Marine Insurance
Marine Insurance
Marine Insurance
• In this case, the seller under a CIF CIP contract would arrange for the 60
day clause to be changed to a 90 day clause or the amount of days needed.
This change could result in a slight increase in the insurance premium.
Duration of marine insurance
• Again if you think it will take longer than 30 days to clear customs and
deliver to the warehouse of final destination arrange for the thirty days to be
changed accordingly.
Types of Marine Insurance
• Freight Insurance
• Liability Insurance
• Hull Insurance
• Marine Cargo Insurance
1. Hull Insurance
2. Cargo Insurance
• Concerns the insurance of ships. Hull, machinery etc.
2. CARGO INSURANCE : Plays an important role in domestic trade as well as international trade.
• Provides insurance cover in respect of loss of or damage to goods during transit by –rail, -road -sea -air
Types Of Marine Policy
• Floating Policy
• Voyage Policy
• Time Policy
• Mixed Policy
• Named Policy
Types Of Marine Policy
• Port Risk Policy
• Fleet Policy
• Single Vessel Policy
• Blanket Policy
How Marine Insurance works?
• Marine insurance transfers the liability of the goods from the parties and
intermediaries involved to the insurance company.
• The legal liability of the intermediaries handling the goods is limited to begin
• The exporter, instead of bearing the sole responsibility of the goods, can buy
an insurance policy and get coverage for the exported goods against any
possible loss or damage.
How Marine Insurance works?
• The carrier of the goods, be it the airline or the shipping company, may bear
the cost of damages and losses to the goods while on board.
• However, the compensation agreed upon is mostly on a ‘per package’ or ‘per
consignment’ basis.
• The coverage so provided may not be sufficient to cover the cost of the
goods shipped.
• Therefore, exporters prefer to ship their products after getting it insured the
same with an insurance company.
How Marine Insurance works?
• Marine insurance is necessary to meet the contractual obligations of exports.
To align with agreements such as cost insurance and freight (CIF) or carriage
and insurance paid (CIP), the exporter needs to take marine insurance to
protect the buyer’s or their bank’s interest and honor the contractual
obligation. Similarly, in the case of Delivered Duty Unpaid (DDU)
and Delivered Duty Paid (DDP) terms, the seller may not be obligated to
insure the goods, although in practice they generally do.
To avoid insurance claims, ensure the following:
• Packing of goods should be done keeping in mind their safety during loading
and unloading
• Packing should be good enough to withstand natural hazards to the best
extent possible
• Keep in mind the possibility of clumsy handling or theft when packing
How to choose the correct insurance cover
• As with all forms of insurance, it’s sensible to ask for fully comprehensive,
third party or limited mileage insurance and the premium paid would reflect
the type of insurance required.
• Likewise with marine/air insurance asking for a particular cover and
premium would be in line with the cover requested.
How to choose the correct insurance cover
• For sea freight, there are three types of insurance cover:
• Institute cargo clause A
• Institute cargo clause B
• Institute cargo clause C (Minimum cover referred to in Incoterms 2020 CIF,
Institution Cargo Clause A, B and C
• Clause A, B and C are broken down into:
• Risks Covered
• Excursions
• Duration
• In Clause A, risks covered are all risks, in other words, this is the best cover available
because you are covered for ALL risks except those detailed under exclusions .
Institution Cargo Clause A, B and C
• In exclusions clause 4.3 covers insufficiency or unsuitability of packing as we
discussed in module one Incoterms 2020 and packing implications.
• In duration clause 8.1.4 covers the 60 day rule.
• Exclusion and duration clauses never change they are the same for all three
clauses A B C.
• The only changes to clause A, B and C are under risk covered.
In clause B the specific risks covered are:
• Fire or explosion
• Vessel or craft being stranded grounded sunk or capsized
• Overturning or derailment of land conveyance
• Collision or contact of vessel craft or conveyance with any external object
other than water
• Discharge of cargo at a port of distress
In clause B the specific risks covered are:
• Earthquake volcanic eruption or lightning
• General average sacrifice
• Jettison or washing overboard
• Entry of sea lake or river water into vessel craft hold conveyance container
or place or storage
• Total loss of any package lost overboard or dropped whilst loading on to, or
unloading from, vessel or craft.
The risks covered In clause C which is referred to
in Incoterms 2010 under CIF CIP and usually called
Minimum cover and are as follows:
• Fire or explosion
• Vessel or craft being stranded grounded, sunk or capsized
• Overturning or derailment of land conveyance
• Collision or contact of vessel craft or conveyance with any external object
other than water
The risks covered In clause C which is referred to
in Incoterms 2010 under CIF CIP and usually called
Minimum cover and are as follows:
• Discharge of cargo at a port of distress
• Loss or damage to the subject matter insured caused by
• General average sacrifice
• Jettison
• Loss caused by willful misconduct of the insured.
• Ordinary leakage, ordinary loss in weight or volume or ordinary wear and tear.
• Loss caused by inherent vice or nature of the subject matter.
• Loss caused by delay.
• Loss arising from insolvency or financial default of owners of the vessel.
• Loss or damage due to inadequate packing.
• War, riot, strike, lock-out, civil commotions and terrorism.
What insurance cover should be chosen?
• When choosing whether goods should be insured under Clause A, B or C, several factors
should be taken into consideration:
• Clause A would be recommended if:
• The goods are high valued
• The goods are desirable, i.e. prone to robbery for example, iPhones, iPads and laptop
• They are being shipped from a port with a high risk of robbery or being delivered to a port
with a high risk of robbery.
• If the answer is yes to all or some of the above then Clause A all risks would be
What insurance cover should be chosen?
• Clause B or C would be recommended if the goods are:
• Second hand goods
• Baulk goods such as robust machines
• Scrap cars
What are Insurance Premiums?
• Every insurance premium is different and depends on the following factors:
• Description of goods
• Value of goods,
• Packing specifications and if cargo is containerized
• Country and port of export
• Country and port of import
• Possible name of shipping line
• A combination of these factors determines the premium paid.
How is cargo insured?
• The most practical way to insure cargo is to speak to a freight forwarder and
get them to insure the cargo on your behalf. Most freight forwarders have
their own in house master policy from which they can issue insurance.
• The freight forwarder will use the value of your commercial invoice to your
buyer and add ten per cent. They will then calculate their premium based on
110% of the value of the goods.
For example, your commercial invoice reads:
Total: £3859.00
The freight forwarder adds 10% or £385.90 to give a total of £4,244.9.
The total of £4,244.9 is the basis for their premium calculation
The reason why an extra 10% is added to the invoice value is that in theory the
additional 10% would cover the loss of the buyers potential profit.