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Strengthening of Surveillance in Public Health and Epidemiological

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Question 1. Intersectoral and intrasectoral strategies in health.

Cross-sector: Inter-sectorial

1. Primary Care in Environmental Health APSA: seeks to define the

participation and joint intervention of territorial levels with competences in
environmental health, in the implementation of PHC, positioning
intersectoral management and social participation in the intervention of
health and environmental determinants, for the fulfillment of the objectives
and goals of the dimension.

2. Intersectoral Action Plans for Healthy Environments PAIES. Plans that

contribute to the strengthening of the management of the Healthy
Environment Strategy and of intersectoral integral actions that influence
health determinants, under organized participatory operational schemes,
which privilege the family and the community.

3. Strengthening of surveillance in public health and epidemiological

intelligence for the integrated analysis of information on the environmental
burden of the disease; It includes the surveillance and analysis of morbid-
mortality, etiological agents, risk factors, entomology, reservoirs and wild
populations, which allow to predict, focus, stratify and organize the sectorial
and intersectoral response for the detection, prevention and control of
situations of health related to environmental conditions and zoonosis.

1. Environmental Health Education: includes the dynamic processes of social

participation developed jointly between State agencies and civil society,
aimed at informing, educating and communicating, with the aim of promoting
behavioral changes, lifestyles and consumption habits, models of clean and
sustainable production, responsible exercise of the right to enjoy a healthy
environment, taking into account the specific needs of the individual, family
and community in the environments where they live, study, work and

2. National Inspection System Health Surveillance and Control IVC, which

allows to advance environmental health surveillance, as a mechanism for
strengthening the actions of the Comprehensive Environmental Health
Policy, under the population, risk and social determinants approach (Conpes
3550 2008. Action Plan Guidelines for the formulation of the comprehensive
environmental health policy with emphasis on the components of air quality,
water quality and chemical safety, National Planning Department).

Question 2. Environment and health determinants

• Assessment and management of risks (indoor air and air pollution,

chemicals, unhealthy water, lack of sanitation or ionizing and non-
ionizing radiation, to name just a few of them) and the formulation of
standards and guidelines based on Evidence about the main
environmental health hazards.

• The preparation of guidelines and the creation of instruments and

initiatives to facilitate the formulation and application of health policies
in priority sectors.

Question 3. Sustainable development

Water is at the center of sustainable development and is essential for

socio-economic development, healthy ecosystems and human survival.
Water is vital in reducing the global burden of disease and in improving
the health, well-being and productivity of populations, as well as in the
production and preservation of a range of benefits and services that
people enjoy. Water is also at the heart of adaptation to climate change,
serving as a crucial link between the climate system, human society and
the environment.

Water is a limited and irreplaceable resource that is key to human well-

being and only works as a renewable resource if it is well managed.
Today, more than 1.7 billion people live in river basins where their use
exceeds natural recharge, a trend that indicates that two thirds of the
world population could live in countries with water shortages by 2025.
Water can mean A serious challenge to sustainable development, but
managed efficiently and equitably, water can play a key facilitating role
in strengthening the resilience of social, economic and environmental
systems in light of rapid and unpredictable changes.
Hay que considerar que el desarrollo sostenible se resuelve a través de
la búsqueda de la eficiencia en el uso de los recursos a través del
avance tecnológico, y al mercado que hace ajustes (ambientales,
sociales, políticos, culturales). Desde esta tendencia, se ha impulsado la
investigación sobre los procesos de agotamiento y degradación de los
recursos y buscan alternativas para los desarrollos de tecnologías
limpias, el aprovechamiento de los recursos forestales, marinos,
costeros, mineros y genéticos, entre otros.

Pregunta 2. Medio ambiente y determinantes en salud

 La evaluación y la gestión de los riesgos (contaminación

atmosférica y del aire de interiores, productos químicos, agua
insalubre, falta de saneamiento o radiaciones ionizantes y no
ionizante, por mencionar solamente algunos de ellos) y la
formulación de normas y orientaciones basadas en datos
probatorios acerca de los principales peligros ambientales para la

 La elaboración de orientaciones y la creación de instrumentos e

iniciativas para facilitar la formulación y aplicación de políticas de
salud en sectores prioritarios.

Pregunta 3. Desarrollo sostenible

El agua está en el centro del desarrollo sostenible y resulta fundamental

para el desarrollo socio-económico, unos ecosistemas saludables y la
supervivencia humana. El agua resulta vital a la hora de reducir la carga
mundial de enfermedades y para mejorar la salud, el bienestar y la
productividad de las poblaciones así como para la producción y la
preservación de una serie de beneficios y servicios de los que gozan las
personas. El agua también está en el corazón de la adaptación al cambio
climático, sirviendo de vínculo crucial entre el sistema climático, la
sociedad humana y el medio ambiente.
El agua es un recurso limitado e insustituible que es clave para el
bienestar humano y solo funciona como recurso renovable si está bien
gestionado. Hoy en día, más de 1.700 millones de personas viven en
cuencas fluviales en las que su uso supera la recarga natural, una
tendencia que indica que dos tercios de la población mundial podría vivir
en países con escasez de agua para 2025. El agua puede suponer un
serio desafío para el desarrollo sostenible pero, gestionada de manera
eficiente y equitativa, el agua puede jugar un papel facilitador clave en
el fortalecimiento de la resiliencia de los sistemas sociales, económicos y
ambientales a la luz de unos cambios rápidos e imprevisibles.

We chose to work on this problem because it directly affected Cesar's

department; This was due to the contamination that has been occurring
in recent years, the Ministry of Environment and Risk Management of
Cesar, reported that due to the intense garbage that reaches the river,
and the wastewater from Valledupar that falls into the river, It extends
for hundreds and even thousands of kilometers, until it reaches the
Magadalena River, where strong odors are already being produced and
this has devastating effects on the quality of water in towns and cities,
therefore, on the health of its inhabitants. Causing stomach diseases,
dengue and yellow fiber, where the most affected are children under 5
years of age. Dengue is the third leading cause of death, in the
department of Cesar, this group of diseases is the main cause of
consultation in health services and the one that causes the most deaths,
especially in children under 5 years of age in the department of Cesar,
dengue vector mosquito bites commonly trigger emorrhagia, severe
high fibers that result in hospitalization.


• Geopolitics and the environment and its effects on health and human
development, the environment has been massively and unconsciously affected
over the years, ending the ecosystem balance of planet Earth and leading to major
climatic changes that today day they are responsible for such alterations, so the
use and management of the geographical space by the human being
environmentally speaking is a political problem.
Strategy objective Goals Description of the
resources you need
1 Strategy for Promote The idea is to human and physical
environmental behavioral start with recursor like:
health education: changes, education in  posters
includes dynamic general with
lifestyles and  brochures
processes of the aim of
consumption  videos
social promoting
participation habits, models community  talks
developed jointly of clean and behavior  meetings
between state sustainable change,  ecological
agencies and civil production. creating practices
society, with the awareness to  Population Will
aim of informing, go in search of
 Education and
educating and clean,
communicating. sustainable and communication
environmentally  Healthy
friendly environment
using good
voluntarily and
achieve a


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