CCF - Nonaadhar Guidelines
CCF - Nonaadhar Guidelines
CCF - Nonaadhar Guidelines
Associates willing to close the Provident Fund from Cognizant have to fill composite claim form, (as well as two
copies of form 15G along with PAN and Aadhaar).
PF Closure forms will be processed only after 60 days from your Date of Release or received (whichever is higher).
Post submission of forms to PF Office, it takes around 2 TO 4 Months for crediting the amount in your Bank A/c.
You can check the status by logging on to upon submission of your forms to PF Office.
Pre-filled form have been attached for your reference, please refer the same prior to filling your details.
Form No-15G – (Two Copies of Filled Form 15G along with a PAN Card Copy is mandatory)
As per the recent amendment in Income Tax Act, 1961, Income Tax shall be deducted at source (TDS) at
The following rates if at the time of payment of the accumulated PF balance is more than or equal to Rs.
50,000/-, with continuous membership with PF less than 5 years:-
TDS will be deducted @ maximum marginal rate (i.e. 34.608%) if a member fails to submit PAN and
Form No 15G or 15H (Senior Citizen).
Form 15G and 15H may not be accepted if amount of withdrawal is more than
Rs. 2, 50,000/- and Rs. 3, 00,000/- respectively.
If employee withdraws PF after a period of five years of continuous membership, including service with
previous employer/s.
If PF payment is less than Rs. 50,000/- but the member has rendered service of less than 5 years.
pg. 1
Documents to be enclosed along with the PF Closure Forms:
Proof for your Bank A/c. (Cancelled Cheque (or) Bank statement (or) Copy of Bank Pass Book) – (Mandatory).
Account Number, Branch Address, IFSC Code are mandatory in (Cancelled Cheque /Bank Pass Book / Bank
statement). Printed Member Name required in Cheque Leaf if not Member signature is required with name in
BLOCK LETTER. Joint Account, NRI & NRO Not Accepted, CITI Bank Account Not Advisable.
Two Copies of PAN & one copy of Aadhaar with Signature of the member. (Mandatory)
A letter addressed to The Regional Provident Fund Commissioner, Chennai - justifying the reason for closing your
PF A/c. – (Mandatory)
Please send the forms through courier or in person as any other mode is not advisable.
Also furnish your email ID & contact no for PF Office to communicate further, if needed.
Name of the Member
Proof for your Bank A/c. (Copy of Bank Pass Book / Bank statement / Cancelled Cheque) (Mandatory)
pg. 2
Associate ID:..................
PF Number: TN/MAS/31309/.................
र्ोबाइभ िम्बर
Mobile Number
[फार्म सं.- 19 )भविष्य विवि के अंवEर् वितटाि/10सी )तेंशि ्रपत्याहरल भाभ( / 31 भविष्य विवि का रंवशक ्रपत्याहरल(]
1 ाािा विसके वभए रिेाि ककया गया है: i) भ.वि. का अंवEर् वितटाि ) ( ii) तेंशि ्रपत्याहरल भाभ ) ( iii) भ.वि. हरल ) ( )िो भागू हो, उस तर का विशाि भगाएं(
Claim applied for: i) Final PF Settlement ( ) ii) Pension Withdrawal Benefits ( ) iii) PF PART WITHDRAWAL ( )
)िो भागू हो, उस तर का विशाि भगाएं( (Tick whichever is/are applicable)
2 सास्य का िार् )स्तष्ट अ्षरर र्ें( / Name of the member:(IN CAPITAL LETTERS)
3 (क) यूवििसमभ खाEा संखया )यू.ए.एि.( / Universal Account Number(UAN) क(: 100xxx000xxx
ख(: TN/MAS/31309/XXXXXX
(ख( भ.वि. खाEा संखया )यका यू.ए.एि. उतभब्ि िह है( / P.F Account No.(in case UAN not available)
4 रिार संखया )सील ग के वभए(/Aadhar Number (for seeding): 888xxx888xxx
5 क( वतEा का िार् / Father’s Name: क(: NANDA KUMAR
ख( तवE का िार् /Husband’s Name:
6 िन्र् वEव /Date of Birth: 12-12-1988
7 स् ातिा र्ें कायमरहणहल करिे कत वEव /Date of joining the establishment: 12-12-2012
8 िौकरी छोड़िे कत वEव : )यका रिेाि भ.वि. के रंवशक ्रपत्याहरल के वभए है Eो रिययक िह (
Date of leaving service: (not required if applying for PF Part Withdrawal)
9 क) स् ायी खाEा संखया )तैि(: )के िभ तांच िर्म के कर् का सेिा काभ होिे तर(
(फार्म सं.15िी /15एच कत ाो ्रपवEयां संभग्न करें , यका भागू हो( 1x2x3xAFxx
Permanent Account No.(PAN): (Only in case of service less than 5 years)
(Please enclose two copies of Form No. 15G/15H, if applicable)
ख) िौकरी छोड़िे का कारल/ Reason of leaving Service: RESIGNED
- सेिा सर्ावि )क( खराब स्िास््य के कारल )ख( वियोक्Eा के ययातार के संकुचि विछछेाि के कारल या )ग(
सास्य के वियं्ल से तरे को कारल
- Service terminated on account of (a) ill health of member (b) Contraction /Discontinuation
of employer’s business or (c) Other Cause beyond the control of the member
- ययवगगE कारल / Personal Reasons
10 क( भ.वि. के रंवशक ्रपत्याहरल का उदेशेयय )िो भी भागू है उस तर √ का विशाि भगाएं क्रसं.
भ.वि. के रंवशक ्रपत्याहरल का उदेशेयय Purpose of PF Part Withdrawal
Purpose of PF Part Withdrawal:(Tick whichever applicable) SN
ग( सा ट/र्काि/फ्भैट या “एिेंसी” के र्ाध्यंर् से विर्ामल या रिासीय ऋल या एभ.र .सी. कत अाायगी के उदेशेयये से Construction/Addition, alteration in existing
भी िािे िाभी रावश के वभए ्रपािाकEाम का तEा और चैक विसके त्षर र्ें बिाया िािा है ाशामए।ं For purpose house/Repayment of Housing loan
of Site/House/Flat or Construction through “agency” or Repayment of Housing Loan or LIC, (Para 68B/68BB/68BC)
indicate cheque to be drawn “ in favour of” and payee’s address. Ii फै क्री र्ें Eाभा बंा होिा। )तैरा 68एच( Lockout or closure of factory
(Para 68H)
Iii सास्य/तररिार कत बीर्ारी )तैरा 68िे(
Illness of member/family (Para 68J)
iv स्ियं/ तु्/तु्ी/भा /बहि का वििाह )तैरा 68के (
Marriage of self/son/ daughter /brother/ sister (Para 68K)
v बछच कत र्ैररक के बाा कत वश्षरा )तैरा 68के (
Post Matriculation education of children (Para 68K)
vi ्रपाकृ वEक रताा (तैरा 68एभ(
Natural calamity (Para 68L)
vii स् ातिा र्ें वबिभी कत कटौEी )तैरा 68एर्(
Cut in electricity in establishment (Para 68M)
viii शारीररक ेंत से विकभांग के वभए अवरहणर् )तैरा 68एि(
Advance for Physically handicapped (Para 68N)
ix सेिावििृवि से एक िर्म तूिम)तैरा 68एिएि(
One year before retirement (Para 68NN)
x िररष्ठ तेंशि बीर्ा योििा र्ें वििेश
)तैरा 68एिएिएि(
Investment in Varistha Pension BimaYojana (Para 68NNN)
11 भुगEाि के वभए बैंक खाEे का वििरल /Bank Account details for payment: बचE बैंक खाEा सं./ Saving Bank Account No.
)कृ तया विरस्E चैक कत ्रपवE/बैंक तासबुक के तहभे तृष्ठ कत सत्यावतE ्रपवEवभवत संभग्न करें । XXXXXXXXXX2023
(Please attach a copy of cancelled cheque/attested copy of first page of Pass Book)
बैंक का िार् एिं तEा / Name & address of the Bank ........………………………
NO: XX , SKSSDL , Road , Chennai - 600000
वति Pin...............................................
- सास्य यह ोोर्ला करEा है कक िह ाो र्ाह से िौकरी िह कर रहा है )हां /िह ( / - ्रपर्ावलE करEा हं कक वििरल र्ेरी िािकारी के अिुसार सही है।
The member hereby declares that he has not been employed for two months (Yes/No.) - Certified that the particulars are true to the best of my knowledge.
- यका रावश का उतयोग उतयुमग कॉभर् )10( र्ें काए गए उदेशेयय के अभािा ककसी अन्य उदेशेयय के वभए होEा है Eो र्ैं संतूलम रावश को ब्याि सवहE िातस करिे के वभए उियराायी हं।
In case the amount is used for any purpose other than stated in column (10) above, I am liable to return the entire amount with penal interest.
Member signature
For Cognizant Technology solutions India Pvt. Ltd.
सास्य के हस्Eा्षरर /Member’s Signature वियोक्Eा के हस्Eा्षरर/ Employer’s Signature
वियोक्Eा का तािार् एिं सीभ /Designation& Seal of Employer
Authorized Signatory
There is no sample For Filling Form 15G, Please get help from Income Tax People (IT)
(15G Form & PAN Card) Address Proof - Aadhaar copy (Mandatory if Aadhaar having)
Declaration Letter-1
pg. 3
Declaration Letter
Personal Details
pg. 4
संयुक्तiतदावातप्रपत्रत(आधारतरहिi)तभरनेतिे iुतअनुदेशतशीट
यननिि नखंतोंनिोनएिन
संिनिमलंिेनिंनसुझंवनददयंनजंतंनहै ।न
The total service in the present establishment as well as previous establishment is counted and, therefore, it is
advisable to merge all PF accounts.
यमनसेन निमंषणनयंनआवंसीयनऋणनिीनअदंयगीनिेनिलएनहै न तोन
क्तजसिेनपक्षनमेंनअदंनकियंनजंिंनहै ,न्सिंनिंमनदशंषएन।न
In case the advance is for purchase of site/house/flat or construction through Agency or repayment of Housing
Loan then indicate the name in whose favour the payment has to be made.
13. सदस्नयनद्वंरंनरंजस्नवनस्नटंEपन(प पयेन 1/-न)नलगंिेन िीनआवश्नयितंनिहीEन है न न No Revenue stamp (Re. 1/-) is required to be affixed
by the member.