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Medium Forklift Trucks 9 - 18 Tonnes: Technical Information Kalmar Dce90-180, Diesel

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medium forklift trucks 9 – 18 TONnes

TEchnical information kalmar dce90-180, diesel

A truck offering many possibilities
The Kalmar 9 – 18 tonne range has a unique
driving experience, visibility and handling
The number of options provide an unbe-
lievable driving experience, safety and
Model designation
which, together with high quality, long life efficiency. DCE160-12
and ease of service, provide the conditions Diesel engine

for efficient working and excellent overall Design and technical solutions result in Counterbalance truck

economy. increased lifetime and longer service inter- Generation

vals; simplified service and daily inspection, Lifting capacity, in decitonnes

Powerful and durable power trains with and in addition to all this, a wide selection Load centre, in decimetres

electronically controlled gear units, perfectly of high-quality driving environments.

matched with optional, environmentally
friendly engines; well-balanced bodies for Welcome to the Kalmar 9 – 18 tonne range.
optimum dynamic stability and visibility.

Dimensions DCE90-6 DCE100-6 DCE120-6

Lift capacity Rated kg 9000 10000 12000


Load centre L4 mm 600

Truck Length, without forks L mm 4470 4720 4725
Width B mm 2480
Height, basic machine, Spirit Delta H6 mm 2895
Height, basic machine, FlexCab/FlexGuard H6 mm 2995
Seat height H8 mm 1770
Distance between centre of front axle – front face of fork arm L2 mm 895 900
Wheelbase L3 mm 2750 3000
Track (c-c), front – rear S mm 1840 – 1960
Turning radius, outer R1 mm 3950 4180
Turning radius, inner R2 mm 75
Ground clearance, min. mm 330

Max height when tilting cab (OHG) T1 mm 3370 (3450)

Max width when tilting cab (OHG) T2 mm 3350 (3440)
Min. aisle width for 90° stacking with forks A1 mm 6240 6470 6475
Standard duplex mast Lifting height H4 mm 5000
Mast height, min. H3 mm 4015
Mast height, max. H5 mm 6515
Mast tilting, forwards – backwards α-β º 5 – 10
Ground clearance, min. mm 250
Forks Width b mm 200
Thickness a mm 65 70
Length of fork arm l mm 1200
Width across fork arms, max. V mm 2330
Width across fork arms, min. V mm 570
Sideshift ± at width across fork arms V1 – V mm 440 – 1450
Service weight kg 15200 15600 16200
Axle load front Unloaded kg 7800 8100 8300

At rated load kg 21700 23100 26500

Axle load back Unloaded kg 7400 7500 7900
At rated load kg 2500 2500 1900
Wheels/tyres Type
Wheels, brakes, steering

Dimensions, front – rear/ply inch 11,00×20/16PR

Number of wheels, front – rear (*driven) 4* – 2
Pressure MPa 0,9
Steering system Type – manoeuvring
Service brake system Type – affected wheels
Parking brake system Type – affected wheels
Hydraulic pressure Max. MPa 16,0 17,5 17,5

Hydraulic fluid volume l 205 225

Fuel volume l 140 200






20 L3 L2 L4


100 100


DCE160-6 DCE160-9 DCE160-12


DCE150-6 DCE150-12



V H8


DCE120-6 DCE120-12
L3 L2 L4

12 L IL3 L2 L4
R2 L I
Lifting capacity, in tonnes

DCE100-6 DCE100-12 R1 A1
DCE90-6 100 100 A1
100 100





600 900 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000

Load centre, mm R2
DCE90-6 to DCE180-6 models: S R1
Full lifting capacity up to 5000 mm lift height with duplex/duplex T2
freelift/triplex masts and integrated sideshift/fork positioning carriage.


DCE140-6 DCE150-6 DCE100-12 DCE120-12 DCE150-12 DCE160-6 DCE160-9 DCE160-12 DCE180-6

14000 15000 10000 12000 15000 16000 16000 16000 18000

600 1200 600 900 1200 600
4985 5055 5065 5315 5325 5305 5315 5575 5065
T2 S
910 980 990 1000 980 990 1000 990
3250 3500 3750 3250
1855 – 1960
4360 4785 5175 4360
125 420 600 125
3395 (3475)
3380 (3470)
6665 6735 7945 8370 8380 7160 8160 8770 6745
4035 4195
6535 6695
5 – 10
200 220 250 200 220 250 220
80 90 100 80 90 100 90
1200 2400 1200 1800 2400 1200
2330 2360
570 640 700 600 640 700 640
440 – 1450 430 – 1500 415 – 1530 440 – 1480 430 – 1500 415 – 1530 430 – 1500
16900 19800 18600 19700 21400 19200 20600 22400 21100
8400 10300 10000 10100 9400 10000 9600 10500 9800
28900 32650 26700 29600 33800 33200 34200 35800 36600
8500 9500 8600 9600 12000 9200 11000 11900 11300
2000 2150 1900 2100 2600 2000 2400 2600 2500
12,00×20/20PR 12,00×20/20PR HD
4* – 2
0,9 1,0
Hydraulic servo – Steering wheel
Oil cooled disc brakes (Wet disc brakes) – Drive wheels
Dry, spring activated disc brake – Drive wheels
18,5 19,0 19,5 15,0 16,5 17,5 17,5 17,5 19,0

Choose your own driving environment
Spirit Delta
Spirit Delta is one of the best designed driv- Visibility has been optimised from the truck’s
ing environments available in the industry. soft design lines. Comfort with regard to
Priority has been given to ergonomics for noise level, climate, lighting and accessibility
the driver. After a demanding shift in a Spirit is at the highest level possible.
Delta, the driver should be alert and atten-
tive, resulting in improved working safety. The operator of the Spirit Delta can have
access to Kalmar’s range of intelligent ef-
The overall design and all the adjustment ficiency and safety options in one place.
options mean that the Spirit Delta will
benefit every driver. Instruments and control
layout allow the driver to see at a glance and
have control over all the machine’s various
functions, while at the same time allowing
the driver to work in an efficient and relaxed

FlexCab and FlexGuard

FlexCab is a robust alternative to the Spirit
Delta. FlexCab provides good ergonomics,
good visibility and also practical flexibility.

FlexCab can be quickly and simply con-

verted from a complete cabin to an open
safety cage with or without windows, side
FlexCab FlexGuard
panels and heating system, depending on
climate. FlexGuard is the opposite, an open
safety cage that can be fitted with windows The visibility is substantial and the distance
and doors even after delivery. between the driver’s seat and the roof has
generous space.
The robust body has been designed to
provide optimal visibility. This is especially Efficient operation is ensured by control
noticeable at the corner posts and roof and instrument layout and the degree of
rails, which have the smallest cross section comfort of the driver’s seat.
possible for the benefit of the driver.

A complete program of lifting equipment
Choosing lifting equipment always involves and optimum visibility conditions. The mast Kalmar can also offer numerous options to
a combination of different requirements frame on the Kalmar 9 – 18 series have ex- improve efficiency and safety, opti speed
– lift height, clearance, free lift, vehicle cellent visibility. Optimised frame and cross (increased lifting speed), lift height pre-set
flexibility, as well as built in functions in the bars have been combined with well-placed (going directly to the right height), verti-
vehicle. hoses and hoist chains that are “invisible” cal hold (always vertical) and chain-slack
during normal operation. elimination.
Whatever the requirements, Kalmar has the
combination that allows efficient operation

Masts Carriages

Mast height Free lift Mast height Free lift
H3 min. H5 max. H2 H3 min. H5 max. H2
DCE90-140* DCE100-180**
3000 3015 4515 – 3195 4695 –
3250 3140 4765 – 3320 4945 –
3500 3265 5015 – 3445 5195 –
Fixed for manually Centre levelling
3750 3390 5265 – 3570 5445 –
moveable forks
4000 3515 5515 – 3695 5695 –
Duplex standard, clear view

4250 3640 5765 – 3820 5945 –

4500 3765 6015 – 3945 6195 –
4750 3890 6265 – 4070 6445 –
5000 4015 6515 – 4195 6695 –
5250 4140 6765 – 4320 6945 –
5500 4265 7015 – 4445 7195 –
5750 4390 7265 – 4570 7445 – Duplex standard, clear view
6000 4515 7515 – 4695 7695 –
Fork positioning Sideshift
6250 4640 7765 – 4820 7945 –
and sideshift
6500 4765 8015 – 4945 8195 –
6750 4890 8265 – 5070 8445 –
7000 5015 8515 – 5195 8695 –
3000 3015 4515 1500 3195 4695 1500

3250 3140 4765 1625 3320 4945 1625
3500 3265 5015 1750 3445 5195 1750
3750 3390 5265 1875 3570 5445 1875
4000 3515 5515 2000 3695 5695 2000
Duplex full free lift, clear view

4250 3640 5765 2125 3820 5945 2125

4500 3765 6015 2250 3945 6195 2250
4750 3890 6265 2375 4070 6445 2375
5000 4015 6515 2500 4195 6695 2500
5250 4140 6765 2625 4320 6945 2625
5500 4265 7015 2750 4445 7195 2750
5750 4390 7265 2875 4570 7445 2875
Duplex full free lift, clear view
6000 4515 7515 3000 4695 7695 3000
Standard forks for manual Fork shaft system with
6250 4640 7765 3125 4820 7945 3125
6500 4765 8015 3250 4945 8195 3250
adjustment separate carriers for each fork

6750 4890 8265 3375 5070 8445 3375

7000 5015 8515 3500 5195 8695 3500
4500 2950 5950 1500 3130 6190 1500
4750 3033 6200 1583 3213 6440 1583
Triplex full free lift, clear view

5000 3117 6450 1667 3297 6690 1667

5250 3200 6700 1750 3380 6940 1750
5500 3283 6950 1833 3463 7190 1833
5750 3367 7200 1917 3547 7440 1917
6000 3450 7450 2000 3630 7690 2000
6250 3533 7700 2083 3713 7940 2083
6500 3617 7950 2167 3797 8190 2167
6750 3700 8200 2250 3880 8440 2250 Triplex full free lift, clear view Roller fittings for Hydraulic levelling
7000 3783 8450 2333 3963 8690 2333 hydraulic adjustment

+25 mm on H3 and H5 on the DCE140

* DCE90-140-6
** DCE150-180-6, DCE160-9, DCE100-160-12

The most interesting
power trains on the market
We have equipped the Kalmar 9 – 18 tonne and level of control throughout the work
range with excellent drive trains. Engine, cycle that have to be experienced to be
gearbox, drive shaft and wet disc brakes believed.
– everything has been built and combined
into a unit with the highest performance
and durability possible. Together with the
excellent dynamic stability of the 9 – 18
series, this provides a driving experience

Low emission engines – a requirement

We can offer a number of different power fitted with an efficient and easy-to-service
trains. All engines provide high torque split cooling system – for air and fuel and
even at low revolutions. The engines fall coolant to the engine and gearbox. The air
well within the latest emission require- filter is a two-stage Donaldson with a pre-
ments and they also conform to the new cleaner in stage one and a finer cellulose
noise power standards (previously noise filter for the smallest particles in stage two.
pressure). This can also be replaced by a metallic or
dust particle filter as an option. The filter
Stage 3 engines require more powerful has a high cleaning capacity and is easy to
cooling than before and the trucks come replace.

Unique transmission
gives an unbelievable experience
We are able to offer different gearboxes. There are three optional grades of “intel-
The gearboxes have integrated electronic ligence” to choose from: automatic gear-
control, monitoring and intelligence. The changing, opti drive (for precision driving
gearboxes have built-in reversing lock and with entirely independent working hydrau-
modulation, providing safe and smooth gear lics) and electronic inching with controlled
changing. In addition we also optimise slip- slipping.
ping electronically before delivery to pro-
vide the best gear-changing characteristics
depending on power train, wheel dimension
and drive shaft.

Kalmar’s electronic system
gives the truck intelligence
Kalmar’s electronic system is a fast, intel-
ligent and stable auxiliary electronic system
that makes the truck user-friendly, effec-
tive, safe and economical. Kalmar’s electri-
cal system has been thoroughly upgraded
through development. The installation is
more standardised and simplified using
CAN-bus technology. Furthermore, updated
software and electrical components were
implemented to deliver a high level of flex-
ibility, ease of maintenance and durability.

The Kalmar 9 – 18 tonne range is standardly

equipped with a very simple and non-lan-
guage-specific interface for the information
on the steering wheel display. Information
is provided in three areas – diagnostics,
operation and alarms. The standard control
system monitors the engine and gearbox
and gives feedback to the operator in the
display. There are plenty of options avail-
able, from ergonomic functions such as
lever and mini steering wheel control, to
functions for reduced fuel consumption
(opti rev) or increased lifting speed (opti
Distance since last service and hours to next speed).

Drive and steering axle

The steering system is a well proven robust The axle is fitted with a hydraulic service This provides an extremely effective and
design with a double acting cylinder and a brake system (Wet Disc Brakes). It is also smooth braking system which can cope
pendulum suspension. The strength and the fitted with the dry disc parking brake with heavy stresses over an extended
durability is obvious when you look at the actuated electronically via pushbutton in period of time without any risk of overheat-
steer axle. display. ing or fading.

The drive axle has a robust design in order The service brake system is of the Wet The system is virtually maintenance free
to cope with extreme stresses in tough Disc Brake type, a well-proven system with almost no wear and tear and need for
working environments with heavy loads, comprised of a set of fixed and a set of brake adjustments. The heat generated dur-
high intensity operations and even tow- rotating oil-cooled discs. When the brakes ing the braking is transmitted via a cooling
ing tasks. The drive axle has a two stage are applied, the discs are pressed together circuit which effectively uses the truck’s
reduction to ensure minimum strain on the by hydraulic pressure from the brake pedal. total volume of hydraulic fluid. A special
transmission system- differential and hub filter protects the brakes.

Power trains and performance

Volvo TAD650VE (147kW) Volvo TAD750VE (181kW)

Drive trains – Volvo Dana TE13000 Dana TE17000
Engine Manufacturer – type designation Volvo – TAD650VE Volvo – TAD750VE
(Turbo-Intercooler) (Turbo-Intercooler)
Fuel – type of engine Diesel – 4-stroke Diesel – 4-stroke
Rating ISO 3046 – at revs kW/hp – rpm 147/200 – 2300 / 136/185 – 2000 181/246 – 2300 / 181/246 – 2000
Peak torque ISO 3046 – at revs Nm – rpm 750 – 1600 1050 – 1500
Number of cylinders – displacement cm³ 6 – 6057 6 – 7145
Drive train

Fuel consumption, normal driving l/h 8-11 8-11

Gearbox Manufacturer – type designation Dana – TE13000 Dana – TE17000
Clutch, type Torque converter Torque converter
Gearbox, type Hydro-dynamic Powershift Hydro-dynamic Powershift
Numbers of gears, forward – reverse 3–3 3–3
Alternator Type – power W AC – 2240 AC – 2240
Starting battery Voltage – capacity V – Ah 2×12 – 140 2×12 – 140
Driving axle Manufacturer – type Kessler D81 – Diffrential and hub reduction Kessler D81 – Diffrential and hub reduction

Volvo TAD650VE (147kW) with Dana TE13000
90-6 100-6 120-6 140-6 150-6 100-12 120-12 150-12 160-6 160-9 160-12 180-6
Lifting speed Unloaded m/s 0,50 0,50 0,40 0,40 0,45 0,50 0,40 0,40 0,40 0,40 0,40 0,40
At rated load m/s 0,45 0,45 0,35 0,35 0,35 0,45 0,35 0,35 0,35 0,35 0,35 0,35
Lowering speed Unloaded m/s 0,40 0,40 0,40 0,40 0,40 0,40 0,40 0,40 0,40 0,40 0,40 0,40
At rated load m/s 0,40 0,40 0,40 0,40 0,40 0,40 0,40 0,40 0,40 0,40 0,40 0,40

Travelling speed, Unloaded km/h 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29

forward and reverse At rated load km/h 28 28 27 28 28 28 28 27 27 27 27 27
Gradeability Max unloaded % 130 121 110 93 71 79 72 63 75 67 59 65
at rated load % 56 52 45 39 34 43 38 32 33 32 30 30
At 2 km/h unloaded % 74 71 68 60 49 53 49 44 51 46 42 45
at rated load % 39 37 33 28 25 31 28 24 25 24 22 22
Drawbar pull Max kN 121 121 121 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116
Noise level according LpAZ (inside) Spirit Delta dB(A) 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73
to EN12053
LpAZ (inside) FlexGuard dB(A) 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85

LpAZ (inside) FlexCab dB(A) 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78

Noise level according LwA (outside) dB(A) 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108
to 2000/14/EC

Volvo TAD750VE (181kW) with Dana TE17000
90-6 100-6 120-6 140-6 150-6 100-12 120-12 150-12 160-6 160-9 160-12 180-6
Lifting speed Unloaded m/s – 0,50 0,40 0,40 0,45 0,50 0,40 0,40 0,40 0,40 0,40 0,40
At rated load m/s – 0,45 0,35 0,35 0,35 0,45 0,35 0,35 0,35 0,35 0,35 0,35
Lowering speed Unloaded m/s – 0,40 0,40 0,40 0,40 0,40 0,40 0,40 0,40 0,40 0,40 0,40
At rated load m/s – 0,40 0,40 0,40 0,40 0,40 0,40 0,40 0,40 0,40 0,40 0,40

Travelling speed, Unloaded km/h – 28 28 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29

forward and reverse At rated load km/h – 28 28 29 28 29 28 28 28 28 28 28
Gradeability Max unloaded % – >120 >120 >120 96 109 97 83 102 89 77 85
at rated load % – 66 58 48 42 54 47 39 41 39 37 36
At 2 km/h unloaded % – 111 103 89 68 75 69 61 72 64 57 62
at rated load % – 50 44 38 33 42 37 31 32 31 29 29
Drawbar pull Max kN – 143 143 138 138 138 138 138 138 138 138 138
Noise level according LpAZ (inside) Spirit Delta dB(A) – 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74
to EN12053
LpAZ (inside) FlexGuard dB(A) – 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85

LpAZ (inside) FlexCab dB(A) – 79 79 79 79 79 79 79 79 79 79 79

Noise level according LwA (outside) dB(A) – 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110
to 2000/14/EC

Cummins QSB6.7 (164kW)
Drive trains – Cummins Dana TE17000
Engine Manufacturer – type designation Cummins – QSB6.7
Fuel – type of engine Diesel – 4-stroke
Rating ISO 3046 – at revs kW/hp – rpm 164/223 – 2200
Peak torque ISO 3046 – at revs Nm – rpm 949 – 1500
Number of cylinders – displacement cm³ 6 – 6702
Drive train

Fuel consumption, normal driving l/h 8-11

Gearbox Manufacturer – type designation Dana – TE17000
Clutch, type Torque converter
Gearbox, type Hydro-dynamic Powershift
Numbers of gears, forward – reverse 3–3
Alternator Type – power W AC – 1960
Starting battery Voltage – capacity V – Ah 2×12 – 140
Driving axle Manufacturer – type Kessler D81 – Diffrential and hub reduction

Cummins QSB6.7 (164kW) with Dana TE17000
90-6 100-6 120-6 140-6 150-6 100-12 120-12 150-12 160-6 160-9 160-12 180-6
Lifting speed Unloaded m/s – 0,50 0,40 0,40 0,45 0,50 0,40 0,40 0,40 0,40 0,40 0,40
At rated load m/s – 0,45 0,35 0,35 0,35 0,45 0,35 0,35 0,35 0,35 0,35 0,35
Lowering speed Unloaded m/s – 0,40 0,40 0,40 0,40 0,40 0,40 0,40 0,40 0,40 0,40 0,40
At rated load m/s – 0,40 0,40 0,40 0,40 0,40 0,40 0,40 0,40 0,40 0,40 0,40

Travelling speed, Unloaded km/h – 31 31 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32

forward and reverse At rated load km/h – 31 31 32 32 32 31 31 31 31 31 31
Gradeability Max unloaded % – >120 >120 >120 89 101 90 78 95 83 72 80
at rated load % – 63 55 46 40 51 45 38 39 37 35 35
At 2 km/h unloaded % – 102 94 83 64 71 65 57 67 61 54 59
at rated load % – 47 42 36 31 40 35 30 31 30 28 27
Drawbar pull Max kN – 138 138 138 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133
Noise level according LpAZ (inside) Spirit Delta dB(A) – 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74
to EN12053
LpAZ (inside) FlexGuard dB(A) – 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85

LpAZ (inside) FlexCab dB(A) – 79 79 79 79 79 79 79 79 79 79 79

Noise level according LwA (outside) dB(A) – 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111
to 2000/14/EC

A quality machine
for optimum overall economy
Reducing operating costs
The Kalmar 9 – 18 range consists of a series
of models that have been designed in every
aspect to provide long life with minimum
downtime. This has been achieved by using
technical solutions and components, but
not subjecting the truck to built in stresses
that result in unnecessary wear and higher

Optimised chassis modules, frames,

dynamic stability, electronically controlled
power trains, wet disc brakes, more reliable
and more efficient hydraulic systems, smart
options such as variable piston pumps or
opti rev, and last but not least, an unbe-
lievable driving experience. It is the entire
package that determines the quality.

Greater service intervals Daily inspection Opti rev – lower noise level, reduced fuel
Service intervals for the Kalmar 9 – 18 Daily inspections must be simple and easy consumption and lower emissions
tonne range are only after 500 hours of to carry out. All check points for daily The system, which is patented, reduces
driving. The longer service interval will inspection are directly accessible at ground noise and keeps fuel consumption to
reduce the operating cost of the machine level under the engine cover on the side of minimum during lifting sequences in the
– and decrease the service downtime. the truck. It can all be done in just a few operating cycle by optimising the engine
minutes. revolutions compared to the weight of the
load, deflection of the mast and the ma-
Fast service and maintenance chine speed at the time. The intelligent and
The Kalmar 9 – 18 tonne range has been microprocessor-controlled opti rev system
designed to provide the best possible ac- is variable and installed in parallel with the
cessibility. Tilting the cabin and opening standard hydraulic system.
the engine cover exposes the entire power
train with easy accessibility to all vital com-
ponents and service points.

The sliding robalons in mast and All hydraulic hoses are fitted with Daily inspection is simple and can The air filter is easy accessible
carriage creates fewer lubrication ORFS-couplings. be performed from ground level. under the bonnett.
points and can easily be adjusted
and replaced.

Parts and service
The final piece that makes the DCE90-180 a
pre-eminent team player is parts & service.
Kalmar has a truly comprehensive pro-
gramme of service for ownership, rental,
and much more.

All machines will need parts and service

sooner or later and there is no difference
with Kalmar. What differentiates Kalmar is
the excellent after market support. Kalmar
is well prepared with warehouses in all
continents and local distribution centres
for parts through either sales companies
or dealers. Kalmar’s long experience and
global presence provide excellent customer
service all around the globe.

Kalmar DCE at work

The Kalmar DCE90-180 range is versatile
and is proven to be effective for an array of
applications around the world. A few exam-
ples of these many uses include:
• Wood, Pulp & Paper
• Ports & Stevedoring
• Concrete, Brick & Stone
• Steel, Metal and Engineering
• Automotive
• Mining
• Etc.

Safety and the environment

The Kalmar DCE 90-180 is CE marked, its
construction complies with the following
• The Machinery Directive 98/37/EC
• The EMC Directive 89/336/EC
• The Noise Emission Directive 2005/88/EC
• The Exhaust Gas Directive 2004/26/EC

Contact information:

Kalmar global partner

Local presence
Kalmar is a global supplier of heavy materials
handling equipment and services for ports,
terminals, industry and intermodal handling.

Local presence means that we can support

our customers throughout the product’s life
cycle, wherever they are located.

We reserve the right to change the design and technical data without prior notice.
There are 17 Kalmar sales companies that
support dealers and agents in 140 countries
around the world.

Tolerances according to K-standard 95430.0009

921524-0901/06-04 KST Råd & Resultat



Svanenmärkt trycksak

41 293



KalmarSund Tryck



Kalmar Industries AB
Product line – Medium/Heavy Lift Trucks
SE-341 81 Ljungby, Sweden
Tel: +46 372 260 00, Fax: +46 372 263 90

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