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Lecture Reading 13: Structural Analysis of Structural Steel Beams

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Far Eastern University

Institute of Architecture and Fine Arts




From page 5-62 NSCP 2015 (see code below):


M = ϕ b Mn ϕb = 0.90 LRFD
M = 𝜴𝒃
Ωb = 1.67 ASD

Mn = Fy Zx where: Mn = nominal moment

Fy = yield stress
Zx = plastic section modulus
Far Eastern University
Institute of Architecture and Fine Arts

From page 5-74 NSCP 2015 (see code below)

B) for SHEAR

V = ϕv Vn ϕv = 0.90 LRFD
V = 𝜴𝒗
Ωv = 1.67 ASD

Vn = 0.60 Fy Aw Cv where: Vn = nominal shear

Fy = yield stress
tf Aw = area of web = h tw
Cv = 1
D h
h = D - 2 tf
Far Eastern University
Institute of Architecture and Fine Arts

If using I-beam, check the following

𝒉 𝑬
If 𝒕𝒘
≤ 𝟐. 𝟐𝟒 0𝑭 then ϕv = 1 LRFD

Ωv = 1.50 ASD

For maximum moment, maximum shear (reaction) and maximum deflection ( δ ) of certain loadings of
simply supported beam, please refer to data table below: page 219 ASEP Handbook 2004




Design a standard hot rolled shape of A36 steel W-section for a beam shown. The beam has a
length of 14.50 m. It carries a service dead load of 25.30 kN/m and service live load of 35.20 kN/m. Use

14.50 m
Far Eastern University
Institute of Architecture and Fine Arts

NOTE: The given loadings are what we call super imposed loadings. Superimposed loadings are loadings not
including the weight of the beam. Remember we are designing the size so we do not know the weight of the

STEP 1. Loading (superimposed)

w = 1.2D + 1.6L

w = 1.20 (25.30) + 1.60 (35.20)

w = 86.68 kN/m

STEP 2. Shear and Moment (superimposed)


78.87 (:;.<=)6
M =

M = 2278.06 kN.m
V = from DATA TABLE (reaction)

78.87 (:;.<=)
V = ?

V = 628.43 kN

STEP 3. Plastic Section Modulus

M = ϕb Mn Mn = Fy Zx from NSCP 2015 formula

M = ϕb Fy Zx substitute
Zx = AB CD

??E7.=8 (:===)6
Zx = =.F= (?;7)
substitute values

Zx = 10 206.36 x 103 mm3

STEP 4. Section Selection

In this step you need your ASEP Steel Handbook 2004 to select the most economical size of the W-
section. You must turn your handbook from pages 84 – 105. Starting from page 84, go to the 24th column
(second from the last column) with heading Zx (Plastic Modulus). Select a Zx which is more than but nearest to
the value of your computed required plastic section modulus Zx = 10 206.36 x 103 mm3 (step 3). You must also
select the nearest value of area to other pages on the column Zx . Check if it is more than the value and not less
than. The nearest value to Zx is10 226 x 103 mm3 found at pages 86 - 87, the first trial size is W 36 x 160 (refer
to attached excerpt).
Far Eastern University
Institute of Architecture and Fine Arts


Try W 36 x 160 data taken from table FIG A above

Zx = 10 226 x 103 mm3

Ag = 30 323 mm2

D = 914.65 mm

tw = 16.51 mm
Far Eastern University
Institute of Architecture and Fine Arts
tf = 25.91 mm

Ix = 3642 x 106 mm4

w = 238 kg/m = 2.33 kN/m = weight of the beam convert to kN/m

wb = 2.33 kN/m

h = D - 2 tf = 914.65 - 2 (25.91) = 862.83 mm from formula

STEP 5. Actual Shear and Moment weight of beam is included

w = 86.68 + 1.2 wb from step 1 and wb value in step 4

w = 86.68 + 1.20 ( 2.33)

w = 89.48 kN/m

456 7F.;7 (:;.<=)6

M = 7
= 7

M = 2351.65 kN.m

45 7F.;7 (:;.<=)
V = ?
= ?

V = 648.73 kN

Step 6. Checking

REMEMBER: Structural steel beams depend upon three factors

1) Bending or Flexure
2) Shearing
3) Deflection
If one of them is inadequate, then all factors are inadequate. To be safe, all three
factors must be adequate


Mn = Fy Zx

?;7 ( := ??8 G :=H )

Mn = (:===)6

Mn = 2536.05 kN.m

M = ϕb Mn

M = 0.90 (2536.06)

M = 2282.45 kN < 2351.05 kN.m INADEQUATE

Far Eastern University
Institute of Architecture and Fine Arts

NOTE: If the actual moment M is less than the required actual moment M (step 5), then it is not safe or
inadequate, repeat or go back again to step 4 and revise your trial section. If it is the other way around, then
proceed to check shearing and deflection. Since our answer is inadequate, we go back again to step 4.

STEP 4. Section Selection

We are now on the second trial section. Again using ASEP Handbook 2004, find for the heading Zx
(second from the last column). Find for the nearest but larger area than the first trial Zx =10 226 x 103 (W 36 x
160 ). We then find Zx = 10 291 mm3 that correspond to W 27 x 194 pages 90 – 91 ASEP Handbook 2004 but
It will also be inadequate in shearing.
The following sizes will also be inadequate in trying this section.

W 21 x 248 Zx = 10 865 mm3 inadequate in deflection

Now let us try W 36 x 170 with Zx = 10 947 mm3 pages 86 – 87 ASEP Handbook 2004 (refer to Fig A)

Try W 36 x 160 data taken from table FIG A

Zx = 10 947 x 103 mm3

Ag = 32 258 mm2

D = 918.72 mm

tw = 17.27 mm

tf = 27.94 mm

Ix = 4870 x 106 mm4

w = 253 kg/m = 2.48 kN/m = weight of the beam convert to kN/m

wb = 2.48 kN/m

h = D - 2 tf = 918.72 - 2 (27.94) = 862.84 mm from formula

STEP 5. Actual Shear and Moment weight of beam is included

w = 86.68 + 1.2 wb from step 1 and wb value in step 4

w = 86.68 + 1.20 ( 2.48)

w = 89.66 kN/m

456 7F.88 (:;.<=)6

M = 7
= 7

M = 2356.38 kN.m
Far Eastern University
Institute of Architecture and Fine Arts
45 7F.88 (:;.<=)
V = =
? ?

V = 650.04 kN

Step 6. Checking


Mn = Fy Zx

?;7 ( := F;E G :=H )

Mn =

Mn = 2714.86 kN.m

M = ϕb Mn

M = 0.90 (2714.86)

M = 2443.37 kN > 2356.38 kN.m SAFE

NOTE: If the actual moment M is less than the required actual moment M (step 5), then it is not safe or
inadequate, repeat or go back again to step 4 and revise your trial section. If it is greater than, then it is safe,
proceed to check shearing and deflection.


Check the following:

𝒉 𝑬
If 𝒕𝒘
≤ 𝟐. 𝟐𝟒 0𝑭 then ϕv = 1 LRFD

Ωv = 1.50 ASD

K ?== ===
2.24 0C = 2.24 0 ?;7
= 63.61

𝒉 𝟖𝟔𝟐.𝟖𝟒
= 𝟏𝟕.𝟐𝟕
= 49.86

𝒉 𝑬
Therefore : 𝒕𝒘
< 𝟐. 𝟐𝟒 0𝑭 then ϕv = 1 LRFD

Aw = h tw = 862.84 (17.27)

Vn = 0.60 Fy Aw Cv
Far Eastern University
Institute of Architecture and Fine Arts
=.8= (?;7)[78?.7;(:E.?E)](:)
Vn = :===

Vn = 2217.31 kN

V = ϕv Vn = 1 (2217.31)

V = 2217.31 kN > 650.04 kN SAFE

NOTE: If the actual moment V is less than the required actual moment V (step 5), then it is not safeδ or
inadequate, repeat or go back again to step 4 and revise your trial section. If it is the other way around, then
proceed to check deflection.


REMEMBER: A formula is given for an allowable deflection for beams if you use both the
dead load and the live load.

δallowable =

𝑳 𝟏𝟒.𝟓𝟎 (𝟏𝟎𝟎𝟎)
δallowable = = = 60.42 mm
𝟐𝟒𝟎 𝟐𝟒𝟎

< 4 V W
δ = from DATA TABLE
X7; KY

< (7F.88)(:;.<=)W (:===)W

𝛿 = X7; (?== ===)(;7E= G :=\) multiply it by (1000)4 so that the unit of
deflection is in mm

δ = 52.98 mm < 60.42 mm SAFE

NOTE: If the actual deflection is greater than the allowable deflection, then it is not safe or inadequate, repeat
or go back again to step 4 and revise your trial section. If it is less than, then it is safe. If the three factors are all
safe already, then it is the size you are looking for.

USE W 36 x 170 beam

Far Eastern University
Institute of Architecture and Fine Arts


A 10 m beam shown is W 30 x 148. It supports a service unfactored dead load of 73 kN/m and a
service unfactored live load of 28 kN/m. What safe unfactored concentrated live load will be used at the
midspan of the beam. Use A26 steel and LRFD.

PD = 0
PL = ?
5m 5m

wD = 73 kN/m
wL = 28 kN/m

FOR W 30 x 148 data taken from table above

Zx = 8194 x 103 mm3

Ag = 28 064 mm2

D = 779.02 mm

tw = 16.51 mm
Far Eastern University
Institute of Architecture and Fine Arts

tf = 29.97 mm

Ix = 2780 x 106 mm4

w = 220 kg/m = 2.18 kN/m = weight of the beam convert to kN/m

wb = 2.18 kN/m

h = D - 2 tf = 779.02 - 2 (29.97) = 719.08 mm from formula

Compute for the actual loadings

wb = 2.18 kN/m given from properties of section

wD = 73 + 2.18 = 75.18 kN/m

wL = 28 kN

w = 1.2D + 1.6L
w = 1.2 (75.18) + 1.6 (28)

w = 135.02 kN/m

PD = 0

PL = 1.6 P P is unknown

456 ]^ (5)
M = + from DATA TABLE (combination of
7 ;
two loads)
:X<.=? (:=)6 :.8 ] (:=)
M = 7
+ ;

M = 1687.75 + 4P

45 ]^
V = ?
+ ?

:X<.=? (:=) :.8 ]

V = ?
+ ?

V = 675.25 + 0.80 P


Mn = Fy Zx

?;7 ( 7:F; G :=H )

Mn =

Mn = 2032.11 kN.m

M = ϕb Mn

M = 0.90 (2032.11)
Far Eastern University
Institute of Architecture and Fine Arts

M = 1828.90 kN

M = M

1687.75 + 4P = 1828.90 simplifying

P = 35.29 kN


𝒉 𝑬
If 𝒕𝒘
≤ 𝟐. 𝟐𝟒 0𝑭 then ϕv = 1 LRFD

Ωv = 1.50 ASD
K ?== ===
2.24 0C = 2.24 0 ?;7
= 63.61

𝒉 𝟕𝟏𝟗.𝟎𝟖
= 𝟏𝟔.𝟓𝟏
= 43.55

𝒉 𝑬
Therefore : < 𝟐. 𝟐𝟒 0𝑭 then ϕv = 1 LRFD
𝒕𝒘 𝒚

Aw = h tw = 719.08 (16.51) = 11 872.01 mm2

Vn = 0.60 Fy Aw Cv
=.8= (?;7) ( :: 7E?.=:) (:)
Vn =

Vn = 1766.56 kN

V = ϕv Vn = 1 (1766.56)

V = 1766.56 kN

V = V

675.25 + 0.80 P = 1766.56

P = 1364.14 kN


𝑳 𝟏𝟎 (𝟏𝟎𝟎𝟎)
δallowable = 𝟐𝟒𝟎
= 𝟐𝟒𝟎
= 41.67 mm

< 4 V W ]^ 5H
δ = + from DATA TABLE
X7; KY ;7 KY
Far Eastern University
Institute of Architecture and Fine Arts
< (:X<.=?)(:=)W (:===)W :.8 ](:=)H (:===)W
41.67 = X7; (?== ===)(?E7= G :=\) + multiply it by (1000)4 so that
;7 (?== ===)(?E7= G :=\ )
the unit of deflection is in

P = 167.50 kN

ADOPT: P = 35.29 kN ANSWER

NOTE: There are three answers. Since we are considering loading, the least value is the safest.

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