Aditya Ramnivas Dhoot
Aditya Ramnivas Dhoot
Aditya Ramnivas Dhoot
Dear Sir,
Sub: Intimation under Regulation 30 of SEBI (listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015
In compliance with Regulation 30 read with Schedule III of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements)
Regulations 2015, we wish to inform you that the Hon'ble National Company Law Tribunal (NClT), Ahmadabad,
vide their order dated 29'h March 2022, received on 31.03.2022, has admitted the application for initiation of
Corporate Insolvency Resolution Process (CIRP) under Section 9 of the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code (IBC), in
respect of matter of M/s FM India Supply Chain Pvt Limited Vis M/s IMP Powers Limited.
Further, pursuant to the order, Mr. Mukesh Verma, having Registration No. IBBI/ IPA-001/IP-P01665/2019-2020
/12522 has been appointed as the Interim Resolution Professional from the date of the Order.
Tbanking You,
Yours truly,
b0fd40a7e1cb48b12c4, postalCode=400002,
6bf038fb1004157abe31b6d2, cn=ADITYA RAMNIVAS DHOOT,
l=MUMBAI, title=2025, pseudonym=202520210129130922179,
Date: 2022.03.31 20:29:19 +05'30'
Aaditya Dhoot
Managing Director
Ref: FRASER/COM/21-22/36 31st March, 20222
BSE Limited The CSE Limited
Phiroze Jeejeebhoy Towers, 7, Lyons Range,
Dalal Street, Kolkata-700001
Mumbai – 400001 Scrip Code:16052
Scrip Code: 539032/ FRASER
Sub: Notice to shareholders holding equity shares of the Company in physical mode –
Regulation 30(6) of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and
Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 (“SEBI Listing Regulations”).
Dear Sir/Madam,
Pursuant to Regulation 30, read with Para A of Part A of Schedule III of SEBI Listing Regulations,
please find enclosed herewith a copy of the notice dispatched to the equity shareholders of the
Company holding shares in physical mode, which is also uploaded on the Company’s website viz., requesting the said shareholders to furnish inter-alia PAN, KYC and
nomination details with the Registrar and Transfer Agent of the Company viz. Purva Sharegistry
(India) Pvt. Ltd., in compliance with SEBI Circular No.
SEBI/HO/MIRSD/MIRSD_RTAMB/P/CIR/2021/655 dated November 3, 2021, read with SEBI
Circular No. BI/HO/MIRSD/MIRSD_RTAMB/P/CIR/2021/687 dated December 14, 2021.
Thanking you,
Your Faithfully,
For Fraser and Company Limited
(SEBI Regn. INR000001112 Category 1 Registrars to IPO & Share Transfer Agents)
GST No. 27AAACP4924D1ZO • CIN No. U67120MH1993PTC074079
This is to confirm that letters for updating KYC information vide SEBI Circular No.
SEBI/HO/MIRSD/MIRSD_RTAMB/P/CIR/2021/655 dated November 03, 2021 has been sent to
the shareholders as per the below mentioned details respect of M/s Fraser and Company
9 Shiv Shakti Industrial Estate, J. R. Boricha Marg, Lower Parel East, Mumbai - 400 011
Tel : 2301 2518 / 2301 6761 • • Web :
March 31, 2022
Dear Sir,
Sub: Intimation under Regulation 30 of SEBI (listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015
In compliance with Regulation 30 read with Schedule III of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements)
Regulations 2015, we wish to inform you that the Hon'ble National Company Law Tribunal (NClT), Ahmadabad,
vide their order dated 29'h March 2022, received on 31.03.2022, has admitted the application for initiation of
Corporate Insolvency Resolution Process (CIRP) under Section 9 of the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code (IBC), in
respect of matter of M/s FM India Supply Chain Pvt Limited Vis M/s IMP Powers Limited.
Further, pursuant to the order, Mr. Mukesh Verma, having Registration No. IBBI/ IPA-001/IP-P01665/2019-2020
/12522 has been appointed as the Interim Resolution Professional from the date of the Order.
Tbanking You,
Yours truly,
b0fd40a7e1cb48b12c4, postalCode=400002,
6bf038fb1004157abe31b6d2, cn=ADITYA RAMNIVAS DHOOT,
l=MUMBAI, title=2025, pseudonym=202520210129130922179,
Date: 2022.03.31 20:29:19 +05'30'
Aaditya Dhoot
Managing Director
Gujarat Lease Financing Limited G / L/F /L
6th Floor, Hasubhai Chambers,
(CIN - L65990GJ1983 PLC006345) Opp. Town Hall,
Ahmedabad 380 006.
Ph . : 079-2657 5722 I 2657 5130
Fax : 079-2657 5180 '
E-mail :
To, To ,
Corporate Relationship Department Listing Department
BSE Limited, National Stock Exchange of India Limited,
14th Floor, P. J. Towers, "Exchange Plaza" , C - 1, Block G,
Dalal Street, Fort, Bandra-Kurla Complex, Sandra (East),
Mumbai - 400001 Mumbai - 400051
Re.: Disclosure purs uant to Regulation 30 read with Schedule Ill of SEBI (Listing
Obligation and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations , 201 5 ("Listing
Reg ulations")
In terms of Regulation 30 read with Schedu le Ill of the Listing Regulations, we wish to inform
you that Surendra Shah (DIN: 00016578) and Vasant Shah (DIN: 00011596),
Independent Directors of the Company, who were appointed for second and final term for a
period from April 01 , 2017 to March 31, 2022 have ceased to be Directors of the Company
with effect from close of business hours of March 31, 2022 pursuant to completion of their
second and final term.
Upon cessation as Director of the Company, Su rendra Shah also cea~ed as Chairperson of
the Board of Directors and the Company with effect from close of business hours of
March 31, 2022 and in his place Animesh Mehta (DIN: 091 22533) was appointed as
Chairperson of the Board of Directors and the Company with effect from April 01, 2022.
Thanking You,
Saurabh Mashruwala
(DIN: 01786490)
Gujarat Lease Financing Limited G /L/F /L
6th Floor, Hasubhai Chambers,
(CIN - L65990GJ1983 PLC006345) Opp. Town Hall,
Ahmedabad 380 006.
Ph. : 079-2657 5722 I 2657 5180
Fax : 079-2657 5180
E-mail : glflho_ahm
An imesh Mehta, 70, is a Bachelor of Engineer (M echanical) with more than 40 years of
experience in the fields of Operation, Maintenance, Environment, Safety section of Coal I
Gas-based Power Plants in various ca pacities and has delt with different State & Central
Government Authorities_
I .
Gujarat Lease Financing Limited G / L/F /L
6th Floor, Hasubhai Chambers,
(CIN - L65990GJ1983 PLC006345) Opp. Town Hall,
Ahmedabad 380 006.
Ph . : 079-2657 5722 I 2657 5130
Fax : 079-2657 5180 '
E-mail :
To, To ,
Corporate Relationship Department Listing Department
BSE Limited, National Stock Exchange of India Limited,
14th Floor, P. J. Towers, "Exchange Plaza" , C - 1, Block G,
Dalal Street, Fort, Bandra-Kurla Complex, Sandra (East),
Mumbai - 400001 Mumbai - 400051
Re.: Disclosure purs uant to Regulation 30 read with Schedule Ill of SEBI (Listing
Obligation and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations , 201 5 ("Listing
Reg ulations")
In terms of Regulation 30 read with Schedu le Ill of the Listing Regulations, we wish to inform
you that Surendra Shah (DIN: 00016578) and Vasant Shah (DIN: 00011596),
Independent Directors of the Company, who were appointed for second and final term for a
period from April 01 , 2017 to March 31, 2022 have ceased to be Directors of the Company
with effect from close of business hours of March 31, 2022 pursuant to completion of their
second and final term.
Upon cessation as Director of the Company, Su rendra Shah also cea~ed as Chairperson of
the Board of Directors and the Company with effect from close of business hours of
March 31, 2022 and in his place Animesh Mehta (DIN: 091 22533) was appointed as
Chairperson of the Board of Directors and the Company with effect from April 01, 2022.
Thanking You,
Saurabh Mashruwala
(DIN: 01786490)
The Bombay Stock Exchange,
Fort Mumbai
Dear Sirs,
Thanking you,
Yours Faithfully,
Anshul Garg
Company Secretary/Compliance Officer
Subject: Intimation pursuant to Regulation 31A Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligatieons
and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 Reclasification from Promoter Group to Publie Category
Dear Sir/Madam,
We would like to inform that the Board of Directors at its mering held on Thursday 31 March 2X122, at S9.A, 2nd
Floor, Gopalpura Bypass Road Jaipur 302019 Rajasthan has considered and approved the requests rereved from
the below promoters, classified as promoter group, for reclassify1ng them from Prormoter/Promoter Graup' to
Public Category The detals of prormoters and ther combined percent of shareholdings are as below
Nameof Promoter | No of shares held
Sudhir Bindal Nil Nil
Yashveer Bindal
Bharat Bindal Nil
Sarita Bndal
Shweta Bindal
Devki Rani Bindal
SauhardDindal Nil
BNBindal&Sons HUF
Yashveer Bindal&Sons HUF
Sudhir Bindal & Sons HUF Nil NIl
We hereby enclosed Extract of the Minutes of Board Meeting held on Thursday 31 March 2022 approving the
requests received from Promoters for reclassifying them from 'Promoter/Promoter Group' to Public Category
Thanking You
Yours faithfully
Shweta Bindal Nil
Sauhard Bindal NI
After discussion and considering the fulfilment of the requirement of Uhe provisions of Regulation 31A of SEBI
(LODR) Regulations. 2015, the Board opined that reclassification of Shareholding of promoters from promoter
group shareholding to public shareholding would be appropriate. Board after review and consideration passed the
following resolution
"RESOLVED THAT pursuant to the provisions of Regulation 31 A and other applicable provistons of Securities
and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Reyuirements) Regulations, 2013 (the "Listing,
Regulations"), and any other laws and regulations as may be applicable from time to time ( including any statutory
modifications or re-enactnents thereof for the time being in force), and other applicable provisions, and sutject to
necessary approval from the E5E Limited (hereinafter refered to as stock exchanges) and such other Statutory
Authorities as may be required and pursuant to other laws and regulations, as may be applicable from time to time
(including any statutory modifications or reenactments thereof for the time being in torce), the consent of Board be
arnd is hereby accordesd to reclasify the following existing promoters of the Company from " Promoter categoryto
P'ublic' category'
Devki Leasing&Finance Limited
Regstered O0ice Velocity Muit plex, 18-A Scheme No 94 C Ring Road
INDORE -452010 (M P)INDIA Tl 91-731-2555041
E mad dindore Ggmail com
CIN: L65921MP1993PLC007522 devki
Name of promoter seeking reclassification
Sr No.
Sudhir Bindal
Yashveer Bindal
Bharat Bindal
arita Bindal
Anju Binndal
Devki Rani Bindal
Sauhard Bindal _
BN Bindal & Sons HU
Yashveer Bindal & Sons HUF
datel 12* November 2021 and
in terms
Additional Director
(DIN: 02806108)
Sinnar Bidi Udyog Limited
Registered Office: 62, Floor - 2nd, 217, Parekh Mahal, Lady Jamshedji Road, Shivaji Park, Mahim, Mumbai —
Administrative Office: ‘Camel House’ Nasik-Pune Road, Nasik-422011
CIN: L16002MH1974PLC017734
Phone No: (0253) 2594231 (3 Lines) Fax: 2595698
Website: Email:
Online Filing
Date: 31.03.2022
To f
Department of Corporate Services
BSE Limited
27" Floor Phiroze Jeejibhoy Towers,
Dalal Street,
Mumbai — 400001
Subject: Disclosure under Regulation 30 of the Securities and Exchange Board of India
(Listing Obligations and Disclosures Requirements) Regulations, 2015
Pursuant to SEBI Circular CIR/CFD/CMD/4/2015 dated September 9, 2015, his brief profile
is enclosed herewith.
Yours faithfully,
For Sinnar Bidi Udyog Limited
Pratiksha Shah
Company Secretary & Compliance Officer
Sinnar Bidi Udyog Limited
Registered Office: 62, Floor - 2nd, 217, Parekh Mahal, Lady Jamshedji Road, Shivaji Park, Mahim, Mumbai
Administrative Office: ‘Camel House’ Nasik-Pune Road, Nasik-422011
CIN: L16002MH1974PLC017734
Phone No: (0253) 2594231 (3 Lines) Fax: 2595698
Website: Email:
Annexure - 1
Terms of appointment three (3) years with effect from 1 April 2022
subject to approval of shareholders at the ensuing
Annual General Meeting of the Company.
Sinnar Bidi Udyog Limited
Registered Office: 62, Floor - 2nd, 217, Parekh Mahal, Lady Jamshedji Road, Shivaji Park, Mahim, Mumbai —
Administrative Office: ‘Camel House’ Nasik-Pune Road, Nasik-422011
CIN: L16002MH1974PLC017734
Phone No: (0253) 2594231 (3 Lines) Fax: 2595698
Wehsite: Email:
The Manager (Listing Department)
BSE Limited
Phiroze Jeejibhoy Towers, Dalal Street,
Mumbai 400001
Dear Sir/Madam,
Subject: Outcome of 5 Meeting of Board of Directors for F.Y. 2021-22 dated 31%
March 2022
2. Noted and accepted resignation of Mr Madhav Digambar Deshpande from the post of
Wholetime Director & CFO of the Company with effect from the close of business hours on
31st March 2022.
Kindly take the above on your record and acknowledge the receipt.
Thanking you.
Yours faithfully,
Pratiksha Shah
Company Secretary & Compliance Officer
CIN; L99999MH1985PLC 130835
ani Chambers, Nariman Point, Mumb
ai, (MH)
Regd. Office: 609, Floor-6, West Wing, Tulsi
400021, India, Contact No: 9827522189
Marg, Indore (MP), 452001, India
Corporate Office: 170/10, Film Colony, R.N.T., Website: www sat thakglobabeon
Phone No.: 0731-4279626, Email: sg lsat thakg
BSE Limited
Listing Department
25" Floor, New Trading Ring,
Phiroze Jeejeebhoy Towers,
Dalal Street, Fort,
Mumbai-400 001
the Promoters/Promoters
Subject: Disclosure of Inter-se Transfer of Shares between
With reference to the Regulation 30 read with Schedule III of SEBI (Listing
inform you that the
and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, we would like to
(through Off
Company has received an information of Inter-se Transfer of Share
market) amongst Promoter and Promoter Group.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
Encl.: As above
March 31,2022
The Manager,
Department of Corporate Sewices (DCS-CRD)
BSE Limited
Dalal Strect
Mu~nbai- 400 00 1
Sub: Intimation to Shareholders holding Shares in Physical Mode
Dear SirIMadam,
Pursuant to Regulation 30 and Part A of Schedule 111 of SEBl (Listing Obligations and Disclosure
Requirements) Regulations, 2015, please find enclosed herewith a copy of the letter sent to the
shareholders holding shares in physical mode in compliance with the SEBI Circular No.
SEBlIMIRSDlMIRSD-RTAMBIPICiR/2021/655 dated November 3, 2021 read with SEBl Circular
SERIIHOIMIRSDIMIRSD-RTAMB/P/CIR/ 202 1 1687 dated December 14. 202 1 .
The Company has informed the physical shareholders to furnish their PAN. KYC and nomination details
to the Registrars and Transfer Agent of the Company i.e. Purva Sharcgistrq (India) I'rivate Limitcd.
Thanking You.
Yours faithfully,
For IITL Projects Limited
Poonam Gupta
Company Secrctary &
Regd. Office: Office No. 101A. The Capital. Plot No. C-70, G Block. Bandra Kurla Complex. Bandra (East),Mumbai - 400 051.
Phone: (+91) 22-4325 0100, E-mail:
Corporate Office : 313-315, Vikas Deep Building. District Centre Laxmi Nagar, Delhi -1 10 092. Tel.: (+91) 1 1-4302 0300,
CIN: LO1 1 1OMH 1 994PLC082421
Form ISR – 1
(see SEBI circular No. SEBI/HO/MIRSD/MIRSD_RTAMB/P/CIR/2021/655 dated November 03, 2021 on Common
and Simplified Norms for processing investor’s service request by RTAs and norms for furnishing PAN, KYC
details and Nomination)
A. I / We request you to Register / Change / Update the following (Tick relevant box)
C. I / We are submitting documents as per Table below (tick as relevant, refer to the
Document / Instruction / Remark
/ Details
1 PAN of (all) the (joint) holder(s)
PAN 󠄀󠄀󠄀󠄀󠄀󠄀󠄀󠄀󠄀󠄀, 󠄀󠄀󠄀󠄀󠄀󠄀󠄀󠄀󠄀󠄀
Whether it 󠄀󠄀󠄀󠄀󠄀󠄀󠄀󠄀󠄀󠄀
is Valid
PAN shall be valid only if it is linked to Aadhaar by March 31, 2022*
(linked to
For Exemptions / Clarifications on PAN, please refer to Objection Memo in page
Aadhaar): 4
Yes No
2 Demat
󠄀󠄀󠄀󠄀󠄀󠄀󠄀󠄀󠄀 󠄀󠄀󠄀󠄀󠄀󠄀󠄀󠄀󠄀
Number Also provide Client Master List (CML) of your Demat Account, provided by the
Depository Participant.
3 Proof of Any one of the documents, only if there is change in the address;
Address of
the first
󠄀Client Master List (CML) of your Demat Account, provided by DP.
holder 󠄀Valid Passport/ Registered Lease or Sale Agreement of Residence / Driving
License / Flat Maintenance bill.
󠄀 Utility bills like Telephone Bill (only land line), Electricity bill or Gas bill -
Not more than 3 months old.
󠄀 Identity card / document with address, issued by any of the following:
Central/State Government and its Departments, Statutory / Regulatory
Authorities, Public Sector Undertakings, Scheduled Commercial Banks, Public
Financial Institutions.
󠄀 For FII / sub account, Power of Attorney given by FII / sub-account to the
Custodians (which are duly notarized and / or apostilled or consularised) that
gives the registered address should be taken.
󠄀 The proof of address in the name of the spouse
4 Bank details Account Number: _________________________________
Bank Name: _____________________________________
Branch Name: ___________________________________
IFS Code: _______________________________________
Provide the following:
󠄀 original cancelled cheque with name of security holder printed on it or Bank
Passbook or Bank Statement attested by the Bank #
5 E-mail
address ___________________________________________#
6 Mobile
______________________________ #
* or any date as may be specified by the CBDT (DP: Depository Participant)
# In case it is not provided, the details available in the CML will be updated in the folio
Authorization: I / We authorise you (RTA) to update the above PAN and KYC details in my / our folio (s)
_________, ________,(use Separate Annexure if extra space is required) in which I / We are the holder(s)
(strike off what is not applicable).
Declaration: All the above facts stated are true and correct.
Holder 1 Holder 2 Holder 3
Full address
󠄀󠄀󠄀󠄀󠄀󠄀󠄀 󠄀󠄀󠄀󠄀󠄀󠄀 󠄀󠄀󠄀󠄀󠄀󠄀
Mode of submission of documents to the RTA
Please use any one of the following mode;
1. In Person Verification (IPV): by producing the originals to the authorized person of the
RTA, who will retain copy(ies) of the document(s)
2. In hard copy: by furnishing self-attested photocopy(ies) of the relevant document,
with date
3. Through e-mail address already registered with the RTA, with e-sign of scanned copies
of documents
4. Service portal of the RTA with e-sign with scanned copies of documents, if the RTA is
providing such facility
It is mandatory for holders of physical securities in listed company to furnish PAN, full KYC
details (address proof, bank details, e-mail address, mobile number) and Nomination (for all
the eligible folios).
Upon receipt or up-dation of bank details, the RTA will automatically, pay electronically, all
the moneys of / payments to the holder that were previous unclaimed / unsuccessful.
RTA shall update the folio with PAN, KYC details and Nominee, within seven working days
of its receipt. However, cancellation of nomination, shall take effect from the date on which
this intimation is received by the company / RTA.
RTA shall not insist on Affidavits or Attestation / Notarization or indemnity for registering /
up-dating / changing PAN, KYC details and Nomination.
Specimen Provide banker’s attestation of the signature of the holder(s) as per Form
Signature ISR – 2 in SEBI circular SEBI/HO/MIRSD/MIRSD_RTAMB/P/CIR/2021/655
dated November 03, 2021) and
original cancelled cheque with name of security holder printed on it or
Bank Passbook or Bank Statement attested by the Bank
Nomination** Providing Nomination: Please submit the duly filled up Nomination Form
(SH-13) or ‘Declaration to Opt out of Nomination’ as per Form ISR–3, in
SEBI circular SEBI/HO/MIRSD/MIRSD_RTAMB/P/ CIR/2021/655 dated
November 03, 2021
Change in Existing Nomination: Please use Form SH-14 in SEBI circular
Cancellation of Existing Nomination: use Form SH-14 & Form ISR – 3
** Nomination (Form SH-13 or SH-14) / ‘Declaration to Opt-Out of nomination’ (Form ISR – 3), has to
be furnished by the holder(s) separately for each listed company.
(Page 3 & 4 is for information to investors; print out of the same is not required)
Objection Memo that can be raised by the RTA
(only if the relevant document / details is / are not available in the folio or if there is a
mismatch / discrepancy in the same or change thereof)
RTAs shall raise all objections, if any / at all, in one instance only; the RTA shall not raise further
objections on the same issue again and again, after the holder / claimant furnishes all the
prescribed documents and details, unless there is any deficiency / discrepancy in the same.
(Page 3 & 4 is for information to investors; print out of the same is not required)
421, 4 Floor, Kailash Plaza, VallabhBaug Lane, Near R-Odeon Mall, Ghatkopar (East),
Mumbai – 400077.
BSE Limited
1st Floor, New Trading Ring,
Rotunda Building, P. J. Towers
Dalal Street, Fort,
Mumbai-400 001
Dear Sir,
We would like to inform you that the meeting of Board of Directors of Aadi Industries
Limited held today i.e March 31, 2022 at 3:00 pm at the Registered office of the Company
has approved appointment of Dr. Sharanabasaweshwar Hiremath as a Non-Executive
Independent (Additional Director) of the Company with immediate effect. Brief Profile of
Dr. Sharanabasaweshwar Hiremath is enclosed herewith.
Thanking you,
f15e378, postalCode=400077,
Shah 201714e87189b49f226305076f6e298b1
c2705c6977, cn=Rushabh Jitendra Shah
Date: 2022.03.31 17:04:08 +05'30'
Rushabh Shah
DIN: 01944390
The Department of Corporate Services
BSE Limited
P J Towers,
Dear Sir/Ma'am,
SUB: Disclosure of Events or Information under Regulation 30 of SEBI (tisting Obligations and
Disclosure Requirement) Regulations, 2015- Receipt of Arbitration Award.
Pursuant to Regulation 30 of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 201"5,
please be informed that the company i.e, AVI Polymers Limited had filed an application under section 1g
of the MSMED Act,2006 and made a reference to Micro and Small Enterprises Facilitation Council-
Gujarat against Hindustan Cables Limited.
Company has received the above order passed by MSEFC Council, Gandhinagar, Gujarat on 31,1 March,
2022via email.
copy of the above order is enclosed herewith for youl ready reference,
Thanking You,
Yours Faithfully,
For, AVI Polymers Limited
Monika Shah
Company Secretary and Compliance Officer
(Membership No: 37823)
Place: Ahmedabad
Regd. Office : Ambica Compound, Old H. B. Road, Ranchi- 834009. Jharkhand, INDIA
('·· · . .
•··•···· .... . . ... ..
-, ,, ,, -,
Gurcrnmcnl of Gnjora l
No: MSME-D/MSEFC/DP- 720 j t._o 1-S
Block 1-2, 4'" floor, MSME-D Branch ,
UdyogBhavan, Gandhinagar . . com
Ernai I: cornrn.rnsrne gu jarat@ gm ai I.
Ph No: 079232-52631
Date: 30 lo:, 12022
Micro Small Enterprise Facilitation Council
In the matter of Arbitration Proceedings Between
Appearance: Advocate Mr. Jaimin Dave has appeared on behalf of the Claimant
and on behalf of the Respondent Advocate Mr. Yogesh G Dave had remained
Page 1 of 15
polym er compo unds for cables, plastic s and textile indust ries (herein after
referre d as "Claim ant"). The Claima nt herein is registe red as micro
enterp rise having UAN: GJ0IA 01077 20 within the meani ng of Micro
and Small Enterp rise Develo pment Act, 2006 (herein after referre d to as
"MSM E Act" for the sake of brevity). The old SSI Regist ration No. of
claima nt was 0401/3 2703.
2. Mis Hindu stan Cables is a public enterprise under the contro l of Centra l
govern ment (herein after referre d as "Respo ndent" ). The respon dent had
placed the order for supply of polym er compo unds for the cables. In
respon se to this Claima nt had supplied the goods amoun ting to Rs
37,58,776/- out of which Respon dent had made the last payme nt on
25/11/2002 and 19/12/2002 amoun ting to Rs 14,83,878/- and the amoun t
of Rs 22,74,897/- was remained unpaid.
3. After the due Claima nt had made regular follow up with the Respo ndent
for the payme nt but the Respondent had avoided the payme nt of the
Claima nt during Decem ber 2002 to March 2003.
4. On 21/03/2003 the Respon dent company had been declare d SICK by the
Board of Industrial and Financial Reconstruction declare d Respon dent ,
herein as sick industrial company in terms of Section 3( 1)( o) of Sick
Industrial Compa nies (Special Provision) Act, 1985. (herein after referred
as "SICA Act").
5. The Claima nt further content that due to this accord ing to Section 22 of
SICA Act, 1985 all the legal proceedings stands suspen ded on upon
declara tion of Respon dent as sick industrial compa ny under SICA Act,
Section 22 of the SICA Act states that, Suspen sion of legal proceedings,
contracts, etc.:-
Page 2 of 15
ill Where . . · ·
in respect of an indus trial comp any, an mqw ry un de r sectio n
16 is pending or any scheme referred to under section
17 is unde r
preparation or consideration or a sanct ioned schem e is
unde r
imple mentation or where an appeal under section 2 5 relati ng
to an
industrial company is pending, then, notwithstanding anyth ing conta
in the Companies Act, 1956 (l of 1956) , or any other law or
memorandum and articles of association of the industrial comp any
any other instrument having effect under the said Act or other law,
proceedings for the winding up of the industrial comp any or
execution, distress or the like against any of the prope rties of
industrial company or for the appointment of a recei ver in respe
there of32 [ and no suit .for the recovery of mone y or for the enfor ceme
nt of
any security against the industrial comp any or of any guara ntee
respect of any loans or advance grant ed to the industrial comp any]
lie or be proceeded with further, except with the conse nt of the Boar
d or,
as the case may be, the Appellate Authority.
(2) Where the management of the sick industrial comp any is taken over
or changed 33 [in pursuance of any scheme sanct ioned under sectio n
notwithstanding anything contained in the Companies Act, J956
(J of
1956) , or any other law or in the memo randu m and
articles of
association of such company or any instrument havin g effect unde
r the
said Act or other law-
(a) it shall not be lawful for the shareholders of such comp
any or an_v
other person to nominate or appoint any person to be a direc tor
of the
Page 3 of 15
{1j_ [Where an inquiry under section 16 is pendi ng or a~y scheme
{g)_ any remedy for the enforcement of any right, privilege, obligation and
liability suspended or modified by such declaration, and all proce eding s
relating thereto pendi ng before any court, tribunal, office r or other
Page 4 of 15
to such
autho rity shall rema in staye d or be conti nued subje ct
decla ratio n ,· and
[Ql on the declaration ceasing to have effe ct-
(il any right, privilege, obligation or liability so rema ining suspe nded
niodified, shall become revived and enforceable as if the decla
ratio n
Page 6 of 15
present before the council. It WAS !\Ccond meeting for the Conci li at ion
process And respondent w:l~ a.h~cnt. Responde nt s ubmitted letter stating
th at he is ready to pay the princi ple amout1 t on ly. whi ch is denied by th e
CIAimant. On thi ~ note Councll deci ded to grant Last chance to
rcsponckn1 for onn cihati on procc~s and i f respo nde nt fa il s to remain
onl y onL: meetin g before the C ouncil. Counci l has takt!n tirdcss ~ffort for
Conci li ation d espite that Conc ili ation is not pos~ ibl ~ bdwt!cn both the
parties. So, con s ider in g all the fad ~ and c irc um~tn nces of the case
Page 7 of 15
.. . oceeding under section
Council had decide to terminate the conc1hat1on pr . .
f · 76 of Arbitration
18(2) of MSME-D Act, 2006 by the virtue o sect10n
18.This case was presented before the Council in 209th MSEFC VC meeting
on 24/09/2021 . On behalf of Applicant Advocate Mr. Jaimin Dave was
present and on behalf of Respondent Advocate Mr. Y ogesh- Dev was
present before the Council. It was Second meeting for the Arbitration
process and both the parties were present before the Council, applicant
requested for 7 days time to file their rejoinder before the Council. So, on
this note Council gave one more chance to both the parties to present
their case before the Council.
19.This case was presented before the Council in 213th MSEFC mee t'mg on
16/11/2021. On behalf of Applicant Advocate Mr. Jaimin Dave was
present and on behalf of Respondent Advocate Mr · y oges h D ev was
present before the Council. It was third meeting 11c0 r th e A r b.1trat1on
process and both the parties were present before the Coun c1·1 , R espon d ent
requested for 10 days time for filling their further sub1n1·ss1·0 n, so C ounc1·1
Page 8 of 15
gave one more chance to both the parties to present their b f e the
case e or
20.This case was presented before the Council in 221 st MSEPC meeting on
21/01/2022. On behalf of Applicant Advocate Mr. Jaimin Dave a n<l Mr.
Sudeep Oasani was present through VC and Respondent Mr. Yogesh G
· It was fourth meeting
Dave was present before the Council. · Dor the
Arbitration process and both parties were present before the Council,
after hearing both the parties at length, Council directed both the parties
to submit their final written submission and Council decided to pass the
final Award on the basis of merits of the case.
21. The Respondent vide its submission stated that Claimant had not made
any submission of claim before the Respondent against the notice served
for OTS under the Insolvency and bankruptcy code.
22.The Respondent Company admits the claim of the Claimant but states
that the Claim is barred by Law of limitation and cannot be enforced
against the Respondent and when the claim is barred by the law of
limitation then the question related to Interest would not come into the
23. The Respondent stated m its submission that Learned NCL T vide its
order dated 15/05/2018 rejected the application of the Clamant for the
interest. Hence the claim of interest is not maintainable before the
MSEFC, Council.
i) Whether the Claimant proves that he has claim of Rs. 22,74,897 /-
against the Respondent outstanding as claimed by the Claim Statement?
ii) Whether the Claim of the claimant against the Respondent is barred b
the Law of Limitation? y
iii) Whether the Claimant is entitled to interest on this amount up to the date
of payment from its due date till the actual realization and at what rate?
Page 9 of 15
74,897 /- againS t the
Wh ether th e Claim ant prove s that he has claim of Rs. 22,
Resp ond ent outstanding as claimed by the Claim State ment ?
and takin g into
24. Council has heard both the parties at length on this issue
Coun cil has
the considering all the submissions made by the parti es
the MSM E-0
observed that Claim ant is suppliers as per the defin ition of
Act, 2006 and Respondent is buyer as per the Secti on
18(4) of the
regis tratio n of
MSM E-0 Act, 2006. Council has analy zed all the relev ant
unit regis tered
the Claim ant and concludes that Claim ant is a "Mic ro"
unde r MSM E-D Act, 2006. Furth er docu ment s subm it by
the Claim ant I
betw een the
clearly inferred that there is comm ercia l trans actio n invol ved
this issue is
Claim ant and the Respondent. Thus, Coun cil has foun d that
covered unde r the dispute raised unde r section 18(4) of the
s, it is quite
25. Council further states that from the subm itted docu ment
raise d by the
evident that Claim ant is askin g for the outst andin g amou nt
and even the
claimant amou nting to Rs 22, 74,897 /- is still pend ing
issio n
Resp onde nt has admi tted said amou nt due in its writt en subm
s and ledgers
26. The Council has cons idere d all the relev ant docu ment
lishe d the
submitted by the Claim ant. Thes e docu ment s clear ly estab
pc1;rties. The
relation of comm ercia l trans actio n invol ved betw een the
Benc h) dated
Council also obse rved the order of Ld. NCL T (Kol kata
onde nt. In
15/05/2018 whic h also certified the amou nt due on the Resp
g amou nt of
addition to this, the Resp onde nt has confi rmed the outst andin
Rs. 22,74,897/- as per the letter dated 23.12.2015.
issio ns and the
On the basis of abov e discu ssion , cons ideri ng all the subm
conc ludes that
argum ent adva nced by the parties, Coun cil here by
g princ iple
Resp onde nt has to make the paym ent of rema ining outst andin
answ ered in
amou nt of Rs 22,74,897/- This Issue has been
the . nece ssary
Affirmative. Coun cil further directs Resp onde nt to make
Page 10 of 15
payment of outstanding, amount as claimed by the Claimant 1.e. Rs.
22, 74,897 /-
Whether the Claim of the claimant against the Respondent is barred by the Law of
27.Respondent has made the contention that the claim of the Claimant is
ban-ed by the Law of Limitation. In this respect Council has considered
all the submission made by both the parties and case laws cited by both
the patties.
28.In this regard Council's observation is based on order dated 5/05/2018
passed by Learned NCL T where NCL T in its para 18 specifically
mention that "The proposition laid down in the above referred judgement
is squarely applicable to the in the case in hand. As per Annexure II (!)
and Annexure - II (5) the respondent admits its liability limiting to the
principal amount. Thus, it appears to us that the claim to the extent of
principal amount is not barred by limitation as alleged by respondent.
The contention of the respondent that the claim of applicant is barred
by limitation is therefore found not sustainable under law. This order of
the NCLT has not been challenged by the Respondent anywhere hence
this order has attained the finality before the eye of Law. Council being
quasi-judicial body would not like to infer with the order of the Learned
NCLT. (Kolkata bench)
29. Furthermore, the contention 1s quite clear the last payment of the
Page 11 of 15
30. When the Respondent company is under SICK status section 22 comes
into the scenario which bars any proceeding to be initiated the
Respondent Company. This section further excludes the time limit while
computing period of limitation, after 2016 when the SICA act is repealed
the Claimant had filed the Company petition (1B) 720 of 2017 against the
Respondent which has been disposed by the Learned NCLT vide order
dated 15/05/2018.
3 I.When the interest has not been decided by the Learned NCL T due to
interest not arising from contractual liability but from MSME laws and
regulations the Learned NCL T has ordered to approach to MSEFC for
interest issue. Then the Respondent has approached the MSEFC in
December 2018. While computing the period excluding ti'me under
section 22 the Claim before MSEFC is filled before 3 years time period
( 4 months i.e. 25/11/2002 to 21/03/2003 + 2 years i.e. 01/12/2016 to
32.On the basis of above discussion Council hereby completely rejects the
contention of the Respondent that particular
33.The Council here by answers this issue in NEGATIVE.
Issue No (iii)
Whether the Claimant is entitled to interest on this amount up to the d aeot t'
fi •
payment rom its due date till the actual realization and at what ra t e.')
~age 12 of 15
h· d the supplier in
therefore ,on or before the date agreed upon between zm an . .
writing or, where there is no agreement in this behalf, before the appointed day.
/" d the
Provided that in no case the period agreed upon between th e supp zer an
buyer in writing shall exceed forty-five days from the day of acceptance or the day
of deemed acceptance. This clause seeks to specify the liability of buyer of goods
and services from a supplier to make payment therefore on or before the date
agreed upon between the two parties into this clause seeks to limit the period
agreed upon between the supplier and the buyer in writing to forty-five days from
the day of acceptance or the day of deemed acceptance.
Section 16.Date from which and rate at which interest is payable. - Where any
buyer fails to make payment of the amount to the supplier, as required under
section J5, the buyer shall, notwithstanding anything contained in any agreement
between the buyer and the supplier or in any law for the time being in force , be
liable to pay compound interest with monthly rests to the supplier on that amount
from time the appointed day or, as the case may be, from the date immediately
following the date agreed upon, at three times of the bank rate notified by the
Resere Bank.
It is noted that Section 16 seeks to specify the date from which and the rate at
which interests will be payable by the buyer to the supplier in case of the former
failing to make payments of the amount to the supplier, as required under section
Page 13 of 15
interest rate at 18% that to excluding interest for the
Cov id-1 9 peri od for
2 years.
36. While getting the final amo unt Council here
by dire cts Res pon dent to
mak e the interest paym ent at the rate of 18% com
pou nded mon thly to the
Clai man t excl udin g period from Mar ch 2020 to Mar
ch 2022 till the actual
realization of the amount.
37. On the basis of above discussion Council hereby
answ ers this i~sue part ly
Page 14 of 15
The claim of the Claim ant is allowe d and the Respo ndent is directe d to
2. Counci l here by directs Respo ndent to mak e the interes t payme nt at statuto
interes t at the rate of 18% compo unded month ly to the Claim ant
Rs.5 , l 0,61 ,615/- exclud ing period from March 2020 to March 2022 ( due
covi d 19 pandem ic situati on) till the actual realiza tion of the amoun t.
3. Above mentio ned award amoun t should be paid to the Claim ant
respon dent within 90 days from receip t of the award .
Comm i ner MSM E
Date : / 12022
Place: Gandh inugar
Page 15 of 15
31 Ad m In . Of fic e : 103 ,
Mobil e : +91 704
p em cha nd Na gar Ro
Na lan da C8o;6~~; ·. ; ad , Va str apu r, Ah me dab ad- 380 0 15 ·
.mail : avipolyrner@gma +U RL : www.av1p
CIN : L27204JH1993PLC
ers .corn
Da te: 14 /03 /20 22
Mi cro and Small Enterpri
ses Facilitation Council
MSME Commissionera
Block No . 1 & 2, Udyog
Bhavan, MSMED Branc M.S.M.E. Co mmission er
4 th Floor, Sector-11, Ga h
ndhinagar -382010 ate
IWDMS File No. -:Ls-2-
Branch : M~N L ..-__Q
Respected Sir,
Year: ) s::::-1 0--1,\ 2 t:J2 2
Ref: D.P. NO. 72 0 18 % UPTO 23 /03 /20
As directed by you, we
have calculated int ere
23 /03 /20 20 and the sa st @ 18% p.a. co mp ou
me is att ac he d he rew ith nd ed mo nth ly up to
along wi th CA Ce rtif ica
tio n.
Thanking You
Yours Faithfully
Mo nik a Shah
Dir ec tor
DIN: 07 11 61 52
Place: Ah me da ba d
Encl. : 1. CA Certificate
along wi th Int ere st Ca
Chartered Accountant
B-18, Shankh eshewa r Appartment, Opp. State Bank of India,
Kabir Chowk, Ahmedabad - 380005
Phone: 079-27503540 (M) +91 9662475789
I, CA Manpal Kothari, hereby certify that the interest payable to M/s AV!
0 Cables Limited is Rs. 5,10,61,615/- (Rupees Five Crores Ten Lakhs
Polymers Limited by Hindustan
Sixty One Thousand Six Hundred
Fifteen Only) and total amount payable is Rs. 5,33,36,513/- (Rupees Five
Crores Thirty Three Lakhs Thirty
Six Thousand Five Hundred Thirteen Only} as per Annexure 1.
Manpa~ ai~:,;,;;~;G
;,,i{ 1
~ l,'[D r,Ce, /
(Proprie tor) - · '"'-::; 1/
Membe rship No: 140634
UDIN: 221406 34AEVD Mjl967
Date: 14-03-2022
Place: Ahmeda bad
Encl: Annexure 1
l -., ~
(1:: 0
/\nne,n tre l
Sta t·e m ent ~hOl'llin g th e de-t 11Hs of bill wise otrtstandlng amoun t
I I i--- I
1 lnten,..-1 @111% p.a.
I De lnyed P0riod
Amoun t of BiU Due Date for Det ail~ of p'lym e nl Received Outs t.:!nding Amount Compou nt:/1cd morrthfy rotnl Amount Outst,mdln11
I Prom Dntv ..•. .. .
SL. No. I smNo. f)i!l'.>l'd Paymen t Rill' wf5p (11-6) (DN;,IJt, d takuJ;,tJ on (9·•tl)
To O;ite ... ...... .
:J Amoun t fl . No. j Oatl!
., 5 6 7 8 9 lO lL lZ
1 I _ _ !:_ __ _ -- - 3 _ J
<' •• -. 19/J2/2002I -- - /c!(J;?(}d.~ Ill / :IJ{)t;/,l<> f<II
t - - - -- ,· :~'i('.> _.,\ . :- ; ,1<i iro:; j 15%1GG .!J~ 31 -10-200 1 l ~83878 .96 I l t/ t(l/ /. 00.1 to 1--
15/lJ /}001 .•- 1'22R7.58r
1 - - • ~
-20021 iI l ;/() ;/ /()/()
-- 0 .00 I I - I f,?.&f,8 ; <,_,, 1 I UtA81 It(, / /
J.8-0 l -2002 I r,im. tr.1 wmnoon ,
-200, o., j I
2 ~- I I vn :Jmio
- -20011
- 17-l.l o.oo 116/!<)4 / //. IU/l",JL .,.,/
;; 0 .1 11/11/2 00)"
- - - -2002/ I :/2010
"""'' "II 2 / ;/() .;;t)()/i,<)().''11
0.00 II /I r, tO/<l{lX ,/) t
l 21-ll __ 23
4 0. 288481. sol 1/~ 1;:00✓. tr,
-2002 / /
ror:.l 642166.SJ I 29/1 l/2002 to 1·:t;//lll< LI :I lllt6%'1 i 2f,,
----- / / fl :/).0-/0
21 /ffl/202f l
29-11-2 002 ! 0.00 I -- I I
s 375877 6.61 o., ''.: !6', \ I• •I),I
2274897 .65 <:!06l61r::.~t'
148387 8.96
Date: 31/03/2022
Department of Corporate Service (DCS-CRD),
Bombay Stock Exchange Limited
Phiroze Jeejeebhoy Towers,
Dalal Street, Fort,
Mumbai — 400 001.
Dear Sir/Madam,
With reference to the above subject matter and as per Regulation 30 of SEBI (Listing Obligations and
Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 (“Listing Regulations”) we wish to inform you that in the
meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company held today i.e. on 31st March, 2022 the following was
Re-appointed Mr. Chandrakant Bhai Patel (DIN: 02590157), as Managing Director for a further period of
3 years with effect from April 01, 2022 subject to the approval of shareholders of the Company. ,
Mr. Chandrakant Patel is not debarred from holding the office of Director by virtue of any SEBI order or
any other such authority.
Mr. Chandrakant
Pursuant to SEBI Circular CIR/CFD/CMD/4/2015 dated 9th September, 2015, profile of
Patel enclosed herewith.
We request you to take the above on your record and acknowledge the same.
Yours faithfully,
a el No es a
Disclosure of relationship Mr. Chandrakant Bhai Patel is not related any Director of
between Directors the Company.
March 31,2022
Dear SiriMadam,
Pursuant to Regulation 30 read with Schedule lll of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and
Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, we hereby inform that Ms. Ankita Jain,
Company Secretary and Compliance Officer of the Company has resigned and relieved
from her duties from the end of the working hours on 31st March, 2022.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
For Raunaq EPC lnternational Limited
(1'17^"-' ll!lP p'q
Rajaft Malhotrf
Chi{f Executi{e Officer
<=l' \7
Regd. Office: 20 K.M. Mathura Road, PO. Box 353, POAmar Nagar Faridabad-121 003 (Haryana)lNDlA
Tel.: +9'l (129) 4288888, Fax: +91 (129) 4288823-22, email :
CIN : 151909HR'1965P1C0343'15
Parle Industrles Ltd.
(Formerly known as Parle Software Ltd) CIN. L2100MH1983PLCO29128
Regd.Office: C/406, Crystal Plaza, Plot No.B-4 &B-5, New Link Road, Andheri (W) ,Mumbai-400053.
Tel.:022-40132875. website:, E-Mail:
Rakesh Mishra
CIN- L01403WB2011PLC162131
Regd. Office: Village – Chekuasole,
P.O. – Jogerdanga, P.S. – Goaltore,
Dist. – Paschim Medinipur, West Bengal – 721 121
Ph: +91 3227 218314, E-mail –
Fax: +91 3227 265193, Website:
To, Date: 31st March, 2022
The Manager
BSE SME Platform,
25th Floor, P. J. Tower,
Dalal Street,
Sub: Intimation about appointment of Statutory Auditor of the Company to fill the
casual vacancy arises due to the resignation of the previous auditor
Dear Sir/Ma’am,
Varsha Gupta
(Company Secretary)
CIN- L01403WB2011PLC162131
Regd. Office: Village – Chekuasole,
P.O. – Jogerdanga, P.S. – Goaltore,
Dist. – Paschim Medinipur, West Bengal – 721 121
Ph: +91 3227 218314, E-mail –
Fax: +91 3227 265193, Website:
Sl. Particular
4. Brief profile (in case of Name of the Auditor: M/s. R C Jhawar & Co
appointment) Chartered Accountant
FRN. 310068
BSE Limited
Phiroze Jeejeebhoy Towers,
Dalal Street, Fort
Mumbai – 400001
Respected Sir/Madam,
This is to inform you that pursuant to Regulation 30 of the SEBI (Listing Obligation and
Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, Ms. Saleen Francis Mothis (DIN: 09406425),
Woman Independent Director of Yogi Infra Projects Limited (hereinafter referred to as ‘the
Company’) has resigned due to personal reasons and other pre-occupations, with effect from
close of business hours of March 31, 2022.
The details required under Regulation 30 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure
Requirements) Regulations, 2015, read with SEBI Circular No. CIR/CFD/CMD/4/2015 dated 9th
September 2015 are given in Annexure A.
Thanking You,
Yours faithfully,
For Yogi Infra Projects Limited
[Formerly known as Yogi Sung-Won (India) Limited]
Corporate Office: 205, Raigad Darshan, Opp. Indian Oil Colony, J P Road, Andheri (West), Mumbai – 400 053
Tel Nos. 022-2635 8290 / 2639 7605 Fax No. 022-2635 8291
CIN - L32201WB1993PLC203868
(Formerly known as YOGI SUNG-WON (INDIA) LIMITED)
Registered Office: 18, Rabindra Sarani Road, Room No. 308, 03rd Floor, Gate No. 1, Kolkata - 700001
email id:
Annexure A
Resignation of Ms. Saleen Francis Mothis (DIN: 09406425) as an Independent Director of the
Corporate Office: 205, Raigad Darshan, Opp. Indian Oil Colony, J P Road, Andheri (West), Mumbai – 400 053
Tel Nos. 022-2635 8290 / 2639 7605 Fax No. 022-2635 8291
@W Ecs
Ref, No.: EBL/SD/PIT/7(2)/202 1 -2022/3103
Date: 31-03-2022
BSE Ltd.
Corporate Relation Department
Phiroze Jeejeebhoy Towers,
Dalal Street, Fort,
Mumbai: 400 001.
Scrip Code: 540063
Dear Sir/Madam,
Sub: Disclosures under Reg. 7(2) of SEBI (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations,
With reference to the above mentioned subject, please find attached herewith
disclosure under Regulation 7(2) of the SEBI (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations,
2015 received from Mr. Vijay Mandora, Promoter and Managing Director of the
You are requested to please take note of the same on your records.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
Hinal Patel
Company Secretary
(Membership No.: A47701)
Place: Ahmedabad
Encl: As above
Date: 31-03-2022
BSE Ltd.
Corporate Relation Department
Phiroze Jeejeebhoy Towers,
Dalal Street, Fort,
Mumbai: 400 001
Dear Sir/Madam,
Sub: Disclosure under Regulation 7(2) of SEBI (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations,
With reference to the above mentioned subject, | am enclosing herewith disclosure under
7(2) of the SEBI (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations, 2015 for your information
and take on
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
(Vijay M. Mandora)
(Seller and Promoter of TC)
Place: Ahmedabad
Encl: As above
Company Secretary & Compliance Officer,
ECS Biztech Limited (Target Company),
B-02, THE FIRST, ECS Corporate House,
Behind Keshavbaug Party Plot,
Off. 132 Ft. Road,
Vastrapur, Ahmedabad,
Gujarat, 380015
SEBI (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations, 2015
[Regulation 7(2] read with Regulations 6(2) — Continual Disclosure]
Name of Company : ECS BIZTECH LIMITED (Script Code : 540063, Script Name: ECS )
Securities aequired/disposed Securities held post of est Exchange on
Name, PAN, intimation to which the
acquisition/ dispesal acquisition / aequisition-cfshares/
CIN/DIN, Person
disposal disposalof shares, | |company /disposal(on _|trade was
& address with |(Promoter/memb
specify market/ executed
contact nos. er of the
promoter rights/
of securities
|Type No. Value Transaction Type | Type of No. and % From io
group/designated | Type of securities No. and % of
(Purchase/sale |securities (For | of preferential
person/ (For eg. share holding |(For eg.
— Pledge / eg. shareholdin| offer!
Director Shares,
Revocation / ~ Shares, Eg off market/
s/immediate Warrants, Shares,
Warrants, Invocation/ Warrants, Inter-se
relative to/others | Convertible
‘Convertible ‘Others-please |Convertible transfer, ESOPs,
etc.) Debentures,
specify) Debentures, etc.)
Rights Debentures,
entitlements etc.) Rights Rights
entitlement, etc. entitlement,
7 5 10 11 12 13 14 15
i 3 4 5 6
20,00,000 | 2,00,00,000 Sale Equity Shares | 1,05,75,390 |30-03-2022 |30-03-2022 | 31-03-2022 Off Market BSE Ltd.
Vijay omoter Equity Shares ,25,75,390 quity Shares
Mansinhbhai / 61.18%) (9.7396) 45%)
14/6, Parivar
Bunglow, Beside
Premchand Nagar
Road, Nr.
Chhavni, Satellite,
Ahmedabad -
Contact No
SEB! (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations, 2015
[Regulation 7(2} read with Regulations 6(2) — Continual Disclosure]
Name of Company : ECS BIZTECH LIMITED (Script Code : 540063, Script Name: ECS )
ISIN of the Company : INE925Q01024
in Regulation
Trading in derivatives (Specify type of contract, Futures or Options etc.) Exchaon which
ngethe trade
was executed
Type of contract Contract Buy Sell
Notional Value |Numberof Notional Value |Number of
units units
(contracts * (contracts*
i7 18 19 20 21 22
Not Applicable Not Applicable
Vijay Mansinhbhai Mandora
@ Ecs
Ref. No.: EBL/SD/SAST/29(2)/2021-2022/3 103 eee
Date: 31-03-2022
BSE Ltd.
Corporate Relation Department
Phiroze Jeejeebhoy Towers,
Dalal Street, Fort,
Mumbai: 400 001.
Scrip Code: 540063
Dear Sir/Madam,
Sub: Disclosures under Reg. 29(2) of SEBI (Substantial Acquisition of Shares and
Takeovers) Regulations, 2011.
With reference to the above mentioned subject, please find attached herewith
disclosure under Regulation 29(2) of the SEBI (Substantial Acquisition of Shares and
Takeover) Regulations, 2011 received from Mr. Vijay Mandora, Promoter and Managing
Director of the Company.
You are requested to please take note of the same on your records.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
For, ECS Biztech Limited,
Hinal Patel
Company Secretary
(Membership No.: A47701)
Place: Ahmedabad
Encl: As above
Date: 31-03-2022
BSE Ltd.
Corporate Relation Department
Phiroze Jeejeebhoy Towers,
Dalal Street, Fort,
Mumbai: 400 001
Dear Sir/Madam,
Sub: Disclosure under Reg. 29(2) of SEBI (Substantial Acquisition of Shares and Takeovers)
Regulations, 2011
With reference to the above mentioned subject, | am enclosing herewith disclosure under Regulation
29(2) of the SEBI (Substantial Acquisition of Shares and Takeover) Regulations, 2011 for your
information and take on record.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
(Vijay M. Mandora)
(Seller and Promoter of TC)
Place: Ahmedabad
Encl: As above
cc TO:
Company Secretary & Compliance Officer,
ECS Biztech Limited (Target Company),
B-02, THE FIRST, ECS Corporate House,
Behind Keshavbaug Party Plot,
Off. 132 Ft. Road,
Vastrapur, Anmedabad,
Gujarat, 380015
Disclosure under Regulation 29(2) of SEBI (Substantial Acquisition of Shares and Takeover
Regulations, 2011
Name of the Target Company (TC) ECS Biztech Limited
(Script Code: 540063, Script Name: ECS }
Name of the acquirerts)/Seller and Persons Vijay Mansinhbhai Mandora (Promoter of TC)
Acting in Concert (PAC) with the acquirer
Whether the aequirer/seller belongs to Yes — Promoter
Promoter / Promoter Group
Name(s) of the Stock Exchange(s) where the BSE Limited
shares of TC are listed
Details of aequisitien/disposal/holding of Number % w.r.t. total % w.r.t. total
shares/ voting rights/holding of the acquirer share / voting diluted share
and PAC capital wherever / voting
Before the acquisition/sell under applicable (*) capital of
consideration, holding of: TC(**)
a) Shares carrying voting rights 1,25,75,390 61.18 61.18
b) Shares in the nature of encumbrance
c) Voting rights (VR) otherwise than by shares
d) Warrants / convertible securities / any
other instrument that entitles the acquirer
to receive shares carrying voting rights in
the TC
(specify holding in each category)
e) Total (atb+c+d) 1,25,75,390 61.18 61.18
Details of acquisition/sale
a) Share carrying voting rights acquired/ sold 20,00,000 9.73 3.73
b) Voting rights (VR) acauired / sold otherwise
than by shares
c) Warrants / convertible securities / any
other instrument that entitles the acquirer
to receive shares carrying voting rights in
the TC
(specify holding in each category)
d) Shares encumbered / invoked/ released by
the acquirer
e) Total (atb+c+/-d) 20,00,000 9.73 9.73
After the acquisition/ sale, holding of:
a) Shares carrying voting rights 1,05,75,390 51.45 51.45
b) Shares encumbered with the acquirer
c) Voting rights (VR) otherwise than by shares
d) Warrants / convertible securities / any
otherwise instrument that entitles the
acquirer to receive shares carrying voting
rights in the TC
(specify holding in each category)
e) Total (at+b+c+d) 1,05,75,390 51.45 51.45
Mode of acquisition / sale (e.g. open Off market
market/ off market / public issue / right
issue/ preferential allotment/ inter-se
transfer etc.).
Date of aequisitien/ sales of shares / ¥R or
efshares, whichever is applicable
Equity share capital/ total voting capital of 2,05,55,047 Equity Shares of Rs. 10/- each, aggregating
the TC before the said acquisition / sale (*) to Rs. 20,55,50,470/- only.
Equity share capital/ total voting capital of 2,05,55,047 Equity Shares of Rs. 10/- each, aggregating
the TC after the said acquisition / sale (*) to Rs. 20,55,50,470/- only.
10. Total diluted share / voting capital of the 2,05,55,047 Equity Shares of Rs. 10/- each, aggregating
TC after the said acquisition / sale to Rs. 20,55,50,470/- only.
(*) Total share capital / voting capital to be taken as per the latest filing done by the
Company to the
Stock Exchange under Regulations 31(1)(b) of SEBI (LODR) Regulations, 2015.
(**) Diluted share/ voting capital means the total number of shares in the TC assuming full conversio
of the outstanding convertible securities/ wa rrants into equity shares of the TC.
Vijay M. Mandora
(Seller and Promoter of TC)
Date: 31-03-2022
Place: Ahmedabad
CIN: L67120DL1991PLC043677
Regd. Office: 9/18, Bazar Gali, Vishwas Nagar, Shahdara, Delhi – 110032
Website:; e-mail:
The Manager
Corporate Relationship Department
BSE Limited
P J Towers, Dalal Street,
Mumbai - 400 021
In accordance with Code of Conduct adopted by Company under the SEBI (Prohibition of Insider
Trading) Regulation 2015 amended w.e.f 01 April, 2019 read with BSE
Circular No. LIST/COMP/O1/2019-20, dated 02nd April 2019, bearing subject restriction
period; the trading window of the Company shall be remain closed with effect from
01st April, 2022 till the expiry of 48 hours from the declaration of financial results of quarter and
financial year ending 31st March, 2022 for all designated persons of the Company and their
Clarification regarding trading immediate relatives.
The date of Board Meeting for considering and approving said financial result for the Quarter
and financial year ended 31st March, 2022 shall be communicated in due course.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
For Pagaria Energy Limited
(Formerly Women Networks Limited)
Company Secretary & Compliance Officer
CIN No. : L24230GJ2011PLC064731
GST No. : 24AADCN5937D1ZM
Department of Corporate Services
BSE Limited
PhirozeJeejeebhoy Towers,
Dalal Street, Mumbai - 400 001
Board of India (Listing
Ref: Regulation 25 of the Securities and Exchange
) Regulations 2015 and
Obligations and Disclosures Requirements
anies Act, 2013
Section 149 read with Schedule IV of the Comp
Yours faithfully,
Ql “Fy
Managing Director
DIN: 03441623
SG EL/L1ST/BSE/REG-30/CH.CFO/03-2022
DATE: 31ST March 2022
Listing Compliance Department,
The BS ELimited,
Phoroze Jeejeebhoy Towers,
Dalal Street, Fort,
Mumbai: 400001.
Dear Sir,
Sub: Intimation for Change in Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of the Company
w.e.f. 31/03/ 2022
Ref: (1) Our Scrip Code/ ID: (SHGAl'EL 15307971 1NE400N0 1017)
(2) Compl iance to Regulation 30 read with Schedule III, PART-A-Sub Para-A-7
Of SEBI (LODR) 201S.
With reference to above subject, we write to inform you that pursuant to Notice dated 23rd
March 2022, a Meeting of the Board of Directors was duly convened, held and conducted on
Thursday the 31" March 2022 to consider amongst other things th e Change in Chief
Financial Officer (CFO) Of the Company.
Accordingly, the Current CFO Mr. Romil Shaileshbhai Patel, has resigned as the Chief
Financial Officer of the Company and the company has now appointed Mr. Manit Mihirbhai
Shah as the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) in his place w .e.f. 31" March 2022 . The Board of
Directors has passed necessary resolution in th is behalf and the company is in process to file
necessary forms w ith the office of the Registrar of Companies .
Brief individual particulars educational background and experience of Mr. Manit Mihirbhai
Shah is annexed w ith this letter. A Certified True copy of the Resolution passed by the Board
of Directors for change of CFO and also the letter of Resignation of Mr. Romil S Patel and
Consent letter of Mr. Manit Mihirbhai Shah are attached here with for your informat ion and
records please.
In view of above facts, we request you to kindly make necessary correct ions in the
information of Directors and KMP of the Company and other corporate information
displayed on the w ebsite of the BSE ASAP and oblige.
CIN : L2520 0GJ 1994PLC021666
This intimation is being given in compliance to Regulation 30 read with Schedule III, Part-A,
Part A-7 of the SEBI (LODR) 201S.
Kindly take the same on your records and acknowledge the receipt of same.
Yours faithfully,
For Shree Ganesh Elastoplast Limited,
(Mihir R. Shah)
Whole Time Director
DIN : 02055933
From: Romil Shaileshbhai Patel 21st March 2022
4, Jit endra Colony,
Paldi, Ahmedabad : 380007.
With reference to above subject matter, I do hereby tend er my letter of Resignat io n as CH IEF
FINANCIAL OFFICER (KMP) of yo ur Company which is to be made effe ctive from the date it is
approved by the Board of Directors of your Company .
I request you to kindly call immedi at ely the Board Meeting, put my resignat ion letter, approve , pass
necessary resolution, fi le th e same w ith the Office of t he Registrar of companies, Stock Exchanges,
Taxation Departments and all oth er government authori ties in t ime and serve a copy of documen ts
submitted by you r company to var iou s autho rit ies for my official records .
I w ish all the success to t he company in all of its future business venture and also thanks the
members of the Board of Directors, Whole Time Director and other staff members for giving me co
operation in discharge of my duties as the CFO of your company.
Thanking you and expecting your best co operation in the matter and with regard s,
Your s faithfully,
(Romit S Patel).
From : Manit M ihirb hai Shah Date: 23'· March 2022
Aryam an Bunglows No:
Thaltej Shilaj Road, Shilaj,
Ahme dabad :
Sub: M y Consent to act as CHI EF FINANCIAL OFF ICER for your Company as KMP.
As per req uirements of t he Companies Act and also as per sEBI (lO DR) 2015.
With refere nce to the above subject, I attac h here w ith my IT PAN Card as pro of of Ident ity, and
Aadhaar Card as proof of Address and also my Educational Qualifications testimonials along w ith my
CV for consideration of my Appointment as CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER (KMP) of your company as per
requirements of Compan ies Act 2013 and also as per requi rements of sEBI (lODR) 2013 .
I further do hereby give my Consent to act as such CFO of you r Company if so recommended by the
M anagement/ Board Commi tt ees and appo inted by the Board of Directors of your company. I also
authorize yo ur company to attach and forward th is consent letter and other docu me nts to the Office
of th e Registrar of Compan ies, Stock Exchanges, Taxat ion Department or any other authorities as per
requirements of law s.
End : (1) M Y CV, (2) My IT PAN CARD, (3) MY Aadhaar Card, (4) My Educational Test imonials.
CIN : L25200 GJ 1994PLC021666
The Chairman placed o n t able th e Letter of Resignation as Chief Financial Officer (CFO) (KM P) of th e
Company of M r. Romil Shaileshbhai Patel dated 21st M arch 2021 for con siderat io n and approval by
th e Board. He further informed that as per letter of resignation, thi s Resignation is to be effect from
the date it is approve d by the Board by passing Resolut ion in th is matter. He furt her info rme d th at
thi s letter of Resignation Is also recommended fo r approv al by th e Nomination and Rem unerat ion
comm ittee of th e Board of Directors of th e Company.
The Board considered the matter and after due delibe rat ions it was unanimou sly resolved as und er:
RESOLVED THAT Lett er of Resignation as Chief Financial Offi cer (CFO) (KMP) of Mr. Rom il S Patel,
dated 21" M arch 2022 as recommended by th e Nomi nati on and rem unerat io n Comm ittee and
placed before t he Board be and is hereby t aken on record , approved and he is discharged from all
th e legal and fi nancial liabilities of th e Company from th e date of approval of this letter of
Resignat ion by t he Board of Director s of the Company.
RESOLVED FURTHER THAT necessary entries be made in th e sta t utory Registers of Dire ctors and
KM P and th eir shareh o ldi ng w ith immediate effect and all other statutory record s of the compan y.
RESOLVED FURTH ER THAT Mr. Mihi r R Shah, Wh ole Tim e Director (DIN: 02055 933) be and is hereby
authorized, emp owered, instructed and requeste d to f ile necessary form w it h t he office of th e
Registrar of Comp anies with th e Digital Signatu re Affixed in any form and fur t her cert if ied by M r
Kam lesh M Shah Practicing Company Secretary using the ir DSC, and also to give necessa ry intimation
of thi s change in the Constitution of the Board of Directors & KMP of th e Compa ny to all th e
government aut hori ties includ ing ta xation aut horities, st ock Exchanges et c in ti me and to do ail such
other acts, th ings, deeds, as may be requ ired or necessary for the purpose of giving effect to thi s
resolution .
Thereafter Mr. Mihir R Shah, informed th e board t hat as Mr. M anit M Shah is his son and relati ve as
such he can not preside over the meeting for thi s Business. Thereafter Mr. Harish R Me hta, Director
of th e Compan y occupied the Chair and pro ceed w it h th is business.
CIN : L25200 GJ1994P LC021666
Mr. Harish R Mehta, thereafter put before the Board an Application, Consent Lett er, CV, Educational
Testimonials, IT PAN Card, Aadhaar Card and other docum ents as submitted by M r. M anit M Shah to
the Company along w ith his application for appointment as CFO of the Company .
He further informed t hat t he Nom ination and Remuneration Committee of th e Board has gone
through all the documents submitted by Mr. Man it M Shah and after due verificat ion, checking and
after interviewing M r. Manit M Shah, has recomm ended to the Board that Mr. M anit M Shah is a fit
and pro per person to be appointed as Chief Financial Officer (CFO) (KMP) of the Company in place of
Mr. Romil S Patel, wh o is resigning as the CFO of th e Company. He further infor med that as Mr.
Mi hir R Shah is interested in t his business he w ill not take part in discussion and vote on this
The Board considered the matter, and after due discussion passed following resolut ion unanimously:
RESOLVED THAT pur suant to the provisions of Section 1B8(1) read with Rule 15 of t he Companies
(Meetings of th e Board and it s Powers) Rules 2014 and Section 203 read with relevant rules of the
Companies (Appointment of Remuneration of Managerial Personnel) Rules 2014, and also as
recommended by the Nomination and Remun eration Committee of the Board, M r. M anit M ihirbhai
Patel be and is hereby appo inted as the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) (KMP) of th e Company w.e.f.
31" March 2022 and he will hold the office as such t ill his wi ll or till the date he removed from his
office by due proc ess of law.
RESOLVED FURTHER THAT Mr. Manit M ihirbha i Shah, as CFO of th e Company be paid such
remunerat ion on Monthly, Quarterly, Half Yearly or yearly basis as per financial convenience of the
Company, as may be fixed by the Nomination and Remunerat ion Commi ttee on yearly basis
provided that total of such remuneration including any Perquisite or non-cash benefits payable t o
Mr. Man it Mihirbh ai Shah shall not in any case exceed Rs. 2,50,000/- per mo nth w ithout the prior
approval of the shareholders in General Meeting as per Law.
RESOLVED FURTH ER THAT necessary entries be made in the statutory Registers of Directors and
KMP and their shareholding with immediate effec t and all othe r statutory record s of the company.
RESO LVED FURTHER THAT Mr. Mihir R Shah, Whole Time Director (DIN: 02055933) be and is hereby
authorized, empowered, instructed and requ ested to f ile necessary form w ith t he office of the
Registrar of Companies with the Digita l Signatur e Affixe d in any form and further certified by Mr
Kamlesh M Shah Pract icing Company Secretary using the ir DSC, and also to give necessary int imation
of th is change in t he Constitution of the Board of Directors & KMP of th e Company to all the
govern ment authorities includ ing taxatio n authorit ies, stock Exchanges etc in t im e and to do all such
other act s, th ings, deeds, as may be requ ired or necessary for the purpose of giving effect to thi s
Date: 31 MARCH 2022 For Shree Ganesh Elast oplast Limited.
We informed you
that the mepy ing
4.00 P.M, inter ali oF Independent
a, has transacted Directors, of the
the following: com pany held on
March 31, 2022
l. Re at
view the Perfor
mance of NOn-in
2. Assessed the qu dependent dire
ality, quantity ctors and the bo
an d tinelines af ard of director
Management an flow af inform s as a Whole
d the board of ation between
and reasonably pe Wi rectors that is the Company
rforny thoi duties hecessary for the
3. , fy, ard of direct
Review the Perf or s to eHectively
ormance of the ch
executive direct airperson of the
ors and Non-ex Com Pany, taking
ecutive director
s, into account the
views of
On Your record.
Kindly, acknow
led ye receipt of
the same and oblige,
Thanking you,
Yours faitht ully,
For CHD Chem
icals Limited
For Chd Chemical
s Limited
Divya Kothari Naging Director
Managing Dire
The Manager
The Stock Exchange, Mumbai
The Corporate Relation Department,
25th Floor, New Trading Ring,
Rotunda Building, P.J.Towers
Dalal Street, Mumbai‐400 001
Fax022 22722037/39/41/61
Security Code: 513528
We received intimation from the following disclosure pursuant to Regulation 7(2) of the SEBI
(Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations. 2015 and Regulation 29(2) of the SEBI (Substantial
Acquisition of Shares and Takeover) Regulations. 2011 on 31/03/2022.
(Company Secretary)
Registered Office
Asia Capital Limited 203, Aziz Avenue, CTS-1381, Near
CIN: L65993MH1983PLC342502 Railway Crossing Vallabhbhai Patel Road,
Vile Parle (W), Mumbai- 400056
Phone: 022-26100787/ 801/ 802
Department of Corporate Services
BSE Limited
Phiroze Jeejeebhoy Towers,
Dalal Street, Fort
Mumbai-400 001
Sub: Intimation of Resignation of Mr. Srikanth Chakravarthi Palagiri_ from the post of Chief
Financial Officer of the Company
Dear Sir/Madain,
Pursuant to Regulation 30 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations 2015,
this is to inform you that Mr. Srikanth Chakravarthi Palagiri has tendered his resignation from the position of
Chief Financial Officer of the Company with effect from closing business hours of Thursday, March 31, 2022.
The details required under Regulation 30 of the SEB (LODR) Regulations, 2015, read with SEBI Circular No.
CIR/CFD/CMD/4/2015 dated September 9, 2015 are given in Annexure A
Thanking You.
Yours faithfully,
Ha an/Patel Ses.
Company Spcretary and Compliance Officer
Registered Office
Asia Capital Limited 203, Aziz Avenue, CTS-1381, Near
CIN: L65993MH1983PLC342502 Railway Crossing Vallabhbhai Patel Road,
Vile Parle (W), Mumbai- 400056
Phone: 022-26100787/ 801/ 802
Annexure A
Resignation of Mr. Srikanth Chakravarthi Palagiri from the post of Chief Financial Officer of the
31 March, 2022
Dear Sir,
Sub: Outcome of Board Meeting - Reg
Ref: SCRIP: 505100
3. The Board has approved the proposal to allot 88,36,700 7% Redeemable Cumulative
Preference shares of Rs.10/- each to Mercantile Ventures Limited.
Yours Faithfully,
Mr. Atul R. Bali is an Arts graduate (B.A.) with specialisation in subject division of Social Science. He
has also completed his Post Graduate Diploma in Clinical Research from ICRI Institute of Research,
Mumbai. He posses over 12 years experience in handling Sales operations and Business
Development in Healthcare Medical devices. He also has over 3 years experience in Clinical Research
Industry. He is a decisive leader with a successful and proven track record in directing from original
startup concepts through implementation and has always delivered on budgeted numbers. Further,
he also has strong understanding and experience in handling national level roles and regional
business dynamics, having worked and traveled across the country.
[Appointed as Chief Financial Officer (CFO)]
Mrs. Kuldeep Kaur is a Commerce Graduate and has completed her Post Graduation (M.Com) from
Punjab University. Mrs. Kuldeep Kaur is having expertise in the area of Accounting and Taxation
(VAT, Excise & GST etc.). Further, she is having adequate practical experience of managing the
financial activities. She is associated with the company since 2021.
Date: 31st March, 2022
The Manager
Department of Corporate Services
BSE Ltd.
Dalal Street, Fort
Mumbai – 400 001
We hereby confirm that Mr. Samirkumar Bharatbhai Sampat is not debarred from holding the
office of director by virtue of any Order of SEBI or any other authority.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
Encl: As above
Annexure A
Regd. Office: 11-B, Mittal Tower, Free Press Journal Marg, Nariman Point, Mumbai - 400021
Tel. No. :022 61155300; Email add:
CIN :L51900MH1981PLC025265
The Secretary,
BSE Limited
Phiroze Jeejeebhoy Towers
Dalal Street
Mumbai- 400001
on on record.
You are requested to take this intimati
Thanking You,
Yours faithfully,
Deepa Bhavsar
Din : 07167937.
Encl : As above.
Mob. : +91-9891709895, 9891095232
Dated: - 31.03.2022
The Head- Listing & Compliances
Department of Corporate Services
Phiroze Jeejeebhoy Towers,
Dalal Street, Mumbai-400001
This is to inform you that, we have received the Disclosure under Regulat
ion 29(2) of the SEBI
(SAST) Regulations, 2011 dated 30.03.2022 from M/s VA REALCON PRIVATE
Please find enclosed the Disclosure under Regulation 29(2) of the SEBI (SAST)
Regulations, 2011.
Thanking You,
For and on the behalf of
For iwas, Leasing And Finance Ltd
Surendra Kumar Jain —
DIN: 00530035
Encl: a/a
CIN : U45Z00DL2008PTC175668
NEW DELHI Central Delhi DL 110008 IN
Date: 30/03/2022
Dear Sir,
| With reference to the above mentioned subject, we are enclosing herewith disclosure
| as per Regulation 29(2) of SEBI (Substantial Acquisition of Shares and Takeover)
| Regulations, 2011.
| Thanking You,
Yours Faithfully,
CIN : U445200DL2008PTC175668
NEW DELHI Central Delhi DL 110008 IN
Name of the Target Company (TC) SHRI NIWAS LEASING AND FINANCE
381700 9.54%
= pipars)
3.12% 2.45
a) Shares carrying voting rights sold
b) VRs sold otherwise than by equity shares
Dated: - 31.03.2022
The Head- Listing & Compliances
Department of Corporate Services
Phiroze Jeejeebhoy Towers,
Dalal Street, Mumbai-400001
Thanking You,
For and on the behalf of
ance Lic
For Shri Niwas Leasing And Fin
Surendra K ain
DIN: 00530035
Encl: a/a
564 A-1, P. No. 2/59 AF/F, Bhim Gali, Vishawas Nagar, Shahdra New
Delhi 110032-
Email Id: Contact; Leys
CIN: U74899DL1992PTC047135
Date: 30/03/2022
| Phiroze Jeejeebhoy Towers, 47/18, RAJENDRA PLACE METRO|
| Dalal Street | STATION NEW DELHI Central Delhi DL|
Dear Sir,
With reference to the above mentioned subject, we are enclosing herewith disclosure
as per Regulation 29(1) of SEBI (Substantial Acquisition of Shares and Takeover)
Xegulations, 2011.
Thanking You,
Yours Faithfully,
vo Private Limited
asing 4nd F
For V [ P Le
“ype pale gnaory
Director/Auth Si
i Deepak Kumar Bhojak
} Director
| DIN: 06933359
Name of the Target Company (TC) SHRI NIWAS LEASING AND FINANCE
’ Details of Purchase:
i : 125000 3.12% 3.12%
a) Shares carrying voting rights purchase
b) VRs acquired /sold otherwise than by shares
c) Warrants/convertible securities/any other
instrument that entitles the acquirer to receive
shares carrying voting rights in the TC (specify
holding in each category) acquired/sold
d) Shares encumbered / invoked/released by the 125000 3.12% 3.12%
e) Total (atbtc+/-d)
For VIP Le:
er0 Po
Darector/Aun Signatory
After Purchase, holding of:
145000 3.17% 3.17%
a) Shares carrying voting rights
b) Shares encumbered with the acquirer
c) VRs otherwise than by shares
d) Warrants/convertible securities/any other
instrument that entitles the acquirer to receive
shares carrying voting rights in the TC (specify
holding in each category) after acquisition 145000 3.17% 3.17%
e) Total (atb+e+d)
Mode of Purchase (e.g. open market / off-market / public Inter-se transfer (off market)
issue / rights issue / preferential allotment / inter-se
transfer etc).
Equity Shares
Salient features of the securities acquired including
till redemption, ratio at which it can be converted into
equity shares, etc,
ALE ee
: 9-()3-
| Date of purchase of shares / VR or date of receipt of
intimation of allotment of shares, whichever is applicable
\ Qe
2% OC
TC after B29, 70,000
I quity share capital/ total yoting capital of the
a mS
SET er
Privete Limited
For ¥ | P Leasing And Finance
. '
Date: 29/03/2022
31st March, 2022
BSE Limited,
PJ Tower, Dalal Street
Mumbai - 400 001
Yours faithfully,
Shonette Misquitta
Company Secretary & Compliance Offi
M. No.: A57825
To, To,
Corporate Relationship Department Listing Department
BSE Limited, National Stock Exchange of India Limited,
141h Floor, P. J. Towers, "Exchange Plaza", C - 1, Block G,
Dalal Street, Fort, Bandra-Kurla Complex, Sandra (East) ,
Mumbai - 400001 Mumbai - 400051
Re.: Disclosure pursuant to Regu lation 30 read with Schedule Ill of SEBI (Listing
Obligation and Disclosure Req uirements) Regulations, 2015 ("Listing
In terms of Regulation 30 read with Schedule Ill of the Listing Regulations, we wish to inform
you that Akashi Khetani, Company Secretary and Compliance officer of the Company has
resigned with effect from close of working hours of March 30, 2022 for better growth prospects.
Consequently, she ceased to be the Compliance officer and Whole time Key Managerial
Personnel of the Company with effect from the aforesaid date.
Further, we wish to inform you that Reepal Bavishi has been appointed as Company Secretary
and Compliance Officer of the Company with effect from March 31, 2022. Consequently, she
will be the Compliance Officer and Whole-time Key Managerial Personnel of the Company with
effect from the aforesaid date. Her brief profile is attached herewith.
In terms of Regulation 30 of the Listing Regulations, we wish to inform you that based on the
recommendation of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee and as considered and
approved by the Board of Directors at its Meeting held on March 30, 2022,
Animesh Mehta (DIN: 091 22533) and Narayan Meg hani (DIN: 09551334) have been
appoi nted as an Add itional Directors (Non-executive Independent) of the Company with effect
from March 31, 2022 till the commencement of the next Annua l General Meeting and would
continue for a period of 5 consecutive years from March 31, 2022 till March 30, 2027
(both days inclusive), subject to approval of Members of the Company.
We confirm that Animesh Mehta and Narayan Meghani have not been debarred or disqualifi
from being appointed as the Directors of the Company by the Securities and Exchange Bo
of India, the Ministry of Corporate Affa irs, Government of India or any such statutory authori
Gujarat Lease Financing Limited
G /L/F /L
(CIN · L65990GJ1983 PLC006345) 6th Floor, Hasubhai Chambers.
Opp. Town Hall.
Ahmadabad 380 006.
Ph. : 079-2657 5722 / 2657 5 180
Fax : 079-2657 5180
E-mail : glflho_ahm
Thanking You,
Saurabh Mashruwala
(DIN: 01786490)
Gujarat Lease Financing Limited G/L/F /L
6th Floor, Hasubhai Chambers,
(CIN - L65990GJ1 983 PLC006345)
Opp. Town Hall.
Ahmadabad 380 006.
Ph. : 079·2657 572212657 5180
Fax : 079-2657 5180
E-mail : glflho_ahm
Brief Profile of Reepal Bavishi, Company and Compliance Officer of the Company
Reepal Bavishi, 47, is an Associate Member of the Institute of Company Secretaries of India.
She is a commerce graduate and holds degree in Law. She has more than 16 years of
post qualification experience in Secretarial functions and has worked with various Listed
Companies, Unlisted Companies and Practicing Company Secretary.
Animesh Mehta, 70, is a Bachelor of Engineer (Mechanical) with more than 40 years of
experience in the fields of Operation, Maintenance, Environment, Safety section of Coal I
Gas-based Power Plants in various capacities and has delt with different State & Central
Government Authorities.
Narayan Meghani, 63, is a Chemical Engineer and has pursued Master of Business
Administration from B K school of Management, Ahmedabad and has more than 36 years of
Professional experience in the fields of Corporate Social Responsibility, Production Planning
& Control, Supply Chain & Demand Planning Management, Warehouse Management,
Distribution & Log istic Control and has worked as a Project Manager for execution of Projects
for Renewable sources of Energy. He has also been affiliated with various Social
To, To,
Corporate Relationship Department Listing Department
BSE Limited, National Stock Exchange of India Limited,
141h Floor, P. J. Towers, "Exchange Plaza", C - 1, Block G,
Dalal Street, Fort, Bandra-Kurla Complex, Sandra (East) ,
Mumbai - 400001 Mumbai - 400051
Re.: Disclosure pursuant to Regu lation 30 read with Schedule Ill of SEBI (Listing
Obligation and Disclosure Req uirements) Regulations, 2015 ("Listing
In terms of Regulation 30 read with Schedule Ill of the Listing Regulations, we wish to inform
you that Akashi Khetani, Company Secretary and Compliance officer of the Company has
resigned with effect from close of working hours of March 30, 2022 for better growth prospects.
Consequently, she ceased to be the Compliance officer and Whole time Key Managerial
Personnel of the Company with effect from the aforesaid date.
Further, we wish to inform you that Reepal Bavishi has been appointed as Company Secretary
and Compliance Officer of the Company with effect from March 31, 2022. Consequently, she
will be the Compliance Officer and Whole-time Key Managerial Personnel of the Company with
effect from the aforesaid date. Her brief profile is attached herewith.
In terms of Regulation 30 of the Listing Regulations, we wish to inform you that based on the
recommendation of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee and as considered and
approved by the Board of Directors at its Meeting held on March 30, 2022,
Animesh Mehta (DIN: 091 22533) and Narayan Meg hani (DIN: 09551334) have been
appoi nted as an Add itional Directors (Non-executive Independent) of the Company with effect
from March 31, 2022 till the commencement of the next Annua l General Meeting and would
continue for a period of 5 consecutive years from March 31, 2022 till March 30, 2027
(both days inclusive), subject to approval of Members of the Company.
We confirm that Animesh Mehta and Narayan Meghani have not been debarred or disqualifi
from being appointed as the Directors of the Company by the Securities and Exchange Bo
of India, the Ministry of Corporate Affa irs, Government of India or any such statutory authori
Gujarat Lease Financing Limited
G /L/F /L
(CIN · L65990GJ1983 PLC006345) 6th Floor, Hasubhai Chambers.
Opp. Town Hall.
Ahmadabad 380 006.
Ph. : 079-2657 5722 / 2657 5 180
Fax : 079-2657 5180
E-mail : glflho_ahm
Thanking You,
Saurabh Mashruwala
(DIN: 01786490)
Gujarat Lease Financing Limited G/L/F /L
6th Floor, Hasubhai Chambers,
(CIN - L65990GJ1 983 PLC006345)
Opp. Town Hall.
Ahmadabad 380 006.
Ph. : 079·2657 572212657 5180
Fax : 079-2657 5180
E-mail : glflho_ahm
Brief Profile of Reepal Bavishi, Company and Compliance Officer of the Company
Reepal Bavishi, 47, is an Associate Member of the Institute of Company Secretaries of India.
She is a commerce graduate and holds degree in Law. She has more than 16 years of
post qualification experience in Secretarial functions and has worked with various Listed
Companies, Unlisted Companies and Practicing Company Secretary.
Animesh Mehta, 70, is a Bachelor of Engineer (Mechanical) with more than 40 years of
experience in the fields of Operation, Maintenance, Environment, Safety section of Coal I
Gas-based Power Plants in various capacities and has delt with different State & Central
Government Authorities.
Narayan Meghani, 63, is a Chemical Engineer and has pursued Master of Business
Administration from B K school of Management, Ahmedabad and has more than 36 years of
Professional experience in the fields of Corporate Social Responsibility, Production Planning
& Control, Supply Chain & Demand Planning Management, Warehouse Management,
Distribution & Log istic Control and has worked as a Project Manager for execution of Projects
for Renewable sources of Energy. He has also been affiliated with various Social
e Secreta ry
Department of Corporate Services
BSE Limited
P.J. Towers, Dalal Street,
Mumbai 400001 -
The Secretary
The Calcutta Stock Exchange Limited
7,Lyons Range,
Kolkata 700001
Dear Sir,
This has reference to our Letters dated 16" & March, 2022 providing updates on the
Scheme of Amalgamation of (a) Tea Time Limited (TTL) (b) Neptune Exports Limited (NEL)
(c) Northern Projects Limited (NPL) and (d) Orient International Limited (OIL) with our
Company, sanctioned by NCLT, Kolkata Bench vide its Order dated gth March, 2022.
We wish to inform you that the Company's Board of Directors at its Meeting held today
has approved allotment of 7,50,121 fully paid up equity shares of Rs. 10/- each of the
Company to Eligible Shareholders of TTL, NEL, NPL and OIL (as on the Record Date i.e.
30" March, 2022) in the Share Exchange Ratios as per the Scheme of Amalgamation.
The aforesaid shares are proposed to be listed and traded on BSE Limited and The
Calcutta Stock Exchange Limited.
This disclosure is being made in terms of Regulation 30 of SEBI (LODR) Regulations, 2015
and the same is for your information and records.
Thanking you.
Yours Faithfully,
Corporate Office : 6, Old Post Office Street, Kolkata-700 001 e Phone : (033) 2248-0941
Fax : (033) 2248-0942
: Nu / Parsharti
séé~— Investment Limited
Add: B/404, The Capital, G-Block, Bandra Kurla Complex Behind ICICI Bank, Bandra East Mumbai-400051
BSE Limited
Dalal Street,
Sub; Regulation 6(1) of Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations
and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015. — Appointment of Company
Secretary & Compliance Officer
Dear Sir/Madam,
We would like to inform you that, the Company has appointed Ms. Riddhi Dilip
Sidhpura (Membership No.56671) as Company Secretary and further as a
Compliance Officer of the Company w.e.f. 30'" March,2022 at the Board meeting
held on 30°" March,2022.
DIN: 06647250
BSE Limited
Dalal Street,
Sub: Intimation under Regulation 30(2) of SEBI (Listing Obligations & Disclosure
Requirements) Regulations, 2015 (SEB! LODR 2015) - Appointment of Non-
Executive Additional Director
Dear Sir/Madam,
Pursuant to Regulation 30 of SEBI LODR 2015, we would like to inform you that on
the recommendation of the Nomination & Remuneration Committee, the Board of
have approved the appointment of Mr. Parth Shashikantbhai Kakadiya w.e.f, 30th
the provisions of Section 161 of the Companies Act, 2013 and Regulation 6(1) of
The details as per Regulation 30 of SEB] LODR 2015 read with SEBI Circular No.
CIR/CFD/CMD/4/2015 of the above appointment of the Additional Director is
enclosed as “Annexure A”.
pts 28 a
DIN: 06647250
Annexure A
Term of appointment
3 Brief Profile (in case of | Mr. Parth Shashikantbhai Kakadiya is a dynamic 30 years’
appointment of a Director)
5 Information as required Mr. Parth Kakadiya is not debarred from holding the office
pursuant to BSE Circular with | of Director by virtue of any SEBI Order or any other such
ae ee
“ Parsharti
Investment Limited
Add: B/404, The Capital, G-Block, Bandra Kurla Complex Behind ICICI Bank, Bandra East Mumbai-400051
DIN: 06647250
Date: 30°" March, 2022
Place: Mumbai
NBFGRBI GIGNO : 05.00614
Date: 31.03.2022
To, To,
Department of Corporate Services Metropolitan Stock Exchange of India Limited
BSE Limited, Vibgyor Towers, 4thFloor, Plot no.C62, G-block,
Ground Floor, PJ Towers, Opp. Trident Hotel, Bandra Kurla Complex,
Dalal Street Fort, Bandra(E)
Mumbai-400001 Mumbai-400098(lndia)
The Calcutta Stock Exchange Limited
7, Lyons Range
Sub: Intimation regarding Resignation of Company Secretary and Compliance Officer of the
BSE Script Code:538787 MCX Script Code: GBFL CSE Script Code: 17407
Dear Sir,
Pursuant to the provisions of Regulation 30 of SEBI ( Listing Obligation and Disclosure Requirements)
Regulations, 2015, we wish to inform you that Mr. Dharmik Solanki Company Secretary and
Compliance Officer has resigned due to personal reasons with effect from 31stMarch, 2022.
Please take the same in your records and acknowledge the receipt of the same.
Thanking You.
Board of Directors
Sub: Resignation Letter from the Post of Company Secretary & Compliance
Dear Sir,
I also request to submit the necessary intimation to the Stock Exchange and to
file/submit the requisite form with the Registrar of Companies.
Thanking you
Yours Faithfully
Dharmik Solanki
Company Secretary & Compliance Officer
eCSIN No.: EA047704A000015353
502, 5th Floor, Timmy Arcade, Makwana Road, Marol, Andheri (East), Mumbai – 400 059
Tel: 022-26879168 / 022-26879178
The Secretary,
Corporate Relations Department,
BSE Limited,
P.J. Towers, Dalal Street,
Fort, Mumbai – 400 001.
We refer to the provisions of Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and
Disclosure Requirement) Regulations, 2015 and would like to inform you that the Resolution
Professional for the Company Mr. Rakesh Kumar Tulsyan (IP Reg. No. IBBI/IPA-001/IP-
P01144/2018-19/11970) has published Final List of Prospective Resolution Applicants (PRAs)
for the Max Alert Systems Limited (CIN L74999MH2004PLC144034). A copy of the said Final
List of PRAs is enclosed herewith.
You are kindly requested to take the same on your record and disseminate the same.
Thanking you,
Yours truly,
The final list of Prospective Resolution Applicants of Max Alert Systems Limited
is as follows:
1. The eligibility of a person or any other person acting jointly or in concert
with such person to be Resolution Applicant will be subject to fulfilment of
conditions/ criteria specified under Section 29A of The Insolvency and
Bankruptcy Code, 2016 (“Code”) at the stage of submission of resolution plans.
502, 5th Floor, Timmy Arcade, Makwana Road, Marol, Andheri (East), Mumbai – 400 059
2. A prospective Resolution Applicant may be eligible under Section 29A of the Code
at the time of submission of Expression of Interest but a situation may arise that
the said Resolution Applicant(s) is/ are rendered ineligible at the time of the
submission of Resolution Plan and/ or vice versa:
4. The eligible Prospective Resolution Applicants (PRAs) are required to submit the
Resolution Plan latest by 29th March 2022 (timelines as per the Form G