TPACK Template: Online Learning Environment Subject Physical Education (Health) Grade Level 6th Learning Objective
TPACK Template: Online Learning Environment Subject Physical Education (Health) Grade Level 6th Learning Objective
TPACK Template: Online Learning Environment Subject Physical Education (Health) Grade Level 6th Learning Objective
Learning Objective
Energy Balance
Online Activity For this activity students will learn about how to design a proper
diet and exercise plan. Students will learn about how heart
health is dependent upon a healthy diet and adequate exercise.
Students will also learn how to estimate the number of calories
burned by exercise and how Body Mass Index (BMI) is
dependent on an individual’s height and weight.
Once the group is satisfied with their diet plan and exercise
regime, one student will type up a summary for the group. The
summary should include details about the exercise regime and
diet plan that they came up with and how it helped to improve
their person’s health. This should be a minimum of one page
and submitted before the beginning of the next class.
Groups that are not able to complete the activity within the
allotted class time will be responsible for working with their
group to have their assignment turned in before the next class
meeting. If issues shall arise, students will be able to contact the
teacher for assistance with any questions or for a possible time