Design of Electromagnetic Engine, No Fuel Consumption
Design of Electromagnetic Engine, No Fuel Consumption
Design of Electromagnetic Engine, No Fuel Consumption
proposals will not be accepted, please fill all the details in this MS word file as per the following
format and mail scan copy of completely filled project proposal along with filled up the Google
Forms to
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2. 2. Name: Prof./Dr./Mr./
Mrs.: Ranjan kumar
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Contact no:-9110107958
(1)Cylinder:- Electromagnetic engine uses only magnets for its operation.
So, cylinder material must taken carefully i.e non-magnetic
Material having less magnetic effect& low electrical conduct-
ivity , generally made up of aluminum, is light in weight.
And attached electromagnet on cylinder head(copper coil wi-
nding on iron core)
BCST: Student Project Programme: 2nd series: 4
(3)connecting rod:- connecting rod is use to connect piston and cranksha-
ft. It is use for convert reciprocating motion of piston
In rotary motion.
(4) Flywheel:- it is made of mild steel, it store excess amount or fluctuation
Of energy and release. It has significant moment of inertia.
(5) Electromagnetic coil:- Electromagnetic coil is formed when an insulat-
ed solid copper wire wound around the core.
when electricity of 6V is passed through a coil
generate magnetic loop of wire are
Referred to as a turn or winding is coated insu-
Lating tape to provide secure them in palace.
(9) pulse rotor:- A pulse rotor with magnet is used for exite and produce
Initial EMF in primary winding.
15. Can the product or process developed in the project be taken up for
filing a Patent?
Yes / No : No
Prior Art search done?
Yes/No : No
Note: If Yes, you may contact Patent Information Centre of BCST for more
details Email :
Material 8100
Labour 550
Travel 350
Report 200
Miscellaneous 500
TOTAL 9700
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(Name &Signature of Project Guide with Seal) (Name &Signature of HOD with Seal)
Email id:-
Contact no:- 91101 07958
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Conatct no:- 78170 56789
We, the project team hereby declare that the details enclosed in the project proposal are
true and correct to the best of our knowledge and belief and we undertake to inform BCST
of any changes therein in the project tile, students name will be intimated immediately. In
case any of the above information is found to be false or untrue or misleading, we are aware
that we may be held liable for it. We hereby authorize sharing of the project information with
this project proposal with the Bihar State Council on Science and Technology, Patna.
We are aware that the project team has to exhibit / demonstrate their project in the nodal
centre and interact regarding project with the experts and to exhibit the project in the State
Level Seminar and Exhibition (if selected). If the student team fails to attend the evaluation
in nodal centre or fails to attend the State Level Seminar and Exhibition, the supported
project amount will be returned back to BCST.
This is to certify that 1) Mr. / Ms.Abhinandan kumar.. 2) Mr. / Ms. Vibhor kumar…
3) Mr. / Ms. Rajvardhan kaushik.. 4) Mr. / Ms.Shivam raj…, are bonafide
student(s) of Department of ..... Mechanical engineering… in the degree program of our
institution. If the project proposal submitted by these students under the 1st series of Student
Project Programme is selected by BCST, we will provide the requisite laboratory / Computer
/ infrastructure support in our college / Institution. Further we also take necessary steps to
see that the project team will exhibit / demonstrate their project in the nodal centre and in
the State Level Seminar and Exhibition (if selected). If the student team fails to send the
completed project report or fails to attend the evaluation in nodal centre or fails to attend the
State Level Seminar and Exhibition, the supported project amount will be returned back to
(Name & Signature of (Signature of HOD with Seal) (Signature of the Principal
Project Guide with Seal) with Seal)
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