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Analysis and Design of G+21 Building Using ETABS A Review

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10 III March 2022

International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.538
Volume 10 Issue III Mar 2022- Available at www.ijraset.com

Analysis and Design of G+21 Building using

ETABS: A Review
Abhishek Kumar Ranjan1, Aditya Pratap Singh2, Harendra Nath Pandey3
1, 2 3
U.G Scholar, Assistant Professor, (Department of Civil Engineering, Babu Banarasi Das Institute of Technology and
Management, Lucknow)

Abstract: Civil engineering is a very vast field in which planning and designing of buildings are done according to the need. As
we can see that many development and changes happening in the sector of construction and everyday new commercial and
residential buildings projects are initiated. So, it needs proper planning before starting the construction so that the work can be
done in a cost effective way and also complete the structures as per users requirements. The ETABS is a engineering software
that helps in modeling, designing and calculating loads while making a structure. It is a very useful software in civil engineering
field and provide a vast methods to ease out the work of engineers. It analysis the structure in terms of static and dynamic loads.
Today there is a huge scope in this field and it also gives the opportunity to many people to work it the respective field.
Keyword: Definition, Objective, Design Parameters, Load and wind calculations.

It is not an easy task to build a beautiful and strong building which can withstand against harshad conditions. We all know that
today technology has achieved milestones in every field, and that's why even civil engineering needs to be upgraded. This has led to
several changes in how civil engineers work and perform. Not just the use of technology has made lives way easier but has also
because of the development of some really helpful software, encouraged civil engineers to give their best. “ETABS-Extended 3D
analysis of Building Systems”, is a engineering software . It is an engineering software that is used in construction and planning and
designing of buildings . It has provided a very different options and opportunities to make structures efficiently and in less time with
full safety. It is loaded with an integrated system consisting of modeling tools, code-based load analysis , solution to the problems
techniques. It can handle the complex and big building models and associated requirements. ETABS software is widely in use
nowadays for construction of buildings. .

A. Design Philosophies
There are basically three philosophies for the design -
1) Working stress method
2) Ultimate load method
3) Limit state method

B. Assumption Regarding Design

1) We tend to assume that block is continuous over interior supports, and part mounted over the perimeters, thanks to construction
in style of monolithic and construction of wall over it.
2) Beams also are assumed to be continuous over the inside support and framing takes place into the ends of columns.
3) The internal forces, such as bending moments, and normal and shear stresses, at any section of a member are in equilibrium.
with the effects of the external laods at that corresponding section.

To perform analysis and style of the structure with none kind of failures.
1) To grasp the essential principles of structures with the help of Indian standard Codes.
2) To realise the parameters for beams, columns, slabs and alternative structural parts.
3) To organize the 3D model of the structure by with the help of E-TABS code for careful analysis and style.

©IJRASET: All Rights are Reserved | SJ Impact Factor 7.538 | ISRA Journal Impact Factor 7.894 | 1104
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.538
Volume 10 Issue III Mar 2022- Available at www.ijraset.com


S Abhishek, Manoj S K, Roopa B D, Bhagyashree M S, Guruprasad C H M(2018), They took into thought of the residential
buildings (G+1) style and did the analysis using ETABS, whereby they got productive results through that they got a great
industrial exposure and saved their coming up with time in addition as analysis. They took load thought for the worst scenarios for
the loading in their structures. They designed structural components on the software as well as manually and after they did
K. Naga Sai Gopal(2017), He took into thought of the designing of (G+5) residential buildings using ETABS, his structure was
based on theory of LIMIT STATE METHOD which provide adequate strength, serviceability and durability besides economy. He
took the necessary steps in the modelling process after correctly defining material in ETABS. He prepared the 3D model of the
structure using Etabs software for detailed analysis and design.
Sayyed A.Ahad, Hashmi S Afzal, Pathan Tabrej, Shaikh Ammar, Shaikh Vikhar, Shivaji Bidve(2017), This paper deals with the
analysis and design of (G+10) residential buildings.Analysis was done with the help ETABS software Version 15.2. It proved to be
good enough in the design for construction including the analysis of all the sections. All the elements of structure like concrete wall,
are provided. They provided isolated footing as per soil investigation reports. . The sectional and design analysis was done with the
help of STAAD-PRO and result was compared. .
V.L.S Banu, Second AMDShafiuddin Siddiqui, Sheikh Mohd Salar, MA Ghouse, Sohel Jawad ,Md Afak , Shaik Mohd
Sadeq(2021), They took into thought of the analysis and designing of the residential building (G+5) using ETABS. Their scope of
the study was to produce good and strong structural work for analysis and designing of the building. They took the load
consideration as per theory of LIMIT STATE METHOD. They assigned the wind loads, seismic loads, and live loads to the model.
They showed the displacement, shear force, bending moment variation.
TANVEER,This paper mainly deals with the analysis done by the members by comparison of the results which they have obtained
from the analysis of a multi storied building structure through manual method as well as by using ETABS software. They
considered a plan under zone–IV and Zone Factor is 0.24.
C.V.S. Lavanya, Emily.P.Pailey, Md. Mansha Sabreen(2017), This paper deals with the analysis and design of (G+4) residential
buildings using ETABS software. They have taken the area of Panaji with medium stiff soil type. They considered the plan under
zone-IV with zone factor 0.24.They defined the properties of material such as concrete and steel in ETABS software.The building
proposed to have ordinary moment resistinZ frame.
Mr.Ramesh Baragan, Mr.Bharat Konar, KiranBabu S V (2020), This paper deals with the analysis and design of residential building
using ETABS software. They took into consideration of functional and structural aspects while designing the building. This project
consists of only ground floor. In the structure the masonry wall was used as filler wall and in packages slab loads were applied as
floor loads. Their process of structural design consisted of 5 units. They took all slabs as continuous slabs.
Sayyed Feroz Sikandar, Shaikh Zameeroddin. S, Prof. Agrawal. A. S3BE Student, Gudie(2019), This paper deals with the analysis
and design of multistory building using Etabs software. They took into consideration of dead loads, live loads, wall loads,
earthquake forced, earthquake loading etc. They took the load consideration as per IS 456:2000, IS 875:1987 (Part-V) and IS
1893(part-I):2002. They checked for one way shear, two way shear, development length, bearing stress. According to soil
investigation report they provided an isolated footing. They also provided structural elements like RCC frame, shear walls and
retaining walls.
Ayush Chandrakar, Manas Rathore (2021),This paper deals with the analysis and design of multistoried residential building (G+5)
using ETABS software. They assumed continuous slabs over interior supports and beams were also assumed to be continuous. They
considered dead load, live load, wind load, imposed load, earthquake load. The shape of building was regularly (rectangular). Grade
of the concrete used is M25 and Unit weight of concrete is 25KN)/m3. They considered the load combination for seismic and wind
load analysis of the building.
Kunal Wailkar, Pranay Chide, Manthan Shende, Jinendra Ralekar, Dhanashree Walke, Dhanashree Tayde, Atul
Kurzekar(2021),This paper deals with the analysis and design of residential building. Their objective was to generate structural
framing plan and to apply various load combinations on member. They analysed the structure using STAAD PRO. They concluded
that the elements of the building are safe in flexure and shear, also quantity of steel provided for steel is economical and adequate.
Shaikh Ibrahim, Md Arifuzzaman, Jisan Ali Mondal, Md Taukir Alam, Sanuwar Biswas, Sagar Biswas (2019),This paper deals with
the design and analysis of residential building. The type of structure is mutli storey rigid jointed frame with number of storey as
5.After analysis of the G+4 storey building structure, they concluded that their structure is safe in loading in terms of dead load, live

©IJRASET: All Rights are Reserved | SJ Impact Factor 7.538 | ISRA Journal Impact Factor 7.894 | 1105
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.538
Volume 10 Issue III Mar 2022- Available at www.ijraset.com

load, wind load and seismic load. Dimensional members(beams, columns and slabs) were assigned by calculating the load type and
quantity applied on it.
P.P. Chandurkar et. al. (2013), He had presented the study of G+9 building with three metres height for each and every storey.The
whole building design was done according to IS code for seismic resistant design and the building at base was considered as fixed.
The structural element had assumed as square or rectangular in section. They had done modelling and analysis of building with the
help of ETABS software and in that four different models were studied. .
Mohit Sharma et.al. (2015),This paper deals with the analysis and design of (G+30) storied regular reinforced concrete framed
building. The building have the plan area of 22m x 40m with a storey height of 3.4m each and foundation depth of 2.2m. The total
height of the building including depth of foundation is 114m.. The static and dynamic analysis was done with the help of STAAD-
Pro software using the parameters for the design according to the IS:1893-2002 codes including Part-1 for the zones- II and III. He
concluded that there was not much difference in the values of Axial Forces which was obtained by static and dynamic analysis.
M. S. Aainawala et. al. (2014), In this project he did the study of multi-storeyed R.C.C.Buildings with and without Shear Walls.
They applied the earthquake load to a building for different cases of shear wall position. They applied load to G+12,G+25,G+38
located in zone II, zone III, zone IV and zone V. They calculated the lateral displacement as well as story drift in all the cases. It was
observed that Multi-storeyed R.C.C. Buildings with shear wall is economical and stable as compared to without shear wall. After the
analysis, it was concluded that the displacement at different level in multi-storeyed building with shear wall is lesser as compared to
R.C.C. building without shear wall which is important for building designing and use of shear walls.
M. Mallikarjun et. al. (2016), He carried the study on analysis and design of a multi-storied residential building (G+10) by using
most economical column method. The dead load and live load was applied on the different structural component like slabs, beams.
and this was achieved by reducing the size of columns at top floors as load at the bottom floor was more. The economizing was
done by doing column orientation in longer span in longer direction because it can scale back the quantity of bending and therefore
the the space of steel was also reduced.

1) The structure is a design based on the E-Tabs, which provides adequate serviceability, strength and also the work is economical.
2) With the usage of ETABS software working time is saved and it also helps us in the designing of structure accurately.
3) The structural components were designed manually in as well as with the help of software.
4) There is not much land available in urban areas so buildings are constructed in storeys to utilise the vertical space.
5) Rather than destroying forests and swamps to build houses, shopping centers, and factories, they can be placed in a vertical
tower, serving to preserve the environment.

[1] S Abhishek, Manoj S K, Roopa B D, Bhagyashree M S, Guruprasad C H M(2018). "Design and Analysis of Residential Building using E-Tabs". International
Research Journal of Engineering and Technology.
[2] K. Naga Sai Gopal(2017), "Analysis and Design of G+5 residential buildings using ETABS" . International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology
[3] Sayyed A.Ahad, Hashmi S Afzal, Pathan Tabrej, Shaikh Ammar, Shaikh Vikhar, Shivaji Bidve(2017), “Analysis and Design Of the Multi-story Building Using
ETABS”. International Journal of Engineering and Computer Science.
[4] V.L.S Banu, Second AMDShafiuddin Siddiqui, Sheikh Mohd Salar, MA Ghouse, Sohel Jawad ,Md Afak , Shaik Mohd Sadeq(2021), "Analysis And Design Of
Structure Residential Building G+5 Using Etabs", International Journal of Scientific Research in Civil Engineering, 2016 IJSRCE | Volume 1 | Issue 1.
[5] C.V.S. Lavanya, Emily.P.Pailey, Md. Mansha Sabreen(2017),"ANALYSIS AND DESIGN OF G+4 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING USING ETABS",
International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology (IJCIET).
[6] Mr.Ramesh Baragan, Mr.Bharat Konar, KiranBabu S V (2020), "Analysis and Design of Residential Building Using ETABS", International Research Journal
of Engineering and Technology (IRJET).
[7] Sayyed Feroz Sikandar, Shaikh Zameeroddin. S, Prof. Agrawal. A. S3BE Student, Gudie(2019), "Analysis and Design of Multistory Building using ETABS
2017" ISSN 2321 3361 © 2019 IJESC.
[8] Ayush Chandrakar, Manas Rathore (2021), "Design of Multistoried Residential Building (G+5) Using ETABS software", © May 2021 IJSDR | Volume 6 Issue
[9] Kunal Wailkar, Pranay Chide, Manthan Shende, Jinendra Ralekar, Dhanashree Walke, Dhanashree Tayde, Atul Kurzekar(2021), "Analysis and Design of a
Residential Building By Using STAAD Pro". International Journal of Modern Agriculture, 10(2). .
[10] Shaikh Ibrahim, Md Arifuzzaman, Jisan Ali Mondal, Md Taukir Alam, Sanuwar Biswas, Sagar Biswas (2019), "Design and Analysis of the Residential
Building", International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET).
[11] M. S. Aainawala et al. (2014). "Comparative study of multi-storey R.C.C. Buildings with and without Shear Walls.".

©IJRASET: All Rights are Reserved | SJ Impact Factor 7.538 | ISRA Journal Impact Factor 7.894 | 1106

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