Ortiz (1985) - A Constitutive Theory For The Inelastic Behavior of Concrete
Ortiz (1985) - A Constitutive Theory For The Inelastic Behavior of Concrete
Ortiz (1985) - A Constitutive Theory For The Inelastic Behavior of Concrete
Michael ORTIZ
Division of Engineering, Brown University, Providence, RI 02912, U.S.A.
A general theory for the inelasticity of concrete is proposed, the main constituents being a new, rate independent model of
distributed damage for mortar and the application of mixture theories to account for the composite nature of concrete. The
proposed theory of damage is capable of accommodating fully anisotropic elastic degradation, both in tension and in
compression, in a manner which is ideally suited for computation. Mixture theories, on the other hand, are found to provide a
simple yet effective tool for characterizing the values of the phase stresses that act on mortar and aggregate and which drive
damage and plastic flow. This uneven distribution of stresses between mortar and aggregate is seen to lie at the foundation of
effects such as the characteristic splitting failure modes in uniaxial compression and the unloading hysteretic loops that arise
during cyclic loading. Further to furnishing useful insights into the physical mechanisms underlying the inelastic behavior of
concrete, the proposed model provides a simple means of quantifying such behavior in a way which can be readily
implemented in any standard finite element code. Possible generalizations of the theory are suggested. In particular, it is noted
how rate and rheological effects can be incorporated into the proposed framework by extending it into the viscoplastic range
and through the use of Eyring's theory of thermal activation.
greatly from the unifying thrust of a solid and are shown in Section 4 which in ti~e light of fl~e
sound physical model. available experimental data illustrate how tile the-
In summary, for a constitutive theory of con- ory adequately predicts, among other effects:
crete to fully meet today's needs and standards it The development of microcrack patterns and
should comply with three basic requirements: failure modes, both in tension and in compression
It should be based on first principles (~[ mechanics and under multiaxial states of stress.
and provide a coherent and comprehensive plTvsical The degradation of the elastic response of the
explanation for the observed experimental phenome- material and induced elastic anisotropy.
nology. This includes such effects as the develop- -~ The marked difference in tensile and compres-
ment of distributed cracks and ensuing degrada- sive strengths.
tion of elastic properties, the nonassociated, un- The strong positive dilatancy and unstable post-
stable plastic response of the material and the failure behavior.
hysteretic unloading loops. The stabilizing effect of lateral confinement.
- It should be capable ~)[ accurately reproducing a The unloading hysteretic loops.
broad sample of experimental records', both uniaxial In conclusion, the potential benefit to be de-
and multiaxial, under monotonic and cyclic load- rived from the use of mixture theories is that
ing, including proportional and non-proportional simple models for both mortar and aggregate are
stress paths in the tensile and compressive ranges. capable of capturing most of the complex phe-
-- It shouM be suitable for use in computation. In nomenology of concrete. Furthermore. mixture
particular, the model should lend itself to a theories provide useful insights into the physical
straightforward and efficient implementation in nature of the inelastic mechanisms underlying the
finite element codes. behavior of concrete, while furnishing a simple
In this paper, a new constitutive theory for means of quantifying such behavior in manner
concrete is outlined which shows considerable suitable for computation.
potential for satisfying the aforementioned re-
quirements. The main constituents of the theory
are a new, rate independent model of distributed 2. Material behavior of concrete and underlying
damage for mortar and the application of mixture inelastic mechanisms
theories to account for the composite nature of
concrete. The proposed theory of damage is capa- There exists today a sizable body of experimen-
ble of accommodating fully anisotropic elastic de- tal evidence which rather conclusively points to
gradation, both in tension and in compression, in two physical mechanisms and their interaction as
a manner which is particularly convenient for the underlying causes for much of the phenome-
computation. Mixture theories, on the other hand, nology of concrete. These mechanisms are:
are found to provide a simple yet effective means - Microcrack growth, and
of characterizing the values of the phase stresses - Slip-type plastic flow.
that develop in mortar and aggregate and which The extension of microcracks, for instance, is
drive the inelastic processes. This uneven distribu- known to play a decisive role in the inelasticity of
tion of stresses between mortar and aggregate is concrete, as it results in the degradation of the
seen to lie at the foundation of effects such as the elastic compliances (Hsu et al., 1963; Gardner,
characteristic splitting failure modes in uniaxial 1969; Karsan and Jirsa, 1969; Mills and Zimmer-
compression and the unloading hysteritic loops man, 1970: 1971; Linse, 1973; Palaniswamy and
that arise during cyclic loading. Shah, 1974; Wastiels, 1979) and interacts with the
Following a brief review in Section 2 of the plasticity of the material (Hueckel, 1975; 1976;
available body of knowledge corcerning the inelas- Hueckel and Maier, 1977; Dafalias, 1977a; 1977b;
tic behavior of concrete and the underlying physi- 1978), an effect which is known as elastoplastic
cal mechanisms, the main features of the theory coupling.
are presented in Section 3. Some tests of the model It is important to note, however, that both the
M. Ortiz / Inelastic behavior of concrete 69
cracking and plastic flow of concrete exhibit a This is in sharp constrast to most models proposed
variety of atypical features that are not contained in the past, which treat concrete as a simple or
within the classical theories of fracture mechanics homogeneous material. It is demonstrated by Ortiz
and plasticity. It is a well-known fact, for instance, and Popov how the theory of interacting continua
that when concrete is subjected to uniaxial com- can be applied to concrete to conclude, for in-
pression it develops cracks that are parallel to the stance, that the applied stresses distribute unequally
axis of loading (see, e.g., Wastiels, 1979 and refer- between mortar and aggregate, and to quantify in a
ences contained therein). In some cases, these simple manner the induced phase stresses as a
cracks become so large as to be the direct cause of function of the applied ones. In particular, a state
failure of the specimen. This situation persists even of compressive uniaxial loading is seen to result in
if the specimen is lateraly confined by means of a significantly large transverse splitting stresses in
moderate compressive pressure. It is thus con- mortar. This in turn provides an explanation for
cluded that cracks in concrete can open against the longitudinal microcracks which are observed to
compressive stresses, which is in apparent con- develop during the compressive uniaxial test.
tradiction to the second law of thermodynamics Physically, the situation is illustrated in Fig. 1. The
that requires that cracks open only under tension tendency of the aggregate particles to move apart
(see, e.g. Sneddon, 1969). sideways is the cause for the tensile lateral stresses
Early explanations of this effect idealized the appearing in mortar.
situation as that of an infinite medium (mortar) In sum, the composite nature of concrete seems
with a stiff spherical inclusion (Taylor and Broms, to have a decisive influence on the development
1964; Shah and Winter, 1966). When an overall and propagation of microcracks. On the basis of
uniaxial compressive loading is imposed upon this these recent theoretical studies (Ortiz and Popov,
system, a linear elastic analysis reveals that tensile 1982a; 1982b), it appears that the theory of inter-
stresses tend to appear around the particle at right acting continua provides a simple yet effective
angles with the direction of loading, which eventu- means of characterizing this aspect of the material.
ally may cause longitudinal cracking. This model At any rate, it seems reasonable to make the
highly idealizes the problem, as it entirely neglects detailed study of the consequences of the com-
the effect of neighboring aggregate particles and posite nature of concrete the first step towards
does not appear to have been pursued further. On
the other hand, systems of periodically or ran- Cr
domly distributed inclusions have been considered
(Nemat-Nasser and Taya, 1981; Nemat-Nasser, I
Iwakuma and Hejazi, 1982; Suquet, 1982; Horii
and Nemat-Nasser, 1983). In spite of the strong
theoretical appeal of this approach, the complexity
of the analyses is such, particularly in three dimen-
sions and in the presence of extended microcrack-
ing, that it is not yet clear how these theories may
serve as a basis for devising material laws for
A simple yet general theoretical framework that
offers a plausible explanation for the cracking TE
modes that are peculiar to concrete and which
appears to be in good keeping with the experimen-
tal observations has been proposed by Ortiz and Fig. 1. Mixture theoretical interpretation of splitting failure
Popov (1982a). The theory acknowledges from the mode. When concrete is acted upon by uniaxial compressive
stresses, aggregate tends to be squeezed out sideways. This
outset that concrete is a composite material com- introduces high splitting stresses in mortar which in turn induce
prising two main phases: mortar and aggregate. extended cracking along the axis of loading.
70 M. Ortiz / Inelastic behavior o/ concrete
devising adequate, physically based constitutive of damage. Thus. the elasucitv tensor of ti~c
models for concrete. material is regarded as an internal ~,,ariable repre-
Another salient aspect of the behavior of con- senting the state of ruler.cracking. This has the
crete is the process of damage undergone by its effect of limiting the data base requirements of the
elastic properties as a consequence of microcrack model to a minimum, since it is precisely file
growth (Gardner, 1969; Karsan and Jirsa, 1969; current value of the elastic compliances which is
Linse, 1973; Mills and Zimmerman, 1970; 1971: directly' relevant to computation. Furthermore, no
Palaniswamy and Shah, 1974; Wastiels, 1979). It particular elastic symmetries need to be assumed
has been experimentally shown through crack and fully anisotropic behavior can be accounted
surveys that crack textures quickly become highly for.
anisotropic (Kranz, 1979). This endows the elas- The proposed theory of damage hinges around
ticity of concrete with a strong induced anisotrop.v. the notion of a rate-independent damage rule,
Despite this well-known fact, most damage models which in effect parallels the role played by flow
proposed in the past are is,tropic (Kupfer and rules in classical plasticity. Damage rules define
Gerstle, 1973; Budiansky and O'Connell, 1976; the direction in which the intantaneous elastic
Cedolin et al., 1977; Resende and Martin, 1984; degradation takes place, very much like flow rules
Bazant and Kim, 1979) or orthotropic (Liu, Nilson determine the current direction of plastic flow.
and Slate, 1972a; 1972b; Romstad, Taylor and Once a particular form of damage rule is pos-
Herrman, 1974; Darwin and Pecknold, 1977; Elwi tulated, suitable criteria for the onset o/damage
and Murray, 1979; Bashur and Darwin, 1978). follow directly from the second law of thermody-
This clearly restricts the validity of such models to namics (Lubliner, 1975: 1978: 1980; Ortiz and
certain loading conditions. Pop,v, 1982b). This defines ~t damage threshold
A few theories are available that do account for below which further damage occurs, much in the
induced anisotropy (Dougill, 1976; Dougill et al., same fashion as yield criteria define elastic do-
1977; Dougill and Rida, 1980; Kachanov, 1980; mains within which plastic flow cannot take place.
Costin and Holcomb, 1981, 1983; Ortiz and Pop,v, The proposed damage model is, to a certain
1982b; Costin, 1983a; 1983b; Horii and Nemat- extent, phenomenological. Just as hardening rules
Nasser, 1983). Some of these theories have char- in classical plasticity need to be identified from
acterized microcrack textures by controlling mi- experiment, a softening rule is imbedded within
crocrack growth along selected directions. To ob- the formulation which must be identified on the
tain a faithful representation of the process of basis of the tensile uniaxial stress-strain curve of
damage, however, numerous such control direc- the material. In particular, such stress-strain curve
tions need to be considered. This in turn necessi- can be reproduced exactly by the model.
tates extensive data bases which render the models In the context of concrete as a mixture, damage
unfit for structural computations. Other theories may be conveniently viewed as taking place in
are based on self-consistent calculations which add mortar and to be driven by the phase stresses
considerably to the cost of numerical analyses. acting on it. In general, as mentioned above, such
This paper is concerned, to a large extent, with phase stresses depart significantly from the ap-
a new theory of anisotropic damage which over- plied ones. In particular, tensile 3pfitting stresses
comes these difficulties. The theory would appear may develop in mortar when the applied loading is
to constitute the natural extension of classical entirely compressive, such as in the uniaxial com-
plasticity to materials which exhibit elastic de- pression test. Thus, damage may possibly progress
gradation, and is ideally suited for computation. even when the loading is not tensile, as observed in
Although some of the features of the model were practice. This is in sharp contrast with most mod-
present in previous work by the author (Ortiz and els proposed heretofore which can only quantify
Pop,v, 1982b), the formalism herein proposed is damage under purely tensile conditions.
novel in that it takes the current values of the The softening effect of damage in the overall
elastic compliances of the material as the measures material response has several potentially far-re--
M. Ortiz / Inelastic behavior of concrete 71
aching consequences concerning the nature of the dent sources: plastic microcracking and plastic
associated boundary value problem. Foremost flow of aggregate. The fact that the microcracking
among these is the loss of ellipticity with the of concrete in not perfectly brittle has been noted
ensuing possibility of localization of the inelastic before (Bazant 1983). To some extent, the opening
deformation. While the theory of localization is of microcracks is irreversible and results in the
presently well developed (Rice, 1976; Needleman development of permanent or plastic strains. On
and Rice, 1978), it has mainly been applied to the the other hand, aggregate is a granular material
study of shear band formation in metals and soils. and as such is capable of undergoing extensive
The case of concrete presents an interesting variant plastic flow. The overall plastic deformation of
of the process of localization, namely, the locali- concrete is thus characterized as the aggregate
zation of diffuse microcracking into discrete cracks. effect of these two mechanisms, in a mixture theo-
Such extended cracks are observed to develop in retical sense to be made precise below.
reinforced flexural members and an efficient quan- The proposed model warrants the following
tification of parameters relevant to design such as general conclusions concerning the plastic re-
crack spacing and opening width would be of sponse of concrete:
considerable value. - The lack of normality of the plastic strain rates
The plastic response of concrete, or the develop- is inherited from the nonassociativity of plastic
ment of plastic or irrecoverable strains, also ex- flow in aggregate. Nonassociativity or lack of nor-
hibits a number of features which are foreign to mality is in fact a distinctive feature of the plastic-
the classical theory of plasticity. For instance, lack ity of granular media (Atkinson, Bransby, 1978;
of conformity with the normality rule has been Nemat-Nasser and Shokooh, 1980). More gener-
shown experimentally by Adenaes et al. (1977). On ally, the normality rule is known to loose its
the other hand, the characteristic descending validity in the presence of internal friction
branch of the uniaxial stress-strain diagram of (Drucker, 1950; 1959; Mandel, 1966).
concrete has been commonly viewed as a violation - The unstable or softening stage is a manifesta-
of Drucker's stability postulate. Considerable ef- tion of the process of damage undergone by the
fort has been devoted in the past to extending the material rather than being due to instabilities in
classical theory of plasticity to a framework suita- the plastic response. In fact, the models used be-
ble for the study of such materials as concrete, low for plastic microcracking and the plastic flow
rocks and granular media. Weak stability criteria of aggregate are stable in the classical sense and
have been proposed that relax the requirements of yet a strongly softening stage is predicted.
Drucker's postulates and allow for unstable behav- - The unloading hysteretic loops appear as a natu-
ior (II'iushin, 1961; Nguyen and Bui, 1974; Bazant, ral and direct consequence of the composite nature
1980). However, this work is mostly speculative of concrete. It is shown below that the process of
and does not address the issue of why concrete plastic deformation results in high, mutually equi-
appears to violate the classical stability postulates. librating residual stresses in mortar and aggregate.
A further complication arises from the unloading In the latter, these residual stresses suffice to cause
hysteretic loops that develop when concrete is yielding upon unloading of the externally applied
subjected to cyclic loading (Karsan and Jirsa, 1969; stresses. This yielding manifests itself in the devel-
Sinha, Gerstle and Tulin, 1964; Spooner and opment of sizeable unloading loops in the overall
Dougill, 1975). These unloading loops have response of concrete.
heretofore defied explanation. Furthemore, their This last result emphasizes once more the pre-
numerical modeling in the context of plasticity has eminent role played by the composite nature of
frequently involved questionable artifices such as concrete in shaping its material behavior. In fact,
internal variables which experience sudden jumps the theory outlined next vividly illustrates that by
in time (Bazant and Kim, 1979). acknowledging from the outset the basic fact that
In the model of concrete herein proposed, plas- concrete is a mixture rather than a simple material,
tic or irrecoverable strains arise from two indepen- simple models for both mortar and aggregate
72 M. Ortiz / Inelastic behat:ior of concrete
suffice to predict all of the complex phenomenol- applied to the case at hand ~.o derive a sol oi
ogy observed experimentally. constitutive relations for concrete.
and ~i is the inelastic rate of deformation due to experimentally in flexural members subjected to
the degradation of the elastic properties of the cyclic loading (Bertero and Popov, 1975).
material. A mathematically convenient way of expressing
In previous models of damage, the elasticity this situation is to require that c c have always
tensor C has been typically related in some way to positive eigenvalues, i.e., that it be positive definite.
the state of microcracking of the material This insures that in any given direction, the de-
(Kachanov, 1980; Costin and Holcomb, 1981; formation introduced by c c will be always positive,
1983; Ortiz and Popov, 1982b; Costin, 1983a; i.e., it will correspond to stretching due to opening
1983b; Horii and Nemat-Nasser, 1983). In the of microcracks. The set of all positive definite
present model, by contrast, it is proposed that the tensors is commonly termed the positive cone and
values of the elastic compliances themselves be taken denoted by C +. Thus, the opening condition may
as a characterization of the state of damage of the be viewed as a unilateral constraint that requires
material. This formulation allows for induced elas- that c c be contained within the positive cone, Fig.
tic anisotropy and limits the data base require- 2. Symbolically,
ments to a minimum. In particular, it is assumed
,c >/0. (3.6)
that the elastic compliances have an additive struc-
ture It follows from standard results in the theory of
nonlinear optimization (Duvaut and Lions, 1976)
C = C O+ C c, (3.4) that, for a given state of stress o, the correspond-
in terms of the elasticity tensor C o of the un- ing state of strain which is consistent with the
cracked material and the added flexibility C ~ due closing condition (3.6) satisfies the constrained
to the active microcracks, i.e., to the microcracks minimization problem
that are acted upon by tensile stresses and are in
minimize ½': ( C ° + C c ) 1 : ' - 0 " " (3.7)
the process of opening. The assumed form of C is
in line with self-consistent calculations of the over- subject to cc = c - C °:o>/0,
all elastic compliances of elastic media with dis- where C c denotes the added flexibility that would
tributed cracks (Budianski and O'Connel, 1976; be obtained if all of the microcracks were active.
Kachanov, 1980; Horii and Nemat-Nasser, 1983). In order to characterize the solution to problem
Clearly, the set of active microcracks will be a (3.7), it proves convenient to introduce the or-
function of the state of stress, and hence so will be thogonal projection P+ of strain space onto the
C c. A general methodology for rendering this ef- positive cone C +. This operator assigns to every
fect in mathematical terms is given next. state of strain c its closest point P+c on C +, Fig.
2. It can be shown that the effect of P+ is symply
3.1.1. Closing of microcracks to remove from c its negative eigenvalue compo-
Substituting (3.4) into (3.2) one obtains nents. Thus, if c I") and dc"), (~ = 1,2,3 denote the
eigenvalues and eigenvectors of c, respectively, so
(3.5) that
where c ° is the deformation that would occur in
, , j -_ E , (a)
d,( a ) dJ(c~) , (3.8)
the absence of microcracking and t¢ is the de-
formation due to the microcracks. It may happen
that some of the microcracks that are present in then the positive projection of ~ is given by
the material are at a given time acted upon by ( P + ' ) 'J = E (,~"))d}~)d~") (3.9)
compressive stresses and remain closed, thereby
not contributing to c ~. The closing of cracks may
where ~ - ) signifies the McAuley bracket, whit its
result in a sudden stiffening of the material, an
usual definition
effect that appears to lie behind the characteristic
spindle shaped hysteretic loops that are observed (x) =½(x+ Ix[). (3.10)
74 M. Ortiz / Inelastic behavior of concrete
ity arising from the microcracks is not activated. crete. As mentioned above, it is well known that
Finally, case (d) gives n. o+.n 4:0 and, conse- concrete under uniaxial compressive loading devel-
quently, c ~ :g 0. ops extended microcracks which run parallel to the
axis of loading. Furthermore, it is observed that
3.1.2. Cross effect this process of damage results in a significant
The closing conditions discussed above embody increase of the longitudinal flexibility of the
the intuitive notion that a perfectly planar crack material. This effect can only be explained if the
opens only when acted upon by a tensile normal possibility of cracks responding to compressive
traction, Fig. 3(d). In turns out, however, that this stresses acting in their average plane is taken into
is too restrictive an idealization of the state of consideration.
microcracking of concrete, for which extended mi- The cross effect can be incorporated into the
crocracks tend to follow a tortuous path, Fig. 4. formulation by postulating an additive decomposi-
This opens the possibility of cracks opening and tion
thereby contributing to the overall flexibility of the
~c = C-'~+ C--~ (3A5)
material when acted upon by compressive stresses
lying in the 'average' plane of the cracks, Fig. 4(b). of the total added flexibility tensor due to micro-
This effect is henceforth referred to as the cross cracks ~c into a term C-~c due to the response of
effect. Thus, microcracks are assumed to be capa- microcracks in mode I and a term C~l due to the
ble of becoming active in two possible modes: response of microcracks in mode II. Thus, in the
mode I, or splitting mode, Fig. 4(a) and mode H or event that all of the microcracks in the material
compressive mode, Fig. 4(b) Consideration of the are active in both modes I and II, the deformation
cross effect is of crucial importance in modeling arising from the opening of the cracks would be
certain aspects of the material behavior of con- given by
cc-CC:o=CC:o+C-t~i:o-,~+c~, (3.16)
,=c°:o+e+(Q.e+(o))+e e-(o))
-C°:o+e+(Cf:o+)+V-(C~i:o -) (3.18)
where P - I - P+ denotes the orthogonal projec-
(b) I tion onto the negative cone C and o - - - P - ( o ) is
the negative part of the stress tensor o. In other
Fig. 4. Schematic representation of a plausible mechanism
whereby a tortuous microcrack may become active when acted words, mode I deformation of the microcracks is
upon by compressive stresses lying in its average plane, (b), i.e., activated by the positive part of the stress tensor
mode II opening. The corresponding splitting mode, or mode I o +, whereas mode II is activated by the negative
opening is represented in (a). part o-.
76 M. Ortiz //Inelasticbehaviorq/~oncretc
The effective flexibility due to the active micro- the plane of the crack, i.e., m , o . m = 0 anti
cracks can be expressed as hence the cracks remain closed. By contrast, in
case (a) stresses run parallel to the plane of the
C ~ - - P + : C~ : P + + P - : C~I: P - , (3.19) crack, which yields m . o . m ~-0 and hence the
cracks are activated. On the other hand, cases (b)
and the Gibbs potential becomes
and (d) involve loading conditions for which o ~ o
and o = O. Thus, both states of stress could h'~
principle activate mode I opening. However, in
(3.20) case (b) one has n . o * . n = 0 and the cracks re-
main closed, whereas in case (d) n • o +- n v~ 0 which
It is interesting to note the duality of modes in
activates the cracks in mode 1,
which microcracks are now allowed to contribute
to the overall flexibility of the material. This situa-
3.1.3. Damage rules and damage criteria
tion is further illustrated by the following example.
The problem that remains, now, is to char-
acterize the evolution of the damage processes and
Example. Consider, as before, a distribution of of the resulting added flexibility due to damage
coplanar microcracks oriented along a c o m m o n ~ c This task is greatly facilitated by some recently
normal direction n, Fig. 5. By orientation of the developed thermodynamic yield theories' (Lubliner,
crack it is now understood that of its average 1975; 1978; 1980) which have significantly con-
plane. The total added flexibility is now of ,the tributed to clarifying the connection between ther-
form C C = l ~ n ® n ® n ® n + # n m ® m ® m ® m , m o d y n a m i c s and rate i n d e p e n d e n t inelastic
where the scalar flexibility coefficients ~1 and /x u processes. These theories rest upon the notion that
refer to opening modes I and II, respectively, and the yield-like p h e n o m e n a associated with rate in-
m represent the unit vector along the direction of dependent behaviour is but a manifestation of the
the average plane. Cases (a) and (c) in Fig. 5 second law of thermodynamics. In plasticity, for
represent two loading conditions for which o + = 0. example, once the flow rule is specified the yield
and o - = o. Thus, both states of stress m a y poten- criterion follows directly from the dissipation in-
tially activate m o d e II opening. However, the equality.
principal stress direction in case (c) is normal to Guided by these principles, a model for damage
may be constructed by first postulating a rate
independent damage rule of the following general
C~=fi[R,(o)+Ru(o)] = f i R ( o ) (3.22)
(c) (d) for the total added flexibility tensor due to micro-
Fig. 5. Opening and closing logic for a continuous distribution
cracks, where one writes R(o) = R I ( o ) + Rn(o).
of tortuous microcracks with parallel average planes, Case (d) The irreversible character of d a m a g e necessitates
corresponds to mode l opening, or tensile mode and case (a)
corresponds to mode II opening, or compressive mode. /2 > 0, (3.23)
M. Ortiz / Inelasticbehaviorof concrete 77
i.e., that damage be an ever increasing function of This inequality can be further simplified by intro-
time. The condition that /2 > 0 signals that the ducting the functions
damage mechanisms are active and damage to the
material is being furthered. On the other hand, it F,(o)-' ~O +: Rl(O" ) " o +,
follows from (3.21) that /k = 0 results in elastic Fll(O) __1 - • Rii(o):,'
A criterion is needed now to ascertain under Substituting these definitions into (3.28) one ob-
what conditions furher damage occurs, i.e., /t > 0 tains
and when the material remains elastic, i.e., /2 = 0.
In classical plasticity, yield and loading criteria ~(o,1~)- F(o)-lst(t~)2 >I0 (3.30)
serve precisely this purpose. In the present context, where • will be termed the damage function, and
a similar role is played by the damage and loading one writes
criteria to be defined next.
From the form of the Gibbs energy potential F(o) = F 1(0) + F,,(o). (3.31)
(3.14), it follows that the dissipation inequality is
In other words, for further damage to occur, in-
given by (Lubliner, 1972)
equality (3.30) must be satisfied. Conversely, if
d = l ~O+ : C~c.
l . O + n t - 1 2 o - :~-
C~l:O--Ac)O (3.24) inequafty (3.30) is not satisfied, the material must
behave elastically. Thus, (3.30) can be regarded as a
where d is signifies the rate of dissipation. In-
damage criterion which signals the onset of damage.
equality (3.24) stems directly from the second law
A classical argument reveals that, in the absence of
of thermodynamics and must be satisfied by all
viscosity, i.e., for rate independent material behav-
proces__ses undergone by the material. In (3.24), C~
ior, states of stress such that
and C~l represent the changes in mode I and II
flexibilities due to the increase in damage, whereas O(o, bt)= F ( o ) - ½ t ( # ) 2 > 0 (3.32)
A"~ is the power dissipated in extending the micro-
cracks. It is next assumed that the inelastic free are unattainable, and the onset of damage is char-
energy A" associated with microcrack formation acterized by the criteria
may be expressed as a function of/~, i.e.,
A ~ - AC(ft). (3.25)
• (o, I )=F(o)-½t(ft)2=O,
(a /ao) : o = 0 F / a o ) : 0 > 0.
Furthermore, it proves convenient to the define
the quantity This latter condition plays an entirely analo-
gous role to that played by the classical loading
t(/~) 2 - 2dAC/d/z. (3.26)
conditions in plasticity theory and will be likewise
For reasons that will become apparent below, t termed loading condition.
may be termed the critical stress for the extension Inequalities (3.33) are amenable to a revealing
of damage. Making use of the damage rule (3.21) geometric interpretation. The locus of points in
and definition (3.26), (3.24) becomes stress space such that q~ = 0 may be viewed as a
damage surface enclosing an elastic domain within
d:( o+ : +
which the response of the material is elastic, i.e.,
- 1 2 .
+1o :Rn(o)'o--st(~t) )#~>0. (3.27) does not result in further damage to the material.
For damage to progress, two conditions must be
But, since /2 is constrained by the irreversibility simultaneously met: (i) The stress point must lie
assumption (3.23) to be greater of equal to zero, on the damage surface, and (ii) the stress incre-
(3.27) necessitates ment must point outside the elastic domain.
I + Ri(o):o++½a-:Rll(o):a- ½t(ft)2~O. For a single crack in an infinite medium, it is
elementary to show that the above thermodynamic
(3.28) principles immediately yield the classical Griffith's
78 M. Ortiz / Inelastic behat,ior O/concret~
criterion for the extension of the crack. From this which in view of (3.31) finally reduces to
perspective, (3.21) (3.33) would appear to con-
stitute the natural generalization of Griffith's the- ~' = p~F/3o. (3.38)
ory to the case of distributed damage. The pro- In other words, the inelastic part of the strain rate
posed formulation defines a general phenomeno- tensor points away from the damage surface and
logical freamework within which a model of in the normal direction, Fig. 6.
damage is completely defined once two response
functions of the material are specified: The damage 3.1.5. Conjuga~y relations
directions Rl(o ) and R . ( o ) and the softening la~ F u r t h e r indications concerning the structure of
t(/z) giving the dependence of the critical stress t the damage direction tensors R l and R . may be
on the amount of cumulative damage ~. The task derived from the classical conjugacy arguments of
of identifying these reponse functions may be sim- kinetic theory. It is seen from the dissipation in-
plified by the following considerations. equality (3.27) that the thermodynamic fluxes con-
jugate to the variables C~ and C~l are
3.1.4. Associated damage rules
A damage rule will be termed associated if the Ji = - ° ' ® ° ' , J.-o ®o , (3.39)
damage direction tensors are related to the damage
respectively. It seems appropriate, therefore, to
function by
postulate that the damage processes are driven by
02FI ~)2F, the conjugate thermodynamic forces Jl and Jn or,
Rl ~o+~o+ , R.- 30+0 ° - . (3.34) in the present rate-independent context, that the
damage direction tensors depent on the state of
Making use of (3.29) and (3.30) it is readily seen stress through the conjugate thermodynamic fluxes.
that (3.34) necessitates The simplest form of such dependence which is
consistent with the associativity assumption is
El - _ 1 + . .
given by
3o 3o +3o + o ,
(3.35) Jl Ju
02Fit Ri-TrJl, Ru=CTrJ. (3.40)
Ell : ~o " 30 30 "o .
But by Euler's theorem this is equivalent to requir- where Tr denotes the trace operation, i.e., Tr Jt -
ing that F 1 and Fu be homogeneous functions of (Jt),j,t and c is a cross-effect coefficient which
degree two of o + and o- respectively. governs the extent of mode II damage. In particu-
The associativity assumption has the convenient lar, for c = 0 no cross-effect is present. Using
effect of reducing the material identification prob- relations (3.39), the resulting damage rule takes the
lem to that of determining the scalar functions F l form
and F . , rather than the tensorial quantities R I C~. o +®0~
and R u. As in classical plasticity, associativity C. , = / i o~c ®mO "
=f' TU ' -c ,, :o
also implies here normality in the following sense.
Recalling (3.3) and making use of (3.4) and (3.21) and the corresponding damage function reads
it is found that cI)(o, ll)=½o+ :o~+½co :o--~t2(#), (3.42)
~'=[~(Rl:o++R.:o ). (3.36) i.e., Fl(o ) = 3o
1 + : o+ and Eu(o ) = ½ c o o ,
Bringing now in relations (3.34) and invoking Note that F I and Fu are homogeneous functions
Euler's theorem for homogeneous functions (3.36) of degree two of o + and o - , respectivey, and thus
may be recast as the damage rule is associated.
The damage surface q~ = 0 defined by (3.42) is
( OFl 3Fu shown in Fig. 6. It is seen that for a state of
~i'=/2~3-~ - + - - ~ - ) (3.37)
uniaxial tension o, the damage ciriterion reduces
M. Ortiz / Inelastic behavior of concrete 79
to o = t(/~), which justifies the term 'critical stress' It is therefore concluded that the softening law is
given to t. completely determined by the uniaxial tensile test.
This situation parallels that encountered in iso-
3.1.6. Determination o f the softening law
tropic plasticity where the hardening law follows
For the damage model defined by (3.42), it is also from the uniaxial test,
possible to determine the dependence of the criti- A convenient expression for the stress-strain
cal stress t on the cumulative damage parameter/x relation of mortar in uniaxial tension is given by
on the sole basis of the uniaxial tensile test. To see the equation
this, let us first note that for uniaxial tensile load- E0E
ing it follows from (3.41) that C~u = 0, whereas o= (3.45)
~'~ =/~n ® n ® n ® n, with n being the loading di-
1 + ( Eo/E ~ - 2)(c/c, ) + ( e/e, )2
rection. Thus, the total flexibility along the axis of originally proposed by Saenz (1964) to describe
loading is given by 1 / E o + i~, where E 0 denotes the uniaxial compression stress-strain curve, Fig.
the initial Young's modulus of the material. Hence,
7(a). Here, c t denotes the critical tensile strain and
if we denote by o(c) the stress-strain relation in
E~ -= f , / c , is the secant stiffness at failure. Another
uniaxial tension, it follows that
plausible equation for the uniaxial tension
C stress-strain curve is furnished by
o = 1 / E o + l~ - o ( c ) . (3.43)
o = ft ( ~/c, )exp(1 - E/~, ) (3.46)
From the latter identity, it is possible to solve for due to Smith and Young (1955), also in the con-
as a function of /~, say c = c(F), which together text of uniaxial compression, Fig. 7(a). The result-
with the stress-strain relation finally yields ing softening laws are shown in Fig. 7(b). Numeri-
cal tests have indicated that the use of Smith and
t(/~) = o(,(/z)). (3.44) Young's curve yields results which are in better
agreement with experiment than those based on
Saenz's equation. Thus, the numerical results dis-
cussed in Section 4 have all been obtained using
Smith and Young's curve.
oet //~ ~
// : ;
::L ~
04 I
oI II......................................... . . . . . . . . . . " < . ...... 0.2 L . j
O0 -
0 I 2 3 4 5 0 r 2 3 4 5
/e t
(a) (b)
Fig. 7. Two plausible choices of uniaxial tension stress-strain relation, (a), and corresponding softening rules (b) expressing the
dependence of the critical stress t on the cummulative damage parameter ft.
with the total rate of inelastic deformation ~', distinct characteristic of this type of media is that
(3.36). A simple model of plastic microcracking is of positive dilatancy whereby a granular mass un-
obtained by further assuming that the rate of der shearing experiences an increase in volume,
irrecoverable deformation is a constant fraction of following a small initial decrease. This effect was
~', say, a t ' , where a is taken to be a material first noted by Reynolds (1885) and has been con-
constant. Under these conditions, (3.3), (3.22) and sidered from various points of view in the past.
(3.36) generalize to Other outstanding aspects of granular material
behavior, like the noncoaxiality effect, or lack of
~=C'0+c, "' & = (1 - a)~R(o), alignment between the principal directions of the
~i = / k ( R 1 . o + + R I 1 . o - ). applied stresses and the rate of deformation tensor,
have also received the attention Of numerous
With this simple extension of the model, damage workers in the field (see, e.g., Nemat-Nasser, 1983;
ranging from purely brittle to perfectly ductile can Cowin, 1978).
be readily accounted for. Thus, for a = 0 the brit- When imbedded in concrete, however, it is
tle limit discussed earlier is recovered. In particu- doubtful that all of the complexities in the be-
lar, the rate of inelastic deformation ~i coincides haviour of aggregate as a granular material play a
with the rate of deformation C: o due to the significant role. It seems therefore appropriate to
increase in damage, and the stress-strain curve use a simple model to describe the material behav-
unloads to the origin. For values of a between 0 ior of aggregate. A criterion which is frequently
and 1, the rate of inelastic deformation ~i is greater used to characterize the failure of cohesionless
than C: o, the excess being the rate of increase of soils is the Drucker-Prager (1952) failure criterion,
permanent deformations. Finally, for the limiting which reads
case of a = 1, the elastic compliances remain con-
stant and the material behaves plasticaly. q~(o) = q - Mp, (3.48)
3.2. A simple plasticity model for aggregate where p = !3o kk is the hydrostatic pressure and
data, the use of more elaborate material models concrete based on that of its constituents, mortar
for aggregate does not appear warranted. and aggregate. To this end, a possibility that im-
A simple calculation readily shows that the mediately suggests itself is to use the theory of
internal friction coefficient M is related to the interacting continua, or theory of mixtures. In this
internal friction angle gOby the expression respect, the present approach sharply departs from
most theories proposed up to date which regard
M = 6 sin q,/(3 - sin ~). (3.49) concrete as a simple or single-phase material. Far
It is well established, however, that in the presence from being an unnecessary detour, the use of the
of internal friction the normality rule ceases to be theory of interacting continua as a basis for devis-
valid and plastic flow is nonassociated (Drucker, ing material laws for concrete offers significant
1950; 1959; Mandel, 1966). This is in fact yet advantages. Foremost among these is the notion of
another distinct characterictic of granular media phase stresses, i.e., that the externally applied
(Atkinson and Bransby, 1978) which manifests stresses o distribute unevenly between mortar and
itself as the fact that the dilatancy coefficient N, aggregate. These phase stresses jointly equilibrate
defined as the ratio between volumetric and devia- the external ones, but are in general vastly differ-
toric plastic strain rates, does not in general coin- ent from each other.
cide with the internal friction coefficient M. This Thus, for instance, the numerical tests pre-
motivates considering a flow potential of the type sented below point to the fact that, when concrete
is subjected to a uniaxial compression, high split-
'P(o) = q - Np (3.50) ting stresses normal to the axis of loading develop
in mortar. This explains the characteristic splitting
where in general N 4: M. The plastic strain rates
failure mode commonly observed in uniaxially
are then given by
compressed samples (Nelissen, 1972; Wastiels~
1979) and illustrates the fact that in general the
~i=X ~'(°) (3.51) inelastic processes that take place in mortar and
aggregate are driven by different states of stress. A
and, since, q" ~ q) the plastic flow is nonassoci- futher effect whose explanation and quantification
ated. is greatly facilitated by the use of mixture theory is
The flexibility of having independent material that of the unloading hysteretic loops that develop
parameters governing failure and dilatancy has during processes of cyclie loading (Karsan and
been found of primary importance in the course of Jirsa, 1969; Sinha, Gerstle and Tulin, 1964;
checking the predictions of the model against ex- Spooner and Dougill, 1975). Thus, the theory shows
perimental data. In spite of the simplicity of the that, as plastic flow ensues, strong residual stresses
Drucker-Prager model, numerical tests would ap- develop in both mortar and aggregate. In the
pear to indicate that it is accurate enough for latter, these residual stresses suffice to cause re-
modeling aggregate as a constitutent of concrete. verse yielding upon unloading of the material, thus
Nevertheless, one could conceivably use more giving rise to hysteretic loops.
elaborate models for granular media (see, e.g., In conclusion, the potential pay-off of the use
Lade and Duncan, 1975; Nemat-Nasser and of mixture theory lies in that simple models for the
Shokooh, 1980) to improve this aspect of the the- phases suffice to capture the complexities of the
ory. overall material behavior. This would also appear
to be a further indication of the fundamental role
3.3. Concrete as a mixture of mortar and aggregate played by the composite nature of concrete in
shaping its constitutive behavior. It seems there-
In the preceding sections, two constitutive mod- fore warranted to study in depth the consequences
els for mortar and aggregate viewed as separate of this aspect of the material as a first step towards
materials have been outlined, The task to be faced devising adequate material laws for concrete. It
now is to characterize the material behavior of would appear that similar conclusions apply also
82 ,$1. Orliz / Inelavm' heha~,ior o/c~mcrcte
to geomaterials such as sandstones in which silica the deformation processes that take place at the
grains are cemented together by lime, iron oxides microstructural level. In particular, c~ does m,l
and clay-like substances. refer to the deformation of the aggregate particles,
A detailed study of concrete as a mixture has but it rather describes the deformations undergone
been presented elsewhere by the author (Ortiz and by volumes of aggregate containing many aggre-
Popov, 1982a). Following an approach due to gate particles. Thus, the compatibility relation
Green and Naghdi (1965) it was shown that the (3.53) takes a completely different meaning and
phase stresses 0"~ and o 2 acting in mortar and serves a different purpose than the similar one
aggregate, respectively, are related to the exter- which is postulated in Taylor's method for com-
nally applied stresses through the expression posite materials (Taylor, 1938). In this latter case.
compatibility of deformations between the matrix
0" = 0/10"1 -I- 0/202 (3.52) and the inclusions is postulated at the microstruct-
ural level. This is a rather restrictive assumption
where al and 0/2 are the corresponding volumetric
that has been relaxed in various ways in subse-
fractions. These phase stresses are to be under-
quent refinements of the theory (see, e.g., KrOner,
stood in the sense of the theory of interacting
1958: Hill, 1965; Budiansky, 1965: Murm 1982).
continua. In particular, o 2 does not represent the
In the mixture model used here, compatibility of
stresses within the aggregate particles but rather it
deformations is enforced at the macrosc'optc letel
accounts for the contact forces that develop be-
and is a direct consequence of the absence of
tween them. In fact, the notion of aggregate par-
diffusion between the phases.
ticle as a finite domain is lost in the context of
The composition rule for phase stresses (3.52)
mixture theory. Thus, it is assumed that an arbi-
and the compatibility condition for phase defor-
trarily small volume of concrete contains both
mations (3.53) is all which is needed to derive the
mortar and aggregate in fixed proportions. This is
overall stress strain relations for concrete. To this
a plausible assumption provided that the only
end, let us first recall that the material models
processes which are considered are macroscopic,
proposed in preceding sections for mortar and
i.e., have a characteristic length which is large
aggregate lead to stress-strain relations of the type
compared with the size of the aggregate particles.
On the other hand, it follows from the principle
of angular m o m e n t u m balance that the applied cl = Cl" ol + c~>, (3.54)
stresses 0" are symmetric. This, however, does not c2 = Cz" o: + ~7
imply that the phase stresses 0"~ and 0", are them-
where C~ and C 2 are the instantaneous elastic
selves symmetric. In fact, one frequently finds in flexibility compliances of mortar and aggregate,
liquid mixtures that the phases interact through respectively, and clp and ~P the corresponding
stress couples. For the purpose at hand, however, plastic strains. As discussed above, C, evolves in
it is assumed that the phase stresses in mortar and time as a result of damage, and the plastic defor-
aggregate are both symmetric. mations cl~ relate to plastic opening of the micro-
The absence of diffusion between, mortar and cracks. By contrast, the elastic compliances (~
aggregate results in the following compatibility may be assumed to remain constant and c~ is the
conditions result of the slip-type plastic flow of aggregate.
cl = c 2=~ (3.53) Substituting (3.54) into (3.52) and making use
of the compatibility relations (3.53), it is found
where c~, ~2 and c are the strain tensors of mortar, that
aggregate and concrete, respectively. As in the case
of the phase stresses, it should be strongly O = @10"1 -1- 0/20"2 = 0 / 1 0 1 " ( I [ -- q[lp ) -F 0/2JD2 : (q[ -- q[~)
ness compliances and one writes sheds considerable light on the inner workings of
the inelastic response of concrete, which appear as
D = a i D 1 + a2D 2, a subtle interaction between mortar and aggregate.
cP = C : ( ~lOl : c~ + ~2O2 : c~ ), C= D 1 Thus, for instance, the degradation of the elastic
properties of mortar has the effect of altering the
for the stiffness tensor and plastic deformation of influence tensors B 1 and B 2. This determines a
concrete. Solving for c in (3.55) and substituting redistribution of stresses between mortar and ag-
into (3.54) yields the following relation between gregate which frequently contributes to the stabil-
the phase stresses and the externally applied ones ity of the mixture. Thus, for instance, the numeri-
cal results presented below indicate that in the
01 = B 1 : o + Pl, (3.57) uniaxial compression test this redistribution of
02=82:0+02 stresses tends to relieve the splitting stresses that
develop in mortar and which cause the extension
where the influence tensors B 1 and B 2 and the
of microcracks. This provides a plausible explana-
residual stresses io1 and P2 are defined as
tion for the observed fact that microcrack exten-
BI = 01 : C , p~ = D~ : (EP - c ~ ) , sion is far more stable in compression that in
(3.58) tension (Gluklich, 1963; Newman, 1968). This ef-
B2=D2:C, pz=D2:(cP-cP2).
fect endows concrete with a much desirable ductil-
Some aspects of (3.57) merit further comment. ity in compression which may be credited in part
Thus, it is interesting to note that the phase stresses for its success as an engineering material.
are the sum of two terms: a load induced term and Another intriguing aspect of the inelastic be-
residual stresses. The former arises as a direct haviour of concrete which is amenable to a plausi-
consequence of the stresses o that are applied to ble explanation within the context of mixture the-
concrete. The influence tensors determine how ory is the development of hysteretic unloading
these stresses distribute between mortar and ag- loops. It follows from (3.57) that upon removal of
gregate. The value of the influence tensors is in the applied stresses, i.e. upon setting o = 0, resid-
turn determined by the relative stiffnesses of ual stresses Pl and P2 remain in mortar and ag-
mortar, aggregate and concrete. gregate. Numerical experiments indicate that the
The residual stresses are the ones that would latter are frequently strong enough to cause re-
remain in the phases if the external loads were verse failure in aggregate well before the applied
removed. From their definition, it is apparent that stresses are completely removed.
the residual stresses are the result of the plastic
flow of the plases. The influence tensors and resid- 3.4. Summary of constitutive relations
ual stresses satisfy the following identities
Before proceding on to discussing numerical
a 1B 1 + a 2 B 2 = I , results, a summary of the constitutive relations
alpl + a2p 2 = 0 (3.59) utilized in the computations is given next. The
material parameters involved in the model are:
which follow directly from their definition. Equa- Concrete: Volumetric fractions of mortar and
tion (3.59a) guarantees the satisfaction of the com- aggregate, a~, a 2.
position rule (3.52) for any choice of external - Mortar: Young's modulus and Poisson's ratio
stresses o. On the other hand, (3.59b) indicates of uncracked mortar, tensile failure stress and
that the residual stresses p~ and 102 a r e in equi- strain, f , ~t; cross-effect coefficient c (---0.04),
librium with zero applied stresses. Similar identi- and plastic cracking coefficient a( ~ 0.4).
ties are satisfied by influence tensors derived by -Aggregate: Young's modulus and Poisson's
means of self-consistent methods (see, e.g., Hill, ratio; internal friction coefficient M, and di-
1965). latancy coefficient N.
The mixture-theoretical picture outline above All of these parameters are measurable, physically
84 ,44. Orttz / hwlasttc hehat'zor of '-'°ncretv
meaningful quantities which can be readily as- and consistency condition may be chosen to be
signed numerical values.
The proposed constitutive equations for con- Cj = (1 - o~),a~--~__-;--
crete are stronly path dependent and their integra- O' 1 , O'1
tion has to be carried out incrementaly. Let us
assume that the state variables {c, o l, 1.~, C}, C~~, Cll : (1 - ~)~l ( Ol @ Ol (3.64)
o( o i
~,i o2, 1'2. ~2} i
are known at some given time,
where c is the strain tensor of concrete, { 0~, 1.~, ~ = C 1 . 01 + ~'~, ~'~ = i~xs I ,
C~, C- c. , el},
i denote the stresses, cumulative ,b~ : s , - 0, - t~(1*, )t~(1*, )~, = 0,
d a m a g e parameter, added flexibilities due to
d a m a g e and inelastic strains of mortar and { 02, where ~1 is the strain tensor of mortar, q)~ the
1.2, ¢~ } are the stresses, cumulative plastic parame- d a m a g e function 4(1.1) the critical stress and s~ -
ter and inelastic strains of aggregate. Then, a o1' + co i is an effective stress for damage. Fur-
subsequent integration step involves the following thermore, assuming that the tensile stress strain
sequence of operations: curve is given by the Smith and Young function
(a) Computation of the elastic compliances of (3.46). the dependence of the critical stress t~ on
mortar. To this end, let {o~ '~} and { dl'~}, a = 1.~ takes the form
1,2,3, denote the principal stresses and directions
log(1 + El'1*, )
of o~. The tensile part of ¢,~ and the corresponding t,(1*,) = ~ e (3.65)
1 + E{'1*,
positive projection are defined as
where E[' is the Young's modulus of uncracked
o; = ® d;
ct mortar and e = 2.71828. Combining equations
a (3.60) (3.64) one readily finds
e,, =
s I : D 1 : 41
sj : D l : s 1 + tlt ~ "
where the sums extend over the tensile principal
directions, i.e., to those principal directions for
which o~ '~ > 0. On the other hand, the compressive o, : o, - s,i o.-;(+;Tt. -= = '
to the yield surface, respectively. As in the case of the bounds of experimental error the available
aggregate, combining equations (3.67) leads to data and the suitability of the model for use in
computation. In this section, the former issue is
7l 2 : D 2 : 4 2 addressed by comparing some tests of the model
/k2 -
'q2 : D 2 : P2 '
to experimental data.
A word of caution concerning this and similar
[ (D2:P2)®(D2:'q2)l:42=D(2T}:{2, excercises seems warranted. Some authors have
a2 = D2 -- "112"D2" iv2
solely emphasized good fit to experimental records
(3.68) as a means of testing the validity of their models.
where D2~T~ signifies the tangent stiffness tensor of However, the scatter in the available data is so
aggregate large that such emphasis seems hardly warranted.
(d) Computation of tangent stiffness of concrete. The outcome of the tests is known to be extremely
The mixture theory relations (3.52) and (3.53) can sensitive to the experimental procedure. Examples
be formulated in rate form as in this respect are numerous and conclusive. In a
review paper by Wile (1968), for instance, the
= °~1{}1 + O~2{}2, 41 = 42 = 4. (3.69) values of the consolidation factor (ratio of biaxial
Substituting (3.66) and (3.68) into (3.69) one finds to uniaxial strength) determined experimentally by
several authors were compared. Such values ranged
0 = D(T':4, D(T)=oqDIT'q-o~2D{2 y, , (3.70) from 0.90 to as much as 3.43 in certain cases. The
where D {T) is the sought tangent stiffness for high values of the consolidation factor measured
concrete. by some authors are attributable to excessive fric-
(e) Update of state variables. Rate constitutive tion of the specimen with the bearing platens.
equations (3.70) express an incremental relation Modern experimental procedures have partly cor-
between the overall stresses and strains of con- rected this deficiency, but considerable scatter re-
crete. For the integration process to be well-de- mains (Taylor and Patel, 1974; Chen and Chen,
fined, the nature of the applied loading and the 1975; Adenaes, Gerstle and Ko, 1977).
kinematic constraints acting on the sample need to A further example is furnished by two sup-
be specified. In a finite element analysis, for posedly identical series of experiments conducted
instance, rate constitutive equations (3.70) are on one concrete, the first at the Technical Univer-
combined with a weak form of rate of momentum sity of Munich using brush bearing platens (Linse
balance to obtain a linearized system of equations and Aschl, 1976), the other at the Federal Material
which can be solved for the incremental displace- Testing Laboratory in Berlin using flexible platens
ments. From these, the incremental strains can be (Schickert and Winkler, 1977). Octahedral volu-
computed. Once the incremental strains are known, metric stress-strain curves were produced for vari-
the remaining state variables can be directly ous principal stress ratios. Although qualitatively
updated from equations (3.69b), (3.64), (3.67) and similar, the measurements obtained by the two
(3.69a). methods are so far off from each other that doubts
concerning the validity of the data could be
legitimately voiced.
4. Numerical tests In view of the present shortcomings of state-of-
the-art experimental concrete research, it would
A general theory of the inelasticity of concrete appear that the significance to be attributed to the
has been outlined in the preceding section which available data is mainly one of a qualitative de-
would appear to exhibit considerable potential as scription of the main features of the material
a basis for a systematic explanation of the observed behavior. Thus, given the extent of experimental
material behavior. To completely fulfill the objec- error, insisting in curve fitting exercises would
tives put forward at the introduction, it remains to seem unwarranted. Instead, a good qualitative
check the ability of the theory to reproduce within agreement with the data should be sought, in
86 M . Ortiz / Inelastic b e h a v i o r of c o n c r e t e
conjuction with other equally desirable attributes agreement with experimental data from Bresler
of a material model. and Bertero (1979). The model correctly predicts a
One of such desirable feature is that the material ratio of tensile to compressive strengths of about
constants involved in the model have a clear physi- 0.1, in keeping with experimental observations
cal interpretation, so that values corresponding to (Jones and Kaplan, 1957). Furthermore, the ratio
particular materials can be readily determined. of the strains at the tensile and compressive peaks
The parameters involved in the present model is predicted to be in the range 0.20--0.25. also in
directly relate to the uniaxial tension stress-strain agreement with experimental measurements
curve and the internal friction and dilatancy prop- (Hughes and Chapman, 1966).
erties of the material, and their determination by a As damage accumulates, the flexibility tensor of
user minimally acquainted with the properties of concrete is seen to take the characteristic ortho-
concrete is straightforward. To further illustrate tropic profile
this point, in all of the numerical experiments
shown next average values have been assigned to l/E, vilE t - v/t::~ I 0 fl 'i
all parameters without making any attempt
whatsoever at optimizing the fit to experimental - p~/'E~ -- v ~ / E , 1/'E 0 0 t-i
_~ 4 5 0 0 0.2
'i w
y-, o.I
~:O°o4000 ~Et Z
u~ 3 5 0 0
~ 0.0
] ! n,"
3000 -- ~ -0.1
o ~ , i
¢01 (b)
Fig. 9. Development of damage-induced orthotropic elasticities in uniaxial compression. The model predicts the development of
damage textures with result in orthotropic elastic degradation. (a) represents the computed dependence of the axial and transverse
elastic moduli E 3 and E, on axial strain. (b) depicts the variation of the transverse Poisson's ratio ut with increasing axial
deformation. The sign change experienced by I,, during the postfailure regime is a direct consequence of extensive microcracking.
the elastic response of the material, in the sense of Eventually, this softening becomes substantial
the response that would be obtained if further enough to induce a descending branch the the
inelasticity of the material were prevented. Rather stress-strain curve, Fig. 8, although at a much
on the contrary, secant moduli involve the whole later stage than in the tensile test case. It is inter-
response of the material, instead of its current esting to note that these splitting stresses are due
elastic properties. Furthermore, in view of the to the tendency of aggregate to be squeezed side-
strongly anisotropic character which the elasticity ways. Thus, as the load bearing capacity or mortar
of concrete is seen to take, notions inspired on
isotropic elasticity such as that of a bulk or shear 2.0
modulus would appear to loose their applicability.
In sum, this is one area which could certainly I--
z 1.5
benefit from further experimental work aimed at i,i
in the lateral direction diminishes, the fraction of The origin of the unloading hysteretic loops
load taken by aggregate must in turn decrease so may be traced back to the development of residual
as to mitigate this 'squeezing out' effect. This stresses in aggregate. As the specimen is loaded in
accounts for the unloading which is observed to compression, the tendency of aggregate is to flow
take place in aggregate as deformation progesses, sideways, restrained only by mortar. This interac-
Fig. 10. As a result, most of the applied load ends tion results in high residual stresses P~ and P2 m
up being taken directly by mortar, as implied by both phases. In particular, the residual stresses P:
the upward tendency of the evolution of a~ I) in that appear in aggregate tend to oppose its lateral
Fig. 10. flow. Upon unloading of the material, these resid-
In conclusion, futher to obtaining a good agree- ual stresses become dominant and cause ret~erse
ment with experimental data the proposed model yielding in aggregate, thus resulting in unloading
provides some revealing insights as to internal hysteretic loops.
mechanisms underlying the material response of
concrete. This dual role played by the model would 4.3. Biaxial test data
appear to be one of its strongest points.
Figs. 12(a) and 12(b) show a comparison be-
4.2. Cyclic loading tween the computed biaxial failure envelope and
test data by Liu, Nilson and Slate (1972a),
Figure l l(a) shows the uniaxial cyclic response Adenaes, Gerstle and Ko (1977) and Kupfer,
of the material predicted by the model. Fig. ll(b), Hilsdorf and Rusch (1969). The model correctly
on the other hand, shows corresponding experi- captures the vastly differing behavior of concrete
mental results obtained by Karsan and Jirsa (1969). in biaxial tension and compression, The predicted
As may be seen, the model accurately captures the biaxial consolidation factor is of the order Of 1.3,
relevant features of the response. Thus, for in- which falls within the range of experimental ob-
stance, a drop of about 16% in the compressive servations. Overall, the computed failure envelope
strength of the material with respect to its mono- is seen to agree with the data within the bounds of
tonic strength is correctly predicted. On the other experimental error.
hand, the computed hysteretic unloading loops A further satisfactory aspect of the model is
closely follow after the observed pattern. that it succeeds in correctly predicting the failure
1.0 I-0 I , 7
K A R S A N , JIRSA (1969) j
0.0 0.0
0.0 0.5 [0 1.5 20 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 20
E/E c /E c
(a) (b)
Fig. 11. Cyclic reponse in uniaxial compression. Predictions of the theory, (a). Experimental data, (b).
M. Ortiz / Inelastic behavior of concrete 89
-I .4
L 1
el .0 -0.9 -0.8 -0.7 -0.6 -0.5 -0.4 -0.3 - 0 2
, Io.o
-0. I 0.0 0. I
erl I fe ~i/fc
(o) (b)
Fig.12.Comparison between computed biaxial failure envelope and experimental measurements, (a). Figure (b) shows a similar
comparison in the biaxial tension-compression quadrant.
mode of the specimen under the various load to the axis of loading. All of these results are in
combinations. Thus, under biaxial compression the keeping with experimental observations (Nelissen,
model predicts a splitting failure mode, with ex- 1972).
tended cracks contained within the plane of load- Figs. 13(a) and 13(b) show the computed volu-
ing. For uniaxial compression a double family of metric response for biaxial loading and the experi-
longitudinal cracks is predicted, whereas for uni- mental measurements by Gerstle and Linse (1978).
axial tension extended cracking takes place normal It should be noted that this particular test has
<>-,/<,-~ i 3/3 o-ii Io-2 = 313 ~JJ
I ~ = 2i3
3 i
v 2 u)
2 +
<,-,/<>-~: o/3-~
o o]/cr z: C o
b f, I
o i i i i
o .... If . . i.l l l l. !
-I.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 I .0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0
. . . .
EOcT(X I0 "3)
proven extremely sensitive to the method of test- nant mode of failure predicted by the model,
ing. The use of brush bearing platens (Linse and which is in keeping with experimental observations
Aschl, 1976), or flexible platens (Schickert and (Balmer, 1949; Palaniswamy and Shah, 1974). Fi~
Winkler, 1977) results in significant quantitative nally, the increase of ultimate axial strength com-
discrepancies in the data. All of the experimental puted from the model as a function of the confin~
measurements, nevertheless, do exhibit common ing pressure is also in good aggreemcnt with the
qualitative features which are captured by the experimental data.
model. Thus, it is generally observed that under
increasing compression the material first contracts
and eventually dialates owing to extensive micro- 5. Concluding remarks
cracking. The onset of dilatation occurs im-
mediately preceding failure in uniaxial compres- It has been shown in this paper how the body
sion and is retarded by lateral confinement, as of theory commonly referred to as theory of inter-
predicted by the model. acting continua or theory of mixtures can be
brought to bear on the constitutive behavior of
4.4. Triaxial test data concrete. This is a novel application of these ideas,
with the advantage over other models that the
The final set of numerical examples is con- inelastic processes in mortar and aggregate are
cerned with the triaxial behavior of concrete. The driven by phases stresses which jointly equilibrate
tests by Balmer (1949) demonstrate the strongly the applied ones but which may differ vastly from
stabilizing effect of confining pressure on the each other. This is seen to lie at the foundation of
stress-strain response of concrete, Fig. 14(b). This some aspects of the phenomenology of concrete
stabilization effect is also present in the numerical which had heretofore defied satisfactory explana-
results shown in Fig. 14(a), which exhibit little or tion, such as the characteristic splitting modes
no unstable behavior at high enough confinement. under biaxial compression and the unloading hys-
The origin of this added stability may be found in teretic loops under cyclic loading. The other major
the restraining effect exerted by the confining constituent of the proposed theory is a rate inde-
pressure on the extension of microcracks. Under pendent model of damage, which can accommod-
these circumstances, faulting becomes the domi- ate fully anisotropic elastic degradation in a par-
1.0 IO F
l BALMER (1949)
0.8 0.8
0.6 0.6
uJ l.iJ
(3: I'-
o~ 03
04 ,_1
0.2 0.2
0.0 0.0
0 I 2 3 4 5 0 2 5 4 5
(o) (b)
Fig. 14. Triaxial stress-strain curves, computed (a) and experimental (b). Note the hardening and stabilizing effect of confinement.
M. Ortiz / Inelastic behavior of concrete 91
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