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Building Material and Construction: Zone Tech

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1 Building Material and Construction ZONE TECH

2 Work Book ZONE TECH

 Introduction
» Cement
» Cement + Water  Cement paste
» Cement + Water + F.A.  Mortar 
» Cement + Water + F.A. + C.A  Concrete
» Concrete + Reinforcement  R.C.C.

 Cement Concrete :- Cement concrete is a composite mixture which is obtained by artificial hardening of
cement, sand (Fine aggregate), coarse aggregate, water and sometimes admixture in an appropriate
proportion in order to achieve desired strength.

 Strength Depends Upon

» Property and quality of material
» Mixing pattern, compaction and curing
» Time between mixing and placing

 Cement concrete is a brittle material and for brittle material

Tensile strength < Shear strength < Compressive strength

 Since cement concrete is weak in tension hence in order to resist tensile load, it is reinforced with a
ductile material for which tensile strength is approximately equal to compressive strength.
For ductile material.
Tensile strength  Compressive strength < Shear strength

 Steel is generally used as reinforcement of cement concrete because it's thermal coefficient of expansion
is approximately equal to that of concrete.

 Different Grade of Concrete :- As per IS : 456 : 2000, following grades of concrete are available.

S.No. Concrete Grade Use of concrete

1 Ordinary concrete M10 to M20 Lean concrete
Minimum grade of concrete for RCC is M20
2 Standard concrete M25 to M60 RCC work and
Pre-stressed concrete
3 High strength concrete M65 to M100 Pre-stressed concrete
Very high strength work
3 Building Material and Construction ZONE TECH
 Minimum Grade of Concrete :- As per IS : 456-2000, minimum grade of concrete used in various work
is as follows.
Nominal Mix  M5 - M20
Plain Mix  M15 - M25
R.C.C.  M20 - M40
Post tensioning  M30
Pre-tensioning  M40
Under sea water  M30
In foundation  M35
Note :- Since all the above grade of concrete is represented by a letter and a number like : MX, where
M  Design mixture (As per amendment - 4)
X  Characteristics compressive strength of concrete cube at the age of 28 days in N/mm 2 or MPa.

 Characteristics Compressive Strength of Concrete Cube :- It is the strength which is to be possessed at

the age of 28 days. or
It is that strength below which not more than 5% of test results are expected to fail.
Ex. :- 100 concrete cubes are tested under uniaxial compression gives the following results arranged in
increasing order.
25, 26, 26.5, 27, 27.5
28, 28.5, 29, 30, 30.5
31, ____________
Now, according to definition, 28 N/mm 2 is the strength below which only 5% sample are failed. Hence
fck must be 28 N/mm2.
Since fck is always represented in of multiple of '5' hence either 25 N/mm 2 or 30 N/mm2 must be fck.
In this case, 8 samples (more than 5%) are below 30 N/mm 2, so 30 N/mm2 can not be fck.
Now, 25 N/mm2 can be considered as fck because zero test result (less than 5%) is below 25 N/mm 2
fck = 25 N/mm2

 Characteristics Compressive Strength of Concrete :- It is obtained by dividing characteristics compressive

strength of cube by a factor 1.5 to account for variation in shape of concrete (other than cube) and
variation in loading condition (other than uniaxial compression)
Note :- Factor 1.5 used here is not partial F.O.S.

 In general conversation, characteristics strength of concrete represent value obtained from characteristics
strength of cube.

Comparison between cylinder and cube :-

300 mm Unaffected by
by friction friction

150 mm
4 Work Book ZONE TECH
Cylinder Cube
What should be used  ×
Actually used × 

Uniaxial compression strength of concrete can be determined by any shape. (cube, cylinder, prism etc).
Cube dimension Size of aggregate Cylinder dimension
150 × 150 × 150 aggregate  19 mm 150 × 300
100 × 100 × 100 aggregate < 19 mm 100 × 200
• Cylinder gives more appropriate result for uniaxial compressive strength because effect of friction
between machine plates and specimen is almost zero.
fcube  1.25 fcylinder
• Cube or cylinder of smaller size gives higher strength as compared to standard size.

Probability Distribution Curve :-


5% of test

Characteristic Mean strength (fm)
strength (fck)

Mean Strength of Concrete (fm) :- It is that strength below which not more than 50% of the test result
are expected to fail.
fm  fck + 1.65 
  Standard deviation

 Variance
  x  x1 

Values of standard deviation (  )

Grade M10 to M15 M20 to M25 M30 and above

 3.50 N /mm 2 4.0M /mm 2 5.0 N /mm 2

 Acceptance Criteria of Concrete :-

According to code IS 456 : 2000 clause :- Acceptance criteria of sample
Specimen  1 cube
Sample  Set of 3 cubes casted from same concrete at same time
5 Building Material and Construction ZONE TECH

Quantity of Concrete No. of Sample

1-5m 1
6 - 15 m 3 2
16 - 30 m 3
31 - 50 m 3 4
4 + 1 sample for each
51 - above
additional 50 m 3 .

 As per IS 456 : 2000, Concrete can be accepted if

(a) For all concrete greater than M15 grade and above, the average strength of four non-overlapping
consecutive samples shall not be less than maximum of following.

 fck  0.825   N /mm 2  Rounded to nearest 0.5N /mm 2 

favg.  Maximum of 
fck  3 N /mm

(b) Individual test result of any sample of cube

I.T.R.   f ck – 3  N /mm 2
(c) The test result shall be taken with minimum 3 Numbers cube specimen and the individual variation in
test result shall not be more than  15% of average strength.

 Concrete Mixes :- There are two type of concrete mixes.

(1) Nominal Mix –
» A fixed proportion like - 1 : 2 : 4 or 1 : 1.5 : 3 of concrete showing volumetric ratio of materials is
» Quality of material used is not considered
» Use for rough type of concrete work in small quantity
» Generally used for concrete less than M20 grade
» It is assumed that desired strength will be obtained
(2) Design Mix –
» Relative proportion of cement, sand and aggregate is designed to get desired strength.
» Quality of material is considered
» Designed such that the average result of compressive strength of cube sample is not less than mean
strength which also knows as target design strength.
f avg.  fm
favg.   f  1.65  

 Young's Modulus of elasticity of concrete :- Young's modulus of elasticity of concrete is defined as the
ratio of stress to strain at a particular stage of loading.
 As per IS 456 : 2000, modulus of elasticity of concrete is taken as follow

EC  5000 fck  According to IS 456 : 2000 (LSM)

EC  5700 fck  According to IS 456 : 1978 (WSM)

 Modulus of elasticity can be measured in different manner.
6 Work Book ZONE TECH
(1) Initial Tangent Modulus of Elasticity (EIT) :-

 It is the slope of stress-strain curve at origin

 It is also termed as modulus of elascity at origin or dynamic modulus of elasticity.
(2) Secant Modulus of Elasticity (E S) :- It is the slope of line joining any point of consideration on stress-
strain curve and origin.
It is also called as static modulus of elasticity.
(3) Tangent Modulus of Elasticity (ET) :- It is the slope of tangent drawn at any point of consideration or
point of loading on the curve. This is a instantaneous value of modulus of elasticity.

 Within elastic zone all the three modulus of elasticity is same.

EIT  E S  E T  5000 fck

 In plastic zone
IT   S  T

Ec1  E S  E T
Note :- All the above modulus of elasticity considered are short term modulus of elasticity.
If long term modulus of elasticity is to be considered than effect of creep should also be considered.
Long term value of EC

5000 fck
EC 

Where,  = Creep coefficient (ultimate creep coefficient)

Ultimate creep strain

 
Elastic strain
7 Building Material and Construction ZONE TECH

Time after casting when

7 days 28 days 1 year
concrete is loaded
Value of creep coefficient
2.2 1.6 1.1

Note :-
• There may be variation of ± 20% in actual value and theoretical value of young's modulus

• Secant modulus of elasticity is observed at 1/3 f ck  cbc at 1/3rd of failure strength value

 Permissible stresses in concrete :-

The concrete may be subjected to
(1) Direct Stress  Direct compression or Direct Tension

D Compressive


(2) Bending Stresses


Bending Compressive Stress :-

Maximum Permissible Bending Compressive Stress   cbc 
Factor of safety

In WSM   cbc 

 Tensile Strength of Concrete :-

» It is approximately 10% (7% to 15%) of the compressive strength.
» Stress-strain diagram is almost linear.
» Ratio of compressive strength to tensile strength increases with increase in grade of concrete.
» Since tensile strength of concrete is ignored in RCC structure so it has very less importance. However,
it is calculated to determine cracking moment.
8 Work Book ZONE TECH
(A) Bending Tensile Strength (fcr) :- Flexural tensile strength of concrete


PCC 150 mm

L/3 L/3 L/3

50 50
mm 600 mm mm



M  f
I y

Pcr L /3 f
 cr
bD 3 /12 D /2
fcr  ?
• 3rd point loading is applied for pure bending condition (flexure).
• Value of P is increased from 0 to value corresponding to which 1 st crack develops in extreme tension
• Corresponding to cracking load, bending moment is calculated in central portion and tensile strength
is calculated as illustrated above.
• IS : 456 provides standard formula for flexure tensile strength/modulus of rupture
fcr  0.7 fck N /mm 2
(B) Split Tensile Strength (f cs) :-
• A line loading along length is applied at diametrically end points.
• Due to this loading, cylinder splits into two parts.
9 Building Material and Construction ZONE TECH
Split tensile strength 

2 2
fcs  fcr   0.7 fck
3 3

 0.45 fck

(C) Di rect Tensi le Strength (f cd) :- Practically it is very difficult to perform direct tension test because force
never remains perfectly axial tension due to non-homogenity of concrete.


1 1
fcd  fcr   0.7 fck
2 2

 0.35 fck

Hence fcr  fcs  fcd

 Permissible Stresses in Concrete (In WSM)

In compression In tension
Direct Bending Direct Bending
Grade compression compression tension tension
cc    cbc   ct    cbt 
M15 4.0 5.0 2.0
M20 5.0 7.0 2.8
M25 6.0 8.5 3.2
M30 8.0 10.0 3.6 fcr  0.7 fck
M35 9.0 11.5 4.0
M40 10.0 13.0 4.4
M45 11.0 14.5 4.8
M50 12.0 16.0 5.2

 Steel reinforcement

» Steel reinforcement used mainly for taking tension in concrete.

» Steel reinforcement are of various type

10 Work Book ZONE TECH
(1) Mild steel reinforcement (Fe250)

(A) ordinary (B) Hot rolled

(2) Medium strength steel reinforcement (Fe350)

(A) ordinary (B) Hot rolled

(3) High strength steel reinforcement (Fe415/Fe500)

• HYSD (High yield strength deformed bars)

• TMT (Thermo-mechanically treated bars)

• CTD (Cold twisted deformed bars)

Outer rim area, tough, high strength

Central core area, soft, high ductility

Anti-corrosive treatment on outer surface

Properties :-

Tst hardening

• Mostly hot rolled mild steel reinforcement were used in old building.

• Because of yield plateau region, excessive deformation is being observed without any increase in
load in case of hot rolled mild steel due to which concrete member with such steel will shows high
deformation and cracking, once stress value go beyond yield stress value.

• Hence to avoid this yield plateau, the mild steel reinforcement can be changed into cold twisted bars
by cold working process.

• Steel reinforcement is stressed beyond yield point either by stretching or twisting and then by
unloading it. This process is called as cold working process.

• After cold working, the steel reinforcement will not show any yield plateau again.

• Such steel does not show a defined yield point.

• Yield stress is the value of stress at which a permanent (plastic) strain of 0.002 is observed.
11 Building Material and Construction ZONE TECH



Plastic strain
remain Elastic strain

 For CTD/TMT/HYSD bars



0.002 Strain
Plastic strain ES
(Proof strain) Elastic strain

Properties of CTD/TMT/HYSD bars :- (IS 456 : 2000, table 22)

• These reinforcement have very high strength

• Stress diagram does not show yield point

• Yield stress is read by proof strain value of 0.002 strain value

• A line drawn from 0.2% proof strain value parallel to stress-strain diagram and cutting point on
stress-strain curve is considered as yield point

• At yield stress, total strain in steel

Strain at yield stress  0.002  E
12 Work Book ZONE TECH
Where ES  Young's modulus of elasticity of steel
 2  10 5 N / mm 2

For Fe415 steel  0.002   0.00707
2  10 5

For Fe500 steel  0.002   0.0075
2  10 5
 Permissible Values of Stress in Steel :-

Steel Fe Fe415
In tension
A  20mm
140 190 230
 20mm
130 190 230
In compression in
B 130 130 190
Compression in bar
in a beam or slab
when the 1.5m  sc
C compressive
resistance of the
concrete is taken
into account

For Fe500 
In direct tension and flexure tension = 0.55 f y = 0.55 × 500 = 275 N/mm2
In shear and compression shall be as for grade Fe415

 Nominal Cover :- Nominal cover is minimum clear cover required for outermost layer of steel
reinforcement provided. Design depth of concrete cover provided to all kind of steel reinforcement
including likes (Ties, stirrups etc) as per IS 456:2000.

 Minimum Nominal Cover Required :-

S.No. Member Mild Moderate Sever Very Sever Extreme

1 Slab 20 30 45 50 75
2 Beams 25 30 45 50 75
3 Column 40 40 45 50 75
4 Foundation 50 50 50 50 75
Minimum nominal
cover as per above 20 30 45 50 75
13 Building Material and Construction ZONE TECH

 Effective Cover :- It is the distance between the C.G. of tensile reinforcement and outer surface of


Tension area
Nominal cover

Effective Cover  y  Distance of C.G. of tensile reinforcement from outer surface of concrete.
A st 1 .y 1  A st 2 .y 2  A st 2 .y 3
A st 1  A st 2  A st 3

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