GOCP 2013 1 1 Herrmann PDF
GOCP 2013 1 1 Herrmann PDF
GOCP 2013 1 1 Herrmann PDF
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1 author:
Richard Herrmann
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Abstract. Based on the Riesz definition of the fractional derivative the fractional
Schrödinger equation with an infinite well potential is investigated. First it is shown
analytically, that the solutions of the free fractional Schrödinger equation are not
eigenfunctions, but good approximations for large k and for α ≈ 2. The first lowest
eigenfunctions are then calculated numerically and an approximate analytic formula
for the level spectrum is derived.
Key Words: Fractals and nonlinear dynamics, Quantum mechanics, numerical
analysis of boundary-value problems, Schrödinger equation
PACS: 05.45.Df, 03.65. -w, 02.60.Lj
1. Introduction
Wave equations play a significant role in the description of the dynamic development
of particles and fields; e.g. the Maxwell-equations describe the behavior of the electro-
magnetic field in terms of coupled partial differential equations. In quantum mechanics
a particle may be described by the non-relativistic Schrödinger wave equation, where
the kinetic term is given by the Laplace-operator.
Fractional calculus introduces the concept of non-locality to arbitrary hitherto local
operators [14], [15], [10]. This is a new property, which only recently attracted attention
on a broader basis. The interest in a non-local dynamic description of e.g. quantum
systems has been steadily increasing, because it is expected, that quantum phenomena
may be treated more elegantly from a generalized point of view.
Within this context, it is helpful to investigate fundamental properties of a fractional
wave equation and to study general features of its solution.
As an example, we will present in the following the main results of a solution of the
fractional Schrödinger equation with infinite potential well.
Where the superscript ⊔ Ψ(x) emphasizes the fact, that the wave-function per defini-
tionem is now confined inside the infinite potential well and vanishes outside. The
superscript ∞ Ψ(x) indicates, that this function may at first be defined on the whole
domain, but is used only inside the bounded domain of the infinite potential well.
The normalization condition for ⊔ Ψ(x) is now given by:
∫ +∞ ∫ +q
dx⊔ Ψ(x) = dx∞ Ψ(x) = 1 (2.12)
−∞ −q
and the continuous energy spectrum changes to a discrete one, since k ∈ N is an integer
Eklocal = ( )2 k 2 k = 1, 2, 3, ... (2.14)
In order to solve the fractional Schrödinger equation of the infinite potential well for
arbitrary α, we have to apply the Riesz derivative operator to ⊔ Ψ(x).
Ψ+ (x, α) = x 2 −1 Eα, α2 (−xα )
R (2.21)
∞ − α−1 α
R Ψ (x, α) = x Eα,α (−x ) (2.22)
∞ + α
C Ψ (x, α) = Eα (−x ) (2.23)
Ψ− (x, α) = x 2 Eα,1+ α2 (−xα )
C 0≤α≤2 (2.24)
which reduce to the trigonometric functions for α = 2 and the corresponding eigenval-
ues are determined from the zeros of these functions [9], [10].
In contrast to this simple classical behavior we now consider the case of the fractional
Schrödinger equation for the infinite potential well based on the Riesz definition of a
fractional derivative. The following questions arise:
• are plain waves still a solution for the infinite potential well?
• if not, are they at least a good approximation?
• what do the exact solutions look like?
To answer these questions, we rearrange terms in the integral-operators In of the mod-
ified Riesz-operator ⊔ α
RZ D :
( ) ( sin(πα/2) )
⊔ α ∞
RZ D ( Ψ) (x) = Γ(1 + α) (I1 + I2 + I3 )∞ Ψ (x) (2.25)
+1.0 + +1.0
+0.5 +0.5
0 0
-0.5 -0.5
+1.0 +1.0
g+ g 7+
3 +0.5
0 0
Using the test functions Ψ+ (x) = cos(kπ/2x) and Ψ− (x) = sin(kπ/2x) we obtain
with the help of [1], [5] and a cup of tea:
cos(kπ/2x) (q − x)−α (
I1 =
sin(kπ/2x) 2α
k2 π2 q − x 2 ( α 3 α q − x 2)
( ) 1 F2 1 − ; , 2 − ; −k 2 π 2 ( ) +
α−2 q 2 2 2 4q
q−x ) cos(kπ/2x)
8 sin2 (kπ ) × (2.29)
4q sin(kπ/2x)
{ {
cos(kπ/2x) kπ α Re(Υ(x))
I2 = ( ) × (2.30)
sin(kπ/2x) 2q −Im(Υ(x))
{ {
cos(kπ/2x) −2(q − x)−α cos(kπ/2x)
I3 = × (2.31)
sin(kπ/2x) α sin(kπ/2x)
+1.0 + +1.0
α=0.25 +0.5
+0.1 -1.0
+1.0 +1.0
Ψ3 Ψ7+
+0.5 +0.5
0 0
with 1 F2 (a; b, c; x) is the hypergeometric function, Re(Υ(x)) is the real part and Im(Υ(x))
is the imaginary part of the complex function Υ(x) given by
( q−x q+x )
Υ(x) = e−i 2 (a+kx/q) Γ(−α, −ikπ
) − Γ(−α, −ikπ ) (2.32)
2q 2q
where Γ(a, z) denotes the incomplete Γ-function on the complex plane.
The kinetic part of the fractional Schrödinger equation may therefore be calculated
analytically and may be written with the testfunctions ∞ Ψ+ (x) = cos(kπ/2x) and
∞ Ψ− (x) = sin(kπ/2x):
−⊔ α
RZ D cos(kπ/2x) = Egk (x) k = 1, 3, 5, ... (2.33)
−RZ D sin(kπ/2x) = Egk (x) k = 2, 4, 6, ...
We define a pseudo-normalization condition
gk (x = 0) = 1 k = 1, 3, 5, ... (2.35)
gk (x = 1/k) = 1 k = 2, 4, 6, ... (2.36)
which allows to compare gk (x) with the trigonometric functions.
+1.0 − +1.0
2 g −6
+0.5 +0.5
+1.0 +1.0
+0.5 +0.5
0 0
g− g
4 8
In figures 1 and 3 the results are sketched. The bad news is, that neither gk (x) =
cos(kπ/2x) nor gk (x) = sin(kπ/2x) holds. Consequently the solutions of the free frac-
tional Schrödinger equation based on the Riesz derivative definition are no eigenfunc-
tions of the same fractional Schrödinger equation with infinite potential well. This
answers the first question.
The good news is, that the deviations become more and more negligible for k ≫ 1.
This answers the second question: For large k, in the vicinity of α ≈ 2 and for x ≈ 0
the trigonometric functions seem to be a good first guess.
As a consequence of the pseudo-normalization condition (2.35), we can give an ana-
lytic expression for the approximate energy spectrum. With
−⊔ α ∼
RZ D cos(kπ/2x)|x=0 = Ek (α) k = 1, 3, 5, ... (2.37)
+1.0 +1.0
+ +
Ψ2 Ψ6
+0.5 +0.5
0 0
-0.5 -0.5
-1.0 -1.0
+1.0 +1.0
+0.5 +0.5
0 0
Ψ4 -1.0
1 sin( π2 α) ( k 2 π 2 ( α 3 α 1 2 2) π )
Ek∼ (α) = q −α Γ(α) 1 F2 1− ; , 2− ; − k π −4 cos(k ) (2.38)
2 π 2−α 2 2 2 16 2
which according to the above mentioned criteria will turn out to be a good approxima-
tion of the exact energy eigenvalues for large k in the vicinity of α ≈ 2.
comparison of
100 k=8
exact energies
with approximations
1 k=1
0.5 1.0 1.5 α 2.0
k (x) = lim a2n x2n (3.1)
N →∞
k (x) = lim a2n+1 x2n+1 (3.2)
N →∞
and insert it into the fractional Schrödinger equation for the infinite well potential:
α ± ±
RZ D Ψk (x) = Ek Ψk (x) (3.3)
The integrals on the left may be evaluated analytically and lead to transcendental
functions in x, which then are expanded up to order N in a Taylor-series too. This
leads to
N ∑
b2n x2n = Ek a2n x2n (3.4)
n=0 n=0
N ∑N
b2n+1 x2n+1 = Ek a2n+1 x2n+1 (3.5)
n=0 n=0
A term by term comparison results in a system of non-linear equations of the type
{Ek an = bn (an )} on the set of variables {an , Ek }, which is solved numerically. For
practical calculations we set N = 20, which yields an accuracy of the calculated energy
levels of about 0.25% for the ground state.
Results are presented in figures 2 and 4. For α = 2 we obtain the classical trigono-
metric functions. For decreasing α the eigenfunctions show a increasing tendency to
shift towards the walls. This is exactly the behavior, which is not modeled by the
trigonometric test functions presented in the last section. In figure 5 we compare the
determined energy levels with the presented energy formulas. Especially Ek∼ (α) from
(2.38) is a useful approximation.
4. Conclusion
We have demonstrated, that the non-local character of the fractional operators used
in the fractional Schrödinger equation indeed needs special attention. Concepts like box
normalization, WKB-approximation or piecewise solution may work well in a classical
local approach, but cause errors when applied to non-local problems.
On the other hand, we have shown, that such local strategies may lead to useful
approximations e.g. in low-level (α = 2 − ϵ) fractional problems.
This may be understood from
lim ⊔ Dα =∞
q→∞ RZ
as a consequence of the specific weight w(ξ) = ξα+1 in the integral definition of the
Riesz fractional derivative definition (2.2) with the property
lim w(ξ) = 0 (4.7)
The infinite potential well serves as a helpful tool to demonstrate the consequences
of different approaches.
We thank A. Friedrich for useful discussions.
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e-mail: herrmann@gigahedron.com