Mason Industries, Inc.: ND Mounts
Mason Industries, Inc.: ND Mounts
Mason Industries, Inc.: ND Mounts
Rather than bolting two mountings together, we decided to do this Standard mountings are furnished in oil
properly and started manufacturing two mountings resistant Neoprene. Since we mold these
using the same base and top plates. The shorter products ourselves, bridge bearing quality
Type N for single deflection; the taller ND, Neoprene, Natural Rubber or other
double deflection. We include capscrews and elastomers are readily available to meet
washers, to eliminate the nuisance of our your requirements.
customers finding proper bolts. Double
Deflection ND Mount
Since rubber mountings are inexpensive, we now SPECIFICATION
sell only the ND, so there is always the benefit of the better product. Neoprene mountings shall have a minimum
static deflection of 0.35” (9mm). All metal
It is not necessary to bolt these mountings to the floor on most
surfaces shall be Neoprene covered to
installations. They can be used under flat bases that have no bolt prevent corrosion and have friction pads,
holes in much the same manner as rubber pads. When the both top and bottom. Bolt holes shall be
equipment has a flush drain pan or tank on the provided on the bottom and a tapped hole
bottom, the mounting may be inverted so that with capscrew and washer on top.
the rectangular rubber covered steel base Mountings shall be Type ND, as
plate provides support over a large area. manufactured by Mason Industries, Inc.