Release Note ACTIS24.1.x en Ed1
Release Note ACTIS24.1.x en Ed1
Release Note ACTIS24.1.x en Ed1
Revision History
Edition 1: April 12th, 2023 Document created for Next ACTIS introduction
Legal notice:
The information presented is subject to change without notice.
ALE International assumes no responsibility for inaccuracies contained herein.
Copyright © 2023 ALE International
The Alcatel-Lucent name and logo are trademarks of Nokia used under license by ALE.
The ACTIS version is available MyPortal in the Quotation Tools section:
Document URL for ALE URL for Partners
ACTIS page on MyPortal Click here Click here
ACTIS Installation
From April 24, 2023, update your ACTIS 23.3.x to 24.1 to benefit of new features in your orders.
Technical Support
For a fast answer, please supply also the ACTIS zip files with your eSR.
• If your question is related to a configuration rule, the current quotation file is enough for support
• If your question is related to an add-on / migration / IP centralisation, send all ACTIS files
o ACTIS files of all existing systems (OPS file of OXE, oxo file of OXO)
o ACTIS preparation file (in case of IP Centralisation, Migration to OTBE...)
o ACTIS final file of your quotation
Best regards,
The ACTIS team
Table of contents
1 Documentation available on MyPortal ...................................................................................................... 6
2 Installation rules and Windows / Excel version .......................................................................................... 7
10 Glossary ............................................................................................................................................. 28
OmniPCX Enterprise
Document URL for ALE URL for Partners
OXE New Crystal (eFlash Phase-out C200 EN) Click here Click here
OXE Phase Out (eFlash Phase-out C202 EN) Click here Click here
OXE Phase In (eFlash Phase-in C206 EN) Click here Click here
MLE Cross Compatibility Click here Click here
MLE Release Policy Click here Click here
Country Saleable Solutions List Click here Click here
The ACTIS TAB Rainbow is opened now for any market. You can only order Rainbow if the sales is opened
for the market and if you have signed the sales contract amendment for Rainbow.
ACTIS Manual
Document URL for ALE URL for Partners
ACTIS administrator and user manual Click here Click here
ACTIS Questions and Anomalies Click here Click here
From ACTIS, launch the contextual help at any time by pressing F1 key
The minimum display recommended is 800x600, and the zoom text must remain at 100%.
If you zoom too much the text, parts of ACTIS screens may not be visible.
It is recommended to install ACTIS in a simple path like C: \ ACTIS or D: \ ACTIS.
So, do not install ACTIS in C:\program files
Note: for any ACTIS installation problem, please contact ALE technical support.
For more information about ALE solution and OmniPCX Enterprise, check the web page Document Finder.
Due to Release Policy end of Add-On light, Add-On for OXE version up to R11.2 is not allowed.
To configure the add-on, you must upgrade OXE to the commercial release R100.1.
During IP Centralisation or add-on with release upgrade, ACTIS presents OXE R100.0 and R100.1.
Note: If the initial offer is covered by a valid SES/SPS contract, the software upgrade is free of charge.
First prepare OmniPCX Office or OXO Connect offer, then migrate the prepared offer to OXE.
The result is a new OXE system created:
• new OXE SPS contract
The 4400 migration to OmniPCX Enterprise is charged as a MAJOR Migration. There are two types of reference
depending on the presence of private network in the offer
Target OXE
Initial OTBE R2.5 and lower Major update
Before ACTIS 21.0, the total user was defined by lock #213 and range of users [0 … 50], [51 … 80], …
If you have an offer configured in ACTIS < 21.0, the add-on will replace this lock #213 by lock #418
By default, the new total user is based on previous engine: lock #418 = lock #213. But you can tune this.
Example: if lock #213= 1000, it means you have [501 … 1000] users
• If you keep previous engine, lock #418 = 1000
• If you set declared user during this add-on (or later)
o ACTIS will compute lock #418 in the range [501 … 1000], example 530 (if 530 IP users)
o You can delete users in License Converter TAB to go below 501 users
Lock ID Description
Lock #2 Call-By-Name
Locks #10, #193 Voice guide
Lock #5 Multi-languages
Locks #6, #126 ALE Hotel Link
Lock #38 Info Center
Lock #14 Integrated metering
Lock #42 Accounting
Lock #99 ABC accounting
Locks #50, #41, #122 Configuration
Locks #40, #47 Alarms
Lock #39 Performance
Lock #49 Directory
Lock #155 Safety
Lock #467 ARS
In New Offer if ACT14 or ACT28 are configured ACTIS will display the error:
( -9315) " ALE no longer sells new OXE systems with Crystal ACT14 or ACT28.
If force GD3 (addon only) is selected in OXE >= R100.0 will be configured with GD3
This option is only applicable for add-on
From ACTIS 24.1, all SMB and MLE OXE hardware is built to be stored (BTS) and placed in our hub. When
creating a new offer, you can specify how you want to deliver this material For MLE OXE, you can set your
default choice:
• Select an order type: no choice made, blocking of the quote until you have made a choice
• With basic pack integration: the CPU is registered in eLP by ALE. We will integrate it with its
license file .swk and its hardware file hardware.mao
• From BP stock: the quote will still contain hardware, but the order file will be split into two: licenses
and contract in the .SAP file and hardware in the optional xpo2 file. To obtain the licenses you will
need to register the CPU in eBuy.
• Without integration : hardware is not integrated. To obtain the licenses you will need to register
the CPU in eBuy
For country availability, compatibility between new sets and OXE releases, check these documents
• [Country Saleable]
• [OXE Phase In]
• [Compatibility]
This rack consists of 2 parts of 7 slots and supports 2 * 6 FXS 32 analog port cards.
For the right part of the XL rack, add another peripheral area and indicate
• IP Media Gateway XL
• The side = right,
• The left attachment area
• Analog access and other needs (conference, etc.)
Target OTMC
OTMC source
≤ R2.5 R2.6
≤ R2.4 Forbidden Major upgrade
R2.5 Minor upgrade
Note1: If the initial offer is covered by a valid SPS contract, the upgrade is free of charge.
Note2: if you set additional languages, they are activated without appearing in the item list.
ACTIS 24.1
≤ R4.2 Forbidden
R4.3 Add-on
R4.4 First Sale
Target VAA
≤ R4.3 R4.4
≤ R3.x Forbidden Yes (*)
Initial VAA
R4.0 to R4.3 Forbidden Yes (**)
New release FAX R9.2 (check OXE release for compatibility (document [Compatibility])).
Target OTFC
≤ R9.0 R9.2
Initial OTFC ≤ R7.6 Forbidden Yes
OmniTouch Open Gateway firt sales are done in release R2.4 (check OXE release for compatibility (document
O2G Release configuration
(*) The R2.4 license gives access to the O2G R2.6 release
Targeted O2G
R2.3 and lower R2.4
Initial O2G ≤ R2.3 Interdit Yes
If the OXE is in commercial releases (R100.1), you can convert them into Connexion users using the
tab "License Converter".
• Fax option:
FAX must be deployed as dedicated server
Target OTMS
Initial OTMS
≤ R2.5 R2.6
≤ R2.4 Forbidden Major upgrade
R2.5 Minor upgrade
This commercial program is opened for OXE already in commercial release (R100.1)
If you intend to order IP/SIP device now, you will benefit of a license price reduction
• First add the IP/SIP device via Additional Hardware or Set button
• Then fill the IP/SIP for free quantity
Target 8770
≤ R5.0 R5.1
Initial 8770 ≤ R5.0 Forbidden Yes
3.18 [OXE] End Add-On for the Emergency Notification Server (ENS)
Applications > Emergency notification
Dedicated SIP licenses used for Video only (lower price than the "Simultaneous SIP Calls" SIP license which
allows audio and/or video use).
ACTIS 24.1
≤ R2.0 Forbidden
R2.1 Add-on
R2.2 First Sale
Target VNA
≤ R2.1 R2.2
Initial VNA ≤ R2.1 Forbidden Yes
First Sale Dispatch Console in release R3.2 (see [Compatibility] document for OXE version compatibilities)
DC releases configuration
ACTIS 24.1
R2.0 et R3.1 Add-on
R3.2 First Sale
Note: Dispatch Console is forbidden for IP Centralization.
DC Release Upgrade
DC Target
<= R3.1 R3.2
DC source <= R3.1 Forbidden Yes
Installed Base
From 04/25/2022, OpenTouch contracts will be automatically changed in dedicated contracts (OTMSMC, SBC,
FAX, O2G).
The new hardware support extension service on ALE phone is not available in ACTIS.
Such service must be ordered directly in eBuy.
Please refer to the Service Essential - Support Services for Communication solutions document available on
the MyPortal for more details. (Partner link , ALE employee link)
The SPS/SES contract is no longer offered in multiyear for CCivr. year (In case of failure, for an OXE SPS
renewal to 3 or 5 years, please fill an eSR).
In eBuy, you can apply a promocode to an order. The promocode checks the content of the order and applies
some discounts to some items. You can apply in ACTIS this promotional code.
Contact you ALE commercial representative (CSM) to get the XML file of the discount.
In ACTIS, the menu Management > Promotions, import this XML file.
When performing the quotation, click on Promotional Codes button and select the corresponding discount.
Note: the quotation must be done in WPL. ACTIS applies some discounts to some items instead of applying
the WPL category discount.
Info: XML Promocode files are supplied by Sales Channel Manager on the form of XML file. If you have
promocode generated for ACTIS 23.3, they still working in ACTIS 24.1 provided the expiration date is not
Initial OTBE R2.5 and lower Major upgrade
5 Network infrastructure
For more information about ALE solution and DATA Solution, check the web page Document Finder
New edition of DATA catalogue can be published, without a new ACTIS version:
• Connect to MyPortal
• Download the last DATA catalogue and the corresponding prices file.
End of add-on for OmniPCX Office systems: migration to OXO Connect is mandatory.
o 3MJ06004AA - SIP media gateway for 2 analog ports : not confirmed, not yet released
The last ACP version 6.1 was built for OXO Connect R2.x evolution
There is no update planned at current time for later version.
There are 2 modes: ALE Web portal or Directory. We recommend the use of Web Portal for automated
In Menu Option > Others > Contract Tab, check ALE Web Portal option
1. You can fill in advance your business portal login (to use it later).
2. You will not be allowed to fill the Password at this step
3. Perform Add-on
ACTIS will ask you to confirm the CSV Contract file download
you must give your password at this step
4. ACTIS will connect to eBuy and get the CPU dedicated contract file.
5. In offer needs, tab Services > Software support service > Contracts button, you can restart an
update of the contract file.
The (+) corresponds to the dialling code used to dial out of your country when making an international call (it is
00 for most countries)