Project Guide C25 33 Propulsion Engines
Project Guide C25 33 Propulsion Engines
Project Guide C25 33 Propulsion Engines
STANDARD AND OPTIONAL ENGINE The engines are fitted with necessary relief valves
DESIGN. in the crankcase doors.
Engine block
Connecting rod and big end bearing
Crankcase/cylinder block is a monoblock
The connecting rod is drop-forged of special steel.
structure of nodular cast iron. The engines have
It is of 3-piece design and of ample dimensions.
underslung crankshafts. Main bearing caps are
The Shank part is attached to the Big End part
retained by studs with hydraulically tensioned
with a stiff flange and 4 bolts, the Big End bearing
nuts. Horizontal bolts running across the crank-
cap is split horizontally and retained by 2 bolts.
case, clamp the main bearing caps against side-
All bolts are made of special steel, have roll-
ways movement. Large doors on each side of the
formed threads and are tensioned hydraulically.
crankcase give easy access for maintenance work.
Power output / Propeller design speed when the ship is on sea trial, at specified
Propeller design depends upon vessel type speed and load.
and duty. For ships intended for towing (TUGS), the
If the fixed propeller solution is chosen, it should propeller can be designed for 95% of MCR of the
be designed so that it absorbs 85% of the maxi- engine at nominal speed for bollard pull or at
mum continuous output of the engine at normal towing speed.
1 2 3 4 5 6
Flywheel end
Free end/
pump end Clockwise
Engine type
Specific energy
(Extract of ISO 8217) Heavy fuel oils, or more correctly, Intermediate
Specific energy is not controlled in the manufac- Fuels (IF) are produced by diluting a high viscos-
ture of fuel except in a secondary manner by the ity residual oil with a distillate, normally Marine
specification of other properties. Diesel Oil, to the desired viscosity.
However, the specific energy can be calculated The quantity of distillate needed to attain a certain
with a degree of accuracy acceptable for normal viscosity will always be relatively small. Thus the
purposes from the following equations: percentage of impurities is hardly altered by re-
ducing the viscosity. Viscosity is therefore no
Specific energy (net) = A·B+C (MJ/kg) measure of quality.
The quality of a heavy fuel is primarily dependent
A= 46.704 - 8.802 2·10-6+3.167· 10-3 upon the origin of the crude oil and the refining
B= 1 - 0.01(x+y+s) process used. This means that the quality of the
C= 0.01(9.420s - 2.449x) fuel oil can vary greatly from place to place and
from time to time, irrespective of the viscosity.
where It is a requirement to separate the heavy fuel oil.
Heavy fuel oil - operating problems cause, together with recommendations for avoid-
A table is given below which describes problems ing or at least minimizing these problems
the various constituents of modern heavy fuel can
Item Problem area Action
Density Pretreatment/ removal of water Ensure separator settings are correct
Sulphur Low temperature corrosion, i.e. wear Ensure coolant outlet temperature is
of upper liner parts, in piston ring between 85-90°C.
grooves and on exhaust valve stem/ Ensure lubricating oil has sufficiently
guide. high TBN-no.
Viscosity Pretreatment/preheating to correct Ensure temperature is correct for
injection viscosity. required viscosity.
Conradson Carbon Carbon build-up in exhaust system Increase inlet air and coolant tempera-
and increase in smoke level. ture at low load.
Especially at low load.
Vanadium High temperature corrosion of exhaust Check function of rotocap.
valves. Check valve clearance and valve
Deposit formation. seating.
Sodium Deposit formation. See under “water” (below)
Sodium content is connected with sea
(1% seawater ~ 100 ppm sodium)
Water (usually seawater) Corrosion, corrosive wear, deposit for- Sea water content must be reduced by
mation. the separator to less than 0.2%.
Ignition and combustion. Wear, deposit formation, damage to Increase charge air temperature at
Problems are rare today, but might piston and rings. low load. Keep high cooling water
appear more frequently for fuels pro- temperatures.
duced from secondary refining pro- In extreme cases: Mix fuel with diesel
cesses, particularly at low load. oil having cetane no. 35 min.
NB! Watch compatibility.
Aluminium, silicates. Abrasive wear of fuel system equip- Effective separation and filtration is
ment, liners and rings. essential. Reduce content to 5 ppm
particle size max. 5 micron.
Compatability Pretreatment Avoid mixing with other oils wherever
(Mixing with other oils.) possible.
STARTING, LOADING AND LOW LOAD into the cylinders and the exhaust system.
OPERATION Ref. engine service manual.
The propulsion engines must always be primed
Introduction. with lubricating oil before starting. (Exeption
Rolls-Royce Marine, Engines Bergen have experi- for emergency start)
ence from applications at outdoor ambient air
temperatures from +50°C in tropical areas to - Loading.
30°C in arctic areas. An engine which has gone through a "warm
Special precautions have to be taken in relevant standby start", is ready for instant loading to
ancillary systems for ambient air temperatures be- 100%.
yond the standard rating reference temperature
range, which is engine room temp. between 0°C An engine which has gone through a "cold start"
and 55°C, according to classification rules. has to be loaded gradually until a min. jacket wa-
ter temperature of +50°C is reached.
For engine air inlet max. allowable temp. is 45°C,
and max. air humidity is 60%.
Low load/part load operation.
Definitions. Operation on diesel oil.
• The engines may be operated for 8-10 hours
Warm standby starting. at zero load.
• I.e. starting of the engine with an engine tem- • The engines may be operated for 100 hours at
perature (jacket cooling water temperature) of 10% load.
minimum + 50°C.
• Applicable for diesel oil and heavy fuel oil After above extreme low load operations the en-
operation. gines have to be loaded to minimum 50% for a pe-
• With the engine in warm standby, and with riod of 15 minutes before a new low load period
the fuel oil heated to correct injection viscos- takes place.
ity and circulating to the engine, it can be
started on heavy fuel oil. Operation on heavy fuel oil.
Recommended minimum low load operation in %
Additional requirements for heavy fuel oil opera- of nominal full load as a function of operating
tion: time is shown on the diagram L 750/44 (See next
• Minimum nozzle oil temperature +80 ±5°C. page).
• The temperature of the heavy fuel oil has to The diagram is only for engines equipped with
be as required for the fuel oil injection viscos- two-stage charge air coolers .
Cold starting:
• I.e. starting of engine with an engine tempera-
ture below + 50°C and down to minimum
• Applicable for diesel oil operation only.
Emergency cold starting:
• I.e. starting of engine with an engine tempera-
ture below 0°C.
Applicable for diesel oil operation only.
If the ignition does not take place within 12-15
sec. the starting procedure has to be interrupt-
ed. This is to prevent admitting too much fuel
Marine Propulsion Applications, C25:33 Starting, loading and low load operation
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Part 1.06
Starting, loading and low load operation Marine Propulsion Applications, C25:33
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Part 1.07
The chart only show fuel
consumtion for guidance.
Operation of engine must be
according to load limit curve
given for the spesific cylinder
The above chart only show fuel consumtion for guidance.
Operation of engine must be according to load limit curve, and not the above given curve.
Noize level measurements were taken at 8 different point, all located on the same
level as the cylinder heads, and at 1 meter distance from the engine.
Engines - Bergen
Estimated unsilenced exhaust noise
spectrum from RR C25:33L @ 1,0 m from
edge of the exhaust opening.
31,5 97
63 114
125 125
250 129
500 128
1000 126
2000 118
4000 113
8000 104
Total 134
p 2 – p 1 J 60 min
t = ---------------------------------------------------------- , minutes
p0 Q 2
One diesel engine driven air compressor.
The starting air receivers used by Bergen Engines For multi-engine plants with simultaneous starts,
have standard volumes of 125, 250, 500, 750 and pipes must be sized accordingly.
1000 litres, see drawing L 1004/21. The starting Water separation
air receivers are delivered with valve head and Generally the starting air is to be dry and clean.
equipment as shown in system drawing. One oil/water separator after each starting air
Required starting air receiver volume Vf may be compressor is strongly recommended. Water
calculated according to the following formula: accumulated in the starting air receivers during
compression has therefore to be drained at regular
N – 1 V ns
V f = ---------------------------- , m3 intervals. In addition, depending on operating
P max – P min conditions, water traps also are to be installed in
where the piping system between the starting air
receiver(s) and the engine(s). The piping to slope
towards the traps.
Application Engine Cylinders Engine Start air Minimum Vol. for Number of starts
speed consumption pressure 3 starts
RPM Nm3/start bar litres 250 l. 500 l.
Auxilliary C 5 900 0,9 15 120 5,2 9,3
C 6 900 1,1 16 157 4,2 7,4
C 8 900 1,4 18,5 243 3,1 5,1
C 9 900 1,5 20 300 2,7 4,3
Propulsion C 6 900/1000 0,75 15 100 6,0 11,0
C 8 900/1000 0,9 18 150 4,3 7,7
C 9 900/1000 1 20 200 3,5 6,0
Fig. 1. Start air consumption for engines with displacement starter type.
Control air
Dry and clean air is required for problem-free If there is other control air consumers in the
operation of oil mist detector, I/P-converters and system, control air unit capacity must be checked
solenoid valves in the control air system. accordingly.
From the start air receiver(s), 30 bar air is reduced
to 7 bar in the control air unit (95SA). Also called An air dryer (96SA) for control air is
pressure reducing station; see figure 3. recommended in humid areas and if pneumatic
The control air unit is of a double type, located valves are installed.
between start air receiver(s) and the engine(s).
It is equipped with a filter and a rod for manual Control air requirements according to
draining of condensed water. ISO 8573-1:
Particle size: max:............................ 1,0 micron
The capacity is: ........................1100 nl/minute, Dew point: ..................................... 3 °C (7 bar)
provided 30 bar inlet air pressure, adjusted outlet Particle density: ............................ 1,0 mg/Nm3
pressure 7 bar and system pressure 6 bar. Oil content: max: .......................... 1,0 mg/Nm3
Pressure:......................................... 7 ± 0,5 barg
The capacity is: ......................... 670 nl/minute, Temperature:.......................................20-50 °C
if inlet pressure is 20 bar, under equal conditions.
Pipe materials
Particle size:…. .......................max. 1.0 micron
Steel pipes according to the classification <
societies requirements are used in the starting and
Normal control air consumption per engine control air system.
including pneumatic operated valves and oil mist
detector, is approx ..... .……………. 2,5 Nm3/h
The piping system is to be designed for an
operating pressure of minimum 30 bar.
Marine Propulsion Applications, C25:33 Charge air & exhaust gas system
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Part 2.03
Charge air & exhaust gas system Marine Propulsion Applications, C25:33
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Part 2.03
Marine Propulsion Applications, C25:33 Charge air & exhaust gas system
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Part 2.03
Charge air & exhaust gas system Marine Propulsion Applications, C25:33
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Part 2.03
Marine Propulsion Applications, C25:33 Charge air & exhaust gas system
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Part 2.03.1
DIESEL OIL SYSTEM Being a gear pump, the engine driven diesel oil
booster pump has poor suction capability.
Introduction For further info see “Notes” on the following
An engine driven diesel oil booster pump (30DO) system drawings.
supplies fuel to the injection pumps through a
duplex filter (53DO). See enclosed drawings for
components fitted on the engine.
The engine has a duplex diesel oil filter with filter
cartridges of: .............................. 7 - 10 micron.
Pumps and Capacities In the suction pipe from the day tank it should be
The booster pump is of the gear wheel type. fitted a strainer of: ...................... 0,5 mm mesh.
The pressure control valve, which can be adjusted An optional flowmeter has to be protected by a
from 2 to 7 bar, is normally set to 7 bar. strainer of: ................................. 50-100 micron
The pressure at the fuel booster pump (30DO) depending on flowmeter make.
inlet to be 0 - 0.4 bar at 100% engine power.
Option Diesel Oil Heater
Electrically driven diesel oil booster pump, In order to prevent cold corrosion of fuel injection
installed in the engine room. nozzles and wax formation in the diesel oil, which
The capacity of the optional booster pump should may clog the filters, the diesel oil temperature
be approx. 4 x Consumption (m3/h) at full load. should be kept above 20 °C.
The working pressure of the optional booster pump For this purpose a standard diesel oil heater can
should be: ................................................. 7 bar. optionally be supplied for fitting in diesel oil
return pipe from the engine.
Feeder Pump Heat is transferred from low temp. cooling water
If the dynamic pressure will be less than 0 bar at or sea water that is circulated through the diesel
fuel booster pump inlet (30DO), an additional oil heater.
electric feeder pump (32DO) is required. see
requirement for day tank.
The capacity of the feeder pump should Note
be:........1,15 x consumption (m3/h) at full load. MDO heat emission in
• C25:33 series engines - 2,0 kW/ cylinder.
See “Technical Data”, part 1, for other pump
capacities. Fire safety
In multi-engine installations, means of isolating
Flowmeter fuel supply to individual engines must be
Option provided. This must not affect the operation of the
If a flowmeter is installed, an additional electrical other engines.
feeder pump is required. According to SOLAS requirements.
Tanks Purification
Day tank Separating of the diesel oil is strongly recom-
A day tank capacity for 24 hours full load mended, also for gas oil, in order to remove
consumption is required for automatic operation water.
together with level switches with alarms for high The flow rate calculation is to be based on the
and low level. specific fuel oil consumption of the engine, and
The day tank shall be located so that the diesel oil the following basic formula may be employed:
can be gravity fed to the engine under all
conditions. also under max. constant heel or trim. N b 24
Q = ------------------------- liter h
Normally this requires that the day tank is located dT
so that low level is minimum:..............5 meters
above the crankshaft centre.
N = maximum continuous rating in kW.
Leakage oil
The leakage diesel oil from injection pumps and b = specific fuel consumption specified in
injectors amounts to: kg/kWh by engine supplier, plus 18% for
...................... approx. 1 % of the consumption. non-ISO conditions, wear, fuel contamina-
tion etc.
The leakage oil may be centrifuged and trans-
ferred to the bunker tank. d = fuel oil density = 0,85 for MDO and 0,83
for Gas Oil.
Sludge tank
Leakage diesel oil from collector trays on engine T = continuous operating time (number of
is drained to a separate tank. The amount of hours per 24 hour day).
sludge from the engine(s) is insignificant, how-
ever, most of the sludge from an engine plant will Based on the calculated required flow rate (Q)
come from the separators for lubricating oil and and the actual diesel oil viscosity, the separator
fuel oil. It is normally practical to have one sludge model can then be selected from the capacity
tank for all sludge from separators and engine(s). tables for separators.
The sludge tank shall be equipped with level
switch and high level alarm. The recommended separation temperature for
diesel oil is about 40°C.
HEAVY FUEL OIL SYSTEM AND DIESEL OIL The feeder part of the module has 2 identical feed-
STAND-BY/FLUSHING SYSTEM er pumps, and one pump is running while the oth-
er one is kept in autostart stand-by.
Introduction The capacity of each feeder pump should be:
Engines for HFO operation have to be equipped • 1,5 x Consumption (m3/h) of all engines at
accordingly, see Part 1 engine performance. full load.
The HFO system is shown with 1 engine. In prin- The booster part of the module has 2 identical
ciple, however, the system drawing is applicable booster pumps, and one pump is running while the
also for 2 engines or more. other one is kept in autostart stand-by.
The diesel oil system shown is for stand-by and The capacity of each booster pump should be:
for flushing of the HFO system. Observe that • Approx. 3 x Consumption (m3/h) of all
heavy fuel oil engines are equipped with separate- engines at full load.
ly mounted diesel oil booster pump and filter. The large overcapacity of the booster pump is
necessary to ensure sufficient flow of recirculated
The HFO system shown is a pressurized system, fuel oil for cooling of the injection pumps.
designed for operating with a fuel oil viscosity up to
55 cSt/100°C (700 cSt/ 50°C), and all temperatures Flowmeter
indicated in tanks etc are applicable for this viscos-
ity. Option:
The HFO feeder-booster module as well as the
Heavy fuel oil is fed to the engines by a feeder- diesel oil system can be equipped with a flowme-
booster module, where the fuel oil is heated to ter.
correct injection viscosity, led through an auto-
matic discharge filter, and finally supplied to the Pipe Materials/Velocities and Pressure
engines through a duplex fine filter. Losses
Steel pipes are to be used in the heavy fuel oil sys-
All pipes and tanks for heated fuel oil are to be tem.
insulated and heat traced. In order to prevent excessive pressure losses and
also to minimize possible pressure pulses in the
Pumps and Capacities piping system, the heavy fuel oil velocity in pipes
Feeder pumps and booster pumps are electrically between the HFO feeder booster module and the
driven and located on the feeder-booster module. engine should not exceed approx.:
The feeder pumps are for pressurizing purpose of • 0.5 m/s in the pressure pipe, and
the total system, with the intention to prevent va- • 0.5 m/s in the suction pipe.
pourization of heated high viscosity fuel oil, and
thereby avoid vapour lock and loss of fuel vapour Filtration
to atmosphere. At inlet to the feeder pumps are installed strainers
The feeder pressure, which is adjusted by a pres- of: ...................................400 micron (absolute)
sure control valve over the feeder pumps, is nor- At inlet to the viscosimeter is installed an automat-
mally set to:..........................................3 - 4 bar ic discharge filter with manual by-pass
and filtration of: ...............................32 micron.
The booster pressure, which is adjusted by a pres- At outlet from the feeder-booster module is in-
sure control valve in the piping system, is normally stalled a duplex fine filter of::
set to: ....................................................5 - 7 bar .....................................7 - 10 micron (nominal)
Marine Propulsion Applications, C25:33 Heavy fuel oil system and diesel oil stand-by/flushing system
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Part 2.07
Heavy Fuel Oil Heaters separated fuel in the settling tank (overflow from
The booster module has 2 identical steam or elec- day tank).
tric heaters. The settling tank should be well insulated.
Each heater has sufficient capacity for heating of Heating coils are required in the settling tank, in
the fuel oil to all engines at full load, and one order to keep an operating temperature of approx.
heater can therefore be overhauled while the other 80° C.
one is in service. Water and impurities should be drained at regular
intervals from the bottom of the settling tank.
Heat Tracing and Insulation Bunker tank(s)
All pipes and filters on the feeder-booster module Heating coils are required in the bunker tank(s) in
have steam or electric heat tracing, and are well order to keep a temperature of approx. 50°C, or
insulated in order to minimize heat losses. well above the required pumping temperature.
Heat tracing and insulation lagging are also re- Water and sludge should be drained at regular in-
quired for the piping system between the day tank tervals from the bottom of the bunker tank(s).
and the feeder-booster module, and between the
module and the engines. Waste oil tank
For capacity see “Leakage oil“ Diesel Oil System.
Fire safety Heating coils are required in the tank.
In multi-engine installations, means of isolating
fuel supply to individual engines must be provid- Sludge tank
ed. This must not affect the operation of the other The sludge tank shall be arranged as described
engines. According to SOLAS requirements. under Diesel Oil System.
In addition heating coils are required in the tank.
Day tank.
A day tank capacity for 24 hours full load con- Sludge treatment
sumption is required for automatic operation to- The sludge is normally to be transported to an ap-
gether with level switches with alarms for high proved depository for hazardous waste or to be
and low level. burnt in an incenerator.
Approx. 80% of the sludge is contaminated water.
The fuel oil in the day tank should be kept at ap- With the intention to reduce the disposal costs it
prox. 60°C, and usually the temperature is higher may therefore be profitable to install a sludge sep-
due to hot fuel oil discharged from the separator. arator.
Heating coils should nevertheless be installed in
the day tank for starting-up purposes. Purification
Continuous separating of the heavy fuel oil is a
The day tank should be lagged with insulation must in order to remove water and solid particles.
material and be equipped for drainage. The heavy fuel oil separator has to be of the self-
cleaning type with automatic sludge discharge.
Settling tank The flow rate calculation is to be based on the
Due to increased density of low grade fuel, the specific fuel oil onsumption of the engine(s), and
role of the settling tank has changed. It acts now the following basic formula may be employed:
as a buffer that provides homogeneous fuel at
constant temperature to the separator, rather than N × b × 24
Q = ------------------------- ( ( liter ) ⁄ h )
as a device for gravitation settling of water and d×T
sediment. where
Homogeneous fuel is obtained because hot recir- Q = separator booster pump capacity
culated fuel from the separator is mixed with un- N = maximum continuous rating in kW.
Heavy fuel oil system and diesel oil stand-by/flushing system Marine Propulsion Applications, C25:33
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Part 2.07
b = specific fuel consumption specified in kg/ The HFO system must have two (2) filters, i.e.: engine supplier plus 18 % for non-ISO
conditions, wear, fuel contamination etc. 1. One automatic discharge filter of max. 32
d = fuel density = (0,991 for 700 cSt/50°C micron filtration, with manual by-pass.
heavy fuel oil.) 2. One duplex filter of disposable paper car-
T = continuous operating time (number of hours tridge type, with max. 10 micron filter fine-
per 24 hour day.) ness.
Based on the calculated flow rate (Q) and the ac-
tual heavy fuel oil viscosity, the separator model
and heater can then be selected from separator ca-
pacity tables.
The recommended separation temperature for
heavy fuel oil is 98°C.
E = power in kW
v = flow in l/h
dt = increase of oil temperature °C
p = density in kg/dm3
cp = specific heat for oil in kcal/kg °C
n = safety margin
Marine Propulsion Applications, C25:33 Heavy fuel oil system and diesel oil stand-by/flushing system
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Part 2.07
Heavy fuel oil system and diesel oil stand-by/flushing system Marine Propulsion Applications, C25:33
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Part 2.07
Marine Propulsion Applications, C25:33 Heavy fuel oil system and diesel oil stand-by/flushing system
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Part 2.07
Heavy fuel oil system and diesel oil stand-by/flushing system Marine Propulsion Applications, C25:33
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Part 2.07.1
Engines running on heavy fuel oil, are equipped
with a cleaning system for the fuel injection
pumps. The control sleeves/racks are washed with
light marine diesel oil at regular intervals to pre-
vent sticking, in order to ensure good governor
control of the engines.
Each engine has a separate cleaning system.
The standard cleaning system is shown on draw-
ing L 756/20. The pump (8), solenoid valve (7)
etc., are modulized (13).
See also drawing L 736/69.
Marine Propulsion Applications, C25:33 Fuel injection pump control sleeve/rack cleaning system
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Part 2.07.1
Fuel injection pump control sleeve/rack cleaning system Marine Propulsion Applications, C25:33
Page 2 : 2 0306 BC/AP
Part 2.08
All engines are equipped with a nozzle tempera-
ture control system.
Observe that the expansion tank should be located The wax element type valve has a temperature
with its bottom min. 3 meters and max. 10 meters range of: ........................................... 29 - 41 °C
above top of engine. On request the expansion
tank can be located as much as 20 meters above As an option, we can supply a electrical/pneumat-
top of engine. ical valve with a temperature sensor after the
valve itself and a control unit.
Thermostatic valves, high temperature
system The electrical/pneumatical valve is being regulat-
In the high temperature cooling water system, a ed by a control unit that reads temperature from
thermostatic valve (65HT) is being used. This is a the sensor on the pipeline, has a programable set-
diverting application where the valve directs the point, and works to keep the temperature stable at
water either to cooling or returnal to the suction max. 37 °C.
side of the built on HT cooling water pump.
Charge air cooler
The Bergen Engine standard is a valve of the wax The engines have two-stage charge air coolers, i.
element type. e. one high temp. stage cooled by high temp. fresh
water or jacket water, and one low temp. stage
The wax element valve type has a temperature cooled with low temp. fresh water or sea water.
range of:............................................82 - 91 °C
For good temperature control,the pressure The charge air temperature is detemined by the
loss in the valve should be:.......... 0.14 - 0.5 bar charge air pressure. A pressure sensor on the en-
gine (21CA) gives a signal to the PLC. In the PLC
As an option, we have a electrical/pneumatical there is a preset curve that ensures a temperature
valve with a temperature sensor on the engine and of max. 37 °C at low load and increases up to 55
a control unit. This valve is being regulated by a °C on maximal load due to a linear curve. A sig-
control unit that reads temperature from the sen- nal from the PLC is then sent to a control unit that
sor on the engine, has a programable set-point, controls a 3-way valve (73LT) for this purpose.
and works to keep the temperature stable at 90 °C.
Nozzle oil cooler For larger heat recovery units (like fresh water
A standard heat exchanger is used for all engines. generators), we can supply an electric/pneumatic
See also part 2.08 - Nozzle temp. control system. valve with a temperature sensor on the pipeline
and a control unit, in the high temperature cooling
Heat recovery unit water system, to utilize most of the energy gener-
All heat that normally is dissipated in the jacket ated in the HT-cooling system. The valve is locat-
water cooler can be recovered in a heat recovery ed on the return line to the cooler/HT-system.
unit, for instance a fresh water generator installed
in the engine room. Please consult Rolls-Royce Marine for installa-
For different engine loads condition, see technical tion of this unit.
data (chapter 1.04). See technical data also for
available heat and jacket water flow.
A separate circulating pump for controlling the Heat dissipation in HT-circuit:
water flow to the heat recovery unit is required.
Heat dissipation (% of max.)
0 50 80 100
Engine load (% mcr)
Cooling water system options list. from fully closed to fully open. The valve is being
Integrated front end module. arranged as a mixing application. The valve is be-
Drawing C 927/15 ing arranged as a mixing application. It regulates
with sufficient response time and gives a stable
Resiliently mounted:
The engine is mounted on flexible elements to re- El. Pneumatic thermostatic HT valve (built on
duce structural vibrations onboard the vessel, be- engine):
tween the engine foundation and the ship This valve can be supplied along with a built on
foundation. All pipe connections have flexible el- temperature sensor and a loose supplied control-
ements on the engine. ler to regulate the HT cooling water temperature.
The valve is being arranged as a diverting appli-
Rigidly mounted (Bergen standard solution): cation. The valve is then normally fitted with
There are no flexible elements between the en- manual override. The valve regulates more rapid-
gine foundation and the ship foundation. Only the ly and gives a stable temperature.
inlet and outlet from the built on HT & LT (if ap-
plicable) cooling water pump has flexible ele- El. Pneumatic thermostatic LT valve:
ments. This valve can be supplied along with a loose
supplied temperature sensor and controller to reg-
HT stand by pump: ulate the cooling and secure a fixed inlet tempera-
For the built on mechanical high temp cooling ture to the engine of max. 37C. The valve has a
water pump on the engine there is a loose sup- low pressure drop and is being arranged as a mix-
plied electrical stand by pump. It can be started by ing application. This solution is recommended
a pressure sensor on the engine. This solution is when one common thermostatic valve is used on
normally used on single engine applications. a multi engine application. The valve is then nor-
mally fitted with manual override. The valve reg-
LT stand by pump: ulates more rapidly and gives a stable regulation
and it also keeps the temperature stable.
For the built on mechanical low temp cooling wa-
ter pump on the engine there is a loose supplied
electrical supplied stand by pump. It can be start- Engine unit no.2:
ed by a pressure sensor on the engine. This solu- Used if more than one engine is connected to the
tion is normally used on single engine freshwater/central cooler e.q. a 4-engine applica-
applications. tion it is common to split the cooling water sys-
tem into two systems, where inner/outer or
Wax element thermostatic valve HT (Bergen engines on same gear are on the same cooling wa-
standard solution, built on engine): ter system.
This valve is our prefered solution with wax ele-
ment valve type which has a temperature range Generator cooler:
from fully closed to fully open. The valve is being For generator sets the generator cooler is referred
arranged as a diverting application. It regulates to as “external components” in the system draw-
with sufficient response time and gives a stable ing.
In addition to the above main filter, the engines There is also a regulating valve with a sensor
are equipped with a partial flow centrifugal filter, which controls the pressure after the duplex filter.
with capacity of maximum 10 % of total lubr. oil The valve should normally not be adjusted, i.e.
flow. the cause for change of lubricating oil pressure
should be found before any adjustments are made.
Thermostatic Valve However if necessary please see the
The C25:33 engine are as standard equipped with Service Manual for procedure.
thermostatic valve of the wax element type, with
a fixed temperature range of 54 - 63°C for mixing Lubr. Oil Cooler
application. A plate heat exchanger with stainless steel/titani-
For good temperature control, the pressure loss in um plates is the standard lubr. oil cooler for fresh/
the valve should be 0,14 - 0,5 bar. sea water respectively.
The valve is normally operating in automatic Press. loss in such a cooler (FW / SW-side) is
mode, however in emergency cases each of the normally 0,3 - 0,5 bar and should be limited to
valve elements are fitted with a variable manual 0,6 bar.
override which allows the valve to be Max. pressure loss on lubr.oil side is 0.8 bar
progressively forced to full cooling position. The lubr. oil cooler is designed for removing heat
output from the engine.
Pressure Control For other lubr.oil cooler parameters, please see
Part 1 “Technical data”.
Adjacent to the thermostatic valve is a pressure
regulating valve fitted. Alternatively the lubr. oil cooler can be mounted
The pressure regulating valve function is to keep off engine, in that case is a adapter plate fitted to
the lubricating oil at a constant predescribed pres- the front module, connections to engine are made
sure at all engine speeds. It regulates the pressure through flanges mounted on the adapter plate.
in the system by returning oil from the duct just When the engine is resiliently mounted, expan-
after the lubricating pump directly back sion bellow(s) are to be fitted between external
to the oil sump. The valve is regulated by pilot pipes and engine.
lubricating oil pressure which is taken from the Please note that external pipes are to be
lubricating oil main distributor duct at the last thoroughly rust pickled, acid cleaned, and
Q = k P (l/h)
k = Size factor according to fuel
P = Maximum Continuous Rating in kW
Table 1
Gas-oil / Marine diesel 0 - 0.5% Sulphur ~ BN 7-12
Marine diesel / Intermediate fuel 0.5 - 1.0% Sulphur ~ BN 10-16
Intermediate Fuel 1.0 - 2.0% Sulphur ~ BN 15-20
Intermediate Fuel 2.0 - 3.0% Sulphur ~ BN 30
Intermediate Fuel 3.0 - - % Sulphur ~ BN 40
This list is given as a guide only, and Rolls-Royce It is strongly recommended to send oil samples
takes no responsibility for difficulties that may be to your lube.oil supplier at regular intervals for
caused by the lubricant. analysis, as this gives valuable information
Engines earlier specified with SAE 30, may still about the performance both of the oil itself and
use same viscosity. the engine.
If using brands equivalent to those listed here, the
relevant manufacturer should be consulted about All inquiries should be addressed to
affinity between the products.
TOR. Handling and care after arrival at yard.
1. Possible transport damage shall be reported to
Important factors to be investigated as early as
our service department not later than 10 days
after discharge at port of destination, by CIP
• Available transport facilities
• Road restrictions
2. Engine/generator must be stored indoors,
• Tunnels and bridges restrictions etc.
preferably in a heated room, or with the gen-
erator‘s heating elements connected to the
Packing. mains.
1. The engine sump is covered with preservation
oil that will be completely dissolved in the The packing is to remain on engine/generator
lubricating oil. as long as possible after installation, in order
2. Dessicant bags are located at various places to ensure protection from work in engine
in engine/generator according to attached list. room, such as welding, painting etc.
All bags will be removed by our service engi-
neer before the engine is started. For lifting of engine, see drawing on the next
3. All machined parts with gloss surfaces and page.
parts with tolerances are sprayed with thin oil
- like anticorrosive protectant.
Marine Propulsion Applications, C25:33 Propulsion plant and engine arrangements - examples
0104 C/P Page 1 : 4
Part 3.01
Propulsion plant and engine arrangements - examples Marine Propulsion Applications, C25:33
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Part 3.01
Marine Propulsion Applications, C25:33 Propulsion plant and engine arrangements - examples
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Part 3.01
Propulsion plant and engine arrangements - examples Marine Propulsion Applications, C25:33
Page 4 : 4 0104 C/P
Part 3.02
ALIGNMENT OF PROPULSION ENGINE IN The foundation bolts are fitted in every other hole
SHIP. in the crankcase base. They have to be properly
tightened and secured by counter nuts.
The engine’s reliability and the lifetime of the
bearings are highly dependent of that the align- During the warming-up period, the engine will ex-
ment of engine, coupling, and reduction gear re- pand longitudinally. Consequently the engine fly-
mains correct under all conditions of operation. wheel end is kept in place by utilizing close fitting
It is therefore important to obtain maximum foun- bolts in the two bolts holes (one on each side) ad-
dation stiffness in order to minimize the relative jacent to the flywheel. The bolt holes in the crank-
movement between engine and reduction gear, case base, in the spacers and in the foundation are
due to the hull‘s deformation caused by cargo and reamed simultaneously.
the sea.
Further must the thermal deformations during op- When the foundation bolts are well secured, the
eration be taken into consideration. crankshaft deflection indication is repeated.
It is therefore clear that only highly qualified per-
sonell can perform a correct alignment. If the crankshaft indication is within allowance,
Bergen engines provides an engine fitter that on the coupling flanges can be fitted. When the
request will check the alignment. flanges are supplied ready for assemblage, with
The propulsion system and the reduction gear reamed holes and bolts, they must be fitted ac-
must be aligned and safely secured according to cording to the corresponding marks. The nuts are
manufacturer' s specifications before the alignment to be secured.
of engine takes place.
Prior to fitting the engine, make sure that the The close fitting bolts should be easily tapped into
crankcase is well clear of the foundation and position with a hammer, not forced.
The engine can be lined up horizontally and verti- The engine is held in position in transverse direc-
cally by the foundation adjusting screws. tion by wedging. For this reason one chock is
welded to the crankcase base on each side at the
Since engine plants are delivered with a variety of forward end of the engine. The chocks are welded
flexible couplings, and there is no standard proce- to the foundation after final alignment. The engine
dure for alignment, please see separate instruction is then locked in transverse direction, but can ex-
for each flexible coupling. pand in the longitudinal direction.
Due to the weight of the flywheel and the flexible See drawings on the next pages.
coupling, the indication of the crankshaft will read
a higher value than predicted for a new engine.
The engine is mounted on the flexible suspension 3. All steel blocks are marked and then
and tested at our factory. removed from the brackets.
After the test the rubber pads are locked in loaded 4. The engine oil pan is topped up to attain
position by steel blocks bolted between the brack- engine weight close to the weight in service
ets (see drawings), and this allows erection and condition, and then the engine is left to rest
pre-alignment on board as for rigid mounting. for min. 72 hours on the flexible suspension,
in order to allow for creepage of the rubber
Erection and alignment: pads.
1. Check that the clearance is at least 40 mm 5. The alignment of the engine with the reduc-
between engine oil pan and engine founda- tion gear is checked again, and if it is within
tion in the ship, as this is generally min. dis- the tolerance, the flexible elements can be fit-
tance between the engine and fixed ted in the shaft coupling.
installations on board. 6. Finaly the crankshaft deflection is checked to
Shaft couplings and clutches are presumed make sure that all indications are normal
fitted before engine alignment takes place. before the brackets are fastened by “choch-
2. The engine is erected and aligned with the fast”/spacers and foundation bolts to the
reduction gear according to our “Alignment foundation in the ship.
Diagram”, i. e. the crankshaft center is
adjusted 10-15% higher than the gear input
shaft, in order to allow for initial deflection
of the rubber pads when they are loaded. The
engine is jacked up or lowered by the adjust-
ing screw on the brackets.
See drawings on the next pages.
Main dimensions and weights.
Junction Box
1. Local monitoring on the engine MMI (Man All alarm sensors to monitoring system via serial
Machine Interface). Panel with LCD display and line comunication (Modbus RTU slave, RS485).
touch screen interface, indicating according to Cables to be connected on wire terminals in junc-
classifications society and RREB requirements. tion box on engine and in ECC.
Marine Propulsion Applications, C25:33 Safety, Control and Monitoring System for Diesel Engine
0309 BC/AP Page 1 : 10
Part 4.01
The engine will be equipped either with an elec- Mechanical hydraulic governor will typically be
tronic governor or a mechanical-hydraulic gover- of make Regulateurs Europa and electronic gov-
nor. ernor will typically be of make Woodward.
The mechanical governor can be delivered with
either pneumatic or digital speedsetting. Most ap- These governors will mainly handle:
plications are delivered with pneumatic speedset- • Engine speed control
ting which is RREBs recomended solution and • Load control:
most cost effective. Load sharing/balancing with other prime
In a single propulsion engine installation, with an movers (similar or different kind).
electronic governor, the engine will be equipped Torque limiting based on load limit and
with an hydraulic actuator with ball-head backup. charge air pressure.
Mechanical governor:
Electronic governor:
Europa governor
Woodward 723PLUS
Safety, Control and Monitoring System for Diesel Engine Marine Propulsion Applications, C25:33
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Part 4.01
Marine Propulsion Applications, C25:33 Safety, Control and Monitoring System for Diesel Engine
0309 BC/AP Page 3 : 10
Part 4.01
The functions incorporated in the Control PLC The functions incorporated in the Safety PLC are
are summarized in the following. The most com- summarized in the following. The most common
mon functions are included (these functions and functions are included.
plant adaptations will be tested according to class • autostop engine overspeed.
rules). • autostop high jacket water temperature (after
• Start/stop of engine, including start interlock engine) (depending on class requirements).
function • autostop low lubrication oil pressure (before
• Remote/control from power management engine).
system(PMS). Not delivered by RREB. • autostop oil mist concentration high in crank-
• Start/stop of priming pump (lubrication) case.
• Start/stop of standby pumps (lubrication oil, • autostop low gear oil pressure (external).
fuel, and cooling water) • autostop low oil pressure step-up gear (exter-
• Start/stop of jacket water heater module nal).
• Start/stop of nozzle oil heater module (HFO • autostop due to activated emergency stop
engine) button, .
• Injection pump cleaning (HFO) Should an autostop occur, this situation will be in-
• Control of change over valve HFO/MDO dicated to the monitoring system.
• Clutch/breaker control, interface to deter- Overspeed detection is based on a speed pick-up
mine correct dynamic settings in electronic of proximity switch type input to the PLC CPU
governor counter circuit. Jacket water temperature and lu-
• Injection pump lubrication brication oil pressure inputs are of analog (trans-
• Interface to PTO equipment in front of mitter type). All other inputs are of type digital
engine (e.g. fire fighting pump) (potential free switch).
• Air blow off valve control (Arctic specifica-
tion), based on air inlet temperature Wire break detection in Safety PLC
• Variable valve timing (VVT). Break in the following loops will be detected and
• Automatic control of el. pneumatic valves indicated to the monitoring system:
(PID) • Pick-up failure.
• Overload indication • Emergency stop buttons.
In addition: Transmit set point to charge air tem- • Jacket water temperature sensor and trans-
perature controller, based on charge air pressure mitter.
(engine load). • Lubrication oil pressure.
Note: Not all functions will be active/used in all • Oil pressure gear.
applications. • Oil pressure step-up gear.
Safety, Control and Monitoring System for Diesel Engine Marine Propulsion Applications, C25:33
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Part 4.01
Marine Propulsion Applications, C25:33 Safety, Control and Monitoring System for Diesel Engine
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Part 4.01
Safety, Control and Monitoring System for Diesel Engine Marine Propulsion Applications, C25:33
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Part 4.01
Marine Propulsion Applications, C25:33 Safety, Control and Monitoring System for Diesel Engine
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Part 4.01
Safety, Control and Monitoring System for Diesel Engine Marine Propulsion Applications, C25:33
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Part 4.01
Marine Propulsion Applications, C25:33 Safety, Control and Monitoring System for Diesel Engine
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Part 4.01
Safety, Control and Monitoring System for Diesel Engine Marine Propulsion Applications, C25:33
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Part 5.01
Dismantle and reassemble turbocharger. Clean,
inspect and replace bearings.
Persons required: ............................................ 2
Total time consumption:..................... 20.0 hrs.
Period disabled: .................................. 10.0 hrs.
Item No.Instr. No. a)
101 5100 Cylinder head bolts: retighten approx. 100 hrs after refitting of cyl.head C C C C 101
102 5100 Cylinder head: max. firing pressure C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C 102
103 5100 Inlet and exhaust valve clearance. Also approx.100 hrs after refitting of cyl.head C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C 103
a) See service 104 5110 Inlet and exhaust valves rotators (rotocaps) C C C C C C C C C R C C C C C C C C C R C C C C C C C C C R 104
manual 105 5100 Valve gear system for inlet and exhaust valves S O S O S O 105
instructions 106 5110 Inlet and exhaust valves / valve seats: overhaul / replace according to wear R R R 106
107 5110 Inlet and exhaust valve guides C C C 107
108 5200 Indicator valves C C C 108
b) See separate 2 FUEL OIL SYSTEM 2
instructions 201 7220 Fuel injection nozzle holders W W W O W W W O W W W O 201
202 7220 Fuel injection nozzles R R R R R R R R R R R R 202
203 7205 Fuel injection pump drive: alternating spot checks S S S O S S S O S S S O 203
204 7210 Fuel injection pump O O O 204
The schedule is
205 7210 Fuel injection pump: erosion plug S S R S S S R S S S R 205
only valid for
normal operating
206 7210 Fuel injection pump: auto stop cylinder emergency stop test Check monthly 206
conditions as 207 7210 Fuel injection pump: fuel rack - lubricate and check every pump for signs of sticking Weekly and before start 207
defined in the 208 7270 Fuel oil filter Replace every 6 months or at diff. pressure 208
contracts, service 209 7250 Fuel oil pulsation dampers in low pressure fuel system: open valve to check for leakage C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C 209
agreements or 210 7250 Flexible fuel connections C C C C R C C C C R C C C C R 210
relevant technical 211 7260 Engine driven fuel oil booster pump O O O 211
documentation 212 - Fuel oil sample When bunkering 212
from Rolls-Royce 213 - High pressure pipe C C C C C C C C C C C C 213
301 4100 Honing: overhaul / replace according to wear O O O 301
The intervals in 302 4100 Remove liner / check water jacket / replace sealing O O O 302
this schedule are 303 4100 Carbon cutting ring C C R 303
for guidance only 4 PISTONS / CONNECTING RODS 4
and are subject to
401 4200 Gudgeon pin bushing: replace when off limit C C R 401
local ambient
conditions. The 402 4200 Gudgeon pin C C C 402
schedule is 403 4200 Piston including piston ring grooves (gap / clearence): replace after 60.000 hrs C C R 403
applicable to 404 4210 Piston rings: also replace after honing of cyl. liner R R R 404
engines with more 405 4300 Big end bearing shells R R R 405
than 2000 annual 406 4300 Big end bearing assembly (ovality control and surface check) C C C 406
operating hrs 407 4200 Connecting rod shims R R R 407
501 3120 Main bearings and thrust washers S R S 501
S = Dismantle / 502 3300 Crankshaft deflection: check before and after every major overhaul / docking C C C C C C C C C C C C 502
inspect 1 item and 503 b) Flexible couplings (not applicable to generators directly bolted to the flywheel) S S S S S S S S S S S S 503
check condition 504 3310 Flywheel ring gear teeth and start motor pinion (insert Molykote paste before use) C C C C C C C C C C C C 504
(leakage, 505 3320 Torsional vibration damper: spring type O O 505
abnormal wear, 506 3320 Torsional vibration damper: fluid type (subsequent fluid samples to be taken according to supplier's indications) C 506
cracks, 507 3330 Flexible gear wheel, pump drive (pump end) S S S S S S S O S S S S 507
601 6100 Camshaft bearings and thrust washers S 601
602 6100 Fuel cams S S S S S S S S S S S S 602
603 6100 Inlet and exhaust cams S S S S S S S S S S S S 603
The schedule may 604 6110 Camshaft drive with gear wheels S S S S S S S S S S S S 604
only be changed 605 6300 Governor drive S S S O S S S O S S S O 605
by a service letter 606 6200 Swing arms S S S C S S S C S S S C 606
from Rolls-Royce
607 6200 Eccentric shaft S S S S S S S S S S S S 607
608 6200 VVT Cylinder (optional) C C C C C C C C C C C C 608
701 - Clean lubr.oil tank / sump when changing lubr.oil W W W 701
702 1134 Lubr.oil analysis C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C 702
704 7310 Main lubricating oil pump O O 704
705 b) Lub. oil filters with paper elements: replace at least every 6 months or at diff. pressure R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R 705
706 b) Lub.oil filter with fibreglass elements See separate instructions 706
707 7330 Centrifugal separation filter lubr.oil: clean every 500 hrs, paper insert to be changed when required W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W 707
708 b) Lubricating oil priming pump (electrical) C C C C C C C C C C C C 708
709 b) Lubr.oil cooler: see section 9 - cooling water quality / parameters Clean when necessary 709
801 7100 Turbocharger bearings: see sign on turbo charger housing See separate instructions 801
802 7100 Turbocharger rotor: see sign on turbo charger housing See separate instructions 802
803 7100 Turbocharger air filters: clean when dirty See separate instructions 803
804 7110 Turbocharger - water washing of compressor: every 50 hrs See separate instructions 804
805 7120 Charge air cooler: clean when necessary See separate instructions 805
806 7130 Exhaust manifold bellows C C C C C C C C C C C C 806
807 7301 Exhaust manifold insulation C C C C C C C C C C C C 807
901 1136 Cooling water quality and flow: check monthly C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C 901
902 7410 Cooling water pumps with drive (high and low temperature) S O S O S O 902
903 b) Jacket water cooler (optional): clean when necessary O O O 903
904 - Sea water pump with drive (optional) C O C O C O C O C O C O 904
1001 2000 Auto stops According to classification requirements 1001
1002 2000 Interlocks According to classification requirements or at least once a year 1002
1003 2000 Emergency start Check monthly 1003
1004 2000 Alarm system communication Every year 1004
1005 2000 VVT function and alarms (optional) Every 3 months 1005
1006 2000 Oil mist detector See separate instructions 1006
1007 2000 Temperature PID controller Every 3 months 1007
1008 2000 Lubrication of fuel pumps Check weekly or at every start 1008
1009 2000 Control shaft linkages and fuel rack calibration Check weekly / lubricate 1009
1010 2000 Speed pick-up clearance and cleaning Check monthly 1010
1011 2000 Tightening of connectors and screw terminals Check once every 6 months 1011
1012 2000 Pressure transmitters and temperature sensors Every 3 months (according to classification requirements) 1012
1013 2000 Cleaning and visual checking of all electrical equipment Every 3 months 1013
1014 2000 Auxiliary equipment Every year 1014
1015 2000 Earth fault Check weekly 1015
1101 3140 Resilient mounting of engine (optional): check for cracks / damages / loose bolts Every 6 months 1101
1102 - All flexible connections: hoses, bellows etc. Check every 2 months 1102
1103 b) Governor / actuator Change oil every 3 months R R 1103
1104 Governor control shaft with linkages and couplings Check / lubricate weekly 1104
1105 b) Start air motor See separate instructions 1105
1106 - Exhaust pipe insulation According to SOLAS regulations 1106
1107 - Screw and pipe connections - outside and inside on engine C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C 1107 1012/02 Routine Maintenance Schedule 60.000
Instruction no: 2100 Valid for C25:33 Engines for HFO Operation, Marine Application
Revision: November 2015 Rev B
Item No.Instr. No. a)
101 5100 Cylinder head bolts: retighten approx. 100 hrs after refitting of cyl.head C C C C 101
102 5100 Cylinder head: max. firing pressure (ignition timing) C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C 102
103 5100 Inlet and exhaust valve clearance. Also approx.100 hrs after refitting of cyl.head C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C 103
a) See service
104 5110 Inlet and exhaust valves rotators (rotocaps) C C C C C C C C C R C C C C C C C C C R C C C C C C C C C R 104
manual instructions
105 5100 Valve gear system for inlet and exhaust valves S O S O S O 105
106 5110 Inlet and exhaust valves / valve seats: overhaul / replace according to wear R R R 106
107 5110 Inlet and exhaust valve guides C C C 107
b) See separate 108 5200 Indicator valves C C C 108
instructions 2 FUEL OIL SYSTEM 2
201 7220 Fuel injection nozzle holders W W W O W W W O W W W W 201
202 7220 Fuel injection nozzles R R R R R R R R R R R R 202
The schedule is 203 7205 Fuel injection pump drive: alternating spot checks S S S O S S S O S S S O 203
only valid for 204 7210 Fuel injection pump O O O 204
normal operating 205 7210 Fuel injection pump: erosion plug S S R S S S R S S S R 205
conditions as 206 7210 Fuel injection pump: auto stop cylinder emergency stop test Check monthly 206
defined in the 207 7210 Fuel injection pump: fuel rack - lubricate and check every pump for signs of sticking Weekly and before start 207
contracts, service 208 7270 Fuel oil filter Replace every 6 months or at diff. pressure 208
agreements or 209 7250 Fuel oil pulsation dampers in low pressure fuel system: open valve to check for leakage C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C 209
relevant technical
210 7250 Flexible fuel connections C C R C C R C C R C C R C C R C C R 210
from Rolls-Royce 211 b) Heavy fuel oil module See separate instructions 211
212 b) Heavy fuel oil change-over valve See separate instructions 212
213 - Fuel oil sample When bunkering 213
214 - High pressure pipe C C C C C C C C C C C C 214
The intervals in this 3 CYLINDER LINERS 3
schedule are for 301 4100 Honing: overhaul / replace according to wear O O O 301
guidance only and
302 4100 Remove liner / check water jacket / replace sealing O O O 302
are subject to local
ambient conditions. 303 4100 Carbon cutting ring C C R 303
The schedule is 4 PISTONS / CONNECTING RODS 4
applicable to 401 4200 Gudgeon pin bushing: replace when off limit C C R 401
engines with more 402 4200 Gudgeon pin C C C 402
than 2000 annual 403 4200 Piston including piston ring grooves (gap / clearence): replace after 60.000 hrs C C R 403
operating hrs
404 4210 Piston rings: also replace after honing of cyl. liner R R R 404
405 4300 Big end bearing shells R R R 405
406 4300 Big end bearing assembly (ovality control and surface check) C C C 406
S = Dismantle / 407 4200 Connecting rod shims R R R 407
inspect 1 item and 5 CRANKSHAFT 5
check condition 501 3120 Main bearings and thrust washers S R S 501
(leakage, abnormal 502 3300 Crankshaft deflection: check before and after every major overhaul / docking C C C C C C C C C C C C 502
wear, cracks,
503 b) Flexible couplings (not applicable to generators directly bolted to the flywheel) S S S S S S S S S S S S 503
contamination etc.)
504 3310 Flywheel ring gear teeth and start motor pinion (insert Molykote paste before use) C C C C C C C C C C C C 504
505 3320 Torsional vibration damper: spring type O O 505
506 3320 Torsional vibration damper: fluid type (subsequent fluid samples to be taken according to supplier's indications) C 506
The schedule may 507 3330 Flexible gear wheel, pump drive (pump end) S S S S S S S S S S S S 507
only be changed 6 CAMSHAFTS 6
by a service letter 601 6100 Camshaft bearings and thrust washers S 601
from Rolls-Royce
602 6100 Fuel cams S S S S S S S S S S S S 602
603 6100 Inlet and exhaust cams S S S S S S S S S S S S 603
604 6110 Camshaft drive with gear wheels S S S S S S S S S S S S 604
605 6300 Governor drive S S S O S S S O S S S O 605
606 6200 Swing arms S S S S S S S O S S S S 606
607 6200 Eccentric shaft S S S S S S S S S S S S 607
608 6200 VVT Cylinder (optional) C C C C C C C C C C C C 608
701 - Clean lubr.oil tank / sump when changing lubr.oil W W W 701
702 1134 Lubr.oil analysis C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C 702
704 7310 Main lubricating oil pump O O 704
705 b) Lub. oil filters with paper elements: replace at least every 6 months or at diff. Pressure R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R 705
706 b) Lub.oil filter with fibreglass elements See separate instructions 706
707 7330 Centrifugal separation filter lubr.oil: clean every 500 hrs, paper insert to be changed when required W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W 707
708 b) Lubricating oil priming pump (electrical) C C C C C C C C C C C C 708
709 b) Lubr.oil cooler: see section 9 - cooling water quality / parameters Clean when necessary 709
801 7100 Turbocharger bearings: see sign on turbo charger housing See separate instructions 801
802 7100 Turbocharger rotor: see sign on turbo charger housing See separate instructions 802
803 7100 Turbocharger air filters: clean when dirty See separate instructions 803
804 7110 Turbocharger - water washing of compressor: every 50 hrs See separate instructions 804
805 7120 Charge air cooler: clean when necessary See separate instructions 805
806 7130 Exhaust manifold bellows C C C C C C C C C C C C 806
807 7301 Exhaust manifold insulation C C C C C C C C C C C C 807
808 7110 Turbo charger - water washing of turbine: every 100 hrs See separate ABB manual 808
901 1136 Cooling water quality and flow: check monthly C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C 901
902 7410 Cooling water pumps with drive (high and low temperature) S O S O S O 902
903 b) Jacket water cooler (optional): clean when necessary O O O 903
904 - Sea water pump with drive (optional) C O C O C O C O C O C O 904
1001 2000 Auto stops According to classification requirements 1001
1002 2000 Interlocks According to classification requirements or at least once a year 1002
1003 2000 Emergency start Check monthly 1003
1004 2000 Alarm system communication Every year 1004
1005 2000 VVT function and alarms (optional) Every 3 months 1005
1006 2000 Oil mist detector See separate instructions 1006
1007 2000 Temperature PID controller Every 3 months 1007
1008 2000 Lubrication of fuel pumps Check weekly or at every start 1008
1009 2000 Washing of fuel pumps Weekly 1009
1010 2000 Control shaft linkages and fuel rack calibration Check weekly / lubricate 1010
1011 2000 Speed pick-up clearance and cleaning Check monthly 1011
1012 2000 Tightening of connectors and screw terminals Once every 6 months 1012
1013 2000 Pressure transmitters and temperature sensors Every 3 months (according to classification requirements) 1013
1014 2000 Cleaning and visual checking of all electrical equipment Every 3 months 1014
1015 2000 Auxiliary equipment Every year 1015
1016 2000 Earth fault Check weekly 1016
1101 3140 Resilient mounting of engine (optional): check for cracks / damages / loose bolts Every 6 months 1101
1102 - All flexible connections: hoses, bellows etc. Check every 2 months 1102
1103 b) Governor / actuator Change oil every 3 months R R 1103
1104 Governor control shaft with linkages and couplings Check / lubricate weekly 1104
1105 b) Start air motor See separate instructions 1105
1106 - Exhaust pipe insulation According to SOLAS regulations 1106
1107 - Screw and pipe connections - outside and inside on engine C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C 1107