Account Modification in SAP
Account Modification in SAP
Account Modification in SAP
Specifies a key for the type of goods movement. Each goods movement (for example, purchase order to warehouse) is allocated
to a movement type in the system.
Receipt Indicator
Indicates the order type if this requires different accounting treatment (for example, stock transport order).
GD: goods movement with reference to a delivery (from the Shipping component)
If you need to separately manage certain stock (for example, consignment stock) of a material, the stock type in question is
defined using this indicator.
The values are updated in the respective G/L accounts at the same time.
The material type determines whether or not the material's values are maintained on the stock accounts.
The material type determines whether or not changes in quantity are updated in the material master record.
Movement Indicator
Specifies the type of document (such as purchase order or delivery note) that constitutes the basis for the movement.
This indicator is necessary, for example, to enable a distinction to be made between a goods receipt for a purchase order and a
goods receipt for a production order. These two goods movements result in different data and account updates in the system.
The movement indicator is derived from the transaction code.
Consumption Posting
Specifies that the consumption is to be posted to a consumption account (V) or an asset account (A).
The indicator is used in the case of goods receipts for purchase orders and is derived from the account assignment category of
the purchase order.
The posting string is needed for the purposes of automatic account determination.
Through the allocation of a posting string to a movement type, the system automatically determines the G/L accounts to be
updated in the event of a goods movement.
The system uses the transaction/event key to determine the account in which a posting line is generated. This means that at least
two transaction/event keys (one per posting line) are involved in each posting.
In the case of a consumption posting, two posting lines are generated via the relevant transaction/event keys:
One posting line in a consumption account (debit)
The transaction/event keys for a posting are derived from the posting string.
For the contra entry to the stock posting, the account grouping code from the table of movement types is used in addition to
the transaction/event key.
Account Modification
Key which has a different meaning depending on the procedure. It is used to differentiate account determination. The key's
meaning is predefined in the SAP system and cannot be changed.
For tax postings, you can enter a tax code as the key.
For tax clearing entries for down payments, you enter the modification key defined for down payments. This key was determined
based on account type, special G/L indicator, and reconciliation account.
For statistical offsetting entries, you enter a two-character identification code. The first character is the account type. The second
character is the respective special G/L indicator.
For offsetting entries for inventory postings, you enter the key which is assigned to the movement type and posting string.
The system uses the key entered here to find the account for transactions/events with active account grouping in the table of
account keys.
In the standard, account grouping is only active for the internal processing key GBB (offsetting entry for inventory posting).
For the transaction/event GBB (offsetting entry for inventory posting), the following account groupings have already been assigned to
the relevant movement types:
AUF: for goods receipts for production orders with account assignment
VAX: for goods issues for sales orders without account assignment object
VAY: for goods issues for sales orders with account assignment object
VBO: for consumptiom from stock of material provided to vendor
If you also activate account grouping for transaction/event PRD (price differences) when you make the settings for automatic
postings, the following account groupings are already assigned to the relevant movement types in the standard:
none for goods receipts and invoice receipts for purchase orders
If you also activate account grouping for transaction/event KON (consignment liabilities) when you make the settings for automatic
postings, the following account groupings are already assigned to the relevant movement types in the standard:
In a goods movement, the offsetting entry for inventory posting (transaction/event GBB) can be effected on various accounts
depending on the movement type:
If you use the standard setting, no further action is required.
You can also define your own account groupings for the transaction/event GBB.
If you wish to post goods issues for cost centers (movement type 201) and goods issues for orders (movement type 261) on
separate consumption accounts, you could assign account grouping ZZZ to movement type 201 and account grouping YYY to
movement type 261, for example. In the step "Automatic postings", you can then assign different accounts to the individual account
For transactions/events PRD and KON, the acccount groupings are fixed.
Check account assignment
Indicates that the account assignment is checked.
If this indicator is set, the system checks whether a G/L account or an account assignment has been specified on the item screen. If
so, the system copies this data to the posting line.
If this indicator is not set, the system always uses the G/L accounts or account assignments determined automatically.