English File Communicative Instructions
English File Communicative Instructions
English File Communicative Instructions
Language Language
questions forms in the present and future questions forms in the present simple and the present
What does she do? When are you going to see her next? perfect
What’s the most expensive thing you’ve ever bought?
Extra support How much money have you spent today?
• Give Sts, working alone, a few minutes to write • Be sensitive to any concerns Sts may have about money.
the complete form of each question in the space
provided. Remind Sts that ‘/’ means there is a word • Put Sts in pairs and give out the sheets. Make sure that
missing or a change needs to be made to the verb. they can’t see each other’s questions. Give them a few
Check answers. moments to read their questions.
• Give each student a sheet, and focus on rubric a. Give • Sts takes turns to ask each other the questions on
Sts a few minutes to think of someone they know well. their sheet. Remind them to always ask for more
They can use the words at the top of the sheet for ideas. information.
They shouldn’t tell their partner anything about the • When Sts have finished the questions get some
person they are thinking about yet except whether the feedback from individual pairs.
person is male or female.
• Now focus on the question prompts and give Sts time 2B How long have you…?
to think about how to make the questions.
A class mingle
• Now tell the Sts that they’re going to ask each other
about their mystery person to discover their identity. Sts have a question which they use to survey the rest of
Demonstrate the activity by thinking of a person the class. Copy and cut up one sheet per 12 Sts.
yourself. First tell them if it’s a man or a woman and
then get Sts to ask you the questions until they guess Language
who the person is. Insist on correct question forms. Present perfect and present perfect continuous
How long have you known him? How long have you been
• In pairs, A interviews B and then tries to guess what living there?
the relationship is between B and the person they are
describing. • If you have more than 12 Sts, divide the class into two
• Sts swap roles. groups and make them move to different sides of the
• When they’ve finished, get feedback by asking who class. Give each student a different question card. Tell
each student described, and if their partner was able to Sts to work out what the second question is (they must
guess the relationship. use either the present perfect simple or continuous),
but not to write it. Elicit and check the questions before
1 Family Sts start the activity.
Where was he / she born? Where does he / she live? Who
does he / she live with? Occupation How long have you been working / worked
2 Occupation / Studies there?
What does he / she do? Where does he / she work / House How long have you been living / lived there?
study? Does he / she like his / her job / studies? Is he / Interests How long have you been doing it?
she going to change job or studies in the future? Gadgets How long have you had it / them?
3 Appearance and personality Sport How long have you been doing it?
What does he / she look like? What kind of clothes does Holidays How long have you been going there?
he / she wear? What is he / she like? What is his / her Social networks How long have you had an account?
best and worst quality? Giving How long have you been helping them?
4 Interests TV How long have you been watching it?
What does he / she like doing in his / her free time? Does Friends How long have you known him or her?
he / she do any sport or exercise? Which? What kind of Learning How long have you been learning it?
music does he / she like? Does he / she speak foreign Gym How long have you been a member?
5 Your relationship with this person in the present Extra support
How often do you see each other? Do you get on well? • You could let Sts write down their second question
What do you have in common? What do you do together?
6 Your relationship with this person in the future
on the back of their card.
When are you seeing him / her next? What do you do • Now tell Sts they have to ask their question to all the
together? Are you going on holiday together this year? other Sts in the class or group and make a note of their
Do you think you’ll know him / her in ten years’ time? answers.
• Sts stand up and mingle, asking their questions. If you
have two groups, get them to mingle in different halves
of the classroom. Take part in the mingle yourself, and
• When Sts have asked everyone their questions, get
them to sit down.
A group discussion • Put Sts in groups of three or four and give each group
Sts practise generalizing by discussing topics in small a copy of the board game pieces. They will also need
groups. Copy one sheet per group of three or four Sts counters (or pieces of paper) and a coin.
and cut into cards. • Each player puts a counter on a START triangle.
• Explain the rules of the game. Sts take turns to throw
Language the coin and move one circle for heads and two for tails.
not using the for generalizing When they land on a circle, they must make a sentence
I think cats make the best pets because… following the instruction. The rest of the group has to
decide if the sentence is correct and makes sense. Be
• Put Sts in groups of three or four. Try to have a mixture
the final judge in case of dispute.
of sexes where possible, as this will help to promote
disagreement. Give out one set of cards to each group • If the sentence is wrong, Sts move back a circle. If it’s
and put face down. correct, they stay on the circle.
• Put Sts in pairs A and B and give out the sheets. Focus Language
on a. third conditional
• Stress that Sts just need to ask the questions on their If we had known it was your birthday, we would have
bought you a present.
sheet and write notes (not whole sentences).
• Sts ask and answer the questions alternately. Monitor • Put Sts in groups of three or four and give each group
to make sure that Sts aren’t writing down everything a copy of the board game. They will also need counters
their partner says or asking for more information. (or pieces of paper) and a coin.
A pairwork speaking activity
• Sts ask each other questions about key vocabulary
areas using a range of tenses and verb forms from the
book. This could either be used as a final ‘pre-test’
revision or as an oral exam. Copy and cut up one set of
cards per pair.
grammar and vocabulary of the book
What does your brother look like?
b Swap charts with B. Ask B to explain the information in his / her chart. Ask for more
Because it’s how many brothers
Why did you write ‘3’?
and sisters I have.
What are their names?
Student A chart
172 English File 3rd edition Teacher’s Book Intermediate Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2013
b Swap charts with A. Ask A to explain the information in his / her chart. Ask for more
Because it’s the name of the person
Why did you write ‘Sebastian’?
I get on with best in my family.
Student B chart A
2 B
1 A
English File 3rd edition Teacher’s Book Intermediate Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2013 173