2013 - Bhutta - Lancet - Interventions
2013 - Bhutta - Lancet - Interventions
2013 - Bhutta - Lancet - Interventions
Global mortality in children younger than 5 years has fallen substantially in the past two decades from more than Lancet 2013; 381: 1417–29
12 million in 1990, to 6·9 million in 2011, but progress is inconsistent between countries. Pneumonia and diarrhoea are Published Online
the two leading causes of death in this age group and have overlapping risk factors. Several interventions can effectively April 12, 2013
address these problems, but are not available to those in need. We systematically reviewed evidence showing the
effectiveness of various potential preventive and therapeutic interventions against childhood diarrhoea and pneumonia,
See Comment page 1335
and relevant delivery strategies. We used the Lives Saved Tool model to assess the effect on mortality when these
This is the second in a Series of
interventions are applied. We estimate that if implemented at present annual rates of increase in each of the 75 Countdown four papers about childhood
countries, these interventions and packages of care could save 54% of diarrhoea and 51% of pneumonia deaths by 2025 pneumonia and diarrhoea
at a cost of US$3·8 billion. However, if coverage of these key evidence-based interventions were scaled up to at least 80%, *Members listed at end of paper
and that for immunisations to at least 90%, 95% of diarrhoea and 67% of pneumonia deaths in children younger than Division of Woman and Child
5 years could be eliminated by 2025 at a cost of $6·715 billion. New delivery platforms could promote equitable access Health, Aga Khan University,
and community platforms are important catalysts in this respect. Furthermore, several of these interventions could Karachi, Pakistan
(Prof Z A Bhutta PhD,
reduce morbidity and overall burden of disease, with possible benefits for developmental outcomes.
J K Das MBA, A Rizvi MSc);
Bloomberg School of Public
Introduction poverty, undernutrition, poor hygiene, and deprived home Health, Johns Hopkins
Although global mortality in children younger than environments making children more likely to develop University, Baltimore, MD, USA
(Prof Z A Bhutta, N Walker MPH,
5 years has substantially reduced in the past two decades these diseases. Improvements in socioeconomic develop- Prof R E Black MD); and Centre
from more than 12 million deaths in 1990, to 6·9 million ment with corresponding increases in maternal education, for Population Health Sciences,
in 2011,1 improvements have been inconsistent world- falling fertility rates, and improved living conditions University of Edinburgh Medical
wide. Whereas some countries and regions have reduced (with reduced crowding) are important contributors to School, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK
(Prof H Campbell MD, reductions in child mortality.7 However, to reduce selected these interventions from several previous
Prof I Rudan PhD) childhood pneumonia and diarrhoea, interventions are reports that identified their benefits and effects.9,14–26 We
Correspondence to: needed that directly lower disease transmission and specifically reviewed the interventions to identify data
Prof Zulfiqar A Bhutta, Division severity, and promote access to life-saving treatment once for their effectiveness on diarrhoea or pneumonia, or
of Woman and Child Health,
Aga Khan University,
a child becomes sick. Previous reviews8–11 have shown that both; incidence; and morbidity or mortality. Systematic
Karachi 74800, Pakistan increases in coverage with present evidence-based inter- reviews of potential interventions were undertaken by
zulfiqar.bhutta@aku.edu ventions could greatly reduce child mortality and deaths teams of researchers in Karachi, Pakistan; Baltimore,
from diarrhoea and pneumonia. However, little consensus USA; and Toronto, Canada, and were done with
exists about approaches to scale up coverage and about standard methodologies. Reviews were done in line
delivery strategies to reduce disparities and provide with Lives Saved Tool (LiST) methods,13 employing
equitable access to marginalised populations.12 Grading of Recommendations, Assessment, Develop-
In this Series paper, we systematically review evidence ment, and Evaluation (GRADE) criteria (appendix).
See Online for appendix for the effectiveness of various potential health inter- Researchers did 26 reviews for various interventions,
ventions on morbidity and mortality due to diarrhoea and consisting of 15 new reviews done to generate estimates
For the Child Health pneumonia in line with guidelines from the Child Health of effect, and assessment of 11 existing reviews for
Epidemiology Reference Group Epidemiology Reference Group.13 We used a standardised possible updates.
see http://www.cherg.org
method with criteria from the Child Health and Nutrition
Research Initiative (CHNRI) to identify priority areas for Interventions for both diarrhoea and
research and future interventions. We modelled the pneumonia
potential effect of delivery of these interventions to the Strategies to promote breastfeeding
75 high-burden countries that are part of the Countdown Table 1 summarises the available evidence and effect
For more on Countdown to to 2015 initiative and assessed the result of scaling-up of estimates for interventions to prevent and manage
2015 see http://www. interventions on diarrhoea and pneumonia mortality diarrhoea and pneumonia. Breast milk provides various
across poverty quintiles in three countries (Bangladesh, immunological, psychological, social, economic, and
Pakistan, and Ethiopia). environmental benefits, and is therefore recommended
as the best feeding option for newborn babies and young
Interventions reviewed and the conceptual infants in developing countries, even in HIV-infected
framework populations.31 Lamberti and colleagues27 reviewed
We used a conceptual framework to assess preventive 18 studies from developing countries reporting the effect
and case management interventions for diarrhoea of breastfeeding on diarrhoea morbidity and mortality.
and pneumonia, including preventive and therapeutic The investigators estimated that not breastfeeding was
interventions common to both disorders (figure 1). We associated with a 165% increase in diarrhoea inci-
dence in 0–5-month-olds and a 32% increase in
6–11-month-olds. Not breastfeeding was also associated
Environmental with a 47% increase in diarrhoea-related mortality in
WASH,* reduce overcrowding
and household air pollution Increased 6–11-month-olds and a 157% increase in 12–23-month-
susceptibility Delivery platforms
Promotion of community-based olds. Overall, not breast feeding was associated with a
Nutrition health and behavioural change 566% increase in all-cause mortality in children aged
Breastfeeding promotion,* 6–11 months, and a 223% increase in mortality in those
preventive vitamin A or zinc
supplementation* aged 12–23 months.
Financial incentives to promote We assessed the effect of various educational and
care seeking
Vaccines Exposure promotional strategies on rates of exclusive, predominant,
Measles, Haemophilus influenzae partial, and no breastfeeding.28 Rates of exclusive breast-
type b, pneumococcal infection, Integrated community case
rotavirus, cholera management
feeding increased significantly because of breastfeeding
promotional interventions; rates of not breastfeeding
Treatment reduced significantly. The effects reported for rates of
Oral rehydration solution, predominant and partial breastfeeding were not signifi-
continued feeding after
diarrhoea, zinc for diarrhoea Pneumonia
Facility-based IMCI cant. After 6 months, educational interventions had no
treatment, probiotic use, significant effect, but did increase rates of partial
antibiotics and oxygen therapy breastfeeding by 19%. Subgroup analyses suggested that
for pneumonia, antibiotics for
dysentery combined individual and group counselling was more
effective than either technique alone. Overall, in develop-
Survival Death
ing countries, facility and combined facility-based and
community-based interventions led to greater improve-
ments in breastfeeding rates, with greater effects of
Figure 1: Conceptual framework of the effect of interventions for diarrhoea and pneumonia
WASH=water, sanitation, and hygiene. IMCI=Integrated Management of Childhood Illness. *Interventions breastfeeding promotion and support interventions, than
common to both diarrhoea and pneumonia. routine care.
Strategies for improved water provision, use, diarrheoa mortality and of 15% in pneumonia mortality.
sanitation, and hygiene promotion Preventive zinc supplementation was associated with a
Consensus exists about the importance of improved 13% reduction in the incidence of diarrhoea (relative risk
water supply and excreta disposal for prevention of [RR] 0·87, 95% CI 0·81–0·94) and a 19% reduction in
diseases, especially diarrhoeal diseases. Waddington and pneumonia morbidity (0·81, 0·73–0·90).
colleagues32 assessed the effectiveness of these inter-
ventions and concluded that those for water quality Diarrhoea-specific interventions
(protection or treatment of water at source or point of Preventive interventions
use) were more effective than those to improve water Table 2 summarises the evidence and effect estimates for
supply (improved source of water or improved distri- interventions to prevent and manage diarrhoea. Rotavirus
bution, or both). Interventions for water quality were is the most common cause of severe dehydrating diar-
associated with a 42% relative reduction in diarrhoea rhoea in infants worldwide.5 In their review of six studies
morbidity in children, whereas those for water supply assessing the effectiveness of new rotavirus vaccines,
had no significant effects. Overall, sanitation inter- Munos and colleagues34 estimated that use of these
ventions led to an estimated 37% reduction in childhood vaccines was associated with a 74% reduction in very
diarrhoea morbidity and hygiene interventions to a 31% severe rotavirus infections, a 61% reduction in severe
reduction. Subgroup analysis suggests that provision of infections, and reduced rotavirus-related hospital admis-
soap was more effective than education only. Cairncross sion in young children by 47%. These summary effects
and colleagues29 estimated the effect of water, sanitation, do not show the reduced effectiveness of the vaccine in
and hygiene strategies and estimated risk reductions for different geographic settings, with studies reporting 54%
diarrhoea of 48% for hand washing with soap, 17% with effectiveness in Malawi,40 and even lower efficacy (43%)
improved water quality, and 36% with excreta disposal. in Mali.41
Although the investigators regarded much of the Although case management with oral rehydration
evidence to be of poor quality, the findings were therapy has substantially improved case-fatality rates for
consistent enough to support the provision of water cholera, the infection can still kill rapidly, especially in
supply, sanitation, and hygiene for all. outbreak settings.42 Old-generation injectable cholera
vaccines have been abandoned since the 1970s because of
Preventive zinc supplementation their restricted effectiveness and local side-effects. We
About 17·3% of the world’s population is zinc deficient identified 12 studies, all from developing countries,
and this deficiency is most prevalent in children younger which assessed the efficacy and effectiveness of oral
than 5 years in developing countries.33 Yakoob and cholera vaccine.35 We estimated that this vaccine reduced
colleagues30 assessed 18 studies from developing risk of cholera infection in children younger than 5 years
countries and showed that preventive zinc supple- by 52%. Such evidence for the effectiveness of oral
mentation was associated with a non-significant cholera vaccines makes them good candidates for cholera
reduction of 9% in all-cause mortality (table 1). Zinc control in endemic areas. Research shows that because
alone resulted in a non-significant reduction of 18% in of herd protection, even moderate coverage levels of
targeted populations with killed oral cholera vaccine continued feeding alongside administration of oral
could lead to almost complete control of cholera;43,44 rehydration solution and zinc therapy. However, some
however, this control would not prevent outbreaks in debate surrounds what the optimum diet or dietary
other populations. ingredients are to hasten recovery and maintain nutri-
tional status in children with diarrhoea. We did an
Therapeutic interventions extensive review38 of all studies of feeding strategies and
Because the immediate cause of death in most cases of food-based interventions in children younger than 5 years
diarrhoea is dehydration, deaths are almost entirely with diarrhoea in low-income and middle-income coun-
preventable if dehydration is prevented or treated. In a tries. Although illness duration was shorter and risk of
review of the efficacy and effectiveness of oral rehydration treatment failure 47% lower in children with acute
solution and recommended home fluids, Munos and diarrhoea who consumed lactose-free rather than lactose-
colleagues36 assessed 205 studies, mostly from developing containing liquid feeds, we noted no effect of lactose
countries. Use of oral rehydration solution reduced avoidance on stool output or weight gain. Pooled analyses
diarrhoea specific mortality by 69% and rates of treatment of trials comparing commercial preparations or specialised
failure by 0·2% (table 2). Since 2004, WHO and UNICEF ingredients to foods available in the home showed no
have recommended zinc for the treatment of diarrhoea. beneficial effects in either acute or persistent diarrhoea,
Walker and colleagues37 reviewed 13 studies from suggesting that locally available ingredients can be used to
developing countries of zinc supplementation for manage childhood diarrhoea at least as effectively as can
diarrhoea and concluded that zinc administration was commercial preparations or specialised ingredients.
associated with a significant reduction of 46% in all- Moreover, when we restricted this analysis to lactose-free
cause mortality and of 23% in diarrhoea-related hospital diets only, weight gain in acute diarrhoea was higher in
admissions. The effects on prevalence of diarrhoea and children who consumed foods available in the home.
mortality were not significant. Several of the large studies Antibiotics are used to treat some forms of bacterial
of zinc treatment for diarrhoea were also associated with diarrhoea, especially dysentery. A review by Traa and
reported benefits for pneumonia mortality, hospital colleagues45 assessed the effectiveness of WHO-recom-
admission, and prevalence, albeit not significantly. mended antibiotics—ciprofloxacin, ceftriaxone, and
Current WHO guidelines for the management and pivmecillinam—for the treatment of dysentery, and
treatment of diarrhoea in children strongly recommend concluded that antibiotics are effective in reducing the
clinical and bacteriological signs and symptoms of this an 18% non-significant reduction in pneumonia-specific
disorder and can thus be expected to decrease diarrhoea mortality.57 Large-scale use of these vaccines is associated
mortality attributable to dysentery by more than 99%. We with important positive effects related to herd immunity
assessed the effectiveness of WHO-recommended anti- and population benefits, and negative indirect effects
biotics in diarrhoea in relation to cholera, shigella, and related to serotype replacement and emergence of
cryptosporidium infections.39 The mainstay of treatment resistant strains. The magnitude and importance of these
in cholera is rehydration; WHO recommends antibiotics indirect effects is likely to vary by setting.
for severe cases. We identified two46,47 randomised trials
from developing countries and showed that antibiotic Therapeutic interventions
management of cholera resulted in a 63% reduction in Treatment with appropriate antibiotics and supportive
rates of clinical failure and a 75% reduction in rates of management in neonatal nurseries is the cornerstone of
bacteriological failure.39 management of neonatal sepsis and pneumonia, with
A range of antibiotics are used to treat shigella strong biological plausibility that such treatment saves
dysentery, dependent on variations in resistance patterns lives. A review60 of community-based management of
by region. We analysed four studies48–51 from developing neonatal pneumonia showed a 27% reduction in all-
countries, which showed that antibiotic management of cause neonatal mortality and a 42% reduction in
shigella resulted in an 82% reduction in rates of clinical pneumonia-specific mortality. Zaidi and colleagues57
failure and a 96% reduction in rates of bacteriological estimated the effect of provision of oral or injectable
failure.39 Cryptosporidium can cause life-threatening antibiotics at home or in first-level facilities, and of in-
disease in people with AIDS and contributes greatly to patient hospital care on neonatal mortality from
morbidity in children in developing countries. We pneumonia and sepsis. Results suggested a 25%
systematically analysed three studies52–54 from developing reduction in all-cause neonatal mortality and a 42%
countries. Antibiotics for treatment of cryptosporidiosis reduction in neonatal pneumonia mortality. Similar
reduced mortality by 76%, rates of clinical failure by 52%, studies in older infants and children younger than
and rates of parasitological failure by 38%.39 None of 5 years have focused on choice and duration of antibiotic
these studies assessed the effect of a given treatment treatment for pneumonia in various settings.61–63
regimen on emergence of antibiotic resistance over time; Information is scarce about the effect of low-cost pulse
however, the investigators noted that use of nalidixic acid oximetry and oxygenation systems. A large multihospital
for treatment of shigellosis could be associated with quasi-experimental study59 in Papua New Guinea with an
rapid emergence of quinolone resistance.55 intervention of hypoxaemia detection by pulse oximetry,
together with oxygen therapy with an assured oxygen
Pneumonia-specific interventions supply from oxygen concentrators, resulted in a 35%
Preventive interventions significant reduction in mortality from severe pneumonia
Table 3 summarises the evidence and effect estimates for in patients admitted to hospital.
interventions to prevent and manage pneumonia. Several
effective vaccines are available for prevention of various Delivery platforms
causes of pneumonia. In regions where measles is a Community-based promotion and case management
substantial cause of childhood morbidity and mortality, Although evidence shows the efficacy and effectiveness
measles vaccination is an important intervention that of many interventions, these interventions are not
can also affect risk of subsequent complications, includ- accessible to people in need; hence, focus on delivery
ing secondary bacterial infections and diarrhoea. Sudfeld strategies has increased. One of the main contributors to
and colleagues56 proposed that measles vaccination was the delay in meeting the targets of Millennium
85% effective for prevention of measles in children Development Goal 4 is the paucity of trained human
younger than 1 year. resource professionals in first-level health services, and
We assessed the effectiveness of Haemophilus influenzae the reduced awareness of and accessibility to services for
type b and pneumococcal conjugate vaccines.57 For those living in large socioeconomically, geographically
prevention of invasive H influenzae type b and pneumonia, deprived, ethnically marginalised populations. One
we identified six studies from developing countries method of community-based case management is to
yielding estimates of an 18% non-significant reduction in provide these amenities through community health
radiologically confirmed pneumonia, a 6% reduction in workers with home visitation and community-based
severe pneumonia, and a 7% non-significant reduction in sessions for education and promotion of care seeking.
pneumonia-specific mortality. We reviewed six studies These approaches have been assessed for both newborn
from developing countries for the prevention of invasive babies and children aged 1–59 months.
pneumococcal disease and pneumonia with pneumococcal Lassi and colleagues64,65 estimated that community-
conjugate vaccines, which were associated overall with a based packaged interventions delivered by community
29% significant reduction in radiologically confirmed health workers significantly increase levels of care-
pneumonia, an 11% reduction in severe pneumonia, and seeking behaviour for neonatal morbidy by 52%. The role
of these health workers has also been assessed in various such incentives have been recommended as an important
settings in large-scale programmes in which their strategy to reduce barriers to access to health care.69 An
presence improved immunisation uptake and care extensive review was undertaken to identify relevant
seeking for childhood illnesses.66 We estimated the effect studies reporting the effect of financial incentives on
of community-based delivery strategies with community coverage of health interventions and behaviours targeting
health workers on the coverage and uptake of essential children younger than 5 years.12 Investigators assessed
commodities for diarrhoea and pneumonia: oral the effect of financial incentive programmes on five
rehydration solution, zinc therapy for diarrhoea, and categories of intervention: breastfeeding practices,
antibiotics for pneumonia.67 We also assessed the effect immunisation coverage, diarrhoea management, health-
of these interventions on care-seeking behaviour and on care use, and other preventive strategies. Findings
potentially harmful practices, such as prescription of showed that financial incentives could promote increased
unnecessary antibiotics for diarrhoea. Theodoratou and coverage of several important child health interventions,
colleagues68 estimated that community case management but the quality of available evidence was low. Of all
of pneumonia could result in a 70% reduction in financial incentive programmes, more pronounced
pneumonia mortality in children younger than 5 years. effects seem to be achieved by those that directly removed
We updated the previous estimate and also estimated the user fees for access to health services. Some indication of
effect of case management on diarrhoea mortality. We effect was also reported for programmes that conditioned
included 26 studies and estimated that community-based financial incentives on the basis of participation in health
interventions are associated with a 160% significant education and attendance to health-care visits.
increase in use of oral rehydration solution (RR 2·60,
95% CI 1·59–4·27) and an 80% increase in use of zinc in Emerging interventions for diarrhoea and
diarrhoea.67 Furthermore, findings showed a 13% (1·13, pneumonia
1·08–1·18) increase in care-seeking for pneumonia, and Research priorities to develop and deliver interventions
a 9% (1·09, 1·06–1·11) increase in that for diarrhoea. We We undertook a systematic analysis of various emerging
noted a 75% significant decline (0·25, 0·12–0·51) in interventions for diarrhoea and pneumonia on the basis
inappropriate use of antibiotics for diarrhoea, and a 40% of priorities emerging from the global research priority
(0·60, 0·51–0·70) reduction in rates of treatment failure review process.70,71 Preventive interventions assessed were
for pneumonia. Community case management for reductions in levels of household air pollution,72,73 and
pneumonia by community health workers was associated vaccines for Shigella43,74–77 and enterotoxigenic Escherichia
with a 32% (0·68, 0·53–0·88) reduction in pneumonia- coli.43 Therapeutic interventions were probiotics for
specific mortality, whereas evidence for diarrhoea-related diarrhoea78 and antiemetics for gastroenteritis.79 The
mortality was weak.67 appendix summarises the evidence for some of these
interventions, which are promising, but not yet
Reduction of financial barriers recommended for inclusion in programmes.
Financial incentives are becoming widely used as policy We undertook two expert panel methods to assess the
strategies to alleviate poverty, to promote care seeking, feasibility and effectiveness of ten emerging health
and to improve the health of populations. Additionally, interventions for childhood diarrhoea and 23 for
We undertook two expert panel methods to assess feasibility however, product development cost was considered to be
and potential effectiveness of ten emerging health feasible. Introduction of oxygen systems was considered
interventions against childhood diarrhoea and 23 against answerable and there were no major cost concerns, but these
pneumonia (see appendix for the list of interventions for both systems were not deemed sustainable, sufficiently acceptable,
illnesses). For each method we assembled a group of 20 leading or equitable. By comparison, common protein vaccines for
international experts from international agencies, industry, influenza were considered sustainable, acceptable, and
basic science, and public health research, who took part in a equitable, but concerns remained about answerability and costs
Child Health and Nutrition Research Initiative (CHNRI) priority of development. Emerging point-of-care diagnostic techniques
setting process. The experts used nine different criteria relevant were restricted with suboptimum levels of access to care,
to successful development and implementation of emerging care-seeking behaviour, and the availability of first-line and
interventions. They assessed the likelihood of answerability (in second-line antibiotics.
an ethical way), affordable cost of development and The top ten research areas in the delivery categories for both
implementation of the intervention, efficacy and effectiveness the diarrhea and pneumonia process are:
against the disease, deliverability, sustainability, maximum 1 Identify the barriers to increases in coverage and ensure that
effect on mortality reduction, acceptability to health workers, hard to reach populations have access to effective
acceptability to end users, and positive effect on equity. Further interventions—ie, oral rehydration solution, zinc,
details about the modified CHNRI framework, the criteria used, Haemophilius influenza type b and pneumococcal vaccines,
and the process of the expert opinion exercise have been WHO’s seven-point plan, and WHO’s strategy for acute
published elsewhere.82 respiratory infection
For pneumonia interventions, when the scores against all nine 2 Identify contextual or cultural factors that positively or
criteria were analysed, the experts showed mostly collective negatively affect care-seeking behaviour and which factors
optimism towards improvement of low-cost pneumococcal most effectively drive care-seeking behaviour
conjugate vaccines, development of non-liquid and mucosal 3 Investigate the effectiveness of culture-appropriate health
antibiotic paediatric formulations, and development of education and public health messages on changes in
common-protein pneumococcal vaccines. The second level of health-seeking behaviour, hospital admission, and
priority was assigned to improvements in existing vaccines (eg, mortality, and which communication strategies are best to
measles or Haemophilius influenzae type b) to enable needle-free spread knowledge and generate care-seeking behaviour
delivery and heat stability. This assignment was followed by 4 Identify the main barriers to increase demand for and
assessments of maternal immunisation, improved use of compliance with vaccination schedules for available
oxygen systems, and the development of combination vaccines vaccines in different contexts and settings
and vaccines against major viral pathogens. The fourth level of 5 Identify the added effect of integrated Community Case
priority was assigned to improved point-of-care diagnostic Management or Integrated Management of Childhood
techniques. The lowest scores were assigned to passive Illness on early and equitable administration of appropriate
immunisation, action on risk factors such as indoor air pollution treatment for acute diarrhoea and for pneumonia
or poor sanitation, or development of vaccines against neonatal 6 Identify the best indicators for measurement of uptake of
bacterial pathogens that cause sepsis. The method suggested interventions and effectiveness of communication
that most of the emerging interventions are still not feasible. strategies
7 Identify the effect on child health outcomes of interventions
Pneumococcal conjugate vaccines, which were still regarded as
to support mothers, for example to reduce maternal
an emerging intervention because of low uptake in low-income
depression, strengthen maternal coping, and develop
and middle-income countries at the time, achieved scores of
problem-solving skills for child health
more than 80% for all criteria apart from low product cost,
8 Identify the capacity of health systems worldwide to
which became the main point of discussion once they were
correctly diagnose and manage childhood pneumonia, and
introduced. By comparison, common protein pneumococcal
the obstacles to correct diagnosis and case management in
vaccines are still hindered by concerns about answerability
developing countries
(although answerability is getting closer to 80%), and about all
9 Identify how trained health workers can be effectively
criteria related to their future cost. Other interventions have
trained and sustained and whether they can be trained to
quite different score profiles. For example, antirespiratory
adequately assess, recognise danger signs, refer, and treat
syncytial virus vaccine for use in infants showed no feasibility
acute respiratory infections, including safe and effective
for all criteria apart from acceptance for health workers,
administration of antibiotics
whereas monoclonal antibodies for passive immunisation
10 Identify the effectiveness of a community-led approach to
against respiratory syncytial virus was completely unfeasible for
total sanitation
product cost, affordability, and sustainability concerns;
pneumonia (appendix). We undertook a method to Community Case Management and Integrated Manage-
develop research priorities in line with the CHNRI80–82 ment of Childhood Illness (IMCI) on early and equitable
with various experts worldwide.83 For diarrhoea, we administration of appropriate treatment. Furthermore,
expanded on previous methods84,85 by identifying priorities prioritisation process for pneumonia identified the need
to reduce morbidity and mortality caused by childhood to establish whether community health workers or
diarrhoea in the next 15–20 years.83 For pneumonia, we community volunteers could be trained to adequately
used a research method to define priorities to reduce assess, recognise danger signs of, refer, or treat acute
mortality caused by childhood pneumonia by 2015,86 respiratory infections effectively.
including health policy and systems research. The panel
shows the highest ranked research questions in these LiST modelling effects on mortality outcomes
two areas. In these areas, research priorities including for 75 Countdown countries
identification of barriers to health-care access—eg, imple- We selected a set of interventions from those reviewed
mentation barriers to increase coverage of existing, for modelling on the basis of their proven benefits and
effective interventions—and identification of drivers of availability in public-health programmes. We used LiST
care-seeking behaviour, ranked highly. Respondents to model the potential effect of introduction of these
prioritised assessment of the effect of Integrated interventions with a standard sequential introduction in
health systems of the 75 high-burden Countdown
100 countries. LiST estimates the effect of increases in
90 intervention coverage on deaths from one or more
80 causes, or in reduction of the prevalence of a risk factor
70 (appendix). We modelled the effect of increased coverage
Coverage (%)
ta in A
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appendix). These findings have policy relevance and 800 000 Scale up Historical trends
suggest that countries should consider a range of best
ea n
ar deat ea
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at year s
m ea ia
on at
5 th
Ne <5 y hs i
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personnel and labour, drugs and supplies, other direct
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time needed for an intervention and costs for drugs and
supplies from the One Health Model87 developed by the
UN. Costs shown for daily zinc supplementation are for Figure 3: Additional effect of the ambitious scale-up approach on diarrhoea
and pneumonia deaths averted for the 75 Countdown countries up to 2025
6–36 months. For breastfeeding, there was difficulty in
translation of breastfeeding prevalence to breastfeeding
promotion for our costing analysis; therefore, breast-
feeding costs for the trend scenario were done by hand Pneumococcal vaccine
Case management of neonatal infections
with country-specific unit costs, prevalence, and births. Breastfeeding promotion
For scaling up of low-cost latrines, we estimated costs for Case management of pneumonia infections
Improved water source
all households, not just those with children younger than Zinc supplementation
5 years, and for H influenzae type b vaccine we used the Hib vaccine
Hand washing with soap
present cost of pentavalent vaccine for our estimates Improved sanitation
(US$2·95 per dose; appendix). Oral rehydration solution
On the basis of estimates of historic trend coverage, Rotavirus vaccine
Hygienic disposal of children’s stools
$3·8 billion dollars would be needed to avert Vitamin A supplementation
882 274 deaths due to diarrhoea and pneumonia, and for Zinc for treatment of diarrhoea
Antibiotics for dysentery
the ambitious scale-up plan, $6·715 billion dollars would
0 50 000 100 000 150 000 200 000 250 000 300 000 350 000
be needed—an extra $2·914 billion to save an additional
Number of deaths averted
557 163 lives. Drugs and supplies are the main cost items.
The cost breakdown by intervention showed that for Figure 4: Sequential effect of individual interventions on deaths due to diarrhoea and pneumonia
some interventions (oral rehydration solution and Haemophilus influenzae type b.
antibiotic treatment of dysentery), our analysis indicates
cost savings because the number of diarrhoea cases has discrepancies in provision of health care across various
fallen substantially in most places, whereas for other strata of socioeconomic status. To assess the effect of
interventions the costs increase because initial coverage reaching the poorest individuals through community-
levels are low and any increase in use results in a net based platforms, we assessed the benefit of three strategies
increase in cost (appendix). (breastfeeding promotion, scale up of interventions for
zinc or oral rehydration solution, and case management
Equitable delivery of interventions and effect of pneumonia) deploying community health workers in
A major limitation in previous strategies used to establish these strata. Our model showed that if 90% coverage were
outcomes has been relatively little emphasis on reducing achieved for these three interventions, 64% of diarrhoea
of inequities and targeting. We assessed the effect of deaths and 74% of pneumonia deaths could be averted in
interventions across equity strata for three countries the poorest quintiles in the three countries assessed. This
(Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Ethiopia). We estimated the finding shows that community-based platforms deploying
potential effect and cost-effectiveness of targeting of the community health workers could not only reduce overall
same set of interventions to address neonatal mortality burden, but also ensure equitable delivery of these inter-
and mortality in children younger than 5 years within ventions to those who need them most (appendix).
wealth quintiles. We computed all inputs except cause of
death for the two wealth quintiles by reanalysing the most Discussion
recent Demographic and Health Survey for the country Our findings are in line with those from previous reviews
(appendix). We estimated the effect of interventions on and studies, emphasising that effective interventions
lives saved for the two quintiles of socioeconomic status: exist to address childhood diarrhoea and pneumonia,
poorest (Q1) and poorer (Q2). The effect of various which are still major killers of children younger than
evidence-based interventions is greatest in the poorest 5 years worldwide. We refined and updated the evidence
quintiles (figure 5, appendix). Scaling up of these for a range of preventive, promotive, and therapeutic
interventions would not only reduce the overall burden of interventions, and by application of these estimates to
childhood mortality but would also greatly reduce the the LiST model, reaffirmed that these interventions
*Includes $4 per year per household for latrines, hand washing, and hygienic disposal of excreta. No costs are included for the improved water supply or piped water. †Water connection in the home, improved water
source, improved sanitation (use of latrines or toilets), hygienic disposal of children’s excreta, and hand washing with soap. ‡Breastfeeding promotion, and supplementation of vitamin A and
zinc.§Haemophilus influenzae type b, pneumococcal, and rotavirus vaccines. ¶Oral rehydration solution, zinc for treatment of diarrhoea, antibiotics for dysentery, case management, and oral antibiotics.
Table 5: Estimated incremental costs (US$ million) by packages in 2025 for the 75 Countdown countries
younger than 5 years, corresponding to $231 billion Harry Campbell, Igor Rudan (University of Edinburgh, UK);
(uncertainty range $116–$614 billion) in the value of Lindsey Lenters, Diego Bassani, Kerri Wazny, Michelle Gaffey,
Alvin Zipursky (Sick Kids, Toronto).
statistical lives saved.91 The maximum benefits accrued
from pneumococcal and H influenzae type b vaccines, Conflicts of interest
We declare that we have no conflicts of interests.
contributing $105 billion ($52–$270 billion) from scale
up of pneumonia and rotavirus vaccines contributed Acknowledgments
Funding was provided by an unrestricted grant from the Bill & Melinda
$54 billion ($27–$138 billion) to these estimates.91 Gates Foundation to Aga Khan University and to collaborating universities
Despite persistent burden, childhood deaths from and institutions (Bloomberg School of Public Health, Johns Hopkins
diarrhoea and pneumonia are avoidable and 15 inter- University, Boston; University School of Public Health and Program for
ventions delivered at scale can save most of these avoidable Global Pediatric Research, Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto). The
funding source had no role or control over the content and process of
deaths. In some of the high-burden countries with existing development of these papers, or in drafting of the report. The views
inequities in intervention coverage and a high burden of expressed in this report are solely those of the authors. We thank Yvonne
mortality in poor populations, strategies exist that can Tam (Johns Hopkins University) for assisting with LiST modelling,
Margaret Manley (Program for Global Pediatric Research, Toronto), and
reach these individuals and reduce the disproportionate
Asghar Ali (Aga Khan University, Karachi) for administrative support.
burden of diarrhoea and pneumonia mortality therein.
With an increasing number of countries deploying 1 UNICEF. Levels and trends in child mortality, estimates developed
community health-worker programmes to reach the by the UN Inter-agency Group for Child Mortality Estimation. New
unreached, real opportunities exist to scale up community York: UNICEF, 2012.
advocacy and education programmes and early case 2 Countdown to 2015. Building a future for women and children:
the 2012 report. June, 2012. http://www.countdown2015mnch.
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supported by JKD and REB. The following members contributed to PLoS Med 2011; 8: e1000428.
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in diarrhoea and financial platforms; DB and KW to financial platforms; could be saved. Health Aff (Millwood) 2011; 30: 1010–20.
RAS to cholera vaccines, antiemetics, antibiotics for cholera and 12 Chopra M, Sharkey A, Dalmiya N, Anthony D, Binkin N, and the
shigella, and community case management; and ZL to community case UNICEF Equity in Child Survival, Health and Nutrition Analysis
management. KW and AZ led the Child Health and Nutrition Research Team. Strategies to improve health coverage and narrow the equity
Initiative (CHNRI) method for setting of research priorities, overseen gap in child survival, health, and nutrition. Lancet 2012; 380: 1331–40.
by ZAB. HC and IR contributed to the review of strategies to prevent 13 Walker N, Fischer-Walker C, Bryce J, Bahl R, Cousens S, and the
and treat pneumonia. ZAB wrote the first draft of the review with CHERG Review Groups on Intervention Effects. Standards for
CHERG reviews of intervention effects on child survival.
substantial input from JKD. NW and AR contributed to the lives saved
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