ACTIS Administrators and Users: Otssmb
ACTIS Administrators and Users: Otssmb
ACTIS Administrators and Users: Otssmb
The new catalogs are available in the supply chain from November 3 except OTSSMB catalogs available
from November 17.
ACTIS 19.1.x
17 Novembre
Catalog edition
OmniPCX Enterprise E22 Ed30
OmniPCX 4400 18I Ed31
Network infrastructure D13 Ed33
ACTIS 19.2.x
Catalog edition
OmniPCX Enterprise E23 Ed31 (1)
OmniPCX 4400 18I Ed31
Network infrastructure D14 Ed36
Because ACTIS 19.2 is provided two weeks before SMB first order acceptance:
If you manage SMB & MLE offers in the same ACTIS: it is mandatory between November 3rd and
November 17th to keep your current ACTIS to manage your SMB offers and install ACTIS 19.2 in a
separate directory to manage offers of the new OpenTouch Suite for MLE.
This version is delivered to the ACTIS Administrators for customization and dispatching to Sales forces,
Presales and Purchasers. The administrators must continue to use to dispatch to the
users the customized installations.
IP Centralization
Reminder: Any IP Centralization offer started in an ACTIS version, has to be completed within the same version. So before
installing the following version, you have to generate the order file (order export) of all the IP Centralization offers in progress, because
otherwise you will not be able to complete them and you will need to begin again all offers from the beginning.
4) Technical support
Please contact technical support in case of problems.
Note: If the initial offer was covered by an SES/SPS contract still valid, the software upgrade is free of charge.
3) Migrations to OTBE
From OXE R11.1 release, the max number of IP Dect and TDM sets increases to 5000 distributed between GAP
and AGAP, and central and peripheral areas.
10) Virtualisation
Enterprise Com Server
There is no change in ACTIS.
New virtualization solutions are possible with OXE ((KVM Virtual machine/ESXi v5.5).). Refer to the installation
12) 4645
Voice service 4645
If OXE is virtualized, the 4645 infrastructure can also be virtualized (VM Ware).
Increased limits
Hotel: 4645 application supports 5000 voice mails and 30 accesses (except on CS1, 1000 voice mails and 8
Business: limits don’t change (1000 voice mails and 16 accesses in all cases except on CS1, 1000 voice mails
and 8 accesses).
Business Hospitality
Voicemail Voicemail
Infrastructure Ports Ports
boxes boxes
CS1 non dedicated 1000 8 1000 8
Contact Center-IVR/OmniTouch CC Standard Edition/CCA-CCS
Applications/OmniTouch CC SE/Acapi
A new Virtualisation requirement is created.
From the R11.1 release, if OmniPCX Enterprise is virtualized, it is also possible to virtualize the Omnitouch
Contact Center Standard Edition application (CCS Server / CCA Server/ ACR Server on VMware VM).
16) GCE
Contact Center-IVR/Genesys Compact Edition/GCE- CC Interaction
17) CCivr
Contact Center-IVR/CCivr /ASR
Contact Center-IVR/CCivr/ TTS
Note: If the initial offer was covered by an SES/SPS contract still valid, the upgrade is free of charge.
In new offer, the OmniVista 8770 version is R2.5 with OmniPCX Enterprise R11.1.
In add-on offer, it can be ordered in two ways:
- Instead of OmniVista 4760 (Migration)
- In addition to OmniVista 4760 as an additional application (The 2 applications can coexist).
OmniVista 8770 supports OmniPCX Enterprise from 8.0.
22) Services
Emergency Notification
(US only)
A new service page about Emregency notification (E911 proserv application) is created for US only
The Emergency Notification Server light pack provides improved awareness by immediately
notifying internal security staff that a 911 call is in progress. The notification
supported are desktop PC alerts(windows only), email, Short Message Service (email
to SMS), voice alert (voice prompt, silent monitoring, conference call). The solution
also integrates with devices such as mobile land radio.
Calls are routed to the correct PSAP based on caller location, each location is associated
to an Emergency Location Identification Number (ELIN), if a call is prematurely disconnected
the PSAP will call back this number.
Packages removed
- EAP (Enriched Application Package)
Sets removed
- 8002 deskphone
Hardware removed
- DDI-4 board
- T1-CAS & Ground Start boards
- TNLO11 (keep only TNLO21 reference)
- 8UA record interface board + voice record base
Hardware compatibility
- CPU and SIP accesses: In add-on offer, if OXE version is updated or SIP accesses are added (SIP
Trunking / SIP end points, SIP voice mail, OpenTouch Multimedia Service ...), CS1 CPU and CPU6
will be upgraded into CPU more powerful.
New devices
- NDDI and CLIP IA for Denmark
Note: If the initial offer was covered by an SES/SPS contract still valid, the upgrade is free of charge.
Reminder: CSV has to be downloaded from Business Portal.
Maokong (eg BiCS 16GB) and HP DL120G6 are not supported and have to be replaced (refer to document
cross compatibility).
(US only)
A new service page about Emergency notification (E911 proserv application) is created for US only
The Emergency Notification Server light pack provides improved awareness by immediately notifying
internal security staff that a 911 call is in progress. The notification supported are desktop PC alerts
(windows only), email, Short Message Service (email to SMS), voice alert (voice prompt, silent
monitoring, conference call). The solution also integrates with devices such as mobile land radio.
Calls are routed to the correct PSAP based on caller location, each location is associated to an
Emergency Location Identification Number (ELIN), if a call is prematurely disconnected the PSAP will
call back this number.
9) API Provisionning
Users and options/APIs
The provisioning API option is implemented in OTBE.
Sets removed
- 8002 deskphone
Hardware removed
- DDI-4 board
- T1-CAS & Ground Start boards
Hardware compatibility
- CPU and SIP accesses: In add-on offer, if OXE version is updated or SIP accesses are added (SIP
Trunking / SIP end points, SIP voice mail, OpenTouch Multimedia Service ...), CS1 CPU and CPU6
will be upgraded into CPU more powerful.
If the OXO version is less than R7.0, regardless of the type of add-on, ACTIS R19.2 enables to switch to the
latest R10.0 version.
If OXO version is equal to R7.0, add-on offer is possible in the same version unless the requirements generate
IP resources. In the latter case the upgrade to the latest R10.0 version is mandatory.
This feature is postponed early 2015. A new price file will be downloaded at this time.
A new requirement OpenTouch Conversation for Windows is created (applicable from OXO R10.0).
IPhone and Android requirement are renamed OpenTouch Conversation for iPhone and OpenTouch
Conversation for Android respectively.
The sum of the three requirements is up to maximum 50.
11) Video
The Video items (Lifesize) are removed from ACTIS OXO pages. You can still order the corresponding items via
OmniPCX Office is an integral part of the OpenTouch Office Cloud for SMB offer and represents the
cornerstone of this offer.
So, the Business Partner can configure an alternative offer with optimized costs (OPEX) for carriers.
It is not configured in new offer. It is configured only in add-on offer, CPU by CPU: an add-on offer
correspond to one CPU (eg : a low traffic pack is configurable in add-on offer, CPU by CPU, ie in 6 offers).
The ACTIS screens show the OpenTouch ™ Suite software items for SMB and exclude hardware items.
Network infrastructure
User interface