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Comparative Study of Diagrid Structures With and Without Corner Columns

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International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

ISSN (Online): 2319-7064

Index Copernicus Value (2013): 6.14 | Impact Factor (2015): 6.391

Comparative Study of Diagrid Structures with and

without Corner Columns
Shahana E1, Aswathy S Kumar2
P G Student, Computer Aided Structural Engineering, Sree Buddha College of Engineering, Pathanamthitta, Kerala, India
Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Sree Buddha College of Engineering, Pathanamthitta, Kerala, India

Abstract: Construction of multi‐storey building is rapidly increasing throughout the world. Advances in construction technology,
materials, structural systems, analysis and design software facilitated the growth of these buildings. Recently the diagrid structural system
has been widely used for tall buildings due to the structural efficiency and aesthetic potential provided by the unique geometric
configuration of the system. In present work, concrete diagrid structures with and without corner columns were analysed and compared.
Due to inclined columns, lateral loads are resisted by axial action of the diagonal in diagrid structure compared to buckling of vertical
columns. A regular five storey RCC building with plan size 15 m × 15 m located in seismic zone V is considered for analysis. STAAD.Pro
software is used for modelling and analysis of structural members. Load combinations of seismic forces are considered as per IS 1893(Part
1): 2002. Comparison of analysis results in terms of storey drift, lateral displacement, bending moment, shear forces and axial forces are
presented. In diagrid structure, the major portion of lateral load is taken by external diagonal members which in turn release the lateral load
in inner columns. Here, the value of axial force on interior columns for diagrid with corner column is two times more than the diagrid
without corner columns. The axial force carried by the diagonal member get reduced due to the presence of corner column. Hence, the
interior column has to take more axial force. Thus, the study can be concluded as the behaviour of structure without corner column is more
effective than with corner columns.

Keywords: diagrid, corner columns, storey drift, displacement, lateral forces

1. Introduction planar, crystalline or take on multiple curvatures, they often

use crystalline forms or curvature to increase their stiffness.
Tall building development involves various complex factors Perimeter diagrids normally carry the lateral and gravity loads
such as economics, aesthetics look, technology, municipal of the building and are used to support the floor edges.
regulations, and politics. Among these, economics has been
the primary governing factor. For a very tall building, its Diagrid has good appearance and it is easily recognized. The
structural design is generally governed by its lateral stiffness. configuration and efficiency of a diagrid system reduce the
Comparing with conventional orthogonal structures for tall number of structural element required on the façade of the
buildings such as framed tubes, diagrid structures carry lateral buildings, therefore less obstruction to the outside view. The
wind loads much more efficiently by their diagonal member’s structural efficiency of diagrid system also helps in avoiding
axial action. Diagrid structure provides great structural interior and corner columns, therefore allowing significant
efficiency without vertical columns have also opened new flexibility with the floor plan. Perimeter “diagrid” system
aesthetic potential for tall building architecture. Diagrid has a saves approximately 20 percent of the structural steel weight
good appearance and it is easily recognized. The configuration when compared to a conventional moment-frame structure.
and efficiency of a diagrid system reduces the number of
structural element required on the facade of the buildings, There are engineering–based reasons that would suggest the
therefore less obstruction to the outside view. The structural use of a diagrid. Some of them are:
efficiency of diagrid system also helps in avoiding interior and  Increased the stability due to triangulation.
corner columns, and therefore allowing significant flexibility  Combination of the gravity and lateral load-bearing systems,
with the floor plan. “Diagrid” system around perimeter saves potentially providing more efficiency.
approximately 20 percent of the structural steel weight when  Provision of alternate load paths (redundancy) in the event
compared to a conventional moment‐frame structure. The of a structural failure (which lacks in case of conventional
diagonal members in diagrid structural systems carry gravity framed building).
loads as well as lateral forces due to their triangulated  Reduced weight of the super structure can translate into a
configuration. Diagrid can save upto 20% to 30% the amount reduced load on the foundations.
of structural steel in a high‐rise building. The distribution of load in diagrid structure are shown below:

The term “diagrid” is a combination of the words “diagonal”

and “grid” and refers to a structural system that is
single‐thickness in nature and gains its structural integrity
through the use of triangulation. Diagrid systems can be

Volume 5 Issue 7, July 2016

Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: NOV163547 1086
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2013): 6.14 | Impact Factor (2015): 6.391
15m is considered in both buildings. Storey height is 3m.the
angle of inclination is 45º and kept it constant throughout the
height. The design dead load is calculated and live load is
taken as 4 kN/m2. Exterior wall load is taken as negligible in
both the buildings. Both the building frames are analysed for
seismic zone V. seismic parameters are taken as per code IS
1893 (Part 1):2002. Here two structural diagrid models are
created, one with 4 corner columns and other without corner

Figure 1: Load Distribution of Diagrid Structure

Figure 2: Plan of the Building Frame
2. Methodology
The three dimensional regular frames of G+4 storied building
In this study comparison of diagrids with and without corner with and without corner columns were considered in this
columns under seismic forces is done. Here G+ 4 storey is study. Figure 2 shows the plan of the building representing the
taken and same live load is applied in both the buildings for its X and Z direction used for analysis. Figure 3 shows a
behaviour and comparison. The framed buildings are subjected configuration model of frame with corner column. Figure 4
to vibrations because of earthquake and therefore seismic shows a configuration model of frame without corner column.
analysis is essential for these building frames. The fixed base
system is analyzed by employing in both building frames in
seismic zone V by means of Staad.Pro software. The response
of both the building frames is studied for useful interpretation
of results.

A comparison of results in terms of moments, displacements,

shear force, axial force and drift has been made. Following
steps are adopted in this study:‐

Step‐1: Selection of building geometry and Seismic zone: The

behaviour of both the models is studied for Zone V of Seismic
zones of India as per IS code 1893 (Part 1):2002 for which
zone factor (Z) is 0.36. Five storey building is taken. Each
storey is of 3m height. Depth of foundation is taken as 1.5 m.
Step‐2: Formation of load combination: load combinations are
formulated as per IS code 1893 (part 1):2002.
Step‐3: Modelling of building frames using STAAD.Pro
Step‐4: Analysis of both the building frames is done under
seismic zone v and each load combination.
Step‐5: Comparative study of results in terms of maximum Figure 3: Building Frame with Corner Columns
moments in columns and beams, storey displacement, shear
force, axial force and drift.

3. Structural Modeling
The following are the specification of G+4 storied commercial
building located in seismic zone V. A regular plan of 15m x
Volume 5 Issue 7, July 2016
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: NOV163547 1087
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2013): 6.14 | Impact Factor (2015): 6.391

Table 1: Comparison of Maximum Shear Forces and Bending

Moments in Ground Floor Beams
With corner Without corner
Beam columns columns
No. FY (kN) MZ( kNm) FY(kN) MZ( kNm)
(3/1) (2/4)
(1) (2) (3) (4)
1 18.179 12.65 18.66 13.507 1.026 1.06
2 18.460 12.963 18.25 12.743 0.988 0.983
3 17.741 10.824 17.740 12.133 0.999 1.12
4 18.179 11.470 18.660 13.574 1.026 1.183
5 32.177 18.744 32.014 18.603 0.995 0.992
6 31.537 19.376 31.619 19.153 1.0026 0.988
Figure 4: Building Frame without Corner Columns 7 32.177 18.744 32.014 18.603 0.995 0.992
8 33.17 14.984 32.246 16.914 0.972 1.128
9 31.241 18.883 31.241 18.955 1 1.003
4. Analysis
10 18.460 12.963 18.250 12.743 0.988 0.983
11 33.174 14.984 30.236 16.914 0.911 1.128
4.1 Beam Analysis
12 32.910 15.604 32.015 17.436 0.977 1.117
13 31.537 19.376 31.619 19.153 1.003 0.988
Size of beam is taken as 200 x 400 mm for both buildings. The
14 32.910 15.604 32.015 17.436 0.977 1.117
shear force and bending moment in beams for different floors 15 31.241 18.863 31.241 18.947 1 1.004
are compared between diagrids with and without corner
4.2 Interior Column Analysis

The analysis of the interior column is carried out at each floor

in terms of axial force bending moment in y and z direction.
The plan of the selected location for analysis is shown in fig.
The behaviour of the rest of interior column is shown by
symmetry. The selected location of the column to be analysed.

The size of the column is taken as 300 x 300 mm throughout

the structure (interior vertical column as well as exterior
diagonal column).

Figure 5: Plan of Building Showing the Selected Beam


Figure 6: Selected Location of the Column for Result

Table 2: Comparison of Axial Forces and Bending Moments (y and z direction) in Interior Column Analysis for Location A
Location With corner columns Without corner columns Ratio
A FX(kN) (1) MY(kNm) (2) MZ(kNm) (3) FX(kN) (4) MY(kNm) (5) MZ(kNm) (6) (4/1) (5/2) (6/3)
0 217.08 1.701 0.465 117.13 1.824 0.898 0.5 1 1.93
1 137.20 1.898 1.898 69.031 1.129 1.116 0.5 0.6 0.6
2 101.19 2.563 2.563 47.88 1.476 1.473 0.5 0.6 0.6
3 70.178 2.569 2.804 34.537 1.722 1.722 0.5 0.7 0.6
4 48.045 3.933 3.933 30.495 2.509 2.509 0.6 0.6 0.6

Volume 5 Issue 7, July 2016

Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: NOV163547 1088
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2013): 6.14 | Impact Factor (2015): 6.391
5. Results and Discussion From shear force and bending moment diagram, the corner
beams having the values half of the interior beams. For both
From the output of STAAD.Pro, various results are obtained. structures, shear force and bending moment are approximately
And these results are evaluated by preparing various tabular same.
columns and graphs.

Figure 7: Comparison of Shear Force in Ground Floor

From the obtained results, the shear forces for both diagrids are approximately same. Therefore, there no effect on bending
with and without corner columns are approximately same. moment by corner columns in diagrid structure.
Therefore, there no effect on shear force by corner columns in
diagrid structure. From the obtained results, the bending
moments for both diagrids with and without corner columns

Figure 8: Comparison of Bending Moment in Ground Floor

From this, it is clear that value of axial forces in the interior

column in the diagrid with corner columns is half of that
without corner column. Similar behaviour is seen in location at
B, C and D.

Figure 9: Comparison of Axial Force in Columns at Location


Volume 5 Issue 7, July 2016

Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: NOV163547 1089
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2013): 6.14 | Impact Factor (2015): 6.391
Lateral displacement for both diagrids with and without corner
columns has approximately same value. Then there is no effect
of corner columns in lateral displacement. Drift means the
relative displacement of floor with respect to lower one. The
graphs of storey drift versus number of storey are plotted for
diagrids with and without corner columns.

Figure 10: Comparison of Bending Moment in Columns at

Location A

From the results, the value of bending moment in interior Figure 12: Maximum Drift of Floor with Respect to Adjacent
columns are 0.6 times for diagrids without corner column than Floor
in diagrid with corner columns. Storey drift for both diagrids with and without corner columns
has approximately same value. Then there is no effect of
4.1 Lateral Displacement and Storey Drift corner columns in storey drift.
Lateral displacement means the total displacement of the floor
with respect to the ground. It is caused due to the lateral forces
6. Conclusions
(wind or seismic) acting on building.
The main conclusions obtained from the analysis of building
frame are summarized below
Table 3: Comparison of Lateral Displacement
 The values of shear force, bending moment, lateral
Diagrid without corner Diagrid with corner
displacement and storey drift are approximately same for the
Floor column (mm) column (mm)
Ground floor 0.165 0.147
diagrids with and without corner columns.
First floor 0.305 0.288  When considering axial forces in the interior columns, the
Second floor 0.473 0.475 value for diagrid with corner column is two times more than
Third floor 0.657 0.641 the diagrid without corner columns.
Fourth floor 0.841 0.824  The axial force carried by the diagonal member get reduced
Fifth floor 1.007 0.987 due to the presence of corner column. Hence, the interior
column has to take more axial force.
The graphs of lateral displacement versus number of storey are  Thus, the study can be concluded as the behaviour of
plotted for diagrids with and without corner columns. structure without corner column is more effective than with
corner columns.

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Volume 5 Issue 7, July 2016

Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: NOV163547 1090
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2013): 6.14 | Impact Factor (2015): 6.391
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Author Profile
Shahana E, P.G student in Computer Aided Structural Engineering,
Department of Civil Engineering, Sree Buddha College of
Engineering, APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University,
Kerala.Obtained B tech from Musaliar College of Engineering and
Technology,Pathanamthitta under Mahathma Gandhi University,
Kottayam in the year 2015.

Aswathy S Kumar, Assistant Professor, Department of Civil

Engineering, Sree Budha College of Engineering, Pathanamthitta,
APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University, Kerala. She has
obtained her Bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering from Sree
Buddha college of Engineering, Elavumthitta in the year 2013.
Masters degree in Structural Engineering from Sree Buddha college
of Engineering, Pattoor in the year 2015.

Volume 5 Issue 7, July 2016

Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: NOV163547 1091

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