Reaction Paper No 6
Reaction Paper No 6
Reaction Paper No 6
Why we shouldn’t demonize formula feeding
By Xy-Za O. Liceralde
Nonetheless, I was never against bottle feeding because not all mothers can do it
for varied reasons. Some by choice, some because they just couldn’t produce milk, or
their nipples just wouldn’t do what they are supposed to do. With my third and my
fourth kids, I did not exclusively breastfeed because I was working. Both grew up
equally healthy (thank GOD!) as my other two who were purely breastfed. Some other
reasons why I wouldn’t judge mothers who bottle feed their children are: first, shared-
care, which means anyone can feed the baby, which is a good bonding opportunity for
everyone who matter to the baby. Second, the mother does not need to alter her diet.
She can take as much caffeine as she likes (I like drinking coffee, that’s why), or she
can do away with the extra 500 calories a day which is a requirement for a nursing
mom. Lastly, formula feeding does not require privacy when nursing the infant! Hurray! I
am always never comfortable showing off my boobies to the public to breastfeed my