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SCS Climbing System

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SCS Climbing System

The solid bracket system for single-sided and

two-sided climbing formwork operations

Product Brochure – Issue 06/2019


SCS Climbing System System Overview

4 Developed for a construction 20 The SCS Climbing System
project of the century at a glance
22 A regular operating sequence
SCS System Advantages with the SCS
6 The solid bracket system 24 Execution details
for single and two-sided
8 Description of the
SCS versions
10 The moving procedure
12 Optimised use of crane time
14 Material-optimised solution
16 Safe, horizontal working areas
18 Also suitable for two-sided

Issue 06 | 2019


Formwork Scaffolding Engineering
Rudolf-Diesel-Strasse 19
89264 Weissenhorn
Tel. +49 (0)7309.950-0
Fax +49 (0)7309.951-0
Project Examples
26 The SCS Climbing System
in use

Important information

All current safety regulations and guidelines appli- i­nstallations which have possibly not been shown
cable in those countries where our products are in these detailed descriptions must nevertheless
used must be observed. still be available. The systems or items shown
might not be available in every country.
The images shown in this brochure feature con-
struction sites in progress. For this reason, safety Safety instructions and load specifications are to be
and anchor details in particular cannot always be strictly observed at all times. Separate structural
considered conclusive or final. These are subject to calculations are required for any deviations from
the risk assessment carried out by the contractor. the standard design data.

In addition, computer graphics are used which The information contained herein is subject to
are to be understood as system representations. technical changes in the interests of progress.
To ensure a better understanding, these and the ­Errors and typographical mistakes reserved.
detailed illustrations shown have been partially
­reduced to show certain aspects. The safety

SCS Climbing System

For the construction of dams, locks, cooling towers, pier

heads, tunnels and other similar structural components,
formwork elements can very often only be positioned on
one side while, at the same time, it would not be suitable
to install any anchoring for the formwork due to the large
spacing to the elements positioned on the opposite side.
The Climbing System SCS is predominantly used for
these one-sided applications - for the first time for the
widening of the Panama Canal. From 2011 to 2014, the
SCS proved itself on countless occasions during this pro-
ject. In addition, the system can also be used for two-sid-
ed applications as well as on circular structural elements.

System Advantages

SCS Climbing System

The solid bracket system for single-sided and two-sided
climbing formwork operations

The Climbing System SCS is pre- The Climbing System SCS is character-
dominantly used for single-sided ised by a high level of cost-effectiveness: Optimised use of crane time
­applications, i.e. with non-tied wall on the one hand, the well-thought-out
formwork. The loads resulting from modular concept with multi-part Brack- thanks to large, craneable climbing
the fresh concrete pressure are ets facilitates easy and simple adapta- units – also with large formwork
thereby transferred via the Brackets tion to suit project-specific require- heights and circular structures
into the previous concreting section ments and geometries. On the other,
by the Climbing Anchors. Typical are- the high load-bearing capacity of the
as of application for the Climbing Brackets allows wide climbing units
System SCS are dams, locks, cooling which, in turn, reduces material re-
towers, bunkers and strongroom quirements and workload respectively.
vaults, pier heads and tunnels. With
only a minimum of additional com- The wider SCS 250 version is equipped
ponents, the system can also be with a formwork carriage for retracting Material-optimised solution
used extremely cost-effectively for the formwork. This carriage can also be
two-sided applications. used on circular structures; thereby, an with the same formwork and
adapter ensures that the Brackets are ­components for the starter and
With the System SCS, two bracket units always arranged in a parallel position. subsequent standard cycles
together with one PERI Wall Formwork
section form a crane-movable platform Thanks to its modular design, the SCS
unit. Optionally, VARIO GT 24 Girder can be delivered pre-assembled to the
Wall Formwork as well as TRIO or construction site with subsequent fast
MAXIMO Panel Formwork can be used. final assembly.
With the SCS, full consideration is also
The Climbing System SCS has been given to safety issues: if inclined com-
optimised for a concreting height of ponents are formed, the inclination of Safe, horizontal working areas
3.00 m (vertical applications) or 2.50 m the working platforms can be adjusted
(forward-inclined applications). If separately; in addition, the concreting due to the horizontal alignment
required, a finishing platform can be and finishing platforms can be tilted by of the platforms also for inclined
added. With only a minimum of additional ± 15° and ± 30° respectively. Ladders working operations
components, use with anchored form­- with hatches ensure safe access to
work is also possible for walls up to working levels; end-to-end side protec-
6.00 m high. tion can be attached to all platforms.

Cost-effective also for two-sided


due to a minimum of additional

components for a high level of
material utilisation and reduced
logistical requirements

System Advantages

SCS Climbing System

Description of the SCS versions

SCS 190 SCS 250

Bracket width approx. 1.90 m Bracket width approx. 2.50 m
With tilting device for striking operations With Formwork Carriage and a retraction distance
up to 67 cm
The Bracket SCS 190 has a width of 1.90 m and requires
only a minimum of space, as well as being a more cost-effec- The SCS 250 has a width of 2.50 m and is equipped with a
tive alternative. The formwork is simply tilted when striking. Formwork Carriage. The carriage allows the wall formwork
to be retracted up to 79 cm (valid for MAXIMO and TRIO) or
up to 63 cm (valid for VARIO GT 24) without requiring a
crane. This provides sufficient space for the reinforcement
work, assembly of the scaffold anchoring, as well shuttering
and striking of box outs.

Concreting ­Platform Concreting Platform

Working ­Platform Working Platform

1,90 m 2,50 m

Bracket Bracket

Finishing ­Platform Finishing Platform

System Advantages

SCS Starter Brace Frame SCS two-sided application

Modular construction consisting of Strongbacks, Use of the SCS Climbing Bracket for anchored wall form-
Heavy-Duty Spindles and Starter Walers work with only a minimum of additional components

For the first casting segment, a Starter Brace Frame is used With only a minimum of additional components, the SCS
while diagonal anchoring transfers the loads into the bottom Climbing Bracket can also be used for anchored wall form-
slab. work up to 6.00 m high. This ensures increased material
­utilisation of the system components and thus enhanced
The SCS Starter Brace Frame is designed in such a way that cost-effectiveness of the investment.
the Strongback, Spindle and Formwork can also be used in
the next casting segments with the Climbing Bracket.



6,00 m


­Finishing Platform
Concreting Platform

Finishing Platform

Starter Brace Frame

System Advantages

SCS Climbing System

The moving procedure

For moving the Climbing Units by crane, the formwork The Climbing Unit is then released and removed from
is tilted backwards slightly. the mounting rings or mounting bolts, and then lifted.

System Advantages

The Cross Beam is subsequently mounted on the next high- After this, the crane lifting gear can be released. Following
est mounting rings or mounting bolts, and then secured. this, the Leading Anchor for the next casting segment is
fixed to the formwork.

System Advantages

Optimised use of crane time

Large, craneable climbing units – also for large formwork
heights and circular structures

The SCS Climbing System stands out in particular due

to its high load-bearing capacity; at the same time, it is
one of the lightest systems in its class. Due to the possi-
bility of forming large climbing units - optimised for a
formwork height of 3.00 m - the system is very cost-ef-

With the SCS system, the load-bearing capacity of the

brackets and anchorage is perfectly matched. The number
of brackets required is reduced due to maximum utilisation
of the anchoring. This means only a few anchor points are
needed. As a result, the workload and execution costs are
reduced overall - also through the reduction in the number
of lost parts.

Through the use of the Angle Adapter, the Climbing Brack-

ets can always be arranged in a parallel position even on
circular structures and the climbing units can be moved by
crane. This also saves on crane lifts for circular structures -
and thereby costs and time.

Proven tie system with

the certified PERI Climbing Cone
The anchoring is approved by the Climbing Cone M24 / DW 15 Mounting Ring SCS M24
building inspection authority.
The suspension systems have been
optimally adapted for this application
and, as a result, are very cost-effec-
tive. The PERI portfolio includes:

■■ Mounting Bolt SCS for high Cimbing Cone M30 / DW 20 Mounting Ring SCS M30
­tensile forces
■■ Mounting Ring SCS for high

­vertical loads
■■ Climbing Cone M30 / DW 20

Climbing Cone M36 / DW 26

Cimbing Cone M36 / DW 26 Mounting Bolt SCS M36 Mounting Ring SCS M36

System Advantages

Advantages of the
Angle Adapter SCS on circular structures
The Angle Adapter is attached to the Head Plate of the max. β= ± 15º max. β= ± 15º
Cross Beam Unit. The Adapter can be pivoted by 15° so
that there is a parallel arrangement of the brackets. The
Swivel-Mounted Pressure Point is used on the vertical

Thereby, the formwork can also be quickly retracted on

circular structures using the formwork carriage; separate
crane lifts for moving the formwork are not required.

Angle Adapter SCS Swivel-Mounted Pressure Point SCS

System Advantages

Material-optimised solution
Same formwork and components for the starter
and subsequent standard cycles

With the so-called starter cycle, the The Starter Bar transfers the loads from Thus, for example, the Climbing Bracket
loads are transferred into the bottom the first concreting section into the consists of multiple parts so that most
slab. This cycle frequently has to be bottom slab. For subsequent cycles, of the same components are used for
carried out with varying heights, e.g. Strongbacks, Spindles and the formwork both the SCS 190 and SCS 250.
on uneven terrain. Only one addi- are simply mounted on the brackets The Adjusting Unit as well as the sepa-
tional component is required for the and reused without requiring any modi- rate vertical and diagonal struts are
SCS: the Starter Bar SCS. fications. In general, the SCS Climbing used in both system versions. Last but
System follows a modular concept; in not least, the SCS 190 and SCS 250
addition, all system components are utilise identical system components for
consistently designed to accommodate the formwork support and for the finish-
a system grid of 125 mm – as with the ing and concreting platforms.
VARIOKIT Engineering Construction Kit.
This ensures maximum utilisation of the
components and therefore a high level
of cost-effectiveness.

SCS system components are used for the vertical

Starter with Brace Frames: Starter Bar SCS,
Strongback SCS and the Heavy-Duty Spindle SCS.

System Advantages

For anchoring the Starter Brace Frames, an SRU The alternative anchoring solution consists of With SCS, inclined Starters can also be realised as
Waler together with Tie Rods and Wingnut Pivot Tie Yokes and Wingnuts. the inclination of the wall is adapted to suit using
Plates can be used. the Heavy-Duty Spindle.

The SCS Climbing System includes Starter height Starter height

easy and simple solutions for different 1.20 m – 2.00 m 2.00 m – 2.50 m
starter heights facilitating use on diffi-
cult terrain.

Starter height Starter height

2.50 m – 2.80 m 2.80 m – 3.00 m

System Advantages

Safe, horizontal working areas

Enhanced safety due to inclinable platforms

SCS is very flexible and safe to use. For dams and other similar structures
The platforms themselves can be which are realised using single-sided
aligned horizontally even during in- forming operations, inclined areas very
clined working operations. In addi- frequently need to be constructed. The
tion, 1.50-m-high Guardrails in- SCS Climbing System also provides
stalled on the working platforms the flexibility needed to form these
provide a high level of work safety. surfaces efficiently and safely.

Thus, the length of the platform sus-

pension for the working platform can
be adapted according to the respective
component inclination; the working
platform is therefore always aligned
horizontally. Furthermore, concreting
and finishing platforms can be tilted by
± 15° as well as ± 30° so that these
working areas are also horizontally po-
sitioned in all situations. In addition,
the generously-sized 1.50-m-high
Guardrail Posts guarantee a high level
of safety on all platforms.

System Advantages

For inclined applications, working,

­concreting and finishing platforms are
adapted to accommodate different in-
clinations; changing the angle of incli-
nation is easily realised. With these in-
clined components, concreting loads
are also reliably transferred via the an-
choring into the respective preceding
casting segment.

Execution featuring a component with a forward Execution featuring a component with a rear
inclination of up to 30°. ­inclination of up to 30°.

Execution featuring changes in inclination Execution featuring changes in forward

to the rear of up to 30°. inclination of up to 30°.

System Advantages

Also used for two-sided applications

A minimum of additional components ensure cost-effective
climbing operations with anchored wall formwork

With only a minimum of additional

components, the proven SCS Climb-
ing Brackets can be also used for
economical two-sided applications.

With anchored wall formwork, the SCS

Brackets can be used up to heights of
4.00 m (with SCS 190); heights of up
to 6.00 m are possible with an addi-
tional 5.50-m-long Strongback. If re-
quired, an intermediate platform and
an intermediate finishing platform can
be mounted on the formwork.

Compared to single-sided applications,

larger platform widths and therefore
wider climbing units can be realised
with anchored wall formwork. As a
­result, centre beams can be arranged
under the platform lining, while rein-
forced platform beams are used for the
concreting, intermediate and finishing
platforms. Double use of Platform Posts
from the single-sided application facili-
tate the suspension of the finishing
platform. In addition, scaffold tubes are
to be installed to brace the finishing
platform suspension.

Thanks to its compatibility with the

VARIOKIT Engineering Construction Kit,
project-specific solutions using system
components from the PERI rental park
can also be realised – without requiring
any investment in customised special

The SCS 190 serves as a primary formwork for

two-sided operations. The SCS 250 with the
Formwork Carriage serves as closing formwork.
With the formwork in a retracted position, rein-
forcement work can be carried out from here.

System Advantages

The high load-bearing capacity of the

brackets also allows wide climbing
units for two-sided applications to
­accommodate large formwork heights
and high wind loads. The advantages
are reduced material, crane and labour
requirements, as well as fewer lost

SCS Platforms can be delivered pre-assembled;

the final assembly steps are carried out on the
construction site.

While the Climbing Bracket is being fixed to the Accessing the finishing platform via the ladder is
wall, the finishing platform is mounted on it. When safe at all times – even with retracted formwork.
moving the unit, the finishing platform then For descending from the working platform to the
swings into a vertical position. This means that re- finishing platform, a cantilevered ladder platform
maining under suspended loads is not necessary can be integrated.
at any time.

System Overview

The SCS Climbing System at a glance

Regular operating sequence, standard applications
and execution details

System Overview

The assembly of the SCS Climb-

ing System shows the three
platforms: concreting, working
and finishing platform.

The top platform – the concreting

platform – is used for placing the
concrete, attaching the crane slings
and for mounting the Leading

The formwork is adjusted and

­operated, e.g. retracted, from
the middle working platform.

The finishing platform suspended

at the bottom is used to recover
the anchorage from the preceding
casting segment and, if necessary,
to mount the wind safety device.
If required, the finishing platform
can also form the necessary work-
ing area for post-processing the

System Overview

The regular operating sequence with SCS

Simple cycle sequence for fast construction progress

The starter cycle The first climbing step Striking

The first casting segment is constructed For the second casting segment, the Striking is carried out with the help of
using the Starter Brace Frame. In the Climbing Bracket is used without a fin- the Heavy-Duty Spindle, Adjusting Unit
process, the horizontal Starter Bar is ishing platform. Formwork, Strongback and Formwork Carriage. To do so, first
anchored in the bottom slab and, and spindle of the Starter are mounted release the mounting for the leading
­together with the formwork, comple- on the Bracket. anchor after the concrete has hard-
ments the Strongback and the Heavy-­ ened. The Mounting Ring must subse-
Duty Spindle. The latter components quently be fixed to the embedded
can be re-used during subsequent use Leading Anchor to which the climbing
with the Climbing Bracket. unit is later attached. Any wind safety
devices are to be detached, while
­anchors which are no longer required
must be removed and anchor holes
must be sealed with plugs.

System Overview

Moving procedure Climbing in standard cycles Shuttering

After striking, the climbing unit is pre- The climbing unit is lifted using the The formwork must be cleaned before
pared for the moving procedure. Crane crane and attached to the next highest each subsequent concreting cycle while
hooks are to be attached to the Strong- anchoring. The Locking Pins secure the the Leading Anchors are attached to
backs of the climbing unit, and the Lock- Brackets against lift-off; if necessary, a the formwork. The formwork is set up
ing Pins of the Bracket are released. wind safety device can be installed. in the concreting position by means of
The finishing platform is subsequently the Formwork Carriage and Adjusting
mounted. Unit, and then adjusted using the
Height Adjustment Unit and Spindle.
The first standard cycle is then concreted.

System Overview

Execution details

Simple and exact formwork adjustment

For exact adjustment of the formwork,

the SCS offers a high level of flexi­
bility; it can be easily and quickly
adapted both vertically and horizon-
tally as well as in inclined positions.

By turning the Heavy-Duty Spindle, the required The formwork is vertically aligned by means of the After opening the Waler Fixation, the formwork
formwork inclination can be adjusted in each Adjusting Bolt on the Height Adjusting Unit. can be horizontally aligned.

Closing the formwork with the Adjusting Unit

The Adjusting Unit SCS allows con-

trolled pressing of the formwork
against the previous casting seg-
ment. It is used for the Cross Beam
Unit of the SCS 190 as well as the
SCS 250 with Formwork Carriage.
The adjustment range is ±45 mm.

The Adjusting Unit is operated quickly and easily The Adjusting Unit is used for the SCS 190 ver-
with the ratchet wrench. sion as well as for the SCS 250 with Formwork
Carriage. This helps to minimise the number of
different system components.

System Overview

Protection against lifting

A locking pin fixes the bracket in order

to prevent lifting; the Formwork Car-
riage of the SCS 250 is also secured
against lifting during the moving pro-

Simplified logistics and space-saving transport

Due to the modular design of the

bracket consisting of Cross Beam,
Vertical and Diagonal Struts, this
­results in only small space require-
ments for transport and storage. The
platforms can be transported pre-as-
sembled, and then quickly and effi-
ciently mounted on the construction

Project Examples

The Climbing System SCS in use

The Panama Canal has connected From 2011 onwards, PERI delivered
the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans since more than 1,100 containers filled with
1914 and is one of the most impor- formwork and scaffolding materials to
tant waterways in the world: a total the construction sites. The Climbing
of 6 % of the cargo shipped world- System SCS played a major role in the
wide is transported through the overall solution.
Panama Canal. From 2011 to 2014, Due to its size and complexity, the pro-
the waterway was expanded to ac- ject entailed major challenges in terms
commodate larger container ships. of know-how, logistics and construction
Key measures were the construction site support. The transnational and in-
of two new locks on the Atlantic and tercontinental cooperation involving the
Pacific sides. international team of PERI engineers,
logistics experts and other specialist
engineers was an essential key to the
success of the project.

Project Examples

In numerous projects worldwide,

the climbing system has proved
its flexibility and cost-effective-
ness time and time again. The
­selected application examples on
the following pages feature power
stations and dams as well as
bridge pylons.

Project Examples

The Climbing System SCS in use

For the largest-ever individual contract in the company's history, PERI supplied PERI supported the construction of the impressive dam near the Portuguese
a comprehensive overall concept and innovative climbing technology as well town of Alijó, among other things, with an extensive range of engineering
as delivering a very impressive performance. services.

Panama Canal Lock Facilities, Panama Foz Tua Dam, Alijó / Vila Real, Portugal

PERI Spain and PERI Panama were responsible for the form- For the construction of the Foz Tua Dam and the nearby
work planning, logistics and on-site assistance for the ex- pumped-storage power plant, PERI developed and supplied
pansion of the Panama Canal – competently supported by an optimised and safe formwork and scaffolding solution.
PERI headquarters in Weissenhorn. PERI delivered more With a comprehensive concept as well as logistical and
than 1,100 containers to the construction site. technical services, PERI specialists supported the contrac-
tors – Barragem de Foz Tua, ACE – in ensuring dimensional-
To ensure that the tight schedule could be maintained, a ly-accurate construction work along with on-schedule com-
­total of 4,200 personnel on both jobsites processed around pletion. The close cooperation between the PERI engineers
6,300 m³ of concrete on a daily basis in two shifts. Within and all project participants, as well as continuous coordina-
the construction period of three years, the construction site tion provided by PERI project managers on the jobsite, en-
team formed an area of about 2.2 million square metres; the sured the success of the project.
material used amounted to approx. 6.6 million cubic metres
of concrete and 337,500 tonnes of steel. The construction The dam wall in northern Portugal reaches a total height of
site facilities included 70 cranes and 30 concrete pumping 108 m while the length of the dam's crest measures 275 m.
stations. These boundary conditions required an immense Regarding formwork considerations, the complex form of
outlay of formwork and scaffolding materials along with a the double-curved reinforced concrete construction with a
comprehensive overall concept. 5-m-wide dam crest was especially challenging.

An essential element of the PERI solution was the SCS PERI engineers developed a formwork concept using the
Climbing System for single-sided applications, which was Climbing System SCS and VARIO GT 24 Girder Wall Form-
used for the first time on this construction site. Depending work. This combination was the ideal solution for the massive
on the project requirements in the respective areas of the dam wall as it allowed single-sided transfer of loads and met
site, PERI engineers combined the brackets with either VARIO the high surface requirements.
Girder Wall Formwork or TRIO Panel Formwork. Different
shoring systems taken from the PERI product portfolio
­ensured efficient transfer of loads under the slab formwork,
which was carried out in part with pre-assembled slab tables.
In particular, PERI UP Flex Modular Scaffolding was extremely
versatile in its application as it was used for the shoring as
well as realisation of safe access means.

Project Examples

Important dam upgrade project: as part of a hydroelectric power plant expan- The massive power plant walls were formed in a single-sided process and
sion in Alaska, the height of the dam wall was to be increased. concreted using the Climbing System SCS.

Blue Lake Dam, Sitka / Alaska, United States of America Smithland Hydroelectric Power Plant, Smithland /
­Kentucky, United States of America
The Blue Lake Dam Project in Alaska centred on expanding
the existing dam. The dam supplies electricity to the city of For the Smithland hydroelectric power plant, PERI supplied
Sitka in the north-west of the United States. Among other a customised formwork and shoring solution. The extremely
things, new intake structures and penstocks along with lock tight construction time, massive structural elements and in
gates were realised. In addition, the height of the existing part multi-curved shapes required not only large quantities
arch dam wall was to be increased by around 27 m. After of system equipment but also countless, specially designed
completion of the project, the hydroelectric power plant 3D formwork units. With a comprehensive concept, the
now generates 27 % more electricity, boosting the city's PERI specialists supported the construction company in en-
energy independence. suring that the efficient and dimensionally accurate execution
was carried out on schedule. These included close, transna-
Different PERI systems were used to construct the various tional cooperation between PERI engineers, prefabrication
structures of this large-scale project – for example, the of the formwork elements, as well as on-going coordination
Climbing System SCS was used to realise the massive arch by a PERI project manager on the construction site.
of the new dam crest. The project-specific planning solution
combined the brackets with VARIO GT 24 Girder Wall Form- A large part of the massive walls were realised with the
work. Climbing System SCS – as a result, no anchors were required.
As this formwork solution avoided any costly sealing work,
large savings could be made regarding the time and costs
required for the construction work. Thanks to the particularly
high load-bearing brackets and best utilisation of the anchor-
ing, large climbing units were also possible, further acceler-
ating construction progress.

Project Examples

The Climbing System SCS in use

The high flexibility of the Climbing System SCS allowed an easy adaptation to Comprehensive formwork solutions and a high degree of prefabrication also
suit all geometries in this dam project. helped to deal with complex building geometries at a depth of 15 m - easily,
accurately and on schedule.

Xayaburi Hydroelectric Power Station, Laos Moselle Lock, Trier, Germany

Around 30 km to the east of the provincial capital, Xayaburi, A new 216-m-long, 12.60-m-wide and 12.70-m-high lock
a dam complete with a hydroelectric power station was built chamber was constructed parallel to the existing Moselle
on the Mekong river in northern Laos. It is the first structure Lock located south of Trier. As the 15-m-deep structure re-
of a total of 11 dams which have been planned for the lower quired a very high degree of reinforcement, PERI delivered
Mekong Basin. With a nominal output of 1,260 megawatts, prefabricated formwork units on the basis of VARIO GT 24
the Xayaburi hydroelectric power station is, in this respect, Girder Wall Formwork just-in-time to this major construction
the third largest project in the overall planning. A shipping site, which were specifically adapted to match project re-
lock and two fishways were also planned. quirements, and ensured that material quantities and sched-
uling exactly suited the technology of the jobsite.
The dam wall is 820 m long and has a total height of 49 m,
whereby the water level has been raised by 32 m. For realising Clearly marked elements were manufactured with very
the reinforced concrete work, PERI designed and supplied a small tolerances and could be immediately allocated to the
formwork solution based on the SCS Climbing System. In respective place of installation. The design of the formwork
particular, the flexibility of the system was very important to carriage for constructing the longitudinal channels was also
ensure the smooth execution of the construction work so as well thought-out down to the smallest detail and likewise
to form the variable geometry. In addition to the straight pre-assembled at the company's assembly hall using PERI
­dividing walls, there were also many areas of the dam to be system components.
constructed with rounded shapes. Along with the planning
solution, providing training to the construction team also Moreover, it proved to be advantageous that the PERI prefab-
formed a large part of the PERI support to ensure success- rication operations were used to realise - in addition to the
ful execution. formwork elements - all recess units and timber formers
used, e.g. for intake funnels, gate recesses and floating bol-
lards- which were designed with a focus on providing efficient
striking operations as well as ensuring reusability. The SCS
Climbing System, used as scaffolding for the 7.80-m-high
VARIO GT 24 Girder Wall Formwork, guaranteed optimal
workflows. A PERI project coordinator supported the site
management team with the coordination and control of the
planning and assembly processes. In addition, PERI supervi-
sors briefed the construction team on the correct handling
and assembly of the various formwork and scaffolding solu-

Project Examples

Free-form formwork on SCS Climbing Brackets for a large concrete funnel. Special suspension points ensured that the formwork elements could easily
be lifted into the respective final position with the crane.

Bagatelle Dam, Port Louis, Mauritius

The Bagatelle dam project has improved the water supply Ø 27,00

on the small island state by increasing the storage capacity

by approx. 14 million cubic metres. After the project was
completed, a 2.5-km-long and up to 48-m-high dam trans-
formed a tributary of the Grand River North West into a res-
ervoir 400 m above sea level. Construction of the overflow

funnel for the flood spillway was realised using a 3D form-

work solution. The diameter of the circular shaft construc-
tion featured in the ground plan widens in the upper area

from 8 m to 27 m in the form of a chalice – externally with

uniform and internally with variable inclinations respectively.

For the construction of this complex geometry, the three-­ Ø 8,00

dimensional formwork units on the basis of VARIO GT 24
Girder Wall Formwork elements together with SCS Climbing
Brackets were combined to form craneable climbing units. The SCS Climbing System could be flexibly adapted to suit the variable
With the SCS Climbing System, the forward and reverse-­ ­inclinations and reliably transferred the high loads from the fresh concrete
inclined sections could be concreted without ties. The adap- pressure into the previous casting segment.
tation to suit the complex geometry was no problem; in
­addition, the bracket platforms always ensured horizontal
working areas and access points even when having to deal
with differently inclined walls. The formwork for the funnel
walls with curved surfaces on all sides was individually man-
ufactured and realised in the PERI formwork assembly facility.

Project Examples

The Climbing System SCS in use

Ruhrtal Bridge Bermecke, Nuttlar,


In the Hochsauerland region, a steel

composite bridge with a length of 626 m
and span of 64 m has been constructed,
with the superstructure realised using
the incremental launching method. The
structure crosses the Ruhr Valley at a
height of up to 50 m and forms part of
the feeder route to the Nuttlar junction
on the A 46 motorway.

The superstructure - featuring 10 sec-

tions with individual spans ranging from
just under 50 m to 65 m - has a circular
ground plan. The composite cross-section
consists of an upwardly open, trapezoidal
hollow-box girder made of steel as well
as an unstressed concrete carriageway.

The Climbing System SCS was used

for constructing the massive pier

The SCS provided the optimum solution for the heads of

these reinforced concrete piers for the composite bridge.

Project Examples

Mahatma Gandhi Mandir,

Gandhinagar, India

The Mahatma Gandhi Mandir is not only

a convention centre but also a memorial
site in Gandhinagar, Gujarat. The archi-
tecture of the complex was inspired by
the life and philosophy of Mahatma
Gandhi. With a surface area approaching
1.4 hectares, the complex has a total
size of more than 19 football pitches.

The facility also features a cable-stayed

bridge for pedestrians which connects
the museum to the congress centre.
The pylon of the bridge has a 15° incli-
nation and could not be realised with
anchored formwork due to its massive
dimensions. For this reason, PERI India
planned and supplied a formwork solu-
tion based on the Climbing System SCS.
The SCS 250 version with Formwork
Carriage was used, whereby the form-
work could be retracted by 62 cm to
execute the reinforcement work and
anchor installation.

Spacious and safe working areas on all 3 levels.

PERI International







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The optimal System
for every Project and
every Requirement

Wall Formwork Column Formwork Slab Formwork

Climbing Systems Bridge Formwork Tunnel Formwork Shoring Systems

Construction Scaffold Facade Scaffold Industrial Scaffold Access

DE en 08 | 2019 2eb 793193 © PERI GmbH

Protection Scaffold Safety Systems System-Independent Services


Formwork Scaffolding Engineering
Rudolf-Diesel-Strasse 19
89264 Weissenhorn
Tel. +49 (0)7309.950-0
Fax +49 (0)7309.951-0

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