Marine Insurance
Marine Insurance
Marine Insurance
Marine Insurance
Marine Insurance
• Marine Insurance
– A contract between insurers and insured whereby the
insurer undertakes to indemnify the insured in a manner &
to the interest thereby agreed, against marine losses incident
to marine adventure.
Inessential Risks
(bursting of boilers, breakage of shafts,
breakage or leakage of cargo, fresh-water
damage to cargo, etc)
Branches of Marine Insurance
1. Hull Insurance
– Insurance of vessels & its equipments.
2. Cargo Insurance
– Covers indemnity against loss or damage to merchandise
caused by fire or explosion, sinking, capsizing, jettison etc.
during transit by ship.
3. Liability insurance
Death or injury to passengers, damage to docks, oil pollution,
fine or other penalties, any other public liabilities, etc.
Branches of Marine Insurance
4. Freight insurance
– Insurance for indemnifying the policyholder against loss of
the freight money if the ship-owner cannot complete his
contract of carriage because of unavoidable peril.
5. Off-shore insurance
– Covers the loss or damage to exploration rigs and oil
production platform in the sea.
– Also covers drill-ships, drilling contraptions, pipelines,
other associated hardwires, liabilities of third parties
(pollution), consequential losses (loss of earnings, cost
caused by blowout or similar mishaps.)
Marine Insurance Contract
• Features of Fire Insurance Contract
– Nature of general contract
• Agreement (offer and acceptance)
• Legal consideration
• Competent to make contract
• Common intention
• Legal Object.
– Nature of special contract
• Insurable interest
• Utmost good faith
• Indemnity
• Subrogation
• Proximate cause
• Warranties
Principle of Insurable Interest
• Insurable Interest
– Two important questions
1. Who is entitled to insure goods?
– Under C.I.F (Cost, Insurance & Freight) Contract, the
seller arranges insurance and entitled to receive the
premium and other expenses from the buyer.