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Design and Modelling of SRC Based Capacitor Charging Power Supply For High Power Klystron Modulator Using MULTISIM

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Design and Modelling of SRC Based Capacitor Charging Power Supply for High
Power Klystron Modulator Using MULTISIM

Conference Paper · December 2019

DOI: 10.1109/NPEC47332.2019.9034847


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Design and Modelling of SRC Based Capacitor
Charging Power Supply for High Power Klystron
Modulator Using MULTISIM
Bhushan Parate∗ , R Sandeep Kumar† , Kiran Thakur† , Sreeraj ES∗ and R Krishnan†
∗ Electrical
and Electronics Engineering,
National Institute of Technology Goa, Ponda, India
Email: parate.bhushan18@gmail.com and Email: sreeraj@nitgoa.ac.in
† Medical electronics department 1, SAMEER, Mumbai, India

Email: sandeepkumar@sameer.gov.in, Email: kiran@sameer.gov.in

Email: krishnan@sameer.gov.in

Abstract—Capacitor charging power supplies (CCPS) with structure supplying the energy to be released during every
series resonant converter (SRC) topology are being widely used in trigger through a high voltage switch. capacitor banks are
place of conventional high voltage dc power supplies in Klystron- allowed to charge for a long time and discharge within
modulators. The advantages include small size, zero current
switching and wide load range operation. A model of CCPS is few microseconds which gives higher peak power [6]. Even
developed in MULTISIM/Pspice with features of controlling the though many conventional methods for capacitor charging do
repetition frequency(PRF) of discharging pulse forming network exist [5], currently capacitor charging power supplies with
(PFN) and switching frequency of series resonant converter resonant converters are preferred due to the compact size,
(SRC). Transient analysis simulation of the model is carried out modular development for easy up-gradation etc. Also during
in Pspice. The results show that model can charge a 0.282 µF PFN
(6-section) capacitors from 0 to 24 kV in 1.11 ms at a PRF of 300 the charging of a capacitor, the load varies from short circuit
Hz. By operating the model at the maximum PRF data has been condition to open circuit condition in a short time and CCPS
collected from other nodes of the CCPS circuit so as to determine topologies can efficiently handle such varied load conditions,
the specifications of components required for the development. which makes it different from conventional DC power supply
Further, components for developing CCPS have been selected [6], [7]. The instantaneous output power is minimum at the
based on these derived specifications. This MULTISIM model of
CCPS is regularly used during different stages of development to start and maximum at the end of the charge cycle. Such
verify the signals acquired, deduce reasons for any component performance can be best achieved by supplying constant
failures. This model comes in handy during the development current source. In recent few years enormous efforts have been
of such complex system reducing the time of development by made for the development of CCPS, especially CCPS with
reducing the iterations required for rectifying the design. LC series resonant converter topology. Capacitor charging is
Index Terms—CCPS, SRC, PFN, SRI, Current source.
commonly done with a current source than with a voltage
I. I NTRODUCTION source. Therefore converter topologies like resonant converter
have been reported to apply current source capacitor charger
In recent years, pulsed power technology applications have [6], [9]–[11]. As per the power supply requirement such
been growing, which mainly deals with physical and technical as pulse to pulse repeatability higher repetition rate, higher
foundations for production and application of high voltages switching frequency, either of the topology can be considered.
pulses with very high peak powers [1]. It has evolved in A CCPS supply using high frequency series resonant inverter
different fields namely lasers, biological samples, defence, topology is strongly recommended for charging pulse forming
environmental and biomedical, electric discharge food pro- network in klystron modulator [9], [10], [12]. A series resonant
cessing technology for microbial inactivation [1]–[5]. Medical inverter is an appropriate choice for a current source and have
linear accelerator is also one of the popular applications inherent short circuit protection, along with good pulse to
which is used for radiation therapy i.e., treating patients pulse repeatability [13], [14]. Under discontinuous conduction
with cancer using high energy X-rays commonly employ mode, series resonant inverter exhibits zero current switching
pulse power technology to bias Klystron and Magnetrons for which reduces switching losses [10]. These advantages make
generating high power microwaves to accelerate the electrons series resonant converter topology mostly preferable for such
in Linac tube. The high-power pulse supply is commonly pulse power supply application.
called as Modulator that is configurable to produce different At SAMEER, high voltage DC power supply employing
repetition rates of the pulse. To generate high-voltage high- 12-pulse rectification along with charging choke is used to
peak power pulse, modulator contains capacitor bank charging charge PFN in the Klystron Modulator of Medical Linac.
978-1-7281-4428-3/19/$31.00 © 2019 IEEE Currently, the conventional DC power supply is proposed to

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be replaced with SRC based CCPS, using the specifications are conducting and direction of load current [17]. A high
listed in Table I. The main features of the proposed scheme are frequency high power transformer is used to obtain the desired
introduced in section II. A detailed discussion of the design output voltage.
and implementation of MULTISIM model for the proposed
CCPS is presented in section III. In section IV results of this
model are presented. Section V explains the selection of CCPS
components from results for implementation.


Input voltage 440 ± 10% V, 50Hz Fig. 2. Schematic diagram of series resonant converter
PFN charging voltage 24 kV
PFN capacitance 0.282 µF Full bridge inverter is followed by series tank circuit (Lr
Charging time 1.11 msec
Average output power 26.46 kW
and Cr ) forms series resonant network that has resonant
frequency determined by Lr and Cr . When inverter is operated
below tank resonant frequency (fr ), the input impedance is
dominated by tank capacitor (Cr ) impedance. Hence the tank
presents an effective capacitive load to the full bridge, and
In Klystron Modulators, CCPS is employed to charge pulse switch current leads the fundamental voltage component. As
forming network (PFN) capacitors to voltages above 20 kV. a result, zero crossing of current waveform occurs before zero
The output voltage waveform is shown in Fig.1 The waveform crossing of voltage. Since switch current leads voltage, the
shows three modes of operation of CCPS namely 1. Charging switch conducts before their respective anti-parallel diodes.
Mode 2. Refresh Mode 3. Discharge Mode. In charging At any given point during conduction interval switch can
mode of operation PFN capacitor is charged to the required be turned OFF without causing switching loss. The circuit
voltage from the initial value of zero voltage. Charging time naturally causes switch turn OFF to be a lossless and long turn
is determined by PFN specifications and the rate at which off switching times can be tolerated. Series resonant inverter
the CCPS delivers energy which may be in order of ms. (SRI) can operate in continuous and discontinuous modes
In refresh mode of operation stored energy is maintained of operation below the resonant frequency. Discontinuous
constant by turning on the switching pulses for short duration mode is mainly seen when switching frequency is below
if output voltage drops below a certain range due to leakage. half the resonant frequency (fr ). During charging PFN offers
In discharge mode of operation energy stored in PFN capacitor capacitive load (Cpf n ), which is connected to the inverter
is discharged to Klystron in a short duration mostly in order through the high-frequency transformer. Turns ratio of the
of µs [15]. transformer is N1:N2. Reflected capacitance (Cpf np ) of PFN
on primary of the transformer is given by (1).
N2 2
Cpf np = ( ) ∗ Cpf n (1)
and it’s resonant frequency fr can be considered as
fr = √ (2)
2∗π∗ Lr ∗ Cr
Where Ceq is the series equivalent capacitance of capacitors
Cpf np and Cr . Generally, in high voltage applications, Cpf np
is much greater in magnitude than Cr , therefore it can be
Ceq = 1 1 = Cr (3)
Cr + Cpf np
Fig. 1. Modes of operations of CCPS
Therefore, SRI experiences only constant capacitive load
even if the load is varied to a wide range as shown in
A. Series resonant converter topology 3. A voltage source inverter connected to a constant load
It is a common practice to use series resonant full bridge ensures constant current charging and required charging rate
inverter topology for implementing power electronic converter feasible. This makes SRC to act as a current source when
[16] which is shown in Fig.2. Full bridge inverter consists of switching frequency is below half of the resonant frequency.
four unidirectional switches (SCRs) or bidirectional switches As mentioned earlier SRI experience same load at short circuit
(IGBT or MOSFET with anti-parallel diodes). The converter without causing any damage to the converter which gives
operates in four modes depending on which pair of switches system inherent short circuit protection [18].

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Fig.6, also PFN voltage during charging and discharging is
shown in Fig.7.

Fig. 3. Schematics of capacitor charging power supply connected to PFN and

klystron equivalent resistive load(R)


This section presents the design and simulation of proposed
CCPS. The advantages of the topology are discussed from the Fig. 5. PFN output voltage for different cases
theoretical as well as practical perspective. Fig.3 shows the
proposed CCPS to charge the PFN to 24 kV and discharge it to
the klystrons equivalent resistor at maximum pulse repetition
rate of 300 Hz. The approach used for design is to realize the
functionality of the circuit with simple simulation components
so as to provide the required results. Further these components
are replaced with ideal and equivalent simulation components.
The functionality of CCPS can be modelled as a constant
current source connected to charge a high energy capacitor
like PFN as shown in Fig.4. Based on the value of capacitance
(Cpf n ) and time required to charge (Tcharging ) to a given
voltage (Vpf n ) rating of the current source is calculated to be
6.10 A given by (4).
Cpf n ∗ Vpf n 0.282 µF ∗ 24 kV Fig. 6. DC current source charging a actual PFN section
DC current = = = 6.10A
Tcharging 1.11 msec

Fig. 7. PFN voltage during charging and discharging

Fig. 4. Cpf n charging with a constant current source Major blocks of an SRC are high frequency high voltage
transformer, full bridge circuit, and a tank circuit [16], [17].
Although this charges PFN in the required time as shown The step ratio of transformer is chosen such that it provides
Fig.5 (case 1), it is required to turn off the source after the required high voltage ac output at the secondary whose
achieving required voltage. This is modelled by employing a peak value will be equal to that of the DC voltage required on
voltage controlled SPST switch (SPST1) in parallel to current PFN and the voltage at the primary is in the range of maximum
source and a blocking diode in series with Cpf n . This charges handling voltage of solid state switches. It is taken care during
Cpf n to 24 kV in 1.1 ms and the voltage is held constant until the construction of high frequency transformer that the leakage
it is discharged into klystrons equivalent resistor as shown inductance between the primary and secondary winding is in
in Fig.5(case 2). Discharging of PFN is modelled by using the range of the µH so as to form the resonant inductor of tank
another voltage controlled SPST switch (SPST2) in series with circuit. The transformer turns ratio can be calculated based on
klystron equivalent resistor. SPST2 is switched on for 6 µs and the Vprimary and the desired output voltage as in (5). These
maximum PRF of 300 Hz which charges PFN to 24 kV and requirements are fulfilled by 1P1S transformer available in
discharges it in 6 µs as shown in Fig5(case 3). MULTISIM.
After achieving above results equivalent PFN capacitance Vsecondary
(Cpf n ) is replaced with 6 cascaded LC networks as shown in T urns ratio = = 40 (5)

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The peak charging power is determined in (6), where Epf n
is the energy to be stored in PFN capacitor 0.5(Cpf n *(Vpf n )2 )
and Tc is the time required to charge PFN. The capacitance
of resonant capacitor Cr is calculated to be 1.71 µF from the
relationship between resonant energy and resonant frequency
(fr ).
Epf n
P eak charging power = = 73.2 kJ/s (6)
Cpf n ∗ Vpf n
Cr = 2 (7)
4 ∗ Tc ∗ fr ∗ Vdc Fig. 9. Simulated waveform of PFN charging current

Where Vdc is input DC voltage to SRC. Design of Cr

is the function of Vdc and fr in (7). Lr is determined as
4.12 µH using resonant frequency and resonant capacitor and
characteristics impedance Zo of resonant tank circuit as in (9).
Vdc ∗ Tc
Lr = 2 ∗f (8)
π 2 ∗ Cpf n ∗ Vpf n r
Zo = = 1.556 Ω (9)
Full bridge inverter is modelled with four SPST switches.
These switches are controlled by voltage pulse generator
providing 30 kHz complimentary pulses with 50% duty as Fig. 10. Simulation waveform of the series current through Lr during charging
shown in Fig.11. Input to the SRC is modelled with a DC of PFN
POWER (DC voltage source). This voltage source is replaced
with threephase input rectification section consisting three
single AC voltage sources whose phase is 120 degrees apart
and six virtual ideal diodes available in MULTISIM to form
a three phase rectifier. Table II summarizes the specifications
of modelled CCPS.
Fig.8 and Fig.9 shows the PFN charging voltage and current
waveforms of the modelled CCPS for one charging cycle.
The sinusoidal current flowing through tank circuit is shown
in Fig.10 and also exhibits ZCS which can be observed in
Fig.11 along with switching pulses for SPST switches. The
ratings of the CCPS from the calculations are verified using Fig. 11. Series current exhibiting ZCS and Switching gate pulses for IGBTs
this model and are found to be in good agreement. This model
helps to estimate the behaviour at different conditions. A
more detailed analysis of these results provides the component
specific ratings which may be used in better selection of TABLE II
components like IGBTs, Transformer, Diodes etc. D ESIGN AND SIMULATION PARAMETERS OF MODELLED CCPS

Parameters Values units

Peak charging rate 73.2 kJ/s
Maximum output voltage 24 kV
Peak charging current 6.10 A
Output capacitance 0.282 µF
Resonant frequency 60 kHz
Switching frequency 30 kHz
Resonant capacitance 1.71 µF
Resonant inductance 4.12 µH
Resonant circuit impedance 1.556 Ω
DC link voltage 600 V
HVHF transformer turns ratio 1:40
Fig. 8. Simulated waveform of PFN charging voltage

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V. C OMPONENT S ELECTION value is determined as 300 A as shown in Fig.10. The collector
The reliability of capacitor charging power supply depends current rating of IGBT is selected to be 1.5 times of this
on ratings of the components chosen. This section explains maximum current so as to be within safe operating area of
the selection of major components from the results of above IGBT. The pulse collector current is the peak value of current
CCPS MULTISIM model. through IGBT (772 A) can allow for short duration of time
i.e., dependant on switching frequency and is higher than peak
A. Three phase rectifier collector current as in (10). This calculated value is in close
Three-phase AC power supply with line to line rms voltage agreement with simulated value as shown in Fig.10
of 440 V is commonly used by medium power application 2 ∗ Vdc
as an input. This AC supply is rectified to DC of around Iswitch = = 772A (10)
600 V using an uncontrolled three phase bridge rectifier. The
rectifier diodes should be capable of blocking 600 V. Forward These electrical specifications are primary parameters in se-
current rating of rectifier diode is the value of line current lection of IGBTs and further final component selection is
flowing through it during the full load operation of CCPS and based on the maximum switching frequency, turn-ON, turn-
is determined from the MULTISIM model as 100 A. Based OFF times. Based on the values determined form the model
on the above specification a three phase low voltage high the full bridge inverter in the proposed CCPS requires an IGBT
current rectifier module VUO 62-06NO7 from IXYS corp. is of rating 1200 V - 450 A /900 A peak collector current i.e.,
selected. The blocking voltage of this module is 600V and IFF450B12ME4PB11 from Infineon is selected.
forward current rating is 63 A. After rectification, a DC link 2) Selection of tank parameters: A series capacitor across
capacitor is used to provide low impedance path to ground the ’H’ bridge inverter resonates with series inductance and
for high frequency currents to get the filtered DC voltage. A stores the energy which is to be transferred to PFN during
Polypropylene (PP), Metalized Radial, film capacitor of 100 the charging cycle. As this capacitor has to operate with
µF/1.2 KVDC (944U101K122ACM) from Cornell Dubilier high frequency pulses care has to be taken in its selection.
Electronics (CDE) is selected as DC link capacitor. The type of capacitor required should be AC and pulse film
capacitor, metalized with polypropylene film. AC pulse film
capacitors are suitable for high frequency and high power
applications due to its internal construction which ensures
short current paths. Metalized film capacitors have strong self-
healing properties and metalized polypropylene film capacitors
shows linear behaviour for high frequencies, high temperature
stability and operates at high voltage. Also, current rating
of capacitor is another important parameter in pulse power
applications which is generally overlooked in other appli-
cations. Datasheets of these pulse capacitors provide graph
Fig. 12. Input line current for RMS current rating with operating frequency. At a given
frequency of operation the RMS current is estimated from
the Fig.10. The number of capacitors required in series and
B. Series resonant converter parallel are estimated so as to achieve the required rms
In series resonant converter, the value of resonant inductor, current rating, capacitance and voltage rating. The resonant
capacitor, transformer turns ratio and switches (IGBTs) for capacitor selected is metalized polypropylene film capacitor
inverter are the important parameters because the output from KEMET(R76QR34704030J, 0.47µF/630V/10A). Reso-
voltage and current with respect to input is determined by their nant inductor should have value based on resonant capacitor
values. Selection of these components decides the performance and resonant frequency. The construction of high frequency
of SRC. high voltage transformer is controlled so as to provide primary
1) Selection of IGBTs: The important selection parameters leakage inductance equal to required resonant inductance
of IGBTs are collector emitter voltage, collector current, pulse eliminating need of extra series inductance.
collector current and switching characteristics. IGBTs in SRC 3) High voltage High Frequency Transformer: The operat-
operate under DC bus voltage (600 V DC) generated from ing frequency of SRC is high and transformer at this frequency
three phase rectifier section. The voltage rating of IGBT is will have small size even for high output voltage ratings. The
determined from the maximum DC voltage required to be following parameters namely primary to secondary isolation,
switched and should be able to withstand the maximum no- turns ratio and primary leakage inductance are important in
load voltage of power supply considering spikes, fluctuation, designing a HVHF transformer. The primary and secondary
and other variations. To avoid more electrical stress on IGBT, windings use Litz wire to reduce skin effect, proximity effect
the voltage rating of IGBT is chosen to be around double the in the operating frequency range of 20-50 kHz and gauge of
peak voltage required (1200 V). From the simulation results of AWG 36 is chosen based on the current rating. Two U shaped
collector current at full load condition the maximum current ferrite core CF139UU12620 of N87 grade are selected as the

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