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Design of Electromagnetic Engine, No Fuel Consumption

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(Hand written

proposals will not be accepted, please fill all the details in this MS word file as per the following
format and mail scan copy of completely filled project proposal along with filled up the Google
Forms to spp.bcst@gmail.com)



2. Project Title : To design of AN ELECTROMAGNETIC ENGINE for

prevent knocking, pollution free, no fuel consumption.

3. Branch : Mechanical engineering

4. Degree/ Diploma(Engg) : Diploma

5. Name(s) of project guide(s) :

1. Name: Prof. / Dr. / Mr. /
Mrs. Mithun kumar.

Email id:-

Contact no:- 78170 56789

2. 2. Name: Prof./Dr./Mr./
Mrs.: Ranjan kumar

Email id:-

Contact no:-9110107958

BCST: Student Project Programme: 2nd series: 1


6. Name of Team Members (Strictly not more than four students in a

(Please paste the latest passport size photograph adjacent to your respective names)

Name: Abhinandan Kumar

AKU/SBTE Reg. No.:1202518072
Email id: kumarabhinandan732@gmail.com
Mobile no:6299453774

Name: Vibhor kumar

AKU/SBTE Reg. No.:1202518058
Email id: vibhork149@gmail.com
Mobile no: 7631895117

BCST: Student Project Programme: 2nd series: 2

Name: Rajvardhan kaushik
AKU/SBTE Reg. No.:1202518035
Email id: rajvardhankhg@gmail.com
Mobile no:9471458757

Name: Shivam raj

AKU/SBTE Reg No:1202518073
Email id: shivamraj6943@gmail.com
Mobile no: 7909041448

7. Team Leader of the Project :

Name: Abhinandan kumar
AKU/SBTE Reg. No.:1202518072
Email id: kumarabhinandan732@Gmail.com

Mobile No. :6299453774

8. Date of commencement of the Project: 15/12/2020

9. Probable date of completion of the project: 26/12/2020

10. Scope / Objectives of the project(100Words):

Now a days IC engine plays a vital role in market of

automobiles. The demand for fuel has increased so need of
other energy has become necessary. The main concept of this
project is the zero point fuel consumption. The magnetic force
principle is the basic requirement to work for electromagnetic
engine. The general property of magnet that is attraction and
repulsion forces are converted into mechanical work. The
magnetic driven engine derives it power from magnet power and
constant magnetic energy is converted into mechanical energy.
The useful output is rotating motions and the application is
based on electromagnetic engine which varies from different
field. The electromagnetic engine should be ideally perform
exactly the same as that of internal combustion engine. The
engine, the strength of the field is controlled by the amount of
windings. This design applies the power every fourth stroke
ame as normal does now. It utilizes only the repulsive force
that allows field to dissipate completely, and have no restrictive
effects on the rising piston. The main advantages of
electromagnetic engine are that if is pollution free and internal
parts like valves and cam-followers, can be avoided. Also no
manifolds are required since there is no fuel flow. The
BCST: Student Project Programme: 2nd series: 3
challenges faced in designing an electromagnetic engine is that
is has to be as efficient as an internal combustion engine.


Literature Survey (At least two/ Within Five Years) :

1.Abil Joseph Eapen, Aby Eshow varughess(Jan 2019)
2. Shirsenu das(Jun 2015)

Patent Survey (Optional):-

(1)Cylinder:- Electromagnetic engine uses only magnets for its operation.
So, cylinder material must taken carefully i.e non-magnetic
Material having less magnetic effect& low electrical conduct-
ivity , generally made up of aluminum, is light in weight.
And attached electromagnet on cylinder head(copper coil wi-
nding on iron core)

(2)piston:- piston is reciprocating part on which a most powerful permane-

nent magnet is attached.For piston we take a nonmetallic stain-
less steel, titanium having high resistivity & low electrical cond-

BCST: Student Project Programme: 2nd series: 4
(3)connecting rod:- connecting rod is use to connect piston and cranksha-
ft. It is use for convert reciprocating motion of piston
In rotary motion.
(4) Flywheel:- it is made of mild steel, it store excess amount or fluctuation
Of energy and release. It has significant moment of inertia.
(5) Electromagnetic coil:- Electromagnetic coil is formed when an insulat-
ed solid copper wire wound around the core.
when electricity of 6V is passed through a coil
generate magnetic field.one loop of wire are
Referred to as a turn or winding is coated insu-
Lating tape to provide secure them in palace.

(6) permanent magnet:- A neodymium magnet (also known as ndFeB,

NIB or Neo magnet)the most widely used type of
Of rare earth is used as magnets.
Grade:- N35
Romance :- 1130_1170 Tesla
Capacity :- >868 KA/m

(7) Relay switch:- for ON/OFF

BCST: Student Project Programme: 2nd series: 5
(8) Timer 555 I.C:- it is used for variety of timer,pulse generation and oscill-
ator application. It provide time delay.it also act as
as oscillator and flip flop elements.

(9) pulse rotor:- A pulse rotor with magnet is used for exite and produce
Initial EMF in primary winding.

(10)Lead acid battery:- 6v to 12v

12. Methodology (500 Words) : The working methodology is based on
magnetism I.e Attraction and propulsion force by magnet.
Initially all setup of component/equipment is arranged in separate way.
When switch is ON a 6volts battery is
supply voltage to pulse rotor shaft and pulse rotor rotates when Poles of
magnet is come near to primary winding coil it generate magnetic flux in
primary winding and primary winding produce EMF and this EMF is transfer
to secondary winding coil scence secondary winding having more no of coil
As we discuss in objective of project (amount of EMF) generate High EMF on secondary
winding, Due to which electromagnet coil that are situated on head of cylinder attract
permanent magnet , permanent magnet is attached with piston and piston also move
upward and my piston reaches TDC and rotate crankshaft .
And if pulse rotor magnet go away from primary winding, then EMF vanished from
both primary and secondary winding and my piston move downward result in piston move
BDC and crankshaft rotate and flywheel store energy and other all work like(power from
flywheel>clutch>gearbox>overdrive>propellershaft>differential>rear axle>wheel>road)are
similar as I.C engine and my vehicle run on road.

BCST: Student Project Programme: 2nd series: 6

Note: In case of fabrication work in the project, an engineering drawing with dimensions /
detailed design should be attached to the proposal.

13. Expected Outcome of the project (200Words) : The proposed

electromagnetic engine uses Magnetic power to run which is cleaner and
cheaper than fossil fuels. In an internal combustion engine the problem of
heating is there but for the proposed engine there is no such
problem. The proposed model introduces electromagnetic engine which
uses a property of an electromagnet. Whenever the direction of the current
entering the windings is changed, it changes the polarity of its poles. The
proposed engine has been made in comparison with a 70 cc conventional
internal combustion engine. In order to design an engine with a high power
rating this idea can be extended in various models of internal combustion
engines such as boxer engine, multi-piston- single-shaft engine. By the
small modification in design the engine can be modified to generate more
power, thereby improving its efficiency. So that it can be used in
commercial vehicles.
14. Is the project proposed relevant to the Industry or Institution? :
Yes / No : No
If Yes, Please provide details of the Industry / institution and contact
details :
(Note: Preference will be given to those projects relevant to the industry / institution. Hence
be specific in giving detailed information). Is the industry extending support - technology /
funds / use the final product, please specify.

15. Can the product or process developed in the project be taken up for
filing a Patent?
Yes / No : No
Prior Art search done?
Yes/No : No
Note: If Yes, you may contact Patent Information Centre of BCST for more
details Email : pd@bcst.org.in

BCST: Student Project Programme: 2nd series: 7

16. Budget details (break-up details should be given) :


Material 8100

Labour 550

Travel 350

Report 200

Miscellaneous 500

TOTAL 9700

BCST: Student Project Programme: 2nd series: 8

17. Any other technical details (Please specify) :

18. SPP Coordinator (Identified by the college) :

Note: To be identified by the Principal of the institution. The project proposals must be submitted to
BCST through SPP coordinator designated by the Principal.

Name : Prof. / Dr. / Mr. / Mrs.

Sidhant mallick

Email id:-

Contact No:- 95551 86810

(Name &Signature of Project Guide with Seal) (Name &Signature of HOD with Seal)
Email id:- ranjanmit.2k8@gmail.com
Contact no:- 91101 07958
Email id:- profmithunkumar@gmail.com
Conatct no:- 78170 56789

BCST: Student Project Programme: 2nd series: 9

(From Project Students)

We, the project team hereby declare that the details enclosed in the project proposal are
true and correct to the best of our knowledge and belief and we undertake to inform BCST
of any changes therein in the project tile, students name will be intimated immediately. In
case any of the above information is found to be false or untrue or misleading, we are aware
that we may be held liable for it. We hereby authorize sharing of the project information with
this project proposal with the Bihar State Council on Science and Technology, Patna.

We are aware that the project team has to exhibit / demonstrate their project in the nodal
centre and interact regarding project with the experts and to exhibit the project in the State
Level Seminar and Exhibition (if selected). If the student team fails to attend the evaluation
in nodal centre or fails to attend the State Level Seminar and Exhibition, the supported
project amount will be returned back to BCST.

We also hereby, enclose the endorsement form to BCST, Patna.

Name of the students Signature with date





BCST: Student Project Programme: 2nd series: 10

(From College, endorsement to be taken in the institution / Department Letter head)

This is to certify that 1) Mr. / Ms.Abhinandan kumar.. 2) Mr. / Ms. Vibhor kumar…
3) Mr. / Ms. Rajvardhan kaushik.. 4) Mr. / Ms.Shivam raj…, are bonafide
student(s) of Department of ..... Mechanical engineering… in the degree program of our
institution. If the project proposal submitted by these students under the 1st series of Student
Project Programme is selected by BCST, we will provide the requisite laboratory / Computer
/ infrastructure support in our college / Institution. Further we also take necessary steps to
see that the project team will exhibit / demonstrate their project in the nodal centre and in
the State Level Seminar and Exhibition (if selected). If the student team fails to send the
completed project report or fails to attend the evaluation in nodal centre or fails to attend the
State Level Seminar and Exhibition, the supported project amount will be returned back to

(Name & Signature of (Signature of HOD with Seal) (Signature of the Principal
Project Guide with Seal) with Seal)

Email id: Email id: Email id:

ranjanmit.2k8@gmail.com profmithunkumar@gmail.com
Contact no:- 91101 07958 Contact no:-78170 56789

Contact No.:

BCST: Student Project Programme: 2nd series: 11


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