German Panzer Tactics in The Western Desert: July - August 1998
German Panzer Tactics in The Western Desert: July - August 1998
German Panzer Tactics in The Western Desert: July - August 1998
2nd Stab 3rd
Abt. Kompanie Kompanie
3rd attack
other units. The main panzer body force is committed, ideally for a should mask the direction of the
is held in reserve until the main flank attack. withdrawal.
enemy counterattack is launched.
This reserve is to be protected Breaking Off an Action Actions When Encountering Mines
against enemy artillery and combat
aircraft by utilizing cover and In the retreat, the panzer force is to The leichten zuege’s most critical
deployed formations. cover the unarmored forces. It does task while deployed on reconnais-
this through repeated counterattacks sance and scouting, is to spot and
To prevent a surprise attack, the of the pursuing enemy. Ideally, the send timely reports on the position
panzer force must keep a constant counterattacks are powerful short- and extent of enemy minefields.
vigil. Combat reconnaissance is range strikes from unexpected direc- Engineer detachments may also
critical after the objective is secured, tions. Wide attack formations are accompany the leichten panzer zue-
especially in close terrain. It may be the rule. gen.
necessary to reinforce the leichten
panzerzuege for this task. While breaking off combat with The panzer-regiment's engineers are
superior enemy tank forces, it is to be directly attached to lead ele-
Counter measures should be taken desirable to fall back on a prepared ments so they may immediately start
against enemy reconnaissance ele- anti-tank position. Active flank clearing paths in the enemy's mine-
ments attempting to ascertain the reconnaissance and timely counter fields.
strength and depth of the advance. attacks, especially by panzer-jaeger
This is done using long range fire, units and engineers, are necessary to While crossing a minefield, the for-
frequently changing the positions of keep pursuing enemy tanks at bay. mation should expand its width and
the panzers. If the opponent is especially tena- depth. The panzers of the 2nd and
cious in the pursuit, the retreating 3rd waves should drive directly on
Enemy counterattacks are to be panzer force must exploit terrain and the track paths of the lead elements.
immediately met with early concen- favorable positions and counterat-
trated fire. As soon as the true tack with localized superior forces. by Edward Morris
strength and direction of the coun-
terattack is know, the panzer reserve While breaking contact, smoke