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Conformational Analysis


1. Two groups bonded by only a single bond can undergo rotation about that bond with respect to
each other
2. The temporary molecular shapes that result from
such rotation are called conformations.
3. Each possible structure is called a conformer
4. The analysis of the energy changes that a molecule undergoes as groups rotate about single
bonds known as Conformational analysis.
5. When we do confirmational analysis, we will find that certain kind of structural formulas are
convenient to use such as Newman projection formula and sawhorse formula. In conformational
analysis we will use substantial use of Newman projections.
Conformational Analysis
In a Newman projection the carbon–carbon bond is viewed along its axis and
the two carbon atoms are repesented by a circle. The bonds attached to the
front carbon are represented by lines going to the centre of the circle, and
bonds attached to the rear carbon are represented by lines going to the edge
of the circle. The advantages of Newman projections are that they are easy
to draw and they clearly show the relationships among substituents on the
different carbon atoms.
Conformational Analysis of Ethane

Potential energy changes

that accompany rotation
of groups about the
carbon-carbon bond of

Staggered conformation: allows the maximum Eclipsed conformation: maximum repulsive

separation of the electron pairs of the six C—H interaction between the electron pairs of the
bonds ⇒ has the lowest energy ⇒ most stable six C—H bonds (torsional strain) ⇒ has the
conformation. highest energy ⇒ least stable conformation.
Conformational Analysis of Ethane
All eclipsed conformations are less stable than all staggered conformations because of present of
torsional strain.

What is Torsional Strain:

Repulsive interaction between the electron pairs on bond of the neighboring atoms at the greatest
when the bonds are aligned (eclipsed) and at minimum when they are farthest apart (staggered).
This destabilize the eclipsed conformations relative to staggered conformations.

Destabilization of a molecule caused by the eclipsing of bonds on adjacent atoms is called torsional

Why staggered is more stable?

Because staggered conformations have minimum/free of torsional strain then of eclipse

Dihedral angel/Torsional angel 𝜽

Defined as the angle between the bonds on adjacent carbon atoms.
Conformational Analysis of Butane

All staggered conformations
have less energy than all
eclipsed conformations.
Staggered are free of
torsional strain thus more

There are 2 types of staggered conformations in butane:
1) Gauche: B (60°) and F (300°)
2) Anti: D (180°)
In gauche conformations the two methyl groups are close enough to each other that courses steric strain (less
stable than anti)
In anti conformation the two methyl groups are farthest away from each other and contain no steric strain, thus
most stable.
Conformational Analysis of Butane

What is steric strain:

Repulsive interaction between 2
groups (or atoms) that are forces
to be close to each other (close
enough to intrude to each other’s

There are 2 types of eclipsed conformations in butane:

1) Eclipsed when the methyl groups are aligned (A and G)
2) Eclipsed when methyl groups aligned with hydrogen atoms (C and E)
All eclipsed conformations contains torsional strain.
The eclipsed conformations C and E have high energy due to steric strain arising from the eclipsed methyl groups
and hydrogen atoms.
The eclipsed conformation A and G have has the greatest energy due to the large steric strain arising from the
eclipsed methyl groups.
Conformational Analysis of Cycloalkane
The carbon atoms of alkanes are sp3 hybridized ⇒ the bond angle is 109.5°.
Ring Strain
Small cycloalkanes (3C or 4C) are very unstable.

There are 2 types of ring strain:

Angle strain is the increase in potential energy of a molecule
due to bond angles deviating from the ideal values (109.5ᵒ).

Tortional strain is the increase in potential energy of a

molecule due to repulsion between electrons in bonds that
do not share an atom.

Suggested Youtube link:

Bond angle: 120ᵒ

Planar conformer
All 12 C-H bonds
are eclipsed

Bond angle: 109.5ᵒ

(tetrahedral bond
Conformation of
Cyclohexane 12 C-H bonds are
Chair conformer
staggered/ gauche

no angle strain and

no torsional strain

12 C-H bonds are

Boat conformer eclipsed (less

Preferred conformation in
which cyclohexane systems
exist in.
Looking at the chair
conformation, one can
identify a back-rest, a seat
and a leg-rest like that of a

1. The C—C bond angles are all 109.5° ⇒ free of angle strain.
2. Chair cyclohexane is free of torsional strain:
3. When viewed along any C—C bond, the atoms are seen to be
perfectly staggered.
4. The hydrogen atoms at opposite corners (C1 and C4) of the
cyclohexane ring are maximally separated.
• Boat conformations are also possible with cyclohexane
systems, but they are of higher energy than the chair
Boat conformation of cyclohexane:
1) Boat conformation of cyclohexane is
free of angle strain.
2) Boat cyclohexane has torsional strain
and flagpole interaction
i) When viewed along the C—C bond on
either side, the atoms are found to
be eclipsed ⇒ considerable torsional
ii) The hydrogen atoms at opposite
corners (C1 and C4) of the cyclohexane
ring are close enough to cause van der
Waals repulsion ⇒ flagpole interaction.
Of all conformations of cyclohexane, the chair conformations are
of least energy and thus most stable. Chair conformations are
therefore the most realistic representations of cyclohexanes.
There are two types of bonds in cyclohexanes: Equatorial bonds are oriented
towards the rings equator, while axial bonds are on the rings axis.
To ring flip, identify where the substituents are. In one
conformer, push up at C-4 and down at C-1 to obtain the
4C conformer. The other conformer is obtained by
pushing up at C-1 and down at C-1 to provide the 1C4
conformer. All equatorial bonds becomes axial and vise
versa when the ring flip.
• In methylcyclohexane, the methyl group can be in an
equatorial or axial position.
• We might, therefore, expect to find two conformers
of methylcyclohexane.
Stability of Cyclohexane Conformer
• Although cyclohexane rings rapidly flip between
conformations at room temperature, the two
conformers of a monosubstituted cyclohexane are not
of equal stability.

• In the 1C4 conformer, there is van der Waals strain (steric) between
hydrogens of the axial CH3 and hydrogens at C-3 and C-5, while in
the 4C1 conformer, there is a smaller van der Waals strain between
hydrogens at C-1 and hydrogens at C-3 and C-5.

• This type of steric strain, because it arises from interaction between

an axial group on carbon 1 and an axial hydrogen on carbon atom 3
(or 5), is called 1,3-diaxial interaction (the interaction between
group/atom on carbon 1 with group/atom 3 carbon away)

• Generally there is less repulsion when any group is equatorial rather

than axial, thus conformer B is more stable than A
The investigation of molecular conformations and their relative
energies is called conformational analysis. As a generalization, for
other monosubstituted cycloalkanes: “a substituent is almost always
stable in an equatorial position than in an axial position”.
Conformational Structures of Disubstituted Cyclohexanes


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