No. 2 GE-114-ETHICS COURSE TRAJECTORY (Adjusted Due Dates)
No. 2 GE-114-ETHICS COURSE TRAJECTORY (Adjusted Due Dates)
No. 2 GE-114-ETHICS COURSE TRAJECTORY (Adjusted Due Dates)
1) As soon as you get this course pack by whatever means, send me a private message through Messenger (Meme is Jether Yares) or e-mail me at containing the
following: Full name, year and course, cell phone number, Messenger name, and a photo of your Certificate of Registration issued by the school registrar. You may also reach me through cp
no. 09434789384. This is how I will know that you are officially enrolled. Make sure that all details are correct for ease of communication.
2) Open the course pack either through the DVD or through the link in your e-mails that will bring you to my Google Drive. Open the folder START HERE and then watch the video No. 1 WATCH
MME FIRST.mp4. This will walk you through the whole course including this trajectory.
3) THIS COURSE TRAJECTORY IS YOUR ULTIMATE GUIDE FOR THE WHOLE SEMESTER. Always refer to this document every week for the weekly links, assignments, submission
deadlines and guide questions for your assignments.
4) FOLLOW THE SEQUENCE OF VIDEOS IN ORDER. Later videos build on earlier ones. This will help you best understand the course.
5) Be mindful of the deadlines which are specific for each week. These are all written in the expected output/submission column. The column on Guide questions for expected output
contains the questions you will need to answer per output. Please submit on time. Late submissions will have score deductions.
6) All outputs must be submitted through the submit here links provided below. All must be in word format (“.doc or .docx”). Include your name, year and course in every submission.
Submission links will be closed 10 days after each deadline.
7) Throughout the semester, there will be four live, synchronous coaching sessions. These will be done on line or face to face depending on what is best for you. These sessions will be
scheduled and you will be informed ahead. Attendance to these sessions is a must.
8) Class discussions during the live coaching sessions may stir up deep discussions on different political, religious and personal views. Respecting others’ views is necessary. Any act of
disrespect or contempt toward other students with different views will not be tolerated in class.
9) Your final grade will be composed of 30% quizzes (Q1-10), 40% major reflections (MR 1-5), and 30% Final Exam.
START Watch the video named No. 1 WATCH ME FIRST.mp4 under the START HERE folder from the DVD or from the Google Drive link so that you will be oriented to
HERE the course.
Topic Resource links Instructions/Activities Readings/reading links Expected Guide questions for
Outputs/Submissions expected output
Week 1 Moral Standards Video link 1: Moral standards and After watching video 2, draw a Why be good? Link: Picture of your
and Dilemmas Dilemmas (me) schematic diagram of the diagrams (Q1). Due
Video link 2: Framework to Ethical factors that lead to a moral Date: September 15
Behavior (me) action as best as you Submit here:
understood it.
Week 2 Culture and Video link 3: What is Culture? Understated the lectures and The Socio- Reflection on Why Be What are your
Values do the readings Psychological Good. (MR1). Due on personal reasons of
v=Me2HlTQPS40 Makeup of a September 19. choosing to be
Video Link 4: The Cultural Iceberg Filipinos. Submit here: good? Justify your answer.
v=a9Z83I_g4Hw Zxxj87bGU7
Video link 5: Filipino values (me)
Week 3 Reasons to be Participate in live discussion The Challenge of Reflection on the Which Filipino core
good and the via face to face or on line Cultural Relativism Socio-Psychological value do you think
Live Grounding according to your cluster and Makeup of a Filipino. must be changed or
coaching problem schedule. (Q2). Due on adjusted? Why?
session 1
September 25.
Submit here:
Week 4 Moral Video Link 6: Kohlberg Moral What do you think is your own Kohlberg Reflection on the If culture could not
Development Development level or stage of moral Simplypsychology Challenge of Cultural be grounds for moral development? Why do you say Link: Relativism (MR2). action, what could
v=74oYr1PKxxk so? Try to identify your own https://www.simplypsy Due on October 2. be a good one?
Video Link 7: Kohlberg’s 6 Stages of stage. Submit here: Defend your answer.
Moral Development Kohlberg.pdf or gjSq2f4JzE9
Week 5 Morals and Video link 8: Ethics Defined; Moral Watch the video and do the The Role of Emotions Reflection on The What do we do with
Feelings Emotions readings in Ethical decision Role of Emotions in emotions in making making Ethical decision a moral decision?
v=w87uqQdfKHg making (MR3). Due
Video Link 9: Emotions and Moral on October 9.
judgment Submit here:
v=Krex1n6qVxM YigRb9F86
Week 6 Moral Influences, Participate in live discussion Reflection on your How come you are
stages and via face to face or on line own stage of moral on that particular
Live feelings according to your cluster and development based stage? Give your
coaching schedule. on Kohlberg’s theory. reasons.
session 2
(Q3). Due on October Do you see yourself
12. moving up and down
Submit here: the stages? At what times?
Week 7 Mental Frames Video link 10: Ethics Defined: Framing Watch the video and do the Reflection on an Following the video,
and Moral reflection issue: Who deserves who deserves the
decision-Making v=ZuMA92VGgOM the violin? (Q4). violin? The one who
Video Link 11: No more fake news. Due on October 16. pays more or the Submit here: one who can best
v=09mjATJZJsM use it?
Week 8 Virtue Ethics Video link 12: Intro to Ethical theories Watch the videos and do the Aristotle’s Reflection on VIA test What do you think
(Me) readings. And then do your Necomachean Ethics results (MR4). Link: about your top 5
(Aristotle) VIA character strengths test illustrated https://www.viacharact results? How do you
Video Link 13: Aristotle’s Ethical Theory from the link on the next feel about them? column. register What use will these
v=iSLsUO6uK4M Due on October 23. results be to you
Submit here: personally?
Week 9 Natural Law Video link 14: Natural Law - Crash Watch the videos and do the Reflection on a case: Is using birth control
Course Philosophy. reflection Is using birth control a sin? On what
(Thomas Aquinas) a sin? (Q5). Link: moral grounds would
v=r_UfYY7aWKo you say that it is sin
Bonus Video: Natural Law - Thomas com/watch? or not?
Aquinas v=fJd7EEhVusM Due on October 30
v=UpVfd6oCF5M Submit here:
Video link 15: Doctrine of Double Effect MwmJfowod6
Week 10 The question of Participate in live discussion
Live the good. via face to face or on line
coaching according to your cluster and
session 3 schedule.
Week 11 Kantian Ethics Video Link 16: Kant and Categorical Watch the videos and do the Sex, lies and politics: Reflection on Sex, Based on your
Imperatives. reading and reflection. Kant’s view. lies and politics. (Q6). reading of Kant, how
(Emmanuel Kant) Due on November 6. do you think will he
v=8bIys6JoEDw respond to the
Video Link 17: Kantian Ethics Submit here: subject of cohabitation or living
v=xvSyzHB8i_w rrJGa8izK6 in without marriage?
What is your view?
Week 12 Theory of Natural Video Link 18: John Locke and Natural Watch the videos and do the Reflection on The Interacting with the
Rights Rights reflection Myth of Social video, Is it fair or just contract (Q7). to assume that you
(John Locke) v=tRO1L4p7W_w Link: agree to be obligated under the
Video Link 19: Locke’s Natural Rights om/watch? Philippine
(Start 1 minute into the video). v=hiKvag3pZsE Constitution even if Due on November you were not yet
v=jKrqPWAJaPs 13. there when it was
made? Justify your
Submit here: answer.
Week 13 Libertarianism Video Link 20: Free to Choose (Start 5 Watch the videos and do the Reflection on the Is it right to tax the
minutes into the video) reflection issue: Tax (Q8). Due rich and the middle
(Robert Nozeck) on November 20. class to give to the
v=Y4ZwNZgnTw0 Submit here: poor? What is your take? Justify your
U2fyNE4kf8 answer.
Week 14 Utilitarianism Video Link 21: Utilitarianism Crash Watch the videos, do the Principles of Morals Reflection on the Are the surviving
course Philo. reading, and do the reflection and Legislation. issue: Stranded at sailors justified for
(Jeremy Bentham sea (O9). what they have
and John Stuart a739VjqdSI Link: done? Why or why
Due on November not?
Video Link 22: Philosophy-Ethics: 27.
Utilitarianism Part 1 Submit here:
Video Link 23: Philosophy-Ethics:
Utilitarianism Part 2
Week 15 Justice and Video Link 20: Political Theory – John Watch the video lectures and Reflection on the Is John Q justified
Fairness Rawls then watch the movie. Do your movie: John Q for what he has MR5 afterwards. (MR5). Link: done? Defend your
(John Rawls) JQ17X6VNg Due on December 4. answer.
Week 16 The Seven Step Participate in live discussion Moral Choices Reflection on the Use the 7-step model to
Model of Moral via face to face or on line issue: Dilemma of arive at a moral decision
Live Decision Making according to your cluster and with one of the two
interests (Q10).
coaching and the issue of schedule. dilemas presented in the
session 4 Stewardship Due on December 11. video Dilemma of
Submit here: interests. Justify your answer.
Week 17 Final Exam Link will be available on the final week. Take test Final Exam week
Q 1-10 – Quizzes in the form of short reflections, 1 page, and must be between 100 to 300 words.