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Chapter # 7 Induction Motor: Motor Construction: Stator: Rotor: Rotor

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Chapter # 7

Induction Motor

7.1: Induction Motor Construction

• The name induction machine because the rotor voltage (which
produces the rotor current and rotor magnetic field) is induced
in the rotor winding rather than being physically connected by
• A distinguishing feature is that no DC field current is required
to run this machine.
Motor Construction:
• Stator: An induction motor has the same physical stator as a
synchronous generator.
• Rotor: is of two types.
1. Squirrel Cage Rotor or simply cage rotor
2. Wound rotor

7.1: Induction Motor Construction
• Squirrel Cage Rotor:
In squirrel cage rotor series of conducting bars are laid in
the slots carved in to the face of rotor and shorted at
either end by large shortening rings.

7.1: Induction Motor Construction

• Wound Rotor: It has a complete set of three phase windings
that are mirror image of the windings on the stator. Three
phases are usually y-connected. The ends of rotor wires are
tied to slip rings on the rotor shaft. The rotor windings are
shorted through brushes riding on the slip rings.
ƒ Rotor current can be examined and extra resistance can be
inserted into the rotor circuit.
• Wound rotor induction motors are expensive than the cage
rotor, and they require much more maintenance because of
the wear associated with their brushes and slip rings. As a
result, wound-rotor induction motors are rarely used.

7.2: Basic Induction Motor Concepts
• When three phase set of voltages
are applied to stator, three phase
current flows in the stator
• A magnetic field BS is produced,
which is rotating counter clock
• The speed of magnetic field’s
rotation is given by: 120 f e
n sync =
• The rotating magnetic field
passes over the rotor bars and eind = (v × B).l
induces voltage in them.
• It is the relative motion of the rotor compared to the
stator magnetic field that produces induced voltage in the
rotor bar.

Basic Induction Motor Concepts

• The velocity of the upper rotor bars

relative to the magnetic field is to the
right, so the induced voltage in the
upper bars is out of the page
page, while the
induced voltage in the lower bars is
into the page.
• This results in a current flow out of the
upper bars and into the lower bars.
• Since the rotor assembly is inductive,
the peak rotor current lags behind the
peak rotor voltage.
• The rotor current produces a rotor
magnetic field BR which results in
induced torque in the machine:

τ ind = K BR × BS

Basic Induction Motor Concepts

• The resulting torque is counter clockwise. Since the rotor

induced torque is counter clock wise, the rotor accelerates
in that direction. There is a finite upper limit to the motor’s
• If the induction motor rotor were running at synchronous
speed, then the rotor bars would be stationary relative to
the magnetic field and there would be no voltage induced.
• If eind were equal to zero, then there would be no rotor
current, and no rotor magnetic field, thus the induced
torque would be zero.
• P
ti ll as a resultlt off ffriction
i ti losses,
l an induction
i d ti motor
can speed up to only near-synchronous speed, but it can
never exactly reach synchronous speed.
• In the normal operation both the rotor and stator magnetic
fields BR and BS rotate together at synchronous speed,
while the rotor itself turns at a slower speed. 7

The Concept of Rotor Slip

• The voltage induced in the rotor

depends upon the speed of the n slip = n sync − nm
rotor relative to the magnetic
li = slip speed
n slip
fields. This relative motion is is
commonly defined by two n sync = magnetic field speed
nm = rotor speed
I. Slip Speed nSlip
II. Slip, S
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The Electrical Frequency on the Rotor

• The Induction motor works by induced voltage and current in rotor,

therefore some times called as rotating transformer.
• Like a transformer Primary (Stator) induces voltage in Secondary
(Rotor), unlike transformer, the secondary frequency is not
necessarily the same as primary frequency.
• If rotor is locked then secondary frequency is same as primary. If
rotor turns at synchronous speed the Rotor frequency will be zero.
• Let us define the rotor frequency at any arbitrary speed.

f r = sf e
nm = 0 ⇒ f r = f e and s = 1
nsynch − nm
nm = n sync ⇒ f r = 0 and
d s=0 fr = fe
⇒ f r = sf e
f r = ( nsynch − nm ) fe
120 f e
fr = (nsynch − nm ) 9


Class Activity 1
• Example 7-1: A 208-V, 10 hp, four pole, 60 Hz, Y-connected
induction motor has a full load slip of 5 percent.
a) What is the synchronous speed of this motor.
b) What
h is the
h rotor speed d off this
h motor at rated d load.
l d
c) What is the rotor frequency of this motor at rated load.
d) What is the shaft torque of this motor at the rated load.


7.3: The Equivalent Circuit of an Induction Motor
• An induction motor is called a singly excited machine (as
opposed to a doubly excited synchronous machine), since
power is supplied only to the stator circuit. Because induction
motor does not have an independent field circuit its model will
not contain an internal voltage source such as internal
generated voltage EA in a synchronous machine.
• We will begin with the transformer model and try to include
the variable frequency and other similar induction motor
effects into account.
• An induction motor
q circuit differs
from a transformer
equivalent circuit
primarily in the effects of
varying rotor frequency
on the rotor voltage ER
and impedance RR and XR. 11

The Equivalent Circuit of an Induction Motor

• Due to the air gap in an induction machine, the reluctance
of the flux path is increased greatly, which reduces coupling
between primary (stator) and secondary winding (rotor).
The higher reluctance caused by the air gap means that a
higher magnetizing current is required to obtain a given
flux. Therefore, magnetizing reactance will be much smaller.

• E1 coupled to ER by an ideal transformer with an effective

turn ratio aeff.

• The voltage ER produced

in the rotor in turn
produces a current flow in
the shorted rotor (or
secondary) circuit of the

Rotor Circuit Model
• In an induction motor when voltage is applied to stator
winding, a voltage is induced in the rotor winding of the
• The greater the relative motion (Slip Speed) between rotor
and stator magnetic fields, the greater the resulting rotor
voltage and rotor frequency.
• The largest relative motion occurs when the rotor is
stationary, called Locked Rotor or Blocked Rotor condition.
• The smallest voltage (0 V) and frequency (0 Hz) occur when
the rotor moves at the same speed as the stator magnetic
fi ld resulting
field, lti i no relative
in l ti motion.
• The magnitude and frequency of the voltage induced in the
rotor at any speed is proportional to the slip of the rotor.

E R = sER 0 ER0 is the magnitude of the induced

voltage at locked rotor condition. 13

Rotor Circuit Model

• The frequency of the
induced voltage at any slip
f r= sf e
will be given by:
X R = ω r LR
• The rotor resistance is
constant independent of = 2π f r L R
frequency and thus the slip. = 2π s f e L R
• The reactance of the rotor
depends on the inductance = s ( 2π f e L R )
of the rotor, and the X R = s X R0
frequency of the voltage
and current in the rotor.
• XR0 is the blocked rotor
• The resulting equivalent
circuit is shown in the

Rotor Circuit Model
• The rotor current in this ER
IR =
circuit can be written as: RR + jX R
• From Eq.(i), notice that it is sE R 0
IR =
possible to treat all of the RR + jsX
j X R0
rotor effects due to varying ER 0
rotor speed as being caused IR = (i )
by a varying impedance + jX R 0
supplied with a power from
a constant voltage source Z R ,eq = RR + jX R 0 (ii )
ERO. The equivalent rotor
p from this ppoint of
view is given in Eq (ii).
• Thus the equivalent rotor
circuit can modified as
shown in Fig.


Final Equivalent Circuit

• To produce the final equivalent V P = VS = aVS

circuit, it is necessary to refer

rotor part of the model over to IS
IP = IS =

the stator side.

side a
ZS = a Z S
' 2
• The rotor circuit model derived
above has all the speed effects
concentrated in the impedance
E2 = E R = aeff E R 0
• In an ordinary transformer, the IR
voltage, current and
I2 =
impedances on the secondary
side can be referred to primary RR
Z 2 = aeff ( + jX R 0 )
side by means of turn ratio. s
• The same transformation can
Let R2 = aeff RR
be applied to the induction
X 2 = aeff X R 0

Final Equivalent Circuit
• The rotor resistance and locked rotor reactance XR0
are very difficult or impossible to determine on a
cage rotor also the effective turn ratio aeff is difficult
to obtain for squirrel-cage
q g rotor .
• Fortunately, it is possible to make measurements
that will directly give the referred resistance and
reactance R2 and X2, even though RR1 ,XR0 and aeff
are not known separately.


7.4: Power and Torque in Induction Machine

• An induction motor can be basically described as a rotating
transformer. Its input is 3-phase systems of voltages and
• F an ordinary
For di transformer
t f the
th output
t t off transformer
t f is
electric power from secondary winding.
• The secondary (rotor) of an induction machine is shorted.
Therefore, no electrical output form induction machine
instead the output is mechanical.


Power and Torque in Induction Machine
• The core losses of an induction motor come partially from
the stator circuit and partially from the rotor circuit. Since an
induction motor normally operates at a speed near
h speed,d the
th relative
l ti motion
ti off the
th magneticti field
fi ld
over the rotor surface is quite low, and the rotor core losses
are very tiny compared to the stator circuit. Since the largest
fraction of the core losses comes from the stator circuit, all
the core losses are lumped together at that point on the
• The higher the speed of an induction machine, the higher its
friction windage and stray losses.
friction, losses On the other hand the
higher the speed of the motor the lower its core losses.
Therefore, these three categories of losses are sometimes
lumped together and called rotational losses.
• The total rotational losses of a motor are often considered
constant with the changing speed, since the component
losses change in opposite directions with a change in speed. 19

Power and Torque in Induction Machine

I1 = ,
Z eq
Z eq = R1 + jX 1 +
Gc − jBM +
R2 / S + jX 2

• Therefore, the stator copper PSCL = 3I12 R1

losses, the core losses, can be
• The air
gap power can be found
PAG = Pin − PSCL − Pcore
• The only element across which the
air-gap power can be consumed is R2
Q PAG = 3I 2
the rotor resistance. Therefore, S
the air-gap power can be given

Power and Torque in Induction Machine

• The actual resistive losses in the PRCL = 3I R RR


rotor circuit are given by:

PRCL = 3I 2 R2
• When referred to the stator side
will still remain the same.
• After stator copper losses, core PCONV = PAG − PRCL
losses, and rotor copper losses are
subtracted from the input power R2
= 3I 22 − 3I 22 R2
to the motor, the remaining power S
is converted into mechanical
⎛1 ⎞
power. = 3I 22 R2 ⎜ − 1⎟
⎝S ⎠
⎛1− S ⎞
PCONV = 3I 22 R2 ⎜ ⎟
⎝ S ⎠


Power and Torque in Induction Machine

• The rotor copper losses can be also expressed in

terms of air-gap power. PRCL = s PAG
• Therefore,, the lower the slipp of the motor,, the
lower the rotor copper losses in the machine.
• If the rotor is not running, the slip S=1 and the
air-gap power is entirely consumed in the rotor.
This is logical since if the rotor is not turning, the
mechanical output power must be zero.
POUT = Tload ω m
PConv = PAG − PRCL
PConv = (1 − s ) PAG
POUT = Pconv − Pf & w − Pmisc 22

Power and Torque in Induction Machine

• The induced torque τind in the

machine was defined as the torque
Tind =
generated by
g y the internal electric- ωm
to-mechanical power conversion.
• This torque differs from the torque (1 − S ) PAG
actually available at the terminals τ ind =
of the motor by an amount equal to
(1 − S )ω synch
friction and windage torque in the
• The last expression is very useful PAG
τ ind
i d =
because it expresses induced ω synch
torque directly in terms of air-gap
power and synchronous speed,
which does not vary.


Separating the Rotor Copper Losses and the Power

Converted in an Induction Motor’s Equivalent Circuit

• Part of the power coming Pconv = PAG − PRCL

across the air gap in an
induction motor is consumed R2
Pconv = 3I 22 − 3I 22 R2
i th
in the rotor
t copper losses,
l and
d S
part of it is converted to
mechanical power to drive the ⎧ ⎛1 ⎞⎫
Pconv = 3I 22 ⎨ R2 ⎜ − 1⎟ ⎬
motor’s shaft. These two uses ⎩ ⎝S ⎠⎭
of air gap can be separately
indicated on the motor ⎛1 − S ⎞
R conv = R2 ⎜ ⎟
equivalent circuit. ⎝ S ⎠


Class Activity 2
• Example 7-2: A 480 V, 60-Hz, 50 hp, three phase induction
motor is drawing 60 A at 0.85 pf lagging. The stator copper
losses are 2 kW, and rotor copper losses are 700 W. The
friction and windage losses are 600 W, the core losses are
1800 W, and the stray losses are negligible. Find the
following quantities:
a) The air-gap power PAG.
b) The power converted Pconv.
c) The output power Pout.
d) The efficiency of motor.


Class Activity 3
• Example 7-3: A 460 V, 25-hp, 60 Hz, four pole, Y-connected
induction motor has the following impedances in ohms per
phase referred to stator circuit:
R1 0 641 Ω
R1=0.641 R2 0 332 Ω
X1=1.106 Ω X2=0.464 Ω, XM=26.3 Ω
The total rotational losses are 1100 W and are measured to
be constant. The core loss is lumped in with rotational losses.
For a rotor slip of 2.2 percent at the rated voltage and rated
frequency, find the motor’s
a) Speed
b) Stator current
c) Power factor
d) Pconv and Pout
e) Tind and Tload
f) Efficiency

7.5: Induction Motor Torque-Speed Characteristics
• The objective is to clearly
understand the relationship
among the motor’s torque, speed,
and power.
• We will use the equivalent circuit
of an induction machine and Pconv
power flow diagram to drive a τ ind =
general expression for induced ωm
torque as a function of speed. PAG
• The air-gap power is the power τ ind =
crossing the gap from stator ωsynch
circuit to rotor circuit. It is equal
to power absorbed in resistance R2
R2/S. PAG ,1φ = I 22
• If I2 can be determined, the air-
gap power and the induced torque R
will be known. PAG = 3I 22 2

Induction Motor Torque-Speed Characteristics

• Perhaps the easiest method to
find the current I2 is to
determine the Thevenin
equivalent of the portion of
the circuit to the left of the X’s
in the Figure.

jX M
VTH = Vϕ .
R1 + jX 1 + jX M
VTH = Vϕ .
• XM >> X1 and XM >> R1, the R12 + ( X 1 + X M )

magnitude of the Thevenin

voltage can be approximated XM
as: VTH ≈ Vϕ .
X1 + X M

Induction Motor Torque-Speed Characteristics
• For ZTH the equivalent circuit is
shown in Fig.
Z1.Z M
Z1 + Z M
jX M (R1 + jX1 )
R1 + j( X1 + X M )

• XM >> X1 and (X1 + XM)>> R1, ⎛ XM ⎞
using these approximations RTH ≈ R1 ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟
the thevenin resistance and ⎝ X1 + X M ⎠
reactance are approximately
given by: X TH ≈ X 1

Induction Motor Torque-Speed Characteristics

I2 = τind =
I2 = QPAG = 3I22
RTH + R2 + jXTH + jX2
s 2 R2
I2 = τind =
⎡ 2

ωSYNC⎢⎛⎜ RTH + R2 s ⎞⎟ + ( XTH + X2 )2 ⎥
⎛ R + R2 ⎞ + ( X + X )2
⎜ TH s ⎟⎠
⎝ ⎣⎝ ⎠
TH 2


Comments on the Induction Motor Torque Speed Curve

1. The induced torque of

the motor is zero at
synchronous speed.
2. The torque-speed
torque speed curve
is nearly linear between
no load and full load.
3. There is maximum
possible torque that can’t
be exceeded. This torque
is called the pullout
torque or breakdown
torque is 2 to 3 times
rated full load torque.

4. Starting torque is slightly larger than its full load torque, so

this motor will carry any load that it can supply at full power.
5. The torque on the induction motor for a given slip varies as
a square of the applied voltage. 31

Comments on the Induction Motor Torque Speed Curve

6. If rotor runs at a speed

faster than synchronous
speed then the direction
of the induced torque in
the machine reverses and
the machine becomes a
generator, converting
mechanical power to
electric power.


Induction Motor Torque-Speed Characteristics

Effect of Input Voltage Variation. 33

Maximum Pull out Torque in Induction Machine

• Since induced torque is equal Z source = Z load
PAG/ωsynch, the maximum
possible torque occurs when the Z source = RTH + jX TH + jX 2
air-gap power is maximum.
• The air gap power is power R2
consumed in the resistor R2/S, (
= RTH + X TH + X 2
) ( 2
the maximum induced torque will S
occur when power consumed by R2
resistor is maximum. S max =
• Using max power transfer ( )
RTH + X TH + X 2
( 2
theorem, drive the condition for
Smax. 3 VTH2 2
• Substitute the Smax condition in τ ind =
⎡⎛ ⎞

the Tind equation and get the ω SYNC ⎢⎜ RTH + s ⎟ + ( X TH + X 2 )2 ⎥
R 2

expression for Tmax. ⎣⎝ ⎠ ⎦

Tmax =
2ω SYNC ⎡ RTH + RTH + ( X TH + X 2 ) ⎤
2 2
⎢⎣ ⎥⎦ 34

Maximum Pull out Torque in Induction Machine


Class Activity 4
• Example 7-4: A two pole, 50 Hz induction motor supplies 15
kW to a load at a speed of 2950 rpm.
a) What is the motor slip.
b) What
h is the
h induced
d d torque in the
h motor in N.m. under
these conditions.
c) What will the operating speed of the motor be if its torque
is doubled.
d) How much power will be supplied by the motor when the
torque is doubled.


Class Activity 5
• Example 7-5: A 460 V, 25-hp, 60 Hz, four pole, Y-connected
induction motor has the following impedances in ohms per
phase referred to stator circuit:
R1 0 641 Ω
R1=0.641 R2 0 332 Ω
X1=1.106 Ω X2=0.464 Ω, XM=26.3 Ω
a) What is the maximum torque of the motor. At what speed
and slip does it occur.
b) What is the starting torque of this motor.
c) When the rotor resistance is doubled, what is the speed at
which the maximum torque occurs. What is the new
starting torque of the motor.
d) Calculate and plot the torque-speed characteristics of this
motor both with the original rotor resistance and with the
rotor resistance doubled.


Class Activity 5



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