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Two-Phase Method

The two-phase method is a modification of the simplex method, to be used when artificial variables are
present. (i.e. when some of the constraints are of  or = type).

Phase I
In the first phase, we solve the LPP with an auxiliary objective function, viz.
max Z   A1 ,  A2 , ...........  Ak ,
(k = the number of artificial variables in the constraints)

and the original set of constraints.

The optimal solution in phase I can be of two forms:

(i) All artificial variables are non-basic in the optimal solution.
- in this case, we can proceed to phase II
(ii) Some artificial variables remain basic in the optimal solution.
- in this case, the problem is infeasible.

Phase II
The original objective function is re-introduced in the optimal tableau from phase-I

Now, a basic feasible solution for the original problem has been obtained in phase-I, and so the usual
simplex method can be applied with the original objective function to obtain an optimal solution.

The auxiliary objective function in phase-I is introduced only to remove the artificial variables from the

The above procedure can be applied by assigning a large “penalty cost” as to artificial variables, and by
modifying the objective function as

max Z '  Z  MA1 ,  MA2 , ...........  MAk ,

(Z = Original objective function)

and applying the simplex method to this modified objective function.

This is often known as Charnas’ Penaltry “M” method.

The two-phase method is just a simplified algorithm achieving the same objective.

Linear programming is a powerful quantitative technique (or operational research technique) designs to
solve allocation problem. The term ‘linear programming’ consists of the two words ‘Linear’ and
The word ‘Linear’ is used to describe the relationship between decision variables which are directly
proportional. For example, if doubling (or tripling) the production of a product will exactly double (or
triple) the profit and required resources, then it is linear relationship.
The word 'programming' means planning of activities in a manner that achieves some 'optimal' result with
available resources. A programme is 'optimal' if it maximises or minimises some measure or criterion of
effectiveness such as profit, contribution (i.e. sales-variable cost), sales, cost.
Thus, 'Linear Programming' indicates the planning of decision variables which are directly proportional, to
achieve the 'optimal' result considering the limitations within which the problem is to be solved.

The decision variables refer to the economic or physical quantities which are competing with one another
for sharing the given limited resources. The relationship among these variables must be linear under linear
programming. The numerical values of decision variables indicate the solution of the linear programming

The objective function of a linear programming problem is a linear function of the decision variable
expressing the objective of the decision maker. For example, maximization of profit or contribution,
minimisation of cost/time.

The constraints indicate limitations on the resources which are to be allocated among various decision
variables. These resources may be production capacity, manpower, time, space or machinery. These must
be capable of being expressed as linear equation (i.e. =) on inequalities (i.e.  or ≤ type) in terms of
decision variables. Thus, constraints of a linear programming problem are linear equalities or inequalities
arising out of practical limitations.

Non-negativity restriction indicates that all decision variables must take on values equal to or greater than

Divisibility means that the numerical values of the decision variables are continuous and not limited to
integers. In other words, fractional values of the decision variables must be permissible in obtaining
optimal solution.


The steps involved in the formation of linear programming problem are as follows:
Step 1 → Identify the Decision Variables of interest to the decision maker and express them as x1,
x2, x3………………..
Step 2 → Ascertain the Objective of the decision maker whether he wants to minimize or to
Step 3 → Ascertain the cost (in case of minimization problem) or the profit (in case of maximization
problem) per unit of each of the decision variables.
Step 4 → Ascertain the constraints representing the maximum availability or minimum commitment
or equality and represent them as less than or equal to (≤) type inequality or greater than
or equal to () type inequality or 'equal to' (=) type equality respectively.
Step 5 → Put non-negativity restriction as under:
x1  0; j = 1, 2 …n (non-negativity restriction)
Step 6 → Now formulate the LP problem as under:
Maximize (or Minimize) Z = c1x1 + c2x2 …….cnxn
Subject to constraints:
a11x1 + a12x2 ………… a1nxn ≤ b1 (Maximum availability)
a21x1 + a22x2 ………… a2nxn  b2 (Minimum commitment)
a31x1 + a32x2 ………… a3nxn = b3 (Equality)

am1x1 + am2x2 ………… amnxn bm

x1; x2 ………. xn  0 (Non-negativity restriction)
xj = Decision Variables i.e. quantity of jth variable of interest to the decision maker.
cj = Constant representing per unit contribution (in case of Maximization Problem) or Cost (in case of
Minimization Problem) of the jth decision variable.
aij = Constant representing exchange coefficients of the jth decision variable in the ith constant.
bi = Constant representing ith constraint requirement or availability.

Graphical Method is used for solving linear programming problems that involve only two variables.


A Linear inequality in two variables is known as a half plane. The corresponding equality or the line is
known as the boundary of the half plane. The half plane along with its boundary is called a closed half
plane. Thus, a closed half plane is a linear inequality in two variables which include the value of the
variable for which equality is attained.

Any non-negative solution which satisfies all the constraints is known as a feasible solution of the problem.

The collection of all feasible solutions is known as a feasible region.

A set (or region) is convex if only if for any two points on the set, the line segment joining those points
lies entirely in the set. Thus, the collection of feasible solutions, in a linear programming problem form a
convex set. In other words, the feasible region of a linear programming problem is a convex set.

A convex polygon is a convex set formed by the intersection of a finite number of closed half planes.


The extreme points of a convex polygon are the points of intersection of the lines bounding the feasible
region. The value of the decision variables which maximize or minimize the objective function is located on
one of the extreme points of the convex polygon. If the maximum or minimum value of a linear function
defined over a convex polygon exists, then it must be on one of the extreme points.

Redundant constraint is a constraint which does not affect the feasible region.
Multiple solutions of a linear programming problem are solutions each of which maximize or minimize the
objective function. Under graphical method, the existence of multiple solution is indicated by a situation
under which the objective function line coincides with one of the half planes generated by a constraint. In
other words, where both the objective function line and one of constraint lines have the same slope.
An unbounded solution of a linear programming problem is a solution whose objective function is infinite.
A linear programming problem is said to have unbounded solution if its solution can be made infinitely
large without violating any of the constraints in the problem. Since there is no real applied problem which
has infinite returns, hence an unbounded solution always represents a problem that has been incorrectly
For example, in a maximization problem at least one of the constraints must be an 'equality' or
'less than or equal to' (≤) type. If all of the constraints are 'greater than or equal to' () type, then there
will be no upper limit on the feasible region. Similarly for minimization problem, at least one of constraints
must be an 'equality' or 'a greater than or equal to' type () if a solution is to be bounded.
Under graphical method, the feasible solution region extends indefinitely.
A linear programming problem is said to be infeasible if there is no solution that satisfies all the
constraints. It represents a state of inconsistency in the set of constraints.
The practical steps involved in solving linear programming Method are given below:
Step 1 → Consider each inequality constraint as equation.
Step 2 → Take one variable (say x) in a given equation equal to zero and find the value of other
variable (say y) by solving that equation to get one co-ordinate [say (0, y)] for that
Step 3 → Take the second variable (say y) as zero in the said equation and find the value of first
variable (say x) to get another co-ordinate [say (x, 0)] for that equation.
Step 4 → Plot both the co-ordinates so obtained [i.e., (0, y) and (x, 0)] on the graph and join them
by a straight line. This straight line shows that any point on that line satisfies the equality
and any point below or above that line shows inequality. Shade the feasible region which
may be either convex to the origin in case of less than type of inequality (<) or opposite to
the origin in case of more than type of inequality (>).
Step 5 → Repeat Steps 2 to 4 for other constraints.
Step 6 → Find the common shaded feasible region and mark the co-ordinates of its corner points.
Step 7 → Put the co-ordinates of each of such vertex in the Objective Function. Choose that vertex
which achieves the most optimal solution (i.e., in the case of Maximization, the vertex that
gives the maximum value of 'Z' & in case of Minimization the vertex that gives the minimum
value of 'Z’). Solution can be obtained in the following manner:
Co-ordinates of vertices of
Vertex No. Value of Z
Common shaded feasible region
1 (x1 + y1) Z1 = ……..
2 (x2 + y2) Z2 = ……..
3 (x3 + y3) Z3 = ……..
4 & so on (x4 + y4) Z4 = ……..
Optimal Solution:

Type of Problem Optimal Solution

(a) In case of maximization The vertex which gives the maximum
problem. value of Z is the optimal solution.

The vertex which gives the minimum

(b) In case of minimization problem.
value of Z is the optimal solution.


Step 1 → Add Non-negative Slack Variables (say S1, S2 etc.) in each constraint to convert inequalities
into equations. A Slack Variable indicates under -utilisation of capacity of the constraint;
hence, its contribution to Objective Function is assumed to be zero (or negative, if given).
This Slack Variable is also called as Basic Variable. Other variables are called Non-basic
Step 2 → Assuming the value of each Non-basic Variable equal to 'zero' (i.e. assuming that no
performance has taken place), calculate the value of each Basic Variable from the
Step 3 → Find the value of 'Z' by putting the value of each basic and non-basic variable in the
Objective Function.
Step 4 → Draw the Initial Simplex Table as follows:

Contribution per unit Ci → C1 C2 0 0 Replacement

Ci Variables Quantity x1 x2 s1 s2 Qty/value of
key column
C1 s1 …. …. …. 1 0
C2 s2 …. …. …. 0 1
Total Contribution Zj 0 0* 0 …. ….
Opportunity Cost (Ci – Zj) C1 C2 0 0

* Note: The value in the Zj Row for x1 variable is computed by the formula = C 1x1 + C2x2. The values in
the Zj Row in the column for other variables are computed by the same formula as stated.
Step 5 → Key Column - Mark the Column having maximum positive value in (Ci – Zj) row by 
sign representing the Opportunity Cost or Loss of not introducing one unit of the variable of
that column. This Column is also known as Key Column. This column indicates the selection
of incoming variable in the Next Simplex Table.
Step 6 → Replacement Ratio - Find out Replacement Ratio (also known as Key Ratio) by dividing
value in the Quantity Column of each row by corresponding Key Column value. Replacement
Ratio represents how much quantum of variable can be produced based on that row taking
the Key Column value.
Step 7 → Key Row - Mark the Row having minimum non-negative Replacement Ratio by → sign.
Minimum Replacement Ratio ensures that no basic variable will ever be negative. (This can
be verified by putting higher Replacement Ratio in all constraints). This Row is known as
Key Row. This row indicates the selection of outgoing variable from the Current Simplex
Step 8 → Key Element - Encircle the element at the intersection of Key Row and Key Column.
This value is known as Key Element or Pivot Element.
Step 9 → Replace the outgoing variable by the incoming variable with its contribution per unit, i.e., C i
in the first Column for Contribution Per Unit.
Step 10 → Calculate the new values of the Key Row as under:
Old Values of Key Row
New Values of Key Row =
Key Element

Step 11 → Calculate the new values of other rows (i.e. Non-Key Rows) as under:

A Old Values
B New values of Key Row
C Key Column Element
D Product of B&C
E New Values (A-D)

Step 12 → Draw another Simplex Table based on new values of each row.
Step 13 → Repeat Steps 4 to 12 till all values in (Ci – Zj) row becomes zero or negative which indicates
that any further introduction of additional unit of the variable having negative value in (C i –
Zj) row will have negative contribution towards Objective Function [no effect in case of zero
in (Ci – Zj) row]. This is also known as condition for optimal solution.
Step 14 → Find Optimal Solution from the Final Simplex Table, i.e., the value of Z and quantity of Non-
basic Variables.
Value of Z = Ci .(Qty of xi) + Cj .(Qty of xj)

Multiple solutions of a linear programming problem are solutions each of which maximize or minimize the
objective function under Simplex Method. Under Simplex Method, the existence of multiple optimal
solutions is indicated by a situation under which a non- basic variable in the final simplex table showing
optimal solution to a problem, has a net zero contribution. In other words, if at least one of the non-basic
variable in the (Ci – Zj) .row of the final simplex table has a zero value, it indicates that there is more than
one optimal solution.

An unbounded solution of a linear programming problem is a situation where objective function is infinite.
A linear programming problem is said to have unbounded solution if its solution can be made infinitely
large without violating any of its constraints in the problem. Since there is no real applied problem which
has infinite return, hence an unbounded solution always represents a problem that has been incorrectly
formulated. Under the Simplex Method, an unbounded solution is indicated when there are no positive
values of Replacement Ratio i.e. Replacement ratio values are either infinite or negative. In this case
there is no outgoing variable.

A linear programming problem is said to be infeasible if there is no solution that satisfies all the
constraints. It represents a state of inconsistency in the set of constraints. Under the Simplex Method, the
problem is said to have no feasible solution if at least one of the artificial variable remains in the final
simplex table as basic variable with non-zero quantity.
Degeneracy in a linear programming problem is said to occur when a basic feasible solution contains a
smaller number of non-zero variables than the number of independent constraints when values of some
basic variables are zero and the Replacement ratio is same. In other words, under Simplex Method,
degeneracy occurs, where there is a tie for the minimum positive replacement ratio for selecting outgoing
variable. In this case, the choice for selecting outgoing variable may be made arbitrarily.
Step 1 → Deduct Non-negative Surplus Variables (say S1, S2, etc.) (also known as Basic Variables) in
each constraint to convert inequalities into equations. Suppose the values of Surplus
Variables exceed the values of Non-basic Variables; in such case, the total of Left Hand Side
of the equation will become negative which is false; hence, we also add Non-negative
Artificial Variables (say A1, A2, etc.) (also known as Basic Variables) in each constraint to
satisfy the equations. We assume that the contribution of each Artificial Variable towards
the Objective Function is infinitely large, say 'M'.
Step 2 → Assuming the value of each Non-basic Variable and Surplus Variable equal to 'zero',
calculate the value of each Artificial Variable from the equations.
Step 3 → Find the value of 'Z' by putting the value of each basic and non-basic variable in the
Objective Function.
Step 4 → Draw the Initial Simplex Table as given below:
Contribution Replacement
Ci → C1 C2 0 0 M M
per unit Ratio
Qty/value of
Ci Variables Quantity x1 x2 S1 S2 A1 A2
M A1 …. …. …. -1 0 1 0
M A2 …. …. …. 0 -1 0 1
Zj …. …. …. M M M M
Opportunity - -
(Ci – Zj) …. …. 0 0
Cost M M
Note: The value in the Zj row for x1 variable is computed by the formula = C 1x1 + C2x1. In other words, all
the values in Zj Row and (Ci -Zj) Row are computed in the same manner as in the case of
Maximization Problems.
Step 5 → Key Column - Mark the Column having minimum value in (C i -Zj) row by  sign
representing the Opportunity Cost or Loss of not introducing one unit of the variable of that
column. This Column is also known as Key Column. This column indicates the selection of
incoming variable in the Next Simplex Table.
Step 6 → Replacement Ratio - Find out the Replacement Ratio (also known as Key Ratio) by
dividing value in the Quantity Column of each row by corresponding Key Column value.
Replacement Ratio represents how much quantum of Step: variables can be produced based
on that row taking the Key Column value.
Step 7 → Key Row - Mark the Row having minimum non-negative Replacement Ratio by → sign.
Minimum Replacement Ratio ensures that no basic variable will ever be negative. (This can
be verified by putting higher Replacement Ratio in all constraints). This Row is known as
Key Row. This row indicates the selection of outgoing variable from the current simplex
Step 8 → Key Element - Encircle the element at the intersection of Key Row and key column. This
value is known as Key Element or Pivot Element.
Step 9 → Replace the outgoing variable by the incoming variable together with its contribution per
Step 10 → Calculate the new values of the Key Row as under:
Old Values of Key Row
New Values of Key Row =
Key Element

Step 11 → Calculate the new values of other rows (i.e. Non-Key Rows) as under:

A Old Values
B New values of Key Row
C Key Column Element
D Product of B&C
E New Values (A-D)
Step 12 → Draw another Simplex Table based on new values of each row.
Step 13 → Repeat Steps 4 to 12 till all values in (C i - Zj) row becomes zero or positive which indicates
that any further introduction of additional unit of the variable having positive value in (C i -
Zj) row will have negative contribution towards Objective Function [no effect in case of zero
in (Ci - Zj) row]. This is also known as condition for optimal solution.
Step 14 → Find Optimal Solution from the Final Simplex Table, i.e., the values of Z and quantity of
Non-basic Variables.
The practical steps involved in formulating dual problem from the primal problem are as follows:
Step 1 → Ensure that in case of a maximization problem all constraints are of '≤' type or in case of a
minimization problem, all constraints are of '≥' type.
If not, adopt the following procedure:
In case of Maximization Problem
Sign used in Constraints Procedure
1. ‘≤’ type No change is required.

Convert the '≥' type inequality into '≤' type

by changing the signs of all values appearing
2. ‘≥’ type
on left hand side and right hand side, ( e.g.
'+' sign into ‘-‘ sign, ‘-‘ sign into '+' sign).

(a) Convert equality into two inequalities -

one having '≥' sign and the other having
'≤' sign.
3. ‘=’ type
(b) Convert '≥' type inequality into ‘≤’ type
inequality by the changing the sign of all
In case of Minimization Problem

Sign used in Constraints Procedure

Convert the '≤' type inequality into '≥' type
by changing the signs of all values appearing
1. ‘≤’ type on left hand side and right hand side, ( e.g.
'+' sign into ‘-‘ sign, ‘-‘ sign into '+' sign).

2. ‘≥’ type No change is required.

(a) Convert equality into two inequalities -

one having '≥' sign and the other having
'≤' sign.
3. ‘=’ type
(b) Convert '≤' type inequality into ‘≥’ type
inequality by the changing the sign of all
Step 2 → Restate the primal problem after taking step I.
Step 3 → Change of Objective - If the primal problem is a maximization problem, the dual problem
will be a minimization problem. If the primal problem is a minimization problem, the dual
problem will be a maximization problem.
Step 4 → Number of Decision Variables in Dual Problem - The number of decision variables in
the dual problem is equal to the number of constraints in the primal problem.
Step 5 → Coefficient of Decision Variables in Objective Function Dual Problem - The
constraints of the primal problem which appear on the right hand side of the constraints of
the primal problem become the coefficients of the decision variables in objective function of
the dual problem.
Step 6 → Numbers of Constraints in Dual Problem - The number of constraints in the decision
problem is equal to the number of variables in the primal problem.
Step 7 → The coefficients of the constraints of the primal problem which appear from left to right are
placed from top to bottom in the constraints of the dual problem.
Step 8 → Change of Type of Constraint - If the primal problem has 'less than or equal to' (≤) type
constraints, the dual problem will have 'greater than or equal to' (≥) type constraints. If the
primal problem has 'greater than or equal to' (≥) type constraints, the dual problem will
have 'less than or equal to' (≤) type constraints.
Step 9 → Right hand Side of the Constraints of Dual Problem - The coefficients of objective
function of the primal problem appear on the right hand side of the constraints of the dual
Step 10 → Non-negativity restriction will also apply to decision variables of dual problem.
(i) The maximum value of the objective function of the primal problem is the 1 minimum value of the
objective function of the dual problem.
(ii) If the primal problem is in the standard form, the solution of the dual problem can be obtained by
multiplying the values of the slack variables in the final Simplex Table by the values (Ci – ZJ)
appearing on the right hand side of the constraints of the primal problem.
(iii) The value of dual variable is referred to as the shadow price or imputed price of a resource. This is
the highest price the manufacturer would be willing to pay for the resource. The shadow price of a
resource is the unit price that is equal to the increase in profit to be realised by one additional unit
of the resource.
Transportation Problems


The transportation problem is a special type of linear programming problem where the objective is to
minimise the cost of distributing a product from a number of sources or origins to a number of
destinations. Because of its special Structure the usual simplex method is not suitable for solving
transportation problems. These problems require a special method of solution. The origin of a
transportation problem is the location from which shipments are despatched. The destination of a
transportation problem is the location to which shipments are transported. The unit transportation cost
is the cost of transporting one unit of the consignment from an origin to a destination.
In the most general form, a transportation problem has a number of origins and a number of destinations.
A certain amount of a particular consignment is available in each origin. Likewise, each destination has a
certain requirement. The transportation problem indicates the amount of consignment to be transported
from various origins to different destinations so that the total transportation cost is minimised without
violating the availability constraints and the requirement constraints. The decision variables xij of a jth
transportation problem indicate the amount to be transported from the ith origin to the jth destination. Two
subscripts are necessary to describe these decision variables. A transportation problem can be formulated
as a linear programming problem using decision variables with two subscripts.
Example: A manager has four Factories (i.e. origins) and four Warehouses (i.e. destinations). The
quantities of goods available in each factory, the requirements of goods in each warehouse and the costs
of transportation of a product from each factory to each warehouse are given. His objective is to ascertain
the quantity to be transported from various factories to different warehouses in such away that the total
transportation cost is minimised.


Balanced Transportation Problem is a transportation problem where the total availability at the origins is
equal to the total requirements at the destinations. For example, in case the total production of 4 factories
is 1000 units and total requirements of 4 warehouses is also 1000 units, the transportation problem is said
to be a balanced one.


Unbalanced transportation problem is a transportation problem where the total availability at the origins is
not equal to the total requirements at the destinations. For example, in case the total production of 4
factories is 1000 units and total requirements of 4 warehouses is 900 units or 1,100 units, the
transportation problem is said to be an unbalanced one. To make an unbalanced transportation problem, a
balanced one, a dummy origin(s) or a dummy destination (s) (as the case may be) is introduced with zero
transportation cost per unit.

A dummy origin or destination is an imaginary origin or destination with zero cost introduced to make an
unbalanced transportation problem balanced. If the total supply is more than the total demand we
introduce an additional column which will indicate the surplus supply with transportation cost zero.
Likewise, if the total demand is more than the total supply, an additional row is introduced in the Table
which represents unsatisfied demand with transportation cost zero.


The practical steps involved in solving transportation problems of minimization type are given below:
Step 1 → See whether Total Requirements are equal to Total Availability; if yes, go to Step 2; if not,
introduce a Dummy Original Destination, as the case may be, to make the problem a
balanced one, taking Transportation Cost per unit as zero for each Cell of Dummy Original
Destination or as otherwise indicated.
Step 2 → Find Initial Feasible Solution by following either the Least Cost Method (or LCM) or North-
West Corner Method (or NWCM) or Vogel's Approximation Method (or YAM).
Step 3 → After obtaining the Initial Feasible Solution Table, see whether Total Number of Allocations
are equal to "m + n -1",; if yes, go to Step 4; if not, introduce an infinitely small quantity
'e' to the Least Cost Independent Cell. (i.e., for which no Loop can be formed).
Note: Introduce as many number of 'e' as the total number of allocated cells falls below "m
+ n -1".
Step 4 → Optimality Test: Carry out the Optimality Test on the Initial Solution Table to find out the
optimal solution.
Step 5 → Calculate the Total Minimum Cost = ∑ (Xij x Cij),
where X = Units Allocated to a Cell;
C = Shipping Cost per Unit of a Cell;
i = Row Number;
j = Column Number


The practical steps involved in solving transportation problems of maximization type are given below:
Step 1 → Derive Profit Matrix by calculating the Profit by the following equation: Profit = Selling Price
-Production Cost -Transportation Cost
Step 2 → See whether Total Requirements are equal to Total Availability; if yes, go to Step 3; if not,
introduce a Dummy Origin/Destination, as the case may be, to make the problem a
balanced one, taking Profit per unit as zero for each Cell of Dummy Origin/Destination or as
otherwise indicated.
Step 3 → Derive Loss Matrix by deducting each element from the largest element in order to use
minimization technique.
Step 4 → After obtaining the Initial Feasible Solution Table, see whether Total Number of Allocations
are equal to "m + n -1",; if yes, go to Step 5; if not, introduce an infinitely small quantity
'e' to the Least Cost Independent Cell. (i.e., for which no Loop can be formed).
Note: Introduce as many number of 'e' as the total number of allocated cells falls below "m
+ n -1".
Step 5 → Optimality Test: Carry out the Optimality Test on the Initial Solution Table to find out the
optimal solution.
Step 6 → Calculate the Maximum Profit = ∑ (Xij X Pij),
where X = Units Allocated to a Cell;
P = Profit per Unit of a Cell;
i = Row Number;
j = Column Number

[Cost Matrix or Minimisation Problem]

Build the mathematical model for the following transportation problem:

Cost Matrix
W1 W2 W3 W4
F1 1 2 4 4 6
F2 4 3 2 0 8
F3 0 2 2 1 10
Demand 4 5 8 6

Wj → Warehouse, Fi → Factory and cell entries are unit/costs.

Step 1 → Introducing dummy warehouse with zero cost per unit as the total demand is not equal to
total supply in order to make the problem balanced one.
Let xij represent the quantity transported from Fi to Wj
Formulation of the mathematical model for the transportation problems.

W1 W2 W3 W4 W5 Supply

F1 x11 x12 x13 x14 x15 6

1 2 4 4 0
F2 x21 x22 x23 x24 x25 8
4 3 2 0 0
F3 x31 x32 x33 x34 x35 10
0 2 2 1 0
d 4 5 8 6 1

Minimize Z = 1x11 + 2x12 + 4x13 + 4x14 + 0x15 + 4x21 + 3x22 + 2x23 + 0x24 + 0x25 + 0x31
+ 2x32 + 2x33 + 1x34 + 0x35
Subject to x11 + x12 + x13 + x14 + x15 = 6
x21 + x22 + x23 + x24 + x25 = 8
x31 + x32 + x33 + x34 + x35 = 10
x11 + x21 + x31 =4
x12 + x22 + x32 =5
x13 + x23 + x33 =8
x14 + x24 + x34 =6
x15 + x25 + x35 =1
xij  0
[Profit Matrix or Maximisation Problem]
A multi-plant company has three manufacturing plants, A, Band C, and two markets X and Y.
Production Cost of A, B and C is Rs. 1500, 1600 and 1700 per piece respectively. Selling price in X and Y
are Rs. 4400 and Rs. 4700 respectively. Demand in X and Y 3500 and 3600 pieces respectively.
Production capacity at A, B and C is 2000, 3000 and 4000 pieces respectively. Transportation costs are as

From/To X Y
A 1000 1500
B 2000 3000
C 1500 2500

Build a mathematical model.

Step 1 → Introducing dummy market with zero profit as the total demand is not equal to total supply
in order to make the problem balanced one.
Calculating the profit as follows;
Profit = Selling Price - Cost of Production - Transportation Cost

Let xij represent the quantity transported from factory i to market j.

X Y Z Supply

A x11 x12 x13 2000

1900 1700 0
x21 x22 x23
From B 3000
800 100 0

C x31 x32 x33 4000

1200 500 0
Demand 3500 3600 1900

This mathematical model is formulated below from the above matrix.

Maximise Z = 1900x11 + 1700x12 + 0x13 + 800x21 + 100x22 + 0x23 + 1200x31 + 500x32
+ 0x33
Subject to x11 + x12 + x13 = 2000
x21 + x22 + x23 = 3000
x31 + x32 + x33 = 4000
x11 + x21 + x31 = 3500
x12 + x22 + x32 = 3600
x13 + x23 + x33 = 1900
xij  0
In general, any basic feasible solution of a transportation problem with m origins (such as factories) and n
destinations (such as warehouses) should have ‘m + n -1’ non zero basic variables.
A transport problem is said to be a degenerate transport problem if it has a basic feasible solution with
number of non zero basic variables less than m + n -1.
According to Mustafit, “A degenerate basic feasible solution in a transportation problem exists if and
only if some partial sum of availabilities (row) is equal to a partial sum of requirements (co1umn)”.

Initial feasible solution can be obtained by any of the following three methods:
Method I : Least Cost Method (or LCM)
Method II : North-West Comer Method (or NWCM)
Method III : Vogel's Approximation Method (or YAM)
Let us discuss these methods one by one as under:

METHOD I : Least Cost Method (or LCM)

The practical steps involved in the Least Cost Method are given below:
Step 1 → Make maximum possible Allocation to the Least Cost Cell depending upon the
demand/supply for the Column/Row containing that Cell. In case of Tie in the Least Cost
Cells, make allocation to the Cell by which maximum demand or capacity is exhausted.
Step 2 → Make allocation to the Second Lowest Cost Cell depending upon the remaining
demand/supply for the Row/Column containing that Cell.
Step 3 → Repeat the above Steps till all Rim Requirements are exhausted, i.e., entire demand and
supply is exhausted.

METHOD II : North-West Corner Method (or NWCM)

The practical steps involved in the North-West Comer Method are given below:
Step 1 → Make maximum possible allocation to the Upper-Left Comer Cell (also known as North- West
Comer Cell) in the First Row depending upon the availability of supply for that Row and
demand requirement for the Column containing that Cell.
Note: Unit transportation cost is completely ignored.
Step 2 → Move to the Next Cell of the First Row depending upon remaining supply for that Row and
the demand requirement for the next Column. Go on till the Row total is exhausted.
Step 3 → Move to the next Row and make allocation to the Cell below the Cell of the preceding Row in
which the last allocation was made and follow Steps I and 2.
Step 4 → Follow Steps I to 3 till all Rim requirements are exhausted, i.e., the entire demand and
supply is exhausted.
METHOD III: Vogel's Approximation Method (or VAM)

The practical steps involved in Vogel's Approximation Method (or VAM) are given below:
Step 1 → Row Difference: Find the difference between Smallest and Second Smallest element of
each Row, representing the Opportunity Cost of not making the allocation to the Smallest
Element Cell, and write the difference on the right-hand side of the concerned Row. In case
of tie between two smallest elements, the difference should be taken as zero.
Step 2 → Column Difference: Find the difference between Smallest and Second Smallest element of
each column, representing the Opportunity Cost of not making the allocation to the Smallest
Element Cell, and write the difference below the concerned Column. In case of tie between
two smallest elements, the difference should be taken as zero.
Step 3 → Make the Largest Difference amongst all Differences by an arrow indicating the allocation to
be made to the row/column having largest difference. Allocate maximum possible quantity
to the Least Cost Cell of the selected row/column depending upon the quantity available. In
case of tie between the Differences, select the row or column having least cost cell.
However, in case of tie even in case of Least Cost, make allocation to that Cell by which
maximum requirements are exhausted.
Step 4 → Shade the Row/Column whose availability or requirement is exhausted so that it shall not be
considered for any further allocation.
Step 5 → Repeat Step 3 and 4 till entire demand and supply is exhausted.
Step 6 → Draw the Initial Feasible Solution Table obtained after the above steps.


The practical steps involved in Optimality Test are given below:

Step 1 → Compute "Ui" and "Vj" for all Rows and Columns respectively on the basis of Allocated Cells
such that Cij = Ui + Vj after taking any Ui or Vj = 0,
Where Cij = Shipping Cost per unit of Occupied Cell;
i = Row Number;
j = Column Number;
Ui = Shipping Cost per unit of Supplying Station; and
VJ = Shipping Cost per unit of Receiving Station
Note: While taking any Ui or Vj = 0, that row or column which is having maximum allocated
cells, should preferably be selected.
Step 2 → Compute Opportunity Cost, or say OC, for Unallocated Cells where
OC = Cij - (Uij + Vij)
Step 3 → If 'OC' of each cell is either positive or zero, Initial Feasible Solution is the Optimal Solution.
However, if 'OC' for any Cell is negative, Initial Feasible Solution is not optimal. In that case,
Find Closed Loop for the Cell having negative 'OC' and transfer entire quantity from the
Allocated Cell having minimum quantity, that is covered by that Loop amongst all Allocated
Cells covered by that Loop, to the Unallocated Cell having negative 'OC'.
Note: The above procedure will be followed even in case 'OC' of any Unallocated Cell is
"zero" and 'OC' of other Unallocated Cells is positive to get Alternate Solution.
Step 4 → See whether total number of allocated cells after Step 3 is equal to “m + n – 1”; if yes, go
to step 5 if not introduce an infinitely small quantity ‘e’ to the Least Cost independent Cell,
i.e., for which no loop can be formed.
Note: Introduce as many number of ‘e’ as the total number of Allocated Cells falls below “m
+ n – 1”.
Step 5 → Repeat Steps 1 to 4 till ‘OC’ of all Unallocated cells is positive.


The practical steps involved in the Looping are given below:

Step 1 → Put a 'Tick' mark in the most negative Opportunity Cost Cell.
In case of tie, any one may be selected arbitrarily. Preferably select that one which corners
points are minimum.
Step 2 → Draw at least four lines in the form of a rectangle covering at least four Cells out of which
One Cell will be the ticked Cell and the rest will be the Allocated Cells. This is called ‘Loop’.
In other words all the corners (except the starting corner which lies in most negative
unallocated cell) of the Loop will tie in the allocated cells.
Step 3 → Put ‘+’ sign on ticked cell and ‘-’ sign on the next allocated corner cell covered by the loop
and ‘+’ sign on the next to next allocated corner cell covered by the loop and so on.
In other words, ‘+’ or ‘-’ sign should be put in each allocated corner cell in alternative order.
Step 4 → Transfer the entire quantity from the Least Allocated Cell (i.e. cell having the least quantity)
which has ‘-’, to the Cells containing ‘+’ and deduct the transferred quantity from the other
cell containing ‘-’.
Note: A loop can even contain more than Four Cells; however, Number will always remain
‘even’. In that case, one Cell will be the Unallocated Cell having most negative Opportunity
Cost and the others will be the Allocated Cells.


Crashing is employed when we want to shorten the project completion time by spending extra resources
i.e., ultimately money. In real life, it is always possible to employ more resources or 'book a lightening
call'. Consider, for example, the activity of laying bricks which requires a gang of a mason assisted by a
few labourers. By increasing the number of labourers the activity duration can be shortened or crashed.
But there is a limit to this. Too many labourers per mason would not reduce the duration any more since
they are liable to jam up. Concerned specialists would have to estimate the crashing limit for each activity
as also extra money for crashing each activity. Once these estimates are available, any analysis can be
made to determine the time cost trade off curve i.e., what (cost) it takes to crash the project to a given

In many situations, there may be compelling reasons to complete the project earlier than the originally
estimated duration of the critical path on the basis of normal activity times or, in many cases, the
execution of project gets delayed due to certain reasons, we have to reduce the duration of future
activities so that the project is completed earlier/or as per schedule. Under these circumstances,
additional resources can be used to expedite certain activities resulting in earlier completion of the project.
This shortening of activity times, which usually can be achieved by adding resources such as manpower of
overtime is referred to as crashing the activity times. However, since the additional resource associated
with crashing activity times usually result in added costs, the management would want to identify the
least cost activities to crash and the amount of duration by which activities may be crashed to meet the
desired project completion date.
In order to determine just where and how much to crash activity times, management would need
following information:

1. Normal Cost (Nc): Normal Cost is the lowest possible direct cost required to complete an activity.
2. Normal Time (Nt): Normal Time is the minimum time required to complete an activity at normal
3. Crash Time (Ct): Crash Time is the minimum possible time in which an activity can be completed
using additional resources.
4. Crash Cost (Cc): Crash Cost is the direct cost that is anticipated in completing an activity within
the crash time.
5. Activity Cost Slope: Activity Cost Slope is the rate of increase in the cost of activity per unit with
a decrease in time. A necessary measure for the cost analysis is the calculation of the cost slope for
each activity. The cost slope indicates the additional cost incurred per unit of time saved in
reducing the duration of an activity. It can be understood more clearly by considering the following





Duration time for the Job

Let OA represent the normal time duration for completing a job and OC the normal cost involved to
complete the job. Assume that the management wishes to reduce the time of completing the job to OB
from normal time OA. Therefore, under such a situation the cost of the project increases and it goes upto
say OD (Crash Cost). This only amounts to saying that by reducing the time period by AB the cost has
increased by the amount CD. The rate of increase in the cost of activity per unit with a decrease in time is
known as activity cost slope and is described as below:

CD OD  OC Crash Cost  Normal Cost

Activity Cost Slope =  
AB OA  OB Normal Time  Crash Time

Since the project duration is determined by the length of the critical path, it can be shortened by reducing
the time of critical activities. As the objective of the management is to reduce the project duration at the
lowest possible cost, the critical activity with the lowest cost slope is selected for crashing. The
amount of time by which an individual activity can be reduced is limited by its crash time. However, during
such a crashing other factors must be taken into account. For example, the next longest route may also
become critical. There will be then two critical paths and any further reduction in project time must occur
on both the paths for overall project time to be reduced. The process is continued in this manner and the
sum of direct and indirect costs i.e. the total costs for each completion time are tabulated. The optimum
schedule corresponds to minimum total cost.
Resource smoothing is a useful technique to estimate the total resource requirements for various project
activities. In this technique, the time-scaled diagram of various activities and their floats (if any) along
with resource requirements are used. Time scaled diagram is a network diagram in which all critical
activities are arranged as a straight line with non-critical events above or below it, on a horizontal time
scale. Floats are represented by dotted horizontal lines and dummies are represented by dotted vertical
Under resource smoothing technique -
1. The periods of maximum demand for resources are identified, and
2. Non-critical activities having floats are rescheduled or shifted so that a uniform demand on
resources is achieved.

Resource levelling is a process which is performed when the availability of the resources are less than
their requirement. Two types of problems are normally involved in resource levelling:
(i) Levelling resource demands with constraint on the total project duration time.
(ii) Minimization of the project duration time with a constraint on the total availability of certain key
The first problem arises when one is able to procure sufficient resources to carry out the project being
scheduled and is concerned with the utilization of these resources at a relatively constant rate during the
life of the project. The second problem arises in such a case when the existing pool of resources can not
be increased and the goal is to schedule the activities in such a way so as to minimise the total project
duration subject to the present availability of resources. In this situation the total floats for the non-critical
activities is utilised. By shifting a non critical activity between its ES and LF limits, one may be able to
lower the maximum resource requirements. In essence this would mean a more steady work force.


By manipulating (adding or reducing) the resource in a project, we can have a range of possible solutions
and obtain a number of project durations and the corresponding minimum cost. Concern should be to see
whether this extra commitment of resources is worth spending and whether this extra expenditure is
commensurate with the cost economics of the project. We have therefore, to find out an optimum time
cost solution to the project. Hence "Time Cost Trade Off' is meant to determine the following three
1. Determination of that project duration for which the cost is least;
2. Determination of the least cost for reduction in project duration to a specified or stipulated date;
3. Determination of the Time-Cost-Risk relationship of the Network Technique.

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