

 Scrub the zucchini but do not peel. Using a mandoline or other

vegetable slicer or a very sharp knife, slice the zucchini very
thinly lengthwise. Place the slices in a colander in a single layer

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and sprinkle with salt. Set aside in the sink to drain for about 30
minutes (the zucchini will sweat out some of its moisture).
 Meanwhile, mash the garlic with a pinch of salt using a mortar
and pestle or the flat side of a knife. Transfer to a small bowl and
stir in the olive oil.
 Spoon out half of the garlic oil and spread evenly over the surface
of the pizza crust. Pat the zucchini dry with a kitchen towel, then
weave a lattice pattern on top of the garlic oil, trimming the ends
as needed to fit. Sprinkle with oregano and a drizzle of olive oil.
Bake according to directions on page 160.

Topping 2: Kale Kalamata

My favorite! I like to wear my “Eat More Kale” shirt while eating
this one.

Makes enough for 6 cups kale, hard stems removed, thinly sliced
2 mini pizzas
3 tablespoons store-bought pizza sauce or
Sneaky Momma’s Tomato Sauce (page 109)
4 sun-dried tomatoes, chopped
6 Kalamata olives, pitted and sliced
Handful of pine nuts (optional)

 Place the kale in a steamer basket and steam until completely

tender. Drain in a colander or sieve, pressing out most of the
 Place the kale in a bowl and toss with the pizza sauce, sun-dried
tomatoes, and Kalamata olives. Spread half the kale mixture on a
mini pizza crust and top with a sprinkle of pine nuts. Bake accord-
ing to directions on page 160.


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Topping 3: Polka-Dot Pepperoni

Guess which pizza topping my son prefers? Pepperoni, of course!

Makes enough for 3–4 tablespoons store-bought pizza sauce or

2 mini pizzas
Sneaky Momma’s Tomato Sauce (page 109)
10 slices vegan pepperoni
3 slices store-bought vegan cheese

 Use a 11⁄ 2-inch round cookie cutter to cut four rounds out of each
of the slices of cheese. Spread half the pizza sauce on each mini
pizza, then top each with half the cheese and pepperoni, overlap-
ping slightly. Bake according to directions on page 160.

Topping 4: Mixed Mushroom

The mushrooms on this pizza taste rich and meaty, their flavor in-
tensified by sautéing until their liquid is released. Use a mixture of
whichever types of fresh mushrooms you like best (I prefer a mixture
of white button and cremini).

Makes enough for 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil

2 mini pizzas
1 pound mixed fresh mushrooms, cleaned,
stems trimmed, and sliced
⁄8 cup chopped fresh parsley
2 large garlic cloves, minced
3–4 tablespoons store-bought pizza sauce or
Sneaky Momma’s Tomato Sauce (page 109)

 Heat the oil in a large nonstick sauté pan over medium-high

heat. When hot, add the mushrooms and sprinkle liberally with

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salt. Cook, stirring frequently, until the mushrooms have given

off their juices and the liquid has been cooked away, leaving the
mushrooms shrunken and rich brown in color, about 10 minutes.
 Add the parsley and garlic and cook, stirring constantly, until the
garlic has softened, about 3 minutes. Taste for salt.
 Top each pizza crust with half the pizza sauce and half the mush-
room mixture. Bake according to directions on page 160.


Our family spent many years attending a Greek Orthodox church.

During Lent, Orthodox Christians observe a “fast,” abstaining from
meat, poultry, most fish, dairy, and eggs. With the sad exception of
some shellfish, this is very close to a vegan diet. As a vegan myself, I
think I was probably the only person in my church who got excited
over the food during Lent and felt disappointed when Easter arrived.
One Easter I brought these Phyllo Triangles to a church picnic and
was surprised when they were quickly devoured by everyone there—
all meat eaters but for me!
The easiest way to coat the phyllo sheets with olive oil is to fill a
refillable pump spray bottle with oil. Use good quality extra virgin
olive oil for the best flavor.

Makes about 1 (1⁄2-pound) package frozen phyllo dough,

35 triangles
thawed several hours
⁄2 pound firm tofu
11⁄2 teaspoons extra virgin olive oil
1 shallot, diced
1 garlic clove, minced
⁄8 cup finely minced fresh dill
2 teaspoons freshly squeezed lemon juice


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⁄4 teaspoon sea salt (or to taste)
Freshly ground black pepper
A pinch of nutmeg
Extra virgin olive oil for brushing phyllo

 To press the tofu, drain it, wrap it in a clean kitchen towel, and
set it on a plate or cutting board. Put something heavy on top of
the tofu (I use a cast-iron skillet). Press for 10 minutes. Remove
the tofu from the kitchen towel and crumble it into small pieces
with your fingers.
 Heat 11⁄ 2 teaspoons olive oil in a nonstick skillet. Sauté the shal-
lot for 1 minute, then add the garlic, crumbled tofu, and dill.
Cook, stirring frequently, for another 5 minutes, until the shallot
is soft and the tofu is cooked through. Remove from heat and add
the lemon juice, salt, and pepper to taste. Taste for salt and lemon
and add more if you wish (it should be salty and tangy). Cool to
room temperature.
 To make the triangles, line two baking sheets with parchment pa-
per and spray or brush with olive oil. Have ready a large pastry
board or cutting board, a pizza wheel for cutting, a damp kitchen
towel, plastic wrap, and a cooking oil spray pump filled with extra
virgin olive oil. If you do not have a spray mister, you can use a
small bowl of extra virgin olive oil and a pastry brush.
 Unwrap the thawed phyllo dough, then unroll just far enough to
expose about 3 inches of dough. Use the pizza wheel to cut a 21⁄ 2-
inch-wide strip of dough, cutting through all the layers. Roll the
rest of the phyllo back up in the plastic and cover with the damp
 Working quickly so the dough does not dry out, lay out a single
strip of phyllo. Spray or brush lightly with oil, then top with an-
other layer of phyllo, spray again, and add one more layer of
phyllo. Spray with oil.

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 Place 2 teaspoons of filling on the bottom corner of the phyllo

strip. Fold the filling up in the dough as if folding up a flag, touch-
ing the bottom corner to the opposite side, then folding up, then
folding the other corner to the opposite side, and repeating all
the way to the top to form a small triangle bundle. Place the tri-
angles on the prepared baking sheet, seam side down, and brush
or spray with olive oil. Keep the prepared triangles covered with
plastic wrap so they do not dry out.
 Repeat with all the remaining phyllo dough and filling (I like to
create an assembly line of four to six phyllo strips at a time).
When finished, double wrap the two baking sheets with plastic
wrap and place in the refrigerator overnight or until needed.
 When ready to bake, preheat the oven to 375ºF. Take the baking
sheet from the refrigerator and remove the plastic wrap. Bake for
20 minutes, or until golden and crisp. Cool on a wire rack.

VARIATION: Spinach Triangles: Ah, my favorite: steam 1 (5-ounce)

package of baby spinach (about 3 cups) until tender. Drain thor-
oughly in a fine mesh sieve or colander, pressing excess moisture out
of the spinach with the back of a spoon. Place the cooked spinach
on a chopping block and chop fine. Fold the spinach into the pre-
pared tofu mixture and proceed with the recipe.

VARIATION: Phyllo Bundles: One tester reported that her daughter

thought the triangles had “too much crust” (those darned crusts will
get you every time). So for Shannon, here’s an easy little bundle
with less than half the phyllo: cut the phyllo into 41⁄ 2-inch squares.
Brush one square with olive oil, then lay another square on top,
tilted slightly. Fill the center with the tofu mixture and bring the
edges up, pinching them together with the edges of phyllo poking up
like a pouch. Bake for about 20 minutes, until golden and crisp.


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You can assemble these in the morning or the night before. If your
children like to help in the kitchen, let them flatten out the dough
with a rolling pin and help roll up their own little veggie pups. They
are perfect with ketchup or mustard on the side for dipping.

Makes 5 ⁄3 cup plain, unsweetened soymilk
⁄4 teaspoon apple cider vinegar
1 cup all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
⁄4 teaspoon baking soda
⁄4 teaspoon kosher salt
3 tablespoons wheat germ
⁄4 cup nonhydrogenated margarine, chilled
5 soy hot dogs

 If you are baking these right away, preheat the oven to 375ºF.
 Line a baking sheet with parchment paper, spray with nonstick
spray, and set aside.
 Mix the soymilk and apple cider vinegar and set aside.
 Whisk the flour, baking powder, baking soda, salt, and wheat germ
together in a medium mixing bowl. Cut in the margarine with
your fingers or a pastry cutter, until the mixture resembles coarse
meal. Add the soymilk mixture and stir until a dough forms.
 Turn dough out onto a lightly floured surface and knead four or
five times, just enough to incorporate any loose pieces of dough.
Add more flour as needed to keep the dough from sticking. Roll
the dough out into a 10-inch square using a lightly floured rolling
pin and cut into five 2-inch strips.
 Working with one strip at a time, place a soy hot dog at a slight
angle at the base of a strip of dough. Roll the dog up in the dough

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so that the dough overlaps along the length of the hot dog and
covers the dog from end to end, leaving just the tips of the hot
dog exposed. Press the seam and edges gently to secure. Place the
pups seam side down on the baking sheet. Repeat with remaining
dogs and dough.
 At this point, the pups can be covered in plastic wrap and refrig-
erated until the morning. When ready to bake, remove the pups
from the refrigerator and preheat the oven to 375ºF.
 Bake until the pups are warmed through and the dough is
browned on the bottom, 15 to 18 minutes.

VARIATION: Piroshki are small Russian hand pies, usually filled with
potato and onion, cooked kasha (buckwheat), or ground meat. We
like to use leftover mashed potatoes seasoned with plenty of black
pepper to make a simple piroshki filling:

 Roll out the dough and cut into six rectangles. Place a small, long
mound of cooled mashed potatoes or other filling in the center
and seal completely in dough. Follow baking instructions above.


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You will need several small cups or molds to shape these timbales
into individual servings. For the Quinoa Amaranth Timbale pic-
tured in the insert, I used the small dressing container in my Laptop
Lunch Box to make three mini timbales and lined them up side by
side in the larger lunch container; you can also use the medium-size
container to make one larger timbale, or use ramekins or teacups to
make round or dome shapes.
Be sure to rinse the quinoa well under running water using a fine
sieve; quinoa has a bitter surface coating (a kind of natural insect
repellent) that must be rinsed off before use.
And the answer is yes—the timbale does hold its shape, even in
the swinging lunch box of a seven-year-old!

Makes 5 Zest and juice of 1 orange

1 teaspoon canola oil
⁄2 a small onion, finely diced
⁄2 teaspoon cumin
⁄4 teaspoon salt
⁄4 cup amaranth
⁄2 cup quinoa, well rinsed and drained
⁄4 teaspoon cinnamon
1 tablespoon pine nuts (optional)
5 dried apricot halves, finely diced

 Zest the orange and set zest aside. Juice the orange into a 2-cup
liquid measuring cup, then fill the cup with water to equal 11⁄ 2
cups. Set aside.
 Heat the oil in a small saucepan. Sauté the onion until tender,
about 5 minutes. Add the cumin and cook for 30 seconds, until the
cumin is fragrant. Add the orange juice mixture and salt and bring

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to a boil. Remove from heat and slowly add the amaranth, whisking
constantly. Add the quinoa and cinnamon and whisk to combine.
 Return the pan to the heat. When the water boils, turn the heat
to low, cover, and let cook on low heat until all the liquid has
been absorbed and the grains are tender, about 25 minutes.
 Meanwhile, toast the pine nuts in a dry skillet over medium heat,
stirring constantly until lightly toasted, about 4 minutes (watch
the pine nuts carefully, as they burn easily).
 When the grains are done, stir in the dried apricot, pine nuts, and
orange zest. Stir briskly until well incorporated.
 Spray your mold(s) with nonstick spray. Pack the quinoa mixture
firmly into the mold, then immediately turn it out onto a serving
dish or container, tapping on the bottom to help it release.


Cooking the rice in tomato or vegetable juice adds vibrant flavor

and color.

Makes 4 servings ⁄2 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil
⁄2 a small onion, diced
⁄4 red bell pepper, diced
1 celery stalk, diced
1 garlic clove, minced
⁄2 teaspoon ground cumin
⁄2 teaspoon paprika
1 cup uncooked long-grain rice (brown or
white, your choice)
⁄4 teaspoon dried oregano
⁄4 cup R. W. Knudsen Low Sodium Very Veggie
Juice or other low-sodium tomato juice


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Kosher salt
1 (15-ounce) can black beans, drained
and rinsed

 Heat the olive oil in a large saucepan set over medium high heat.
Add the onion, red bell pepper, and celery and sauté, stirring fre-
quently, until the onion softens and just begins to brown, about
5 minutes. Add the garlic, cumin, and paprika and cook, stirring
constantly, for another 30 seconds. Add the rice and oregano and
cook, stirring, for another minute.
 Add the vegetable juice and 11⁄ 4 cups water. Turn the heat to
high, bring to a boil, then lower the heat and simmer, covered,
until the rice is tender and the water is absorbed, about 25 to 30
minutes for white rice, an hour for brown. Add salt to taste.
 Stir the beans directly into the rice, or keep the beans and rice
separated with a thin spatula as you fill the serving dish to create
a colorful effect.

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These little pies are admittedly a bit of work to produce, but worth it
if the equinox is a special holiday in your household. For a simpler
meal, you can bake it as one big pie (see first variation below). The
pastries can be assembled the night before and baked in the morning.

Makes about Special equipment you will need:

24 leaf pies
2 (4-inch) oak- and maple leaf–shaped
cookie cutters

For the vegetable filling:

2 large carrots, peeled and diced in 1⁄4-inch
pieces (about 1 cup)
1 small parsnip or golden beet, peeled and
diced in 1⁄4-inch pieces (about 1⁄2 cup)
2 medium-size new potatoes, peeled and
diced into 1⁄2-inch pieces (about 2 cups)
2 garlic cloves, left whole and unpeeled
4 sprigs fresh thyme
2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
⁄2 teaspoon kosher salt

For the barley poppy seed crust:

2 cups all-purpose flour
1 cup barley flour
⁄2 teaspoon baking soda
⁄2 teaspoon kosher salt
1 teaspoon poppy seeds
⁄2 cup canola oil, chilled in the freezer for at
least 30 minutes
⁄2 cup ice water
1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar


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 Preheat the oven to 425ºF. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper.
 Place the diced vegetables on the baking sheet with the garlic
cloves and thyme. Drizzle with the olive oil and salt, and toss to
coat. Spread the vegetables out in one even layer.
 Roast for 25 to 30 minutes or until tender, stirring occasionally to
ensure even roasting. Remove from oven and allow to cool
slightly. Remove the thyme sprigs.
 When the vegetables are cool enough to touch, squeeze the
roasted garlic out of its skin. Mash the garlic well with the back of
a fork, then toss thoroughly with the vegetables until well distrib-
uted. Set vegetables aside while you prepare the crust.
 Line two baking sheets with parchment paper and spray with
nonstick spray. Place a small bowl of water and a brush next to
the baking sheet. Set aside.
 In a medium mixing bowl, combine the flour, barley flour, baking
soda, salt, and poppy seeds and whisk to combine. Drizzle in the
canola oil and toss with your fingers until the oil is incorporated
and the flour has formed small to medium-size clumps. Mix the
ice water with the cider vinegar and drizzle it into the flour, stir-
ring with your fingers until the dough holds together.
 Turn the dough out onto a lightly floured surface. Knead a few
times, then divide the dough into three pieces, covering two with
plastic as you roll out the first one.
 Lightly flour your work surface and roll the dough as thinly as
possible—at least 1⁄ 8 inch. Use the cookie cutters to cut out leaf
 To make the pies, place one leaf on the baking sheet and top with
1 tablespoon of vegetable filling. Pick up a matching leaf shape,
brush the edges with water and place on top of the filled leaf.
Press the edges together with your fingers, then pick the pie up
and pinch the edges shut all the way around the pie. Repeat with
the remaining dough and filling.

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 Brush or spray the pies lightly with olive oil. If not baking right
away, cover the baking sheets with plastic wrap and refrigerate
several hours or overnight.
 When ready to bake, preheat the oven to 375ºF. Poke two small
holes in the top of each pie with a cake tester or toothpick. Bake
for 20 minutes, until golden brown (up to 30 minutes if coming
from the refrigerator).

VARIATION: For an easier meal, line a 9-inch pie pan with the barley
crust or your favorite piecrust, fill with the vegetable mixture, and
top with piecrust. Cut a small slit in the center of the pie to release
steam. Bake at 375ºF for 35 to 40 minutes. Cut in wedges to serve.

VARIATION: If you’re lucky enough to have a child who likes kale

(and that is lucky—kale is an exceptionally nutritious green rich in
calcium and many other vitamins and minerals), steam one bunch
of chopped kale until tender, toss with 1 tablespoon soy sauce, and
add it to the vegetable mixture. Bake as individual hand pies or one
big pie.

VARIATION: “Leaves Falling in the Mud”: Although they taste very

good plain, I like to dip these little hand pies in store-bought
tamarind chutney.


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If you’re feeling particularly adventurous, try adding some sautéed

onions, chopped green olives, and raisins to the veggie meat (a tra-
ditional combination in Argentina).

Makes 4–5 1 (16-ounce) package of vegan taco-flavored

ground beef
1 recipe Easy Piecrust (page 211)

 Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and spray with non-
stick spray. Have a small bowl of water ready
 To form the empanadas, divide the piecrust into four equal
pieces. Lightly flour a work surface and roll the dough out with a
rolling pin to about 1⁄ 8 inch thick. Cut the pastry into a 7-inch-
wide circle (use a small plate or saucer to help guide you). Cover
half of the pastry with 4 to 5 tablespoon of veggie meat, leaving
about 1⁄ 2 inch uncovered around the edges.
 Dip your fingers in water and moisten the edges of the pastry,
then fold over the dough. Use a fork to crimp the edges all the
way around and use a sharp knife to cut decorative slits in the top
of the dough. Repeat with the remaining pastry and filling. You
may wish to gather the pastry scraps together to make one final
empanada. Spray or brush them with olive oil. At this point, the
empanadas may be refrigerated for several hours or overnight.
 When ready to bake, preheat the oven to 400ºF. Bake for 25 min-
utes, until lightly browned and warmed through.

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As I was experimenting with healthier sushi rolls, I found that

brown rice alone did not get sticky enough to spread well on nori
like traditional white sushi rice. I solved the problem by adding tasty
millet and tiny amaranth to my brown rice. I found that cooking the
three grains together resulted in perfect sushi rice, along with extra
flavor and nutrition. A hint of lemon and the crunch of sunflower
seeds add flavor and interest.
When it comes time to fill and roll your sushi, there are dozens of
delightful vegan fillings you can choose from. Avocado is our favorite,
but you also might like blanched asparagus, red bell pepper strips, cu-
cumber, grilled shiitake, or even fresh mango (see page 181 for more
sushi filling ideas). Pack with a small container of regular soy sauce or
refreshing, lower-sodium Ponzu Sauce (page 177) for dipping.

Makes 4 rolls, 3
⁄4 cup short-grain brown rice
to serve 2 1
⁄8 cup millet
⁄8 cup amaranth
1 teaspoon fresh lemon zest
⁄8 cup sunflower seeds
4 sushi nori sheets (sheets of dried,
toasted nori seaweed)
Avocado slices or other filling of your choice

 Put the rice, millet, and amaranth into a medium pot and add 11⁄ 2
cups water. Bring to a boil, reduce the heat to low, and cook,
covered, for 35 minutes. Remove pan from heat and let sit, still
covered, for another 10 minutes.
 Transfer the rice mixture to a large mixing bowl. Stir in the
lemon zest and sunflower seeds with a wooden rice paddle or


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spoon, tossing the rice with light strokes to aerate and cool it. Set
the rice mixture aside to cool completely.
 When the rice is cool, spread one-quarter of the mixture on a
sheet of nori laid out on a sushi rolling mat (keep a small bowl of
fresh water handy to dip your fingers in to keep the rice from
sticking). Leave a 1-inch strip at the top of the nori sheet uncov-
ered. Arrange the avocado or other filling down the center of the
rice. Use your fingers to lightly moisten the top strip of nori with
a dab of water, then use the rolling mat to roll your sushi up and
seal it shut.
 Transfer the roll to a cutting board and cut into six pieces with a
sharp knife, wiping the knife with a damp cloth between cuts.


This makes a refreshing, lower-sodium alternative to plain soy sauce

for dipping sushi.

Makes about 1 tablespoon low-sodium soy sauce

⁄4 cup
1 tablespoon brown rice vinegar
1 tablespoon mirin (sweet Japanese
cooking wine)
1 tablespoon freshly squeezed lime juice

 Combine all ingredients. Adjust seasonings to suit your taste.

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Making your own sushi can seem daunting at first. But once you get
the hang of it, the process becomes simple and straightforward: rice
is cooked, then tossed with a mixture of sugar, salt, and vinegar until
cool. The rice is spread on a sheet of nori seaweed; the desired filling
is set in place, and the roll is wrapped up and sliced.
I recommend making smaller, narrow-rolled sushi (hosomaki-
zushi) for a child-size mouth; sushi rolls should be eaten in one bite.
The nori seaweed is very hard to bite through, and a half-bitten
sushi will fall apart.
Look for supplies and ingredients at Asian markets and some gro-
cery and natural food stores.

Makes 3–4 Special equipment you will need:

Wide, shallow wooden bowl (or a hangiri ) for
mixing the rice
Wooden rice paddle or wooden spoon
Fan (electric or handheld)
Bamboo rolling mat
2 cups uncooked sushi rice (short-grain
sticky rice)
3 tablespoons brown rice vinegar
3 tablespoons mirin (sweet Japanese
cooking wine)
3 tablespoons sugar
1 tablespoon coarse sea salt or kosher salt
Sushi nori sheets (sheets of dried, toasted
nori seaweed)
Vegan Sushi Fillings (page 181)
Soy sauce for dipping


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Wasabi (hot Japanese horseradish paste,

Pickled ginger (optional)

 Rinse the rice several times in cold water until water runs clear. Put
rice in a medium pot and cover with water. Let soak for 30 minutes.
 Drain the water, then add fresh water in a ratio of 1 cup uncooked
rice to 1⁄ 5 cup water. Bring water to a boil, reduce heat, and sim-
mer, covered, for 20 minutes (or use a rice cooker if you have one).
 Remove from heat and let sit, still covered, for 10 minutes. The
resulting rice should be sticky, slightly wet, and shiny.
 While the rice is cooking, make the vinegar dressing by stirring
together the vinegar, mirin, sugar, and salt until the sugar dis-
solves. Avoid using metal utensils when making sushi vinegar and
sushi rice; the vinegar may react with the metal and create a dis-
turbing taste. Set aside the sushi vinegar and prepare your fillings
(see list of ideas on page 181).
 Fill another small bowl with 1 cup water and 2 tablespoons vine-
gar. This vinegared water is used to wet the mixing tub. Moisten
your fingers to prevent the rice from sticking while you roll the
 Wet a wide, shallow wooden bowl or Japanese hangiri (wooden
mixing tub) with water and pour off excess. Wet the tub a second
time with some of the vinegared water and wipe off any excess
(this will keep the rice from sticking to the tub).
 When the rice is done, heap the cooked rice in the center of the
damp tub. Pour the vinegar dressing over the peak of the mound
of rice. With a rice paddle or wooden spoon, cut through the
mound of rice; toss with horizontal, cutting strokes.
 Use a fan to cool the rice as you toss. If you’re coordinated, you
can toss with one hand and fan with the other, but I find an elec-
tric desktop fan works well. Cooling and tossing in this way gives

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the rice good flavor, texture, and gloss. Once the rice has cooled
to room temperature, it is ready to use. If you are not using the
rice immediately, cover with a damp cloth. Do not refrigerate
sushi rice; if it becomes too cold it hardens.
 Now, you’re ready to roll sushi! For futomaki-zushi (thick-rolled
sushi), use a whole sheet of nori. For smaller hosomaki-zushi
(narrow-rolled sushi), cut a sheet of nori in half with kitchen
 Place the nori sheet at the base of the bamboo rolling mat. Wet
your hands with vinegared water and scoop up a ball of sushi rice.
Spread the rice evenly over the nori, leaving a 3⁄ 4- to 1-inch strip
at the top of the nori sheet uncovered. Remember, too little rice
is better than too much; too much rice could break holes in the
nori or cause the roll to split open.
 Arrange the filling ingredients in the center of the sushi rice. Use
your fingers to lightly moisten the top strip of nori with vinegared
water; this will seal the nori roll. Immediately pick up the end of
the rolling mat and roll everything together forward, tightly
wrapping rice and nori around the fillings. Press on the mat to
shape and seal the roll.
 Unroll the mat and place the sushi roll on a cutting board with
the seam facing down. Cut roll into six pieces with a very sharp
knife, wiping the knife with a damp cloth in between cuts.
 Serve your sushi with soy sauce, wasabi, and pickled ginger. Sushi
should ideally be eaten the same day it is made.


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Vegan Sushi Fillings

Here are some vegan sushi filling ideas to get you started. Mix-and-
match, use your imagination, and go sushi crazy!

• avocado
• peeled, seeded cucumber
• strips of fried tofu
• umeboshi (salty, pickled Japanese plums)
• grilled fresh shiitake mushrooms
• blanched carrot strips
• blanched asparagus spears
• mango slices and avocado
• fried tempeh strips
• blanched spinach, drained and chopped with toasted sesame oil
and toasted pine nuts
• red bell pepper strips, raw or roasted
• blanched zucchini strips
• blanched green beans
• radish sprouts
• raw spinach with tofu and grated carrot
• takuan (pickled daikon radish)
• kampyo (strips of gourd simmered in sweetened soy sauce, available
in cans or refrigerated packets)
• strips of grilled eggplant

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Kelp granules give these tofu sticks a hint of fishy flavor. They can be
found in shaker containers at health food stores or online at
www.veganessentials.com. Sprinkle them on any food for a low-
sodium salt alternative; they are a good source of iodine.

Makes 4 servings ⁄3 cup fine cornmeal (or all-purpose flour)
⁄3 cup sliced almonds
2 teaspoons paprika
2 teaspoons kelp granules
2 teaspoons salt
⁄2 teaspoon onion powder
⁄2 teaspoon garlic powder
⁄4 teaspoon dried dill weed
Freshly ground black pepper
⁄3 cup plain, unsweetened soymilk
1 pound firm tofu, drained
Extra virgin olive oil
1 lemon, cut in wedges for squeezing

 Preheat the oven to 400ºF. Line a baking sheet with parchment

paper and coat it with olive oil. Set aside.
 Combine the cornmeal or flour, sliced almonds, paprika, kelp,
salt, onion powder, garlic powder, dill weed, and pepper to taste
in a blender. Blend on high until most of the almonds have been
turned into a coarse meal, with a few larger pieces of almond re-
maining. Pour the mixture into a wide baking dish or pie plate.
 Place the plain soymilk into a bowl and set next to the cornmeal
 With a sharp knife, cut the tofu into even slices just under 1⁄ 2 inch
wide. Cut the slices into fish stick dimensions or use a fish-shaped
cookie cutter to cut out tofu fish. Working with one piece at a time,
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dip the tofu into the soymilk, then toss gently in the cornmeal mix-
ture to coat evenly. Place on the prepared baking sheet. When all
the tofu fish are on the baking sheet, sprinkle them with olive oil.
 Bake for 15 minutes, then turn the tofu over and bake for an addi-
tional 15 minutes, or until crispy (if making Tater Tots to go with
the fish sticks, place them on the baking sheet for the last 15 min-
utes). Squeeze some lemon juice evenly over the tofu fish and serve.


Here are comments I received from two readers of my online site, Vegan
LunchBox.com, in the same week: “Are you sure your child isn’t eating
too much? Your meals look big for a child in first grade!” and “Does your
son really eat so little? My little one could eat TWO of those lunches and
still be ravenous!”
It’s hard to know how much to pack at times. Packing too much can
make a lunch look overwhelming to a small child and can lead to a lot of
wasted food. But, of course, we don’t want to pack so little that our son
or daughter doesn’t get full.
Only you know your children well enough to determine how much will
be enough for them. One trick I use is to imagine my son’s dinner plate
when I’m stocking his lunch box. Since I eat with him every day at the
table, I have a fairly good idea of how much he will eat from a plate of

food. I try to aim for that amount when packing his lunch containers.
Most of the kids I know have appetites that fluctuate over time. Some
days they can’t seem to get enough; other days they just pick at their
food. If you consistently keep your kitchen (and lunch box) stocked with
healthy foods and keep out unhealthy choices, this fluctuation shouldn’t
be a cause for worry. Most kids, given a wide variety of whole, healthy
foods, will naturally adjust how much they eat to meet their needs.
Oh, and don’t forget to have a healthy after-school snack ready when
your children get home. No matter how good lunch was, by the after-
noon they’ll be ready to refuel!

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Wheat gluten, also knows as seitan, is made from the protein of

wheat after the starch has been rinsed away. It has a chewy, “meaty”
texture, and because this pot roast is entirely soy-free, it makes a
great alternative to store-bought meat analogues for those with soy
allergies or intolerances.
Wheat Gluten Pot Roast is simple to prepare using vital wheat
gluten powder, available at most health food stores.

Makes 4 servings 2 vegetarian beef-flavored bullion cubes

with leftovers for
lunch the next day
(Celifibr brand is all-natural and soy-free.
If you can’t find it locally, you can order it
online at www.glutenfreemall.com)
1 teaspoon kosher salt
11⁄4 cups vital wheat gluten powder
⁄4 cup ground walnuts (use a food processor
to grind to a coarse meal)
2 tablespoons nutritional yeast flakes
⁄2 teaspoon onion powder
⁄2 teaspoon garlic powder
3 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
1 teaspoon plus 2 tablespoons tomato paste
1 teaspoon Marmite or other yeast extract
1 large onion, sliced
1 celery stalk, chopped
2 large garlic cloves, minced
⁄2 cup dry red wine
1 cup sliced button or cremini mushrooms
⁄8 cup uncooked red lentils
4 sprigs of fresh thyme


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4 large carrots, peeled and cut into

2-inch chunks
Salt and freshly ground black pepper

 Bring 4 cups of water to a boil. Remove from heat and stir in the
two bullion cubes and salt. Let the cubes dissolve completely as
you prepare the pot roast.
 In a medium mixing bowl, stir together the vital wheat gluten
powder, ground walnuts, nutritional yeast, onion powder, and
garlic powder. Measure out 1 cup of the bullion broth and set the
rest aside. To the 1 cup of broth, add 1 tablespoon olive oil, 1 tea-
spoon tomato paste, and the yeast extract. Add the liquid to the
vital wheat gluten and stir together until the mixture forms a
dough. Knead in the bowl just enough to form into a smooth loaf.
Sprinkle the loaf evenly with salt and pepper to taste.
 In a large Dutch oven or saucepan, heat the remaining 2 table-
spoons of olive oil. When hot, add the pot roast loaf and sear on
all sides until dark brown. Remove from the heat and set aside on
a plate.
 Add the onions and celery to the saucepan and cook, stirring fre-
quently, until the onions are soft and beginning to brown, about
5 minutes. Add the minced garlic and cook, stirring, for 1 more
minute, until the garlic is softened but not brown.
 Add the red wine and the remaining 2 tablespoons tomato paste.
Stir until the tomato paste is dissolved, then cook at a lively sim-
mer until the wine has completely evaporated, about 3 minutes.
Add the remaining bullion broth, mushrooms, red lentils, and
thyme sprigs. Place the pot roast in the center of the broth and
arrange the carrots around the sides.
 Turn the heat to the lowest possible setting. You want the broth
hot enough to be sending up a bubble every so often, but never

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boiling. Simmer like this for 45 minutes, then turn the pot roast
over and simmer for another 45 minutes.
 Remove the pot roast and all but one of the carrot chunks from
the broth. Cover the roast and carrots with foil or an inverted
bowl to stay warm as you prepare the gravy.
 Remove the thyme sprigs from the broth, then transfer the broth
and vegetables to a blender and blend until completely smooth.
Return the gravy to a small saucepan and warm over low heat.
Taste for salt and pepper and serve hot.
 This meaty, soy-free pot roast makes a great dinner, served with
cooked carrots, peas, and mashed potatoes. Leftovers can be
served for lunch in at least three different ways:

VARIATIONS: How to Pack a Pot Roast

• Cut slices of pot roast into bite-size pieces and serve as finger food
with a small container of ketchup for dipping.
• Cut into thicker slices and use as a sandwich filling with Vege-
naise, ketchup, and fresh veggies.
• Dice some pot roast and mix it in with leftover gravy. Pack the
hot gravy in a preheated insulated food jar alongside some split
Spelt Biscuits (page 216). At lunch, pour the gravy over the bis-
cuits for some hot, “beefy” biscuits and gravy.


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This lemony wild rice dish, flecked with sweet green peas, corn, and
bits of toasted pecan, is wonderful served at room temperature, mak-
ing it perfect to take with you to a Thanksgiving dinner or veggie
Wild rice is now being sold fully cooked in vacuum-sealed pack-
ages (I get mine from Trader Joe’s). These packages are a quick and
convenient way to eat this usually long-cooking grain. If you can’t
find precooked wild rice in your area, you can still buy dried wild rice
and cook it according to the directions below.

⁄2 cup chopped pecans
Makes 6–8
servings 2 cups cooked wild rice, or 1 cup dried
1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil
1 shallot, finely minced
1 cup uncooked long-grain white rice
1 teaspoon salt
1 cup mixed frozen peas and corn
Juice and zest of one lemon
Freshly ground pepper

 Preheat the oven to 350ºF. Place the chopped pecans on a baking

sheet and toast, shaking the pan one or two times, for 10 minutes,
until the pecans are toasted and fragrant. Set aside.
 If using precooked rice, skip ahead to the next step. To cook wild
rice, bring a large pot of lightly salted water to a boil. Add the
wild rice and reduce heat. Simmer until the wild rice is tender but
not split, about 45 to 50 minutes. Drain the rice and set aside.
 In a medium saucepan set over medium-high heat, warm the olive
oil. When hot, add the shallot and cook, stirring, until the shallot is
soft, about 2 minutes. Add the white rice and salt and cook, stirring,

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until rice just starts to turn translucent, about 3 minutes. Pour in

11⁄ 2 cups water. Bring to a boil, turn the heat to low, and cover.
Steam until the rice is tender, about 20 minutes.
 When the rice is done, turn off the heat. Open the lid and sprin-
kle the frozen mixed vegetables on top of the cooked rice. Cover
again and allow the vegetables to steam until just tender, about
5 minutes. Transfer the rice and vegetables to a serving dish and
stir in the wild rice, lemon juice and zest, and pepper to taste. Top
with the toasted pecans.


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Adzuki beans are small, reddish beans with a hint of sweetness. They
can be found in many Asian markets and health food stores. In Japa-
nese cuisine, they are often made into a sweet paste and used to
make cakes and sweets.
I love to serve this dish alongside sushi as well as Musubi (page
79). The beans add protein to the meal and highlight the flavor of
the pickled ginger that we like to nibble on between sushi bites.

Makes 3 servings 1 (15-ounce) can adzuki beans, rinsed and

3 tablespoons diced pickled ginger, with juice
(preferably all-natural)
2 teaspoons soy sauce
⁄2 teaspoon mirin (sweet Japanese cooking wine)
1 scallion, white and part of the green, minced
Toasted sesame seeds for garnish

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 Combine the adzuki beans, pickled ginger, soy sauce, mirin, and
scallion and toss together gently with a spatula. Refrigerate until
cold. Taste for salt and serve cold or at room temperature, sprin-
kled with toasted sesame seeds.


I’m still swooning over these rich, creamy sweet potatoes. I like to
sprinkle a bit of ground flaxseed over mine and enjoy them for break-
fast, but they’re perfectly delectable just as they are any time of day.

Makes 2 servings 1 medium-size sweet potato or garnet yam,

baked until soft (see page 151)
1 tablespoon freshly squeezed orange juice
2 tablespoons light brown sugar (optional)
⁄2 teaspoon cinnamon
A pinch of nutmeg
1 tablespoon creamy almond butter

 Peel and chop the baked sweet potato. Place sweet potato chunks
in a food processor along with the orange juice, brown sugar, cin-
namon, and nutmeg and process until creamy and smooth.
 Scrape the sweet potato mixture into a small saucepan and heat
gently on the stove over medium heat until warmed through, stir-
ring frequently. Remove from heat and stir in the almond butter
until well combined. Taste for seasonings and add a bit more juice
or sweetener, if desired. Serve warm or at room temperature.


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The name says it all! These sweet-and-sour sprouts are wonderful

hot or at room temperature. We usually can’t stop ourselves from
eating them straight from the pan before they make it to the table.

Makes 4 servings 1 pound fresh brussels sprouts, cleaned,

trimmed, and cut in half
2 tablespoons olive oil (or 1 tablespoon
olive oil and 1 tablespoon margarine)
⁄4 cup vegetable stock (or water)
2 tablespoons sugar
2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar
Freshly ground black pepper

 Heat the oil or oil and margarine in a sauté pan or well-seasoned

cast-iron skillet over medium-high heat. When hot, add the brus-
sels sprouts and sprinkle with salt to taste. Sauté, stirring occa-
sionally, until the sprouts begin to turn golden, about 5 to 10
 Add 1⁄ 2 cup of the stock or water and bring to a boil. Lower the
heat and simmer, covered with the lid left slightly ajar, until the
brussels sprouts are almost completely tender and the stock or wa-
ter has been cooked away, about 10 minutes.
 Remove the lid and add the last 1⁄ 4 cup of stock or water, the
sugar, and the apple cider vinegar. Cook at a lively simmer, stir-
ring occasionally, until the liquid is reduced to a syrup, about 5
minutes. Taste for salt and season with pepper as desired. Serve
hot or at room temperature.

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Your broccoli is crying out for lemon and capers, did you know? This
simple sauce packs a big flavor that is perfect with steamed broccoli.

Makes 4 servings 1 large bunch of broccoli, rinsed and cut

into florets
2 tablespoons olive oil
⁄2 teaspoon minced garlic
2 tablespoons freshly squeezed lemon juice
2 tablespoons capers, rinsed and drained
1 teaspoon cornstarch mixed with
2 tablespoons water (or vegetable broth)
Salt and freshly ground black pepper
1 tablespoon minced fresh parsley (optional)

 Put the broccoli in a steamer basket and steam until tender.

 Meanwhile, heat the olive oil in a small saucepan over medium-
high heat. When the oil is hot, add the garlic and cook, stirring
constantly, for about 30 seconds, just long enough for the garlic to
soften without turning brown. Add the lemon juice, capers, and
cornstarch mixture and cook, stirring, until thickened, about 2
 Remove the sauce from the heat and add salt and freshly ground
black pepper to taste (taste it before adding salt—capers are salty).
 Place the steamed broccoli in a serving dish and pour the sauce
evenly over the top. Garnish with a sprinkle of parsley if desired.
 Serve immediately or place a serving of the broccoli and sauce in
a covered container for the lunch box. This dish is good served
warm or at room temperature.


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In parts of Mexico, cooks make their own mild vinegars using sweet
fruit like pineapple. This flavorful salad of zucchini and corn has a
simple dressing of fruity Late Harvest Riesling Vinegar, available at
gourmet markets and online.
Look for Mexican zucchini (calabacita) at grocery stores and
farmers’ markets. Regular zucchini makes a fine substitute.

Makes 6 to 8 1 tablespoon canola oil

servings 1
⁄4 of a red onion, finely diced
2 Mexican or regular zucchini, cut into a
⁄2-inch dice
1 cup frozen corn, thawed
1 tablespoon Late Harvest Riesling Vinegar
⁄2 teaspoon dried marjoram
⁄4 teaspoon kosher salt (or to taste)
Freshly ground black pepper

 In a large nonstick or cast-iron skillet, heat the oil over medium

heat. When hot, add the onion and cook, stirring, until the
onion is just starting to soften, about 2 minutes. Add the zucchini
and cook, stirring, until the zucchini is warm and just barely start-
ing to soften, about 3 minutes.
 Remove from heat and stir in the corn. In a small cup, stir to-
gether the vinegar, marjoram, and salt and pour over the zucchini
mixture. Toss well, add salt to taste, and sprinkle with a generous
amount of black pepper. Set aside to cool. Serve cold or at room

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These chickpeas (also called garbanzo beans) fill the house with an
amazing, tantalizing smell like hot buttered popcorn as they roast.
In fact, I like to make them on family movie nights and serve them
in place of regular popcorn. They are chewy on the outside and soft
on the inside, and nutritional yeast flakes give them a cheesy flavor.

Makes about 1 (15-ounce) can chickpeas, rinsed and

1 1⁄2 cups
1 tablespoon canola oil
11⁄2 teaspoons nutritional yeast flakes
⁄2 teaspoon kosher salt (or to taste)

 Preheat the oven to 400ºF. Line a baking sheet with parchment

 Toss the chickpeas in a medium bowl with the oil, yeast flakes,
and salt. Spread in a single layer on the baking sheet.
 Roast for 30 minutes, stirring occasionally, until golden and
slightly crispy. Once cooled, store in an airtight container.

VARIATION: Fast Cheesy Chickpeas: When you just can’t wait: open a
can of chickpeas, rinse and drain, pat dry, then sprinkle with the nu-
tritional yeast and salt. Voilà!


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Whenever I spend time sitting at a vegan information table or talking to

others about veganism, I often hear words such as these: “I couldn’t be
vegan, my body needs protein.” . . . “I couldn’t be vegan, it’s too expen-
sive.” . . . “I couldn’t be vegan, that ‘rabbit food’ would never fill me up.”
What wonderful food family is the perfect answer to all these problems
and more?
LEGUMES! That’s right, legumes, also known as beans, peas, pulses,
and lentils.
Legumes are an excellent source of low-fat plant protein. They are ab-

solutely loaded with healthy fiber, antioxidants, folate, iron, and magnesium.
They are hearty, filling, immensely satisfying, and supercheap to boot!
“But my son/daughter/husband/great aunt doesn’t like beans.” Are
you sure? There are hundreds of different varieties of legumes out there
and an endless number of ways to enjoy them. It’s worth experimenting to
find some that you enjoy. We eat beans almost every day and never seem
to run out of new ways to prepare them. We mash them into spreads and
dips, roll them up in wraps, bake them, stew them, shake them into salads,
cook them in soups, and fry them into burger patties.
If the long soaking and cooking time is putting you off, remember that
canned beans, although more expensive than dried, are quick and con-
venient. Black-eyed peas and baby lima beans are available precooked
and frozen. Dried split peas cook quickly, as do lentils (lentils are also a

great source of iron). Indian dahls are split, husked legumes that cook in
a flash and are easy to digest.
Oh, but beans make you (ahem) gassy? Well, if you share the same
sense of humor as my seven-year old, that’s just a bonus. If not, remember
that the gassiness does diminish over time if you continue to eat beans on
a regular basis. Start with small portions and build up. Try taking a walk af-
ter dinner to aid digestion. There are also digestive enzyme tablets on the
market that can help.
Legumes truly deserve to have a place of honor at every vegan table!
Serve them up each day and you’ll be providing your family with a filling,
satisfying source of protein, fiber, and nutrition.

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This is a festive celebration dish for the holidays, filled with sweet
chestnuts and hearty Christmas lima beans. Christmas limas are also
called chestnut limas, because they have the nutty flavor and potato-ey
texture of a chestnut. They are lovely, large beans with white and bur-
gundy swirls that you can still see after the beans are cooked.
The brussels sprouts are finely shredded and almost disappear into
the dish—a nice way to get sneaky with those sprouts if your family
doesn’t take to them whole.

Makes 6 servings 1 cup dried Christmas lima beans

2 tablespoons olive oil
8 fresh brussels sprouts, cleaned, ends
removed, and leaves removed and finely
1 (7-ounce) package vacuum-packed whole
chestnuts (or 20 fresh chestnuts, roasted
and peeled)
3 tablespoons golden brown sugar
1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar
Salt and freshly ground black pepper

 Soak the lima beans overnight in water to cover. Drain, rinse,

and place the limas in a medium saucepan with fresh water to
cover. Bring to a boil and reduce heat; simmer until the beans are
tender, about 40 minutes to 1 hour. Drain, reserving 1⁄ 2 cup of the
bean broth.
 Heat the olive oil in a large skillet over medium heat. Add the
shredded brussels sprouts leaves and cook, stirring, until the
greens are tender and beginning to turn golden, about 2 minutes.


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Add the beans, chestnuts, brown sugar, apple cider vinegar, and
the reserved bean broth. Stir together and simmer until the liquid
has cooked away and everything is heated through. Season with
salt and pepper to taste.


We like to use a mixture of clover and alfalfa seeds. Add a few radish
seeds to the mix if you like a spicy kick!

Makes about 3 tablespoons mixed seeds for sprouting

4 cups
1 (1-quart) mason jar, fine cheesecloth,
and rubber band

 Place the seeds in the mason jar and cover with water. Let them
soak overnight.
 Cover the top of the mason jar with the cheesecloth and secure it
with a rubber band. Drain off the water. Cover the seeds with
some fresh cold water and swish them around briefly. Drain again.
 Set the mason jar on its side on a kitchen towel and cover com-
pletely with toweling (the sprouts should be kept in the dark).
Rinse and drain the sprouts two times a day, more often in hotter
weather. After one or two days, you should see some little sprouts
starting to poke out of the seeds. After about five days, the sprouts
will be about an inch long and ready to eat.
 Dump the sprouts out into a large mixing bowl and cover com-
pletely in cold water. Swish gently with your hands. Some of the
loose seed casings will float to the surface; scoop them up with
your fingers and discard them until they are mostly gone or you
can’t take it any more. Now lift handfuls of sprouts out of the mix-
ing bowl and transfer them to another bowl. Unsprouted seeds

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and more casings will have settled to the bottom of the bowl; dis-
card them. Place the bowl in a cool, well-lit place for a couple
hours to turn green, and they are ready to eat.
 Store them well covered in the refrigerator and use them up quickly.


Another wonderful recipe taught to me by my aunt Julie, who

learned it in the kitchen of her Japanese mother-in-law. Julie’s
mother-in-law reported that this was the only way she could get her
sons to eat spinach when they were growing up. This is an ideal
preparation for the lunch box; the spinach is ever-so-lightly
blanched, not mushy, and is served cold.

Makes 3 servings 2 bunches spinach leaves (not baby spinach)

Soy sauce
Toasted sesame oil
Garlic powder
Toasted sesame seeds

 Wash the spinach leaves carefully to remove any sand and grit. I
wash my spinach by submerging the leaves in a sink filled with
cold water and agitating them gently. Lift them out of the water
without draining the water first, so the dirt and sediment sinks to
the bottom. Clean the sink, refill with water, and repeat until the
spinach is clean. Trim off any hard pink tips on the spinach stems;
otherwise leave them whole.
 Bring a large saucepan of water to a boil. Have a large bowl or sink
filled with ice water at the ready. Dip the spinach leaves into the
boiling water for just under 1 minute, just enough to cook them and
leave them with a bit of crunch (or steam the spinach in a steamer


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basket for 1 minute, working in batches if necessary). Immediately

plunge the spinach into the ice water bath to stop the cooking.
 Now pick up handfuls of the spinach and squeeze and knead as
much water out of it as you can, transferring the squeezed spinach
to a bowl. Let the spinach rest for a few minutes, then pick it up
and squeeze it out again. You may want to repeat this one more
time; your goal is to get as much water out of the spinach as you
possibly can.
 Transfer the spinach to a cutting board and cut into 3⁄ 4-inch
pieces. Place in a bowl and sprinkle with soy sauce, 4 drops of
toasted sesame oil, and garlic powder. Toss well and refrigerate
until cold. Taste for seasoning and add more if desired. Sprinkle
with toasted sesame seeds and serve.

L I N D A’ S C O L L A R D G R E E N S

My good friend from Georgia, Linda Frederick, taught me this won-

derful way to prepare collard greens. Collards are an incredibly nu-
tritious leafy green, filled with vitamin C, vitamin E, beta-carotene,
calcium, and more. They are milder tasting than kale or mustard
greens and are usually available year-round at the grocery store. Def-
initely a green worth having around!

Makes 4 servings 1 large bunch collard greens, rinsed well, hard

stems removed
1 small onion, peeled and cut into quarters
A pinch of sugar
⁄4 cup prepared Italian dressing (or to taste)
Salt and pepper
Seasoning salt or garlic powder (optional)

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 Roll the collard greens up into bundles and cut into 1⁄ 2-inch-wide
ribbons with a sharp knife. Place the collards in a large saucepan
with a tight-fitting lid. Nestle the quartered onion into the mid-
dle of the collard greens. Sprinkle with a pinch of sugar (this cuts
any bitterness the greens may have) and add 1 cup of water.
 Place over high heat until the water boils, then immediately turn
down the heat and cover the saucepan. Simmer the collards until
they are tender when pierced with a fork, 20 to 30 minutes.
Check the water level occasionally toward the end of cooking
and add more water if the level gets too low.
 Drain the collards. Remove the onion or stir the onion into the
collards, as you like. Toss the greens with Italian dressing, salt and
pepper to taste, and garlic powder or seasoning salt as desired.

O V E N - D R I E D T O M AT O E S

Roasting intensifies the flavor of meaty plum tomatoes and dries

them out so they don’t make sandwiches soggy in the lunch box.
Roast up a double batch of these on the weekend and add them to
sandwiches throughout the week. They’re fabulous with veggie ba-
con, butterhead lettuce, and vegan mayonnaise on a crusty baguette.

Makes 4 6–8 medium-size plum tomatoes

1 teaspoon olive oil
⁄4 teaspoon kosher salt

 Preheat the oven to 250ºF.

 Halve the tomatoes and place in a small mixing bowl. Toss with
the olive oil and kosher salt.
 Arrange the tomatoes cut side up on a baking sheet, then roast in
the oven until the tomatoes are shriveled and dry but not burnt,


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about 3 hours (perhaps up to an hour more if your tomatoes are

very large and juicy).
 Cool tomatoes completely and store in an airtight container.


Have you ever tried making hash browns from raw potatoes, only to
have them immediately stick to your best nonstick skillet like glue?
And then, after a hard-fought hash brown battle, you emerge with a
sad little pile of half-burnt, half-raw potato shreds? No? Just me,
huh? Well, in any case, here it is—the secret to perfect, brilliant,
nonsticky hash browns!

Makes 6 1 pound new potatoes, such as Yukon Gold

hash browns 3
⁄4 teaspoon kosher salt
3 tablespoons olive oil

 Peel the potatoes and shred them using a food processor fitted
with a large shredding disk or a hand grater with large holes.
Sprinkle the potatoes with salt and toss to coat well. Let the pota-
toes sit for at least 5 minutes.
 Then (here’s the secret) take large handfuls of the potatoes and
squeeze out as much liquid as you can, transferring the potatoes to
a clean bowl as you go.
 Heat the olive oil in a large, nonstick skillet over medium-high
heat. When the oil is hot (a strand of potato should sizzle when it
hits the oil), pick up a handful of potato shreds, give them one
last good squeeze, then drop into the oil. Repeat, making six little
circular mounds of potato shreds. Press the mounds flat with your
spatula and tuck the edges in to maintain an even thickness.

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 Adjust the temperature as needed to maintain a sizzle. Cook until

the bottom has turned a nice golden brown, about 8 to 10 min-
utes. Flip with a spatula and cook on the other side until golden
brown, another 6 to 8 minutes. Drain on paper towels for a mo-
ment to remove excess oil, then place in a lunch box container
and cover with foil.

P O TAT O “ B E E T L E S ”

Ask your kids to help you “Name That Potato.” What do these pota-
toes look like? Are they armadillos? Roly-polies? My son says they
look like beetles.

1 potato Medium-size white new potatoes

per serving
Olive oil
Kosher salt

 Line a baking sheet with parchment paper, drizzle the paper with
olive oil, and set aside.
 Fill a medium saucepan with water, sprinkle with salt, and bring
to a boil.
 Meanwhile, peel the new potatoes and cut in half. With a small
paring knife, cut narrow slits about 1⁄ 8 inch apart across the
rounded top of each half, without going all the way through.
 Place the potatoes in the boiling water and boil for 5 minutes.
Drain. Place them upright on the baking sheet and brush all over
with olive oil. Sprinkle with kosher salt. At this point you can
cover the potatoes and refrigerate until the morning, if desired.
 Roast the potatoes in a preheated 400ºF oven until they are ten-
der on the inside and slightly golden and crunchy on the outside,
about 35 to 40 minutes.


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It’s so simple and inexpensive to prepare your own refried beans, es-
pecially if you use Slow Cooker Black Beans on page 204. Use them
in burritos, tacos, tamales, or in the Layered Bean Dip on page 107.

Makes 2 cups 2 tablespoons canola oil

2 cups Slow Cooker Black Beans (page 204)
or 2 cups of any cooked, drained beans
⁄4 cup water (or broth from cooking beans),
plus more as needed
1 teaspoon cumin
1 tablespoon minced fresh cilantro
Tabasco pepper sauce

 In a large nonstick or cast-iron skillet, heat the oil over medium-

high heat. When hot, add the beans and 1⁄ 4 cup water. Cook, stir-
ring and smashing the beans with a wooden spoon, until the
beans are a thick, coarse puree, about 10 to 15 minutes. Add
more water or bean broth as needed to keep the beans from stick-
ing and to achieve the desired consistency. Stir in the cumin and
cilantro, and season with salt and Tabasco to taste.

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This is a great basic bean recipe, timed so that you will awaken to
the delicious fragrance of simmering black beans in the morning, all
ready to pack for lunch.
These are excellent to eat as is, served alongside greens and grains.
You can also mash them into Refried Black Beans (page 203), bake
them in Tennessee Corn Pone Muffins (page 218), or use them to
make Sneaky Momma’s Black Bean Soup (page 124). What can’t these
beans do?

Makes 5 cups 3 cups dried black beans

1 (4-inch) piece dried kombu seaweed
(optional; kombu helps make beans more
1 onion, peeled and cut in half
2 cloves garlic, minced
2 tablespoons olive oil
⁄4 teaspoon liquid smoke flavoring
2 small whole dried red chile peppers
2 teaspoons kosher salt (or to taste)

 The morning before you want to have the beans, place the dried
beans in a medium-size mixing bowl and fill the bowl with water.
Set aside to soak.
 That evening before you go to bed, drain the beans and rinse
them well. Place the beans in a medium-size (4-quart) slow
cooker along with the kombu, onion, garlic, olive oil, liquid
smoke, and whole dried chile peppers. Fill the slow cooker to the
top with fresh water.
 Cover the slow cooker and cook on low overnight, or about 10 to
12 hours, until the beans are completely tender. In the morning,
remove the kombu, onion, and whole dried pepper. Add salt.


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T E D ’ S A S I A N A S PA R A G U S

This is it! Truly the most simple but spectacular way to enjoy the
bundles of fresh, sweet asparagus that arrive at the farmers’ market
come springtime. This recipe was passed down to me by my stepdad,
Ted, who made mountains of it for my wedding reception. The as-
paragus remains slightly crisp and tastes wonderful cold or at room
temperature, making it ideal for the lunch box.

Makes 4 to 6 2 pounds fresh asparagus, washed and

2 tablespoons peanut oil
1 tablespoon soy sauce
Toasted sesame seeds

 Cut each asparagus spear into three 11⁄ 2- to 2-inch pieces, separating
out the tips and setting them aside. Have a bowl of ice water ready.
 Bring a small saucepan of salted water to a boil and add the cut
asparagus stalks. Boil until the asparagus is slightly tender but still
crisp, about 2 to 3 minutes. Remove the asparagus from the water
with a slotted spoon and immediately plunge it into ice water to
stop cooking.
 Repeat the process with the asparagus tips, boiling them for about
1 minute then plunging them into the ice water. Drain the stalks
and tips and place them in a serving bowl.
 Whisk together the peanut oil and soy sauce and pour over the
asparagus, tossing gently. Top with toasted sesame seeds.

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Quick Breads


Hands down, this is the best gingerbread we have ever had. This recipe
is from the charming booklet The Happy Lunchbox by my wonderful
friend Renee Pottle, who was kind enough to let me share it here.
Because this gingerbread has no sweetener besides molasses, using
all blackstrap might make it a little strong for your taste. You can use
sweet molasses instead or a combination of both.
We have an old family tradition of always serving gingerbread
with lemon sauce, so I’ve added one here. Store the sauce in a sepa-
rate container to pour over the gingerbread just before eating.

Makes 9 13⁄4 cups all-purpose flour

large servings 1
⁄4 cup potato flour
⁄2 cup whole wheat flour
11⁄2 teaspoons baking soda

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1 teaspoon cinnamon
1 teaspoon ginger
⁄2 teaspoon allspice
A pinch of salt
1 cup molasses
⁄2 cup canola oil
1 cup hot water
⁄4 cup candied ginger (optional)

 Preheat oven to 350ºF. In an 8 x 8-inch baking dish, mix together

the flours, baking soda, cinnamon, ginger, allspice, and salt with a
 Add molasses, canola oil, and water. Mix well, using the fork to
break up all lumps. Stir in the candied ginger, if using.
 Bake for 35 to 40 minutes (it took 45 minutes in my oven) or un-
til a wooden pick inserted in the middle comes out clean.
 Set the pan on a wire rack to cool.


A sweet sauce perfect for topping Blackstrap Gingerbread or spoon-

ing onto Blueberry Lemon Mini Scones (page 209).

Makes about 1
⁄2 cup sugar
1 cup
1 tablespoon cornstarch
1 cup water
⁄8 cup nonhydrogenated margarine
1 tablespoon freshly squeezed lemon juice
Zest of one lemon


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 Whisk sugar and cornstarch together in a small saucepan. Gradu-

ally stir in water and heat over medium-high heat until boiling,
stirring constantly with a wooden spoon. Boil for 2 minutes, until
sugar has dissolved and the sauce has thickened.
 Remove from heat and stir in the margarine, lemon juice, and
zest. Serve immediately or refrigerate several hours or overnight;
the sauce will thicken more as it cools.


This recipe was a gift from baker-genius Tina Stephenson at Badger

Canyon Herb & Tea in Kennewick, Washington. Tina makes a
batch of vegan cookies or scones every Friday, and boy, if you don’t
get there before noon, they are gone. Luckily, she was nice enough
to share the secret to her scone success with me. Now when I snooze
and lose, I can go home and whip up a batch of my very own.

Makes 12 1 cup all-purpose flour

mini scones
1 cup whole wheat pastry flour
⁄4 cup sugar
2 teaspoons baking powder
⁄2 teaspoon baking soda
⁄2 teaspoon kosher salt
⁄4 cup nonhydrogenated margarine
⁄2 cup plain, unsweetened soymilk
⁄4 cup fresh or thawed frozen blueberries,
rinsed and drained
Zest of one lemon
Extra soymilk and sugar for topping

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 Preheat the oven to 400ºF. Line a baking sheet with parchment

paper and spray with nonstick spray. Set aside.
 Sift together the flours, sugar, baking powder, baking soda, and
salt. Add the margarine and cut into the flour mixture using a
pastry cutter or your fingers, until the mixture resembles a coarse,
crumbly meal.
 Add the soymilk, blueberries, and zest. Mix well with a wooden
spoon or your hands until the mixture comes together to form a
dough. You may need to add an extra tablespoon of soymilk if the
mixture is too dry.
 Turn the dough out onto a lightly floured work surface. Divide
the dough in half and form each half into a flat round, about 3⁄ 4
inch thick. Cut each round into six equal wedges.
 Arrange the scones on the baking sheet. Brush the tops with a bit
of soymilk and sprinkle with sugar. Bake for 15 to 18 minutes, un-
til the edges and bottom are golden. Place scones on a wire rack
to cool.

VARIATION: Cherry Almond Mini Scones: Follow directions above,

but replace the blueberries with 3⁄ 4 cup fresh or thawed frozen sweet
or pie cherries, pitted and coarsely chopped. Replace the lemon zest
with 1 teaspoon almond extract.


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This is a simple, satisfying, no-frills piecrust. Master it, and you will
have dozens of delicious lunchtime possibilities at your fingertips.
Start with Spanish Empanadas (page 175), Cornish Pasties (page
153), or Aloo Samosas (page 143). Then use your imagination and
wrap mushrooms, tofu, or any of your favorite vegetables in light,
flaky pastry. Heck, you could even bake a pie!

Makes 1 (9-inch) 2 cups all-purpose flour (or half white,

pie shell
half whole wheat pastry flour)
1 teaspoon kosher salt
⁄3 cup nonhydrogenated shortening
5–7 tablespoons ice water, as needed

 Have a cup of ice water and a tablespoon ready.

 Sift or whisk together the flour and salt in a mixing bowl. Dot the
top of the flour mixture with tablespoons of the shortening. Cut
the shortening into the flour with a pastry cutter or by tossing and
rubbing the flour and shortening together with your hands or fin-
gers. Keep at it until the mixture resembles coarse meal and all
visible lumps of shortening are gone.
 Lightly drizzle in the water a tablespoon at a time, stirring with a
wooden spoon or your fingers, until you can bring the dough to-
gether in a ball. Add a few extra drops if the dough is still crum-
bly. Shape the dough into a ball, then proceed with your recipe.
 If it’s a hot day, you may wish to refrigerate the dough for 15 min-
utes before rolling and shaping.

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When I was working on the first edition of Vegan Lunch Box, I came
up with the idea of including a “Full Meal Muffin” recipe that would
serve as a convenient, portable, inconspicuous lunch for older kids
and teens that included fruits and vegetables. At the time I also
wanted to include protein powder for a protein boost, but I was never
satisfied with the texture and taste of the muffins with added powder.
After several unsuccessful attempts I decided to bag the muffin
idea, but several distraught readers later e-mailed, asking what had
happened to it. So I dusted off my notes, kicked out the protein
powder, and here it is! Even without the extra protein this is a nutri-
tious main course at lunchtime: each muffin is filled with whole
grains, banana, zucchini, iron- and calcium-rich blackstrap molasses,
and omega–3-rich walnuts. These muffins also contain no added
sugar, salt, oil, soy, or wheat.

Makes 12 muffins 1 cup whole spelt flour

1 cup barley flour (or use 1 cup white and
1 cup whole wheat flour in place of spelt
and barley if you prefer)
1 teaspoon cinnamon
2 teaspoons baking powder
1 teaspoon baking soda
2 ripe bananas, peeled
3 tablespoons blackstrap molasses
⁄2 cup apple juice, plus more as needed
2 teaspoons apple cider vinegar
1 zucchini, finely grated (about 11⁄2 cups)
⁄2 cup finely chopped or ground walnuts
⁄2 cup currants or raisins (optional, they add
a touch of sweetness)


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 Preheat the oven to 375ºF. Line a muffin tin with paper liners
and spray with nonstick spray and set aside.
 Combine both flours, cinnamon, baking powder, and baking soda
in a mixing bowl and whisk together.
 Place the bananas, blackstrap molasses, apple juice, and apple
cider vinegar in a blender and blend until smooth. Mix the wet
and dry ingredients together, then fold in the zucchini, walnuts,
and currants or raisins, if using. Use a bit more apple juice if
needed to wet all the flour.
 Divide the mixture evenly into the twelve lined muffin cups and
bake for 20 minutes or until the top springs back to the touch.
Remove muffins from the pan and cool on a wire rack.
 Store in an airtight container or freeze in individual freezer bags
to pull out and put into lunches as needed.


If you don’t have a piping bag, not to worry: simply cut open the muffin
and spread it with a liberal layer of jam. These muffins are wheat-free.

Makes 12 muffins 11⁄2 cups barley flour

⁄2 cup oat bran (or oat flour)
21⁄2 teaspoons baking powder
⁄4 teaspoon kosher salt
⁄2 cup applesauce
⁄4 cup natural creamy peanut butter
⁄4 cup maple syrup
1 cup plain soymilk
3 tablespoons finely chopped unsalted peanuts
About 12 tablespoons fruit spread,
jam, or jelly

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 Preheat the oven to 375ºF. Line a muffin tin with paper liners or
spray with nonstick spray. Set aside.
 In a large mixing bowl, whisk together the barley flour, oat bran,
baking powder, and salt. In another bowl, mix together the apple-
sauce, peanut butter, maple syrup, and soymilk. Add the wet in-
gredients to the dry ingredients, mixing until well combined.
 Spoon the batter evenly into twelve muffin cups. Sprinkle the
tops with peanuts and bake for 20 to 25 minutes, until a tooth-
pick inserted in the center comes out clean. Place the muffins on
a wire rack to cool completely.
 When cool, use a piping bag with a sharp metal star tip to push
into the top of each muffin and pipe a tablespoon of jam through
into the center.


Muffins are a great way to make orange vegetables attractive to a

child who might otherwise dislike them. Filled with nutritious
whole wheat, flaxseed, pumpkin, and nuts, they are soy-free for
those with soy allergies. Carob chips taste just right here, but feel
free to substitute vegan chocolate chips if you prefer.

Makes 12 muffins 1 cup plain canned pumpkin (not pumpkin

pie filling) or pureed butternut squash
⁄3 cup water
⁄3 cup canola oil
2 tablespoons ground flaxseed
1 teaspoon vanilla
12⁄3 cups whole wheat pastry flour
11⁄3 cups sugar
1 teaspoon baking powder


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⁄2 teaspoon baking soda
⁄2 teaspoon kosher salt
⁄2 teaspoon cinnamon
⁄4 teaspoon nutmeg
⁄3 cup vegan carob chips
⁄2 cup pecans, chopped
Perfect Cinnamon-Sugar (see below)

 Preheat the oven to 350ºF. Spray a nonstick muffin tin with non-
stick spray or line the tin with paper muffin cups and spray the
cups with nonstick spray. Set aside.
 Put the pumpkin, water, canola oil, flaxseed, and vanilla in a
blender and process on high for at least 1 minute, until light in
color and well blended. Set aside.
 In a large mixing bowl, whisk together the pastry flour, sugar, bak-
ing powder, baking soda, salt, cinnamon, and nutmeg. Add the
pumpkin mixture and mix with a wooden spoon or large spatula
until well blended. Fold in the carob chips and pecans.
 Spoon the batter into the muffin tin, distributing evenly to make
twelve muffins. Sprinkle the top of each muffin with some Perfect
 Bake for 30 to 35 minutes, until a cake tester or toothpick in-
serted into the center of a muffin comes out clean. Let cool for 5
minutes in the pan, then use a spatula to gently lift each muffin
from the muffin tin. Finish cooling on a wire rack.

Perfect Cinnamon-Sugar
 Whisk together 3⁄ 4 cup sugar with 2 teaspoons ground cinnamon
and store in a sugar shaker. Use as a sweet sprinkle on porridge,
toast, or soy yogurt.

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These wheat-free biscuits come together in a flash in the food processor.

Makes 14 biscuits 1 cup plain soymilk

2 teaspoons apple cider vinegar
13⁄4 cups white spelt flour
⁄4 cup whole spelt flour
2 teaspoons baking powder
⁄2 teaspoon baking soda
⁄2 teaspoon kosher salt
6 tablespoons nonhydrogenated margarine
or shortening

 Preheat oven to 450ºF. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper

and spray with nonstick spray. Set aside.
 In a 2-cup liquid measuring cup or small bowl, combine the
soymilk and apple cider vinegar. The mixture will thicken slightly
and curdle—now you have soy “buttermilk”! Set aside.
 In the bowl of a food processor fitted with the S blade, combine
the spelt flours, baking powder, baking soda, and salt. Pulse briefly
to combine. Take the lid off the food processor and drop the mar-
garine by tablespoonfuls evenly over the surface of the flour mix-
ture. Pulse several times until the margarine has worked itself
into the flour mixture and no large lumps remain.
 Add the soy “buttermilk” and run the food processor just enough
to form a dough. Scrape the dough out onto a lightly floured
countertop or kneading board.
 Pat the dough into a circle about 1 inch thick. Cut the dough
into rounds using a 21⁄ 2-inch biscuit cutter or the rim of a glass;
dip the cutter in flour in between cuts to prevent sticking.


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 Place the biscuits on the prepared baking sheet and bake until
light brown, about 12 minutes.

VARIATION: If you’d like to make biscuits using regular white flour,

substitute 2 cups all-purpose flour for both the spelt flours.


I still remember standing on a stool in my grandfather’s kitchen
helping him cut out biscuits with a round metal cutter. Perhaps
that’s when my love of cooking began! Make fun memories
with your children, letting them pat down the dough and cut
out these biscuits. You can even use the leftover dough scraps
to form smiling faces or designs on the biscuit tops.


This is the kind of sweet, tender cornbread that I prefer, the kind my
mother would insist is properly referred to as “johnnycake.” Bread or
cake, this recipe is so easy, so tasty, and no, it’s not crumbly! It was
shared by Amy Nylund and Candace d’Obrenovic, members of Veg-
etarian Network of Austin, Texas, and immediately became our fa-
vorite cornbread of all time. Thanks, Amy and Candace!

Makes one 2
⁄3 cup maple syrup
9 x 9-inch pan 1
⁄3 cup canola oil
1 cup plain soymilk
1 cup whole wheat flour
1 cup fine organic cornmeal
1 tablespoon baking powder
1 teaspoon kosher salt

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 Preheat the oven to 350ºF. Spray a 9 x 9-inch baking pan with

nonstick spray and set aside.
 In a small mixing bowl, combine the maple syrup, canola oil, and
soymilk. In another bowl, whisk together the whole wheat flour,
cornmeal, baking powder, and salt. Mix wet and dry mixtures
together and pour the batter into the prepared pan. Bake for 35
minutes, or until a toothpick or cake tester comes out clean.

VARIATION: For individual-sized cornbreads just right for the lunch

box, try baking the cornbread in muffin cups or mini loaf pans for
about 25 minutes.

VARIATION: Vegan Corn Dogs! Visit the Vegan Lunch Box and find
out how to transform this Sweet Cornbread into Vegan Corn Dogs:


Traditional Tennessee Corn Pone consists of a layer of cornbread

baked over a bed of flavorful beans. These cornmeal muffins are
made on the same principle but with the beans spooned into the
batter on top, to make them easier to eat out of hand at lunchtime.
They are gluten-free and a great source of heart-healthy omega–3
fats from flax.

Makes 12 muffins 1 cup plain soymilk

2 teaspoons apple cider vinegar
4 tablespoons ground flaxseed
1 cup fine organic cornmeal
1 teaspoon baking soda
⁄2 teaspoon kosher salt


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1 cup Slow Cooker Black Beans (page 204) or

other well-seasoned cooked beans, drained
Nutritional yeast flakes (optional)

 Preheat the oven to 400ºF. Spray a nonstick muffin tin with non-
stick spray or line the tin with paper muffin cups and spray the
cups with nonstick spray. Set aside.
 In a 2-cup liquid measuring cup or small mixing bowl, whisk the
soymilk, apple cider vinegar, and ground flaxseed together. Set
 In a medium-size mixing bowl, whisk together the cornmeal, bak-
ing soda, and salt. Pour the soymilk mixture into the cornmeal
mixture and stir together until well combined.
 Divide the cornmeal mixture evenly among the twelve muffin
cups. Drain any excess liquid off the beans (they should be slightly
juicy but not too wet). Top each muffin with a large spoonful of
beans. Sprinkle each muffin with nutritional yeast flakes if desired.
 Bake the muffins for about 15 minutes, until set and golden
brown around the edges. Let the muffins cool in the tin for about
5 to 10 minutes, then carefully remove the muffins using a spatula
and place them on a wire rack to cool completely.

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Yeast Breads


This is my favorite bread recipe, and the one I enter every year in
our local county fair. It always gets a blue ribbon (and once got Best
of Show). I hope it wins awards at your table, too!
This recipe makes a lot of bread. I figure if I’m making bread I
might as well make enough to last a while (because I know the first
loaf is going to be gone an hour after it leaves the oven). It freezes
well, too.
The leftover cooked grains called for here can be practically any-
thing; I have had excellent results using cooked steel-cut oats, po-
lenta, brown or white rice, quinoa, or a combination. If the cooked
grains are particularly wet, you may need to add more flour.

Makes three 2 cups warm water (110°F)

(8.5 x 3.5-inch)
2 scant tablespoons (2 packages) active
loaves or two
loaves and one dry yeast
9 x 9-inch pan 1
⁄2 cup canola oil
of dinner rolls 1
⁄2 cup maple syrup
1 tablespoon kosher salt
2 cups leftover cooked grains (see note
above), room temperature
3 cups whole wheat flour
4–5 cups white bread flour


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 Pour the warm water into a very large mixing bowl. Sprinkle the
yeast over the warm water and stir well. Let the mixture sit for 5
minutes to dissolve the yeast.
 Add the canola oil, maple syrup, kosher salt, cooked grains, and
whole wheat flour to the yeast water, stirring vigorously. Beat well
with a large wooden spoon. This mixture is called the “sponge”
and should be wetter and softer than bread dough. Cover with
plastic wrap and let the sponge rise in a warm, draft-free place for
11⁄ 2 hours.
 Stir the sponge down and add 3 cups of the white bread flour, stir-
ring in about 1⁄ 2 cup at a time until the mixture is firm enough to
knead by hand. Turn the dough out onto a well-floured counter or
pastry board and knead vigorously. Sprinkle more flour on your
hands and the work surface as you knead to keep the dough from
sticking. You will need to add about 11⁄ 2 cups more white bread
flour in this way, more if the leftover grains you used were partic-
ularly moist. Knead for 20 minutes, until the dough is smooth and
develops an inner firmness and a springy quality.
 Shape the dough into a round and place it in a very large, well-
oiled mixing bowl (the largest you’ve got—it gets crazy big), turn-
ing the round so the top of the dough gets coated with some of
the oil. Cover with plastic and let rise in a warm, draft-free place
until doubled in bulk, about 1 hour.
 Punch the dough down and turn out onto a lightly floured work
surface. Flatten out the dough with your hands, pressing out any
air bubbles. Cut the dough into three equal pieces. Shape into
three loaves and place in three 8.5 x 3.5-inch loaf pans that have
been sprayed with nonstick spray. Or shape into two loaves and
divide the rest of the dough into nine pieces; shape each piece
into a round and space them evenly apart in a 9 x 9-inch baking
pan that has been sprayed with nonstick spray. Spray or brush the

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tops of the bread gently with olive oil, cover lightly with plastic
wrap, and let the bread rise one last time.
 During the final rise preheat the oven to 375ºF. When the loaves
and rolls have risen until not quite doubled, about 25 minutes,
place in the oven. Bake until golden and hollow sounding when
given a gentle thump, about 20 to 25 minutes for rolls, 35 to 40
minutes for bread. Rotate the pans once during baking to ensure
even baking.
 Remove the bread and rolls from the pans immediately and cool
on a wire rack.


This is my veganized, whole wheat version of a recipe from The Fan-

nie Farmer Baking Book. My husband called these “uncommonly
good” and promised to gain weight if I would make them more often.
Slice the croissants in half and fill them with vegan ham deli slices
and a slice of vegan cheese for classic Ham and Cheese Croissants.

Makes 16 11⁄4 cups plain soymilk, warmed

1 tablespoon sugar
21⁄4 teaspoons (1 package) active dry yeast
11⁄2 cups all-purpose flour, plus more
as needed
1 cup whole wheat flour (preferably
graham flour)
1 ⁄4 teaspoons kosher salt
⁄4 cup nonhydrogenated margarine, cold


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 Put the soymilk into a large mixing bowl, add the sugar and yeast,
and whisk to dissolve. Let the yeast mixture sit for a few minutes
until foamy.
 Mix together the flour, whole wheat flour, and salt. Add the flour
mixture to the yeast mixture and stir until a sticky dough forms.
Turn the dough out onto a liberally floured surface and knead for
a few strokes, just long enough to form a smooth dough. Add flour
as needed.
 Roll the dough with a floured rolling pin into a 9 x 14-inch
 Put the margarine between two sheets of wax paper and roll out
into a 6 x 8-inch rectangle. Peel off the wax paper and place the
margarine on the bottom half of the dough. Fold the bottom,
sides, and top half over the margarine, encasing the margarine
completely. Sprinkle the dough with flour, cover with plastic or
place in a plastic bag, and refrigerate for 45 minutes.
 First turn: place the dough on a liberally floured work surface and
roll out with a floured rolling pin using firm, smooth strokes. Roll
out to 9 x 14 inches, then fold the bottom and top halves in to-
ward the center (like folding up a letter). Sprinkle with flour,
cover with plastic again, and refrigerate for 45 minutes.
 Second turn: repeat as above, refrigerating for 45 minutes.
 Third turn: repeat as above, refrigerating for 45 minutes.
 Shape the croissants: Line a baking sheet with parchment paper,
spray with nonstick spray, and set aside. Roll the dough out on a
well-floured surface to about 10 x 20 inches. Cut the rectangle in
half lengthwise, then cut into eight squares. Cut each square in
half diagonally to form sixteen triangles.
 Pull the top triangle point out a little to lengthen, then start at
the bottom of the triangle and roll it up tightly. Tuck the tip un-
der and curve the edges in to form a croissant shape; press down
lightly on the top to help the croissant hold its shape. Repeat

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with the remaining croissants, placing them on the baking sheet

about 2 inches apart. Spray the croissants with nonstick spray,
cover lightly with plastic wrap, and let rise in a warm place for
about 11⁄ 2 hours, until light and puffy.
 Meanwhile, preheat the oven to 425ºF.
 Bake the croissants for 10 minutes, then reduce the heat to 375ºF
and bake for an additional 10 minutes, or until golden brown. If
they are browning too quickly on the bottom, try insulating them
by putting another baking pan underneath the croissant pan.
 Cool on a wire rack.


This quick and tasty dough is used to make the Broccoli Calzones
(page 147) and the Mini Vegan Pizzas on page 160. You can make
the dough quickly in a food processor. If you don’t have a food
processor, you can follow the instructions for Pizza Shop Breadsticks
on page 227 to mix and knead the dough by hand.

Makes enough 11⁄2 cups warm water (110°F)

dough for 21⁄4 teaspoons (1 package) active dry yeast
8 calzones or
8 mini pizzas
3 cups all-purpose flour
⁄4 cup whole wheat flour
⁄4 cup finely ground cornmeal
11⁄2 teaspoons kosher salt
2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil

 In a small bowl, sprinkle the yeast in the warm water and stir well
to dissolve. Set the yeast aside for about 5 minutes to bloom.


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 Meanwhile, place the flours, cornmeal, and salt together in the

bowl of a food processor fitted with the S blade. Pulse well to
 With the food processor running, slowing drizzle the yeast mix-
ture into the feed tube. Stop when the dough forms a ball. Pour in
the olive oil and pulse two or three times to combine.
 Turn the dough onto a lightly floured surface and knead briefly,
just long enough to incorporate any scraps from the food proces-
sor and make a smooth dough. Proceed with your calzone or pizza


These soft, spongy flatbreads are made with teff flour. Teff is the
world’s tiniest cultivated grain and one of the most nutritious. Injera
batter is traditionally left at room temperature for several days to fer-
ment and develop a sourdoughlike tang. This batter uses yeast and a
quick rise instead and has less of a sour taste. Teff flour can be found
at natural food stores.

Makes about 2 cups warm water (110°F)

6 to 7 large injera
(serves 4) 1 teaspoon sugar
1 teaspoon active dry yeast
1 cup teff flour
1 cup all-purpose flour
⁄2 teaspoon kosher salt
Canola oil for cooking

 In a medium-size mixing bowl, dissolve the sugar and yeast in the

warm water. Let the yeast mixture sit for about 5 minutes to allow
the yeast to dissolve and become active.

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 Slowly add the teff flour, all-purpose flour, and salt to the yeast
mixture, whisking constantly. Whisk the batter vigorously for 2
minutes. Cover with plastic wrap and let rise in a warm place for
1 hour. At this point, the batter can be refrigerated for several
hours or overnight.
 Heat a 10-inch, well-seasoned cast-iron or nonstick skillet over
medium heat. When the skillet is hot, drizzle with a small
amount of oil and spread the oil evenly over the surface of the
skillet. Stir the batter, then pour 1⁄ 2 cup of it on the hot skillet.
Quickly tilt the pan to evenly distribute the batter in a large
 Cover the pan with a lid and cook for 2 minutes, then remove the
lid (lift quickly to avoid dropping condensed drops of moisture
onto the injera and wipe the inner lid dry between injera). Cook
for another few seconds, until the top surface is dry and springs
back to the touch. The top should be covered with bubbles and
the bottom should be lightly golden (lower the heat if the bottom
is browning too quickly). Run a spatula around the edges of the
injera to help release it from the pan, then lift the injera from the
skillet with the spatula and place it on a wire rack to cool (injera
is only cooked on one side). Repeat with the remaining batter.
When the injera have cooled, stack them on a serving plate. In-
jera are served warm or at room temperature.
 To serve, place one injera on a plate and top with Split Pea
Alecha (page 126) and/or Mixed Vegetable Wat (page 120). Tear
off pieces to scoop up bits of stew and pop them in your mouth.
 To pack in a lunch box, roll up the injera bread while it’s still a
bit warm, then slice into bite-size pieces. Pack along with both
stews for dipping.


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These breadsticks are made with high-protein semolina flour. Semo-

lina flour is made from durum wheat (the same wheat used to make
many pastas). It is rough and granular and light yellow in color. It is
available at some health food stores and Italian markets. Feel free to
substitute whole wheat flour if you can’t find semolina.
You will need a spice grinder or strong blender (see page 116) to
make the “cheesy” breadstick topping.

Makes 36 3
⁄4 cup warm water (110°F)
breadsticks 1
⁄2 teaspoon sugar
1 teaspoon active dry yeast
1 cup all-purpose flour or white bread flour
1 cup semolina flour, plus more for the
baking sheets
2 tablespoons raw wheat germ
⁄2 teaspoon kosher salt
1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil, plus more
for brushing
⁄4 cup raw sesame seeds
⁄8 cup nutritional yeast flakes
⁄2 teaspoon salt (or to taste)
⁄8 teaspoon garlic granules
⁄8 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper

 In a mug or liquid measuring cup, dissolve the sugar and yeast in

the warm water. Let the yeast mixture sit for about 5 minutes to
dissolve and become active (the yeast should start to foam or
bubble slightly). Meanwhile, combine the flour, semolina flour,
wheat germ, and kosher salt in a medium-size mixing bowl.

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 Add the yeast mixture and olive oil and stir well with a wooden
spoon until a dough forms. Turn the dough out onto a clean, flat
work surface and knead for about 10 minutes, until the dough is
smooth and firm. Sprinkle your work surface with a bit of flour, if
necessary, to keep the dough from sticking.
 Place the dough in a mixing bowl that has been brushed or
sprayed with olive oil. Turn the dough over to coat the top with
oil. Cover the bowl with plastic wrap and a clean kitchen towel.
Let the dough rise in a warm, draft-free place for 40 minutes.
 Meanwhile, line two baking sheets with parchment paper and
sprinkle with a bit of semolina flour (or use cornmeal if not using
semolina). Set aside.
 Preheat the oven to 375ºF and prepare the topping: grind the
sesame seeds in a spice grinder until they resemble a coarse meal.
Pour the sesame seeds into a small dish and stir in the nutritional
yeast, salt, garlic granules, and pepper to taste.
 Turn the dough out onto a flat work surface that has been sprin-
kled with flour. Use a rolling pin to roll the dough into a 14 x 10-
inch rectangle. Brush the entire top surface with olive oil.
Sprinkle liberally and evenly with the sesame seed topping. Use
your fingers to gently press the topping into the dough.
 Use a pizza wheel or sharp knife to cut the dough into eighteen
⁄ 4-inch-wide strips. Then cut all the strips in half, so that you
have thirty-six 5-inch long breadsticks. Pick up each breadstick
and twist it several times, then place breadsticks about 1 inch
apart on the baking sheet. Press the ends down firmly onto the
baking sheet to keep them from untwisting.
 At this point, the breadsticks may be covered with plastic wrap
and refrigerated several hours or overnight. Bake for 12 to 15
minutes, or until golden. Serve with tomato sauce for dipping.


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Anadama Bread is a fine old American recipe with a colorful history.

Legend has it that it was first made by a man whose wife, Anna, left
him with nothing but some cornmeal mush to his name. He made it
into bread, all the while muttering, “Anna, damn her!” You may or
may not want to share that story with your child. . . .
The recipe starts with a homemade cornmeal mush, which has
been a staple food in America since ancient times. I have added
some pumpkin to my recipe, to give the bread a lovely golden color,
and to add another interesting native food to the menu.

Makes 12 rolls 11⁄2 cups plain soymilk

⁄4 cup cornmeal
2 tablespoons dark molasses
2 tablespoons nonhydrogenated margarine
1 teaspoon kosher salt
⁄2 cup plain canned pumpkin (not pumpkin
pie filling) or pureed butternut squash
2 ⁄4 teaspoons (1 package) active dry yeast
1 cup whole wheat flour
2 cups all-purpose flour or white bread flour,
plus more as needed

 Warm 3⁄ 4 cup of the soymilk in a small saucepan. When the

soymilk is almost boiling, sprinkle in the cornmeal, whisking
constantly. Cook, stirring, for 5 minutes, until the cornmeal has
thickened. Set aside to cool to room temperature.
 Warm the remaining 3⁄ 4 cup soymilk in a small saucepan along
with the molasses, margarine, salt, and pumpkin. Heat until the
mixture is warm to the touch (110ºF). Pour the mixture into a
mixing bowl. Sprinkle with the active dry yeast, stir, and let stand

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for about 5 minutes to dissolve and become active; the yeast

should start to foam or bubble slightly.
 Meanwhile, whisk together the whole wheat and white flour.
Lightly oil a mixing bowl and set aside. Line a baking sheet with
parchment paper, spray with nonstick spray, and set aside.
 When the yeast has dissolved, add the cooled cornmeal mush and
the flour. Beat with a wooden spoon or mix well with your hands
until a dough forms and pulls away from the sides of the bowl.
Turn out onto a lightly floured work surface. Knead until the
dough is smooth and elastic, about 10 minutes, adding up to a cup
of white flour as needed to keep the dough from sticking.
 Put the dough into the oiled bowl, turning it to coat it with oil.
Cover with plastic wrap and let it rise until it has doubled in bulk,
about 30 minutes.
 Turn out the dough onto a lightly floured surface and press out
the air bubbles. Divide the dough into twelve equal pieces, and
shape each piece into a smooth, round ball. Place the rolls 1 inch
apart on the baking sheet, spray lightly with olive oil, and cover
lightly with plastic wrap. Let rise for 25 minutes, preheating the
oven to 375ºF in the last ten minutes of rising.
 Remove the plastic wrap and bake the rolls for 18 to 20 minutes,
until lightly browned. Cool the rolls on a wire rack.


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Some of the desserts you’ll find in this cookbook are the kind of super-
healthy goodies that make a parent jump for joy when their kids ask for
seconds or thirds. For example, Cherry Chip Brownies (page 236) and Fruit
and Nut Bars (page 237) are low in refined sugar and rich in whole grains,
dried fruit, and heart-healthy nuts.
Other desserts, like the following cupcakes, are sugary, decadent con-
coctions I save for extra-special occasions, like birthdays. These are the
treats I whip up for parties and for impressing the omnivores.
You’ll notice I also call for various store-bought cookies and sweets in my

lunch menus. I wanted to give you an idea of how easy it is to find vegan
goodies that kids can feel right at home eating alongside their omni peers in
the cafeteria. You may or may not want to include a little sugary treat in the
lunch box each day, depending on your family’s health and sugar sensitivity.
Whatever your take on dessert, don’t overdo it! Once, during our first
weeks of packed lunches, I packed James four crème-filled cookies. I was
aghast when he came home, and I discovered most of his lunch entirely un-
eaten. “I ate the cookies first,” he reported, “and then I was full.” Someone
reading this story on my blog shared this tip: “My mom used to say ‘One
cookie for each hand.’ We never got more than two cookies a day.” I’ve
taken that as my rule of thumb, and it has held me in good stead ever since.

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Cookies and Bars


During those fleeting final days of summer, get the kids together in
the kitchen to bake these easy chocolate chip cookies. They freeze
brilliantly; after they have cooled, I place sets of two or three into
small resealable plastic bags in the freezer to pull out and toss in
lunch boxes on busy mornings. Let’s just hope you can get some
in the freezer before they disappear!

Makes 4 21⁄4 cups whole wheat pastry flour

dozen cookies
(or barley flour)
⁄4 teaspoon baking soda
⁄4 teaspoon kosher salt
1 cup nonhydrogenated margarine, at room
⁄4 cup packed golden brown sugar
⁄4 cup sugar
⁄4 cup soft silken tofu, drained
11⁄2 teaspoons vanilla
1 cup vegan chocolate chips
⁄4 cup chopped walnuts or pecans

 Preheat the oven to 375ºF. Line two baking sheets with parch-
ment paper, spray with nonstick spray, and set aside.


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 In a medium mixing bowl, whisk together the flour, baking soda,

and salt. Set aside.
 In another mixing bowl, combine the margarine, sugars, tofu, and
vanilla. Beat with a handheld mixer until light and fluffy, stopping
to scrape down the sides of the bowl. Add the dry ingredients and
beat well. Fold in the chocolate chips and nuts with a spatula.
 Using a 1-ounce cookie scoop or a large spoon, place scoops of
cookie dough on the baking sheets about 3 inches apart. Bake un-
til golden brown around the edges, about 12 minutes.
 Using a spatula, transfer the cookies from the baking sheet to a
wire rack to cool completely. Store in an airtight container.
 Note: if it’s a warm day, place the bowl of cookie dough in the
refrigerator between batches so the dough doesn’t get all melty
(melty dough equals thin, flat cookies).


Cookies without wheat, sugar, oil, or salt? You betcha! You’ll need a
good, strong blender like a Vita-Mix (see page 116) to blend the
oats into a fine flour; otherwise, purchase oat flour at the health food

Makes about 2 cups oats

24 cookies 3
⁄4 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon cinnamon
4 medium-size overripe bananas, peeled
⁄4 cup sunflower seeds
⁄4 cup chopped dates

 Preheat the oven to 350ºF. Line a baking sheet with parchment

paper and spray with nonstick spray. Set aside.

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 Use a good blender to blend the oats into fine flour. Pour the oat
flour into a mixing bowl and add the baking soda and cinnamon.
 Put the bananas into the blender and blend until completely
smooth. Add to the oat mixture along with the sunflower seeds
and dates and mix until well combined.
 Use a 1-ounce cookie scoop to place spoonfuls of the cookie
dough on the baking sheet.
 Bake for 12 minutes. Cool cookies on a wire rack and store in an
airtight container in the refrigerator.


Marshmallow rice squares are a perennial kid’s favorite. Unfortu-

nately, the mainstream variety contains butter and animal gelatin
(in the marshmallows). Lucky for us, this vegan version is just as
crispy, sweet, and gooey!
These squares are also the perfect dessert for those children who
can’t have wheat, gluten, or soy. Fold in some vegan chocolate chips
for an extra-decadent treat.

Makes 12 5 cups organic brown rice crisps cereal

large squares
(I recommend Barbara’s Bakery brand)
1 cup sugar
⁄2 cup organic light corn syrup
⁄4 cup plain rice milk
6 tablespoons creamy unsalted cashew butter
⁄2 cup vegan chocolate chips or dried
blueberries (optional)

 Spray a 9 x 9-inch baking pan with nonstick spray and set aside.
Put the rice cereal in a large mixing bowl and set aside.


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 In a small saucepan, combine the sugar, corn syrup, and rice milk.
Heat over medium-high heat, stirring constantly, until the mix-
ture starts boiling. At this point, stop stirring and let the mixture
boil, without stirring, for 6 minutes (in candy making this is
called the “soft-ball stage”). Watch it carefully; the mixture
should maintain a rolling, foamy boil. If it starts to rise up and
overflow from the pan, quickly remove the pan from heat, lower
the heat a bit, then return the pan to the burner.
 Meanwhile, measure out the 6 tablespoons of cashew butter into
a small bowl so it’s ready to go.
 After 6 minutes, remove the pan from the heat and immediately
add the cashew butter. Stir until well combined, then quickly
drizzle the mixture over the rice, stirring with a large spatula until
evenly distributed. If using chocolate chips or dried blueberries,
fold them in.
 Press the rice mixture evenly into the 9 x 9-inch pan. Let cool
completely, then cut into squares. Store in an airtight container.

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These are moist, dense, and chewy—just like brownies ought to

be—but without the sugar-induced coma of a regular brownie. They
are a treat you can feel good about serving often, filled as they are
with wholesome dried fruit and omega–3-rich walnuts.
I have the cutest picture of James eating these (without the nuts)
in his high chair as a toddler. He is covered with carob all the way
up to his ears and is smiling contentedly. Now I feed them to my lit-
tle two-year-old niece, Summer Irene, who enjoys them just as much
as her big cousin.

Makes one 1
⁄2 cup packed pitted dates
9 x 9-inch pan, 1
about 16 brownies
⁄2 cup packed pitted dried plums
1 cup barley flour
1 cup brown rice flour
⁄3 cup carob powder (or cocoa powder)
11⁄2 teaspoons baking powder
⁄2 teaspoon kosher salt
⁄3 cup maple syrup
⁄4 cup canola oil
1 teaspoon vanilla
⁄4 cup chopped walnuts
⁄4 cup vegan carob (or vegan chocolate chips)
⁄2 cup dried pitted cherries

 Place the dates and dried plums into a small saucepan and cover
with 11⁄ 2 cups water. Bring to a boil and simmer for 1 minute,
then remove from heat, cover, and let the dried fruit soak while
you assemble the rest of the ingredients.
 Preheat the oven to 350ºF. Spray a 9 x 9-inch baking pan with
nonstick spray and set aside.


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 Sift or whisk together the barley flour, brown rice flour, carob
powder, baking powder, and salt.
 Place the maple syrup, canola oil, vanilla, and the date, dried plum,
and water mixture into a blender. Process until completely smooth.
Pour the liquid into the dry ingredients and stir together until well
combined. Fold in the walnuts, carob chips, and dried cherries.
 Spread the mixture out in the baking pan. Smooth the top using
a spatula. Bake for 30 minutes, until the surface springs back to
the touch.


These bars contain no oil and no sugar; they get their sweetness
from dried fruit. They are also chock-full of walnuts, which contain
lots of those fabulous omega–3 fatty acids. These bars are wheat- and
soy-free—great for those with allergy concerns.

Makes 16 bars 1 cup whole spelt flour

1 cup rolled oats
⁄4 cup prune puree (or 1 [2.5-ounce]
container baby prunes)
⁄2 cup currants (or finely chopped raisins)
⁄2 cup dried apricots, finely chopped
1 cup walnuts, chopped
⁄3 cup water

 Preheat the oven to 325ºF. Lightly coat an 8 x 8-inch pan with

nonstick spray and set aside.
 Combine all the ingredients in a large bowl and knead with your
hands until a good, stiff dough forms. Add a tablespoon of water
if the mixture is too dry. Press dough firmly and evenly into the

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prepared pan. Cut into squares with a sharp knife before placing
in the oven.
 Bake for 25 to 30 minutes, until baked through but still soft
(don’t overbake them or the bars will be tough). Store leftover
bars in the refrigerator.

Every year around the Winter Solstice we throw a Gingerbread
Cookie Party for all of James’s friends. Kids come over to decorate
cookies with piping bags of white and colored icing, to drink Silk
Nog and sparkling cider, and play games. No gifts are exchanged, but
each guest is asked to bring a donation for the local animal shelter.
The next day, James and I take the money down to the shelter to
wish the animals a happy, homebound holiday.

Makes about 2 to 1
⁄3 cup nonhydrogenated margarine, at
3 dozen cookies,
room temperature
depending on
the size you 1 cup packed golden brown sugar
make them 1 cup sweet unsulphured molasses
⁄4 cup water
6 cups all-purpose flour
2 teaspoons baking soda
⁄4 teaspoon kosher salt
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1 teaspoon ground ginger
⁄2 teaspoon cloves
⁄2 teaspoon allspice

For decorating:
Gingerbread Vegan Icing (see page 240)
sprinkles (optional)


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 In the bowl of a stand mixer fitted with the paddle attachment, or

in a large mixing bowl with a hand mixer, cream together the
margarine, brown sugar, molasses, and 1⁄ 2 cup of water.
 In another bowl, sift together the flour, baking soda, salt, cinna-
mon, ginger, cloves, and allspice. Add the dry ingredients to the
wet ingredients, adding just enough of the water to incorporate
all the flour and form a dough that holds together well.
 Turn the dough out of the bowl and form into four equal balls.
Wrap each ball with plastic wrap and refrigerate for at least 1 hour.
 Preheat the oven to 350ºF. Line some baking sheets with parch-
ment paper and spray with nonstick spray. Set aside.
 Working with one ball at a time, roll the dough out on a lightly
floured surface with a lightly floured rolling pin. Roll the dough
about 1⁄ 4 inch thick and use cookie cutters to cut out your desired
shapes. Use a metal spatula to transfer the cookies to the prepared
cookie sheets, placing them about 1 to 2 inches apart.
 Bake for 10 to 12 minutes, until the surface is firm. Transfer to a
wire rack to cool completely, then decorate with Gingerbread Ve-
gan Icing (next page).

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You may want to make multiple batches of this icing and color each
with a different food coloring for some very colorful cookie cre-
ations. I prefer the look of clean white icing on my little vegans.

Makes about 1 cup sifted powdered sugar

⁄4 cup 1
⁄2 teaspoon vanilla
11⁄2 tablespoons Silk Nog or
1 tablespoon water
Food coloring (optional)

 Combine the powdered sugar and vanilla. Sprinkle in the Silk

Nog or water, stirring well with a small spatula and using just
enough liquid to form a smooth icing. It should be soft enough to
squeeze easily out of a piping bag, but not so runny that it runs
out of the bag unbidden. Add food coloring, if desired. Transfer
the icing to a piping bag fitted with a small round tip and deco-
rate the cookies as desired.
 To pack some frosting for the lunch box, put a small amount of
icing into one corner of a sandwich-sized resealable plastic bag,
then twist the filled corner off and secure snugly with a small rub-
ber band and a piece of holiday ribbon. Cut away the excess plas-
tic at the top of the bag, then cut a very small hole in the tip of
the corner to squeeze the icing out. Cover the tip with a bit of
plastic wrap so the icing does not dry out before lunch.


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These almond-buttery, coconutty no-bake cookies are a favorite of

ours all year long, not just at Easter. Roll them into small balls and
store in the refrigerator for a quick treat.
Suzanne’s Just-Like-Honey is a honey substitute made from brown
rice syrup, and it really does taste, well, just like honey! It is avail-
able at natural food stores and on the Web. Agave nectar is another
vegan honey substitute that is generally available at supermarkets
and natural food stores. It is made from the sweet nectar of the agave
cactus and is not as thick as honey.

Makes about 11⁄2 cups oat bran

33 honeybees
1 cup very finely shredded coconut flakes
(sweetened or unsweetened, your choice)
⁄8 cup cocoa powder (or carob powder),
plus extra for decorating
1 tablespoon vanilla extract
⁄4 cup almond butter
⁄2 cup Just-Like-Honey (or agave nectar)
Sliced almonds

 For this recipe, the coconut flakes should be very small—just a bit
larger than the oat bran flakes. If they are too big, pulse them
down to size in a food processor fitted with the S blade.
 Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and spray with non-
stick spray. Set aside.
 In a large mixing bowl, combine the oat bran, coconut, 1⁄ 8 cup co-
coa powder, vanilla, almond butter, and liquid sweetener. Knead
well with your hands until the mixture holds together.
 Pinch off bits of dough (about 2 teaspoons), roll them into ovals,
and place them on the baking sheet. Dip your fingers into a bowl
of water, if necessary, to keep the dough from sticking.
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 Dip a toothpick into the cocoa powder and press two or three
lines into the top of each “honeybee” to create stripes. Gently in-
sert an almond slice into each side to resemble wings.
 Store in the refrigerator.

VARIATION: The cocoa stripes are subtle, but cute and all-natural. If
you’d like to make yellow stripes instead of brown, mix powdered
sugar with powdered yellow food coloring and follow directions above.


I created this recipe for my friend Mildred and her husband, John,
who is gluten-intolerant. They faithfully attended our local vegetar-
ian potlucks since they started—it just wasn’t a potluck until Mildred
and John came through the door! Unfortunately, they often found
themselves with no gluten-free options for dessert, so I made this rich
little cookie filled with nut and seed butters especially for them.

Makes 24 cookies 1 cup brown rice flour

1 teaspoon baking powder
⁄4 cup natural creamy peanut butter
⁄2 cup natural almond butter
⁄4 cup raw sesame tahini
⁄4 cup pure maple syrup
1 teaspoon vanilla
⁄8 teaspoon almond extract
⁄4 cup finely chopped toasted unsalted
sunflower seeds

 Preheat oven to 350ºF. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper

and set aside.


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 In a small mixing bowl, whisk together the brown rice flour and
baking powder and set aside.
 In a large mixing bowl, cream together the peanut butter, almond
butter, tahini, maple syrup, vanilla, and almond extract with a
handheld mixer.
 Add the sunflower seeds and flour mixture and blend until well
 Using your hands, roll the dough into walnut-size balls and place
2 inches apart on the baking sheet (the dough will be oily).
 Flatten the dough balls, using a fork dipped in brown rice flour to
make a criss-cross design in the top of each cookie.
 Bake for 18 minutes, or until cookies are golden on the bottom.
Remove to a wire rack to cool.


These little “Greek biscotti” are lightly sweet and delightfully crunchy.
We ate paximadia often at the Greek Orthodox church we attended in
California. They are usually flavored with anisette, an anise-flavored
liqueur, but I have used alcohol-free anise flavoring here.
Today, most paximadia are made with white flour, but I’ve taken
the recipe back to its roots by using barley flour. For centuries, barley
was the staple grain in ancient Greece, and some varieties of paxi-
madia are still made with barley on the island of Crete.

Makes 36 cookies 2 cups barley flour

11⁄2 teaspoons baking powder
⁄8 teaspoon kosher salt
⁄2 cup nonhydrogenated margarine
⁄4 cup sugar
1 teaspoon natural anise flavor (or extract)

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⁄4 cup water
Plain nondairy milk
Raw sesame seeds

 Preheat the oven to 350ºF. Line a baking sheet with parchment

paper and set aside.
 In a medium-size mixing bowl, whisk together the barley flour,
baking powder, and salt.
 In the bowl of a stand mixer fitted with the paddle attachment,
cream the margarine and sugar together until light and fluffy (or
use a handheld mixer).
 Add the anise flavor and beat to combine. Add half the barley
mixture, then the water, and then the other half of the barley
mixture. Beat until a stiff dough forms.
 Turn the dough out onto a smooth surface and knead briefly. Di-
vide the dough in half and form into two long, narrow logs, about
1 inch high, 11⁄ 2 inches wide, and 9 inches long. Place the logs on
the baking sheet. Brush lightly with the nondairy milk, then
sprinkle liberally with sesame seeds. Pat the sesame seeds gently
into place.
 Bake for 35 minutes, until set and golden on the bottom. Remove
from the oven and let cool for 15 minutes. Reduce the oven heat
to 275ºF.
 Transfer the logs, one at a time, to a cutting board. Using a very
sharp knife, carefully cut the logs into 1⁄ 2-inch slices. Place the
slices back on the cookie sheet, cut side down. Bake for 20 min-
utes, then flip the slices over and bake for another 20 minutes,
until slightly dry and golden (they will dry and crisp up more as
they cool).
 Transfer the cookies to a wire rack to cool completely. Store in an
airtight container. Paximadia taste even better the day after they
are made.


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Oooh, this fudge is creamy, rich, smooth, and sweet. Basically, it’s
everything you ever dreamed chocolate fudge could be. And no one
will believe that there’s no dairy, butter, or evaporated milk in here.
Fudge makes a great holiday gift, too! It can be a bit soft, though, es-
pecially if you add the optional marshmallow fluff, so keep it well

Makes one 4 cups powdered sugar

9 x 9-inch pan, 1
about 32 pieces ⁄2 cup cocoa powder
⁄2 cup vegan chocolate chips
⁄2 cup nondairy milk
2 tablespoons nonhydrogenated margarine
11⁄2 teaspoons vanilla
1 cup cut up vegan marshmallows or 1⁄2 cup
vegan marshmallow fluff, like Ricemellow
Crème (marshmallows and fluff are optional,
but sooo good)
⁄2 cup chopped nuts

 Spray a 9 x 9-inch baking pan well with nonstick spray and set
aside. (For holiday gift giving, I pour the fudge into seven well-
sprayed foil baking cups that I buy in the shape of stars, hearts, and
so on.)
 Sift the powdered sugar and cocoa powder together into a large
mixing bowl, add the chocolate chips, and set aside.
 In a small saucepan, heat the nondairy milk and margarine to a
boil over medium-high heat, stirring constantly to avoid burning.
 When the milk is at a steady, strong boil, pour it over the powdered
sugar mixture and stir well with a wooden spoon until everything is
well combined and the heat has melted the chocolate chips.

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 Stir in the vanilla, then fold in the marshmallows and the nuts.
 Spread the fudge out into the prepared pan(s) and refrigerate for
a day or more to solidify.

VARIATION: One inspired test cook used holiday soy nog for the
nondairy milk with great results.


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Cakes, Puddings, and Desserts


Black Rice Pudding is a traditional Thai dessert made from chewy
wholegrain black rice and creamy coconut milk. This is the best reason
James can find for going to a Thai restaurant. He pines and nibbles
lightly all through dinner, perhaps deigning to eat one or two morsels
of tofu satay, then digs in with gusto when the pudding arrives.
Black rice (also known as “Forbidden Rice”) is available at health
food stores and Thai markets.

Makes 6 servings ⁄4 pound raw black rice, rinsed and drained
1 (14-ounce) can light coconut milk
4 tablespoons sugar
A pinch of salt

 Place the rice in a 2-quart saucepan. Fill the saucepan with water
to within 11⁄ 2 inches of the top. Bring to a boil, then lower the
heat and simmer, partially covered, until the rice is tender, about
30 to 40 minutes. Drain the rice and set aside.
 In a small saucepan, bring the coconut milk to a boil. Add the sugar
and salt and boil, stirring, for one minute, until sugar dissolves.
 To serve, place rice into six dessert cups and top with coconut milk.
 Black Rice Pudding is good cold or at room temperature, but it’s
even better served warm. For lunch, pack the pudding in a lidded
container in the lunch box to eat it cold, or pack in a preheated
insulated food jar for a luscious hot pudding on a chilly day.

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For dessert, prepare this easy, banana-filled pudding the night before.
Refrigerate it in a covered lunch container to toss into the lunch
box in the morning.
You might want to give carob rice milk a try here. I think carob and
banana have a natural affinity; the flavors complement each other
quite nicely. Of course, chocolate and banana aren’t bad, either!

Makes 4 servings 2 bananas

⁄4 cup sugar
4 tablespoons cornstarch
2 cups chocolate or carob rice milk
(or other nondairy chocolate milk)
1 ⁄2 teaspoons vanilla

 Slice the bananas into four individual dessert cups or lunch con-
tainers. Set aside.
 In a medium saucepan, whisk together the sugar and cornstarch.
Gradually add the rice milk, whisking constantly. Cook over
medium-low heat, stirring constantly with a wooden spoon or
whisk, until the mixture comes to a slow bubbling boil. Boil, stir-
ring constantly, for 2 minutes or until thickened.
 Remove from heat and stir in the vanilla.
 Pour the pudding over the bananas, distributing evenly between
the bowls. Refrigerate for several hours or overnight.


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Makes enough 3 cups powdered sugar

frosting for 1
⁄2 cup cocoa powder
one batch of
Triple Chocolate ⁄2 cup nonhydrogenated margarine
Cupcakes 31⁄2–4 tablespoons rice milk
(page 253)
11⁄2 teaspoons vanilla

 Sift together the powdered sugar and cocoa powder into a medium-
size mixing bowl. Add the margarine, rice milk, and vanilla and
beat well using a handheld mixer until the frosting is smooth.


Fantastic, light, fluffy cupcakes—just right for birthdays, classroom

parties, or other special occasions.
These taste great with any type of frosting, but I especially like
Pineapple Frosting (page 252), which is filled with bits of crushed

Makes 22 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar

11⁄2 scant cups soymilk (plain or vanilla)
21⁄8 cups all-purpose flour
11⁄8 cups sugar
2 teaspoons baking powder
⁄2 teaspoon baking soda
⁄2 teaspoon kosher salt
⁄2 cup canola oil
11⁄4 teaspoons vanilla extract
⁄2 teaspoon coconut extract

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 Preheat the oven to 350ºF. Spray twenty-two muffin cups with

nonstick spray or line with paper cupcake liners and spray the lin-
ers with nonstick spray. Set aside.
 Place the apple cider vinegar in the bottom of a liquid measuring
cup and fill the cup with soymilk to equal 11⁄ 2 cups. Stir well and
set aside (the mixture will curdle).
 In a large mixing bowl, stir together the flour, sugar, baking pow-
der, baking soda, and salt. In another mixing bowl whisk together
the soymilk mixture, canola oil, vanilla, and coconut extract.
Add the wet to the dry ingredients and beat until smooth using a
handheld mixer or stand mixer fitted with the paddle attach-
ment, stopping to scrape down the sides of the bowl.
 Fill each muffin cup with 1⁄ 4 cup of batter. Bake for 15 to 20 min-
utes, until a cake tester inserted in the middle of a cupcake comes
out clean.
 Let cool in the pans for 5 minutes, then remove the cupcakes from
the pan and place them on a wire rack. Let the cupcakes cool
completely before frosting with Pineapple Frosting (page 252).

VARIATION: Add sprinkles to the batter before baking for colorful

confetti cupcakes.

VARIATION: Visit my website to watch this batter transform into

crème-filled, Twinkie-style snack cakes at www.shmooedfood.blogspot
.com/2006/01/vegan-twinkies.html. It also makes lovely chocolate-
dipped, coconut-covered Australian Lamingtons at www.shmooed


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These rich, chocolaty Graduation Hats are made from chocolate

cupcakes, graham crackers, and chocolate icing, with fruit leather
“tassels.” These are a great treat to share with the entire class on its
final day. Just don’t throw these hats up in the air!

Makes 24 One batch of Triple Chocolate Cupcakes

(page 253), made without chocolate chips
and baked without paper liners
24 Chocolate Graham Crackers (page 66),
baked as 21⁄2 x 21⁄2-inch squares (or use
store-bought vegan graham crackers)
4 cups powdered sugar
⁄2 cup cocoa powder
⁄2 cup nondairy milk
2 tablespoons nonhydrogenated margarine
11⁄2 teaspoons vanilla
Several fruit leather strips

 Let the cupcakes and crackers cool to room temperature. To make

the icing, sift the powdered sugar and cocoa powder together in a
medium bowl; set aside.
 In a small saucepan, heat the nondairy milk and margarine to a
boil over medium-high heat. Transfer to the top of a double boiler
or a heat-proof bowl set over a pan of simmering water. Add the
powdered sugar mixture and the vanilla. Whisk until completely
smooth. Keep the icing over simmering water as you work; the
heat will keep the icing soft.
 To make the graduation hats, use a sharp, serrated knife to trim
off the top of the cupcakes so they sit flat upside down. Dip the

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bottom and sides of the cupcake into the icing. Set upside down
on a wire rack.
 Dip a graham cracker square into the icing, covering both sides
evenly; use two forks to help turn and coat the cracker. Place the
cracker on the top of the upside-down cupcake to form a gradua-
tion hat.
 To make the tassel, cut fruit leathers into thin strips and arrange
on top of the graduation hat before the icing has set.
 Let the icing set for about 15 minutes, then transfer to a covered
container and keep refrigerated until ready to serve.


A quick, easy frosting made with bits of crushed pineapple. This

frosting would be perfectly at home on carrot cake, too.
Makes enough frosting for one batch of Fluffy White Cupcakes
(page 249).

2 cups sifted powdered sugar

⁄4 cup nonhydrogenated margarine
⁄4 cup well-drained crushed pineapple

 Sift the powdered sugar into a medium-size mixing bowl. Add the
margarine and crushed pineapple and beat with a handheld
mixer. At first, this may seem too dry, but keep beating for about
30 seconds and you will have perfect frosting.


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What would our birthday celebrations be without this recipe? Kids

beg for more, while adults swear they’re even better than nonvegan
chocolate cupcakes. Even omnivorous members of my family ask for
this cake for their birthday!
The original version of this recipe was given to me by a woman at
a Greek Orthodox church. They must be heaven-sent!

Makes 24 3 cups all-purpose flour

cupcakes or 1
⁄2 cup cocoa powder
one (9-inch)
double layer cake 2 teaspoons baking soda
1 teaspoon kosher salt
1 cup sugar
1 cup packed golden brown sugar
2 cups water
1 cup canola oil
1 tablespoon vanilla
⁄4–1 cup vegan chocolate chips (optional)

 Preheat the oven to 350ºF. Spray twenty-four muffin cups with

nonstick spray or line with paper cupcake liners and spray the lin-
ers with nonstick spray. Set aside.
 Sift the flour, cocoa powder, baking soda, and salt into a large
mixing bowl. Add the sugar and brown sugar, water, canola oil,
and vanilla. Mix with a handheld beater or stand mixer until well
combined and smooth.
 Divide the batter evenly into the twenty-four muffin cups (about
⁄ 4 cup batter in each cup—the cupcakes will rise to fill the muffin
cups). Sprinkle the top of each cupcake with some chocolate
chips. Bake for 25 to 30 minutes, until a cake tester or toothpick
inserted into the middle of a cupcake comes out clean.

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 Remove from the oven and let cool for about 10 minutes. Trans-
fer the cupcakes to a wire rack to cool completely before frosting
with Chocolate Vegan Buttercream (page 249).

VARIATION: To make a cake instead of cupcakes, divide the batter

between two 9-inch round cake pans that have been sprayed with
nonstick spray. Sprinkle each layer with half the chocolate chips.
Bake at 350ºF for 40 minutes, until a cake tester or toothpick in-
serted into the middle comes out clean. Let the cake cool for about
10 minutes, then invert onto a wire rack to cool completely. The
frosting recipe makes the perfect amount to frost the cake.


This is my husband’s favorite dessert, and he was selfless enough to

suffer through several batches while I tested this recipe. I’ve made it
wheat-free so those with wheat allergies can still dig in. It is wonder-
ful served warm from the oven with a glass of vanilla soymilk or
soy ice cream, and just as good served cold in a lunch container the
next day.

Makes one 3
⁄4 cup packed golden brown sugar
9 x 9-inch pan 2
⁄3 cup plus 2 tablespoons oat flour
⁄4 cup quick rolled oats
⁄2 cup chopped walnuts (or pecans)
⁄4 teaspoon kosher salt
1 teaspoon cinnamon
⁄2 teaspoon nutmeg
6 tablespoons canola oil
21⁄2 pounds apples, peeled and thinly sliced
(about 5 apples)


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1 tablespoon freshly squeezed lemon juice

2 tablespoons sugar

 Preheat the oven to 375ºF. Spray a 9 x 9-inch baking pan with

nonstick spray and set aside.
 To make the topping, mix the brown sugar, oat flour, rolled oats,
nuts, salt, cinnamon, and nutmeg together in a large mixing bowl.
Add the canola oil and mix well until thoroughly combined. Set
 To make the apple filling, toss the sliced apples together with the
lemon juice, sugar, and remaining 2 tablespoons oat flour. Put the
apple mixture into the baking pan and top evenly with the crisp
 Bake for about 1 hour, until the apples are cooked through and
the topping is golden brown. Cool on a wire rack before serving.

Desserts 255
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Calcium-fortified nondairy milk, calcium-fortified orange juice, and

almonds are all good sources of calcium. Mango gives this smoothie
a sweet, tropical taste.

Makes 1 large or 3
⁄4 cup calcium-fortified nondairy milk
2 smaller servings 1
⁄4 cup calcium-fortified orange juice
1 tablespoon raw slivered almonds
⁄2 teaspoon vanilla
⁄2 cup frozen mango cubes

 Blend all the ingredients in the blender for 1 minute, until

smooth. Pack in a juice container with two or three small ice
cubes to keep it cold until lunchtime. Give the smoothie a little
shake at lunchtime and it’s ready to drink.

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Try this fun alternative to the usual high-calorie, sugary juice drinks.
Apple juice ice cubes chill the tea without watering it down, while
adding just a hint of sweetness. The ice cubes and tea should be
made several hours ahead so they can chill.
Any fruity herbal tea blend will do nicely here. We especially like
“Fruit Medley” and “Berry Blues” from Adagio Teas: www.adagio.com.

Makes 1 serving, 1
⁄2 cup organic apple juice
doubles easily
2 tea bags (or 3 heaping teaspoons loose)
berry-flavored herbal tea blend
Sugar (optional)
Fresh mint (optional)

 Pour the apple juice into an ice cube tray and freeze (make sure the
ice cubes will be small enough to fit in your beverage container).
 Bring 11⁄ 2 cups of water to a boil. Place the tea bags in a large mug
and pour the hot water in. If using loose tea, place the loose tea in
a teapot or French press (plunger pot) and fill with the water.
Steep for 10 minutes.
 Remove the tea bags. If using loose tea, pour the tea through a
strainer. If you wish to add extra sweetener, add 1 teaspoon of
sugar to the tea while it is still hot and stir to dissolve.
 Place the tea in a well-sealed container (so that it does not pick
up other flavors in the refrigerator) and refrigerate for several
hours or overnight.
 To serve, pour tea into a large glass with apple juice ice cubes.
Garnish with a sprig of mint if desired.


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This dark red, sweet, and tangy brew is the perfect drink for your lit-
tle ghosts and ghouls!

Makes 1 serving 1 cup chocolate nondairy milk

⁄2 cup frozen pitted organic sweet cherries

 Combine the chocolate nondairy milk and frozen cherries in a

blender and blend until completely smooth. Pack in a beverage
container with two ice cubes. Give the brew a little shake at
lunchtime, and it is ready to drink.

Beverages 259
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 Recommended Resources

The following lists of books and websites offer cookbooks, guides to proper
plant-based nutrition for children, and online resources you may find help-
ful in packing your own vegan lunch box.

Atlas, Nava. The Vegetarian Family Cookbook. New York: Broadway Books,
Burton, Dreena. Vive le Vegan! Simple, Delectable Recipes for the Everyday
Vegan Family. Vancouver, British Columbia: Arsenal Pulp Press,
Davis, Brenda, Bryanna Clark Grogan, and Jo Stepaniak. Dairy-Free and
Delicious. Summertown, TN: Book Publishing Company, 2001.
Davis, Brenda, and Vesanto Melina. Becoming Vegan. Summertown, TN:
Book Publishing Company, 2000.
Fuhrman, Joel. Disease-Proof Your Child: Feeding Kids Right. New York:
St. Martin’s Press, 2005.
Lyman, Howard. No More Bull! The Mad Cowboy Targets America’s Worst
Enemy: Our Diet. New York: Scribner, 2005.

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Marcus, Erik. Meat Market: Animals, Ethics, and Money. Ithaca, NY: Brio
Press, 2005.
Moskowitz, Isa Chandra. Vegan with a Vengeance: Over 150 Delicious,
Cheap, Animal-Free Recipes That Rock. New York: Marlowe & Com-
pany, 2005.
Pavlina, Erin. Raising Vegan Children in a Non-Vegan World. Las Vegas:
VegFamily, 2003.
______. Vegan Family Favorites: Tasty and Satisfying Recipes Even Your Kids
Will Love. Las Vegas: VegFamily, 2005.
Pottle, Renee. The Happy Lunchbox: 4 Weeks of Menus and Recipes. Ken-
newick, WA: Hestia’s Hearth, 2005.
Stepaniak, Joanne. The Ultimate Uncheese Cookbook: Delicious Dairy-Free
Cheeses and Classic “Uncheese” Dishes. Summertown, TN: Book Pub-
lishing Company, 2003.
Stepaniak, Joanne, and Vesanto Melina. Raising Vegetarian Children: A
Guide to Good Health and Family Harmony. New York: McGraw-Hill,

Bryanna’s Vegan Feast: www.bryannaclarkgrogan.com
Fabulous recipes, resources, and an online newsletter from cookbook
author Bryanna Clark Grogan.
Erik’s Diner: www.vegan.com
Erik Marcus, author of Meat Market and Vegan: The New Ethics of
Eating hosts the first—and still the best—weekly vegan podcast.
Food Fight! Vegan Grocery: www.foodfightgrocery.com
An online all-vegan grocery store located in Portland, Oregon.
Laptop Lunches: www.laptoplunches.com
Home of the Laptop Lunch System, the American-style bento box
you see pictured in this cookbook.
PETA Kids: www.petakids.com
PETA has done my son a great service by making veganism look hip-
per than his frumpy old mom ever could. Their website features in-

262 Recommended Resources

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formation, quizzes, videos, and games. While you’re there, you can
sign up for their free magazine, Grrr!
Vegan Essentials: www.veganessentials.com
A great shopping site featuring vegan baking supplies, snacks, nutri-
tional yeast, and more.
VegFamily: www.vegfamily.com
Comprehensive resource for raising vegan children, including what
to eat during pregnancy, vegan recipes, product reviews, message
boards, and more.

Recommended Resources 263

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 Allergen-Free Index

I’ve included this Allergen-Free Index to help those dealing with allergies or food
sensitivities to find recipes they can use. I’ve discovered that a lot of people with
food allergies are drawn to veganism and vegan cookbooks, because by their very nature all
vegan recipes contain no dairy products, eggs, fish, or shellfish—some of the most common
food allergens. Other common allergens are nuts (including peanuts and tree nuts), soy and
soy products, gluten, and wheat. Use the lists here to help you identify recipes free of these
Please also note that many recipes not listed in the index might still be easily modified
to suit your needs. For example, peanut butter can be replaced with soy nut butter, chopped
nuts can be left out of a muffin recipe, or regular pasta can be replaced with gluten-free rice
or quinoa pasta.

Nut-Free Recipes (may contain seeds) Banana Oatmeal Cookies, 233–234

Beans and Dogs, 145
Adzuki Beans with Pickled Ginger, Best Brussels Sprouts, 191
189–190 Black-Eyed Peas and Carrots, 21
Aloo Samosas, 143–144 Black Bean Tamales, 146–147
Asian Miracle Dressing, 92 Black Rice Pudding, 247
Asian Salad with Orange Sesame Blackstrap Gingerbread, 207–209
Dressing, 93–94 Blueberry Lemon Mini Scones, 209–210
Baked Tortilla Chips, 65 Blue Ribbon Bread, 220–222

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Broccoli Calzones, 147–148 Lunch Box Fondue, 72–73

Broccoli Fennel Soup, 113–114 Lunch Nibbles, 4
Broccoli Piccata, 192 Mango, Jicama, and Cucumber Snack,
Calabacita con Elote, 193 46–47
Cheesy Roasted Chickpeas, 194 Massur Dal and Carrot Soup, 118–119
Chili con “Carne,” 149–150 Mixed Mushroom Mini Pizza, 163–164
Chocolate Banana Pudding, 248 Mixed Vegetable Wat (spicy stew),
Chocolate Graham Crackers, 66–67 120–121
Chocolate Vegan Buttercream, 249 Musubi, 79–80
Coconut Carrot Rice Pudding, 152 Native Blend Popcorn Balls, 80–81
Cornish Pasties, 153–154 Niter Kebbeh, 101
Cream Cheese Spirals, 68–69 Oven-Dried Tomatoes, 200–201
Creamy Cauliflower Soup, 114–115 Paximadia Cookies, 243–244
Cucumber Raita, 95–96 Perfect Hash Browns, 201–202
Easy Hummus, 105–106 Perfect Pepitas, 83
Easy Pasta and Beans, 154–155 Petite Pasta Salad, 102–103
Easy Piecrust, 211 Phyllo Triangles, 164–166
Easy Potato Salad, 96–97 Pineapple Frosting, 252
Easy Ranch Dip, 106–107 Piroshki, 168
Easy Whole-Grain Pizza Dough, 224–225 Pita Sandwich with Flaxy Hummus, 135
“Eat Your Oatmeal” Pancakes, 156–157 Pizza Shop Breadsticks, 227–228
Edamame, 69 Play Pretzels, 83
Ethiopian Injera Bread, 225–226 Polenta Fries, 84–85
Fennel Cucumber Salad, 97–98 Polka-Dot Pepperoni Mini Pizza, 163
Fluffy White Cupcakes, 249–250 Ponzu Sauce, 177
Fruit Kabobs, 61–62 Potato “Beetles,” 202
Gingerbread Vegan Icing, 240 Pumpkin Anadama Rolls, 229–230
Gingerbread Vegans, 238–240 Pups in Blankets, 167–168
Gobblin’ Fingers, 70 Quinoa Amaranth Timbales, 169–170
Golden Chestnut Soup, 117–118 Raspberry Vinaigrette, 36
Graduation Hats, 251–252 Raw Veggie Shapes, 85–86
Green Beans and Carrots in a Tarragon Red Rice and Black Beans, 170–171
Vinaigrette, 98–99 Refried Black Beans, 203
Grilled Pepperoni Sandwich, 130 Roasted Tomato Basil Soup, 121–122
Hearty Chili Spuds, 151 Roasted Vegetable Broth, 123–124
Homemade Snack Tubes, 31 Savory Autumn Leaf Pies, 172–173
Homemade Sprouts, 197–198 Slow Cooker Black Beans, 204
Hot Cocoa, 14 Sneaky Momma’s Black Bean Soup,
Inari Sushi, 158 124–125
Japanese Spinach, 198–199 Sneaky Momma’s Tomato Sauce, 109–110
Kale Kalamata Mini Pizza, 162 Spanish Empanadas, 175
Kid’s Iced Tea, 258 Spelt Biscuits, 216–217
Layered Bean Dip, 107–108 Split Pea Alecha (stew), 126
Lemon Sauce, 207–209 Sprout Salad with Mandarin Orange
Lentil-Rice Balls, 159–160 Dressing, 103–104
Linda’s Collard Greens, 199–200 Sunflower Sandwich, 137

266 Allergen-Free Index

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Sunny Whole-Grain Sushi, 176 Easy Whole-Grain Pizza Dough, 224–225

Sushi Rolls, 178–181 Ethiopian Injera Bread, 225–226
Sweet Cornbread, 217–218 Fennel Cucumber Salad, 97–98
Sweet Potato Oven Fries, 86–87 Fruit and Nut Bars, 237–228
Tapenade Spirals, 69 Fruit Kabobs, 61–62
Ted’s Asian Asparagus, 205 Full Meal Muffins, 212–213
Tennessee Corn Pone Muffins, 218–219 Golden Chestnut Soup, 117–118
Toasted Soy Nuts, 23–24 Green Beans and Carrots in a Tarragon
Tofu Apple Spring Rolls, 87–88 Vinaigrette, 98?99
Tomato Roses on a Bed of Cannellini Greg’s Granola, 71
Bean Puree, 110–111 Hazelnut Banana Sandwich Bites, 132
Tortilla Roll-Ups, 138 Heart Beet Salad, 99–100
Triple Chocolate Cupcakes, 253–254 Homemade Snack Tubes, 31
Vegan Croissants, 222–224 Homemade Sprouts, 197–198
Vegan Deli Slice Roll-Ups, 139 Honeybee No-Bakes, 241–242
Veggie Burger, 140–141 Hot Cocoa, 14
Veggie Tea Sandwiches, 141 Kale Kalamata Mini Pizza, 162
Witches’ Brew, 259 Kid’s Iced Tea, 258
Zucchini Lattice Mini Pizza, 161–162 Layered Bean Dip, 107–108
Lentil-Rice Balls, 159–160
Linda’s Collard Greens, 199–200
Soy-Free Recipes Mango, Jicama, and Cucumber
Snack, 46–47
Almond Buttered Sweet Potatoes, 190 Massur Dal and Carrot Soup, 118–119
Baked Tortilla Chips, 65 Mixed Mushroom Mini Pizza, 163–164
Banana Oatmeal Cookies, 233–234 Mixed Vegetable Wat (spicy stew),
Banana-Pineapple Fruit Salad, 34 120–121
Best Brussels Sprouts, 191 Musubi, 79
Black-Eyed Peas and Carrots, 21 Native Blend Popcorn Balls, 80–81
Black Bean Tamales, 146–147 Niter Kebbeh, 101
Black Rice Pudding, 247 Nut and Seed Butter Cookies, 242–243
Blackstrap Gingerbread, 207–209 Nut Butter and Jelly Cutouts, 133
Blue Ribbon Bread, 220–222 Oven-Dried Tomatoes, 200–201
Broccoli Fennel Soup, 113–114 Perfect Hash Browns, 201–202
Broccoli Piccata, 192 Petite Pasta Salad, 102–103
Calabacita con Elote, 193 Pita Sandwich with Flaxy Hummus, 135
Calcium Smoothie, 257 Pizza Shop Breadsticks, 227–228
Cashew Crispy Squares, 234–235 Play Pretzels, 83
Cheesy Roasted Chickpeas, 194 Polenta Fries, 84–85
Chocolate Banana Pudding, 248 Potato “Beetles,” 202
Christmas Limas with Chestnuts and Quinoa Amaranth Timbales, 169–170
Brussels Sprouts, 196–197 Raspberry Vinaigrette, 36
Coconut Carrot Rice Pudding, 152 Raw Veggie Shapes, 85–86
Creamy Cauliflower Soup, 114–115 Red Rice and Black Beans, 170–171
Easy Hummus, 105–106 Refried Black Beans, 203
Easy Pasta and Beans, 154–155 Roasted Tomato Basil Soup, 121–122

Allergen-Free Index 267

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Roasted Vegetable Broth, 123–124 Calabacita con Elote, 193

Savory Autumn Leaf Pies, 172–173 Calcium Smoothie, 257
Slow Cooker Black Beans, 204 Cashew Crispy Squares, 234–235
Sneaky Momma’s Black Bean Soup, Cheesy Roasted Chickpeas, 194
124–125 Chili con “Carne,” 149–150
Sneaky Momma’s Tomato Sauce, 109–110 Chocolate Banana Pudding, 248
Split Pea Alecha (stew), 126 Chocolate Vegan Buttercream, 249
Sprout Salad with Mandarin Orange Christmas Limas with Chestnuts and
Dressing, 103–104 Brussels Sprouts, 196–197
Sunflower Sandwich, 137 Coconut Carrot Rice Pudding, 152
Sunny Whole-Grain Sushi, 176 Creamy Cauliflower Soup, 114–115
Sweet Potato Oven Fries, 86–87 Cucumber Raita, 95–96
Tapenade Spirals, 69 Easy Hummus, 105–106
Tomato Roses on a Bed of Cannellini Easy Potato Salad, 96–97
Bean Puree, 110–111 Easy Ranch Dip, 106–107
Tortilla Roll-Ups, 138 Edamame, 69
Triple Chocolate Cupcakes, 253–254 Fennel Cucumber Salad, 97–98
Wheat-Free Apple Crisp, 254–255 Fruit Kabobs, 61–62
Wheat Gluten Pot Roast and Gravy, Gingerbread Vegan Icing, 240
184–186 Gobblin’ Fingers, 70
Wild Rice Pilaf, 187–188 Golden Chestnut Soup, 117–118
Witches’ Brew, 259 Green Beans and Carrots in a Tarragon
Zucchini Lattice Mini Pizza, 161–162 Vinaigrette, 98–99
Hazelnut Soymilk, 50
Heart Beet Salad, 99–100
Gluten-Free Recipes Hearty Chili Spuds, 151
Homemade Snack Tubes, 31
(Note: may contain oats—look for certified Homemade Sprouts, 197–198
gluten-free oats at your local grocery or Hot Cocoa, 14
health food store) Japanese Spinach, 198–199
Kid’s Iced Tea, 258
Adzuki Beans with Pickled Ginger, Layered Bean Dip, 107–108
189–190 Lemon Sauce, 207–209
Almond Buttered Sweet Potatoes, 190 Linda’s Collard Greens, 199–200
Asian Miracle Dressing, 92 Lunch Box Fondue, 72–73
Asian Salad with Orange Sesame Mango, Jicama, and Cucumber Snack,
Dressing, 93–94 46–47
Baked Tortilla Chips, 65 Massur Dal and Carrot Soup, 118–119
Banana Oatmeal Cookies, 233–234 Mixed Vegetable Wat (spicy stew),
Banana-Pineapple Fruit Salad, 34 120–121
Best Brussels Sprouts, 191 Musubi, 79
Black-Eyed Peas and Carrots, 21 Native Blend Popcorn Balls, 80–81
Black Bean Tamales, 146–147 Niter Kebbeh, 101
Black Rice Pudding, 247 Nut and Seed Butter Cookies, 242–243
Broccoli Fennel Soup, 113–114 Oven-Dried Tomatoes, 200–201
Broccoli Piccata, 192 Perfect Hash Browns, 201–202

268 Allergen-Free Index

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Perfect Pepitas, 83 Tofu Apple Spring Rolls, 87–88

Pineapple Frosting, 252 Tofu Fish Sticks, 182
Polenta Fries, 84–85 Tofu Lettuce Cups, 89–90
Ponzu Sauce, 177 Tomato Roses on a Bed of Cannellini
Potato “Beetles,” 202 Bean Puree, 110–111
Quick Peanut Sauce, 108 Vegan Fudge, 245–246
Quinoa Amaranth Timbales, 169–170 Wild Rice Pilaf, 187–188
Raspberry Vinaigrette, 36 Witches’ Brew, 259
Raw Veggie Shapes, 85–86
Red Rice and Black Beans, 170–171
Refried Black Beans, 203 Wheat-Free Recipes
Roasted Tomato Basil Soup, 121–122
Roasted Vegetable Broth, 123–124 All gluten-free recipes above
Slow Cooker Black Beans, 204 plus the following:
Sneaky Momma’s Black Bean Soup,
124–125 Cherry Chip Brownies, 236–237
Sneaky Momma’s Tomato Sauce, 109–110 “Eat Your Oatmeal” Pancakes, 156–157
Split Pea Alecha (stew), 126 Fruit and Nut Bars, 237–238
Sprout Salad with Mandarin Orange Full Meal Muffins, 212–213
Dressing, 103–104 Greg’s Granola, 71
Sunny Whole-Grain Sushi, 176 Honeybee No-Bakes, 241–242
Sushi Rolls, 178–181 Paximadia Cookies, 243–244
Sweet Potato Oven Fries, 86–87 Peanut Butter and Jelly Muffins,
Ted’s Asian Asparagus, 205 213–214
Tennessee Corn Pone Muffins, 218–219 Spelt Biscuits, 216–217
Toasted Soy Nuts, 23–24 Wheat-Free Apple Crisp, 254–25

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Adzuki Beans with Pickled Ginger, Native Blend Popcorn Balls, 80–81
189–190 Perfect Pepitas, 82
Alecha, Split Pea (Stew), 126 Play Pretzels, 83
almond butter Polenta Fries, 84–85
Almond Buttered Sweet Potatoes, 190 Raw Veggie Shapes, 85–86
Honeybee No-Bakes, 241–242 snack bars, store-bought, 18
Nut and Seed Butter Cookies, 242–243 snack tubes, homemade, 31
almonds, in Calcium Smoothie, 257 Sweet Potato Oven Fries, 86–87
Aloo Samosas, 143–144 Tapenade Spirals (variation), 69
amaranth, in Sunny Whole-Grain Tofu Apple Spring Rolls, 87–88
Sushi, 176 Tofu Lettuce Cups with Mango
Amaranth Quinoa Timbales, 169–170 Chutney, 89–90
Anadama Rolls, Pumpkin, 229–230 trail mix, 28
appetizers and snacks apples
Baked Tortilla Chips, 65 Greg’s Granola, 71
Chocolate Graham Crackers, 66–67 Heart Beet Salad, 99–100
Cream Cheese Spirals, 68–69 to pack, 6
Edamame, 69 Tofu Apple Spring Rolls, 87–88
Gobblin’ Fingers, 70 Wheat-Free Apple Crisp, 254–255
Greg’s Granola, 71 apricots
Grits Fries (option), 84–85 Fruit and Nut Bars, 237–238
Lunch Box Fondue, 72–73 Quinoa Amaranth Timbales, 169–170
Mango, Jicama, and Cucumber Snack, Asian Asparagus, Ted’s, 205
46–47 Asian Miracle Dressing, 92
Mini Wellingtons, 76–78 Asian Salad with Orange Sesame Dressing,
Musubi, 79–80 93–94

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Asparagus, Ted’s Asian, 205 Layered Bean Dip, 107–108

Australian Lamingtons (Web address for Red Rice and Black Beans, 170–171
recipe), 250 Refried Black Beans, 203
Autumn Leaf Pies, Savory, 172–174 Slow Cooker Black Beans, 204
avocado Sneaky Momma’s Black Bean Soup,
Layered Bean Dip, 107–108 124–125
Sunny Whole-Grain Sushi, 176–177 Tennessee Corn Pone Muffins,
Back-to-School Chocolate Chip Cookies, Tortilla Roll-Ups, 138
232–233 Black-Eyed Peas and Carrots, 21
bananas Black Rice Pudding, 247
baby bananas, 6–7 Blackstrap Gingerbread with Lemon Sauce
Banana Oatmeal Cookies, 233–234 Topping, 207–209
Banana-Pineapple Fruit Salad, 34 blueberries
Chocolate Banana Pudding, 248 Blueberry Lemon Mini Scones, 209–210
Full Meal Muffins, 212–213 Cashew Crispy Squares, 234–235
Hazelnut Banana Sandwich Bites, 132 Native Blend Popcorn Balls, 80–81
bar cookies. See cookies and bars Blue Ribbon Bread, 220–222
barley flour Brazil nuts, 45
Back-to-School Chocolate Chip breads, quick
Cookies, 232–233 biscuit-making with children, 217
Cherry Chip Brownies, 236–237 Blackstrap Gingerbread with Lemon
Full Meal Muffins, 212–213 Sauce Topping, 207–209
Paximadia Cookies, 243–244 Blueberry Lemon Mini Scones, 209–210
Peanut Butter and Jelly Muffins, Cherry Almond Mini Scones
213–214 (variation), 210
Savory Autumn Leaf Pies, 172–174 Easy Piecrust, 211
beans. See also specific types “Eat Your Oatmeal” Pancakes (and
about, 21, 49, 195 Waffle variation), 156–157
Beans and Dogs, 145 Full Meal Muffins, 212–213
“Beetles,” Potato, 202 muffins, about, 32
Beet Salad, Heart, 99–100 Peanut Butter and Jelly Muffins,
beverages 213–214
amazake, 11 Pumpkin Carob Chip Muffins, 214–215
calcium-fortified juice, 18 Spelt Biscuits, 216–217
Calcium Smoothie, 257 Sweet Cornbread, 217–218
cultured soy smoothies, 7 Tennessee Corn Pone Muffins, 218–219
Hazelnut Soymilk, 50 breads, yeast
horchata, 6 Blue Ribbon Bread, 220–222
Kid’s Iced Tea, 258 Croissants, 222–224
Vegan Hot Cocoa, 14 Easy Whole-Grain Pizza Dough,
Witches’ Brew, 259 224–225
Biscuits, Spelt, 216–217 Ethiopian Injera Bread, 225–226
black beans Pizza Shop Breadsticks, 227–228
Black Bean Tamales, 146–147 Play Pretzels, 83
Chili Con “Carne,” 149–150 Pumpkin Anadama Rolls, 229–230

272 Index
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broccoli Green Beans and Carrots in a Tarragon

Broccoli Calzones, 147–148 Vinaigrette, 98–99
Broccoli Fennel Soup, 113–114 Massur Dal and Carrot Soup,
Broccoli Piccata, 192 118–119
Brownies, Cherry Chip, 236–237 Cashew Crispy Squares, 234–235
brown rice flour cauliflower, in Gobi Samosas
Cherry Chip Brownies, 236–237 (variation), 144
Nut and Seed Butter Cookies, 242–243 Cauliflower Soup, Creamy, 114–115
Brussels Sprouts, Best, 191 cheese
Brussels Sprouts, Christmas Limas with about, 8–9, 131
Chestnuts and, 196–197 Cream Cheese Spirals, 68–69
Build-Your-Own-Taco Buffet, 61 Grilled Pepperoni Sandwich, 130
Burger, Veggie, 140–141 nutritional yeast, flavor of, 32
Buttercream, Chocolate Vegan, 249 Polka-Dot Pepperoni Pizza Topping, 163
Sunflower Sandwich, 137
cabbage Vegan Deli Slice Roll-Ups, 139
Mixed Vegetable Wat (variation), 121 Cheesy Roasted Chickpeas, 194
Tofu Apple Spring Rolls, 87–88 cherries
cakes and frostings Cherry Almond Mini Scones
Australian Lamingtons (Web address for (variation), 210
recipe), 250 Cherry Chip Brownies, 236–237
Chocolate Vegan Buttercream, 249 Witches’ Brew, 259
crème-filled Twinkie-style cakes Chestnuts and Brussels Sprouts, Christmas
(Web address for recipe), 250 Limas with, 196–197
Fluffy White Cupcakes, 249–250 Chestnut Soup, Golden, 117–118
Graduation Hats, 251–252 chickpeas
Pineapple Frosting, 252 Cheesy Roasted Chickpeas, 194
Triple Chocolate Cupcakes (and cake Chickpea Salad, 94
variation), 253–254 Easy Hummus, 105–106
Calcium Smoothie, 257 Mini Wellingtons, 76–78
Calzones, Broccoli, 147–148 Chili Con “Carne,” 149–150
Cannellini Bean Puree, Tomato Roses on a Chili Spuds, Hearty, 151
Bed of, 110–111 chocolate
carob about, 59
Carob Banana Pudding (option), 248 Back-to-School Chocolate Chip
Carob Graham Crackers (option), Cookies, 232–233
66–67 Cashew Crispy Squares, 234–235
Cherry Chip Brownies, 236–237 Cherry Chip Brownies, 236–237
Honeybee No-Bakes, 241–242 Chocolate Banana Pudding, 248
Pumpkin Carob Chip Muffins, Chocolate Graham Crackers, 66–67
214–215 Chocolate Vegan Buttercream, 249
Vegan Hot Cocoa, 14 Graduation Hats, 251–252
carrots Pumpkin Carob Chip Muffins (option),
Black-Eyed Peas and Carrots, 21 214–215
Coconut Carrot Rice Pudding, 152 Triple Chocolate Cupcakes, 253–254
Gobblin’ Fingers, 70 Vegan Fudge, 245–246

Index 273
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chocolate (continued) cranberries, in Native Blend Popcorn Balls,

Vegan Hot Cocoa, 14 80–81
Witches’ Brew, 259 Croissants, 222–224
Christmas Limas with Chestnuts and cucumbers
Brussels Sprouts, 196–197 Asian Salad with Orange Sesame
Cinnamon-Sugar, Perfect, 215 Dressing, 93–94
Cinnamon-Sugar, Sneaky, 29 Cucumber Raita, 95–96
Cocoa, Vegan Hot, 14 Fennel Cucumber Salad, 97–98
coconut Mango, Jicama, and Cucumber Snack,
Honeybee No-Bakes, 241–242 46–47
Tofu Lettuce Cups with Mango Petite Pasta Salad, 102–103
Chutney, 89–90 cupcakes. See cakes and frostings
coconut milk
Black Rice Pudding, 247 Dal, Massur, and Carrot Soup, 118–119
Coconut Carrot Rice Pudding, 152 dates
Massur Dal and Carrot Soup, 118–119 Banana Oatmeal Cookies, 233–234
Collard Greens, Linda’s, 199–200 Cherry Chip Brownies, 236–237
cookies and bars Deli Slice Roll-Ups, Vegan, 139
Back-to-School Chocolate Chip desserts. See also cakes and frostings;
Cookies, 232–233 cookies and bars
Banana Oatmeal Cookies, 233–234 Black Rice Pudding, 247
Cashew Crispy Squares, 234–235 candies, store-bought, 10, 13, 42, 59
Cherry Chip Brownies, 236–237 Chocolate Banana Pudding, 248
Fruit and Nut Bars, 237–238 limiting, 231
Gingerbread Vegans, 238–240 Vegan Fudge, 245–246
Honeybee No-Bakes, 241–242 Wheat-Free Apple Crisp, 254–255
Nut and Seed Butter Cookies, dips, sauces, spreads
242–243 Easy Hummus, 105–106
Paximadia Cookies, 243–244 Easy Ranch Dip, 106–107
store-bought, 8, 9, 30 Fastest Dip in the West, 38
corn Layered Bean Dip, 107–108
Calabacita con Elote, 193 Lemon Sauce, 208–209
Corn Tires, 9 Lunch Box Fondue, 72–73
Native Blend Popcorn Balls, 80–81 Ponzu Sauce, 177
Petite Pasta Salad, 102–103 Quick Peanut Sauce, 108
Wild Rice Pilaf, 187–188 Sneaky Momma’s Tomato Sauce, 109–110
Cornbread, Sweet, 217–218 Tomato Roses on a Bed of Cannellini
Corn Dogs, Vegan (Web address for Bean Puree, 110–111
recipe), 218 dressings. See salad dressings
Cornish Pasties, 153–154 drinks. See beverages
Black Bean Tamales, 146–147 “Eat Your Oatmeal” Pancakes (and Waffle
Polenta Fries, 84–85 variation), 156–157
Pumpkin Anadama Rolls, 229–230 edamame
Sweet Cornbread, 217–218 Asian Salad with Orange Sesame
Tennessee Corn Pone Muffins, 218–219 Dressing, 93–94

274 Index
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Easy Pasta and Beans, 154–155 Hash Browns, Perfect, 201–202

Edamame, 69 Hazelnut Banana Sandwich Bites, 132
Empanadas, Spanish, 175 Hazelnut Soymilk, 50
Ethiopian Injera Bread, 225–226 Heart Beet Salad, 99–100
Honeybee No-Bakes, 241–242
Fastest Dip in the West, 38 hot dogs
fennel Beans and Dogs, 145
Broccoli Fennel Soup, 113–114 Pups in Blankets, 167–168
Fennel Cucumber Salad, 97–98 Vegan Corn Dogs (Web address for
Roasted Vegetable Broth, 123–124 recipe), 218
Fish Sticks, Tofu, 182–183 Hummus, Easy, 105–106
flaxseeds Hummus, Pita Sandwich with Flaxy, 135
Coconut Carrot Rice Pudding, 152
”Eat Your Oatmeal” Pancakes (and Iced Tea, Kid’s, 258
Waffle variation), 156–157 icings. See frostings and icings
Pita Sandwich with Flaxy Hummus, 135 Inari Sushi, 158
Pumpkin Carob Chip Muffins, 214–215
Sneaky Cinnamon-Sugar, 29 Japanese Spinach, 198–199
Tennessee Corn Pone Muffins, 218–219 jelly
Fondue, Lunch Box, 72–73 Nut Butter and Jelly Cutouts, 133
Fries, Polenta, 84–85 Peanut Butter and Jelly Muffins,
Fries, Sweet Potato Oven, 86–87 213–214
frostings and icings Peanut Butter and Jelly Pop Hearts,
Chocolate Vegan Buttercream, 249 134–135
Gingerbread Vegan Icing, 240 jicama, 4–6
Pineapple Frosting, 252 Jicama, Mango, and Cucumber Snack,
fruits. See also specific types 46–47
Fruit and Nut Bars, 237–238
Fruit Kabobs, 61–62 Kabobs, Fruit, 61–62
homemade snack tubes, 31 kale
Fudge, Vegan, 245–246 Kale Kalamata Pizza Topping, 162
Full Meal Muffins, 212–213 Savory Autumn Leaf Pies (variation),
Gingerbread, Blackstrap, with Lemon Sneaky Momma’s Tomato Sauce,
Sauce Topping, 207–209 109–110
Gingerbread Vegans, 238–240 Kid’s Iced Tea, 258
Gluten Pot Roast and Gravy, 184–186 kiwis, 8
Gobblin’ Fingers, 70
Golden Chestnut Soup, 117–118 Lamingtons, Australian (Web address for
Graduation Hats, 251–252 recipe), 250
Graham Crackers, Chocolate, 66–67 Layered Bean Dip, 107–108
grains. See specific types Leaf Pies, Savory Autumn, 172–174
Granola, Greg’s, 71 legumes. See specific types
Green Beans and Carrots in a Tarragon Lemon Blueberry Mini Scones,
Vinaigrette, 98–99 209–210
greens. See specific types Lemon Sauce, 207–209

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lentils Mango, Jicama, and Cucumber Snack,

Chili Con “Carne,” 149–150 46–47
Lentil-Rice Balls, 159–160 maple syrup, in Nut and Seed Butter
Massur Dal and Carrot Soup, 118–119 Cookies, 242–243
Wheat Gluten Pot Roast and Gravy, Massur Dal and Carrot Soup, 118–119
184–186 menus
Lettuce Cups, Tofu, with Mango Chutney, Lunch Box Adventure, 41–50
89–90 Quick and Easy, 3–15
lima beans, in Easy Pasta and Beans, Ready and Waiting, 27–38
154–155 Rise and Shine, 17–26
Limas, Christmas, with Chestnuts and Special Occasions, 53–62
Brussels Sprouts, 196–197 millet, in Sunny Whole-Grain Sushi, 176
Lunch Box Fondue, 72–73 Mini Scones, Blueberry Lemon (and
Lunch Nibbles, 4 Cherry Almond variation),
main dishes Mini Vegan Pizzas, 160–164
Aloo Samosas, 143–144 Mini Wellingtons, 76–78
Beans and Dogs, 145 muffins. See breads, quick
Black Bean Tamales, 146–147 Mushroom Pizza Topping, Mixed,
Broccoli Calzones, 147–148 163–164
Chili Con “Carne,” 149–150 mushrooms, in Mini Wellingtons
Coconut Carrot Rice Pudding, 152 (variation), 78
Cornish Pasties, 153–154 Musubi, 79–80
Easy Pasta and Beans, 154–155
“Eat Your Oatmeal” Pancakes (and Native American foods, 57
Waffle variation), 156–157 Native Blend Popcorn Balls, 80–81
Gobi Samosas (variation), 144 Niter Kebbeh (Spice-Infused Oil), 101
Hearty Chili Spuds, 151 No-Bakes, Honeybee, 241–242
Inari Sushi, 158 nutritional yeast, 32
Lentil-Rice Balls, 159–160 nuts and nut butters. See specific types
Mini Vegan Pizzas, 160–164
Phyllo Triangles, 164–166 oats, oat bran, oat flour
Pups in Blankets, 167–168 Banana Oatmeal Cookies, 233–234
Quinoa Amaranth Timbales, 169–170 “Eat Your Oatmeal” Pancakes (and
Red Rice and Black Beans, 170–171 Waffle variation), 156–157
Savory Autumn Leaf Pies, 172–174 Fruit and Nut Bars, 237–238
Spanish Empanadas, 175 Greg’s Granola, 71
Sunny Whole-Grain Sushi, 176 Honeybee No-Bakes, 241–242
Sushi Rolls, 178–181 Mini Wellingtons, 76–78
Tofu Fish Sticks, 182 Peanut Butter and Jelly Muffins,
Wheat Gluten Pot Roast and Gravy, 213–214
184–186 Wheat-Free Apple Crisp, 254–255
Wild Rice Pilaf, 187–188 olives
Mandarin Orange Dressing, Sprout Salad Kale Kalamata Pizza Topping, 162
with, 103–104 Layered Bean Dip, 107–108
mango, in Calcium Smoothie, 257 Petite Pasta Salad, 102–103

276 Index
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oranges, orange juice Wheat-Free Apple Crisp, 254–255

Asian Salad with Orange Sesame Wild Rice Pilaf, 187–188
Dressing, 93–94 Pepitas, Perfect, 83
Calcium Smoothie, 257 Pepperoni Pizza Topping, Polka-Dot, 163
Heart Beet Salad, 99–100 Pepperoni Sandwich, Grilled, 130
oranges, to pack, 30 Peppers, Stuffed (variation), 78
Quinoa Amaranth Timbales, 169–170 Petite Pasta Salad, 102–103
Sprout Salad with Mandarin Orange Phyllo Triangles (and Bundles variation),
Dressing, 103–104 164–166
Tofu Apple Spring Rolls, 87–88 Piecrust, Easy, 211
Pies, Savory Autumn Leaf, 172–174
Pancakes, “Eat Your Oatmeal,” 156–157 pineapple
Pasta and Beans, Easy, 154–155 Banana-Pineapple Fruit Salad, 34
Pasta Salad, Petite, 102–103 Pineapple Frosting, 252
Pasties, Cornish, 153–154 Sunflower Sandwich, 137
Paximadia Cookies, 243–244 pine nuts
peanut butter Kale Kalamata Pizza Topping, 162
alternatives, 7 Quinoa Amaranth Timbales, 169–170
Musubi, 79–80 Scary Spider Sandwiches, 136
Nut and Seed Butter Cookies, Pita Sandwich with Flaxy Hummus, 135
242–243 Pizza Dough, Easy Whole-Grain,
Nut Butter and Jelly Cutouts, 133 224–225
Peanut Butter and Jelly Muffins, Pizzas, Mini Vegan, 160–164
213–214 Pizza Shop Breadsticks, 227–228
Peanut Butter and Jelly Pop Hearts, Play Pretzels, 83
134–135 plums, dried, in Cherry Chip Brownies,
Quick Peanut Sauce, 108 236–237
Scary Spider Sandwiches, 136 Polenta Fries, 84–85
peanuts Polka-Dot Pepperoni Pizza Topping, 163
Peanut Butter and Jelly Muffins, pomegranates, 36–37
213–214 Ponzu Sauce, 177
Tofu Lettuce Cups with Mango Popcorn Balls, Native Blend, 80–81
Chutney, 89–90 Pop Hearts, Peanut Butter and Jelly,
peas 134–135
Aloo Samosas, 143–144 potatoes
Mixed Vegetable Wat (Spicy Stew), Aloo Samosas, 143–144
120–121 Cornish Pasties, 153–154
Petite Pasta Salad, 102–103 Creamy Cauliflower Soup, 114–115
Split Pea Alecha (Stew), 126 Easy Potato Salad, 96–97
Wild Rice Pilaf, 187–188 Hearty Chili Spuds, 151
pecans Mixed Vegetable Wat (Spicy Stew),
Back-to-School Chocolate Chip 120–121
Cookies, 232–233 Perfect Hash Browns, 201–202
Chickpea Salad, 94 Piroshki (variation), 168
Greg’s Granola, 71 Potato “Beetles,” 202
Pumpkin Carob Chip Muffins, 214–215 Savory Autumn Leaf Pies, 172–174

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potato flour, in Blackstrap Gingerbread, Roasted Tomato Basil Soup, 121–122

207–208 Roasted Vegetable Broth, 123–124
Pot Roast and Gravy, Wheat Gluten,
184–186 salad dressings
Pretzels, Play, 83 Asian Miracle Dressing, 92
prune puree, in Fruit and Nut Bars, Mandarin Orange Dressing, 103–104
237–238 Niter Kebbeh (Spice-Infused Oil), 101
puddings Orange Sesame Dressing, 93
Black Rice Pudding, 247 Raspberry Vinaigrette, 36
Chocolate Banana Pudding, 248 Tarragon Vinaigrette, 98–99
Coconut Carrot Rice Pudding, 152 salads
Pumpkin Anadama Rolls, 229–230 Asian Salad with Orange Sesame
Pumpkin Carob Chip Muffins, 214–215 Dressing, 93–94
pumpkin seeds Banana-Pineapple Fruit Salad, 34
Native Blend Popcorn Balls, 80–81 Calabacita con Elote, 193
Perfect Pepitas, 83 Chickpea Salad, 94
Pups in Blankets, 167–168 Cucumber Raita, 95–96
Easy Potato Salad, 96–97
quick breads. See breads, quick Fennel Cucumber Salad, 97–98
Quinoa Amaranth Timbales, 169–170 Green Beans and Carrots in a Tarragon
Vinaigrette, 98–99
radishes Heart Beet Salad, 99–100
Asian Salad with Orange Sesame Petite Pasta Salad, 102–103
Dressing, 93–94 Sprout Salad with Mandarin Orange
Gobblin’ Fingers, 70 Dressing, 103–104
to resemble peppermints, 58 Samosas, Aloo (and Gobi variation),
Raita, Cucumber, 95–96 143–144
Ranch Dip, Easy, 106–107 sandwiches
Raspberry Vinaigrette, 36 filling ideas, 127–129, 141–142
Raw Veggie Shapes, 85–86 Grilled Pepperoni Sandwich, 130
Red Rice and Black Beans, 170–171 Hazelnut Banana Sandwich Bites, 132
Refried Black Beans, 203 Nut Butter and Jelly Cutouts, 133
rice Peanut Butter and Jelly Pop Hearts,
Black Rice Pudding, 247 134–135
Coconut Carrot Rice Pudding, 152 Pita Sandwich with Flaxy Hummus, 135
Inari Sushi, 158 Scary Spider Sandwiches, 136
Lentil-Rice Balls, 159–160 Sunflower Sandwich, 137
Mini Wellingtons, 76–78 Tortilla Roll-Ups, 138
Musubi, 79–80 Vegan Deli Slice Roll-Ups, 139
Red Rice and Black Beans, 170–171 Veggie Burger, 140–141
Sunny Whole-Grain Sushi, 176 Veggie Tea Sandwiches, 141–142
Sushi Rolls, 178–181 sauces. See dips, sauces, spreads
Wild Rice Pilaf, 187–188 Scary Spider Sandwiches, 136
rice flour, brown Scones, Blueberry Lemon Mini (and
Cherry Chip Brownies, 236–237 Cherry Almond variation),
Nut and Seed Butter Cookies, 242–243 209–210

278 Index
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seeds. See also flaxseeds; sunflower seeds Soymilk, Hazelnut, 50

Homemade Sprouts, 197–198 soy nuts, to toast, 23–24
Nut and Seed Butter Cookies, 242–243 Spanish Empanadas, 175
Perfect Pepitas, 83 spelt flour
semolina flour, in Pizza Shop Breadsticks, Fruit and Nut Bars, 237–238
227–228 Full Meal Muffins, 212–213
side dishes Spelt Biscuits, 216–217
Adzuki Beans with Pickled Ginger, Spice-Infused Oil (Niter Kebbeh), 101
189–190 Spider Sandwiches, Scary, 136
Almond Buttered Sweet Potatoes, 190 spinach
Best Brussels Sprouts, 191 Heart Beet Salad, 99–100
Broccoli Piccata, 192 Japanese Spinach, 198–199
Calabacita con Elote, 193 Spinach Triangles (variation), 166
Cheesy Roasted Chickpeas, 194 Split Pea Alecha (Stew), 126
Christmas Limas with Chestnuts and spreads. See dips, sauces, spreads
Brussels Sprouts, 196–197 Spring Rolls, Tofu Apple, 87–88
Homemade Sprouts, 197–198 Sprouts, Homemade, 197–198
Japanese Spinach, 198–199 Sprout Salad with Mandarin Orange
Linda’s Collard Greens, 199–200 Dressing, 103–104
Oven-Dried Tomatoes, 200–201 Spuds, Hearty Chili, 151
Perfect Hash Browns, 201–202 star fruit, 25
Potato “Beetles,” 202 sunflower seeds
Refried Black Beans, 203 Banana Oatmeal Cookies, 233–234
Slow Cooker Black Beans, 204 Native Blend Popcorn Balls, 80–81
Ted’s Asian Asparagus, 205 Nut and Seed Butter Cookies, 242–243
Slow Cooker Black Beans, 204 Sunflower Sandwich, 137
Smoothie, Calcium, 257 Sunny Whole-Grain Sushi, 176
smoothies, cultured soy, 7 sushi
snacks. See appetizers and snacks Inari Sushi, 158
Sneaky Cinnamon-Sugar, 29 Sunny Whole-Grain Sushi, 176
Sneaky Momma’s Black Bean Soup, Sushi Rolls, 178–181
124–125 Sweet Potatoes, Almond Buttered, 190
Sneaky Momma’s Tomato Sauce, 109–110 Sweet Potato Oven Fries, 86–87
soups and stews Swiss chard, steamed, 23
Broccoli Fennel Soup, 113–114
Chili Con “Carne,” 149–150 Taco Buffet, Build-Your-Own-, 61
Creamy Cauliflower Soup, 114–115 Tamales, Black Bean, 146–147
Golden Chestnut Soup, 117–118 Tapenade Spirals (variation), 69
Massur Dal and Carrot Soup, 118–119 Tarragon Vinaigrette, Green Beans and
Mixed Vegetable Wat (Spicy Stew), Carrots in a, 98–99
120–121 Tea, Kid’s Iced, 258
Roasted Tomato Basil Soup, 121–122 Tea Sandwiches, Veggie, 141–142
Roasted Vegetable Broth, 123–124 teff flour, in Ethiopian Injera Bread,
Sneaky Momma’s Black Bean Soup, 225–226
124–125 Tennessee Corn Pone Muffins, 218–219
Split Pea Alecha (Stew), 126 Timbales, Quinoa Amaranth, 169–170

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tips Triple Chocolate Cupcakes, 253–254

amount of food to pack, 183 TVP, in Chili Con “Carne,” 149–150
blenders, 116
Halloween lunch box decoration, 55 umeboshi, in Musubi, 79–80
leftover deli slice scraps, 4
multi-tasking oven, 151 vegetables. See also specific types
napkins, 39 Mixed Vegetable Wat (Spicy Stew),
notes, 62 120–121
peer pressure, 5 orange, nutritional value of, 20
picky eaters, 74–75 to prepare and pack, 7–8
rice paper wrappers, 49 Raw Veggie Shapes, 85–86
spiciness of foods for children, 10 Roasted Vegetable Broth, 123–124
sugar-free birthday ideas, 54 Veggie Tea Sandwiches, 141–142
sushi rolling parties, 42 Veggie Burger, 140–141
Thermoses, 125
turkey adoption, 56 Waffles, “Eat Your Oatmeal”
Vegan Lunch Box blog, 51 (variation), 157
vitamin B12, 70 walnuts
tofu Back-to-School Chocolate Chip
Back-to-School Chocolate Chip Cookies, 232–233
Cookies, 232–233 Cherry Chip Brownies, 236–237
Broccoli Calzones, 147–148 Fruit and Nut Bars, 237–238
Cucumber Raita, 95–96 Full Meal Muffins, 212–213
Inari Sushi, 158 Heart Beet Salad, 99–100
Lunch Box Fondue, 72–73 Mini Wellingtons, 76–78
Phyllo Triangles, 164–166 Wheat-Free Apple Crisp, 254–255
Tofu Apple Spring Rolls, 87–88 Wheat Gluten Pot Roast and Gravy,
Tofu Fish Sticks, 182 184–186
Tofu Lettuce Cups with Mango Wheat-Free Apple Crisp, 254–255
Chutney, 89–90 Wheat Gluten Pot Roast and Gravy,
tomatoes 184–186
Kale Kalamata Pizza Topping, 162 white beans, in Easy Ranch Dip,
Oven-Dried Tomatoes, 200–201 106–107
Roasted Tomato Basil Soup, 121–122 White Cupcakes, Fluffy, 249–250
Sneaky Momma’s Tomato Sauce, Whole-Grain Pizza Dough, Easy, 224–225
109–110 Whole-Grain Sushi, Sunny, 176
Tomato Roses on a Bed of Cannellini Wild Rice Pilaf, 187–188
Bean Puree, 110–111 Witches’ Brew, 259
toppings. See also frostings and icings
Perfect Cinnamon-Sugar, 215 yeast breads. See breads, yeast
Sneaky Cinnamon-Sugar, 29
Vegan Pizza Toppings, 161–164 zucchini
Tortilla Chips, Baked, 65 Calabacita con Elote, 193
Tortilla Roll-Ups, 138 Full Meal Muffins, 212–213
trail mix, 28 Zucchini Lattice Pizza Topping, 161–162

280 Index

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