Digitally Signed by CHANDANA Dhar Date: 2020.11.13 12:44:12 +05'30'
Digitally Signed by CHANDANA Dhar Date: 2020.11.13 12:44:12 +05'30'
Digitally Signed by CHANDANA Dhar Date: 2020.11.13 12:44:12 +05'30'
13 November 2020
The BSE Limited, National Stock Exchange of India Limited,
Phiroze Jeejeebhoy Towers, Exchange Plaza, Bandra Kurla Complex,
Dalal Street, Mumbai 400001. Bandra East, Mumbai 400051
Scrip Code: 500870 Scrip Symbol: CASTROLIND
Dear Sir,
Sub: Trading Window Closure ‐ Intimation
Further to a communication dated 3 November 2020, on this subject, the Company informs the
Exchanges that the meeting of the Board of Directors of Castrol India Limited ("CIL") scheduled
for 17 November 2020, to consider and approve prospective organizational changes, including
potential changes to the executive management team, stands deferred to 30 November 2020.
Accordingly, the window for purchase / sale of equity shares (“trading window”) of CIL, which
has been closed from 4 November 2020, will now open from 3 December 2020 for the
Directors and relevant Designated Persons.
Organizational changes, as mentioned above, if decided, will be informed to the Exchanges as
per statutorily required norms.
You are requested to take the above information on your record.
Yours faithfully,
For Castrol India Limited
CHANDANA Digitally signed by CHANDANA
Date: 2020.11.13 12:44:12
Chandana Dhar
Company Secretary and Compliance Officer
CC ‐ Link Intime India Pvt. Ltd., Limited, Registrar and Transfer Agent
National Securities Depository Limited
Central Depository Services (India) Limited