Importance of Social Media in Higher Education
Importance of Social Media in Higher Education
Importance of Social Media in Higher Education
Social media plays an important role in every student’s life. It is easier and convenient
to access information, provide information and communicate via social media. Teachers
and students are connected to each other and can make good use of these platforms
for the working of their education.
Professors are expanding their Twitter usage to host live lectures, offer off-hours
support for students, or even host student debates. This type of social-media-meets-
office-hours path is relatively unpaved, but if teachers are to keep pace with the
changing nature of learning in the modern world, they should be open to exploring it.
Social media helps professors to be connected to their students off campus as well as
with their ex students. Professors use social media as a way of teaching by creating
groups and accounts for students where the information can be accessed. Professors
can share ideas with each other and point students to LinkedIn and Facebook.
Professors create hash tags that allow students to tag their academic posts, and view
submissions to see what the collective has creatively produced.
In a survey by Babson survey research group and Pearson, 4,000 teaching faculty from
all disciplines in higher education, representing U.S. higher education professors,
examined both the personal and professional impacts of social media.
64.4 percent of faculty use social media for their personal lives, 33.8 percent
use it for teaching.
41 percent for those under age 35 compared to 30 percent for those over age
55 reported using social media in their teaching.
Faculty in the Humanities and Arts, Professions and Applied Sciences, and the
Social Sciences use social media at higher rates than those in Natural
Sciences, Mathematics and Computer Science.
Blogs and wikis are preferred for teaching, while Facebook or LinkedIn are
used more for social and professional connections.
88 percent of faculty, regardless of discipline, reported using online video in
the classroom.
Social Media for Community Building is the missing piece of the puzzle for Admissions
departments, Enrollment Management departments, Public Relations and Student
Services departments that are seeking to engage their audiences using social media.
In every college and university, social media is being integrated in every way possible,
including admissions, campus life, alumni relations, and in the classroom.