Engagement of
- Project Implementing Agency (PIA)
- Project Monitoring Agency (PMA)
Phone No. 0674-2302324, Email-misomsmbbsr.od@gov.in
Selection of Project Monitoring Agency (PMA) and Project Implementing Agency (PIA) for
engaging PSUs such as Central Public Sector Undertaking (CPSU) / State Public Sector
Undertaking(SPSU) / Central or State Government Organizations/Agencies or Public Limited
Company (PLC) having good skill knowledge for Equipment Maintenance, Recurring
Management and quality Monitoring & Supervision, Evaluation and Management skills for
executing the above components. The detail of the Request for Proposal (RFP) documents is
available on 14.03.2019 in the website of OPEPA i.e. www.opepa.odisha.gov.in and website
of OAVS i.e. www.oavs.in. The interested organizations are requested to download the RFP
documents from the website. The interested organization should apply for a single component
only. No organization will be allowed for implementing both components i.e PMA and PIA.
Note:- Post pre-bid meeting, the corrigendum on modification of the RFP will be published
in the website, (if required) with in three days after the pre bid meeting. There is no need for
advertisement in news paper.
State Project Director
OMSM, RMSA, Odisha, Bhubaneswar
Request for Proposal (RFP)
Phone No. 0674-2302324, Email-misomsmbbsr.od@gov.in
Selection of Project Monitoring Agency (PMA) and Project Implementing Agency (PIA) for
engaging PSUs such as Central Public Sector Undertaking (CPSU) / State Public Sector
Undertaking(SPSU) / Central or State Government Organizations/Agencies or Public Limited
Company (PLC) having good skill knowledge for Equipment Maintenance, Recurring
Management and quality Monitoring & Supervision, Evaluation and Management skills for
executing the above components. The detail of the Request for Proposal (RFP) documents is
available on 14.03.2019 in the website of OPEPA i.e. www.opepa.odisha.gov.in and website
of OAVS i.e. www.oavs.in. The interested organizations are requested to download the RFP
documents from the website. The interested organization should apply for a single component
only. No organization will be allowed for implementing both components i.e PMA and PIA.
Note:- Post pre-bid meeting, the corrigendum on modification of the RFP will be published
in the website, (if required) with in three days after the pre bid meeting. There is no need for
advertisement in news paper.
State Project Director
OMSM, RMSA, Odisha, Bhubaneswar
Information Sheet
Sr. Information Timelines
1. RFP Number 735
2. RFP Issue Date 14.03.2019
3. Last date for submission of pre- On or before 26.03.2019 by 4.00 P.M.
bid queries
5. Contact Person for queries and Sri Pravakar Pratihari, Programmer, OMSM ,
last date of submission of queries RMSA
Mobile No. 9861333425, 7008818946
11. RFP Document Fee (non- Rs. 5000/- in shape of Demand Draft from any
refundable) Nationalized Bank in favour of State Project
Director, OMSM shall be submitted with the
tender document.
12. Earnest Money Deposit(EMD) Earnest Money Deposit(EMD) of Rs. 1.5
Crores in the form of Demand Draft/ Bank
Guarantee(BG)/FD from any Nationalized/RBI
approved Scheduled Bank in favour of State
Project Director, OMSM shall be submitted
with the tender document.
13. Performance Bank Guarantee Performance Bank Guarantee (PBG) @ 5% of
the contract price in the shape of PBG/FD from
any Nationalized/RBI approved Scheduled
Bank in favour of State Project Director,
OMSM shall be submitted by the successful
bidder within 15 days of issue of work order.
The equipment installed / activities carried in each of the 4000 Government and
Government aided High Schools, Interactive White Board, Computer Hardware, Connected
Accessories, installation of Software and other allied accessories (i.e., webcam,
multifunctional printers, UPS, Servo Stabilizer, Integrated projection system, etc.), site
preparation (i.e. vinyl flooring, furniture and fixtures, electrical fittings, power back up
facilities, LAN, etc.), maintenance of equipment and provision of Computer Education
Services. (The list of all equipment along with its brand and configurations are available at
Annexure- 6).
The project timeline is for 5 years and the selected organisation will be given
mandate to commence & start the project Maintenance & services phase wise subject to
completion of the BOOT (Build-Own-Operate-Transfer) model by the existing contract
The ownership of the infrastructure of ICT Lab shall be transferred to the
Government of Odisha at the end of the contract period. The total 4000 Schools in the
state has been divided into 6 zones namely: Zone 1, Zone 2, Zone 3, Zone 4, Zone 5 and
Zone 6 as mentioned below. The break-up of the various Govt. and Govt. Aided Schools
are as follows:
The Odisha Madhyamik Shiksha Mission (OMSM) on behalf of School & Mass Education
Department, Government of Odisha intends to continue the objectives envisioned in the
ICT@Schools project that are being carried out in the 4000 ICT Labs and therefore is inviting
proposals from the bidders for a period of 5 years for the following :-
Facility to provide maintenance services of equipment, furniture and provision
of services at 4000 ICT Labs in Schools and Providing recurring services at
4000 ICT Labs under ICT @ Schools Scheme & Upgrade the existing
multimedia e-content and develop new multimedia e-Content for the 9th and
10th Class Students.
Hence, OMSM wants to engage an agency/agencies who shall provide services pertaining
to facility management function mentioned as above.
Section II
Instructions to Bidders
1. Definitions
In this document, the following terms shall have following respective meanings:
I. "Agreement" means the individual contracts to be signed between the successful
bidder/s and the Odisha Madhyamika Shiksha Mission(OMSM), for Scope of
work for 4000 High Schools including all attachments, appendices, all documents
incorporated by reference there together with any subsequent modifications, the
tender document, the bid offer, the acceptance and all related correspondences,
clarifications, presentations.
II. "Authorized Representative" shall mean any person duly and formally authorized
by either of the parties.
III. "Bidder" means a corporate / company / corporation registered/ incorporated in
India eligible to bid in the stages of pre-qualification, bidding process and include
the successful bidder during the currency of the Contract.
IV. “Contract" is used synonymously with the agreement.
V. "Corrupt Practice" means the offering, giving, receiving or soliciting of anything
of value to influence the action of an official in the process of Contract execution.
VI. "Fraudulent Practice" means a misrepresentation of facts in order to influence
bidding process or the execution of a Contract and includes collusive practice
among Bidders (prior to or after Bid submission) designed to establish Bid prices
at artificial non-competitive levels and to deprive the State of Odisha of the
benefits of free and open competition.
VII. "ICT Lab" means Information & Communication Technology lab, located inside
the School premises.
VIII. "ICT lab working days" means all the days including School working days,
vacation days and days on which the School Head Master decide to keep the lab
functional which may extend to 365 days of a year for activities related to
Students’ usage of lab during School hours.
IX. “ICT lab working hours" normally would mean 9.00 AM-5.00 PM for School, and
activities before 9.00 AM and after 5.00 PM, subject to any variation as may be
decided by the School Head Master from time to time.
X. "Law" shall mean any Act, notification, by-law, rules and regulations, directive,
ordinance, order or instruction having the force of law enacted or issued by the
Central Government and/ or Government of Odisha or the Odisha Madhyamik
Shiksha Mission (OMSM) or any other Government or regulatory authority or
political subdivision of government agencies.
XI. "LOA" means issuing of Letter of Award, which shall constitute the intention of
the Tenderer to place the work order with the successful bidder.
XII. "Party" means the Odisha Madhyamik Shiksha Mission (OMSM) or Department
of School & Mass Education or Bidder, individually and "Parties" mean Odisha
Madhyamik Shiksha Mission (OMSM)/ Department of School & Mass Education
and Bidder, collectively.
XIII. “Period of Agreement" means up to 5 years from the date of agreement or date of
commencement of the project services, whichever is later.
XIV. "Proposal" means the Pre-qualification, Technical Proposal and the Financial
XV. “Requirements" shall mean and include schedules, details, description, statement
of technical data, performance characteristics, standards (Indian as well as
International) as applicable and specified in the tender document.
XVI. "School Working Days" means all days declared as working days by School and
Mass Education Department, Government of Odisha.
XVII. "Service" means the provision of Contracted service viz., operation, maintenance
and associated services for Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
Project as per this tender document.
XVIII. "Tenderer" means the Odisha Madhyamika Shiksha Mission (OMSM)/ School
and Mass Education Department, Govt. of Odisha, who is issuing this tender.
XIX. “Last three financial years” means 2015-16, 2016-17 and 2017-18.
XX. “Facility Maintenance & Service Function” means maintenance of equipment as
well as furniture provided and provision of recurring services such as
consumables and insurance of equipments at ICT labs of 4000 Government and
Government aided High Schools of Odisha under ICT@School Scheme.
XXI. Implementing Agency” means the agency selected by the OMSM for
implementation of “Facility to provide maintenance services of equipment,
furniture and provision of services at 4000 ICT Labs in Schools and Providing
recurring services at 4000 ICT Labs under ICT @ Schools Scheme & Upgrade the
existing multimedia e-content and develop new multimedia e-Content for the 9th
and 10th Class Students”.
The bidder is expected to examine all instructions, forms, terms, and requirements in the bid
document. Failure to furnish all information required by the bid document or submission of a
bid not substantially responsive to the RFP document in every respect may result in the
rejection of the Bid. The bidder should fulfil the below mentioned Eligibility Criteria to
participate in the bid process.
2. Background:
The ICT@Schools scheme is a partnership of the Government of Odisha with Ministry of
Human Resource Development, Government of India, aimed at providing state of the art
Information and Communication Technology facilities in all Govt. and Govt. Aided High
Schools. The scheme has been implemented by the state with the following objectives:
i. Maintenance of the Lab equipments and to provide good quality of functionality
of the ICT Lab in the school.
ii. To establish an enabling environment to promote the usage of ICT in all
Government Schools or Government Aided High Schools in the state.
iii. To ensure the development and dissemination of appropriate e-content in English
and the Odia languages.
iv. To ensure capacity building of students, including those with special needs in the
use of ICT and ICT assisted learning.
Bidder is required to undertake the Scope of Work for Schools as mentioned below:
I. Maintenance of equipment installed at ICT Lab of 4000 Government and
Government aided High Schools:
i. The Bidder is required to maintain the Computer Hardware, Software and other allied
accessories installed at the ICT Labs of the 4000 Government and Government Aided
High Schools. The list of equipment for the maintenance in ICT lab are:
Server With 10 Nodes
Silent Generator Set
Multi-Function Printer
Additional Server with Monitor
Head Phones and Web Camera
Interactive White board
Modem for broadband connection for Internet Connectivity
Servo Stabilizer
Multimedia Content for Learning & Teaching
Office Automation s/w
~ 10 ~
Fire Extinguisher
Lighting ( 4 number of Tube lights)
Fans (2 nos.)
Exhaust fans (2 nos.)
Switches and sockets
Wiring (Full lab)
Computer Table (13 nos.)
Chairs (41 nos.)
Along with maintenance, the bidder will upkeep the ICT lab during the contract period. The
Bidder shall ensure supervision of the maintenance work of the IT infrastructure of the
Schools by way of appointing supervisory role function.
ii. Computer Hardware Support as facility management function : The bidder will extend
support to Computer Hardware Facility of the Schools and will supervise the first level
support (Configuration and Maintenance) for the Servers, Desktop Computers, and
accessories like printers, scanners and webcams, Computer Projectors etc. through
concerned support engineers/suppliers/vendors/its own authorised service provider.
iii. Software Support: The bidder will extend support for the Software installations in the
Schools and will supervise the first level support (Configuration and Maintenance) of
Operating Systems and Application Software and such other application software related
to the Schools through concerned support engineers/suppliers/vendors/ its own
authorised service provider.
iv. Helpdesk Support: The bidder will extend Helpdesk Support to the users i.e. learners,
teachers etc. and will ensure that, the hardware and peripherals are functioning properly
II. Provision of related services
i. Consumables: Bidder will provide the following consumables in each of the 4000
ICT enabled Govt. and Govt. Aided High Schools:
Registers for Fault logging & resolution Register (having minimum 200
pages), Stock Register(having minimum 200 Pages), per year per ICT Lab
Two packet (500 sheets in each packet) of white paper A4 size (min 75 GSM)
per quarter per ICT lab.
Printer Cartridge: Two nos. of refills and new cartridge per quarter during the
contract period. The refills should of good quality with minimum 1000 prints
per refill.
White board markers: 12 white board markers with whiteboard duster per
School per year.
o The successful bidder(s) shall supply the sample of items in the tender
to Odisha Madhyamik Shiksha Mission (OMSM). The sample items
shall be put forth a committee for approval wherein the quality and the
specifications of each item shall be checked. OMSM will then issue a
ready to supply certificate to the bidder.
o The above consumables are to be submitted half yearly, the first due
date being the start date of the commencement of the project and thus
every 6 months thereafter.
III. Insurance
The equipment at the ICT Lab is to be fully insured against any loss or damage
caused to it including theft, burglary and fire. The period of insurance shall be from
~ 11 ~
the date of award of contract till the end of contract ( 5 Years). The insurance
document for the schools whose maintenance contract has commenced should be
submitted to OMSM within a period of 30 days from the award of contract.
~ 13 ~
Penalties for failure of equipment:
Hardware and Peripherals related services : During the contract period, if the
complaint is not attended and resolved within 4 working days (School working days),
after lodging a complaint, for each delayed days following penalty will be deducted. The
days for the penalty are to be calculated from the date of lodging the complaint. Penalty
shall be applicable if the complaint is resolved on or after the 5th working day
For Computer hardware Rs. 250/- per working day
For Peripherals Rs.150/- per working day
If any Computer hardware/peripheral remains non-functional for more than 8 working days in
a month, bidder has to provide suitable stand by unit or replace it with equivalent or
better product specifications.
For recurring services: During the contract period, if the bidder fails to provide consumables
/ Internet Connectivity/ Electricity Charges / Fuel Charges within the due date as
mentioned in Scope of Work , then following penalty will be deducted. The days for the
penalty are to be calculated from the next working day of the due date.
For consumables (Registers, Printer Cartridge, White board Markers), Rs. 250/- per
working day.
In the event of failure of Bidder to provide the maintenance related services in any of
the Schools awarded to them beyond the due dates of providing requisite services
without any valid reason the performance bank guarantee may be forfeited. This is at
the sole discretion of OMSM.
The above penalty shall not be liable if the non-performance as provided above is reasons
attributed due to:
a) OMSM and/or School administration
b) Natural calamities, law and order problems and other unforeseen events and force
majeure conditions beyond the control of bidder.
Bidder shall intimate the reason to the OMSM with a copy to Monitoring Agency in writing
within 3 days of arising of such event.
VI. e- Content Development for 9th and 10th Standard Students:
Bidder is required to undertake the scope of work for development and upgradation of
e-Content for 9th and 10th Standard as mentioned below:
A. Upgrade the existing multimedia e-content and develop new multimedia e-content for
the 9th and 10th Students as per the syllabus and continue the learning monitoring
B. An “Experts Committee” shall be constituted by Subject Matter Experts (SMEs)
nominated by OMSM. The Committee will be a single nodal agency for consultation,
evaluation and approval of multimedia content developed by the bidder.
C. The development/up-gradation of the multimedia content will require extensive
interaction of the bidder with SMEs nominated by OMSM and concerned authorities of
D. The bidder is required to arrange a copy of Subject Textbooks prescribed by the Board
of Secondary Education, Cuttack under own arrangements and consult these books
~ 14 ~
before quoting for multi-media Content.
E. Topics/ hard-spots in the said subjects for developing Multimedia based educational
content, will be identified/ decided by the technical experts of the Bidder in consultation
with the Experts Committee.
F. The bidder shall upgrade the existing multimedia content developed for 9th & 10th
Standard students based on feedback received from Experts Committee. The up-
gradation shall be done with close coordination with the Experts.
G. The bidder shall develop new Inform Type content of 100 hours for 9th & 10th Standard
students. The contents should be developed based on the hard spots selected by Experts
Committee. The specification of inform type content should be as follows:
a. Flash Animations
1. Screen size: 800 x 600, 1024 x 768
2. Duration: 30 – 60 seconds (individual frame)
3. Flash version: CS6
4. Embed all the desired fonts within the Flash file so that the font
will be displayed exactly the way you want it to display Clear
b. Graphics
1. Screen size: 800 x 600, 1024 x 768
2. Recommended formats: JPEG, GIFF, PNG, BMP, PDF
3. Video
4. Screen size: 800 x 600, 1024 x 768
5. Recommended formats: WMV, MPEG
H. The bidder shall develop 100 Perform Type Questions per chapter per subject.
I. The new multimedia educational content(inform and perform) shall be developed for
computer based education in the following subjects for standard 9th and 10th based on
syllabus of Board of Secondary Education, Odisha using Odia and/or English language:
Algebra(Inform and Perform type)
Geometry(Inform and Perform type)
Skills of Communicative English(Perform type)
English Grammar(Perform type)
Physical Science(Inform and Perform type)
Life Science(Inform and Perform type)
Sanskrit(Perform type)
Sanskrit Grammar(Perform type)
Hindi(Perform type)
Hindi Grammar(Perform type)
History and Political Science(Inform and Perform type)
Geography and Economics(Inform and Perform type)
Odia Grammar(Perform type)
Spoken English and Soft Skill (Perform, Inform)
Target for Examination Preparation
J. Perform type content helps the learner to understand the concepts/skills and its
application. It contains interactive exercises, simulations. The perform type content
developed by bidder should be based on Continuous Comprehensive Assessment.
There will be group of four students per computer, all students appearing in assessment
should be engaged in a group learning environment. Individual logins are required to be
~ 15 ~
provided for all the Students. The perform type contents should have the following
i. Interactive exercises (with corrective feedback)
a. Screen size: 800 x 600, 1024 x 768
b. Recommended formats: (flash based) SWF
ii. Simulations (guided, with hints, ad without hints)
a. Screen size: 800 x 600, 1024 x 768
b. Recommended format: (Flash based) SWF
iii. Delivery Mechanism of Inform and Perform Type Content:
a. The inform and perform type of content should be delivered though a
Learning Management System (LMS) where the learning progression
is recorded for each student for monitoring of learning of students.
b. All student login records will be uploaded to a centralized server and
made available in a portal.
K. The bidder shall develop Learning Management System (LMS) for monitoring of learning of
inform type content by the students. The LMS should track the learning progression of
individual students, so that the concerned teachers can monitor the students’ learning.
L. The bidder shall develop Learning Management System(LMS) for monitoring of learning of
perform type content. A portal is required to be designed for monitoring the learning of the
students where the information of learning progression of each student based on different
subjects is uploaded through a centralized server and made available. Based on the
assessment of individual student, focus will be on particular topics where the student is
M. The related activities for development of multimedia e-content include-
Understanding the requirement for developing and installation of multimedia
educational content.
Conceptualizing the multimedia content based on story lines, animations,
interactive games, live coverage, music and riddles, etc.
Planning in detail, the content development during Pre-production, Production
and Post- production stages.
Development of content with full multimedia quality control.
Supply of multimedia educational content to OMSM. (One set for each subject).
N. Content Features: Following are the expected features in the content:
Nature of content: A typical Content LO (Learning Object) must follow a
representative flow viz.
a. Introduction
b. Use
c. Demonstration
d. Interactive exercise and/or simulation
e. Summary
f. Activity/Exercise
Each and every single frame of content must be accompanied by narration text
(similar to the Voice Over(VO) language)
Essentially all the content types will be sequential; having multiple event triggers to
provide access to content, change content flags etc. details of which will be
discussed later and decided mutually.
Each and every content frame must have a Preloader and a scrubber/status bar along
with a reply button. (refer figure 1 & 2)
~ 16 ~
Each and every content frame must have a clear (without any noise / humming)
human voice over. It should be with neutral accent.
All the contents developed must be upgraded by the bidder on time-to-time basis.
The contents must be delivered through a Learning Management System, which will
keep track of learning progression of students.
O. Language of instruction: Language of instruction shall be Odia and/or English as per
P. Content package: Content will be considered complete only when it is bundled with
Detailed syllabus
Day wise breakup
List of special additions like Case studies / additional Exercises for the Hard
Assessment pattern and guidelines (as per mutual discussion)
Self-Undertaking/declaration assuring compliance of National Curriculum
Framework (NCF) Guidelines.
Q. Other Required features: The other required features of the Multimedia educational
content keeping in mind the aptitude and ability of the students (including questions
and answers). It should also have interactive virtual labs especially in math and science.
User Interface: The proposed system components should be simple
comprehensive, learner centric and easy to use.
GUI: The proposed solution should be based on graphical interpretation and
windows architecture.
Local language: For better understanding and interpretation, the Odia language
in the multimedia content will be written and spoken with utmost correctness.
The Odia language experts may be engaged for the purpose.
Cultural Context of Multimedia Content: It should predominantly reflect
life ethos and culture of Odisha.
For Perform type Content: The bidder shall abide the following for the perform
type Content:
1. The bidder should provide a formative assessment test on each chapter of
the prescribed book.
2. The test should be various kinds of questions for example multiple-choice
question, fill in the blanks, crossword puzzle etc.
3. The test should have provided four options for correct answer.
4. The test would be taken by one student and should have facility to be
reviewed (peer review) by 3 of his classmates.
5. The test series pattern should be followed.
6. The assessment provided by the peers should have facility in which the
confidence level of the reviewer would be noted.
7. These tests would be taken for a group of 4 students.
8. At the end of each test a new group of 4 students would be randomly
created by the software.
9. At the end of each test the students should get the correct answer.
10. The test should be built in such a way that every wrong answer should
identify the lack of understanding of a particular aspect of the concept and
correct answer should be provided with a pedagogically rich multimedia
content. The student should be given an opportunity to view this content
~ 17 ~
immediately after he answers the question.
11. The assessment content should have strict adherence of the pattern of
questions followed by Odisha State Board.
12. The questions should have a constructivist approach.
13. The assessment content should have gasification format wherever
14. The difficulty level of the questions asked should be gradually increased.
15. The assessment content should time out or open as may be prescribed.
16. The assessment should be done on a tablet ready format.
17. The timetable of the assessment would be generated with the help of
teachers in each School.
18. The assessment would be scheduled by the teachers of the respective
19. The assessment should also provide logic for each correct answer.
R. The timeline for development and up-gradation of multimedia content as per the scope
is 180 days from the date of agreement.
S. OMSM at its discretion may decide to award this contract to develop the e –content
either to the successful bidder or delink the same from the current tender, based on the
bidders presentation, past and current capabilities.
T. Upon request from the successful bidder, OMSM at its discretion may consider
allowing the successful bidder to form a consortium with any leading e Content
developer Firm having minimum Rs. 50.00 Lakh or more amount in a single order after
evaluating the capabilities of the e-Content provider to offer high quality content &
services as enumerated under point 2 above (e- Content).
3. Eligibility Criteria
~ 18 ~
6. Same bidder is not eligible to apply for both the component as Project Monitoring
Agency (PMA) and Project Implementing Agency (PIA).
7. The bidder should be in IT Services Business for at least 4 years as of March 2019
Should be a Public Sector Undertaking/Public Limited Company and registered in
India under Indian laws.
8. The Bidder should have direct presence in the state of Odisha and should have at
least one direct office in Odisha. In case the successful bidder does not have an
office in Odisha, then they shall mandatorily establish an office with all required
infrastructure, and provide necessary proof to the department/OMSA, before signing
the agreement with the OMSA, Odisha.
9. The Bidder should have all the requisite support infrastructure, right set of spares
and technically skilled manpower having hardware knowledge to extend high
quality support & quick resolution time so that all schools are able to use the IT
resources effectively.
10. All bidders shall share a detailed write up on their company’s support capabilities,
strengths, support infrastructure, Manpower skill set, available Certifications for
support processes, Call Centre facility, spares management logistics and
replenishment etc.
11. The Bidder shall elaborate in detail at least 5 project’s prior experience in the
implementation and maintenance of ICT projects, or e-governance projects/
equivalent projects which are spread across multiple districts. A brief write up on
each of the projects implemented should be submitted along with the technical bid.
The write should include
a. Size of the installation to be mentioned elaborately.
b. The year of implementation,
c. No. of years the bidder was responsible for the support and services, no. of schools
maintained, no. of project managers, technical manpower, field engineers, back
office support engineers, call centre services extended, any specific good practice
adopted during the tenure of the project etc. should be elaborated.
12. The bidder should have a formal letter of commitment from all key OEMs for their
respective products in this tender and should have a commitment for making the
spares available for a minimum period of 5 years on best effort basis from the date
of signing the contract. The list of Key Products are as given below
a. Acer - Desktops & Monitors+ KB+ Mouse
b. N Computing – Shared Computing devices
c. HP/Ricoh-Multi-Function Printer
d. IL&FS ETS - Kyan- Integrated Projector with PC
e. Delta - UPS
f. Champ/Perfect- Silent Generator
g. SMART -Interactive White Board
h. Protect - Servo Stabilizer.
Apart from the letter of commitment from the respective OEMs, the Bidder shall give a
self-declaration & undertaking that irrespective of the support extended by the respective
OEMs, they shall guarantee that there is no gap in the SLA terms agreed.
~ 19 ~
In the event bidder is an OEM for any of the products listed below, then they shall give a
self-attested declaration for the products manufactured by them.
The bidder agrees that they shall replace any unserviceable components/ spares/Sub-systems
due to their non-availability due to obsolescence, irreparability etc., the same will be replaced
with equivalent or better components, subsystems or new fully finished product irrespective
of the remaining maintenance period.
Please attach separate sheet for each of the project covering all the below mentioned
(Documentary evidences i.e. certificates, proof of documents, work order,
implementation/execution proof etc. must be attached for evolution)
Project Name :-
State in which the project has been implemented :
Key Contact person Name / Designation/Landline No :-
~ 20 ~
4. Technical Evaluation & Presentation
The bidder will be evaluated technically and has to score minimum 70% of marks to
qualify for financial bid evaluation. Hence bidder, shall submit the supporting documents
for their claim on their technical capabilities as per the criteria & scoring pattern
mentioned in the below table:
~ 21 ~
5. Financial Bid/Price.
ii. The bidder shall quote price in clear terms as per the prescribed formats annexed
as Annexure 7. The rates quoted should be inclusive of taxes or any other
cess/duty imposed from time to time.
iii.Prices quoted by the bidder shall be fixed and no variation will be allowed under any
circumstances. No open-ended bid shall be entertained and the same is liable to be
rejected straightway.
iv. Bids shall remain valid for 180 days after the date of bid opening prescribed by the
v. OMSM holds the rights to reject a bid valid for a period shorter than 180 days as
non-responsive, without any correspondence.
6. Pre Bid meeting & Clarification
The purpose of the pre-bid meeting is to discover the potential bidders and solve their queries
if any regarding the RFP. A pre-bid meeting will be held as per the schedule in the fact sheet.
Bidders may seek clarification on the requirement & other points of the RFP for which
bidders will provide their queries in the following format.
<<Address, Email Telephone, Fax,
Bidder’s (Organization) Details
Page No Section Sub-Section Clarification Remarks
a. The request for clarifications from the bidders shall be received through e-mail (given
in fact sheet), at least two days before the date of pre-bid meeting. All requests shall
be addressed to the State Project Director, OMSM. The representatives (maximum
two persons) of the interested organisations may attend the pre-bid meeting at their
own cost.
b. Post pre-bid meeting, the corrigendum on modification of the RFP will be published
in the website, (if required) with in three days after the pre bid meeting. There is no
need for advertisement in news paper.
c. OMSM, Odisha reserves the right not to respond to any/all queries raised or
clarifications sought if, in their opinion and at their sole discretion, they consider that
it would be inappropriate to do so or do not find any merit in it. The minutes of the
Pre Bid Meeting shall be hosted on the website and notification of the same shall be
communicated to all prospective bidders by email and/or sms.
d. Bidders are also advised to visit the <<website>> on regular basis for updates.
e. OMSM also reserves the right to amend the dates mentioned in fact sheet for the bid
7. Amendment of Bid Document
The amendments in any of the terms and conditions including technical specifications of this
RFP document will be notified/uploaded by in the official website before 7 days of the last
date of submission of the RFP.
The bids shall remain valid for a period of 180 days from the date of submission of tender.
c. The Bid has to be submitted in the form of printed document. The bids submitted by
Telex, fax or email bids shall not be entertained.
13. Deadline for Submission of Bid
~ 23 ~
Last date for Submission:
In the event of the specified date for the submission of bids being declared a holiday for
OMSM, the bids will be received up to the appointed time on the next working day.
Extension for Last date for Submission:
OMSM may, at own discretion, extend this deadline for submission of bids by amending the
bid document, in which case all rights and obligations of the OMSM and bidders previously
subject to the deadline, will thereafter be subject to the deadline as extended.
Late Bids:
Any bid received by OMSM after the deadline for submission of bids prescribed by the
OMSM, will be summarily rejected and returned unopened to the Bidder. The OMSM shall
not be responsible for any postal delay or non-receipt / non-delivery of the documents. No
further correspondence on this subject will be entertained.
Termination for Default :-OMSM may, without prejudice, to any other remedy
for breach of contract, by written notice of default sent to the qualified bidder,
terminate the contract in whole or in part if:
i. The qualified Bidder fails to deliver any or all of the obligations within the time
period(s) specified in the contract or any extension thereof granted by the
ii. The qualified Bidder fails to perform any other obligation(s) under the contract.
However, the disputes if any may be referred to Arbitration.
~ 27 ~
Annexure-1 (General Information of Bidder)
Sl. Item Details Proof
No. Attached(Yes/No)
1 Name of the Firm/Company
2 Address of Registered Office
3 Address of Corporate Office
4 Proof of existence for at least 3 years (Year of
establishment of the Firm/Company)
5 Telephone Numbers
6 Email Address
7 Firm/Company Registration No.
8 PAN Details
9 IT Return for A.Y. 2016-17, 2017-18, 2018-19
10 Audit Report for three Financial Years and
audited balance sheet
11 EPF Registration Number
12 ESIC Registration Number
13 GST registration details
14 RFP Document Fee
15 EMD
Details of the Managing Director/ CEO Details of the Authorized Signatory for
(Name, Mobile Number & Email) this Tender (Name, Designation, Mobile
& Email)
Yours faithfully
Authorized Signatory
(Company Seal)
~ 28 ~
Annexure-2 (Acceptance of RFP Terms & Conditions)
To Date: _ _/_ _/_ _ _ _
State Project Director (SPD),
Odisha Madhyamika Shiksha Mission,
N1/9, Gajapati Nagar Rd, Near Doordarshan Kendra,
Nayapalli, Bhubaneswar, Odisha 751005.
Sir / Madam.
I have carefully gone through the Terms & Conditions contained in the RFP No.,
regarding < RFP Name>. I declare that all the provisions of this Tender Document are
Yours faithfully
Authorized Signatory
(Company Seal)
(Please attach suitable board resolution, duly attested copy authorising the individual to sign
on behalf of the company)
~ 29 ~
Annexure-3 (Project Experience)
S.N. Name of Client, Name Project Start Project Status
Contact of Date Cost (Complete/ In
Person, Telephone No, Project and End Date, Progress/
Mobile No, e -Mail, Brief Delay)
Physical Address of Project
Note: Copies of relevant work order and completion certificate must support the information
provided in the above table.
Yours faithfully
Authorized Signatory
(Company Seal)
~ 30 ~
Manufacturer’s Authorization Form
(On the Letter Head of the Manufacturer)
Date: dd/mm/yyyy
Tender Reference:
We _______________________, (name and address of the manufacturer) who are
and reputed manufacturers of __________________ had supplied our Product
________________( DT/ Printer/ MFD/UPS/ etc ) with Model No.______________ for your
ICT Project. We do hereby confirm our best support and also make available all relevant an
spares M/s _______________________ (Name and address of the bidder) on best effort
basis .We also authorize them to bid, negotiate and conclude the contract with you for
maintenance contract of our product against the above mentioned tender for the above
equipment manufactured by us.
Yours faithfully,
For and on behalf of M/s ___________________________ (Name of the Manufacturer)
Signature of Bidder (with official seal)
e- Mail ID:
~ 31 ~
Bidders Self Declaration & Undertaking Form-
(Commitment For Service Level Agreement- SLA)
On the Letter Head of the Bidder)
Date: dd/mm/yyyy
Tender Reference:
We the _______________________, (name and address of the Bidder) who are established
and reputed manufacturers / & Service providers of various IT products do here by confirm
that we have the required expertise and capability to extend good quality support and
services for all the IT & Non IT products including the third party products, devises
,equipments etc. as required to be maintained under this this tender .
We also confirm we have the requisite experience to maintain and support other third party
products and have the commitment from the respective OEMs to extend support for the next
five years as per the terms of the current tender referred above.
In the event of non availability of any components, spare parts, due to lack technical skill set,
technical knowhow , obsolescence, irreparability of any of the products listed under this
tender, irrespective of the support extended by any of the OEMs, we guarantee that there will
be compromise or no change request to agreed SLA ( Service Level Agreement) and we
shall immediately replace any unserviceable components/ spares/sub-systems etc with
equivalent or better components, subsystems or new fully finished product irrespective of the
remaining maintenance period.
Yours faithfully,
For and on behalf of M/s ___________________________ (Name of the Manufacturer)
Signature of Bidder (with official seal)
e- Mail ID:
~ 32 ~
Annexure 6(Self-Declaration Form)
State Project Director (SPD),
Odisha Madhyamika Shiksha Mission,
N1/9, Gajapati Nagar Rd, Near Doordarshan Kendra,
Nayapalli, Bhubaneswar, Odisha 751005.
If this declaration is found to be incorrect then without prejudice to any other action that may
be taken, our EMD may be forfeited in full and the tender if any to the extent accepted may
be cancelled.
Thanking you,
Name of the Bidder:
Authorised Signatory:
~ 33 ~
Annexure-7(Price Bid Form)
(Price Bid Form for maintenance services of equipment, furniture and provision of recurring
services to all 4000 ICT Labs)
To Date: ___/____/_____
I, the undersigned, offer to provide the services for “Maintenance services of equipment,
furniture and provision of recurring services to all 4000 ICT Labs under ICT@Schools
Scheme” in accordance with your RFP under reference and our technical bid proposal as per
the following price. (Year wise)
Particulars 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Total
Year Year Year Year Year
Price bid for Annual Maintenance & up-dation and development of e-content
Consumables per year in
Annual Maintenance (including
the Spare & Service) of
Equipment in (%))
Insurance of equipments in
Up-gradation and new e-content
Total Price
Note: - The %s given in the above table for Annual Maintenance will be converted to amount
to the base price of the equipments for taken in to account for financial evaluation.
i.e. Base Price * % = actual price quoted.
The amount is inclusive of all taxes. Our financial proposal shall be binding upon us
subject to the modifications resulting from contract negotiations, up to expiration of the
validity period of the contract. In case of any difference between the rates quoted in figures
and words, the latter shall prevail.
We understand you are not bound to accept any proposal you receive.
~ 34 ~
Request for Proposal (RFP)
~ 35 ~
Information Sheet
Sr. Information Timelines
1. RFP Number 736
2. RFP Issue Date 14.03.2019
3. Last date for submission of pre- On or before 26.03.2019 by 4.00 P.M.
bid queries
5. Contact Person for queries and Sri Pravakar Pratihari, Programmer, OMSM ,
last date of submission of queries RMSA
Mobile No. 9861333425, 7008818946
11. RFP Document Fee (non- Rs. 5000/- in shape of Demand Draft from any
refundable) Nationalized Bank in favour of State Project
Director, OMSM shall be submitted with the
tender document.
12. Earnest Money Deposit(EMD) Earnest Money Deposit(EMD) of Rs. 25.00
Lakh in the form of Demand Draft/ Bank
Guarantee(BG)/FD from any Nationalized/RBI
approved Scheduled Bank in favour of State
Project Director, OMSM shall be submitted
with the tender document.
13. Performance Bank Guarantee Performance Bank Guarantee (PBG) @ 5% of
the contract price in the shape of PBG/FD from
any Nationalized/RBI approved Scheduled
Bank in favour of State Project Director,
OMSM shall be submitted by the successful
bidder within 15 days of issue of work order.
~ 36 ~
The equipment installed / activities carried in each of the 4000 Government and
Government aided High Schools, Interactive White Board, Computer Hardware, Connected
Accessories, installation of Software and other allied accessories (i.e., webcam,
multifunctional printers, UPS, Servo Stabilizer, Integrated projection system, etc.), site
preparation (i.e. vinyl flooring, furniture and fixtures, electrical fittings, power back up
facilities, LAN, etc.), maintenance of equipment and provision of Computer Education
The project timeline is for 5 years and the selected organisation will be given
mandate to commence & start the project Monitoring and Supervision phase wise
subject to completion of the BOOT (Build-Own-Operate-Transfer) model by the
existing contract holder.
The ownership of the infrastructure of ICT Lab shall be transferred to the
Government of Odisha at the end of the contract period. The total 4000 Schools in the
state has been divided into 6 zones namely: Zone 1, Zone 2, Zone 3, Zone 4, Zone 5 and
Zone 6 as mentioned below. The break-up of the various Govt. and Govt. Aided Schools
are as follows:
~ 38 ~
The Odisha Madhyamik Shiksha Mission (OMSM) on behalf of School & Mass Education
Department, Government of Odisha intends to continue the objectives envisioned in the
ICT@Schools project that are being carried out in the 4000 ICT Labs and therefore is inviting
proposals from the bidders for a period of 5 years for the following :-
Hence, OMSM wants to engage an agency/agencies who shall provide services pertaining
to facility management function mentioned as above.
Section II
Instructions to Bidders
1. Definitions
In this document, the following terms shall have following respective meanings:
XXII. "Agreement" means the individual contracts to be signed between the successful
bidder/s and the Odisha Madhyamika Shiksha Mission(OMSM), for Scope of
work for 4000 High Schools including all attachments, appendices, all documents
incorporated by reference there together with any subsequent modifications, the
tender document, the bid offer, the acceptance and all related correspondences,
clarifications, presentations.
XXIII. "Authorized Representative" shall mean any person duly and formally authorized
by either of the parties.
XXIV. "Bidder" means a corporate / company / corporation registered/ incorporated in
India eligible to bid in the stages of pre-qualification, bidding process and include
the successful bidder during the currency of the Contract.
XXV. “Contract" is used synonymously with the agreement.
XXVI. "Corrupt Practice" means the offering, giving, receiving or soliciting of anything
of value to influence the action of an official in the process of Contract execution.
XXVII. "Fraudulent Practice" means a misrepresentation of facts in order to influence
bidding process or the execution of a Contract and includes collusive practice
among Bidders (prior to or after Bid submission) designed to establish Bid prices
at artificial non-competitive levels and to deprive the State of Odisha of the
benefits of free and open competition.
XXVIII. "ICT Lab" means Information & Communication Technology lab, located
inside the School premises.
~ 39 ~
XXIX. "ICT lab working days" means all the days including School working days,
vacation days and days on which the School Head Master decide to keep the lab
functional which may extend to 365 days of a year for activities related to
Students’ usage of lab during School hours.
XXX. “ICT lab working hours" normally would mean 9.00 AM-5.00 PM for School, and
activities before 9.00 AM and after 5.00 PM, subject to any variation as may be
decided by the School Head Master from time to time.
XXXI. "Law" shall mean any Act, notification, by-law, rules and regulations, directive,
ordinance, order or instruction having the force of law enacted or issued by the
Central Government and/ or Government of Odisha or the Odisha Madhyamik
Shiksha Mission (OMSM) or any other Government or regulatory authority or
political subdivision of government agencies.
XXXII. "LOA" means issuing of Letter of Award, which shall constitute the intention
of the Tenderer to place the work order with the successful bidder.
XXXIII. "Party" means the Odisha Madhyamik Shiksha Mission (OMSM) or
Department of School & Mass Education or Bidder, individually and "Parties"
mean Odisha Madhyamik Shiksha Mission (OMSM)/ Department of School &
Mass Education and Bidder, collectively.
XXXIV. “Period of Agreement" means up to 5 years from the date of agreement or date
of commencement of the project services, whichever is later.
XXXV. "Proposal" means the Pre-qualification, Technical Proposal and the Financial
XXXVI. “Requirements" shall mean and include schedules, details, description,
statement of technical data, performance characteristics, standards (Indian as well
as International) as applicable and specified in the tender document.
XXXVII. "School Working Days" means all days declared as working days by School
and Mass Education Department, Government of Odisha.
XXXVIII. "Service" means the provision of Contracted service viz., operation,
maintenance and associated services for Information and Communication
Technology (ICT) Project as per this tender document.
XXXIX. "Tenderer" means the Odisha Madhyamika Shiksha Mission (OMSM)/ School
and Mass Education Department, Govt. of Odisha, who is issuing this tender.
XL. “Last three financial years” means 2015-16, 2016-17 and 2017-18.
XLI. “Facility Management Function” means maintenance of equipment as well as
furniture provided and provision of recurring services such as consumables,
electricity charges, fuel charges, telephone charges and internet connectivity etc.
at ICT labs of 4000 Government and Government aided High Schools of Odisha
under ICT@School Scheme.
~ 40 ~
XLII. “Monitoring Agency” means the agency selected by the OMSM for monitoring of
the “Facility Management Function”
The bidder is expected to examine all instructions, forms, terms, and requirements in the bid
document. Failure to furnish all information required by the bid document or submission of a
bid not substantially responsive to the RFP document in every respect may result in the
rejection of the Bid. The bidder should fulfil the below mentioned Eligibility Criteria to
participate in the bid process.
2. Background:
The ICT@Schools scheme is a partnership of the Government of Odisha with Ministry of
Human Resource Development, Government of India, aimed at providing state of the art
Information and Communication Technology facilities in all Govt. and Govt. Aided High
Schools. The scheme has been implemented by the state with the following objectives:
v. For effective monitoring of the Maintenance of the Lab equipments and to provide
good quality of functionality of the ICT Lab in the school.
vi. To establish an enabling environment to promote the usage of ICT in all
Government Schools or Government Aided High Schools in the state.
vii. To ensure the development and dissemination of appropriate e-content in English
and the Odia languages.
viii. To ensure capacity building of students, including those with special needs in the
use of ICT and ICT assisted learning.
1. Monitoring: for Project Monitoring Agency (PMA)
A. For smooth and proper implementation of the e-Vidyalaya project the Quality
check process was carried out in following ways.
The bidders has to submit monthly report on effective maintenance
done by the Project Implementing Agency (PIA) of the ICT labs which
shall be duly cross examined and signed by School Head Masters.
The teachers of the schools are demonstrated about the usage of the ICT
equipment installed at the school by the by the PIA.
The representatives of the selected bidder have to be visited each school
and prepared a check list as well as equipment-wise report regarding
equipments, earthing and the functioning of electrical equipment and
other parameters relating to the project
An Asset monitoring software i.e Write Once & Read More (WORM)
has to be designed to capture all the detailed configurations such as size
of Hard disk and type of operating system installed. All the details are to
be uploaded from ground level and compared with the required
configuration and got approved. Reports are also submitted by the
representatives who are deployed for survey at the schools every Month
and Quarter.
~ 41 ~
The monitoring information such as the school information, the
photographs of ICT lab, its equipment and assets are to be uploaded
though the GPS enabled tablets to the web portal. The surveyors capture
the monitoring information about the ICT lab assets; photographic
testimonials in High-end GPS enabled tablets
B. Output based monitoring mechanism introduced by Govt.:
Support System Portal: To know the hardware downtime and complaint
log in process the bidder has introduced Support System to receive
complaints through various mode and issue tickets to the Project
implementing agencies (PIA) to resolve the issues in time.
Inspection and Validation: In course of implementation of the project in
several phases the ICT labs the specifications of hardware status report has
to be signed by the Headmasters of the school and it has to validated by
the District Lead Centre (DLCs) and ICT Coordinators deployed by
bidder. Technical specification has been validated through Asset
Monitoring Software i.e WORM, by means of monthly visit by the ICT
Coordinators and Tab upload from the school point.
ICT Coordinator: ICT Coordinators have to be deployed by bidder to
visit the schools and supervise the functionality of the ICT labs in their
jurisdiction i.e. one ICT Coordinator per 60 schools (65 in Total) and
upload the photographs and other sources of information through
geographical positioning system (GPS) enabled Tab. Each ICT
Coordinators should visit each school at least once in a month to ensure
the functionality of lab and providing adequate support and training if
GPS Based Tab: The GPS enabled Tab is a portable device which has
been provided to all ICT Coordinators by the bidder to ascertain their visit
to schools and tracking of the particular location of the schools and his
movement for smooth coordination of the project by receiving
geographical positioning information. It is used to upload all photographs
of lab and other required information through pictorial shape to know the
status of the Lab equipment and observe the functionality of the ICT labs.
C. e Vidyalaya Web portal:
The web based portal has to be developed to publish and uploading of
information for monitoring the project and to make the project activities more
transparent. Using the portal all stakeholders of the project are lodging the
issues which are resolved by implementing agency.
D. Activities for Monitoring:
I. Call centre executives are working under the project who call the School
authorities and cross check the activities done by the School in the ICT Lab.
II. The Call centre executives of the implementing agencies are required to
make telephonic calls on all working days according to the calling script and
as per the requirement of the project.
~ 42 ~
III. They shall conduct routine meeting before starting of the work in every day
and make compilation of data collected from schools, school authorities and
District Coordinators etc that enables & helps in the smooth monitoring of
the Project system.
IV. The bidder has to introduce SMS and missed call system to receive
information and complaints from schools to resolve the issues.
V. Random Visit of Project Monitoring Team: The Project Monitoring
Agency members shall be making unscheduled visits to the Schools and
Districts to know the status of the project activities in their respective areas
and prepare consolidated reports for necessary support to monitor the project
to cover all districts twice a year.
VI. e Vidyalaya Attendance System: Online and offline based attendance
system has to be introduced by PMA for all the teachers for use of the ICT
Lab under the project to monitor their lab activity in the schools on daily
basis which is also reached through SMS to various stakeholders.
VII. OMSM is to provide the Equipment Functionality Status Report for the
4000 ICT labs under ICT@Schools scheme to the bidder.
VIII. The report would state the present functionality status of equipment and
furniture installed at all 4000 ICT labs.
IX. The bidder shall engage ICT Coordinators (One per 60 number of Schools)
who will conduct monthly visits for verification of services. All 4000
Schools should be visited by the ICT Coordinators at least once in a
X. The ICT Coordinators engaged by bidders are required to use GPS enabled
TAB (provided by the bidder) for monitoring of ICT labs installed at
Government and Government aided high Schools. The GPS enabled Tab is a
portable device, which is to be used to ascertain their visit to Schools and
tracking of the particular location of the Schools and his/her movement by
receiving geographical positioning information. The tab will be used to
upload all photographs of lab and other required information through
pictorial shape to know the status of the Lab equipment and observe the
functionality of the ICT labs. The data from the tablets then will be uploaded
to a centralized server, which is then processed and made available in the
logins provided to OMSM Authorities.
XI. Computer Configuration asset monitoring system will have to used to
capture all the detailed configurations such as size of Hard disk and type of
operating system installed. All the details will have to be uploaded through
software from ground level and will be compared with the required
configuration for approval.
XII. The bidder will design a SMS and missed call system to receive information
and complaints from Schools to resolve the issues.
XIII. A Register will also be placed at ICT labs where matters pertaining to ICT
labs will be recorded. This register is to be provided at the initiation of the
project. Posters mentioning procedures to lodge complains will also be made
available at notice boards of ICT labs.
XIV. The bidder will design a web based portal which will be hosted to publish
and upload information for monitoring project deliverables under
~ 43 ~
ICT@School Scheme. Using the portal, all stakeholders of the project will
lodge the issues, which needs to be resolved.
XV. The Bidder shall engage minimum six Call centre executives at a centralised
location to provide support at School level (with knowledge of Odia &
English language)
XVI. The Bidder will be required to examine the half-yearly Service Certificates
(crosschecked and signed by School Head Masters) submitted by Project
Management Authority. The list of equipment is attached in Annexure 8.
XVII. Penalty Conditions: In case, the bidder fails to visit all 4000 Schools in a
quarter, an amount of Rs. 250/- per School shall be imposed on the bidder.
The said penalty will not be applicable in case the visits could not be
conducted due to the following reasons:
c. Closure of Schools due to Puja/Summer Vacation or any other reason
d. Natural Calamity such as flood, earth quake, Cyclone etc.
The bidder shall notify OMSM about such condition/natural calamity on
account of which monitoring will not be feasible within 3 working days
from the arising of such condition.
4. Eligibility Criteria
~ 44 ~
infrastructure, and provide necessary proof to the department/OMSA, before signing
the agreement with the OMSA, Odisha.
21. The Bidder should have all the requisite support infrastructure, Professionally skilled
manpower to extend high quality of monitoring support & quick resolution time so
that all schools are able to use the IT resources effectively.
22. All bidders shall share a detailed write up on their company’s support capabilities,
strengths, support infrastructure, Manpower skill set, available Certifications for
support processes, Call Centre facility, spares management logistics and
replenishment etc.
23. The Bidder shall elaborate in detail at least 5 project’s prior experience in the
implementation and maintenance of ICT projects, or e-governance projects/
equivalent projects which are spread across multiple districts. A brief write up on
each of the projects implemented should be submitted along with the technical bid.
The write should include
a. Size of the installation to be mentioned elaborately.
b. The year of implementation,
c. No. of years the bidder was responsible for the support and services, no. of schools
maintained, no. of project managers, technical manpower, field engineers, back
office support engineers, call centre services extended, any specific good practice
adopted during the tenure of the project etc. should be elaborated.
Please attach separate sheet for each of the project covering all the below mentioned
(Documentary evidences i.e. certificates, proof of documents, work order,
implementation/execution proof etc. must be attached for evolution)
Project Name :-
~ 45 ~
The bidder will be evaluated technically and has to score minimum 70% of marks to
qualify for financial bid evaluation. Hence bidder, shall submit the supporting documents
for their claim on their technical capabilities as per the criteria & scoring pattern
mentioned in the below table:
~ 46 ~
viii. OMSM holds the rights to reject a bid valid for a period shorter than 180 days as
non-responsive, without any correspondence.
7. Pre Bid meeting & Clarification
The purpose of the pre-bid meeting is to discover the potential bidders and solve their queries
if any regarding the RFP. A pre-bid meeting will be held as per the schedule in the fact sheet.
Bidders may seek clarification on the requirement & other points of the RFP for which
bidders will provide their queries in the following format.
<<Address, Email Telephone, Fax,
Bidder’s (Organization) Details
Page No Section Sub-Section Clarification Remarks
f. The request for clarifications from the bidders shall be received through e-mail (given
in fact sheet), at least two days before the date of pre-bid meeting. All requests shall
be addressed to the State Project Director, OMSM. The representatives (maximum
two persons) of the interested organisations may attend the pre-bid meeting at their
own cost.
g. Post pre-bid meeting, the corrigendum on modification of the RFP will be published
in the website, (if required) with in three days after the pre bid meeting. There is no
need for advertisement in news paper.
h. OMSM, Odisha reserves the right not to respond to any/all queries raised or
clarifications sought if, in their opinion and at their sole discretion, they consider that
it would be inappropriate to do so or do not find any merit in it. The minutes of the
Pre Bid Meeting shall be hosted on the website and notification of the same shall be
communicated to all prospective bidders by email and/or SMS.
i. Bidders are also advised to visit the www.oavs.in & www.opepa.odisha.gov.in on
regular basis for updates.
j. OMSM also reserves the right to amend the dates mentioned in fact sheet for the bid
8. Amendment of Bid Document
The amendments in any of the terms and conditions including technical specifications of this
RFP document will be notified/uploaded in the official website before 7 days of the last date
of submission of the RFP.
The bids shall remain valid for a period of 180 days from the date of submission of tender.
f. The Bid has to be submitted in the form of printed document. The bids submitted by
Telex, fax or email bids shall not be entertained.
14. Deadline for Submission of Bid
Last date for Submission:
In the event of the specified date for the submission of bids being declared a holiday for
OMSM, the bids will be received up to the appointed time on the next working day.
Extension for Last date for Submission:
OMSM may, at own discretion, extend this deadline for submission of bids by amending
the bid document, in which case all rights and obligations of the OMSM and bidders
previously subject to the deadline, will thereafter be subject to the deadline as extended.
~ 48 ~
Late Bids:
Any bid received by OMSM after the deadline for submission of bids prescribed by the
OMSM, will be summarily rejected and returned unopened to the Bidder. The OMSM
shall not be responsible for any postal delay or non-receipt / non-delivery of the
documents. No further correspondence on this subject will be entertained.
15. Evaluation of Bid:
Bidders qualified in technical evaluation will be eligible for financial bid opening &
evaluation. The financial bid will be evaluated through Quality & Cost Based Selection
(QCBS) process with a weightage of 70% to the technical score and 30% to the financial
Bidder Technical Financial Weighted Weighted Composited
Score Score Technical Score Financial Score Score
(70 % of B) (30 % of C) (F = D+E)
The formula which shall be used for the evaluation is as below:
Technical Score * 70% + Financial Score * 30% = Composite Score
The Technical Score shall be calculated as = Technical mark of bidder X 100
Technical Mark of Highest Bidder
The Financial Score shall be calculated as = Financial quote of Lowest bidder X 100
Financial Quote of the Highest Bidder
Score will be adjusted to 2 decimal points.
The bidder securing the highest composite score will be adjudged as the successful bidder for
award of the tender. In the event of tie, the bidder securing the lowest financial score shall be
adjudged as the successful bidder for award of the tender.
~ 49 ~
It is essential for the bidders to quote the competitive price at the time of making the
offer in their own interest. OMSM, however, will have the discretion to choose to enter
into any price negotiations.
b. Single RFP:
In case only one bid is found to be eligible on evaluation of technical bid, OMSM
reserves the right to consider the bid with price negotiation.
c. Billing:
The bidder shall specify the Branch/ Location from which they will raise the bill and in
whose favour payment will be released.
d. Modifications & Withdrawal
The bid submitted may be withdrawn or resubmitted before the expiry of the last date
of submission by making a request in writing to the competent authority of Purchaser to
this effect. No bidders shall be allowed to withdraw the bid after the deadline for
submission of bids.
e. Right to Reject/Accept the Tender
The purchaser reserves the right to either reject or accept any or all tenders at its sole
discretion. It may be clearly understood by the bidders that the purchaser need not
assign any reason for the above action.
f. Patent Rights
The bidder shall indemnify the purchaser against all claims, actions, suits and
proceedings for the infringement or alleged infringement of any patent, design or
copyright protected either in the country of origin or in India by use of any equipment
supplied by the bidder, claims if made on the purchaser, shall be notified to the bidder
of the same and the bidder shall at his own expense either settle such dispute or conduct
any litigation that may arise there from.
g. Arbitration
OMSM, Odisha and the selected bidder shall make every effort to resolve amicably by
direct informal negotiation, any disagreement or dispute arising between them under or
in connection with the Contract. If, after thirty (30) days from the commencement of
such informal negotiations, OMSM, Odisha and the selected Bidder have been unable
to amicably resolve dispute, either party may require that the dispute be referred for
resolution to the formal mechanisms, which may include, but are not restricted to,
conciliation mediated by a third party acceptable to both, or in accordance with The
Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996. All Arbitration proceedings shall be held at
Bhubaneswar, Odisha and the language of the arbitration proceedings and that of all
documents and communications between the parties shall be in English.
h. Jurisdiction of the High Court of Orissa:
Suites, if any arising out of the contract shall be filed by either party in a court of Law
to which the jurisdiction of the High Court of Orissa extends.
i. Confidentiality:
Any information pertaining to the Govt. of Odisha or any other agency involved in the
project, matters concerning Govt. of Odisha that comes to the knowledge of the bidder
~ 50 ~
in connection with this contract, will be deemed to be confidential and the bidder will
be fully responsible, for the same being kept confidential and held in trust, as also for
all consequences of its concerned personnel failing to observe the same. The bidder
shall ensure due secrecy of information and data not intended for public
22. Resolution of Complaints regarding Hardware Downtime or Non Provision of
A complaint resolution mechanism is to be put up in place by the bidder to attend to the
complaints regarding the failure of equipment in ICT Lab or non-availability/non-supply
of consumables in the Schools.
The bidder will have to establish a help desk at the State Level, which shall remain open
from 9 AM to 5 PM besides this at least ONE dedicated toll free number(from all
network) should be provided to lodge complaint during the mentioned working hours.
The bidder will also have to appoint zone wise requisite number of manpower/support
engineers for quick rectification of the hardware/software. At the time of signing of
agreement, the bidder will have to provide the information of Zone wise manpower
deployed along with the telephone numbers. The bidder has to maintain a stock point of
all spare parts of hardware used in the project for immediate replacement.
23. Force Majeure Condition
Neither party shall be responsible to the other for any delay or failure in performance of
its obligations due to any occurrence commonly known as Force Majeure which is
beyond the control of any of the parties, including, but without limited to, fire, flood,
explosion, acts of God or any Governmental body, public disorder, riots, embargoes, or
strikes, acts of military authority, epidemics, strikes, lockouts or other labor disputes,
insurrections, civil commotion, war, enemy actions. If a Force Majeure arises, the Bidder
shall promptly notify OMSM, Odisha in writing of such condition and the cause thereof.
Unless otherwise directed by OMSM, Odisha, the successful bidder shall continue to
perform his obligations under the contract as far as is reasonably practical, and shall seek
all reasonable alternative means for performance not prevented by the Force Majeure
event. The successful bidder shall be excused from performance of his obligations in
whole or part as long as such causes, circumstances or events shall continue to prevent or
delay such performance.
24. Performance Bank Guarantee
iii. The bidder shall furnish a Performance Bank Guarantee (PBG) for 5% of the project
contract value within 15 days of issue of Work Order. The PBG must be from any
nationalized/RBI approved Scheduled bank in India. This Performance Bank Guarantee
(PBG) shall remain valid for 60 days beyond the contract period. Failure of submission
PBG within the specified time period may lead to cancellation of the Work Order.
iv. The Performance Guarantee shall be returned to the Bidder within 30 days of the date of
successful discharge of all contractual obligations at the end of the period of the
agreement by OMSM, Odisha. In the event of any amendments to the Agreement, the
Bidder shall within 15 days of receipt of such amendment furnish the amendment to the
Performance Guarantee if required.
25. Terms of Payment :
~ 51 ~
vi. The payment shall be in Indian Rupees and shall only be effected after successful
completion of milestones without error and delays as defined in the Service Level
vii. No Mobilisation advance payment shall be made to the bidder under any circumstances.
viii. All payments shall be subject to tax deduction at source as per the tax rates applicable.
The bills are to be raised quarterly and submitted to OMSM within 15 days of raising of
invoice. The payment shall be released within 30 days of submission of bill. In case
payment is not released within such time, bidder may request OMSM to release payment
as early as possible or stop rendering services on mutually agreed terms and conditions if
OMSM has a backlog of more than one quarter payment due to the bidder.
ix. The successful bidder has to sign an agreement which shall contain clauses related to
liquidated damages on account of delays, errors, cost and time over-run etc.
x. In case the bidder fails to execute the contract, OMSM shall be at a liberty to get it done
through any other agency with full cost recoverable from the bidder in addition to
damages and penalty.
26. Termination of Contract
Termination for Default :- OMSM may, without prejudice, to any other remedy for
breach of contract, by written notice of default sent to the qualified bidder, terminate the
contract in whole or in part if:
iii. The qualified Bidder fails to deliver any or all of the obligations within the time
period(s) specified in the contract or any extension thereof granted by the OMSM.
iv. The qualified Bidder fails to perform any other obligation(s) under the contract.
However, the disputes if any may be referred to Arbitration.
Termination for Insolvency, Dissolution etc :-OMSM may at any time terminate the
contract by giving written notice to the qualified bidder without compensation to the
qualified bidder, if the qualified bidder becomes bankrupt or otherwise insolvent or in
case of dissolution of firm or winding up of company, provided that such termination
will not prejudice or effect any right of action or remedy which has accrued thereafter to
the OMSM.
~ 52 ~
Annexure-1 (General Information of Bidder)
Sl. Item Details Proof
No. Attached(Yes/No)
1 Name of the Firm/Company
2 Address of Registered Office
3 Address of Corporate Office
4 Proof of existence for at least 3 years (Year of
establishment of the Firm/Company)
5 Telephone Numbers
6 Email Address
7 Firm/Company Registration No.
8 PAN Details
9 IT Return for A.Y. 2016-17, 2017-18, 2018-19
10 Audit Report for three Financial Years and
audited balance sheet
11 EPF Registration Number
12 ESIC Registration Number
13 GST registration details
14 RFP Document Fee
15 EMD
Details of the Managing Director/ CEO Details of the Authorized Signatory for
(Name, Mobile Number & Email) this Tender (Name, Designation, Mobile
& Email)
Yours faithfully
Authorized Signatory
(Company Seal)
~ 53 ~
Annexure-2 (Acceptance of RFP Terms & Conditions)
To Date: _ _/_ _/_ _ _ _
State Project Director (SPD),
Odisha Madhyamika Shiksha Mission,
N1/9, Gajapati Nagar Rd, Near Doordarshan Kendra,
Nayapalli, Bhubaneswar, Odisha 751005.
Sir / Madam.
I have carefully gone through the Terms & Conditions contained in the RFP No.,
regarding < RFP Name>. I declare that all the provisions of this Tender Document are
Yours faithfully
Authorized Signatory
(Company Seal)
(Please attach suitable board resolution, duly attested copy authorising the individual to sign
on behalf of the company)
~ 54 ~
Annexure-3 (Project Experience)
S.N. Name of Client, Name Project Start Project Status
Contact of Date Cost (Complete/ In
Person, Telephone No, Project and End Date, Progress/
Mobile No, e -Mail, Brief Delay)
Physical Address of Project
Note: Copies of relevant work order and completion certificate must support the information
provided in the above table.
Yours faithfully
Authorized Signatory
(Company Seal)
~ 55 ~
Annexure 4 (Self-Declaration Form)
State Project Director (SPD),
Odisha Madhyamika Shiksha Mission,
N1/9, Gajapati Nagar Rd, Near Doordarshan Kendra,
Nayapalli, Bhubaneswar, Odisha 751005.
If this declaration is found to be incorrect then without prejudice to any other action that may
be taken, our EMD may be forfeited in full and the tender if any to the extent accepted may
be cancelled.
Thanking you,
Name of the Bidder:
Authorised Signatory:
~ 56 ~
Annexure-5 (Price Bid Form)
(Price Bid Form for maintenance services of equipment, furniture and provision of recurring
services to all 4000 ICT Labs)
To Date: ___/____/_____
State Project Director (SPD),
Odisha Madhyamika Shiksha Mission,
N1/9, Gajapati Nagar Rd, Near Doordarshan Kendra,
Nayapalli, Bhubaneswar, Odisha 751005.
I, the undersigned, offer to provide the services for “Monitoring & Supervision, Evaluation
and Management of the project through web based monitoring facility & online MIS for
performance tracking of the entire project to all 4000 ICT Labs under ICT@Schools
Scheme” in accordance with your RFP under reference and our technical bid proposal as per
the following price. (Year wise)
The amount is inclusive of all taxes. Our financial proposal shall be binding upon us
subject to the modifications resulting from contract negotiations, up to expiration of the
validity period of the contract. In case of any difference between the rates quoted in figures
and words, the latter shall prevail.
We understand you are not bound to accept any proposal you receive.
~ 57 ~
Annexure 8 (List of Existing Equipment & along with Brands) both for PIA & PMA
Sr. no. Qty. Specification & Serial No.
Existing Make & Model
Desktop X86 Architecture 3.2 Ghz or higher Processor with 4 dedicated cores, RAM 4GB or
higher expandable to 16GB, 500 GB HDD, 19-inch or Higher LED Monitor, Built-in
1 1
audio, 300 Watt Desktop Speaker, DVD Writer,10/100/1000BaseT Ethernet, 104
Key Keyboard and Optical Mouse With at least 2 Free Full Height PCI slots,
Brand Acer
Desktop(Stand by) X86 Architecture 3.2 Ghz or higher Processor with 4 dedicated cores, RAM 4GB or
higher expandable to 16GB, 500 GB HDD, 19-inch or Higher LED Monitor, Built-in
2 1
audio, 300 Watt Desktop Speaker, DVD Writer,10/100/1000BaseT Ethernet, 104
Key Keyboard and Optical Mouse With at least 2 Free Full Height PCI slots,
Brand Acer
Two Shared Computing Devices per Desktop. Multibox device which allows 6
users to share a single host PC through a share computing PC-Sharing kit (which
includes one full height PCI Card, Virtualization software, access devices with
speaker output, PS/2
Shared Computing Mouse and PS/2 Keyboard output. SVGA Monitor output and RJ45 Connection
Device Port. with 5 CAT6 cables (each of 5 meters length)), Power consumption of each
3 2
N-computing access device should not exceed more than 1-2watts. The access device should be
integrated with Host PC via CAT 6 cable with support up to 10mtr/32ft. Each user
should have independent desktop environment. User experience on shared
terminal should be substantially the same as on the host PC (Boot time, Login
Experience, Responsiveness (Mouse, Keyboard, application start-up and
execution), Graphics/Multimedia, Logout.
Monitor, Key Board & 19-inch or higher LED Monitor with static contrast 1000:1, resolution of 1440 x 900
Mouse and VGA connectivity with matt black finish, brightness 250 cd/m2, viewing angle
4 10
(Brand :-Aser) 170 degrees/ 160 degrees (horizontal/vertical), wall mounting port VDI, with
Windows Certification with EPEAT GOLD / TCO /Energy Star Certification
Key Board & Mouse
Web Cam
Min 5MP camera, Support for HD Video calling (1280 X 720 pixels), Built-in mic
5 1
with noise reduction
~ 58 ~
Sr. no. Qty. Specification & Serial No.
Existing Make & Model
Projection System: DLP Technology
Brightness: 2500-ANSI Lumens (Short Throw)
Resolution: SVGA (800x600)
Integrated Computer Contrast Ratio: 2500:1
Projector Computer System : X86 architecture, 3.2GHz or higher with 4 dedicated Cores, Minimum 4MB
8 1
K-YAN L3 Cache, Compatible chipset with
HD graphics, 4GB DDR3 RAM expandable to 16 GB, 500 GB Serial SATA II 7200 RPM HDD, Optical
Drive DVD RW, Wireless Keyboard
& optical Scroll Mouse. OS: DOS
Input: PS/2 Mouse & Keyboard, RF –in for TV, USB ports, Microphone in
Output : Internal 30 watts Audio Output, LAN: 1x Gbps LAN, Integrated analogue cable TV tuner
~ 59 ~
Sr. no. Qty. Specification & Serial No.
Existing Make & Model
Multi Function Printer. Print, copy, scan, fax, Multitasking supported: Yes, Speed in Normal
Mode: Up to 18 ppm,
Print technology: Laser, Print quality black (best): Up to 600 x 600 dpi (1200 dpi
effective),Display: at least 2-line LCD,
Multi Function Printer
Processor speed: Minimum 400 MHz, Connectivity, standard: Hi-Speed USB 2.0 port,
10 1 10/100Base-T Ethernet network port,RJ-11
Telephone port, Duplex printing: Automatic Scanner type: Flatbed, ADF,
Scan file format: JPEG, TIF (compressed
HP and uncompressed), PDF, GIF, BMP, Scan resolution, optical: Up to 1200 dpi,
Brand Certified by IDC
ISO 9001 Certified. Online UPS of 2KVA with 30 minutes power backup, Output Wave Form -
On Line UPS Pure sine wave, Efficiency 90 % or better on rated full load, Input Power Factor > 0.90, Battery
11 1 type : Sealed. Maintenance Free, Micro Controller Based Double Conversion Online UPS and
Cabling. With DG Set compatibilities, frequency range 50+/- 6% hertz, operating temperature:
0 to 50 degrees celcius,noise level: as per the government norms. output: pure sine wave
16 Port Unmanagable GIGABIT switch with CAT-6 cabling (in casing caping) for all the nodes,
12 Mutli fucntion printers, Projection
13 Fire Extinguisher 1 Portable Carbon Dioxide Handheld fire extinguishers as per IS specification
5KVA (1 Phase Servo Motor Operated Line Voltage Corrector), Input Range: : 50V-270V (Single
Phase), Mounting: On Wheels.
Servo Stabilizer Output range: 220V/230V/240V single phase (adjustable), earthing terminals, overload cutoff,
14 1
Protect output protection through MCB, Frequency range: 50+/- 3% hertz. Operating temperature: 0 to
50 degrees celsuis
Silent Generator Set ISO 9001 Certified, Minimum 3 KVA Petrol/Diesel based
15 1
Champ silent generator set with Safe Cabling and Installation
17 Lighting (ISI mark) 4 40W Tube Light with Electronic Choke (ISI
~ 60 ~
Sr. no. Qty. Specification & Serial No.
Existing Make & Model
15 5 A- 240 V switches
22 41 Armless Moulded Chairs, Cream colour, ISStandard Compliant
Uma Plastic/Moderna
~ 61 ~