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Might and Reason is a set of rules by which players can use

miniature figures of any size and basing system to recreate
the famous, large-scale battles of the mid-eighteenth century. This is a grand-tactical game, meaning that players
move entire corps and armies on the table. Naturally, at
this scale, we do not concern ourselves with the fine details
of individual small units. The players are high-ranking generals, not regimental colonels, and the rules are faithful to
that perspective.
For maximum clarity the rules are presented in the
order of the games sequence of play. Whenever a new game
concept is introduced for the first time, it is always written
in bold type. Each chapter is identified by a letter, and each
rule section by a number, so that players can quickly reference specific rules, such as B2.3. At the conclusion of
all the rules and appendices, this book includes player-aids
that may be photocopied for use during the games.
Representing Units:
A unit of infantry or cavalry represents a brigade or brigade-equivalent of about four infantry battalions or ten
cavalry squadrons. That said, we have to make several
abstractions in order to play at this scale. No matter how
we try to organize units above the battalion level, we inevitably face problems. In some armies infantry regiments
had two battalions, but in others they had one and some
had three, and some were supplemented by companies of
grenadiers, while others werent, and so on. There was little
standardization of the strength of battalions, for that matter, even within armies, much less across dierent armies.
Brigade composition was often bewildering: at Liegnitz,
for instance, the second and third battalions of the AnhaltBernburg regiment were brigaded with the two battalions
of the Prince Ferdinand regiment, while the 1st battalion
of Anhalt-Bernburg was brigaded with the two battalions
of Gablenz, and one battalion from the Wied regiment, the
other battalion of which was brigaded with a dierent regiment of two battalions, plus a single grenadier battalion....
Cavalry is even more confusing, since not all types of
regiments had the same number of squadrons, and this differed between armies, or even within one army. To make
things more complicated, armies frequently brigaded cavalry of dierent types, but not always in the same way.
Finckensteins brigade at Rossbach, for example, had ten
squadrons of Hussars and five squadrons of Dragoons,
while Rschs brigade at that same battle had only five
squadrons of Hussars.
Therefore we have no choice but to say that the brigades in this game are representative, not literal, in their
composition. A unit of grenadiers, for instance, represents
the presence of around four battalions of grenadiers in

This polished century is still very ferocious.

Frederick the Great to dArgens, 1759

that army not necessarily in a single historical brigade. A

unit of Hussars represents about ten squadrons of Hussars,
which might be a single large regiment, or it might be two
smaller ones, etc.
Artillery, at least, presents us with a rather clearer picture. Most armies had smaller guns deployed at the battalion or brigade level, which are not represented in the
scale of this game. Sometimes armies also deployed heavy
batteries, almost always of 12-pounder guns in large concentrations, usually of at least twelve guns, and sometimes
as many as 80 or more. These were ponderous aairs, and
rarely moved once placed. They are therefore relatively easy
to represent at this scale. A unit of heavy artillery represents
about sixteen guns.
Horse batteries are somewhat harder to pin down,
since they were in the midst of evolving into something
more like the horse artillery of the Napoleonic wars, but
werent quite there yet. They certainly werent as common,
nor as aggressively used, as in that later period. But their
smaller size and dierent characteristics merit their inclusion as a separate unit-type.
A Note on Game Scales:
In Ye Olde Wargaming Days of Yore, people took scale
very literally. Unit strengths were measured in castings
or figures, which represented a specific number of men and
were thus removed to show casualties. Turns were supposed
to represent specific increments of time, sub-divided into
even more specific sub-phases, always in the same order.
And ground scale was supposed to be precise, too: one inch
equalled a specific number of yards.
It apparently didnt bother anyone that these scales
were wildly inaccurate and not very useful for representing
anything. The gross discrepancies between game events and
what they supposedly represented were always explained
away as being figurative, not literal: a fifteen-minute turn
doesnt necessarily mean that youre moving for all fifteen
minutes; three dead figures doesnt literally mean that 180
men have suddenly died; an 8 movement rate doesnt actually mean that you could move only 400 yards in one
turn... and so on. Game designers seemed oblivious to the
contradictions. They scrupulously researched artillery and
musketry ranges, but then turned a blind eye to unit bases
that were hundreds of times too deep. They researched historical cavalry movement rates, but then had to fudge
them because they realized that at literal scales, the cavalry
would move across the whole table in one turn.
Particularly problematic for horse-and-musket era
games is the fact that historical formations just cant be
modeled to scale, except at very, very small ratios. An 18th
century infantry line, for instance, was fifty times wider


than it was deep. And since most of us dont use individually-mounted figures, most games dont allow us to model
accurate columns, either. Thus, wargame armies tend to
be much more blockish and square than their historical
counterparts. (Taking Might and Reasons weapon ranges
literally, an historical infantry brigade of four battalions, at
our game scale, ought to be represented by a line of miniatures 10 wide and about one-sixteenth of an inch deep.)
Rather than clinging to an illusion of literal scales and
then fudging around it, Might and Reason approaches this
problem somewhat dierently. I concede from the outset
that the scales are all wrong. Infantry formations are too
deep in lines and too broad in columns. Artillery and musketry ranges are much too long. Cavalry is not moving fast
enough, and so on. The net eect of all the scale abstractions has been to make the game play much deeper than
would have been possible had we used actual, historical
scales literally. Thus I created another distortion (units have

both greater depth and greater range) to counterbalance

the inevitable distortions necessitated by using miniatures.
But the individual components of your army should behave, visually, in a way that looks right. They should interact with the enemy in ways that look right. And most
important - because we are miniatures painters and gamers
- the game should be visually attractive and seem to be represenative of an 18th century battle. All wargaming is an
exercise in imagination. And when playing a game of Might
and Reason, you should be able to imagine yourself fighting
the battle. Just leave the rulers and calculators at home.
In summary: the goal and reason for the scale decisions in Might and Reason was to enable players to play a
major battle of forty or fifty thousand men per side with a
modest number of figures, and in something like real-time.
The vast majority of Frederician battles lasted 4-6 hours,
and I am confident that players can easily set them up and
resolve them in the same amount of time or less.

Glossary of Terms and Abbreviations


Base Width. Rather than using fixed measurements in inches, Might and Reason measures in BWs. This
allows players to base their figures any way they want, without changing the rules or measurements.


Command Dice. Each army commander will obtain a number of command dice and place them in a
cup, for use throughout the turn.


The army commander; the leader of one side.


Fighting formation: lines and/or squares; or unlimbered for artillery. Represented by placing the two
bases of an infantry or cavalry unit abreast, facing forward (or, for an infantry unit deployed in a town,
represented by placing the two bases back-to-back, facing out of the town.)


One of the major sub-groupings of units in an army. Variously called a corps, column, division,
or wing. A major field command of several units. Each Force is led by a sub-commander.


A unit takes Hits from fire and combat. Each hit reduces its SPs by one. When the SPs are reduced to
zero, the unit has Broken, and is removed from the table.


A unit within the radius of its sub-commander is in-command and able to act normally. A unit might
still be in-command, yet out of radius, under certain circumstances.


Marching formation: columns, or limbered artillery. Represented by placing the stands of an infantry
or cavalry unit one behind the other, facing forward. An artillery unit is replaced with a limber, or has
the gun turned around on its base to face the gunners.


Any army or sub-commander figure on the tabletop.


Strength Points. All units have strength points, determined by their nationality, type, or period. Strength
Points measure the units physical and moral strength, as well as its state of good order. Infantry and
cavalry units have varying numbers of SPs, based upon their type, as explained in the Appendices. All
heavy artillery units have 2 SPs, and all horse artillery units have 1 SP.

Sub-Commander An ocer who commands one Force of the army.

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