Ground State Structural, Elastic, Electronic Properties and Pressure-Induced Structural Phase Transition of Xcosb (X SC, Ti, V, CR and MN)
Ground State Structural, Elastic, Electronic Properties and Pressure-Induced Structural Phase Transition of Xcosb (X SC, Ti, V, CR and MN)
Ground State Structural, Elastic, Electronic Properties and Pressure-Induced Structural Phase Transition of Xcosb (X SC, Ti, V, CR and MN)
The structural, elastic and electronic properties of XCoSb along with the impact of pressure on the structure of the compounds are
discussed in this paper. Calculations have been carried out using the pseudopotential plane wave method within generalized
gradient approximation according to the Perdew-Burke-Ernzerhof (GGA-PBE) method. At ambient conditions, XCoSb crystal-
lizes in a C1b-type cubic structure and we observed that at high-pressure VCoSb, CrCoSb and MnCoSb undergo a phase
transition from cubic to the LiGaGe-type hexagonal structure. Elastic constants are reported for the first time. The electronic
band structure and density of states (DOS) show that ScCoSb and TiCoSb are semiconductors and non-magnetic while VCoSb,
CrCoSb and MnCoSb are half-metallic ferromagnetic. In addition, we have also calculated elastic moduli, Zener anisotropic
factor, Poisson’s ratio and transverse and longitudinal sound velocities from the second-order elastic constant.
Keywords Half Heusler . Elastic constants . Phase transition . Density functional theory
Co and Mn are ferromagnetic in nature [18]. Half is 35 Ry and that of density is 200 Ry. The Vanderbilt cold
Heusler alloys having Co and Mn atoms are widely Gaussian smearing [36] is employed for calculation. The
studied both experimentally and theoretically [20–24]. Brillouin zone integration is performed with 13 × 13 × 13
Their structural, electronic and magnetic properties are Monkhorst pack [37] k-mesh and the self-consistent conver-
reported by many researchers [25–28]. Galanakis et al. gence of energy is 10−6 eV/atom. Furthermore, to obtain
[17] showed that MnCoSb is half-metallic but ground state structural parameters like equilibrium volume,
Ksenifoter et al. [29] observed that the half-metallic equilibrium lattice constant, bulk modulus and its pressure
character of MnCoSb is suspectable. Kandpal et al. derivatives, we have calculated total energy at a wide range
[18] investigated the electronic and bonding nature of of lattice constants around available experimental lattice pa-
XCoSb (X = Sc, Ti, V, Cr, Mn) and they observed that rameters and fitted energy vs. volume curve with Birch-
all of the compounds except ScCoSb obey the Slater- Murnaghan equation of state [38] as well. Elastic constants
Pauling rule of the magnetic moment in half Heusler are computed by an elastic code [39] using Quantum
alloys. Among these compounds, VCoSb, CrCoSb and ESPRESSO input files. Elastic moduli (Young’s, bulk and
MnCoSb are half-metallic ferromagnets and TiCoSb is a shear modulus), Zener anisotropic factor, Poisson’s ratio, lon-
non-magnetic semiconductor. But they did not study gitudinal and transverse velocities and Debye temperature are
phase transition phenomena and elastic properties in derived from second-order elastic constants. The Zener aniso-
these compounds. Another remarkable study of tropic factor [40] can be calculated as
pressure-induced structural phase transition of half
2C 44
Heusler alloys is done by LiLia et al. [30]. They report- A¼ ð1Þ
ed that CuAuBi undergoes a phase transition from cubic C 11 −C 12
to the hexagonal LiGaGe-type structure. Noda et al. Bulk modulus (Bv), shear modulus according to Voigt (GV)
[15] synthesized high-pressure phase of VCoSb and [41] and Reuss (GR) [42] formula are given by
VFeSb indicating that under pressure, these half
Heusler compounds transform from a cubic to a 1
BV ¼ fðC 11 þ C 22 þ C 33 Þ þ 2ðC 12 þ C 13 þ C 23 Þg ð2Þ
ZrBeZi-type structure. In a previous work [31], we 9
showed that PbAuY undergoes a structural phase transi- GV ¼
fðC 11 þ C 22 þ C 33 Þ−ðC 12 þ C 13 þ C 23 Þ þ 3ðC 44 þ C 55 þ C 66 Þg
tion from cubic to hexagonal. If we scrutinize the 15
REAuSb family, it can be seen that compounds having ð3Þ
smaller rare earth (RE) element crystallizes in LiGaGe- −1
BR ¼ fðS 11 þ S 22 þ S 33 Þ þ 2ðS 12 þ S 13 þ S 23 Þg ð4Þ
type structure [32]. In the REAuPb family, compounds
with lighter RE element crystallizes in cubic half GR ¼ 15f4ðS 11 þ S 22 þ S 33 Þ−ðS 12 þ S 13 þ S 23 Þ þ 3ðS 44 þ S 55 þ S 66 Þg−1
Heusler-type structure though heavier one crystallizes ð5Þ
in ZrBeSi-type structure. Some 18 electrons ternary
compounds crystallize in hexagonal (ZrNiAl-type) and For cubic crystal, the Hill [43] averaged bulk and shear
orthorhombic (TiNiSi-type) phases. From all of these modulus can be estimated from
observations, we can summarize that small change in 1
the size of constituent elements in cubic half Heusler GH ¼ ðGV þ GR Þ ð6Þ
alloys may induce a structural phase transition to the
hexagonal-type structure. Looking at the fact that no BH ¼ BV þ BR ð7Þ
detailed study is available on pressure-induced structural 2
phase transition and elastic properties of XCoSb com- Young’s modulus and Poisson’s ratio can be obtained from
pounds, we applied the density functional theory (DFT) the bulk modulus and shear modulus as follows:
to study XCoSb in detail.
E¼ ð8Þ
3B þ G
2 Computational Details 3B−2G
ν¼ ð9Þ
2ð3B þ GÞ
The electronic structure of XCoSb (X = Sc, Ti, V, Cr and Mn)
is calculated using DFT [33] code as implemented in Debye temperature can be obtained from the following Eq.
Quantum ESPRESSO package [34]. We used the plane wave (3).
pseudopotential method within generalized gradient approxi- 1=3
h 3n N A
mation according to the Perdew-Burke-Ernzerhof (GGA- θD ¼ Vm ð10Þ
PBE) [35] method. The kinetic energy cutoff for a plane wave k 4π M
J Supercond Nov Magn
where -1250
−1=3 -1252 (ScCOSb)
1 2 1
Vm ¼ þ 3 ð11Þ -1254
3 V 3t Vl
where Vt and Vl are given as
G -1260
Vt ¼ ð12Þ
ρ -1262
sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi -1264
3B þ 4G
Vl ¼ ð13Þ
ρ -1266
48 50 52 54 56 58 60 62 64
3 Result and Discussion Volume(Å )
3.1 Ground State Structural Properties (b)
To obtain structural properties at zero pressure and 0 K tem- -1240
perature, we performed total energy calculations for both non-
spin-polarized (non-magnetic, NM) and spin-polarized (ferro- -1245
Table 1 Ground state structural properties of XCoSb (X = Sc, Ti, V, Cr ferromagnetic state is more energetically stable in these
and Mn). Lattice constants (Å), cell volume V0 (Å3), bulk modulus B compounds.
(GPa) and its pressure derivative B′ at zero pressure
(NM) C11 437.2 243.2 228.2 262.30 186.3
-1469.4 (FM) - - 241.0 [3] - -
C12 87.30 137.8 96.10 125.00 72.20
- - 91.0 [3] - -
-1469.8 C44 81.10 92.80 21.10 27.50 35.80
- - 57.0 [3] - -
-1470.0 B 203.9 172.94 140.10 170.76 110.20
- - 141 [3] - -
44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 62
G 110.97 73.94 34.05 40.03 43.17
Volume(A ) - - 64 [3] - -
G/B 0.540 0.420 0.240 0.230 0.390
E 281.79 194.14 94.49 111.37 114.56
-1344 (b) CrCoSb - - 165[3] - -
A 0.463 1.760 0.319 0.402 0.627
− 0.149 [3] - -
Ν 0.270 0.310 0.390 0.390 0.330
- - 0.304 [3] - -
Other [3]
-1347 NM
FM C44, which indicates that deformation in shape is much easier
than deformation in length. Perhaps neither experimental nor
-1348 theoretical results are available for comparison of elastic con-
stants in these compounds except for VCoSb. Kong et al. [3]
40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 62 calculated elastic constants of VCoSb and our calculated
Volume(A ) values are close to their values.
In addition, the bulk modulus, shear modulus of elasticity,
-1700.0 (c)
Young’s modulus, Pugh’s ratio, Zener anisotropic factor and
-1700.2 Poisson’s ratio have been calculated using Eqs. (1–9) and the
-1700.4 obtained values are listed and compared with other available
-1700.6 results in Table 2. It is clear from Table 2 that our values of
-1700.8 bulk modulus are very close to other values [3]. The Pugh
40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 62 X ρ Vl Vt Vm D
Volume(A )
Sc 6.567 7320 4110 2186.44 243.940
Fig. 2 Energy vs. volume curve of VCoSb (a), CrCoSb (b) and MnCoSb
Ti 7.384 6064 3164 2824.87 326.406
(c) for cubic non-magnetic (NM) and ferromagnetic (FM) states
V 7.744 4894 2096 4221.72 493.412
- 5400 [3] 2866 [3] 3203 [3] 374 [3]
Cr 7.860 5340 2256 3920.32 459.767
C11 > B > C12. It is found that all of these investigated com-
Mn 7.992 4581 2324 3839.03 450.847
pounds strictly follow this stability rule insisting that they are
mechanically stable. From Table 2, we can observe that C11 > Other [3]
J Supercond Nov Magn
-1262.0 -1326
(a) (d) (Cubic)
-1262.5 -1328
(Hexagonal) -1330
En er g y (eV)
-1266.5 -1346
-1267.0 CrCoSb
ScCoSb -1348
-1267.5 -1350
52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56
-1262.5 -1690
(b) (Hexagonal)
-1691 (e)
(Cubic) (Hexagonal)
-1263.0 -1692 (Cubic)
-1263.5 -1693
-1264.0 -1695
En er g y (eV)
-1265.0 -1698
-1266.0 -1701
-1266.5 TICoSb MnCoSb
-1267.0 -1704
50 51 52 53 54 55 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65
-1466.5 (Hexagonal)
En er g y (eV)
-1470.5 VCoSb
25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70
Volume (Å3)
Fig. 3 a–e Energy vs. volume curve of cubic and hexagonal phase of XCoSb (X = Sc, Ti, V, Cr and Mn)
material. The materials whose G/B ratio is lesser than the anisotropic factor (A) [40] is calculated by Eq. (1), the unit
critical value which is 0.57 show ductile nature whereas the value of A represents complete isotropic nature of the material
greater ones are brittle in nature. The G/B ratio is listed in and any deviation from unity measures the degree of anisot-
Table 2 and it is evident that all of these materials are ductile ropy. The estimated values are given in Table 2 and the data
in nature. Young’s modulus determines the stiffness of the shows that all of these materials are elastically anisotropic in
material and the relative stiffness is found to be ScCoSb > nature. The large value of A (1.76) in TiCoSb arises due to the
TiCoSb > MnCoSb > CrCoSb > VCoSb. The Zener major dependency on C44 which in fact gives the shear
J Supercond Nov Magn
Table 4 Phase transition pressure (Pt) (in GPa), lattice parameters (a 0.33 which are all higher than 0.33. Therefore, the vital con-
and c) (in Å) of hexagonal phase, number of valence electron (nv), tribution in interatomic bonding in these compounds is metal-
magnetic moment (M) (in Bohr magneton) and magnetic type lic and that of ScCoSb and TiCoSb is given 0.27 and 0.31,
XCoSb respectively, demonstrating the less metallic nature of these
compounds. Higher values of Poisson’s ratios (> 0.25) in these
X Pt a c nv M Type Ref. compounds indicate their anisotropic nature. We have calcu-
lated the longitudinal, transverse and average elastic wave
Sc - - - 17 0 NM, SC Pres.
velocities of these compounds and the Debye temperature
Ti - - - 18 0 NM, SC Pres.
using Eqs. (10–13). The obtained values are listed in Table 3.
V 10.8 3.885 4.763 19 1 HM, FM Pres.
13.30 - - - - HM, FM [3] It can be discerned that VCoSb possesses highest Debye
Cr 12.3 4.205 5.187 20 2 HM, FM Pres. temperature followed by CrCoSb and MnCoSb. The semicon-
Mn 13.04 4.10 5.088 21 3 HM, FM Pres. ducting non-magnetic compounds TiCoSb and ScCoSb pos-
sess comparatively less Debye temperature.
NM non-magnetic, FM ferromagnetic, SC semiconductor, HM half-
metallic 3.3 Pressure-Induced Structural Phase Transition
deformation of the compound. We have also calculated Very few researchers have reported [15, 30, 31] the
Poisson’s ratio according to Eq. (9). From Poisson’s ratio, pressure-induced structural phase transition of half
we can determine the interatomic bonding nature of materials, Heusler alloys from cubic to hexagonal phase. To inves-
and the values for covalent, ionic and metallic bonding are 0.1, tigate the possibility of structural phase transition in
0.25 and 0.33 respectively. In Table 2, the values of Poisson’s XCoSb, we optimized unit cell volume and ionic posi-
ratio for VCoSb, CrCoSb and MnCoSb are 0.39, 0.39, and tions of both cubic and hexagonal structures. Lattice
Fig. 6-7 Spin up and spin down electronic band structure of VCoSb
J Supercond Nov Magn
Fig. 8-9 Spin up and spin down electronic band structure of CrCoSb
parameters ‘a’ for cubic and ‘a’ and ‘c’ for hexagonal 3.4 Electronic Properties
structure optimized simultaneously. The obtained energies
as function of the volume are displayed in Fig. 3a–e). Figures 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 display the electronic
From these figures, we can see that in this given range of band structure and density of states (DOS) of XCoSb which
volume (i.e. lattice parameters), these compounds show meta- are plotted against spin up and spin down directions. The DOS
stability except ScCoSb and TiCoSb. of CrCoSb shows a peak at the Fermi level and this may
In ScCoSb and TiCoSb, a hexagonal structure is not ener- indicate the non-existence of CrCoSb. The calculated magnet-
getically favourable as seen in the figures. This may be asso- ic moments are given in Table 4 and it can be clearly seen that
ciated with their comparatively larger values of C44 and shear except ScCoSb, all of these compounds follow the Slater-
modulus G since these values indicate the resistance against Pauling rule (Mt = Z t–18) for magnetic moments in half
the deformation in shape. But VCoSb, CrCoSb and MnCoSb Heusler alloys. The band structure of ScCoSb does not fulfil
undergo phase transition from a cubic to a LiGaGe-type hex- the criteria of magnetism as the bands are too broad. From the
agonal structure{X (0, 0, 0), Co (1/3, 2/3, 3/4) Sb (2/3, 1/3, band structure, we can see that VCoSb, CrCoSb and MnCoSb
1/4)} at pressures 10.8, 12.3 and 13.04 GPa respectively. The are half-metallic since there is a gap at the Fermi level in
lattice parameters ‘a’ and ‘c’ for high-pressure hexagonal minority spin direction, and ScCoSb and TiCoSb are indirect
phase are listed in Table 4. From Table 4, it is clear that bandgap semiconductors. As we go from Sc to Mn (i.e. in-
VCoSb, CrCoSb and MnCoSb show ferromagnetic (FM) na- creasing valence electron of X atom), we can see a narrowing
ture in hexagonal phase. Here, we see that these compounds of the gap between d states derived from the X and Co atom
are showing phase transition from a cubic (FM) to a hexagonal and this is due to partial filling d states above the Fermi level
(FM) structure. Also VCoSb is showing transition at 10.8 GPa and the tendency of transition metal to stabilize energy in
which is slightly lesser than the phase transition pressure (Pt) going across d series [45, 46].
reported by Kong et al. [3]. We could not compare the calcu- The interaction between X-Sb is negligible compared
lated values because of the unavailability of other reported with X-Co and Co-Sb interactions. As many theoreti-
values. cians pointed out, we can say that half Heusler alloys
Fig. 10-11 Spin up and spin down electronic band structure of MnCoSb
J Supercond Nov Magn
having 18 or 8 electrons in the valence shell are most Funding Information The authors are grateful to the University Grants
Commission (UGC), New Delhi, for the financial support. Abdul
stable and as the number of valence electron increases
Shukoor V and Madhu Sarwan are thankful to UGC for providing BSR
from 18, the stability of the compound decreases but the fellowship and post-Doctoral Fellowship respectively.
system tries to increase its stability by making minority
band less occupied and this leads to half-metallicity in
these compounds. References
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