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On The Correlation of Seismic Intensity Scale With

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On the correlation of seismic intensity scale with the peaks of

recorded strong ground motion

Article  in  Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America · February 1975

267 935

2 authors, including:

Mihailo Trifunac
University of Southern California


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Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America. Vol. 65, No. 1, pp. 139-162. February 1975





Correlations of the recorded peak acceleration, velocity and displacement, and

the Modified Mercalli intensity have been carried out for 57 earthquakes and 187
strong-motion accelerograms recorded in the Western United States. Correlations
of peak acceleration with intensity, characterized by the data scatter exceeding one
order of magnitude, have lead to average peak accelerations which are higher than
those reported by a majority of previous investigators. New correlations, also
characterized by scatter of data of about one order of magnitude, have been
presented for peak velocities and displacements of strong ground motion versus
Modified Mercalli intensity.
Grouping of all recorded data according to the geology underlying the strong-
motion accelerograph stations was carried out and permitted a study of the
possible effects that local geology might have on the peaks of strong-motion
acceleration, velocity, and displacement. Results of this analysis are as follows:
(1) For ground shaking of a particular Modified Mercalli intensity, average peak
acceleration recorded on hard rock is higher by a factor less than about two than
the average peak acceleration recorded on alluvium; (2) the effect of local geology
on the average peak velocity leads to marginally higher peak values on alluvium;
and (3) the peak ground displacements are larger, by a factor less than two, when
recorded on alluvium rather than on hard rock.


Since the mid-sixteenth century when the first known attempts were made to classify
earthquakes according to some scale, well over 50 earthquake intensity scales have been
proposed in different countries all over the world. A summary and the bibliography on
these scales may be found in the papers by Gorshkov and Shenkareva (1958) and by
Barosh (1969).
Earthquake intensity scales are designed to describe the effects of earthquakes on man,
structures, and their surroundings. Although certain instruments have been occasionally
employed in determination of the severity of shaking (e.g., Medvedev, 1953), a majority
of intensity scales used today still represent subjective description of human response to
shaking and the description of associated building damage. Therefore, numerous factors
related to the density of population, type of construction, and the social, economic, and
cultural environment may significantly affect the final quantitative description of the
intensity of shaking at a particular site.
It is important to consider, also, the fact that modern architectural and engineering
concepts include tall buildings and other structures whose natural periods of vibration
are well above the range of periods of those structures which were considered in the
original descriptions of the intensity of shaking. The existing intensity scales therefore
may not be applicable when considering the damage to these and other special structures
and care has to be exercised in these cases.
In the United States, the Modified Mercalli intensity scale is used (Wood and Neumann,
1931). Since 1949, the JMA (Japan Meteorological Agency) intensity scale has become the

standard seismic intensity scale in Japan (Kawasumi, 1951). In Russia, the GEOFIAN
(Geophysics Institute of the Academy of Sciences) scale was employed until recently
(Medvedev, 1953). Figure 1 shows the correlation of these three major intensity scales
made possible by a comparison of the detailed description of the intensity at each level.
During the last several years some effort has been devoted toward correlation and unifying
various scales used in different countries. An example of such an attempt is the MKS
intensity scale proposed by Medvedev, Sponheuer, and Karnik (1963). It is now in use
in Russia and is being tried in several other countries. For most practical purposes the
MKS and the Modified Mercalli intensities are essentially the same.

RUSSIA i = Me0ve0ev,,95 ,
UNITED STATES I [ 1"i" ~I lV V I "71 ~ ~ 1X "~ "~ ~ Wood and Newman(1931)

FIG. 1, Correlation of three major intensity scales.

During the last 40 years, with the rapid development of strong-motion seismology and
earthquake engineering, a significant number of excellent records have been obtained
from strong-motion accelerographs and can now be used for analysis. The magnitudes of
the earthquakes which were recorded range from 3.0 to 7.7, with epicentral distances
ranging from a few tens to several hundred kilometers. It should be noted, however, that
although the number of recorded accelerograms is now just becoming adequate for some
preliminary statistical evaluation of ground motion parameters and their correlation with
the results of corresponding source mechanism studies, these data are still too sparse to
characterize the nature of seismic risk and the statistics of expected levels of strong
ground motion over a longer time frame. Consequently, in most seismic risk evalua-
tions for important structures, like nuclear power plants, tall buildings, schools, dams,
etc., use is made of data on recorded earthquake magnitudes and/or available reported
earthquake intensities. An incomplete record of earthquake intensities can be extended
as far back as written documents and reports can be found in newspapers, old books,
and old scripts. The difficulty associated with characterization of earthquake risk by an
intensity scale is that, as will be shown in this paper, the subjective and qualitative nature
of intensity scales allows only a first-order correlation with the measured parameters
of strong ground motions.
Statistical characterization of the expected levels of ground motion at a given site in
terms of earthquake intensity for a respective area will likely remain a common engineer-
ing practice for some years to come. For this reason, it seems worthwhile now to re-
evaluate the nature of correlations that may exist between earthquake intensity and the
amplitudes of recorded strong ground motion and to re-examine the meaning of such
correlations irrespective of how ill-defined they may be. Our present effort is further
motivated by the fact that the ongoing massive program of strong-motion data processing
at the Earthquake Engineering Research Laboratory of the California Institute of
Technology has provided abundant data of excellent quality particularly suited for such


The intricate nature of the subjective human response to and the description of the
general state of shaking induced by an earthquake plays an important role in the process
of evaluation and assigning of a level on the earthquake intensity scale for a given site.

It seems appropriate, therefore, to summarize here some of the characteristic amplitudes

and frequency bands that characterize the human response to shocks and vibrations.
Numerous tests reviewed by Goldman and Gierke (1961) have shown that the
frequencies to which the human body responds with anxiety, discomfort, and pain range
from several to about 500 Hz. Thus, for example, the natural frequency of the thorax-
abdomen system for an average human subject is between 3 and 4 Hz. For the sitting man,
the fundamental frequency of the whole body is between 4 and 6 Hz. For the standing
man, this frequency is between 5 and 12 Hz. Resonance of the head relative to the shoulders
has been observed in the frequency band between about 20 and 30 Hz. In this frequency
range the amplitudes of head displacement may exceed the amplitudes of the shoulder

'1 i

,°I .


- UN- /
.~\\ , ~ -~--THRESHOLD
.L\~ I //:1 FOR
.Y~?~.~.....,~ ."7 HANDGRIP
10-2 I~ ~I~ ~ ~ ~ ' ~ ~ ..... " / THRESHOLD AT
\, .~I'~\\\'" ~,~ ! FINGERTIP
e'~"~,~\\ \ \ \"~V~\\ V - - ~ , (TANGENTIAL
\\\\'~\\\, x _ VIBRATION'

"'.! I I I
I0 IO0 1000

FIG. 2. Threshold of perception, unpleasantness limit, and tolerance limit of steady-state vibrations as a
function of frequency.

displacement by a factor of about 3. One important effect of this resonance is that visual
acuity deteriorates during vibration. The resonant vibration of an eyeball may take place
between 60 and 90 Hz. The fundamental frequency of the skull is between 300 and 400 Hz,
while the resonant vibration of the lower jaw relative to the skull takes place between
100 and 200 Hz. It appears, therefore, that from the earthquake excitation viewpoint,
which is in the frequency band between 0 and about 30 Hz, one of the most important
resonant vibrations of the human body, which is excited in the standing, sitting, or lying
position, is that of the thorax-abdomen system.
Figure 2, redrawn from Goldman and Gierke (196 I), summarizes frequency-dependent
amplitudes of steady-state vibrations that are associated with the threshold of perception,
unpleasantness, and the tolerance limits of human response. These results have been
derived from subjects exposed to vibration for 5 rain or longer and thus represent a lower
bound of the vibration tolerance criteria that would apply directly to the transient

excitation whose duration and character would correspond to that of earthquakes. The
top curve in Figure 2 summarizes the tolerance criteria for short exposure, less than
5 min, to vertical vibration. No single prominent criterion of tolerance can be found,
although the experimental results suggest that, in addition to the general discomfort,
shortness of breath in the frequency band between 1 and 4 Hz and chest pain in the
frequency band between 3 and 10 Hz were somewhat more prominent (Goldman and
Gierke, 1961).
Several earthquake intensity scales contain some partial characterizations of different
earthquake intensity levels which are related to the nature of the response of the human
body. Due to the fact that the variability of natural frequencies characterizing response of
the human body to strong shaking is much smaller than the variability of natural
frequencies of buildings and other man-made structures, it would seem logical that
earthquake intensity scales should emphasize more the precise description of response
of the human body to strong shaking rather than that of the surrounding objects and
buildings only. It seems, however, that this possible improvement would not significantly
alter the accuracy nor the qualitative reliability of an earthquake intensity scale.


From the very beginning of instrumental seismology, numerous attempts have been
made to correlate earthquake intensity scales with peak ground accelerations. One of the
first such attempts was carried out by Ishimoto (1932), who correlated the horizontal
components of peak ground acceleration with the six levels of the intensity scale used by
the Japanese Central Meteorological Observatory. The average curve for his data con-
verted to the equivalent Modified Mercalli Intensity Scale is shown in Figure 3. This
conversion is performed by matching equivalent descriptions of human response or the
behavior of small structures (Barosh, 1969).
In 1951, Kawasumi proposed the following relation between the average peak
acceleration, 8, in centimeters per second per second and the intensity, I, on the Japanese
intensity scale
log8 = -0.35+0.5I.
This relation, converted to the Modified Mercalli Intensity Scale, is also shown in
Figure 3.
In 1942, Gutenberg and Richter (also see Richter, 1958) correlated the peak accelera-
tions with the Modified Mercalli Intensity Scale and proposed the following relation
loga = -0.5+0.33I.
In 1956, Hershberger derived another relation given by
log a -- -0.90+0.43I.

Savarensky and Kirnos 0955) pointed out that it is possible to determine only roughly
the maximum acceleration corresponding to various intensity levels. Their minimum
estimates for peak acceleration versus the Modified Mercalli intensity are also shown in
Figure 3.
For an average epicentral distance of about 15 miles, Neumann (1954) proposed the
log a = -0.041 +0.308I,
which is valid for epicentral distances of up to 25 miles only.

For the MKS intensity scale (Medvedev and Sponheuer, 1969) and for the Japanese
JMA scale (Okamoto, 1973), the range of possible peak accelerations is presented in
Figure 3 and Table 1.
I000 , s# :5

HERSHBERGER ( 1 9 5 6 ) ~

~_5 /"

._I ." KIRNOS(1955)
C.) •" "--KAWASUMI (1951)

• "" ~ ' ~ - I S H I M O T O (1932)

.. "" AGENCY (OKAMOTO, 1975)

11 I~ 3Zl ~ X XII
FIG. 3. Relationships between peak ground acceleration and Modified Mercalli intensity, or equivalent
intensity when applicable.


~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~o0 ~ o

I 0.1 0.5 0.3 0.7 2. <1. >0.5

0.3 1.4 0.9 1.4 4. I-2
0.7 2.5 2.5 3.1 8. 2.1-5
IV 1.5 4.5 6.6 6.6 16 5.0-10. 16.6 Ii.
V 3.6 14. 17.8 14. 32. IZ-25 lO.-Zl. 34. 17.
VI 12. 44. 47.9 30. 64 25-50 21-44 ~I0. 66. 45.
VII 50. 89 IZ8.8 64. 130. 50-100 44-94 126. 83.
V~ 144. 190. 346.7 138. 265. I00-200 94-202 251 166.
302. 331. 933.3 295. 538. 200-400 Z0Z-432 ~I00. 501 331.
X 616. 616. 2512. 631. 1094. 400-800 i000. 676.
Xl I122. 1000.
X~ ~500

* Acceleration is measured in centimeters per second per second.



Since 1969 the Earthquake Engineering Research Laboratory of the California Institute
of Technology has been engaged in massive processing of strong-motion data. At this
time, routine analysis for about 1000 acceleration components has been completed.
These data have been compiled in four volumes: Volume I contains the raw uncorrected
accelerograms (Hudson et al., 1969), Volume II presents accelerograms corrected for
instrument response (Trifunac, 1972) and for base line (Trifunac, 1971), Volume III
presents the response spectra (Hudson et al., 1972a), and Volume IV contains the Fourier
amplitude spectra (Hudson et al., 1972b). This data-set contains 187 records or a total of
561 acceleration components from various free-field sites or the basements of tall buildings
and other structures and has been recorded during 57 strong earthquakes which are listed
in Table 2. As may be seen from this table, these data are representative of strong earth-
quake ground motions in the Western United States only.
Volume II (Hudson et al., 1971) of the strong-motion data processing is particularly
suitable for use in this paper since it contains corrected accelerograms and the integrated
velocity and displacement curves. These data can be readily used to correlate the peak
values of strong ground motion with the observed earthquake intensity levels.
It may be noted here that some processing errors are inevitable throughout the entire
data analysis procedures that lead ultimately to double integration of accelerograms.
To diminish these errors the accelerograms have been band-pass filtered between 0.07 Hz
(or 0.125 Hz, Trifunac et al., t973) and 25 Hz (Hudson et al., 1971). While the digital
filtering diminishes most of the adverse effects introduced by digitization and processing
noise, it systematically decreases the exact peak values, since the D.C. and the high-
frequency components of ground motion have been filtered out. Although present in all
data used in this paper, these errors are important for only several per cent of all the peak
values presented, since only a few strong-motion accelerograms have been recorded close
enough to the causative faults to experience significant D.C. contributions to the ground
motion. At intermediate and large distances, diffraction around the fault plane rapidly
diminishes the relative contribution of the static D.C. displacement field and the band-
pass filtered velocity and displacement are essentially the same as the exact unfiltered
ground motions (Trifunac and Lee, 1974).



The physical basis for correlating an earthquake intensity scale with the recorded levels
of strong ground motion is dubious indeed. The descriptive nature of an intensity scale
in terms of broken dishes, cracked windows, damaged buildings, landslides, or tsunamis
generated, to name only a few terms often used, is qualitative and descriptive at best, but
certainly not quantitative and accurate from the point of view of the dynamics of struc-
tural response. It is quite clear, however, that this type of descriptive scaling of earthquake
effects on man and his environment will have to stay with us for quite some time. Even
though we are at present witnessing rapid expansion of strong-motion accelerograph
networks in seismically active areas of the world, it will take many years before these
networks are completed and many more years before adequate data are collected for
future analysis. In the meantime, however, earthquake engineers will have to use
information that is now available, but with an understanding of its poor accuracy, the
wide scatter of available data points, and sometimes the lack of a physical basis for the
correlations which are employed.
Time La~. (N) Long., (Wn) Depth Max.
No_...:.. Earthquake Area M_.~o. Da~ Y e a r T i m e Zone 0 , ,r (km I Mag. Int.
1 Long Beach, Cal. Mar. 10, 1933 1754 PST 33 37 00 117 58 00 16.0 6.3 9
2 Southern Cal. Oct. 2, 1933 0110 PST 33 47 00 118 08 00 16.0 5.4 6
3 Eureka, Cal. :rul. 6, 1934 1449 PST 41 42 00 124 36 00 5
4 L o w e r Cal. Dec. 30, 1934 0552 PST 32 15 00 115 30 00 16.0 6.5 9
5 Helena, Mr. Oct. 31, 1935 1138 MST 46 37 00 Iii 58 00 6.0 8
6 Helena, Mr. Oct. 31, 1935 1218 MST 46 37 00 III 58 00 3
7 Helena, Mt. Nov. Zl, 1935 2058 MST 46 36 00 112 00 00 6
8 Helena, Mr. Nov. 28, 1935 0742 MST 46 37 00 IIi 58 00 6
9 Humboldt Bay, Cal. Feb. 6, 1937 2042 PST 40 30 00 125 15 00 5
I0 Imperial Valley, Cal. Apr. 12, 1938 0825 PST 32 53 00 115 35 00 16.0 3.0
Ii Imperial Valley, Cal. :run. 5, 1938 1842 PST 32 54 00 115 13 00 16.0 5.0
iZ Imperial Valley, Cal. :run. 6, 1938 0435 PST 32 15 00 115 i0 00 16.0 4.0
13 Northwest Cal. Sep. ii, 1938 2210 PST 40 18 00 124 48 00 5.5 6
14 Imperial Valley, Cal. M a y 18, 1940 2037 PST 32 44 00 115 30 00 16.0 6.7 I0
15 Northwest Cal. Feb. 9, 1941 0145 PST 40 42 00 125 24 00 6.4
16 Santa Barbara, Cal. :run. 30, 1941 2351 PST 34 22 00 119 35 00 16.0 5.9 8
17 Northern Cal. Oct. 3, 1941 0813 PST 40 36 00 124 36 00 7
18 Torrance-Gardena, Cal. Nov. 14, 1941 0042 PST 33 47 00 118 15 00 16.0 5.4 8
19 Borrego Valley, Cal. Oct. 21, 1942 08ZZ PST 32 58 00 116 00 00 16.0 6.5 7
20 Northern Cal. Mar. 9, 1949 0429 PST 37 06 00 121 18 00 5.3 7
21 Western Wash. Apr. 13, 1949 I156 PST 47 06 00 122 42 00 7. 1 8
22 Imperial Valley, Cal. Jan. 23, 1951 2317 PST 32 59 00 115 44 00 16.0 5.6 7
23 Northwest Gal. Oct. 7, 1951 2011 PST 40 17 00 124 48 00 5.8 7
24 Kern County, Cal. Jul. 21, 1952 0453 PDT 35 00 00 119 01 00 16.0 7.7 ii
25 Kern County, Cal. :rul. 23, 1952 PDT 35 17 00 118 39 00
26 Northern Cal. Sep. 22, 1952 0441 PDT 40 12 00 124 25 00 5.5 7
27 Southern Cal. Nov. 21, 1952 2346 PST 35 50 00 IZl I0 00 7
28 Imperial Valley, Cal. :run. 13, 1953 2017 PST 32 57 00 115 43 00 16.0 5.5 7
29 Wheeler Ridge, Cal. :ran. IZ, 1954 1534 PST 35 00 00 119 01 00 16.0 5.9 8
30 Central Cal. Apr. 25, 1954 1233 PST 36 48 00 121 48 00 5.3 7
31 L o w e r Cal. Nov. 12, 1954 0427 PST 31 30 00 116 00 00 16.0 6.3 5
32 Eureka, Cal. Dec. 21, 1954 1156 PST 40 47 00 123 52 00 6.5 7
33 San :rose, Cal. Sep. 4, 1955 1801 PST 37 22 00 121 47 00 5.8 7
34 Imperial County, Cal. Dec. 16, 1955 2117 PST 33 00 00 115 30 00 16.0 4.3
35 Imperial County, Cal. Dec. 16, 1955 2142 PST 33 00 00 115 30 00 16.0 3.9
36 Imperial County, Cal. Dec. 16, 1955 2207 PST 33 00 00 115 30 00 16.0 5.4 7
37 El Alamo, Baja Cal. Feb. 9, 1956 0633 PST 31 42 00 115 54 00 16.0 6.8
38 El Alamo, Ba~a Cal. Feb. 9, 1956 0725 PST 31 42 00 115 54 N0 6.4
39 Southern Cal. Mar. 18, 1957 1056 PST 34 07 06 119 13 12 13.8 4.7 6
40 San Francisco, Cal. Mar. 22, 1957 1048 PST 37 40 00 122 28 00 3.8 5
41 San Francisco, Cal. Mar. Z2, 1957 1144 PST 37 40 00 IZZ 29 00 5.3 7
42 San Francisco, Cal. Mar. 22, 1957 1515 PST 37 39 00 122 27 00 4.4 5
43 San Francisco, Cal. Mar. ZZ, 1957 1627 PST 37 39 00 122 29 00 4.0 5
44 Central Cal. :ran. 19, 1960 1926 PST 36 47 00 121 26 00 5.0 6
45 Northern Cal. fun. 5, 1960 1718 PST 40 49 00 124 53 00 5.7 6
46 I-Iollister,Cal. Apr. 8, 1961 2323 PST 36 30 00 121 18 00 Ii.0 5.7 7
47 Northern Cal. Sep. 4, 1962 0917 PST 40 58 00 124 IZ 00 5.0 6
48 Puget Sound, Wash. Apr. 29, 1965 0729 PST 47 24 00 122 18 00 6.5 8
49 Southern Cal. /ul. 15, 1965 2346 PST 34 29 06 118 31 18 15.1 4.0 6
50 Parldield, Cal. :run. 27, 1966 2026 PST 35 57 18 120 29 54 6.0 ° 5.6 7
51 Gulf of Cal. Aug. 7, 1966 0936 PST 31 48 00 114 30 00 16.0 6.3 6
52 Northern Cal. Sep. 12, 1966 0841 PST 39 24 00 120 06 00 6.3 7
53 Northern Cal. Dec. I0, 1967 0407 PST 40 30 00 124 36 00 5.8 6
54 Northern Cal. Dec. 18, 1967 0925 PST 37 00 36 121 47 18 5.2 6
55 Borrego Mtn., Cal. Apr. 8, 1968 1830 PST 33 11 24 116 07 42 ii.I 6.4 7
56 Lytle Creek, Cal. Sep. 12, 1970 0630 PST 34 16 12 117 32 24 8.0 5.4 7
57 San Fernando, Cal. Feb. 9, 1971 0600 PST 34 24 42 118 24 00 13.0 6.4 11

* Blanks indicate unavailable information. Many Southern California earthquakes have an assumed
d e p t h o f 16 k m .
146 M. D . T R I F U N A C A N D A. G . B R A D Y

Perhaps one of the most important omissions in the majority of available correlations
of peak ground acceleration with earthquake intensity is that insufficient stress is put
upon the broad scatter of data points. By the time some of the empirical correlations
reach an earthquake engineering office they are presented in the form of a mathematical
curve that gives no indication of the possible degree of scatter and uncertainty in the
predicted values. Even though the mean trends of the peak values of strong ground
motion increase exponentially with respect to earthquake intensity, the observed scatter
of data is so large that one peak estimate of a ground motion amplitude could be associ-
ated with several different intensity levels.



No. of
Acceleration - c m / s e c ~ Velocity - cm/sec Displacement - cm data
M° M. points
Intensity Component a- a v ~ d used


III Vert. lZ. 50 1. Z5 1.00 0.50 Z

Horiz. 1Z. 50 1. Z5 1. Z5 0.83 4
IV Vert. IZ. 50 I. 25 I. 83 0.47 3
Horiz. 16.67 9.3Z Z. 50 I. 25 i. 83 0.75 6
V Vert. 18.56 10.71 1.63 1.09 I. Z9 0.77 33
Horiz. 37.12 29.35 3.48 Z. 89 1.9Z Z. 18 66
Vl Vert. 38.99 34.25 3. Z3 Z.46 I. gz 1. Z7 67
Horiz. 8Z. 46 77.67 7.57 5.98 3.69 3.08 134
Vll Vert. 68. 17 34.78 7.15 4. Z4 3.54 Z. 00 75
Horiz. 131.Z9 61.30 16.48 8.46 8.41 4.48 150
VIII Vert. 116.67 99.39 9. 17 i0.45 7. 17 8.75 6
Horiz. 166.67 84.06 18.95 9.65 8.58 6.46 IZ


X Vert. 687.50 58.75 19. 50 1

Horiz. 1087.50 50.0 86.25 27.50 Z4.0 13.50 2



Although 187 ground acceleration records (374 horizontal and 187 vertical com-
ponents) now available at the Earthquake Engineering Research Laboratory represent
the largest uniformly processed set of strong-motion data ever collected, the number of
peak values that can now be used for correlation with the Modified Mercalli Intensity
Scale is still not adequate to cover the low intensity levels from I to IV and the high
intensity levels from IX to XII. This is shown in Table 3 which gives the number of data
points used in computing the mean and the standard deviations for different intensity
levels. The intensity levels at the recording stations were obtained from United States
Earthquakes, published annually by the Seismic Engineering Branch of the U.S. Geo-
logical Survey (formerly the Seismological Field Survey of the U.S. Coast and Geodetic
Figures 4, 5, and 6, based on the data summarized in Table 3, present the logarithms
of peak acceleration, velocity, and displacement plotted versus the Modified Mercalli

intensity. Mean values of the peak amplitudes are presented by full circles for horizontal
and by empty circles for vertical components. The spread of data between one standard
deviation below and above the mean is indicated by the vertical error bars. Where
necessary, the lower limits of these error bars have been terminated at - 1 for convenience
in plotting.
A detailed study of Figures 4, 5, and 6 shows that even on the logarithmic scales the
spread of the measured peak values of strong ground motion is quite large, about one
order of magnitude. This spread is also much larger for those intensities for which more
data points have been available for analysis, indicating that the real spread is probably
even larger than indicated by the presently available data.
For comparison with the correlation formulas proposed by other investigators
(Figure 3), we approximated the average trends of the data presented in this paper by
making the usual assumption that the logarithm of peak values increases linearly with
intensity. For a limited range of Modified Mercalli intensities (Imu), these trends are
as follows:
1. Peak accelerations in centimeters per second per second for IV < IMM < X
log av = -0.18+0.30 IMM
log an = 0.014+0.30 Iuu (1)

2. Peak velocities in centimeters per second for IV < IMM < X

log vv = - 1.10+0.28 IMM
log VH = --0.63 +0.25 Iuu (2)

3. Peak displacements in centimeters for V < IMM < X

log d v = - 1.13+0.24 Iusf
log dH = -- 0.53 + 0.19 IMM (3)

where subscripts "V" and " H " designate vertical and horizontal components, respectively.
While interpreting the data in Figure 5 and the meaning of the average trends given
by equations (2), it is interesting to mention here the work of Neumann (1958) and the
results of damage of residences from blasting vibrations summarized by Duvall and
Fogelson (1962). By correlating the levels of damage with the peak velocity of ground
motion, they found that the safe motions are characterized by peak velocities less than
about 5 cm/sec, that minor damage occurs for peak ground velocities between 5 and
about 14 cm/sec, while the major damage takes place for peak velocities of about
19 cm/sec and larger. These velocity amplitudes would correspond to the Modified
Mercalli intensities of about V to VI, VII to VIII, and VIII to IX, respectively (Figure 5).
The associated degree of damage is in good agreement with the damage described in the
corresponding Modified Mercalli intensity levels.
As may be seen in Figure 6, for low intensities the trend of the observed peak dis-
placements tends to level off at a displacement amplitude of about 2 cm. This results
from the fact that at these low peak displacement amplitudes the true ground displace-
ments are indistinguishable from the recording and processing noise. It has been estimated
(Trifunac and Lee, 1974; Trifunac et al., 1973) that the maximum displacement amplitudes
that can result from the recording and processing noise alone in the frequency band
between 0.07 to 25 Hz are on the average about 2 cm. For this reason, in calculating the
average trends for the peak displacements versus Modified Mercalli intensity, we consider
only intensities V or greater.

4, I I I I

- I000

% %
. i D

. ~[ tL '
L - IO0

o , ~1 J ]I

- [o

oL n "l~ lv v
~[ -~n''qm'JX X X'l XII


FIG. 4. Mean values and standard deviation error bars of peak ground accelerations plotted against
Modified Mercalli intensity.

I I i
] I


,o ( . I0 E
I o
"1 I
I ~ I

I IT m I~ ~ 32I 3ZlI3Z~I T~ X ~I ~ I

FIG. 5. Mean values and standard deviation error bars of peak ground velocity plotted against Modified
Mercalli intensity.



o E
I0 oI

M. M. I N T E N S I T Y

F~6.6. Mean values and standard deviation error bars of peak ground displacement plotted against
Modified Mercalli intensity.

Comparison of our results in (1) with those in Figure 3 and Table 1 shows that equations
(1) define accelerations that are among the highest ever reported. Our results for horizontal
peak acceleration agree favorably with the trend proposed by Neumann (1954). It is
further interesting to note that the slope of the Japanese JMA (Okamoto, 1973) and the
MKS (Medvedev and Sponheuer, 1969) proposed relationships are essentially the same
as ours. Our average trend is, however, higher by a factor of about two relative to the
center of the ranges proposed for the JMA and MKS scales. This discrepancy might
be associated with the type of instruments used to measure peak accelerations in Russia
and Japan. To explain this possible cause we note that the peak ground accelerations are
typically associated with high-frequency components of ground motion, say 5 Hz and
higher. Only a few strong-motion accelerographs, however, have a flat frequency response
up to several tens of Hertz (Trifunac and Hudson, 1970) and many have a diminished
high-frequency response. For example, a peak ground acceleration associated with the
frequency of 10 Hz would be reduced by a factor of 2 if it were to be recorded by the
Japanese SMAC accelerograph (Hudson, 1972; Trifunac and Hudson, 1970).
We have presented the average trends of peak values of ground motion [equations (1),
(2), and (3)] only for their comparison with previous results. We do not recommend that
these average trends be used to derive the expected peak values of ground motion in
terms of Modified Mercalli intensities. If a result of this type is required, however, we do
recommend that all data in Figures 4, 5, and 6 be considered and that the peak values
be selected on the basis of a pre-defined degree of conservatism.



It is generally recognized that the geological setting of a point on or near the ground
surface has an important influence on the nature of the strong motions recorded there.

Numerous studies have been carried out to explain and characterize these effects, but their
review and detailed discussion are well beyond the scope of this paper. We refer the
reader to the review papers by Barosh (1969) and Duke (1958) and to a recent analysis of
recorded ground motions by Trifunac and Udwadia (1974).
To determine the extent to which the geological conditions at a site might affect earth-
quake ground motion recorded there, the relationships of peak motion to intensity were
calculated for three separate site classifications. The groupings were made on the basis of
the hardness of the material at the instrument location together with a general knowledge
of some of the individual sites in the following way.
Eight members of the Earthquake Engineering Research Laboratory of the California
Institute of Technology participated in the estimation of site hardness. Two lists were
available to them, one describing briefly the site geology as prepared by the Seismic
Engineering Branch of the U.S. Geological Survey (previously the Seismological Field
Survey of the U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey) and the other describing the surface
geology read from geological maps (in California, using the Geologic Atlas of California,
published by the California Division of Mines and Geology). Coordinates of the accelero-
graph stations were available from the USGS. These two lists are reproduced in Table 4
with the corresponding estimates of the site classification, where 0 represents soft alluvium
deposits, 1 represents hard sedimentary rock, or an intermediate site between 0 and 2, and
2 represents basement or crystalline rock. Also included in this table is a column labeled
" U " where the site classifications of Duke et al. (1972) have been included where
available. Their classifications 3 and 4, for shallow and deep alluvium, are combined here
into the grouping 0, their sedimentary rock classification (2) becomes 1, and igneous or
metamorphic rock (1) becomes 2.
It should be noted here that we did not make an attempt to describe our site classifica-
tion in detail and precisely. We believe that it is virtually impossible to do this un-
equivocally and to satisfy all important constraints at the same time. This point is perhaps
best illustrated by the perusal of the eight different estimates for the "Abbreviated Site
Geology" and by the seven estimates for the "Data from Geological Map" which are
both presented in Table 4. What is meant by "base rock" or "deep alluvium," for
example, varies widely from one "expert" to another. The staff of the California Institute
of Technology that participated in this simple site evaluation consisted of seismologists,
geologists, and earthquake engineers. They are all well aware of what is meant by local
geological conditions of a strong-motion accelerograph site and have all thought about
the problem on many occasions. Yet their assignments of O's, l's, or 2's to the same brief
description on the local geological conditions is perhaps the best example of the
ambiguities associated with such a simple classification.
All estimates, including those in column "U", were averaged for each site with the
result shown in the column "Ave.", with the following exceptions. In the Los Angeles
area eight groups of stations are sufficiently closely spaced that within each group one
would expect the site classification to be the same. However, in several instances,
indicated in the "Ave." column with a superscript (4), this was not the case mainly
because of the effects of changed wording in the abbreviated site geology listing. The
"Ave." column contains seven such adjustments of site classification to ensure consistency
across small geographical areas.
Figures 7, 8, and 9 present the histograms for the peak acceleration, velocity, and dis-
placement of the vertical and horizontal components of recorded ground motions for
the three Modified Mercalli intensities V, VI, and VII. The small number of data points
available did not call for construction of such histograms for the other intensity levels.
To show the relative contributions to these histograms from the data recorded at "soft,"

50 - 50 50
40 40 40 r~ISOFT
30 30 30 m HARD
Z 20 20 20
r~ I0 I0 I0
O, I I 1 ~ o~ 4-11 i I I
I00 200 300 4 ~ ,o 2'o 4O 5 I0 15 20
5 0 ~ 50 50

40 40 40

30 30 3O

20 20 20

I0 I0 I0

I J &
I00 200 3 0 0 4 _ _
0 m l
20 30
I ' og ~ 1 5~
i-. ,-4
I0 15 20

cm/sec/sec cm/sec cm

Fio. 7. Histograms of peak acceleration, velocity, and displacement for both vertical and horizontal
components of recorded ground motion where the Modified Mercalli intensity of shaking was V.

50 50
40 40 40 [ ~ SOFT
30 30 30 IIIB HARD
Z 20
0c IO IO
o~ IO0 200 300 400 O~ I0 20 30 40 0(~ 5h ~ I0I i
15 z
50 50 - 50
w 40 40 --- 40
"~ 30 t l 30

, , '°

o; 4 ,oo
o ~200
~ "300~ °o io 2o 3o~"~~o o~ 5 I0 15 2O
cm/sec/sec cm/sec crn

FIG. 8. Histograms of peak acceleration, velocity, and displacement for both vertical and horizontal
components of recorded ground motion where the Modified Mercalli intensity of shaking was VI.

50 50 50

40 40 40
3O 30 30 BIHARD
Z 20
n," I 0 Io IO
0 ,
I ,4 I t I
c..) 0
0 I00 200 300 400CO- I0 20 30 4O 5 I0 15 20 25 30
>,.- 5 0 50

W 40 4O 4O
'" 50
cr 30 3O
~5/~0 20
I0 2
I0 0
0 0 0 J
• 0 5 I0 15 20
cm/sec/sec cm/sec cm

F]o. 9. Histograms of peak acceleration, velocity, and displacement for both vertical and horizontal
components of recorded ground motion where the Modified Mercalli intensity of shaking was VII.


Abbreviated Site Geology Dgta f r o m Geological AL~p

(with 8 estimates s of (with 7 e s t i m a t e s of site
Rec__.._~. Station Location site c l a s s i f i c a t i o n s} classification) - - UL Ave,
A001 E1 C e n t r o A l l u v i u m , s e v e r a l 1000' Q u a t e r n a r y lake d e p o s i t s (0000010) 0
A002 F e r n d a l e City Hall 1500' o£ P l l o - P l e i s t o c e n e Recent Q u a t e r n a r y a l l u v i u m (0000010) 1
loosely consolidated massive
conglomerate, sandstone,
and claystone (0ZllllZ2)

AO05 Santa Sa r b a r a Approx. 600' of Pleistocene Recent Quaternary alluvium bounded by

c e m e n t e d a l l u v i u m over Quaternary nonmarine terrace deposits
sand, s i l t and clay {0100011)

A010 San J o s e (Bank of Unconsolidated a l l u v i u m and Recent Q u a t e r n a r y a l l u v i u m (0000010} 0

America ) estuarlne deposits (00000000}

A015 San F r a n c i s c o (Golden Outcropping of F r a n c i s c a n Recent Q u a t e r n a r y dune sand (00020|0) 1

Gate P a r k ) chert and thLn interbedded
shale (ZZ21Z22t)

A016 San F r a n c i s c o Dune sand over clay, sand Boundary of r e c e n t Q t m t e r n a r y dune sand, l
(State Bldg. ) and gravel. Z00 t to F r a n c i s - a l l u v i u m and Me s o z o i c u l t r a b a a i n i n t r u s i v e
can bedrock - shale i n t e r - r o c k s (1111011)
bedded with fine-grained
sandstone (10101000)
A017 Oakland City Hall Approx. Z50' of unconsoli- P l e i s t o c e n e m a r i n e and m a r i n e t e r r a c e
dated Q u a t e r n a r y t e r r a c e de p o s i t s (Ol00111)
de pos i t s (1011000Z)

A020 San Diego Light & Shallow a l l u v i u m ( 5 0 - I 0 0 ' ) Recent Q u a t e r n a r y a l l u v i u m bonded by

power over sedimentary rock P l e i s t o c e n e m a r i n e and r r ~ r i n e t e r r a c e
(01ooooo0) d e p o s i t s (0100011)

B0~8 Seattle, W&shlngton Sand, silt, and g r a v e l over N a r r o w s t r i p of r e c e n t Q u a t e r n a r y a l l u v i u m

blue clay hardpan bounded by Puget Sound and P l e i s t o c e n e
(10101000) g l a c i a l drift: till, outwash, and a s s o c i a t e d
deposits (010000 I)

B031 Taft (Lincoln School) Q u a t e r n a r y a l l u v i u m , sand, Recent Q u a t e r n a r y , G r e a t V a l l e y fan d e p o s i t s

and ~ r a v e l v e n e e r over (OOOLOO0}
ZOO07 of consolidated g r a v e l ,
sand and clay (00101001)

TABLE 4--Continued

Rec__~. Station Location A b b r e v i a t e d Site Geology l ~ t a f r o m o n o l o g l c a l Map Ave.

B032 Olympia, Washington Sand and s i l t f i l l over r e c e n t P l e i s t o c e n e g l a c i a l d r i f t : till, outwash, a n d
( M a t e r i a l s L~b. - a l l u v i u m - unconsolidated associated deposits
State Dept. of Hwys. ) 6lay. silt* sand, and g r a v e l (01000Ol)
B033 Choiame-~andon #2 A l l u v i u m (00000000) Recent Q u a t e r n a r y a l l u v i u m (0000010)

B014 C h o i a m e - S h a n d o n #5 Unconsolidated shallow soll Boundary of recent Q u a t e r n a r y alluviun~ and

and a l l u v i u m , overlying P l i o - P l e i s t o c e n e nonn~trine (0100110)
Plio- Pleistocene loosely
c o n s o l i d a t e d sand, gravel.
silt, and clay (00000000)
B038 C h o l a m e - S h a n d o n #8 A l l u v i u m (00000000) Recent Q u a t e r n a r y a l l u v i u m (0000010)

B03b Choiame-~andon #IZ Unconsolidated shallow soil Quaternary nonmarine terrace deposits
and a l l u v i u m , o v e r l y i n g (llOOIZl)
Plio- Pleistocene loosely
c o n s o l i d a t e d sand, g r a v e l ,
s i l t . and clay (00000000)
B037. Temblor I n d e t e r m i n a t e age s e r p e n - Boundary Of P l i o - P l e i s t o c e n e n o n m a r i n e and
tin,.• and bard, s e v e r e l y uppe r Miocene m a r i n e ( l l 0 1 l Z l )
fractured ultrabasic complex
(222222 ! 1)
B038 San L u l s Obigpo Thin v e n e e r of a l l u v i u m and Recent Q u a t e r n a r y a l l u v i u m (0000010)
(City ReC. Bldg. ) stream gravels over Fran-
c i s c a n sandstone, c o n g l o -
m e r a t e , and shale (22101022)
B03? E u r e k a City Hall Pl e i s t oc e ne n o n - m a r i n e , P l e i s t o c e n e n o n m a r i n e d e p o s i t s (1101121)
loosely c o n s o l i d a t e d beds Of
gravel, sand, silt* and clay.
Total t h i c k n e s s 2 0 0 - 4 0 0 '
C041 l~teolrna Darn, Highly jointed d i o r i t e g n e i s s On the b o u n d a r y of , r e - C r e t a c e o u s m e t a m o r - 2
P~c oima (2222Z222) phic r o c k s and Me s o z o i c g r a n i t i c r o c k s :
g r a n o d i o r i t e (2222222)
C048 8244 O r i o n B l v d . , L . A . A l l u v i u m (0000000l) Recent Q u a t e r n a r y a l l u v i u m (0000010) 0

C051 250 E . F i r s t , I ~ A . A l l u v i u m (01000001) Recent Q u a t e r n a r y a l l u v i u m (0000010) 0

C0~ 445 F l g u e r ~ St.,r-A. Shale (01112102) On the b o r d e r s of uppex and m i d d l e P l l o c e n e 0

m a r i n e , and P l e i s t o c e n e n o n m a r i n e s e d i -
m e n t a r y r o c k s (1111-~1)

1)056 onstaic Sandstone ( I Z I l I I I Z ) Upper Miocene m a r i n e s e d i m e n t a r y r o c k 1


D057 Hollywood S t o r a g e 700±, of a l l u v i u m (00000001) Pl ei s t o c e n e n o n m ~ r i n e s e d i m e n t a r y r o c k 0

Building, L . A . (111-121)

D058 Hollywood S t o r a g e 700±, of a l l u v i u m (00000001) Pl ei s t o c e n e n o n m a r i n e s e d i m e n t a r y rock 0

Building, L . A . (]l]-iZl)

D059 1901 Avenue of S t a r . , Silt and sand l a y e r s . P l e i s t o c e n e nonn~arine s e d i m e n t a r y rock 0

L.A. Wa t e r table at 70-80 I (IIII1ZI)
D06Z 1640 S. M a r e n g o , L . A . Pleistocene alluvium. Pl e i s t o c e n e nonrnarine s e d i m e n t a r y r o c k 0
Water l e v e l a t 35 s (00000000) bordering recent Quaternary alluvium

D065 3710 W l l s h i r e B l v d . , A l l u v i u m (0000000l) P l e i s t o c e n e norunarine s e d i m e n t a r y rock 1

LA. (1111121)

D068 7080 Hollywood B l v d . , A l l u v i u m (00000001) Recent Q u a t e r n a r y a l l u v i u m (0000010) 0

E071 W h e e l e r Ridge A l l u v i u m , 200-300 I Recent Q u a t e r n a r y G r e a t V a l l e y fan d e p o s i t s 0
(10000o0o) b o r d e r e d b y P l i o - P l e i s t o c e n e nonrnarine
s e d i m e n t a r y rock (]101100)

E072 4680 W i l e h i r e B l v d . , A l l u v i u m (00000001) P l e i s t o c e n e nonrnarine s e d i m e n t a r y r o c k 1

L.A. (lllll21)

E075 3470 W i l s h i r e B l v d . , A l l u v i u m (00000001) P l e i s t o c e n e n o n n l a r i n e s e d i m e n t a r y rock 04

L.A. (lllilZl)
E078 L . A . Water k P o w e r . Miocene eiltstone ( 0 1 n l l l l ) B o r d e r of r e c e n t Q u a t e r n a r y a n u v i u r n and 1
L.A. up p e r Pliocene m a r i n e s e d i m e n t a r y r o c k
E081 Santa F e l i c l a D a m Sandstone - s ha l e c o m p l e x Upper Miocene m ~ r i n e s e d i m e n t a r y r o c k 1
(Plru) (12112112) (llI]I2Z)
TABLE 4--Continued

Rec.__~. Station Location Abbreviated Site Geology ~te f r o m Geological Map Ave.

E083 3407 Sixth St., L . A . Alluvium (00000001) P l e i s t o c e n e nonraarine s e d i m e n t a r y rock 04

F086 Vernon Greater than I000' of Recent Q u a t e r n a r y alluvium (0000010) 0
alluvium. W a t e r table
> 300' (00000001)
F087 Orange County Eng. Alluvium (00000001) Recent Q ~ t e r n a r y alluvium (0000010) 0
Bldg., Santa Arm

F088 633 E. Broadway, Alluvium (00000001) P l e i s t o c e n e nonrr~rtne s e d i m e n t a r y rock 1

Glendale (lllll21)

F089 808 S. Olive, L . A . Alluvium (0000C?01) Recent Q u a t e r n a r y alluvium (0000010) 0

F09Z 2011 Zonal, L . A . Shale a t e a s t end of bldg. Upper Miocene m a r i n e s e d i m e n t a r y rock I

8 ° of fill a t w e s t end bordering on ~ e i s t o c e n e non~,arine
(011111Ol) (1111121)

F095 120 H. Roberteon. L . A . Alluvium (00000001) Recent Quaternary alluvium (0000010) 0

F098 646 S. Olive, L . A , Alluvium (O0000001} Recent Quaternary alluvium (0000010) 0

FI01 Southern Calif. Alluvium > 500' (00000001) Recent Quaternary alluvium (0000010) 0
Edison, Colton

FI02 F o r t Tejon, Tejon G ranltic (2~222222) Mesozoic granitic rocks: granite and a d a - 2
m e l l i t e , and tonalite and diorite (2222222)

F103 Pumping Plant, 400 ~ of alluvium over Recent Q u a t e r n a r y alluvium and Pleistocene . 0
Pearblossom 14, 000 a of s e d i m e n t a r y nonrnarine bordered by Mesozoic granitic
rock (10000010) rock: granite and a d a m e l l i t e (0100111)

F104 OSo Pumping Plant, Alluvium (10000010) Pleistocene nonmarine s e d i m e n t a r y rock I

German (1112111)

FI05 U. C . L . A . (Boeltar 70: of alluvium over 5000 a On the boundary between Pleistocene non- 0
Hall), L . A . of s e d i m e n t a r y rock m a r i n e s e d i m e n t a r y rock and recent
(01000000) Q u a t e r n a r y alluvium (0111011)

GI06 Sets. L a b . , C. L T . , ~ ' e a t h e r e d granitic Mesozoic granitic rock: tonalite diorite 2

Pasadena (~2122222) (222Z222)

GI07 Athenaeum, C. L T . , Approx. I 0 0 0 ' of alluvium P l e i s t o c e n e nonmarine s e d i m e n t a r y rock 0

Pasadena upon granite (00000000) (Ill0121)

G108 Millikan L i b r a r y , Jkpprox. 1000' of alluvium Pleistocene nonmarine s e d i m e n t a r y rock 0"

C. LT., p a s a d e n a upon granite (00000001) (1110t21)

GII0 Jo P. L., pasadena Sandy-gravel (21110011) Upper Miocene m a r i n e s e d i m e n t a r y rock I


GII2 611 W. Sixth St., L.A. Alluvium (00000001) Recent Qtmternary alluvium bordered by 0
upper Pliocene m a r i n e s e d i m e n t a r y rock

GII4 F i r e Station, p a l m d a l e Alluvium (10000001) Recent Quaternary alluvium (0000010) 0

HII5 15250 Ventura Blvd., Alluvium, w a t e r table a t Recent Q u a t e r n a r y alluvium (0000010) 0

L.A. 55' (00000000)

Hllg 8639 Lincoln, L . A . T e r r a c e deposits - sand Recent Quaternary dune sand (0000010) 0

HI21 900 S. F r e m o n t A v e . , Few 100 feet of alluvium P l e i s t o c e n e nonrnarine s e d i m e n t a r y rock 0

Alhambra csver siltstone (00100000) {1111121)

H124 2600 Nutwood, F u l l e r t c ~ Alluvium (00000001) Recent Q u a t e r n a r y alluvium (0000010) 0

I128 435 N, Oakhurst, Alluvium, ~vater table a t Recent Q u a t e r n a r y aUuvium (0000010) 0

B e v e r l y Hills 22' (00000000)

1131 450 N. Roxbury, Alluvium (00000001) Recent Q u a t e r n a r y alluvium (0000010) 0

B e v e r l y Hills

1134 1800 Century P a r k Silt and sand l a y e r s . Water Pleistocene nonrr~rlne s e d i m e n t a r y rock 0
East, L.A. table at 7 0 - 8 0 ' (00100001) b o r d e r e d by r e c e n t Q u a t e r n a r y alluvium

I137 15910 Ventura Blvd., Alluvium, w a t e r table a t Recent Q ~ t e r n a r y aHuvium (0000010) 0

L.A. 35' '(00000001)

Jldl A r r a y Station I, G r a n i t i c (22222222) Mesozoic granitic r o c k s : g r a n i t e and ada- 2

Lake H~ghe s m e l l i t e (22222222)

J142 A r r a y Statlo11 4, Weathered granitic Pre-Cambrlan metamorphic rocks (gneiss) 2

Lake Hughes (22122222) (2Z22ZZZZ)

$145 A r r a y S t a t i ~ 9, Gneiss (22222222) pre-Cambrixn m e t a m o r p h i c rocks (gneiss) 2

Lake Hughes (22222222)

J144 A r r a y Station 12j Eocene sandstone below • Paleocene m a r i n e s e d i m e n t a r y rock (1112222) I

Lake Hughes shallow (10'-+) l a y e r of
alluvium (12112112)

Jl4g 15107 Vanowen St.p Alluvium 500 a, w a t e r table a t Recent Q u a t e r n a r y aifuviunl (0000010) 0
LA. 70' (00000001)

J148 616 S. Normandie Ave., Alluvium. Siltetone a t 25 s Border of r e c e n t Q u a t e r r ~ r y alluvium and I

L.A. (01110000) P l e i s t o c e n e nonrr~rine s e d i m e n t a r y rock

L166 3838 Lanke r shlrn I n t e r l a y e r e d soft sandstone B o r d e r of upper IvBocene m a r i n e and r e c e n t l

Blvd., L . A . and shale (011|1101) Q u a t e r n a r y alluvium (0101011)

Lightly cemented Pliocene T e r t i a r y m a r i n e s e d i m e n t a r y rock b o r d e r e d [

LlYl Southern Calif. Edison,
S~n Onofre sandstone, > 325 ° depth by Pleistocene m a r i n e and ntarine t e r r a c e
(02111111J deposits (1112111)
TABLE 4--Continued
Rec._....~. Station Location Abbreviated Site Geology Data from Geological Map u_ Ave...._.:.

M176 1150 S. Hill St., L . A . 5 0 0 s o l gravelly sand over Recent Q u a t e r n a r y alluvium (0000010) 0 0
shale (OOllO000)

M179 Tehachapi Pumping 15 a of alluvium over gneiss On the boundary of Oltgocene nonmarine and Z l
PIAnt. Grapevine (2211Z010) r e c e n t Quaternary G r e a t Valley fan deposits,
and bounded by Eocene m a r i n e and Mesozoic
granitic rocks: tonalite and diorite ( l l 0 2 l l l )

MI80 4 0 0 0 W. Chtipman A v e . , Alluvium > 300 J over sh~te Recent Quaternary aUuviurn (0000010) o
Orange (oo0o0ooi}

MIg3 6074 P a r k Drive, A n u v i u m v e n e e r on igneous Recent Q u a t e r n a r y alluvium b o r d e r e d by p r e - 1

Wrightwood m e t a m o r p h i c complex C a m b r i a n igneous and m e t a m o r p h i c rock
(22112012) complex (Ol0Zll0)

N185 Carbon Canyon I ~ m , Thin alluvium over poorly Narrow s t r i p of r e c e n t Q u a t e r n a r y alluvium 1

Brea c e m e n t e d siltat one between upper Pliocene rnarthe s e d i m e n t a r y
(01lllOlZ) rock (O]Ol]ll)

N186 Whittier Narrows Darn, M o r e than I000 s Of Recent Q u a t e r n a r y alluvium (O00101O) 0

Whittier alluvium (00000001)

N187 San Antonio Darn, Up to 150 s of alluvium over Recent Quaternary alluvium b o r d e r e d by o
Upland g ranitice (20001010) P l e i s t o c e n e nonmarine s e d i m e n t ~ r y rock

N188 Ig80 Century P a r k Silt and sand layers, Water P l e i s t o c e n e nonmarine s e d i m e n t a r y rock o
East, I~A. table at 70-80' (00110000) bounded by r e c e n t Quaternary alluvittrn

NI91 2516 Via Tejon, Palos Shallow Pleistocene sands Narrow s t r i p of Q u a t e r n a r y nonrnari~e t e r r a c e l
Ve rdes E s t a t e s over shale-volcanic com- deposits between upper Miocene m a r i n e and
plex (21111001) middle A£iocene sedimentary rocks (1101111)

N192 2500 W i l s h i r e Blvd., Alluvium. Siltstone a t 20- Pleistocene nonmarine s e d i m e n t a r y rock 1

L.A. 30 a. Water table a t 35 J (IIIIlZI)

N195 San Juan Capistrano Alluvium (00000001) Recent Quaternary alluvium (0000010) 0

N196 Long Beach State Unconsolidated s i l t - s a n d - Quater~mry nonmarine t e r r a c e deposits o

College, Long Beach c l a y (O010OO00) bordering recent Q u a t e r n a r y alluvium (0100110)

N197 Anza Post C~fice, Anza Alluvium (I000001 I) Recent Quaternar~ alluvium, bordered by p r e - 0
Cenozoic g r a n i t i c and m e t a m o r p h i c rocks

0198 Griffith P a r k G r a n i t i c (22222222) Mesozoic granitic rock bordered by Miocene 2

Observatory, L . A . volcanic (2222222)

0199 1525 Olympic Blvd., Alluvium (00000001) On an approximxtely located contact between o
L.Ao Pleistocene n o n r ~ r i n e s e d i m e n t a r y rock and
recent Q u a t e r n a r y alinviurn (0011011)

0204 205 W, Broadway, Alluvium. Water table a t Quaternary nonmarine t e r r a c e deposits 0

Long Beach IS'. (0o00o00o) (ll00il0)

0205 Te r mir,z l Island, Alluvium. W a t e r table < Recent Q u a t e r n a r y alluvium (0000010) o

Long Beach 20: (O0000000)

0206 Hall of Records, A l l u v i u m - I000'. W a t e r Recent Quaternary alluvium (0000010) o

San Be rnardino table at 30 a (000O0001)

020? Fairmoni Reservoir. G r a n i t i c (22222222) Mesozoic g r a ~ t i c rock: granite and a d a m e l l i t e . 2

Fairrnont bordered by Pleistocene nonrnarine s e d i m e n t a r y
rock (22222222)

OZ08 U n i v e r s i t y of C a l l f . , Alluvium v e n e e r over Quaternary nonmarine t e r r a c e deposits 1

Santa B a r b a r a sandstone (12111011) (1001if0)

O210 F i r e Station, H e m e t Alluvium (O00OO01) Recent Quaternary alluvium (0000010) 0

1215 Gallery, Hoover Several 100' c~ volcanic Cretaceous volcanic rocks, predominantly Z
Dam b r e c c i a over basalt andesttic flows and turfs (2122222)

P214 4867 Sunset Blvd., Shallow alluvium over Pleistocene nonmarine bordered by upper 1
L.A. Miocene siltstone {01101010} Miocene marine s e d i m e n t a r y rocks (1101121)

P217 3345 Wilshire Blvd.. Alluvium (O0000OOl) pleistocene nonmarine s e d i m e n t a r y rock 0"
L.A. (1111121)

P220 666 W. 19th St., T e r r a c e deposits {01110012) Q ~ t e r n a r y nonrnarine t e r r a c e deposits 1

Cosm Mesa (il00i20)

P221 Santa Anita Reservoir, Granite diorite complex Mesozoic granitic rocks= tonalite and diorite 2
Arcadia (2222222Z) (22222222)

P222 Navy Lab., P o r t A l l u v i u m > i000' (000000Oi) Recent Quaternary alluvium (0000010) 0

P223 Puddingstone Reservoir. Volcanic e l a s t i c s and intru- Miocene volcanic rock, bordered by Pleimtocene 2
San Dirna s sions with.assOciated shales nonmarine s e d i m e n t a r y rock (2121122)

P231 9841 A i r p o r t Blvd.. Alluvium (000O0O0l) Quaternary nonn~arine t e r r a c e deposits 0

L.A. (]iOOlZO)

Q233 14724 Ventura Blvd.. Alluvium (00000001) Recent Quaternary alluvium (0000010) 0

Q236 1760 N. Orchid A v e . , Alluvium (00000001) Recent Quaternary slluvitma bordered by 0

L.A. middle /vBocene n ~ r i n e sedimentary rock

Q239 9100 Wilshire Blvd., Alluviur~. W a t e r table a t Recent Quaternary alluvium (0000010) 0
L.A. 4 0 ' (000000O0)

Q241 800 W. F i r s t St..L~A0 Pliocene silt stone On the boundary of upper Miocene marine, 1
(01111iOl) middle and/or lower Pliocene marine, and
recent Quaternary alluvium (0101011)

TABLE 4--Continued

Rec_. Station Location Abbreviated Site Geology Data from Geological Map Ave.

R244 222 Figueroa St.. I~ A. 251 of alluvium over s}m]e. On the boundary of upper Miocene marinem 1"
Water a t ~0 ~ (01101000} middle and/or lower l=~iocene marine, and
recent Quaternary alluvium (0000010)

R246 6464 Sunset Blvd. • Alluvium. Water table a t Recent Quaternary alluvium (0O00010) 0
L.A. 55' (00000000)

R24g 6430 Sm~set Blvd,, Alluvium. Water table a t Recent Qoaternary alluvium (0000010) 0
L.A. 55 e (00000000)

R249 1900 Avenue of the Silt and sand l a y e r s . Pleistocene nonmarine bordered by 0
Stars, L A . Water level at 70 ~ Pleistocene marine and n ~ r i n e t e r r a c e
C00i 1OO0O) deposits ( 0 1 0 I l l 0 )

R251 234 S. Figueroa St., 25 i of alluvium over shale. On the boundary of upper Miocene m~rine. t
LA. Water at 20 r (01101000) Pleistocene nonmarine and middle a n d / o r
lower Pliocene marine sedimentary rock

RZ53 533 S. F r e m o n t A v e . . Alluvium (00000001) On the boundary of Pleistocene nonmarine 0 0

L.A. sedimentary rock and recent Quaternary
alluvium (0111011)

$255 6200 Wllshire Blvd.. Thin l a y e r of alluvium over Pleistocene nonrnarine sedimentary rock 1 1
L.A. asphaltic sands (0It00000) (lllllZl)

SZ58 3440 University Ave., 4001 of alluvium over clay Recent Quaternary alluvium (0000010) 0 0
L.A. and shale. Water table a t
375 j (0000000-)

$261 1177 Beverly D r . , L . A . Alluvium (0000000l) Pleistocene m a r i n e and marine t e r r a c e 0 0

deposits (01O0110)

$262 5900 Wilahire Blvd. • Alluvium - asphaltic sands Pleistocene nonrnartne s e d i m e n t a r y rock 1 I
L.A. (01000001) (lilllgl)

$265 3411 Wilshire Blvd.. Slltetone. Water table at Pleistocene nonmarine sedimentary rock 1 1
L.A. basement level (01111101) (1111121)

$266 3550 Wilshtre Bled,, Alluvium. Water table a t Border of Pleistocene non-raarlne sedimentary 0 0
L.A. 35' (00000000) rock and recent Quaternary alluvium (0111Ill}

$267 5260 Century Blvd., Alluvium (O00,~qOOl) Quaternary nonmarine t e r r a c e deposits 0 0

L.A. (1100120)
U297 Helena, Montana Limestone bedrock Cambrian, bordering with p r e - C a m b r i a n Helena 2
(Federal Building) (2222Z122) limestone, and T e r t i a r y and Quaternary
sedimentary deposits (121g121)

U313 Holtieter Recent tmconsolidated allu- Boundary of Pleistocene River t e r r a c e deposits

vium over partly consolidated and recent Quaternary alluvium {0t00011)
gravels, and well consolidatad
marine sandstone and shale.
Water tsble from 85-95 j

V317 I~A. (Chamber of Alluvium veneer over Into Recent Quaternary alluvium (0000010)
Commerce} Tertiary ~nc ons olid~tted
marine sediments (01101011)

V322 San F r a n c i s c o (So. Sand fill over clay, sand, Boundary between recent Quaternary alluvium,
Pacllic Building} and gravel, gas I to F r a n c i s - dtme sand and the F r a n c i s c a n Formation
can bedrock-sandstone and ( J u r a s i c - C r e t a c e o u s ) (0ll0011)
shale (10100000)
V323 San F r a n c i s c o Sand and cI¢~ over thin Boundary between recent Ouaternary alluvium.
(Alex~nder Bldg.} bedded shale and sandstone dune sand and the F r a n c i s c a n Forn~ation
(1010ooo0) (Surasic-Cretaceous) ( g i l l 0 1 1 )
V329 p o r t Hueneme Coarse grained sand and Recent Q u a t e r n a r y alluvium (0000010)
gravel veneer over fine
grained silt and clay
V33~ Sacramento (Pacific Approx. 401 of inorganic. Recent Q u a t e r r ~ r y G r e a t Valley fan deposits 0
Telphone & Telegraph) clayey silt over consolidated (oo00o00)
sand, gravel• and silt. 8000 ~
to b a s e m e n t rock (00100001)

W335 Cedar Springs, Allen Granitic (Z2222222) Mesozoic granitic rocks - t o n a l i t e and 2 g
Ranch diorite (2222g2Z)
W336 Cedar Springs, ]Pump Shallow gravelly alluvium On the botmdary of Mesozoic granitins, Pleistocene 1 1
house on Dam abutment (2210102Z) nonmarine and Quaternary alluvium (1102111)
Y37T So. Calif. Edison 30' of alluvial c l a y silt. and Harrow strip of recent Quaternary alluvium 0
Bldg. ( L . A . ) sand overlying 365 s of Upper bordering with Pleistocene nonmarine, upper
Pliocene blue c l a y (01100000) Miocene marine and middle a n d / o r lower
Pliocene deposits (0101001)
Y37g Subway TerminAl Bldg. Alluvium veneer over late Recent Quaternary alluvium bordering 0
(L. A. ) T e r t i a r y m a r i n e sediments with upper Pliocene marine deposits
(01100002) (0101Oil)

1 M o d i f i e d s i t e c l a s s i f i c a t i o n s o f D u k e et al. (1972).
2Estimates in p a r e n t h e s e s by staff m e m b e r s of E a r t h q u a k e E n g i n e e r i n g R e s e a r c h L a b o r a t o r y .
a0, 1, a n d 2 c o r r e s p o n d t o soft, i n t e r m e d i a t e , a n d h a r d s i t e s (see t e x t ) .
4Adjustments m a d e to classification to ensure consistency across small geographical areas.

"intermediate," and "hard" local geological conditions, their respective contributions

have been shaded as indicated in these figures.
One of the first results that emerges from the analysis of Figures 7, 8, and 9 is that the
scatter of data points is very large. In fact, for all peak values considered, the data are
broadly distributed, the spread increasing for larger Modified Mercalli intensities.
Table 5 and Figures 10, 11, and 12 present the mean and the standard deviation values
of the peaks for the three site classifications considered. Table 5 also summarizes the
number of data points available in each subgroup. It is seen that the largest number of
data, 63 per cent, is available for the soft geological sites, while only 29 and 8 per cent
of all data have been recorded at intermediate and hard geological sites.



M . M . Int.- No. of
Site Acceleration - cm/sec s Velocity - cm/sec Displacement - cm data
Classifi- points
cation Component V Cr [r used

Vert. 15.44 8.05 1.84 1.36 1.38 0.96 17

V-0 Horiz. 34, 56 Z6.96 3.8Z 3.61 Z. 41 Z. 82 34
Vert. ZI.43 11.98 1.43 0.64 I. ZI 0.45 14
V-I Horiz. 40,18 32.28 3. ZI 1.81 1.43 0.92 28
Vert. ZS. 00 IZ. 50 I. 25 0. I. 00 0.50 Z
V-Z Horiz. 37.50 25. 00 Z. 50 i. Z5 I. 25 0. 83 4
Vert. 3Z.27 Z9.31 3.05 Z. 55 Z. 03 1.42 43
Horiz. 65.99 71.24 7.70 6.13 4.22. 3.36 86
Vert. 44.85 39. 07 3.01 1.66 1.68 0.98 17
VI-I Horiz. 113.97 9Z. 14 7.57 6. 13 2.97 2.48 34
Vert. 66. 07 33.88 4. 82 Z. 95 I. 79 0.70 7
VI-Z PIoriz. 107. 14 35.58 6.79 4.45 2. Zl I.Z8 14
Vert. 68. 50 34, 48 7.35 4. 59 3. 70 Z. 14 50
Horiz. IZ8.41 60. Z5 16.50 8.49 8.83 ~4.39 I00
Vert. 62. 50 31.6Z 7. IZ 3.47 3.50 I. 67 20
VII- 1 Ploriz. 131.87 53.18 17.81 8.21 8.60 4.40 40
Vert. 87.50 41.83 5.25 Z.55 2. I0 1.02 5
VII-Z PIoriz. 157.50 89.30 ii.00 6.84 3.50 Z. Z8 I0

Figure 10 shows that, for ground shaking of a particular Modified Mercalli intensity
the average peak acceleration is larger for the solid rock sites than it is for the soft rock or
alluvium sites. Although these variations in the peak acceleration do not exceed a factor
of about 2 and the large standard deviations indicate that the observed differences are
not significant, the trend of increasing peak acceleration for harder local geological
conditions is apparent and consistent for all six data subgroups shown in Figure 10
It is interesting to note that this result is in direct contradiction with the common engineer-
ing speculations about the effects of local site conditions on the peak amplitudes of strong-
motion accelerations (e.g., Coulter et al., 1973; Schnabel et al., 1972).
Figure 11 indicates that with the exception of vertical components for intensity VI,
the average peak velocity is larger for the softer local site conditions by up to about
50 per cent. The large spread of data indicated by the long error bars equal to one
standard deviation shows, however, that these differences are not significant.
Dependence on local site conditions of the peak ground displacements is shown in
Figure 12. It is seen that the expected displacement peaks increase with decreasing stiffness
of local site conditions and that this increase is always less than about two-fold. Again,


o, 2 o , 21o1,12 o1,12
I 1-
N 200 -2 - HARD

rr I00

I ±

i-, xzn



FIG. I0. Mean values and standard deviation error bars of peak ground acceleration, classified by site
and component direction, plotted against Modified Mercalli intensity.


ol, 12101 ' 121o1,' 12 ol, 12 ol, 12 ol, If
0 - SOFT [
2 - HARD
() !
-.T. 20


uJ I0

I I i~1 0 i i I t i i I I
2 !2I glI

FIG. 11. Mean values and standard deviation error bars of peak ground velocity, classified by site and
component direction, plotted against Modified Mercalli intensity.


o1,12io1,12 o1'1= o1,1= oI,1= o1,1

I I0
co 5

I [ ~ I J I I I I I I I I
3£ 3Z1 ~T[

M.M. I N T E N S I T Y

FiG. 12. Mean values and standard deviation error bars of peak ground displacement, classified by site
and component direction, plotted against Modified MercaUi intensity.

the spread of data points as measured by the standard deviations shows that these
variations are not significant.
In an attempt to explain the observed trends of peak values for different site conditions,
it seems that at least two basic phenomena have to be considered. The first deals with the
manner in which the earthquake waves are attenuated by propagation away from the
source. The second is related to the complicated transfer functions representing the local
site effects and the resulting influence on the peaks of a real-time function. The final
result, of course, depends on the relative participation of these two factors.
Attenuation with distance of high-frequency waves in the near-field of strong earth-
quake ground motion is not well understood, partly because there is no adequate data-set
to enable systematic studies of the problem. As a first approximation, the attenuation
law given by exp {-ogA/2Qfl} is frequently used. Here w is the frequency of the wave
motion, A is the length of the travel path, fl is the wave velocity, and Q is the attenuation
constant whose values range from about 50, for weathered soft soils, to about 2000 to
3000 for solid rocks. For typical distances involved in strong-motion seismology, which
are less than about 100 km and typically several tens of kilometers, exp {-ogA/2Qfl}
may be important only for higher frequency waves, say w > 6 rad/sec. Since the peak
accleration and peak velocity sample the high (say ~o > 30 rad/sec) and the intermediate
frequency band (say 09 > 6 rad/sec), attenuation described by exp {-wA/2Qfl} would
seem to be important for the peak accelerations only and perhaps just marginal for the
peak velocity measurements. Thus, the high-frequency wave amplitudes associated with
the peak accelerations may be attenuated by as much as 5 or 10 times, while the inter-
mediate frequencies associated with velocities might be attenuated perhaps only several
The local amplification of incident waves by surface topography (e.g., Boore, 1972;
Trifunac, 1973; Wong and Trifunac, 1974a) and abrupt changes in medium impedances

(e.g., Aki and Larner, 1970; Wong and Trifunac, 1974b) are also highly frequency-
dependent. Although only few two-dimensional solutions to such problems are available,
with no known solutions for the three-dimensional geometries, some general observations
that probably apply to all two- and three-dimensional problems can be summarized as
follows. First, for a transient wave amplitude to be significantly amplified, it is essential
to amplify a broad and representative frequency band uniformly. This is possible for
waves that are long relative to the typical size of the inhomogeneities through which they
propagate. While amplification of a given high-frequency component at a given point
may be quite high, geometric attenuation of a neighboring frequency point regularly
takes place. Thus, while sometimes a peak of a high-frequency wave may be highly
amplified, it can also be significantly attenuated. The net effect then is that the resulting
peaks of the high-frequency waves have widely scattered amplitudes and are on the
average slightly amplified (Wong and Trifunac, 1974a; Wong and Trifunac, 1974b).
Combining this with the effect of attenuation by exp ~-a~A/2Qfl}, we find that the
observed trend of data in Figures 10, 11, and 12 for different site conditions is quite
consistent. Thus, soft soils will amplify low frequencies, and due to attenuation (low
Q and low/~) the high frequencies will be reduced so that the displacements will be
enhanced while accelerations are reduced. For hard soils the high frequencies will be
amplified, but the attenuation will not be so important because both Q and/~ are large.
Thus, for hard soils or rock sites the acceleration will be amplified.


The role of this paper has been merely to re-examine some of the well-known correla-
tions between the recorded amplitudes of strong ground motion and existing earthquake
intensity scales. Its main contribution to this important subject perhaps lies in the
uniformity, accuracy, and number of strong-motion data used in the analysis. Our results
are comparable to most of the previously suggested correlations between the peak ground
acceleration and the Modified Mercalli intensity or its equivalent. However, our data
predict larger peak accelerations than most previous studies. Availability of accurately
computed ground velocity and displacement curves has enabled us to derive the expected
peak velocity and peak displacement amplitudes for recording sites having different
earthquake intensities. Although there is no obvious reason why the correlations
developed in this paper could not be used in other parts of the world, the data and the
conclusions of our study apply for the Western United States and the State of California
in particular. Lomnitz (1970) points out, for example, that in some parts of the world
intensity is evaluated by making an average estimate over a region, while in some other
parts (e.g., California), the maximum effects are used to determine a particular intensity
In the development of the correlations between the peaks of the recorded strong earth-
quake ground motion and the Modified Mercalli intensities, we emphasized the weak-
nesses in carrying out such correlations, as well as the wide scatter of the measured peak
values. Although we presented the functional relationships between the peak values
and the Modified Mercalli intensity to compare the trends of our data with the relation-
ships suggested by previous investigators, we do not recommend the use of these average
trends for routine engineering design. However, if there is no better way of deriving the
expected peak values of ground acceleration, velocity, and displacements but from the
maximum expected Modified Mercalli intensity, we recommend that all broadly-
scattered data for each intensity level be considered from the probabilistic viewpoint and
with the pre-selected confidence levels appropriate for the particular study. This proba-

bilistic decision process seems to be most suitable, since the peak values for each inten-
sity level have typically a range which is about one order o f magnitude.
Systematic, but rough, partitioning o f all recording sites into 0 for soft, 1 for inter-
mediate, and 2 for hard, according to the geology surrounding the recording station,
has been carried out. Dividing recorded peak values into the three corresponding
groups has enabled us to carry out a crude, but simple, test o f the possible effects o f
local site conditions on the amplitudes o f the recorded strong ground motion. The results
o f this analysis suggest that there is no significant difference between the peaks o f strong
g r o u n d m o t i o n recorded in different geological conditions. Minor, but consistent, trends
have been detected, however, as follows: (1) Recorded peak accelerations are larger on
the hard rock sites than on alluvium by a factor which is less than about 2, (2) peak
velocities are only marginally higher on the sites located on alluvium, and (3) peak dis-
placements are higher for sites on alluvium than the peaks recorded on the hard rock
by a factor which is on the average less than about 2.

We thank G. W. Housner, D. E. Hudson, and J. E. Luco for critical reading of the manuscript and
offering valuable suggestions. We are indebted to R. Maley of the Seismic Engineering Branch of the
United States Geological Survey in Menlo Park and to R. Dielman of the Earthquake Engineering
Research Laboratory at Caltech for their help in collecting and completing the geological site descriptions
in Table 4. We thank Ms. Barbara Turner for her assistance in compiling the intensity levels correspond-
ing to the 187 accelerograms.
This research was supported in part by a grant from the National Science Foundation and by the
Earthquake Research Affiliates program at the California Institute of Technology.

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Manuscript received May 30, 1974

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