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German Panzer Tactics in The Western Desert: July - August 1998

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July - August 1998 Modeling Excellence Since 1967


Combat Formations for the Regiment gaps in his formations. If the terrain
T he following excerpts from forces it, sections of the mittlere
Guidelines for Commanding and The panzer-regiment can attack with kompanie can be directly attached to
Employing the Panzer-Regiment and its abteilung in echelon or abreast. the leichte units.
Panzer-Abteilung in Combat dated
18 January 1941 provide details on The regiment attacking in echelon The width of the panzer-abteilung
the tactics employed by the Panzer- strikes the enemy with an initial attack formation should not exceed
Regiments during the early battles in powerful blow, which is continuous- 1200 meters.
North Africa. Similar doctrine was ly fed by companies from the rear
used through out WWII. wave. When fighting within zones Attacking from a March
of enemy resistance, the flanks of
The Panzer-Regiment is organized the regiment are best secured by In a meeting engagement, the enemy
as follows: echelon in depth. must be immediately attacked.
Regiments-Stab (headquarters) with During the assault it is vital to main-
Nachrichtenzug (signals platoon) & tain unit cohesion.
Leichten Panzerzug (light tank platoon) The employment of both abteilun-
gen beside each other with less The commander deploys his forces
2 Panzer-Abteilungen (tank battalions) depth can be useful in the chase of a in accordance with information
1 Panzer-Werkstatt-Kompanie (tank decimated opponent or by breaking obtained by the combat reconnais-
repair company) off combat to attack an aggressive sance element of the regimental
opponent. leichten zug. This intelligence deter-
The Panzer-Abteilung is organized mines the feasibility of a panzer
as follows: Combat Formations for the Abteilung attack, and warns of any hidden tank
Abteilungs-Stab (headquarters) obstacles or impediments. Combat
For the panzer-abteilung, the leichte reconnaissance elements should
Stabs-Kompanie (hq company) w/ kompanien normally makes up the always screen the abteilung's open
Nachrichtenzug (signals platoon) front line. The mittlere kompanie flank.
Erkunderzug (scout platoon) usually fights in the second line,
Leichten Panzerzug (light tank platoon) supporting the leichten kompanien. When attacking from the march, the
Pionierzug (combat engineer platoon) The third leichte kompanie brings up regiment usually deploys the
Fliegerabwehrzug (anti-aircraft platoon) the rear, behind the open flank or abteilungen one behind the other.
behind the center. The first wave strikes known enemy
2 Leichte Kompanien (light tank co.) positions and penetrates beyond
1 Mittlere Kompanie (medium tank co.) For the mittlere kompanie to provide them. The second wave follows up
1 Leichte Kolonne (light supply column) effective support, it must function as and is deployed in depth. Specific
a cohesive unit. The commander objectives are assigned as the attack
must be constantly aware of terrain develops.
factors that may break-up or cause
Close coordination with supporting providing constant support for the Panzer
artillery is especially vital, because lead elements. It is vital that the Kompanie
there is no way to pre-plot artillery mittlere kompanie not lose contact in Keil
fire. Artillery fire is corrected by with the first wave. (“wedge”)
direct radio communication as the Attacks from the Assembly Area Formation flank
attack develops. The artillery must
be continually updated about the for- All of the necessary preparations for
mation, width, middle line, and conducting an attack are to be com-
objective of the attack. The pleted in the assembly area.
artillery commander and observer in These include:
panzerbeobachtungswagen accom-
panying the attack in the first wave 1. Thorough scouting of the
allows the abteilung commander to terrain to be attacked
direct the artillery fire against enemy 2. Clearing of obstacles in
weapons that can't be engaged front of the enemy
directly by the panzers. 3. Establishing contact with the
commanders of other weapon units
When the abteilung commander supporting and escorting the attack,
receives the attack order, he deploys establishing contact with the com- If the regiment attacks in several
his leichten zug (platoon) to the manders of the units and elements waves, the first wave has the task of
front or to the open flank in order to that already have encountered quickly penetrating into the enemy
expand on information gained by the enemy activity in the terrain to be rear echelons and destroying their
regimental combat reconnaissance. attacked, and also establishing con- artillery. Closely following, the sec-
If necessary, the leichten zug is rein- tact with the commanders of the ond wave engages the enemy
forced with panzers from the leicht- supporting infantry units. infantry and heavy weapons that
en kompanien. 4. Exploit the intelligence gained weren't destroyed by the first wave.
from scouting from all units on the The infantry follows close on the
The abteilung usually attacks from terrain, known enemy nests of resis- heels of the second wave.
the march in a “Breitkeil" formation. tance, especially anti-tank weapons If the regiment is to assigned the
and artillery. task of directly supporting an
infantry advance, the panzer-regi-
The kompanie com- ment commander is responsible for
manders and junior maintaining contact between his reg-
leaders should be iment and the infantry. The regiment
briefed on terrain orders which elements - normally up
conditions prior to to a leichten kompanie - are attached
the attack, as long as to the infantry for close cooperation.
Kompanie in such a briefing can
Breitkeil be conducted outside If panzer-jaeger elements are
(“broad wedge”) of enemy observa- attached, these will be deployed in
Formation tion. several waves directly behind the
first wave of panzers. Their specific
To counter enemy targets are emplaced enemy anti-
radio intelligence tank weapons. After the penetration,
activities, strict radio they will usually follow behind the
silence is to be open wing of the first wave so that
enforced within the they can cover the flanks from
During the attack, the mittlere kom- regimental assembly enemy tank attacks.
panie is advanced sector by sector, area.
Panzer Zug Formations Retiring enemy tanks are to be ruth-
lessly pursued and cut off from their
Keil Doppelreihe Linie path of retreat. The execution of a
(“wedge”) (“double lined up”) (“line”) (“lined up”) hot pursuit is done with the close
cooperation of reconnaissance air-
march or
preferred attack preferred approach assembly assembly Attack Against a Fortified Position
formation march formation formation formation
The drill manuel prescribed intervals of 25 meters to the front, and 50 meters side to The main body of the panzer-regi-
side. These distances would be altered by terrain and circumstances.
ment is held under cover, until gaps
Close cooperation with the engineers With the appearance of enemy tanks, through the anti-tank obstacles have
that escort the attack must be immediately abandon the current been established. Gaps are opened
assured so that all enemy barriers task, and attack them. Destroy them by the engineer elements, which are
can be quickly cleared away. by utilizing all available armor- closely supported as they clear tank
defeating weapons. Once the enemy obstacles and barriers.
After the front line enemy defenses armor is destroyed, the original task
are breached, the abteilung comman- can be pursued. Once a path is cleared, the panzer
der must immediately consolidate unit forcing the breach is masked by
his unit and prepare for an enemy Combat reconnaissance are to quick- smoke. The immediate objective of
counterattack. ly determine the enemy flanks. a panzer unit breaking a fortified
line is to destroy emplaced enemy
After the mittlere kompanie is fin- All lead elements are to quickly artillery.
ished supporting the breakthrough, its establish a strong fire front to force Panzer
principle task is to repulse any enemy the enemy to halt his attack. The Combat reconnais-
counterattack. To achieve this, strong second echelons are to counterattack sance accompanies
elements of the mittlere kompanie as soon as the inertia of the enemy the assault elements
must be quickly deployed in the deci- attack is broken. The strength of the to spot secondary
sive direction. reserve, terrain, and weather deter- barriers, tank traps,
After the breakthrough, during the mine if the counterattack is sent and mines. Armored
consolidation process, combat recon- against the front, flank or rear of the engineers are
naissance is vital, especially in the enemy tank force. deployed far forward
open flanks. to clear these barriers
The axis of attack should keep the as they are spotted.
Tank versus Tank Combat sun in the rear and the wind blowing
into the front. The counterattack is The attack is con-
Decisive factors in tank combat are: conducted in waves, with the lead ducted in depth, ide-
wave engaging the enemy frontally. ally with the mittlere
1. A quick grasp of the situation and The follow-up waves take the enemy kompanie firing from
terrain, plus immediate action at all in his flank or rear. The second covered positions in
command levels. wave strike should take full advan- no-man's land.
tage of terrain and be masked by
2. Immediate identification of the smoke to achieve surprise. Defense
enemy's strength and direction of
attack. Towed anti-tank guns will accompa- After gaining the
ny the panzers for direct support, objective, the panzer-
3. Knowledge of the strengths and with artillery providing indirect fire. regiment must defend
weaknesses of enemy tank types. the newly won terri-
tory until relieved by
Panzer Abteilung Assault Formations
Breitkeil Keil
(“broad wedge”) (“wedge”) 1st
2nd 1st Kompanie
Kompanie Kompanie

2nd Stab 3rd
Abt. Kompanie Kompanie

3rd attack

preferred attack formation typically 500

meters wide
typically 1000 meters wide 1800 meters
1300 meters deep deep

other units. The main panzer body force is committed, ideally for a should mask the direction of the
is held in reserve until the main flank attack. withdrawal.
enemy counterattack is launched.
This reserve is to be protected Breaking Off an Action Actions When Encountering Mines
against enemy artillery and combat
aircraft by utilizing cover and In the retreat, the panzer force is to The leichten zuege’s most critical
deployed formations. cover the unarmored forces. It does task while deployed on reconnais-
this through repeated counterattacks sance and scouting, is to spot and
To prevent a surprise attack, the of the pursuing enemy. Ideally, the send timely reports on the position
panzer force must keep a constant counterattacks are powerful short- and extent of enemy minefields.
vigil. Combat reconnaissance is range strikes from unexpected direc- Engineer detachments may also
critical after the objective is secured, tions. Wide attack formations are accompany the leichten panzer zue-
especially in close terrain. It may be the rule. gen.
necessary to reinforce the leichten
panzerzuege for this task. While breaking off combat with The panzer-regiment's engineers are
superior enemy tank forces, it is to be directly attached to lead ele-
Counter measures should be taken desirable to fall back on a prepared ments so they may immediately start
against enemy reconnaissance ele- anti-tank position. Active flank clearing paths in the enemy's mine-
ments attempting to ascertain the reconnaissance and timely counter fields.
strength and depth of the advance. attacks, especially by panzer-jaeger
This is done using long range fire, units and engineers, are necessary to While crossing a minefield, the for-
frequently changing the positions of keep pursuing enemy tanks at bay. mation should expand its width and
the panzers. If the opponent is especially tena- depth. The panzers of the 2nd and
cious in the pursuit, the retreating 3rd waves should drive directly on
Enemy counterattacks are to be panzer force must exploit terrain and the track paths of the lead elements.
immediately met with early concen- favorable positions and counterat-
trated fire. As soon as the true tack with localized superior forces. by Edward Morris
strength and direction of the coun-
terattack is know, the panzer reserve While breaking contact, smoke

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