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Section 5: CHS Bachelor Programs - Communication and Computer Engineering (CCE)

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CHS Bachelor Programs - Communication and Computer Engineering (CCE)

Section 5

Communication and Computer Engineering

Program (CCE)

Based on Credit Hours System (CHS)

September 2019

Cairo University, Faculty of Engineering Section 5- Page 1
Computers have become a fact of our daily life. Computer Illiteracy is now an issue as
is reading and writing illiteracy. Industrial development and population growth can not
be achieved without well prepared population as well as expertise in electronics,
communications and computer engineering. The digital gap between nations need to be
both bridged and when so, will allow to all innovative minds to come up with true
breakout inventions to man kind as was the wheel and electricity. Egypt with its
geographic location and size of population and available expertise allow it to play the
role of a focal point distributor to a communication and computer engineering program
to all of the Arab world as well as African countries. Therefore, the Faculty of
Engineering at Cairo University, the oldest and one of the most prestigious schools in
engineering in the Arab world is has established a Communications and Computer
Engineering (CCE) Program based on the credit hours system (CHS). This program will
prepare the engineers to take the lead for their countries into the digital society.

The mission of the Communications and Computer Engineering Program at Cairo
University is to provide the highest standard of excellence in higher education while
pursuing continuous quality improvement. The goal of the program is to provide the
community with communications and computer innovative graduates capable of
effectively using the scientific and technical knowledge developed as undergraduates
for the betterment of society. The problem-solving, teamwork, and oral communications
skills developed by the graduates of CCE Program will also contribute to achieving this
goal. The program supports this mission by providing students with appropriate
curricula and educational experiences. The curricula remain current through continuous
assessment by employers, faculty, and students. Students obtain a broad education
necessary to understand the impact of communications and computer engineering
solutions in a global, societal, and cultural context.
The CCE bachelor-degree program allows a plan that will necessarily be highly
structured during the first six semesters and relatively flexible during the upper four
semesters. The program provides a laboratory-based curriculum that combines hands-
on practice with the appropriate basic electrical and electronic theory. It is application-
oriented and is designed to prepare well rounded graduates who can succeed in one or
more of the fields related to communications and computer engineering technology.

The new program has four main educational objectives that are summarized as follows:
 In-Depth Knowledge: To provide students with a strong foundation and
understanding of the fundamental knowledge prerequisite for the practice of, or for
advanced study in, communications or computer engineering, including its
scientific principles, rigorous analysis, and creative design, embedded and real
time systems as well as intelligent machines and applications.
 Out-Breadth Education: To provide students with the broad education, including
knowledge of diverse important current issues in communications or computer

Cairo University, Faculty of Engineering Section 5- Page 2

engineering, necessary for productive careers in the public or private sectors, or
for the pursuit of graduate education.
 Professionalism: To develop skills for clear communication and responsible
teamwork, and to inculcate professional attitudes and ethics, so that graduates
are prepared for the complex modern work environment and for lifelong learning.
 Creativity: To provide an environment that enables students to pursue their goals
in an innovative program that is rigorous and challenging, open and supportive.


To prepare the student for the Program Educational Objectives to be achieved, a set of
Program Outcomes that describes what students are expected to know and are able to
do by the time of graduation, have been adopted.
In order to satisfy quality assurance while attaining our objectives the expected
program outcomes as referenced to the ABET standards are defined as follows:
1. Ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science and engineering.
2. Ability to design and conduct experiments as well as analyze and interpret data.
3. Ability to design a system, component or process to meet desired needs.
4. Ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams.
5. Ability to identify, formulate and solve engineering problems.
6. Understanding of professional and ethical responsibility.
7. Ability to communicate effectively.
8. Broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in
a global-societal context.
9. Recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning.
10.Knowledge of contemporary issues.
11.Ability to use the techniques, skills and modern engineering tools necessary for
engineering practice.
The above outlined objectives are specifically translated into the intended learning
outcomes ILOs as follows:
I. Subject-specific skills: the main subject skills which successful students will acquire
from the program overall. Students will be able to:
1. Apply knowledge of mathematics, science and All of the core courses contribute to the
engineering to analyze and solve communication implementation of basic sciences.
and electronic engineering problems. (ABET a)
2. Design and conduct simulations in different parallel ELCN301 (Electronics-3), CMPN407
and distributed process related disciplines both offline (Modeling and Simulation, CMPN449
and in real time. (ABET b) (Real Time Computing)
3. Design special circuitry and application using ELCN404 (Control-2), ELCN321 (VLSI
embedded systems, specific algorithms including systems), ELCN436 (Mobile
wireless and mobile applications (such as antennas, Communication), CMPN211 (Micro-
and automated vehicles). (ABET c) processors Systems-2), CMPN406
(Wireless mobile networks)
4. Design a communication system. (ABET c) ELCN416 (Communications-4)
5. Design an intelligent system. (ABET c) CMPN402 (Machine Intelligence)
6. Identify and specify a communication and This is covered and developed in all
computer engineering problem. (ABET e) core communication and computer
engineering courses.
7. Identify concepts, analysis techniques, and This is covered and developed in all
development tools used in solving communication or core communication and computer
computer engineering problems (ABET e) engineering courses.
8. Use the techniques, skills and modern All level 2 courses and higher
engineering tools necessary for engineering implement a mini-project using different
practice. (ABET e) tools.
II. Intellectual or cognitive skills: the skills which successful students will acquire from the
program overall. Students will be able to:
1. Analyze, Interpret and use data including those ELCN203 (Signal Analysis), CMPN302
arising from simulations. (ABET b) Design and Analysis of Algorithms
2. Identify, analyze and solve communication and Core discipline courses
computer engineering problems. (ABET e)
3. Effectively use different computer programming All compulsory courses e.g. CMPN202
languages and software tools such as visual studio, (Database)
general databases such as Oracle and mathematical
software, such as Matlab, for solving communication
and computer engineering problems. (ABET k)
4. Recognize the need for, and have the ability to Lifelong learning is typically covered in
engage in life-long learning. (ABET i) the projects in the 400 level courses.
Contemporary issues such as safety,
environment and globalization are
covered in some GEN courses and
seminars which are arranged by the
department with industrial and academic
III. General skills: the main general skills which successful students will acquire from the
program overall.
1. Students will be able to function effectively within All mini-projects given in courses
multi-disciplinary teams. (ABET d) require team work.
2. Students will be able to effectively communicate Specifically covered through CCEN280
orally with other professionals and in meetings by (Engineering seminar), CCEN380
asking questions, conducting conference calls, (seminar for CCE) and industrial
presenting a project and answering questions. training.
(ABET g)
3. Students will be able to effectively communicate Through all e-learning courses material
in writing through effective e-mail as well as written as courses are being added
reports. (ABET g) incrementally currently e.g. CMPN102,
The Egyptian government has a goal aiming at building of the information society. The
latest releases show the advancement of Egypt with respect to the world evaluation
index to place it within the top 100 countries. Therefore, it is expected that youth will
realize not only the importance of the communications and computer engineering
discipline but also the rising potential employment opportunities within a world of rising
unemployment in many other disciplines. Information Technology is a fast growing and
promising investment area and Egypt is witnessing more and more investors coming to
the newly established smart village as well as the rising interest in a silicon valley.
Multinational companies are seeking fresh graduates to cover the 24  7
for new working models. The CCE, with its English education, can help educating and
graduating students from different countries. Some scholarships can be secured
through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Egyptian Fund for Technical
Cooperation with Africa for African students to join CCE. Other scholarships can be
offered from international donors and organizations such as UNDP, EU, and others
which are currently co-financing the Nile Basin Initiative and its communications and
information technology (CIT) programs. Those professional engineers are a goldmine
for national investment. Creative professionals, a supportive government, and a healthy
educational environment are the keystone to the success, and the fundamental to our
future achievements.

The CCE program offers instructions in numerous topics concerning electronics,
communications and computer engineering. At the end of these courses, participants
are expected to gain the knowledge of up-to-date CIT issues; design techniques of
CIT as well as automated and intelligent environments, design and performance
analysis techniques of communication systems, computer networks and e-applications
e.g. e-business, e-health, e-gov, e-learning, etc.
The program offers a Bachelor Degree in Communication and Computer Engineering
and enables the student to concentrate on either the Communication Engineering track
(CCE-E) or the Computer Engineering track (CCE-C). The Bachelor Degree of the CCE
program and its two internal tracks consists of a total of 180 credit hours offered over a
period of 10 main semesters, the Fall and Spring semesters per academic year. The
students are expected to complete the degree requirements in 10 main semesters.
High caliber students may finish in 9 main semesters.
6.1 Curriculum Overview
The curriculum of the CCE program consists of 180 credits spread over 68 - 70 courses
for the CCE-E track and the CCE-C track, respectively, covering topics in Humanities
and Social Sciences (HSS), Basic Sciences (BS), Engineering Sciences (ES), and
Applied Engineering Sciences (AS) as required by the Supreme Council of Universities
(SCU) in Egypt.
The curriculum includes courses in engineering fundamentals and applications such as:
 Electronics
 Circuits
 Communication
 Control
 Logic Design
 Microprocessors
 Computer Architecture
 Operating Systems
Furthermore, the curriculum covers data structures and algorithms, advanced
mathematics, physics, economics, management, marketing and humanities. In the
specialized area, advanced and detailed courses are offered. Courses specific to either
communications or computer engineering practice include:
 Signal Processing
 Control
 Database
 Computer Networks
 Intelligent Machines
In addition, communications and computer engineering requires hands-on laboratory
experiences, electromagnetics and up-to-date skills in the use of computers for
modeling and data analysis, and experience in the design of different engineering
The curriculum gives the students the opportunity to select not only the major specialty
but also several elective courses within the major. All in all, the student has about 10%
-15% from the total credits in the bachelor degree chosen to his will. Students in the
CCE program are also encouraged to participate in research through independent
study projects. Moreover, the curriculum gives the students the opportunity to interact
with the industrial sector and government agencies through two periods of industrial
training courses in the field. In addition, students will be required to implement a design
project prior to their final graduation. The following sections elaborate all program
requirements and illustrate a sample plan study.

6.2 University Requirements

The main purpose of a university education is not only to prepare students for
successful careers but also to provide them with the knowledge and skills to develop a
rational, well-rounded and successful personal identity. Moreover, Cairo University
helps students to gain an appreciative understanding of the natural and cultural
environments in which they live and their roles in the society and community services.
The university requirements of the CHS bachelor programs consist of 19 credits (10.8%
of total 175 credits), which are satisfied by completing twelve (10) courses:
1. Seven (7) compulsory courses equivalent to 13 credits (7.43%) as listed in Table
2. Three (3) elective courses equivalent to 6 credits (3.43%) as listed in Table 1b
Table 1a Compulsory Courses of University Requirements
(13 credits, 7.43% of total 175 credits)
Code Course Title Credits
1 GENN001 History of Science and Engineering 1
2 GENN004 Computers for Engineers 2
3 GENN005 Technical Writing 2
4 GENN102 Fundamentals of Management 2
5 GENN201 Communication and Presentation Skills 2
6 GENN210 Risk Management and Environment 2
7 GENN224 Fundamentals of Economics and Accounting 2

Table 1b Elective Courses of University Requirements

(6 credits, 3.43% of total 175 credits)
Code Course Title Credits Group
1 GENN301 Ethics and Legislation 2
2 GENN303 Critical thinking 2
3 GENN305 Interdisciplinary Project 2
4 GENN310 Advanced Risk Management 2
5 GENN311 Technical Writing in Arabic 2
6 GENN321 Foreign Language 2
7 GENN326 Marketing (1) 2 E-1(1)
8 GENN327 Selections of Life-long Skills 2
9 GENN328 Scientific Research Methods 2
10 GENN331 Business Communication 2
11 GENN332 Service Management 2
12 GENN333 Creativity, Art & Design 2
13 GENN380 Thesis Writing for GP 2
(1) Student selects at least three (3) courses equivalent to 6 credits, such
that one of the three courses should be GENN326

6.3 College Requirements

College requirements provide students with the knowledge and skills that are essential
to develop a successful engineer. A college core that is common to all credit hours
programs is implemented. This unified college core contains two categories of courses.
The first category of college core courses includes courses of basic knowledge
essential to all engineering graduates such as Mathematics, Physics, Mechanics,
Graphics and Design, Manufacturing, and Chemistry. The second category includes
courses that all students are required to undertake in order to develop certain intended
learning outcomes common to all engineering graduates, such as Seminar, Industrial
Training, and Graduation Project courses.
The college requirements of the CHS bachelor programs consist of 45 credits (25.7%
of total 175 credits), which are satisfied by completing nineteen (19) compulsory
courses, as listed in Table 2.

Table 2 Compulsory Courses of College Requirements

(45 credits, 25.7% of total 175 credits)
Code Course Title Credits
1 CHEN001 Chemistry 3
2 GENN003 Basic Engineering Design 2
3 MDPN001 Engineering Graphics 3
4 MDPN002 Fundamentals of Manufacturing Engineering 3
5 MECN001 Mechanics-1 2
6 MECN002 Mechanics-2 2
7 MTHN001 Introduction to Linear Algebra and Analytic Geometry 3
8 MTHN002 Calculus I 3
9 MTHN003 Calculus II 3
10 MTHN102 Multivariable Calculus and Linear Algebra 3
11 MTHN203 Probability and Statistics 3
12 PHYN001 Mechanics, Oscillations, Waves and Thermodynamics 3
13 PHYN002 Electricity and Magnetism 3
14 CCEN280 Engineering Seminar 1
15 CCEN281 Industrial Training-1 1
16 CCEN380 Seminar for CCE 1
17 CCEN381 Industrial Training-2 2
18 CCEN480 Graduation Project-1 1
19 CCEN481 Graduation Project-2 3

6.4 Discipline Requirements

The Communication and Computer Engineering Program is a new bachelor program
based on the credit hours system under the joint umbrella of two scientific departments
at the Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University; namely Electronics and Communication
Department and Computer Engineering Department. Students who wish to pursue a
bachelor degree in Communications and Computer Engineering have first to finish the
discipline-core requirements. This should be followed by choosing one of the two
internal tracks: communications engineering (CCE-E) or computer engineering (CCE-
C) and finishing its associated major specialty requirements including all its compulsory
and elective courses.
The discipline requirements of the CCE bachelor program consist of 73 credits (41.7%
of total 175 credits), which are satisfied by completing twenty-five (25) courses, as
listed in Table 3. Seven (7) of these courses are interdisciplinary courses (coded by
CVE, EMP, INT, MTH, PHY), which are equivalent to 21 credits (12%). All the
discipline core courses are compulsory, and they are designed to provide the student
with the electrical and computer engineering application.

Table 3 Compulsory Courses of Discipline Requirements: Communication and

Computer Engineering (73 Credits, 41.7% of total 175 Credits)
Code Course Title Credits
1 CMPN101 Logic Design-1 3
2 CMPN102 Data Structures and Algorithms 3
3 CMPN103 Programming Techniques 3
4 CMPN201 Microprocessor Systems-1 3
5 CMPN202 Introduction to Database Management Systems 3
6 CMPN211 Microprocessor Systems-2 2
7 CMPN301 Computer Architecture 3
8 CMPN303 Operating Systems 3
9 CMPN405 Computer Networks-1 3
10 CVEN125 Civil Engineering 3
11 ELCN100 Laboratory 2
12 ELCN101 Electronics-1: Basic Electronic Circuits 3
13 ELCN102 Circuits-1 3
14 ELCN112 Circuits-2 3
15 ELCN201 Electronics-2: Analog and Digital Electronics 3
16 ELCN203 Signal Analysis 3
17 ELCN304 Control-1 3
18 ELCN306 Communications-1: Analogue Communications 3
19 ELCN316 Communications-2: Digital Communications 3
20 EMPN125 Electrical Power Engineering 3
21 INTN125 Mechanical Engineering 3
22 MTHN103 Differential Equations 3
23 MTHN104 Discrete Mathematics 3
24 MTHN201 Numerical Analysis 3
25 PHYN102 Modern Physics 3
6.5 Major Requirements
The program offers a major specialty in Communication and Computer Engineering
which requires the successful completion of at least 38 credits (21.7% of total 175
credits), which are divided as follows.
a. CCE-E track requirements:
a1. Seven (7) compulsory courses equivalent to 23 credits (13.1%), as listed in
Table 4a.
a2. Five (5) elective courses equivalent to 15 credits (8.6%), as listed in Table 5a.
b. CCE-C track requirements:
b1. Ten (10) compulsory courses equivalent to 26 credits (14.9%), as listed in
Table 4b.
b2. Four (4) elective courses equivalent to 12 credits (6.9%), as listed in Table 5b.
There is a flexibility of One elective course (whether from CCEE track or CCEC
track) that can be taken so long as the pre-requisite of the course is fulfilled,
i.e. Elective from CCEC track can be taken by students from CCEE track and vice

Table 4a Compulsory Courses of Major Requirements: Communication

Engineering Track CCE-E (23 credits, 13.1% of total 175 credits)
Code Course Title Credits
Electromagnetics-1: Wave Propagation and
1 ELCN205 3
Transmission Lines
2 ELCN301 Electronics-3: Integrated Circuits and Systems 3
3 ELCN305 Electromagnetics-2: Microwave Engineering 4
4 ELCN404 Control-2 4
5 ELCN405 Electromagnetics-3: Antennas 3
6 ELCN406 Communications-3: Wireless communications 3
7 PHYN211 Electromagnetic Fields 3

Table 4b Compulsory Courses of Major Requirements: Computer Engineering

Track CCE-C (26 credits, 14.9% of total 175 credits)
Code Course Title Credits
1 CMPN111 Logic Design-2 2
2 CMPN203 Software Engineering 3
3 CMPN205 Computer Graphics and Man Machine Interfacing 2
4 CMPN302 Design and Analysis of Algorithms 3
5 CMPN306 Advanced Programming Techniques 2
6 CMPN402 Machine Intelligence 3
7 CMPN403 Languages and Compilers 3
8 CMPN407 Computer Modeling and Simulation 3
9 CMPN425 Computer System Consultation 2
10 PHYN212 Electromagnetics for Computer Engineering 3
Cairo University, Faculty of Engineering Section 5- Page 10
Table 5a Elective Courses of Major Requirements: Communication
Engineering Track CCE-E (15 credits, 8.6% of total 175 credits)
Code Course Title Credits Group
1 ELCN314 Computer Control Systems 3
2 ELCN321 VLSI Systems 3
3 ELCN323 Digital Signal Processing 3
4 ELCN325 Acoustics 3
5 ELCN331 Advanced Topics in Electronics-1 3
6 ELCN351 Industrial Electronics 3
7 ELCN416 Communications-4: Applications of Information Theory 3
8 ELCN426 Optical Fiber Communication 3
9 ELCN435 Advanced Topics in Antennas 3
10 ELCN436 Mobile Communications 3 E-2E(1)
11 ELCN441 Advanced Topics in Electronics-2 3
12 ELCN445 Advanced Topics in Microwave and RF Eng 3
13 ELCN446 Advanced Topics in Communications-1 3
14 ELCN451 Advanced Topics in Electronics-3 3
15 ELCN456 Advanced Topics in Communications-2 3
16 ELCN466 Satellite Communications 3
17 ELCN476 Advance Topics in Communications-3 3
18 ELCN414 Advanced topics in Control 3
19 ELCN417 Applications of embedded systems 3
(1) Student selects at least five (5) courses from group E-2E equivalent to 15 credits

Table 5b Elective Courses of Major Requirements: Computer Engineering

Track CCE-C (12 credits, 6.9% of total 175 credits)
Code Course Title Credits Group
1 CMPN206 Multimedia 3
2 CMPN341 Information Technology and Advanced Languages 3
3 CMPN342 Computer Systems Programming 3
4 CMPN343 Computation and Programming Theory 3
5 CMPN401 Advanced Database Systems 3
6 CMPN406 Wireless Mobile Networks 3
7 CMPN415 Computer Networks-2 3
8 CMPN426 Computer Systems Security 3
9 CMPN441 Computer Peripherals 3
10 CMPN442 Fault Tolerant Computing 3

Cairo University, Faculty of Engineering Section 5- Page 11

Code Course Title Credits Group
11 CMPN443 Computer Manufacturing Technology 3
12 CMPN444 Computer Interfacing 3
13 CMPN445 Embedded Systems 3
14 CMPN446 Image Processing and Computer Vision 3
15 CMPN447 Optical Networks 3
High Performance Computing and Parallel
16 CMPN448 3
17 CMPN449 Real Time Computing 3 E-2C(1)
18 CMPN450 Pattern Recognition and Neural Networks 3
19 CMPN451 Data Mining, Big Data and Data Analytics 3
20 CMPN461 Selected Topics in Computer Engineering 3
21 CMPN462 Selected Topics in Information Technology 3
22 CMPN463 Advanced Topics in Computer Engineering 3
(1) Student selects at least four (4) courses from group E-2C equivalent to 12 credits

6.6 Conformity to SCU Requirements

The classification and categorization of the courses offered by the Communication and
Computer Engineering program follow the guidelines provided by the Supreme Council
of Universities (SCU), as shown in Tables 6a and 6b. The classification is based on the
“Sample Study Plan and Course Sequence” described in Section 7. The categorization
is given for the following five student levels according to the regulations of the credit
hours system of education at the Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University:
 Freshman: a student who completed less than 36 credits
 Sophomore: a student who completed more than 35 credits but less than 72 credits
 Junior: a student who completed more than 71 credits but less than 108 credits
 Senior-1: a student who completed more than 107 credits but less than 144 credits
 Senior-2: a student who completed more than 143 credits
The Communication Engineering track (CCE-E) consists of 66 courses: 60 compulsory
courses (154 credits) and 8 elective courses (21 credits). The Computer Engineering
track (CCE-C) consists of 68 courses: 63 compulsory courses (157 credits) and 7
elective courses (18 credits). The total 175 credits of two tracks of the CCE program
are distributed between lectures (LEC) and tutorials (TUT), where a tutorial is classified
as a problem solving session (PSS) and/or a practical work/laboratory session (PLS).
The one credit of a tutorial corresponds to 2-3 hours to provide sufficient practical
training for the students. Thus, the total contact hours of learning are about 278 - 280
hrs. This point is considered to be very positive from an educational point of view.
Table 6a Conformity to Supreme Council Criterion: Track CCE-E

Credits Total



Humanities and Social Sciences 3 2 0 8 4 17 9.71
Basic Sciences 22 15 2 1 3 43 24.57
Engineering Sciences 5 10 17 8 0 40 22.86
Computer Application 2 2 2 3 8 17 9.71
Applied Engineering Sciences 2 3 9 12 13 39 22.29
Projects and Practice 1 3 6 5 4 19 10.86
Discretionary 2 0 2 4 3 11 6.29
Total 35 35 36 37 32 175 100
University Requirements 5 2 0 8 4 19 10.86
College Requirements 30 6 2 3 4 45 25.71
Discipline Requirements 0 27 31 9 6 73 41.71
Major Requirements 0 0 3 17 18 38 21.71
Total 35 35 36 37 32 175 100

Table 6b Conformity to Supreme Council Criterion: Track CCE-C

Credits Total



Humanities and Social Sciences 3 4 2 2 7 18 10.29
Basic Sciences 22 9 6 3 0 40 22.86
Engineering Sciences 7 13 11 7 3 41 23.43
Computer Application 2 2 4 4 4 16 9.14
Applied Engineering Sciences 1 4 8 13 9 35 20
Projects and Practice 0 4 7 9 5 25 14.29
Discretionary 2 0 2 3 5 12 6.86
Total 35 36 38 38 28 175 100
University Requirements 5 4 2 2 6 19 10.86
College Requirements 30 3 1 6 5 45 25.71
Discipline Requirements 0 29 26 15 3 73 41.71
Major Requirements 0 0 9 15 14 38 21.71
Total 35 36 38 38 28 175 100
A sample study plan for the CCE program is presented as one recommended
sequence to complete the graduation requirements over 10 main semesters, the Fall
and Spring semesters per academic year. Since the program is based on the credit
hours system of education, the student does not have to take the courses during the
semester indicated in the study plan as long as the course prerequisites are satisfied.
The CCE curriculum encourages students to interact with the industrial sector and
government agencies by offering two industrial training courses in at least two summer
sessions. Also, the curriculum gives the student the opportunity to select courses from
a number of electives. The students will be trained on teamwork and be exposed to
projects about Communication and Computer Engineering during their practical training
and graduation projects.

Freshman Year Course Schedule

Semester-1: Fall Semester-2:
Course Course
Code Code
1. MECN001 2 MECN002 2(1)
2. MTHN001 3 CHEN001 3
3. MTHN002 3 MTHN003 3(2)
4. PHYN001 3 PHYN002 3
MDPN001 3 MDPN002 3
MDPN002 3 MDPN001 3
6. GENN005 2 GENN001 1
GENN004 2 GENN003 2
GENN003 2 GENN004 2
Semester Credit
18 17
(1) Course MECN002 has a prerequisite course MECN001
(2) Course MTHN003 has a prerequisite course MTHN002
CCE Program Study Plan: Track CCE-E
Semester-3: Fall Semester-4: Semester-5: Fall Semester-6:
Spring Spring
Course Course Course Course
Code Code Code Code
1. PHYN102 3 ELCN102 3 ELCN112 3 ELCN306 3
2. CMPN101 3 CMPN102 3 CMPN201 3 PHYN211 3
3. CMPN103 3 MTHN203 3 CMPN202 3 CMPN211 2
4. CVEN125 3 INTN125 3 ELCN203 3 ELCN304 3
5. MTHN102 3 MTHN103 3 ELCN100 2 CMPN301 3
6. MTHN104 3 GENN102 2 EPMN125 3 ELCN101 3
7. -------------- ------ -------------- ------ -------------- ------ CCEN281(1) 1
8. -------------- ------ -------------- ------ -------------- ------ CCEN280 1
Semester Credit
18 17 17 18+1(1)

Semester-7: Fall Semester-8: Spring Semester-9: Fall Semester-10:

Course Course Course Course
Code Code Code Code
1. ELCN205 3 ELCN404 4 MTHN201 3 CCEN481 3
2. CMPN303 3 ELCN305 4 ELCN405 3 ELCNXXX(3) 3
3. ELCN316 3 ELCN301 3 CMPN405 3 ELCNXXX(3) 3
4. ELCNXXX(3) 3 CCEN380 1 ELCNXXX(3) 3 GENNXXX(2) 2
5. GENN201 2 GENN326(2) 2 ELCNXXX(3) 3 ELCN406 3
6. ELCN201 3 GENNXXX(2) 2 GENN224 2 -------------- ------
7. -------------- ------ GENN210 2 CCEN480 1 -------------- ------
-------------- ------ CCEN381(1) 2 -------------- ------ -------------- ------
Semester Credit
17 18+2(1) 18 14

(0) Industrial training courses to be completed in the summer sessions
(1) General elective course (group E-1, 2 credits per course): GENN301,
GENN310, GENN311, GENN321, GENN326, GENN327, GENN331, GENN332,
(2) Major elective course (group E-2E, 3 credits per course): ELCN314, ELCN321,
ELCN323, ELCN325, ELCN331, ELCN351, ELCN416, ELCN426, ELCN435,
ELCN436, ELCN441, ELCN445, ELCN446, ELCN451, ELCN456, ELCN466,
ELCN476, ELCN414, ELCN417
CCE Program Study Plan: Track CCE-C
Semester-3: Fall Semester-4: Semester-5: Fall Semester-6: Spring
Course Course Course Course
Code Code Code Code
1. ELCN102 3 CMPN102 3 CMPN201 3 CMPN211 2
2. CMPN101 3 ELCN100 2 CMPN202 3 CMPN303 3
3. CMPN103 3 CEVN125 3 CMPN302 3 CMPN203 3
4. INTN125 3 ELCN112 3 ELCN101 3 ELCN201 3
5. MTHN102 3 PHY102 3 MTHN201 3 GENN201 2
6. GENN102 2 Genn201 2 MTHN104 2 EMPN125 3
7. -------------- ------ MTHN103 3 -------------- ------ PHYN212 3
8. -------------- ------ -------------- ------ -------------- ------ CCEN281(0) 1
Semester Credit
17 19 18 19+1(1)

Semester-7: Semester-8: Semester-10:

Semester-9: Fall
Fall Spring Spring
Course Course Course Course
Code Code Code Code
1. CMPN111 2 CMPN402 3 CMPN425 2 CCEN481 3
2. CMPN205 2 CMPN306 2 CMPN407 3 CMPNXXX 3
3. CMPN405 3 CMPN301 3 CMPN403 3 GENNXXX(2) 2
5. ELCN203 3 ELCN304 3 ELCN316 3 ------------ ------
6 MTHN203 3 ELCN306 3 GENN326 2 ------------ ------
7. GENN224 2 CCEN280 1 CCEN480 1 ------------ ------
8. ------------ ----- CCEN381(0) 2 CCEN380 1 ------------ ------
Semester Credit
18 18+2(1) 18 10

(0) Industrial training courses to be completed in the summer sessions
(1) General elective course (group E-1, 2 credits per course): GENN301,
GENN310, GENN311, GENN321, GENN326, GENN327, GENN331, GENN332
(CCE-C students are advised to study the course GENN326)
(2) Major elective course (group E-2C, 3 credits per course): CMPN206,
CMPN341, CMPN342, CMPN343, CMPN401, CMPN406, CMPN415, CMPN426,
CMPN441, CMPN442, CMPN443, CMPN444, CMPN445, CMPN446, CMPN447,
CMPN448, CMPN449, CMPN450, CMPN451, CMPN461, CMPN462, CMPN463
8.1 University-Core Courses
GENN001 History of Science and Engineering
Compulsory, Credits: 1 (1+0+0)
Prerequisite(s): none
History of Technology: Engineering and technology in a cultural, social,
and historical context. Development of technology as a key to history of
civilization in a comparative perspective - Exploring Humanities: Modes of
thought found within humanities and social sciences. Humanities for
Engineers: Humanities themes of increased complexity - Different work
methodologies - Critical analysis of information & choice of argumentation
- Work methodologies and pedagogical interest.
GENN003 Basic Engineering Design
Compulsory, Credits: 2 (2+0+0)
Prerequisite(s): none
Introduction to Design: Problem description and Introduction to Internet
communication - Project Management: Project Management Application,
Problem Solving Techniques: Problem Definition, Design Constraints -
Creative Thinking and Problem Solving: Introduction to critical and
creative thinking, nature of design problems - Brainstorming seminar, list
of possible and impossible solutions and generating Ideas - Creative
Thinking and Decision making: Product life cycles , Selection of idea (s),
Final decision matrix, Justify decision - The Design Matrix: Context,
purpose and requirements of engineering design - Analyze selected
solution/preliminary design - Automated Design & the Positive Attitudes
for Creativity - Systematic generation and evaluation of ideas.
GENN004 Computers for Engineers
Compulsory, Credits: 2 (1+0+3)
Prerequisite(s): none
Developing basic concepts of algorithmic thinking to solve problems of
relevance in engineering practice and implementing these algorithms
using high-level computer language. Using data types, input/output
commands, loops, control structures, functions, arrays, and other
programming language constructs in a computer program. Evaluating and
interpreting the results of programming work.
GENN005 Technical Writing
Compulsory, Credits: 2 (2+0+0)
Prerequisite(s): Passing required exam held in the University
Discovering and outlining ideas. Organizing outlines. Ways To begin the
three parts of technical writing. Writing abstracts, summaries, and
conclusions of long reports. The thesis statement. Forms: letters, memos,
reports, scientific articles, job description, CV, references and footnotes.
Selection of key words, titles, and subtitles. Editing, revising and proof-
reading techniques. Electronic word processing and technical writing,
vocabulary building, and basic types and patterns of argument.
GENN102 Fundamentals of Management
Compulsory, Credits: 2 (2+0+0)
Prerequisite(s): 28 credits
Introduction to management, Historical view and evolution of concepts.
Basic Managerial Functions: Planning, Strategies, Objectives, MBO;
Organizing, Departmentation, Job Description; Elements of Human
Resource Management: Staffing, Directing, Controlling. Total Quality
Management, Continuous Improvement. Engineering Applications.
GENN201 Communication and Presentation Skills
Compulsory, Credits: 2 (2+0+0)
Prerequisite(s): GENN005
Analyzing the audience. Selecting presentation topics and objectives.
Recognizing different types of speeches and presentations. Overcoming
nervousness and developing confidence while addressing an audience.
Researching and generating information for informative presentations.
Chucking presentation content. Designing effective visual aids. Using
explicit and effective transitions throughout a presentation. Creating
benefit statements for persuasive presentations. Using persuasive devices
such as pathos and logos in speeches. Planning and delivering
informative, persuasive, entertaining and inspiring presentations. Handling
question and answer sessions effectively.
GENN210 Risk Management and Environment
Compulsory, Credits: 2 (2+0+0)
Prerequisite(s): GENN102
Risk Management: Introduction. Risk Definition. Basic Axioms Behind
Risk Management. Systemic Approach to Handling Risk . Principle of
Risk Management: Identification of Risks. Preliminary Risk Analysis
(PRA). Risk Assessment. Risk Evaluation. Risk Control. Hierarchies of
Control. Monitoring and Reviewing. Documentation. Study of a practical
problem in which the student applies Basic Risk Management
Environment: Environmental Systems: Local, Regional and Global.
Influence of Air Pollutants on the, Environment, Water Pollutants,
Industrial Waste, Hazardous Wastes, Management of Pollutant Releases,
Pollution Prevention, Recycling of Waste Materials, Waste Treatment
Technologies, Ultimate Disposal of Wastes, Water Treatment
Technologies. Control of Air Pollution, Contaminated Land and Its
Reclamation, Principals and Uses of the Environmental Risk Assessment,
Environmental Risk Assessment Methodology, Environmental Impact
Assessment Environmental Health Risk Assessment. National and
International regulations.
GENN224 Fundamentals of Economics and Accounting
Compulsory, Credits: 2(2+0+0)
Prerequisites (s): 42
The main objective of this course is to provide engineers with the basic
concepts of Economics and Accounting where the engineer has to be
able of conceiving a business’ vision from financial & strategic dimensions
alongside to his/her technical skills.
The course includes introduction to financial accounting, overview of
managerial accounting, and economic concepts. The financial accounting
includes the accounting cycle and financial statements. It also includes
financial ratios for measuring the organization’s performance. The
Managerial accounting and behavior of cost includes the cost volume
relationships and its further use in Budgeting & Forecasting.
Economic concepts are addressed in microeconomics & macroeconomics
where microeconomics includes the basic principles of economics, theory,
assumptions, and models of economics as a social science, it also
includes market forces of supply and demand, and elasticity & its
applications. Another important topic addressed in this part is the
competitive markets where decisions regarding maximizing profit, shutting
down or exiting the market are discussed through computational methods
& formulas. Macroeconomics includes measuring the nation’s income
where it explains the gross domestic product (GDP), its components &
GENN301 Ethics and Legislation
Elective (group E-1), Credits: 2 (2+0+0)
Prerequisite(s): 80 credits
Engineering profession: Ethical issues in engineering practice. Conflicts
between business demands and professional ideals. Social and ethical
Responsibilities of Technologists. Codes of professional ethics. Case
studies. Value Crisis in contemporary society. Nature of values:
Psychological values, Societal values, Aesthetic values, Moral and ethical
values. Work ethics and professional ethics.
The legal rule: Mandatory and complementary. Sources of Law. Formal
sources: Statutory Law, Custom, the Principles of natural Law and rules of
justice. Informal sources: Jurisprudence, Doctrine. Application of Law.
Holders of right; Natural persons, Juristic persons. Theory of Obligation;
definition, forms. Sources of Obligations. The contract; Parties, Formation,
Validity, Effect, and compensation of Damage. Introduction to Engineering
Contracts. Contracting Contract.
GENN303 Critical Thinking
Elective (group E-1), Credits: 2 (2+0+0)
Prerequisite(s): GENN003
The aim of the course is to apply critical thinking in the context of problem
solving in the engineering field. Critical thinking and abstract thought are
invaluable tools, which complement an engineer’s technical expertise.
Critical Thinking is the intellectually disciplined process of actively and
skillfully conceptualizing, applying, analyzing, synthesizing, and/or
evaluating information gathered from, or generated by, observation,
experience, reflection, reasoning, or communication, as a guide to belief
and action. The following terms and applications are also discussed:
Analysis, breaking down the problem into parts and finding the
relationships between them; Synthesis, thinking about other ways to solve
the problem either by incorporating new information or combining the
parts in a different way; and finally, Evaluation is making a judgment
about the results using the evidence at hand.
GENN305 Interdisciplinary Project
Elective (group E-1), Credits: 2 (2+0+0)
Prerequisite(s): 108 credits
The course aims to give students more space for creativity, out of box
thinking, collaboration and involvement in team work. It’s a free
specialization course where the subject is to be determined by the student
team. The team consists of up to 6 students and minimum of 4 students.
A maximum of two students of the same credit hour program can be
members of the same student team. The team shall register the topic of
the project with the course coordinator and follow up with him/her at least
3 times during the semester. No mid-term Exam for the course and the
final Exam jury will be nominated by the course coordinator depending on
the project subject, but not necessarily on the student(s) cr. Hr. program.
The course is graded as a normal graded course. Final grade consists of:
20% for Semester work + 80% for Final Exam.

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GENN310 Advanced Risk Management
Elective (group E-1), Credits: 2 (2+0+0)
Prerequisite(s): GENN210 + MTHN203
Review of the Basic Risk Axioms and Concepts. Evolution of Risk
Concepts and Terminology. Financial and Industrial Risk: Comparison
and Contrast. Probabilistic Nature of Risk. System Decomposition. Legal
and Regulatory Risks. Tools for Risk Assessment: Probability and
Consequences: Event Tree, Fault Tree, FMECA, FEMEA, MOSAR (The
French Approach), Simulation, Optimization and Operations Research.
HACCP: principles and applications. HAZOP.Qualitative and Quantitative
Risk Assessments (QRA). Quantitative Risk Assessment: Qualitative
Aspects of System Analysis (Quantification of Basic Events. Confidence
Interval. Quantitative Aspects of System Analysis. System Quantification
for Dependent Events. Human Reliability. Uncertainty Quantification).
Operational Risk. Reporting Risk Operations. Sectoral Risk Management.
Specific Risk Topics: Risk Specific to Confined Spaces. The Special Case
of BLEVE and Explosive Mixtures. Social and Psychological Risk. Social
Risk Management and Social Protection. Disaster Risk Management and
Vulnerability Reduction. Can Risk be a Management Style?
GENN311 Technical Writing in Arabic
Elective (group E-1), Credits: 2 (2+0+0)
Prerequisite(s): GENN005 + 80 credits
Review of the Basics of Arabic Grammar and Mechanics. Writing Effective
Sentences and Paragraphs Using Arabic Language. Discovering and
Outlining Ideas. Writing Abstracts, Summaries, and Conclusions of Long
Reports. The thesis Statement. Writing Technical Forms Using Arabic
Language: Letters, Memos, Reports, Scientific Articles, Job Description,
CV. Writing References and Footnotes. Selection of Key Words, Titles
and Subtitles. Editing, Revising and Proofreading Techniques. Electronic
Word Processing and Technical Writing. Integrating Graphs, Tables and
Charts in Technical Documents. Vocabulary Building. Basic Types and
Patterns of Argument: Terminology, Building Sub-Arguments of Fact and
‫ األخطاء الشائعة فى استخدامات ا لغة العربية‬- ‫مراجعة أسس القواعد النحوية و ميكانيكيات ا لغة العربية‬
s،‫ كتابة مقدمات‬- )‫ خلق األفكار (التفاكر‬- ‫ كتابة جمل وفقرات صحيحة وفعالة باستخدام ا لغة العربية‬-
،‫ الرسائل‬:‫ة‬s s‫ العربي‬s‫ة‬s ‫ة با لغ‬s s‫كال الكتاب‬s ‫ أش‬- ‫ة األبحاث‬s s ‫ كتاب‬- ‫ارير‬ss‫ر الكلمات ملخصات و خاتمات التق‬s‫ا‬s s‫ اختي‬-
‫ة‬s ‫يرة الذاتي‬s ‫ة الس‬s s‫ كتاب‬،‫وظيفي‬s ‫ الوصف ال‬،‫ة‬s ‫ المقاالت العلمي‬،‫ارير‬s‫راءة التق‬ss‫ة و الق‬s‫ر و المراجع‬s ‫ قت نيات التحري‬،‫المذكرات‬
- ‫ة‬ss‫ الرسوم و الجداول و المخططات البيانية في المفتاحية و كذلك العناوين الرئيسية والفرعي‬- ‫وتوثيق المراجع اإلليكترونية‬
‫ة‬s ‫ة معالج‬s s ‫ إمكاني‬- ‫ة‬s s‫ االحترافي‬s‫ة‬s s ‫ية والمبدئي‬ss‫اط و األساليب األساس‬s‫ تعلم االنم‬- ‫ة من الكلمات والمفردات‬s s ‫رف على لغوي‬ss‫التع‬
‫ بناء حصيلة‬- ‫لكتابة الوثائق الفنية‬s‫النصوص وا‬
.‫لنقاش من حيث المنهجية والبناء‬
GENN321 Foreign Language
Elective (group E-1), Credits: 2 (2+0+0)
Prerequisite(s): GENN201
Emphasizing the development of student’s communicative skills to speak,
listen, read and write in languages other than Arabic and English, such as

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French, German, Spanish, Italian, Japanese, Chinese, etc, and to study
cultural characteristics of such foreign languages from historical,
geographical, literature, economic, and social viewpoints. Topics include,
but not limited to, the basics of language grammar and mechanics, writing
effective sentences and paragraphs, vocabulary building, writing technical
engineering documents and writing technical forms: letters, memos,
reports, scientific articles, job description, resumes and curriculum vitas.
GENN326 Marketing
Elective (group E-1), Credits: 2 (2+0+0)
Prerequisite(s): GENN102 + 80 credits
Introduction. The Field of Sales; Strategic Sales Force Management.
The Personal Selling Process and Sales Force Organization. Profiling and
Recruiting Salespeople; Selecting and Hiring Applicants, Developing the
Sales Program, Sales Force Motivation, Sales Force Compensation,
Expenses and Transportation; Leadership of a Sales Force, Forecasting
Sales and Developing Budgets; Sales Territories, Analysis of Sales
Volume, Marketing Cost & Profitability Analysis, Performance Evaluation;
Ethical and Legal Responsibilities tender writing.
GENN327 Selections of Life-Long Skills
Elective (group E-1), Credits: 2 (2+0+0)
Prerequisite(s): GENN201
Communicating Clearly - Managing Time and Resources - Making
Decisions - Delegating Successfully - Motivating People - Managing
Teams - Negotiating Successfully - Minimizing Stress - Getting Organized
- Managing Changes - Interviewing People - Managing Your Career -
Balancing Work and Life - Thinking Creativity and Innovation - Influencing
People – Systems Thinking – Interpersonal Management Skills –
Entrepreneurial Skills.
GENN328 Scientific Research Methods
Elective (group E-1), Credits: 2 (2+0+0)
Prerequisite(s): 108 credits
Course covers the process of scientific knowledge and practical
implementation, underlying research methodology issues. To develop a
critical and questioning mindset, critical understanding of issues related to
research questions, literature review, methodological design, data
collection, analysis and conclusion. Moving you toward fulfillment of the
publication and dissertation requirements, perhaps will turn you into a
‘Researcher’. All of which to use content to solve technical, practical, and
life problems.
GENN331 Business Communication
Elective (group E-1), Credits: 2 (2+0+0)
Prerequisite(s): GENN201
Skills for effective communication in the workplace; constructing and
delivering persuasive business presentations; theoretical and experiential
knowledge of argumentation and debate for informal and formal
presentations; style, layout, and convention of business writing; writing
business proposals, progress reports, and feasibility reports; common
areas of miscommunication.
GENN332 Service Management
Elective (group E-1), Credits: 2 (2+0+0)
Prerequisite(s): GENN102 + 80 credits
Role of services in the economy, The nature of services, Service quality,
Service Strategy, Developing new services, The role of technology in
supporting service delivery, Design of services, Capacity planning and
managing queues, Quantitative methods for service management.
GENN333 Creativity, Art & Design
Elective (group E-1), Credits: 2 (1+3+0)
Prerequisite(s): AA APROVAL
This course will provide entry level visualization, communication and
design skills for a wide variety of fields including: mechanical engineering,
architecture, interior and furniture design, graphic design, package
design, marketing, visual arts, …etc.
It will help produce innovative creative and artistic projects.
To develop basic thinking, visualizing and problem-solving skills , in order
to apply these skills to a realistic simple creative project ex. exhibit design,
landscape design, furniture design, … etc
GENN380 Thesis Writing for GP
Elective (group E-1), Credits: 2 (1+3+0)
Prerequisite(s): GENN005, AA Approval [registering in GP1]
The thesis writing course is a capstone project, presenting a well-argued
piece of research on a precise architectural/engineering theme or topic
independently selected by the student. The student acquires the main
scientific writing skills of typical dissertations through the course to finally
submit a scientific paper of 10,000 words. The student goes through the
formulation of the different phases of writing starting from having an
argument, writing an abstract, developing methodologies and then going
through literature review, together with critical analysis of information and
relevant case studies to end with developing empirical/ applied studies.

8.2 College-Core Courses

CHEN001 Chemistry
Compulsory, Credits: 3 (2+2+1)
Prerequisite(s): none
Gases; Applications to gaseous law; Mass balance and heat balance in
combustion processes of fuels; Solutions & separation techniques;
Applications to electrochemistry; Corrosion; Water treatment; Building
materials; Environmental Engineering; Selected chemical industries:
fertilizers, dyes, polymers, sugar, petro-chemicals, semi-conductors, oil
and fats, industrial systems; Chemical Vapor deposition.
GENN003 Basic Engineering Design
Compulsory, Credits: 2 (2+0+0)
Prerequisite(s): none
Introduction to Design: Problem description and Introduction to Internet
communication - Project Management: Project Management Application,
Problem Solving Techniques: Problem Definition, Design Constraints -
Creative Thinking and Problem Solving: Introduction to critical and
creative thinking, nature of design problems - Brainstorming seminar, list
of possible and impossible solutions and generating Ideas - Creative
Thinking and Decision making: Product life cycles , Selection of idea (s),
Final decision matrix, Justify decision - The Design Matrix: Context,
purpose and requirements of engineering design - Analyze selected
solution/preliminary design - Automated Design & the Positive Attitudes
for Creativity - Systematic generation and evaluation of ideas.
MDPN001 Engineering Graphics
Compulsory, Credits: 3 (1+0+4)
Prerequisite(s): none
Techniques and skills of engineering drawing, normal and auxiliary
projections. Solid geometry. Intersections between planes and solids.
Development, sectioning. Drawing and joining of steel frames. Assembly
drawing of some mechanical parts. Drawing of Architectural projections
and reading of blueprints.
MDPN002 Fundamentals of Manufacturing Engineering
Compulsory, Credits: 3 (2+1+2)
Prerequisite(s): none
Engineering Materials - Elements of Manufacturing Processes, material
flow, energy flow and information flow - Forming in the liquid state,
Casting and molding processes - Forming in the solid state, metal
forming, forming of plastics and powder metallurgy - Material Joining
processes, welding, soldering and brazing, riveting, joining by mechanical
elements, assembly processes - Material removal processes, metal
cutting and finishing processes - Computer applications in manufacturing -
MECN001 Term mini-project.
Mechanics-1 (Statics)
Compulsory, Credits: 2 (1+3+0)
Prerequisite(s): none
Statics of particles, forces in three-dimensions, vector algebra;
equivalent systems of forces, resultant of a group of forces, moments of
forces, moment of a couple, reduction of a system of forces, wrench;
equilibrium of rigid bodies in two dimensions, reactions at supports and
connections for a 2D structure, 2D trusses, equilibrium of rigid bodies in
three dimensions, reactions at supports and connections for a three
dimensional structure; centroids and centers of gravity, center of gravity
of 2D bodies, centroids of areas and lines, first moments of areas and
lines, composite plates and wires; moments of inertia, moments of inertia
of areas, second moment, or moment of inertia of an area, polar moment
of inertia, radius of gyration of an area, parallel-axis theorem, moments
of inertia of composite areas, product of inertia, principal axes and
principal moments of inertia, moments of inertia of masses, moment of
inertia of a mass, parallel axis theorem, moments of inertia of thin plates,
moments of inertia of composite bodies, mass product of inertia, principal
axes and principal moments of inertia.
MECN002 Mechanics-2 (Dynamics)
Compulsory, Credits: 2 (1+2+1)
Prerequisite(s): MECN001
Kinematics of particles: rectilinear motion of particles, position, velocity
and acceleration, uniform rectilinear motion, uniformly accelerated
rectilinear motion, curvilinear motion, derivatives of vector functions,
rectangular components of velocity and acceleration, relative motion,
tangential and normal components of acceleration, motion of a particle in
a circular path, velocity and acceleration of a particle in polar
coordinates. Kinetics of particles: Newton’s second law, linear
momentum of a particle, equations of motion with applications in
Cartesian coordinates, tangential and normal directions, polar
coordinates, free vibrations of particles, simple harmonic motion; energy
& momentum methods, work of a force, kinetic energy of a particle,
principle of work and energy, applications, power and efficiency, potential
energy, conservation of energy, principle of impulse and momentum,
impulsive motion, impact, direct central impact and coefficient of
MTHN001 restitution,
Introduction oblique central
to Linear impact.and Analytic Geometry
Compulsory, Credits: 3 (2+3+0)
Prerequisite(s): none
Matrix algebra, determinants, inverse of a matrix, row equivalence,
elementary matrices, solutions of linear systems of equations; parabola,
ellipse and hyperbola, eccentricity and conic sections; quadratic
equations; solid geometry, line, plane, quadratic surfaces.
MTHN002 Calculus I
Compulsory, Credits: 3 (2+3+0)
Prerequisite(s): none
Functions, graphing of functions, combining functions, trigonometric
functions; limits and continuity; differentiation; inverse functions;
exponential and logarithmic functions; inverse trigonometric functions;
hyperbolic and inverse hyperbolic functions; indeterminate forms and
L’Hopital's rule; Taylor and Maclaurin expansions.
MTHN003 Calculus II
Compulsory, Credits: 3 (2+3+0)
Prerequisite(s): MTHN002
Anti-derivatives; indefinite integrals; techniques of integration; definite
integrals, applications of definite integrals; functions of several variables;
partial derivatives, applications for partial derivatives.
MTHN102 Multivariable Calculus and Linear Algebra
Compulsory, Credits: 3 (2+3+0)
Prerequisite(s): MTHN001 + MTHN003
Double integrals, double integrals in polar coordinates; triple integrals,
triple integrals in spherical and cylindrical coordinates; applications of
double and triple integrals; line and surface integrals; vector analysis,
gradient of a scalar function, divergence of a vector, curl of a vector,
divergence and Stokes’ theorems, vector identities; LU-factorization;
vector spaces; inner product spaces; eigenvalues and eigenvectors;
diagonalization of matrices; functions of matrices.
MTHN203 Probability and Statistics
Compulsory, Credits: 3 (2+3+0)
Prerequisite(s): MTHN102
Probability axioms; probability laws; conditional probability; random
variables; discrete and continuous distributions; joint distribution;
computer simulation; sampling; measures of location and variability;
parameter estimation, testing of hypothesis.
PHYN001 Mechanics, Oscillations, Waves and Thermodynamics
Compulsory, Credits: 3 (2+2+1)
Prerequisite(s): none
Physics and measurements; elastic properties of solids; universal
gravitation and motion of planets; fluid mechanics (statics and
dynamics); oscillatory motion; wave motion, sound waves; thermo-
dynamics, temperature, heat and the first law of thermodynamics, the
kinetic theory of gases, heat engines, entropy and the second law of
thermodynamics. Laboratory experiments on course topics.
PHYN002 Electricity and Magnetism
Compulsory, Credits: 3 (2+2+1)
Prerequisite(s): none
Electric field; Gauss’ law; electrostatic potential; capacitance and dielectrics;
current and resistance; direct current circuits; magnetic fields, sources of
magnetic field; Faraday’s law; Maxwell’s equations; inductances; magnetic
properties of matter. Laboratory experiments on the course topics.
CCEN280 Engineering Seminar
Compulsory, Credits: 1 (1+0+0)
Prerequisite(s): 72 credits + AA Approval
Talks and presentations are invited from industrial establishments
relevant to the program. The guest speaker should discuss the
organization, management, and recent technologies implemented in
his/her industrial establishment. Students exercise writing brief technical
reports on the guest presentation and deliver their own presentation
about the topic. The course is graded as Pass/Fail grade-system.
CCEN380 Seminar for CCE
Compulsory, Credits: 1 (1+0+0)
Prerequisite(s): CCEN280
Students will be required to present seminars on a subject assigned to
(or chosen by) them about the latest technology relevant to the program.
The grade depends on organization, quality, and content of both the
presentation and the report prepared by the student. The course is
graded as Pass/Fail grade-system.
CCEN281 Industrial Training-1
Compulsory, Credits: 1(0+0+0)
Prerequisite(s): 72 credits + AA Approval
Training on industrial establishments relevant to the program. Training
lasts for total of 90 hours, during a period about three weeks. The
program training advisor schedules at least one follow up visit to the
training venue and formally report on performance of trainee(s). A Mentor
in the industrial establishment provides a formal report on the student's
performance during training. The student submits a formal report and
presentation to be evaluated by a panel of three members with one
member being an external examiner appointed from industry or other
colleges of engineering. The course is graded as Pass/Fail grade-
CCEN381 Industrial Training-2
Compulsory, Credits: 2 (0+0+0)
Prerequisite(s): CCEN281 + AA Approval
Training on industrial establishments relevant to the program. Training
lasts for total of 180 hours, during a minimum period of six weeks. The
program training advisor schedules at least two follow-up visits to the
training venue and formally report on performance of trainee(s). A Mentor
in the industrial establishment provides a formal report on the student's
performance during training. The student submits a formal report and
presentation to be evaluated by a panel of three members with one
member being an external examiner appointed from industry or other
colleges of engineering. The course is graded as Pass/Fail grade-
CCEN480 Graduation Project-1
Compulsory, Credits: 1 (0+0+3)
Prerequisite(s): 130 credits + AA Approval
Students undertake a major project as part of the program. The aim of
the project is to provide the students, who work in groups, with an
opportunity to implement appropriate concepts and techniques to a
particular design. Students are required to select and research the
expected project to be designed and implemented in the following course
Graduation Project-2. The student should give an oral presentation to be
approved. The course is graded as Pass/Fail grade-system.
CCEN481 Graduation Project-2
Compulsory, Credits: 3 (1+0+6)
Prerequisite(s): CCEN480 + AA Approval
All students undertake a major project as part of the program. The aim of
the project is to provide the students, who work in groups, with an
opportunity to implement the appropriate concepts and techniques to a
particular design. A dissertation on the project is submitted on which the
student is examined orally.

8.3 Discipline Courses

CMPN101 Logic Design-1
Compulsory, Credits: 3 (2+1+2)
Prerequisite(s): PHYN002
Number systems and data representation - Boolean algebra -
simplification of Boolean functions - logic gates - combinational and
sequential logic circuits – Registers, counters, and adders – Memory
CMPN102 Data Structures and Algorithms
Compulsory, Credits: 3 (2+1+2)
Prerequisite(s): MTHN003+ GENN004+CMPN103
Data types and representation – file structures- data structures
representation in storage media and memory allocation- linear lists -
stacks - queues - memory allocation - trees - graphs - Hashing -
searching, sorting algorithms and their analysis-programming project
CMPN103 Programming Techniques
Compulsory, Credits: 3 (2+1+2)
Pre-requisites: MTHN003 + GENN004
Introduction to software design - evolution and comparison of programming
languages - types and characteristics of translators - structured
programming - function versus object oriented programming- introduction
to parallel programming- program maintenance & testing - documentation -
numerical and non-numerical examples-programming project.
CMPN201 Microprocessor Systems-1
Compulsory, Credits: 3 (2+1+2)
Prerequisite(s): CMPN101
Computer architecture - CPU architecture - fetch-decode-execute cycle -
addressing modes - instruction set - memories (RAM-ROM-Cache-Flash) -
memory interfacing - timing diagrams - assembly language - instruction
formats - data representation - arithmetic operations
CMPN202 Introduction to Database Management Systems
Compulsory, Credits: 3 (2+1+2)
Prerequisite(s): CMPN103
Basic database concepts - data structures and operations - data modeling
- database system architecture - data definition and data manipulation
languages - query languages including Algebra and SQL - software
package training

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CMPN211 Microprocessor Systems-2
Compulsory, Credits: 2 (1+1+2)
Prerequisite(s): CMPN201
Program controlled and interrupt driven I/O - I/O interfacing - connection
of terminals, discs and I/O ports - assembly language - macros and
kernels - introduction to embedded systems.
CMPN301 Computer Architecture
Compulsory, Credits: 3 (2+1+2)
Prerequisite(s): CMPN201+MTHN104
Computer arithmetic - design of ALU - pipelined ALU and processor –
multiprocessors - multicomputers control unit - instruction repertoires
(RISC, CISC) - interrupt circuits - bus synchronization - I/O devices -
channels - memory architectures - connection of computer peripherals -
Distributed Systems- parallel processors architecture - scalable computer
platforms - vector processors - vectorizing compilers - systolic arrays -
loosely and tightly coupled processors - symmetric and CC-NUMA
multiprocessors- data flow machines - interconnecting networks -
clustering - parallel programming - performance evaluation - case studies
CMPN303 Operating Systems
Compulsory, Credits: 3 (2+1+2)
Pre-requisites: CMPN103 + MTHN104
Types of operating systems - functions of operating systems - process
states - memory management - virtual memory - processor management -
process scheduling - case study (Unix)- Real Time Operating systems-
Multithreading. Multiprocessor systems - device management - deadlock
prevention - file systems - system resilience - network and distributed
operating systems - programming project.
CMPN405 Computer Networks-1
Compulsory, Credits: 3 (2+1+2)
Prerequisite(s): CMPN102+CMPN201
Seven layer communication model - network architecture and protocols
routing techniques and algorithms - network planning and design -
Network layers, TCP / IP Network protocol, Routing protocols, Network
Design, Network Management, Congestion, Examples of LAN's and
WAN's, High Speed Networks, Other Network Protocols.
CVEN125 Civil Engineering
Compulsory, Credits: 3 (2+2+1)
Prerequisite(s): MECN001
Buildings: types of buildings, items within a building, types of foundations,
building materials with emphasis on concrete and testing, insulation against
heat moisture, noise and pollution, Principles of fire protection, tender
Surveying: Principles & applications of surveying sciences with emphasis
on plane surveying, Popular techniques and engineering uses of distance,
angles and height difference measurements. Applications of mapping,
earthwork computations, setting out engineering structures, Integrated
digital surveying and mapping using total station, Internet resources.
Structures: Types of structures, loads, supports, reactions, internal forces,
analysis of beams, frames, trusses. Beams subjected to moving loads.
ELCN100 Laboratory
Compulsory, Credits: 2 (1+0+3)
Prerequisite(s): ELCN102 + CMPN101
Introduction about using electronic equipments (A.C. and D.C. power
supplies, oscilloscopes), filter circuits, half wave and full wave rectifier
circuits, oscillators, logic gates, half adder and full adder circuits, counters
ELCN101 Electronics-1: Basic Electronic Circuits
Compulsory, Credits: 3 (2+3+0)
Prerequisite(s): PHYN102+ ELCN102
Diode circuit applications – Bipolar junction transistor (BJT) - Metal oxide
semiconductor transistor (MOST): physical structure, basic configuration,
I-V characteristics, biasing - small signal equivalent circuit - Biasing
techniques (current source biasing) – Single stage amplifiers – Active
ELCN102 Circuits-1
Compulsory, Credits: 3 (2+3+0)
Prerequisite(s): MTHN003
Analysis of resistive circuits by simplifications – Network theorems –
Analysis of circuits with AC excitation in the time domain – Analysis of AC
circuits in the frequency domain – Analysis of AC circuits using circuit
theorems, loop and mode analysis – Maximum power transfer – RLC
circuits – Magnetically coupled circuits - Three phase circuits.
ELCN112 Circuits-2
Compulsory, Credits: 3 (2+3+0)
Prerequisite(s): ELCN102 + MTHN102
Series and parallel resonant circuits – Application on passive filters – Two
port circuits – Fourier and harmonic analysis – Application of Laplace
transforms to circuit analysis – Circuit synthesis – Synthesis of lossless
ELCN201 Electronics-2: Analog and Digital Electronics
Compulsory, Credits: 3 (2+2+1)
Prerequisite(s): ELCN101
Multistage amplifiers and composite circuits - Current mirrors – High
frequency analysis and frequency response – Differential amplifiers -
Feedback amplifiers - Digital logic gates – Sequential circuits (flip-flops,
shift registers, counters) – Power amplifiers

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ELCN203 Signal Analysis
Compulsory, Credits: 3 (2+3+0)
Prerequisite(s): ELCN102 + MTHN102
Continuous time and discrete time signals and systems - basic system
properties - Linear Time Invariant Systems – The C.T and D.T.
- Properties of LTI systems - Fourier Series Representation of C.T. and
D.T. Periodic Signals - Parseval’s relation - The C.T. Fourier Transform for
periodic and aperiodic signals - Properties of continuous time F.T. – The
D.T. Fourier Transform – Properties of D.T. Fourier Transform - Complex
exponential and sinusoidal Amplitude Modulation-Demodulation for
Sinusoidal AM - Frequency Division Multiplexing - Representation of
continuous time signal by its samples - The sampling Theorem - The
effect of under-sampling or aliasing - sampling with zero order hold - The
Z Transform
ELCN304 Control-1
Compulsory, Credits: 3 (2+2+1)
Prerequisite(s): MTHN102 + ELCN203
Continuous-time linear systems approach – Classification of different
continuous-time control systems – Mathematical modeling of dynamic
systems using Laplace Transform– Application to electrical, electronic,
mechanical, power and fluid systems – Feedback control systems –
Control system characteristics – Error analysis – Steady state error for the
test input signal using static error coefficients – Transient response
characteristics – Approximation of higher order systems to second order
systems – Basic control actions– Compensation using P,PI,PD and PID
controllers – Block diagram reduction –Signal flow graphs – Analysis of
systems in state space – Stability of linear systems –Controllability –
ELCN306 Communications-1: Analogue Communications
Compulsory, Credits: 3 (2+2+1)
Prerequisite(s): ELCN203 + MTHN203
All Types of AM ( DSB-LC, DSB-SC, SSB, VSB, QAM) – AM modulators,
and demodulators, advantages and disadvantages-Synchronization
circuits - AM applications: Telephone channel multiplexing and super
heterodyne receiver -Angle Modulation - Narrow band angle modulated
signals - Spectrum of sinusoidal signal (N.B and W.B) - Generation of
wide band FM ( Indirect and Direct methods)-Demodulation (slope
detector, PLL ) - De-emphasis and pre-emphasis filtering -compatible
stereo - Intersystem comparison – Sampling process – PAM –
Quantization (uniform and non-uniform) – PCM – Time division
multiplexing – Delta, and adaptive delta modulation – Differential PCM –
random process – Stationary and ergodic processes – Mean, correlation,
and covariance functions – Power spectral density – Narrow band noise.
ELCN316 Communications-2: Digital Communications
Compulsory, Credits: 3 (2+2+1)
Prerequisite(s): ELCN306
Baseband Pulse transmission: Matched filters, Intersymbol Interference,
Nyquist Criterion for distorionless baseband binary transmission - Signal-
Space Analysis: Geometric representation of signals, likelihood functions,
coherent detection of signals in noise: ML and MAP decoding rules, the
correlation receiver. Probability of error calculation – Pass-band Digital
Transmission: Description of ASK, FSK, PSK, DPSK, QAM, MSK
modulation schemes - their implementation PSD c/cs - B.W efficiency
(spectral efficiency) - performance in AWGN channels.
EPMN125 Electrical Power Engineering
Compulsory, Credits: 3 (2+1+2)
Prerequisite(s): none
Transformers – DC machines – AC machines – synchronous machines –
special electrical machines (stepper motors, fixed magnet machines, two-
phase servo motors) – electronic control of electrical machines –UPS
systems – power distribution networks –air-conditioning- earthing –
protection of electric equipment.
INTN125 Mechanical Engineering
Compulsory, Credits: 3 (2+1+2)
Prerequisite(s): none
(Robotics) principles of Robot motion- degrees of freedom- motor control.
Introduction to thermodynamics – heat transfer – air conditioning and
ventilation systems – air filtering – calculation of thermal loads – fire alarm
and fighting equipment – requirements specifications – acceptance
MTHN103 Differential Equations
Compulsory, Credits: 3 (2+3+0)
Prerequisite(s): MTHN003
First-order differential equations, separable, exact, linear, homogeneous
and Bernoulli equations; modeling with first order differential equations;
higher-order differential equations; method of undetermined coefficients;
variation of parameters; modeling with higher order differential equations;
series solutions; Laplace transform; properties and applications, shifting
theorems, convolution theorem; solutions of differential equations using
Laplace transform; Fourier series; Fourier transform.
MTHN104 Discrete Mathematics
Compulsory, Credits: 3 (2+3+0)
Prerequisite(s): MTHN003
Numbers- generating functions – sets – groups – graphs – some
combinatorics examples - Basic Mathematical logic – Introduction to
formal languages and finite automata – Recursive definitions –
Recurrence relations – Asymptotic analysis.
MTHN201 Numerical Analysis
Compulsory, Credits: 3 (2+2+1)
Prerequisite(s): MTHN102 + MTHN103
Basic concepts of floating- point arithmetic- Conditioning of a problem-
Numerical stability of an algorithm – Linear systems: direct methods
(Gauss elimination, LU factorization, Choleski) – Iterative methods (Jacobi
–Gauss-Seidle – SOR). Approximation of Functions: polynomials and
piecewise polynomial interpolation, splines, discrete least squares.
Nonlinear equations: Newton's method and its discrete variants, fixed
point iteration. Numerical integration: Newton- Cotes formulas, Gaussian
quadrature rules, composite rules. Initial value problems for ordinary
differential equation: one-step methods (Runge-Kutta methods) and
multistep (Adams) methods. Stiff problems
PHYN102 Modern Physics
Compulsory, Credits: 3(2+2+1)
Prerequisite(s): PHYN001 + PHYN002
Introduction to quantum physics; Quantum mechanics; Atomic Physics;
Molecules and solids; energy states and spectra of molecules, bonding in
solids, introduction to crystalline properties of semiconductors, free
electron theory of metals, band theory of solids, electrical conduction in
metals, insulators and semiconductors, superconductivity. Pn junction
diode, Zeener diode and tunnel diode
PHYN211 Electromagnetic Fields
Compulsory, Credits: 3 (2+3+0), Offered only to Track CCE-E
Prerequisite(s): MTHN103+ELCN100
Vector analysis, static electric field, steady currents, electromagnetic
fields. static magnetic fields, time varying and time harmonic Maxwell's
equations, wave equation and its solutions, boundary conditions,
introduction to electromagnetic wave propagation
PHYN212 Electromagnetics for Computer Engineering
Compulsory, Credits: 3 (2+2+0), Offered only to Track CCE-C
Prerequisite(s): MTHN103 + CMPN103+ELCN100
Electromagnetic definitions and concepts, Maxwell's equations, Standard
engineering electromagnetic shielding, radiation, environment, EMC
applications and testing, hands on antennas, introduction to electro-
magnetic wave propagation.
ELCN205 Electromagnetics-1: Wave Propagation and Transmission Lines
Compulsory, Credits: 3 (2+3+0)
Prerequisite(s): PHYN211 + ELCN112*
*Corequisite course, both courses may be taken in the same
semester after receiving the academic approval AA
Time varying fields and Maxwell's equations, boundary conditions at different
media interface, retarded potentials, plane wave propagation in free space,
plane waves in lossy media, wave polarization, Poynting vector, phase
and group velocities, reflection and transmission of plane waves, TEM
transmission lines, transmission line equivalent circuit, transmission line
circuit theory, Smith chart, lossy transmission lines, matching techniques.
ELCN301 Electronics-3: Integrated Circuits and
Systems Compulsory, Credits: 3 (2+2+1)
Prerequisite(s): ELCN201
IC technology – Tuned amplifiers – Noise analysis – Operational amplifiers
and applications – Waveform generation – Analog IC applications (analysis
and design) – Evaluation of circuit performance by computer-aided circuit
simulations – Phase locked loops - Electronic circuits in radio and television
– Video recording .
ELCN305 Electromagnetics-2: Microwave Engineering
Compulsory, Credits: 4 (3+2+1)
Prerequisite(s): ELCN205 + ELCN112
Rectangular and circular wave guides, cavity resonators, excitation of
waveguides, surface guiding and dielectric optical waveguides, analysis of
microstrip and strip lines, scattering parameters, wave propagation in
ferrite media, passive microwave components.
ELCN404 Control-2
Compulsory, Credits: 4 (3+2+1)
Prerequisite(s): ELCN304
Root locus concept – Root locus analysis of control systems – Frequency
response analysis – Bode diagrams – Frequency response specifications
– Relative Stability analysis – closed loop frequency response – Design
and compensation techniques – Lead and Lag compensation – Solution of
State Equations - State variable controller design: Regulator problem –
Pole placement using state feedback – Output feedback – Full State
Observer Design – Separation Principle – Observed State feedback
Controller – Discrete-Time Control Systems – Z-Transform – Pulse-
Transfer Functions – Transient Response and Steady State Characteristics
of Discrete-time control systems – Bilinear transformation – Stability
analysis of discrete-time control systems.
ELCN405 Electromagnetics-3: Antennas
Compulsory, Credits: 3 (2+2+1)
Prerequisite(s): ELCN205 + ELCN305*
*Corequisite course, both courses may be taken in the same semester
after receiving the academic approval AA
Antenna fundamentals, basic antenna parameters, radiation from wire
antennas, aperture antennas, radiation from microstrip antennas, antenna
arrays, array polynomial, phased arrays and null steering, receiving
antennas, polarization mismatch, antenna design techniques, introduction
to terrestrial and extraterrestrial radio wave propagation, surface wave
propagation, ionospheric propagation, microwave and millimeter wave
propagation, knife-edge obstacle diffraction models, atmospheric ducts and
non-standard refraction.
ELCN406 Communications-3: Wireless
Communications Compulsory, Credits: 3
(2+2+1) Prerequisite(s): ELCN316
DFT and its properties – Fading (fast, slow, and flat) – Frequency selective
and non-selective – Dual Multi-Tone (DMT) – OFDM – Multi-path
propagation – Delay spread values – Guard time and cyclic extension –
OFDM parameters – OFDM versus single carrier modulation - Spread
Spectrum – PN sequence generators – Direct sequence Spread Spectrum
– Probability of error – Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum – CDMA –
ELCN314 Computer Control Systems
Elective (group E-2E), Credits: 3 (2+3+0)
Prerequisite(s): ELCN304
Modular structure of Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs) –
Advantages of using PLCs in Industrial Automation – PLC Programming –
Ladder Logic – Handling of Inputs and Outputs in PLCs – Markers - Timers
- Counters – PLC Program Development for Control Applications –
Interlocking Logic – Sequential Logic - Micro processor control systems –
Interfacing controllers with sensors and actuators – Programming of
Control Algorithms -Three-term control using micro processors – Controller
Fault Tolerance .
ELCN321 VLSI Systems
Elective (group E-2E), Credits: 3 (2+2+1)
Prerequisite(s): ELCN301
Large scale MOS design – MOS circuit fabrication, design rules, power
and delay estimation – Memories – Dynamic logic – Switching
characteristics – Switched capacitor circuits – Complex gates – Charge
coupled devices.
ELCN323 Digital Signal Processing
Elective (group E-2E), Credits: 3 (2+3+0)
Prerequisite(s): ELCN203 + ELCN306
General Introduction - Speech Characteristics - Short time Processing -
Pitch & Formants Estimation - Vector Quantization - Linear Predictive
Coding - speech Coding Techniques - Speech Synthesis - Speech
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Recognition - Speaker Recognition - Image Coding - Video Coding -
Review Projects.
ELCN325 Acoustics
Elective (group E-2E), Credits: 3 (2+3+0)
Prerequisite(s): ELCN305
Plane and spherical waves – Simple and compound sound sources –
Dynamically analogous mechanical and acoustical circuits – Acoustic
transducers – Loudspeakers; types and systems – Microphone; types and
systems - Measurements of sound – Acoustics and hearing – Acoustic
environment outdoors – Acoustic environment indoors - Ultrasonic
ELCN331 Advanced Topics in Electronics-1
Elective (group E-2E), Credits: 3 (2+2+1)
Prerequisite(s): ELCN301
This course covers the most recently introduced topics in electronic
systems and applications.
ELCN351 Industrial Electronics
Elective (group E-2E), Credits: 3 (2+2+1)
Prerequisite: ELCN301
Data acquisition systems – Sensors – Signal Conditioning – Digitizing –
Microprocessor based systems – Memory interface – I/O interfaces –
Applications in industry.

ELCN416 Communications-4: Applications of Information Theory

Elective (group E-2E), Credits: 3 (2+3+0)
Prerequisite(s): ELCN306
Introduction to information theory (Information, Entropy, Discrete memory-
less channels – Mutual information – Channel capacity). Compression and
source coding (Properties of source codes, construction of instantaneous
codes, lossy data compression). Channel coding (linear block codes,
syndrome calculation, Cyclic codes, Convolutional coding, The code tree,
trellis and state diagram, ML decoding of convolutional codes, the Viterbi
Shannon theorem of perfect secrecy
ELCN426 Optical Fiber Communications
Elective (group E-2E), Credits: 3 (2+3+0)
Prerequisite(s): ELCN306 + ELCN205
Optical versus radio frequency communications – Optical fibers – Ray
representation in optical fibers – Model analysis in step and graded index
optical fibers – Signal degradation – Optical receivers – Optical properties
of III – V semiconductors – Emitters: SC laser diodes, light emitting diodes
– Photo detectors PIN and avalanche photo diode (APD).

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ELCN435 Advanced Topics in Antennas
Elective (group E-2E), Credits: 3 (2+3+0)
Prerequisite(s): ELCN405
Antenna fundamentals, analysis and design principles, radiation from wire
antennas, aperture antennas, slot, horn and paraboloidal reflectors,
radiation from microstrip antennas, antenna arrays, array polynomial,
phased arrays and null steering, receiving antennas, polarization
mismatch, antenna noise temperature, introduction to signal processing
antennas, antenna broad banding techniques.
ELCN436 Mobile Communications
Elective (group E-2E), Credits: 3 (2+3+0)
Prerequisite(s): ELCN316
Conventional telephone systems – Traffic theory – Conventional mobile
system – Frequency spectral efficiency – Methods of increasing system
capacity – System architecture – Multiple access schemes – Interference
in cellular systems – Hand off – Fading and Doppler in cellular system –
GSM system architecture – GSM channel coding- Ciphering and
modulation – System management.
ELCN441 Advanced Topics in Electronics-2
Elective (group E-2E), Credits: 3 (2+3+0)
Prerequisite(s): ELCN301
This course covers the most recently introduced topics in electronic
systems and applications.
ELCN445 Advanced Topics in Microwave and RF Engineering
Elective (group E-2E), Credits: 3 (2+3+0)
Prerequisite(s): ELCN405
Review of transmission-line theory; planar transmission-lines and
waveguides, microwave network analysis, S-parameters, discontinuities
and modal analysis, impedance matching and tuning, resonators, power
dividers and couplers, microwave amplifier design, stability analysis,
introduction to microwave filter design techniques, modern RF &
microwave CAD; measurement techniques.
ELCN446 Advanced Topics in Communications-1
Elective (group E-2E), Credits: 3 (2+3+0)
Prerequisite(s): ELCN316
This course covers the most recently introduced topics in communication
systems and applications.
ELCN451 Advanced Topics in Electronics-3
Elective (group E-2E), Credits: 3 (2+3+0)
Prerequisite(s): ELCN301
This course covers the most recently introduced topics in electronic
systems and applications.
ELCN456 Advanced Topics in Communications-2
Elective (group E-2E), Credits: 3 (2+3+0)
Prerequisite(s): ELCN316
This course covers the most recently introduced topics in communication
systems and applications.
ELCN466 Satellite Communications
Elective (group E-2E), Credits: 3 (2+3+0)
Prerequisite(s): ELCN316
The Geo-stationary (GEO) orbit – The space link – Transmission losses –
The link power budget – System noise – Uplink and downlink carrier-to-
noise ratios – Inter-modulation noise – Pre-assigned and demand
assigned FDMA – TDMA – Frame efficiency and channel capacity –
– Interference between satellite circuits – Antenna gain function – Pass-
band interference – Protection ratio – Coordination criterion – LEO
satellites – CDMA in LEO satellite systems – Signal to interference ratio
(SIR) – Spread slotted ALOHA for LEO satellites – Modified power control
– Transmit permission control scheme; non-fading and fading channel –
Packet admission control scheme – Power control – Multi-beam LEO
ELCN476 Advanced Topics in Communications-3
Elective (group E-2E), Credits: 3 (2+3+0)
Prerequisite(s): ELCN316
This course covers the most recently introduced topics in communication
systems and applications.
ELCN414 Advanced topics in Control
Elective (group E-2E), Credits: 3 (2+3+0)
Prerequisite(s): ELCN304
This course covers the most recently introduced topics in the applications
for Control systems
ELCN417 Applications of embedded systems
Elective (group E-2E), Credits: 3 (2+3+0)
Prerequisite(s): ELCN304+CMPN201
This course covers the most recent applications of embedded systems in
communications, electronics and/or control

8.5 Major Courses: Track CCE-C

CMPN111 Logic Design-2
Compulsory, Credits: 2 (1+1+2)
Prerequisite(s): CMPN101
Combinational and sequential logic circuits - applications to the design of
arithmetic and logic units and counters – FPGA- PAL -PLA.
CMPN203 Software Engineering
Compulsory, Credits: 3 (2+1+2)
Prerequisite(s): CMPN103
Software life cycle - concepts and methods of analysis - constrained
system design - data, functions and relationships specifications -
implementation procedures - standard specifications - reliability measures
and quality assurance - integral testing - error analysis - software
maintenance - documentation- project training.
CMPN205 Computer Graphics and Man Machine Interfacing
Compulsory, Credits: 2 (1+1+2)
Prerequisite(s): CMPN103
Fundamentals of computer graphics - display devices - fundamentals of
graphic algorithms - two dimensional graphics - polygon representation -
polygon filling - polygon clipping - three dimensional graphics - back face
removal - scan line and ray tracing - illumination and shading models -
programming projects
CMPN302 Design and Analysis of Algorithms
Compulsory, Credits: 3 (2+1+2)
Prerequisite(s): CMPN102
Algorithms Design and analysis- examples - Techniques for designing
efficient algorithms - analysis of complexity - complexity bounds of
fundamental problems, graph problems and combinatorial problems –
Balanced binary search trees – Dynamic programming - Divide-and-
conquer - Search - Branch-and-bound - Fundamentals of parallel
algorithms - Applications (approximate string matching, data compression,
computational geometry) - NP-completeness - NP-hardness
CMPN306 Advanced Programming Techniques
Compulsory, Credits: 2 (1+1+2)
Prerequisite(s): CMPN103 + MTHN203
Programming Techniques in Network and various Media Types – New
Programming Techniques (e.g. Internet programming-Web based
applications – workflow automation – multithreaded programming – intro
to embedded programming– Languages for Internetworking programming
and Data Transfer
CMPN402 Machine Intelligence
Compulsory, Credits: 3 (2+1+2)
Prerequisite(s): MTHN201 + MTHN203
(Artificial Intelligence) Introduction to artificial intelligence concepts and
definitions -state-space and search - knowledge representation - logic-
production systems - semantic networks - frames - knowledge issues -
inference - inheritance - nonmonotonic reasoning- uncertainty -
fuzziness- game playing - AI-programming languages - Introduction to
expert systems and knowledge engineering.- application fields that need
intelligence (natural languages- learning-planning-robotics- decision
support systems- intelligent agents – Semantic web)
CMPN403 Languages and Compilers
Compulsory, Credits: 3 (2+1+2)
Prerequisite(s): CMPN303
Introduction to the theory of languages - evolution of computer languages
and translators - formal specification of languages - context dependent
and context free languages - logical structure of a compiler - lexical,
syntax and semantic analysis - code generation and optimization - storage
and register allocation - runtime considerations
CMPN407 Computer Modeling and Simulation
Compulsory, Credits: 3 (2+0+2)
Prerequisite(s): CMPN101 + MTHN201
Introduction to modeling and simulation - application of modeling and
simulation in different fields - examples of modeling and simulation of
computer units (memory, discs, processors, OS) - model development -
simulation techniques - simulating operational loads - analysis of results
of modeling and simulating computers - testing – project
CMPN425 Computer System Consultation
Compulsory, Credits: 2 (1+1+2)
Prerequisite(s): 72 Credits
Automation- Evaluation Sheets-Comparing hardware and software
alternatives-certification- tender writing- tender laws-obligations and
computer system and networks evaluation – H/W and S/W bench
Marking, System Design.
CMPN206 Multimedia
Elective (group E-2C), Credits: 3( 2+1+2)
Prerequisite(s): CMPN205
Multimedia -design and implementation of GUI- hardware interfacing-
programming project.
CMPN341 Information Technology and Advanced Languages
Elective (group E-2C), Credits: 3 (2+1+2)
Prerequisite(s): CMPN306
Paradigms of programming languages - Imperative languages - Contour
diagrams - Lexical scope - Lifetime - Variable binding - Runtime stack -
Types - Functional languages (ML) - List processing (Lisp) - Logic
programming (Prolog) - Object-oriented programming (Java / C#).
CMPN342 Computer Systems Programming
Elective (group E-2C), Credits: 3 (2+1+2)
Prerequisite(s): CMPN306
Functions of system software components - design of hardware drivers,
loaders and linkers, compilers, assemblers, interpreters and utilities -
case study of real system programming
CMPN343 Computation and Programming Theory
Elective (group E-2C), Credits: 3 (2+1+2)
Prerequisite(s): CMPN302
Introduction - basic automata concepts - acceptors - regular expressions
- sequential machines - Turing machine - universal machine - computable
and non-computable functions - recursive functions - Markov algorithms -
Godel numbering - computer programming languages - proof of program

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CMPN401 Advanced Database Systems
Elective (group E-2C), Credits: 3 (2+1+2)
Prerequisite(s): CMPN202
Review of Database Query and Data Manipulation Languages -
examples of relational, hierarchical and network database designs -
distributed databases - multicopy databases – Temporal Database -
database administration: security, concurrence control and performance
monitoring - data compression - sizing and timing
CMPN406 Wireless and Mobile Network
Elective (group E-2C), Credits: 3 (2+1+2)
Prerequisite(s): CMPN405
Wireless data communication – Wireless Computer Networks – Ad Hoc
Networks – Mobile IP and ATM wireless networks – Mobile Networks –
GSM – GPRS - CDMA- WIFI- WIMAX – 3rd generation Mobile Networks
- project implementation
CMPN415 Computer Networks-2
Elective (group E-2C), Credits: 3 (2+1+2)
Prerequisite(s): CMPN405
Theoretical foundations for building next generation Internet. To provide a
detailed introduction to advanced topics in computer net-works including
advanced transport layer concepts, adaptive queue management, Quality
of Service fundamentals, packet scheduling, multimedia networking,
content distribution networks and network measurements. Methodologies
and tools in undertaking research in networking - Performance issues
and QoS mechanisms in the Internet. Expertise in network programming
and computer network simulation.
CMPN426 Computer System Security
Elective (group E-2C), Credits: 3 (2+1+2)
Prerequisite(s): 110 Credits
Digital signature – Introduction to cryptography – ciphering algorithms –
principles of data security – hardware and software security techniques –
software protection – computer viruses – worms – Trojans – Spy wares –
networks security and firewalls
CMPN441 Computer Peripherals
Elective (group E-2C), Credits: 3 (2+1+2)
Prerequisite(s): CMPN301
Types of computer peripherals – connection of peripherals - use of
channels - programming of channels - operation of channels in
concurrence with CPU - synchronization and handshaking
CMPN442 Fault Tolerant Computing
Elective (group E-2C), Credits: 3 (2+1+2)
Prerequisite(s): MTHN201 + MTHN203
Introduction to fault tolerant systems - faults and their manifestations -
error detection - protective redundancy - fault tolerant software -
measures of fault tolerance – case studies

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CMPN443 Computer Manufacturing Technology
Elective (group E-2C), Credits: 3 (2+1+2)
Prerequisite(s): CMPN301
This course covers the process of the computer manufacturing especially
materials, devices and computer equipment, quality control and reliability
measures. The course covers the flow from architecture definition. It then
covers the basics of Integrated circuits manufacturing using CMOS
technology. It exposes the package choice of the CMOS technology as
well. In subsequent parts it covers the process of mother board design
and manufacturing. Assembly process and automation follows. Finally,
overall system testing and quality control processes.
CMPN444 Computer Interfacing
Elective (group E-2C), Credits: 3 (2+1+2)
Prerequisite(s): CMPN201 + CMPN205
Basic interfacing hardware - buses and memory/peripheral connections -
interrupts - synchronous and asynchronous connections - serial and
parallel interfaces - analog interfaces – Analog to Digital – Digital to
Analog Converters – USB- Wireless interface- special interfaces.
CMPN445 Embedded Systems
Elective (group E-2C), Credits: 3 (2+1+2)
Prerequisite(s): CMPN201
Embedded system design process - embedded computing platform-
program design and analysis- Hardware accelerators - distributed
embedded architectures- system analysis and architecture design-
Design example – Programming project.
CMPN446 Image Processing and Computer Vision
Elective (group E-2C), Credits: 3 (2+1+2)
Prerequisite(s): MTHN203
Image representation - methods of image processing - enhancement -
data compression - reconstruction from projection - features extraction -
image analysis - pattern recognition - computer vision
CMPN447 Optical Networks
Elective (group E-2C), Credits: 3 (2+1+2)
Prerequisite(s): CMPN405
Introduction to Optical Networks- Propagation of signals in Optical Fiber-
components (couplers- multiplexers and filters-optical amplifiers-
transmitters- detectors- switches- wavelength converters)- modulation
and demodulation- transmission system engineering- client layers of
optical layer- WDM network elements and design- control and
management- photonic packet switching- design example.
CMPN448 High Performance Computing and Parallel Programming
Elective (group E-2C), Credits: 3 (2+1+2)
Prerequisite(s): CMPN301 + CMPN302
Storage devices and Interconnects- file systems- access patterns and
optimizations- low-level I/O Interfaces- scientific data libraries- special
purpose I/O techniques- data management and analysis- numerical
CMPN449 Real Time Computers
Elective (group E-2C), Credits: 3 (2+1+2)
Prerequisite(s): CMPN445
Introduction to real time computers - real time operation requirements -
real time operating systems - data capturing and processing in real time -
examples of real time applications.
CMPN450 Pattern Recognition and Artificial Neural Networks
Elective (group E-2C), Credits: 3 (2+1+2)
Prerequisite(s): CMPN103 + MTHN201
Introduction to basic concepts for NN-single and multilayer perceptrons-
learning algorithms- feedforward and feedback architectures - recurrent
networks- associative memory networks- design and hardware
implementation of NN- typical examples.
CMPN451 Data Mining, Big Data and Data Analytics
Elective (group E-2C), Credits: 3 (2+1+0)
Prerequisite(s): CMPN402
Introduction to Data Mining, Data, Collection, Sampling and
Preprocessing, Predictive and
Descriptive Analytics, Survival Analysis, Social Networks Analysis,
Modelling and Benchmarking and privacy, Mini project Application using
Hadoop and Map Reduce tools.
CMPN461 Selected Topics in Computer Engineering
Elective (group E-2C), Credits: 3 (2+1+2)
Prerequisite(s): CMPN301
Selected topics related to the state of the art in computer engineering.
CMPN462 Selected Topics in Information Technology
Elective (group E-2C), Credits: 3 (2+1+2)
Prerequisite(s): CMPN303
Selected topics related to the state of the art in information technology
CMPN463 Advanced Topics in Computer Engineering
Elective (group E-2C), Credits: 3 (2+1+2)
Prerequisite(s): CMPN301
Selected topics related to the state of the art in computer engineering.

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