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FM05 – Exercise Set 3

1. Consider the stationary solution of an AR(1) model:

Xt = φi1 εt−i ,

with |φ1 | < 1 and εt a white noise process with variance σε2 . For Xt compute:
a. the mean function,
b. the autocovariance function,
c. the autocorrelation function.
2. a. Show that for an M A(1) process Xt = εt + θ1 εt−1 we have:
|ρ(1)| ≤ , ∀θ1 ∈ R.
b. For what values of θ1 does ρ(1) attain its maximum and minimum?
3. a. For an M A(q) process show that the variance is:

γ(0) = (1 + θ12 + · · · + θq2 )σε2 ,

and that the autocorrelation function has non-zero spikes:

θh + θ1 θh+1 + θ2 θh+2 + · · · + θq−h θq
ρ(h) = , h = 1, . . . , q.
1 + θ12 + · · · + θq2

b. Compute and plot the autocorrelation function ρ(h), h = 0, . . . , 5 for an M A(2) process with:
i. θ1 = 0.5, θ2 = 0.4,
ii. θ1 = 1.2, θ2 = −0.7,
iii. θ1 = −1, θ2 = −0.6.
4. Consider an AR(2) process of the form Yt = φ1 Yt−1 + φ2 Yt−2 + εt . Use the recursive relation:

ρ(h) = φ1 ρ(h − 1) + φ2 ρ(h − 2)

to calculate and plot the first 6 values of the autocorrelation function ρ(h) when:
a. φ1 = 0.6, φ2 = 0.3,
b. φ1 = −0.4, φ2 = 0.5,
c. φ1 = −1, φ2 = −0.6.
5. Consider the stationary AR(3) process:
1 7 1
Yt = Yt−1 + Yt−2 − Yt−3 + εt .
6 18 9

a. Write down the Yule-Walker equations for this process.

b. Solve the Yule-Walker equations to find values for ρ(1), ρ(2) and ρ(3).
c. Calculate and plot the autocorrelation function for this process up to lag h = 5.

Learning outcomes: working with AR(p) and MA(q) processes and their characteristics.

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