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USACERL Technical Report REMR-EM-6

U.s. Army Construction (If applicable)
Engr Research Lab (cont) CECER-EM
| 6c ADDRESS (City, State, and ¿IP Code)
7b ADDRESS (City, State, and ZIP Code)
PO Box 4005
Champaign, IL 61824-4005
___________________________ (cont'd)

1¿IP Code)


Washington, DC 20314-1000
Security Classification)

*nd St“ ls f°r Locts-

18 SUBJECT TERMS (Continue on reverse if necesiary and identify by block number)

11 stainless steel
locks (waterways)
mechanical propertie:

Carbon steels and low-alloy carbon steels have been the primary source
for materials used to construct locks, dams, and hydroelectric plant
structures. Some components for these facilities have also been fabricated
from 300-series austenitic stainless steels and the martensitic grades of 400-
s e n e s stainless steels. Advanced technology alloys that have better
corrosion resistance and higher strength than alloys developed earlier can be
advantageous for water resource projects. This report presents typical


X I o t ic u s e r s UNCLASSIFIED

83 APR edition may be used until exhausted

All other editions are obsolete


Block 6a (Cont'd)

and JRM Associates

Block 6c (Contfd)

4198 Merlyn Drive

Franklin, OH 45005

mechanical property data, briefly discusses corrosion behavior, and provides

general guidelines regarding the use of stainless steels for locks, dams, and
hydroelectric plant applications« Carefully selected and properly specified
stainless steels are viable options for construction and can result in reduced
maintenance costs . Two case studies for rollers and seals for tractor type
dam gates are presented to demonstrate the advantages of using stainless
steels for Civil Works projects.


The study reported herein was authorized by Headquarters, US Army

• - Corps of Engineers (HQUSACE), as a part of the Electrical and Mechanical
, Problem Area of the Repair, Evaluation, Maintenance, and Rehabilitation
-t (REMR) Research Program. The work was performed under Civil Works
Research Work Unit 32338, "Corrosion Resistant Materials for Civil Works
Structures" for which Dr. Ashok Kumar is the Principal Investigator. R.
Pletka is the REMR Technical Monitor for this work.

Mr. Jesse A. Pfeiffer, Jr. is the REMR coordinator at the

Directorate of Research and Development, HQUSACE; Mr. James E. Crews and
Dr. Tony C. Liu serve as the REMR Overview Committee; Mr. William F.
McCleese (CECW-OM), US Army Waterways Experiment Station (WES), is the
REMR Program Manager. Dr. Ashok Kumar is the Problem Area Leader for the
Electrical and Mechanical Problem Area.

This work was conducted by the US Army Construction Engineering

Research Laboratory (USACERL) and Mr. James R. Myers, JRM Associates,
Franklin, OH, under the general supervision of Dr. R. Quattrone, Chief of
the Engineering and Materials Division (EM). The Technical Editor was
Gloria J. Wienke, Information Management Office.

COL Carl 0. Magnell was Commander and Director of USACERL, and Dr.
L. R. Shaffer was Technical Director.



PREFACE.................................................................. 1

PART Iî INTRODUCTION................................................... 3

PARTII: COMPOSITION ANDPROPERTIES............................... 6

PART III: CORROSION ANDGALLING......................................... 7

The Problem of Corrosion
General Corrosion Behavior, Pitting Attack, and
Concentration Cell Corrosion
Galvanic Corrosion

PART IV: CASE STUDIES................................................ , . 12

Oahe Dam, Missouri River
Dam Gate Seal Materials

PART V: MATERIAL SELECTION............................................. 16

PART VI: CONCLUSIONS................................................... 46

TABLES 1-8.............................................................. 47

REFERENCES....... 57




I. Carbon steels and low-alloy steels have been the primary source for
materials used to construct locks, dams, and hydroelectric plants. To a much
Lesser extent, components tor these facilities traditionally have been
fabricated from 400-series martensitic stainless steels (e.g., Types 410 and
416) and 300-series austenitic stainless steels (e.g., Types 302, 303, 304,
308, and 316). Although the 300-series stainless steels normally have
excellent corrosion resistance in most freshwater environments (Table 1, Kamp
and Schmitt 1966) their yield strengths (about 35,000 psi in the annealed
condition) are somewhat low for many applications. Further, at a number of
locks and dams, bolts and nuts fabricated from the same 300-series material
have exhibited serious galling problems in the threaded area. The 300-series
stainless steels (including Type 316, which is formulated with a small amount
of molybdenum added to resist pitting attack) also have a tendency to pit ih
waters containing more than about 1000 parts per million (ppm) chloride. They
are also susceptible to oxygen differential, concentration-cell corrosion
under deposits and in crevices. Fortunately, the austenitic grades of
stainless steel do not experience chloride-induced, stress-corrosion cracking
at temperatures less than about 150° F (Pecknar and Bernstein 1977). They
also exhibit excellent resistance to freshwater erosion corrosion.

2. The yield strength limitations of the 300-series stainless steels

for Civil Works projects were originally overcome by using heat-treatable,
400-series stainless steels. Unfortunately, these alloys often do not exhibit
the desired corrosion resistance. This is understandable because the
metallurgy required to create a martensitic stainless steel allows only
limited amounts of chromium (generally, an upper limit of about 14 percent) to
be added to these alloys. The martensitic grades of stainless steel have a
tendency to pit (Table 1), galvanically corrode, crack due to stress
orrosion, and suffer concentration-cell corrosion in many fresh waters. In
some cases (Fontana and Greene 1967), heat treated, 400-series stainless

steels have failed due to hydrogen-induced cracking because the components
were only slightly overprotected by the cathodic protection systems designed
to mitigate corrosion.

3. Traditional stainless steels have certain mechanical property and

corrosion behavior limitations for lock, dam, and hydroelectric plant
applications. However, carefully selected and properly specified stainless
steels, especially some of the newer alloys, can be viably and cost-
effectively used. These steels can reduce maintenance costs and improve the
availability of equipment and facilities without significant concern for the
various forms of deterioration that have been associated with them (e.g.,
crevice corrosion, intergranular attack, stress-corrosion cracking, hydrogen
embrittlement, pitting, wear and galling, and galvanic corrosion).


4. The objective of this work is to present typical mechanical property

data, briefly discuss corrosion behavior, and provide general guidelines
regarding the use of stainless steels for locks, dams, and hydroelectric plant
applications. The unique properties of stainless steels are shown in this


5, Researchers selected i4 stainless steels that, may reduce maintenance

costs and are becoming more available for Ci 1 Works applications. These
are: the wrought austenitic alloys NITRONIC 60*
* and Types 302j 303, 304, 308,
and 316; the wrought martensitic alloys Types 410, 416, and 431; the wrought
martensitic PH (precipitation—hardening) alloys 17—4PH and Custom 450*; the
wrought semiaustenitic PH alloy 17-7PH; the cast martensitic alloy CA-6NM; and
the cast austenitic-ferritic alloy CF-8.

*Nitronic 60 is a brand name of Carpenter Technology, Carpenter

Steel Division, Reading, Pennsylvania, 19612.
*Cus.tom 450 is a brand name of Carpenter Technology, Carpenter
Steel Division, Reading, Pennsylvania, 19612.

6. Researchers discussed these Stainless steels with U.S. Army Corps of
Engineers personnel and obtained additional information from various guide
specifications and as-built drawings.


7. Nominal chemical compositions for the selected atainless steel

alloys and their typical mechanical properties are included in Tables 2 and 3,
respectively. Austenitic grades of stainless steel cannot be strengthened by
heat treatment; they can only be strengthened by cold working. Martensitic
and the PH grades of stainless steel can be heat treated to microstructural
conditions that provide a wide range of available mechanical properties.

8. Generally, the austenitic grades of stainless steel (e.g., NITRONIC

60 and the 300-series) have better overall corrosion resistance than the other
alloys identified in Tables 2 and 3. Typical corrosion resistance, however,
depends on heat treatment. For example, the corrosion resistance of 17-7PH
stainless steel in both Conditions TH1050 and RH950 is superior to that of the
heat-treatable, martensitic alloys. In Condition CH900, the general corrosion
resistance of 17-7PH is comparable to that of Types 302 and 304 (Armco, Inc.
1984b). The corrosion resistance of Condition A 17-4PH stainless steel and
the alloy when heat treated to its lower (albeit, still relatively high)
strength levels is also comparable to Type 304 in more aqueous environments
(Armco, Inc. 1983). Similarly, the normal corrosion resitance of Custom 450
is superior to that of heat treated Type 410 and similar to that of Type 304
(Carpenter Technology 1971). NITRONIC 60 is unique in that it has better
corrosion resistance to chloride-induced pitting attack than Type 316 (i.e.,
an alloy specially formulated for pitting resistance to chlorides) and an
outstanding resistance to abrasion by suspended solids and to galling, and
cavitation when exposed to aqueous environments (Armco, Inc. 1984a).

The Problem of Corrosion

9. Selecting a material with inadequate corrosion resistance for a

particular application can be an expensive mistake. Direct and indirect
economic losses that can result from corrosion include:

a. Failure of equipment and associated damages (e.g., a tainter gate

falls because hoisting cable bolts break.)

b. Replacement of equipment.

c. Overdesign to allow for corrosion.

d. Shutdown of equipment.

e. Loss of a product (e.g., if a hydraulic piping system develops a

corrosion-induced leak).

f. Contamination of a product.

g. Loss of efficiency (e.g., corrosion products lower heat transfer

rates in cooling systems).

10. Some of these indirect losses can cost much more than the
difference between a material that would have performed satisfactorily and one
that would not. Therefore, it is important to consider potential indirect
losses due to corrosion when selecting material.

11. Corrosion can also constitute a significant safety hazard if

stress-corrosion cracking occurs in critical parts of transportation media.

12. In addition to these economic and safety aspects, corrosion is also

important from the point of view of conserving the earth's supply of
materials. The supply of many of the metals and materials used to make
conventional steel and low alloy steels is diminishing and these products are
being imported into the United States at ever increasing prices.

General Corrosion Behavior, Pitting Attack, and Concentration-Cell


13. The excellent corrosion resistance of stainless steels depends on

he formation and maintenance of an invisible, passive oxide film on the

ti ^
exposed surfaces. This allows the stainless steels to exhibit potentials that
are more noble (electrically positive) than they would have in the active
(corroding) condition. In the passive condition, stainless steels have
electrochemical characteristics similar to those of a noble metal such as
gold. If this passive film is locally destroyed and cannot be readily
repaired, pitting attack can be expected to occur in certain environments
(especially, chloride-containing, aqueous environments). Similar localized
corrosion in the form of oxygen-differential, concentration-cell corrosion can
occur in crevices and under deposits (i.e., in occluded cells) where there is
insufficient oxygen to maintain the passive film. The absence of oxygen in
occluded cells causes the stainless steel to become electrochemically active
(i.e., become anodic) and exhibit a negative potential relative to that area
where the passive film is still intact. This form of corrosion can be
especially deleterious because it is usually facilitated by a large driving
voltage between the passive and active regions and an undesirably large
cathode-to-anode area ratio.

14. Significant insight into corrosion behavior can be obtained by

analyzing data obtained from anodic polarization tests conducted in a
laboratory. In general, stainless steels have very negative primary
passivation potentials (Ep) and small critical current densities for
passivation (ic ); normally, they passivate quite readily in aerated aqueous
environments. Once passivated, the alloys will normally corrode at very low
rates in accordance with Faraday’s Law and their passive current densities
(ip). If the oxidizing characteristics of the environment are overly
powerful, alloys can be spontaneously polarized to potentials sufficiently
noble that the alloy will be subjected to accelerated corrosion and pitting
attack in the transpassive potential region (i.e., corrode at the high current
densities associated with the potentials more noble than the transpassive
potential [Etp]). The desirable anodic polarization characteristics for
stainless steels are: low values of ic , very negative values for Ep, low
values of ip, very positive values for Etp, and large potential differences
between E_ and Efr
p — - ^tp-

15.Values of E . i , i , and E*.^ for selected stainless steels in

p7 c7 p7 tp
deaerated, IN sulfuric acid are included in Table 4 (Segan et al. 1982).
Adding chlorides to the test environment reduces the passive potential regions

(i.e., the values of Etp - E^) and increases the magnitudes of ic and i^
(Segan et al. 1982). Similar adverse phenomena occur, in general, when the
temperature of the environment is increased and/or the pH is lowered. The
deleterious effects of high operating temperatures, acidic environments, and
the presence of chlorides on stainless steels have been verified and explained
through laboratory testing. Additional laboratory testing has also shown that
all of the stainless steels listed in Table 4 spontaneously passivate in
aerated Columbia River water and corrode in the passive potential region at
very low uniform corrosion rates (i.e., corrosion rates associated with i^
values of 2.8 to 8.2 x 10~^ ampere/cm^, Segan et al. 1982).

Galvanic Corrosion

16. The initial driving voltage for corrosion of adjacent dissimilar

metals can be estimated when a galvanic series exists for the environment of
concern. In general, larger driving voltages increase the initial rate of
attack to the less noble alloy when dissimilar metals are metallically
connected and exposed to a corrosive environment. For example, the galvanic
series in Table 5 (Segan et al. 1982) shows that NITRONIC 60 has a potential
of -0.327 volt referenced to a saturated calomel electrode (SCE), whereas ASTM
A36 steel has a potential of -0.574 volt. If the two alloys were metallically
connected and exposed to this environment, NITRONIC 60 (i.e., the alloy with
the more positive potential) would be cathodic to the ASTM A36 steel which
would be the anode in the corrosion cell. The ASTM A36 steel would experience
accelerated galvanic corrosion at an initial driving voltage of 0.247 volt
(the potential difference between the two materials). The NITRONIC 60 would,
at least in part, be cathodically protected.

17. The data in Table 5 provides insight regarding the mitigation of

galvanic corrosion. Materials should be selected so that those which will be
metallically connected will have similar potentials in the environment where
they will be exposed. Alternatively, the materials can sometimes be electri­
cally isolated from each other. Galvanic corrosion problems can also be
reduced by ensuring that the cathodic area is smaller than the anodic area.
Large cathode-to-anode area ratios must be avoided if galvanic corrosion is to
e avoided. Coatings used in conjunction with cathodic protection have also
een effective in mitigating galvanic corrosion.

18. The initial driving voltage for galvanic corrosion will normally
decrease with time because of polarization at the anodes and cathodes. This
decrease in the driving voltage, in turn, reduces the galvanic corrosion
current density at the anodes and lowers their corrosion rates. Table 6
(Segan et al. 1982) lists the galvanic corrosion current densities obtained
for equal anodic and cathodic areas of ASTM A36 steel connected to selected
grades of stainless steel. Based on these data, galvanic corrosion of ASTM
A36 steel is not significantly affected by the chemistry or metallurgical
condition of the stainless steel involved. The corrosion current densities
for the ASTM A36 steel vary between 1.4 and 2.5 x 10-^ ampere/cm^.


19. Tests conducted in accordance with ASTM G32 have allowed stainless
steels and a low-alloy carbon steel to be ranked according to their cavitation
resistance (Table 7, Segan et al. 1982). Not unexpectedly, NITRONIC 60 had
the best cavitation resistance of the materials evaluated. Similar cavitation
resistance results have been obtained for stainless steels exposed to jet-
impingement by river water. The relative cavitation depth damages for
NITRONIC 60, 17-4PH, Type 316, and CA-6NM were reported as being 1.0, 1.9,
3.7, and 6.6, respectively (Schumacher 1986). These data clearly indicate
that cast NITRONIC 60 could be a viable alternative for CA-6NM where
cavitation is a concern.


20. When two metal surfaces are rubbed together under heavy pressure,
and without lubrication, it is expected that galling (or even seizing) may

21. The "button and block" galling test has been used to evaluate the
adhesive wear resistance of various stainless steels under nonlubricated
conditions (Schumacher 1977). Specimens were considered galled if deep
scoring and heavy surface damage were evident during examination of the
surfaces at 10X magnification. The lightest load that caused galling was used
to calculate the "threshold galling stress." Threshold galling stresses for

selected stainless steel combinations are included in Table 8 (Schumacher

22. The data In Table 8 establish that many contacting stainless steel
combinations are highly susceptible to galling. Most important, the data show
that NITRONIC 60 can be used in contact with many stainless steels without
concern for galling. Galling problems associated with the use of Type 304
nuts and bolts could very well be eliminated by fabricating one of the
components from NITRONIC 60.


23. These case studies present two successful examples which indicate
that properly selected, corrosion-resistant stainless steels are viable
options for roller assemblies on tractor-type dam gates (such as intake gates)
and for dam gate seal materials.

Oahe Dam, Missouri River

24. The first case study demonstrates the successful use of high
strength corrosion-resistant "aerospace" stainless steels for tractor-type dam
gate components (Komp and Schmitt 1966).

25. Until about 20 years ago, the rollers for tractor-type dam gates
(sometimes referred to as intake gates) were conventionally fabricated from
Type 410 stainless steel that had been heat treated to the strength level
provided by a hardness of 259 to 307 Brinell. The heavier-than-usual
hydrostatic loads (over 4,000,000 lb) on the tractor-type gates for Oahe Dam
on the Missouri River necessitated the use of either larger Type 410 stainless
steel rollers or rollers of increased strength and hardness. During
engineering design, it was quickly established that rollers fabricated from
Type 410 would be too large, and the desired size rollers could not be
fabricated from any martensitic 400-series stainless steel without some
undesirable loss in corrosion resistance. Further, there had been some
incidents of cracking in rollers fabricated from Type 410. After serious
consideration and evaluation of many candidate materials by the design
engineers, they selected corrosion-resistant, martensitic, 17-4PH stainless
steel for the rollers at Oahe Dam.

26. The rollers were cost-effectively machined from centerless ground

bars of solution-heat-treated 17-4PH. Subsequently, the rollers were given a
simple, low-temperature, PH heat treatment that developed a hardness of 385 to
418 Brinell (a hardness considerably higher than the specified minimum of
365). Equally significant, there was no need to final machine the rollers.
The 17-4PH has excellent resistance to both oxidation/scaling and distortion
during the PH heat treatment.

27. Another advantage obtained by selecting 17-4PH for the roller
material was that the width of the individual rollers could be reduced more
than 25 percent, permitting the use of a narrower track. This overall
decrease in roller size allowed a more corrosion-resistant, higher strength
stainless steel (compared to Type 410) to be used without an increase in cost,

28. The 17-4PH rollers and their associated Type 304 stainless steel
links and pins and 15-7PH Mo stainless steel retaining rings have been in
service, both totally immersed and alternately immersed in the Missouri River
since their original installation (1962), without corrosion problems. Similar
experience has been reported for the roller assemblies on the tractor-type
gates at Gavins Point Dam on the Missouri River.

29. Some districts are considering using round link chain and pocket
wheels for tainter gate hoists. These may fulfill the required design and
cost criteria better than roller chain. If suitability is proven, round link
ch^in will be used exclusively on dams on the Mississippi River during major
rehabilitation, in the interest of standardization of gate operating

Dam Gate Seal Materials

30. The second case study involved an indepth study of the Corps of
Engineers* experience with gate seals for 40 dams on the Monongahela, Ohio,
Mississippi, Columbia, and Illinois Rivers. Information from this study is
significant because it can be useful in selecting the best materials and
design options for dam gate seals.

31. Engineer Manual (EM) 1110-2-2702 (Department of the Army, Office of

the Chief of Engineers 1966) states that the side seals on tainter gates
should be rubber, the side-seal rubbing plates (i.e,, the pier seals) should
be of a corrosion-resisting steel to ensure permanently smooth surfaces, and
the rubber seals should be attached to the gates so as to allow for field
adjustment. The same manual also provides guidelines for the bottom seals on
these structures. If a small amount of leakage under a closed gate can be
tolerated, direct contact between the finished bottom edge of the skinplate
and a corrosion-resistant surface on the sill is considered adequate.

However, if a tighter seal is required, it may be necessary to use a rubber
seal attached to the skinplate.

32. Examination of the gate seals for the dams included in the study
revealed that the guidelines of EM 1110-2-2702 have, in general, been followed
with reasonably good performance. The only exception is at Emsworth Dam on
the Ohio River wherewood was used for seals on the vertical lift gates between
1934 and 1936. Theywere replaced with rectangular neoprene seals during
the major rehabilitation of the dam between 1981 and 1986. Reportedly,
personnel at Emsworth Dam do not like rubber seals on the gates because they
tend to "bind" and subsequently overload the gate motors. The rubber seals
were found to bind in the vertical travel, primarily because the seals are set
for the "gate closed" gauge, which over the years has widened due to wear and
corrosion, while the gauge of the pier track above the gate closed position is
narrower. Rubber seals exhibit a great deal of friction, especially in the
drv condition, undereven nominal pressure. The problem has been addressed
and the solution consists in realigning the lower portion of the pier gate
wheels and seal gauge, and providing a relief for the rubber seals above the
gate closed elevation. This opinion, however, is not completely shared by
personnel at the other dams contacted. For example, nylon-reinforced seals
have been used on roller gates for as long as 46 years without the need for
replacement (at Dam No. 4 on the Mississippi River). Only about 100 ft of
rubber or neoprene J-seals have been replaced on the 15 tainter gates at Dam
No. 24 on the Mississippi River during the past 25 years.

33. An unavoidable problem associated with the use of rubber or

neoprene seals on the gates is mechanical damage from river debris and ice
that collects between the rubber and the seal plates in the piers and
spillways. This can be a very serious problem if rubber or neoprene seals are
used on the bottom of tainter gates.

34. Based on an analysis of the information collected during this

investigation, the most viable materials and design options for the side and
bottom seals on tainter dam gates are listed below.

a. Dam Gate Side Seals

(1) Natural rubber or neoprene J-seals for the gates, preferably

with fluorocarbon inserts in the seals for the rubbing or contact areas.

(2) Type 304 stainless steel plates for the contacting seal
surfaces in the piers.

(3) Type 304 stainless steel bolts and washers with NITRONIC 60
nuts for attachment of the J-seals (to minimize galling or wear and to
facilitate removal and loosening of the bolts for field adjustment of the

b. Dam Gate Bottom Seals

(1) Type 304 stainless steel plates attached to the skinplates on

the gates.

(2) Type 304 stainless steel plates for the spillway and sills for
those gates where water leakage can be tolerated.

(3) Rubber or neoprene wedge seals may be required where leakage

cannot be tolerated. See paragraph 33.


35, The materials applications presented in this report were, in

general, obtained from discussions with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
personnel. Information was also obtained from various guide specifications

and as-built drawings.

36. When comparing materials presented in this report for a given

application with those in existing drawings and guide specifications, it
should be understood that changes have occurred in the ASTM and Federal
Specifications since the drawings and specifications were formulated. The
known changes (as of July 1985) include:

ASTM A7 Replaced by ASTM A36

ASTM A19 Discontinued
ASTM A59 Replaced by ASTM A689
ASTM A68 Replaced by ASTM A668
ASTM A129 Discontinued
ASTM A233 Discontinued
ASTM A235 Replaced by ASTM A668
ASTM A236 Discontinued
ASTM A237 Replaced by ASTM A668
ASTM A273 Replaced by ASTM A711
ASTM A296 Combined with ASTM A743 and A744
ASTM A298 Discontinued
ASTM A373 Replaced by ASTM A36
ASTM B143 Replaced by ASTM B584
ASTM B144 Replaced by ASTM B584
ASTM B146 Replaced by ASTM B584
QQ-C-806 Replaced by WW-P-405
QQ-S-561 Replaced by QQ-B-154
SS-P-351 Cancelled
WW-P-406 Cancelled
WW-P-491 Cancelled

WW-V-051 Cancelled
WW-V-054 Cancelled

37. the following is a list of suggested materials for components used

in Civil Works projects, The materials marked by a bullet (•) are the most
recent and preferred options.

Bulkhead & Tainter Gate Components

Skin Plate ASTM A36 Steel

ASTM A441 Steel
ASTM A514 Steel

Diagonals ASTM A36 Steel

ASTM A441 Steel
ASTM A514 Steel

Horizontal Girders ASTM A36 Steel

ASTM A441 Steel

Trunnion Pins ASTM A668, Class E Steel Forgings

Trunnion Bushings ASTM B148 Aluminum Bronze No. C95400

Trunnion Housings ASTM A27, Grade 65-35 Cast Steel

J-Seals Natural Rubber*


Bolts for J-Seals • Type 304 Stainless Steel

Nuts for J-Seals • Armco NITRONIC 60 Stainless Steel

Trunnion Girders ASTM A36 Steel

ASTM A441 Steel
Steel-Reinforced Concrete

Trunnion Yokes ASTM A27, Grade 65-35 Cast Steel

st Tension Rods for

Concrete Trunion Girders ASTM A94 Steel

Bottom/Embedded Seals • Type 304 Stainless Steel


Ropes • Type 308 Stainless Steel

Rope to Gate Connections ASTM A27, Grade 65-35 Cast Steel

ASTM A36 Steel
ASTM A441 Steel
ASTM A242 Steel

Wear Plates (under wire ropes) ASTM A242 Steel

ASTM A441 Steel

-'Preferably with fluorocarbon inserts for rubbing-contact areas.

Bulkhead & Tainter Gate Components (Continued)

Rope Sockets • ASTM A276, Type 410 Stainless Steel

• Type 302 Stainless Steel

Keeper Plates for J-Seals • ASTM A276, Type 410 Stainless


J-Seal Heaters ASTM A53, Schedule 80 Steel Pipe

Trunnion-Hub Pins ASTM A668, Class H Steel Forgings

ASTM A27, Grade 65-35 Cast Steel

Seal Plate on Gate • Type 304 Stainless Steel

Gate Arms ASTM A36 Steel

ASTM A441 Steel
Side Seal/Embedded • Type 304 Stainless Steel

Bulkhead ASTM A441 Steel

Bulkhead Dogging Lever ASTM A274

Bulkhead Roller ASTM A148, Grade 120-85, Steel Casting

Bulkhead Collar ASTM A36 Steel

^Bulkhead Bolts ASTM A307 Steel

Bulkhead Bushings ASTM B148, Alloy No. C95500

Bulkhead Axle ASTM A291, Class 5

Bulkhead Lifting Bar ASTM A148, Grade 150-125 Steel Casting

Wire Rope Adjusting Bolts ASTM A564, Grade XM25 Stainless Steel
• Armeo 17-4PH Stainless Steel
• Carpenter Custom 450 Stainless Steel

Hoist Bolts a ASTM A276, Type 410 Stainless Steel

• ASTM A276, Type 416 Stainless Steel

Hoist Nuts • Armco Nitronic 60

Flanged-Spiral Segment ASTM A36 Steel

Safety Grating 6060-T52 Aluminum Alloy Tubing

Hoist Frame ASTM A36 Steel

Hoist-chain bars AISI 3140, class C, ASTM A564 Grade XM-25

Joist-chain pins AISI 3340, class C, ASTM A564 Grade XM-25

Bulkhead & Tainter Gate Components (Continued)

Position Indicator Hand ASTM A167 Stainless Steel

• ASTM A276, Type 304 Stainless Steel

Bolts • ASTM A276, Type 410 Stainless Steel

• ASTM A276, Type 416 Stainless Steel

Nuts • Armco NITRONIC 60 Stainless Steel

Shear Pins ASTM A434, Class BB

Shims ASTM A36 Steel

Pinions ASTM A668, Class G Forgings

Pinion/Hoist ASTM A291, Class 5

Miter Gate Components

Skin Plate ASTM A36 Steel

ASTM A242 Steel
ASTM A441 Steel

Diagonals ASTM A36 Steel

ASTM A514 Steel

Intercostals ASTM A36 Steel

Diaphragms ASTM A36 Steel

Horizontal Girders ASTM A36 Steel

Gudgeon Pins ASTM A668 Steel Forgings

Gudgeon Bushings AMPCO 16 Aluminum Bronze

Gudgeon-Pin Hoods ASTM A36 Steel

Gudgeon Rings ASTM A36 Steel

Gudgeon-Pin Barrels ASTM A36 Steel

^Link Pins ASTM A688 Steel Forgings

Anchor Bars ASTM A36 Steel

ASTM A441 Steel

Anchorage Wedge Blocks ASTM A688 Steel Forgings

Embedded Anchorages ASTM A36 Steel

Pintle Bushings Sockets Cast Steel

Pintles • ASTM A473, Type 303 Stainless Steel*

• ASTM A743 and A744, CF-8 Stainless Steel
ASTM A564, Type 630 Stainless Sjteel**

Pintle Socket Grease Lines • ASTM A312, Type 304 Stainless Steel Pipe
• ASTM A269, Type 316 Stainless Steel Tube
High Pressure Neoprene Hose

Pintle Shoes QQ-S-681, Grade 70-36 Cast Steel

ASTM A36 Steel

Pintle Base • ASTM A27, Grade 60-30 Cast Steel

**Brinell Hardness of 390 to 410.

Miter Gate Components (Continued)

Pintle Bushings ASTM A564, Type 630 Stainless Steel*

ASTM B148 Aluminum Bronze, Alloy C95400

Miter Contact Blocks Carpenter 450 Stainless Steel

• Armeo 17-4PH Stainless Steel
ASTM A36 Steel**

Filler Between Miter and

Quoin Contact Blocks and End
Posts of Miter Gate and Between
Contact Blocks and Embedded
Steel Wall Retainers Epoxy such as Nordbak
Cast Zinc

Reaction Bar ASTM A29, Grade 1020 Steel

ASTM A29, Grade 1040 Steel

Quoin Contact Blocks ASTM A27, Grade 70-40 Cast Steel

o Armeo 17-4PH Stainless Steel
ASTM A441 Steel
ASTM A36 Steel**

Quoin Contact Block Retainer ASTM A 36 Steel

Miter Contact Block Retainer ASTM A36 Steel

Gate Seals/J-Seals Neoprene*

Natural Rubber

Sill Plates/Nosings ASTM A36 Steel

• Type 304 Stainless Steel

Mitering Device Guide Rollers ASTM A148, Grade 80-40 Cast Steel**

Mitering Device Bolts ASTM A668 Steel Forgings

Mitering Device Bushings ASTM B584, Alloy C93200

Miscellaneous Bushings Aluminum Bronze

Bumpers and Fenders ASTM A36 Steel

Low Friction Butyl Rubber
White Oak
Creosote-Treated Pine

*Brineil Hardness of 270 to 290.

**Preferably with Ceramic/Metal-Filled Epoxy Coating.
♦Preferably with fluorocarbon inserts for rubbing-contact areas.
++With provisions for lubrication.

Miter Gate Components (Continued)

Miscellaneous Bearings Aluminum Bronze

Miscellaneous Bolts/Nuts ASTM A307 Steel*

ASTM A325 Steel*

• Type 304 Stainless Steel Bolts**

Armco NITRONIC 60 Nuts**

Seal Heater Tubes/Pipes Type K Copper Tube

• Type 304 Stainless Steel Tube
ASTM A53, Schedule 80 Steel Pipe

Culvert Valve Piston Rods QQ-N-286, Monel

• Type 410 Stainless Steel
• Carpenter Custom 450 Stainless Steel
• Type 416 Stainless Steel
• Armco 17-4PH Stainless Steel

Miter Gate Casting for Strut-

Pin Connection (Machinery) ASTM A148 Cast Steel

Miter Gate Pin Connection

(Machinery) ASTM A668, Class C Steel Forgings

fi Bolts for Attaching Castings

to Gate ASTM A325 Steel

Shear Pin Bushing ASTM A663, Grade 45 Steel

J*Where bolts/nuts are not to be removed.

**Where bolts/nuts are to be occasionally removed.

Miter Gate Machinery

Anchor Bolts ASTM A307 Steel

Angles ASTM A36 Steel

Base ASTM A36 Steel

Stud Bolts ASTM A668 Steel Forgings

Turned Bolts ASTM A307 Steel

ASTM A320, Grade L-7 Steel

Hold-Down Bolts for Cylinder ASTM A307 Steel

Rack Bumper ASTM D2000 Rubber

Piston-Rod Bushing ASTM B584, Alloy 2B

Snubbing Bushing ASTM A675, Grade 45 Steel

Sector Arm ASTM A514, Grade F Steel

ASTM A441 Steel

Sector Arm Wheel Pin ASTM A668, Class K Steel Forgings

Sector Arm Bushings and Washers ASTM B584, Alloy C92300

Sector Arm Support Wheel ASTM A564, Grade XM-25 Stainless Steel
• Armco 17-4PH Stainless Steel
• Carpenter Custom 450 Stainless Steel

Cap Screws ASTM A193, Grade B-3 Stainless Steel

• Type 40 Stainless Steel

Sector Base QQ-S-681, Class 70-36 Cast Steel

ASTM A148, Grade 90-60 Cast Steel

Cross Pins ASTM A668, Class D Steel Forgings

ASTM A668, Class K Steel Forgings

Cross Pin Steel Bushings ASTM A663, Grade 45 Steel

Cylinder Heads ASTM A148, Grade 80-40 Cast Steel

ASTM A27, Grade 60-30 Cast Steel

Hydraulic Cylinder Base ASTM A36 Steel

Hydraulic Cylinder ASTM A106, Grade B Steel Pipe*

*With forged flanges.

Miter Gate Machinery (Continued)

Eyebolt for Sector Pin ASTM A668, Class D Steel Forgings

Fitted Bolts ASTM A307 Steel

Flanged Spacers QQ-S-681, Class 65-35 Cast Steel

Strut Follower QQ-S-681, Class 105-85 Cast Steel

Gate End Castings QQ-S-681, Class 105-85 Cast Steel

Gate End Seal Retainer QQ-S-681, Class 65-35 Cast Steel

Gland for Hydraulic Cylinder ASTM B854 Alloy C92300

Pistons ASTM A48, Class 40 or Class 50*

Gland for Piston Rod ASTM B584, Alloy 2B

Key for Hydraulic Cylinders ASTM A575 and A576, Type 1040 Steel

Key for Piston Rod ASTM A668, Class B Steel Forgings

ASTM A576 and A575 Class 1040 Steel

Spring Steel for Strut ASTM A689 Steel

Piston Rod Nuts ASTM A668, Class C Steel Forgings

A668, Class B Steel Forgings

Wedge Nuts QQ-S-681, Class 105-85 Cast Steel

Sector Base Plate ASTM A36 Steel

ASTM A441 Steel

Spring Lock Nut ASTM A668, Class C Steel Forgings

Sector Gear Pin ASTM A668, Class A Steel Forgings

ASTM A668, Class K Steel Forgings

Sector Top Plate ASTM A36 Steel

Spacer (Ring) ASTM B148 Aluminum Bronze, Alloy 9C

Spanner Bolt (for Strut) ASTM A663, Grade 45 Steel

Spanner Nut (for Strut) ASTM A668, Class A Steel Forgings

ASTM A668, Class B Steel Forgings

Springs ASTM A125 Steel

*Used in Nashville District

Miter Gate Machinery (Continued)

Spring Cartridge ASTM A148, Grade 80-40 Cast Steel

Spring Housing (for Strut) QQ-S-681, Class 65-35 Cast Steel

Spring Rod ASTM A668, Class C Steel Forgings

Strut Pins • ASTM A276, Type 416 Stainless Steel

ASTM A668, Class D Steel Forgings

Strut Segment Body ASTM A575 and A576 Steel

Strut Segment Flange ASTM A181, Grade 2 Steel Forgings

Strut Segment Clevis QQ-S-681, Class 65-35 Cast Steel

Studs for Sector Base ASTM A193, Grade B6 Stainless Steel

Stud Bolts ASTM A307, Grade A Steel

Hydraulic Cylinder for Piston ASTM A48, Class 50 Cast Iron

Piston Ring for Hydraulic

Cylinder Köppers B-19 Bronze

Piston Rod for Hydraulic

Cylinder ASTM A564, Grade XM-25 Stainless Steel
• Armeo 17-4PH Stainless Steel
ASTM A668, Class B Steel Forgings
• Carpenter Custom 450 Stainless Steel

Tainter-Valve Components
Skin Plate ASTM A36 Steel
• Type 304 Stainless Steel Clad for
Downstream Face

Structural Members ASTM A36 Steel

Trunnion Pins ASTM A668 Steel Forgings

Trunnion-Pin Bushings AMPCO 16 Aluminum Bronze

Anchorage Beams ASTM A36 Steel

Seal Bolts • Type 304 Stainless Steel

Seal Nuts Armco Nitronic 60 Stainless Steel

J-Seals Neoprene**
Natural Rubber*

Trunnion Housings ASTM A36 Steel

ASTM A148, Grade 80-40 Cast Steel

Embedded Bottom Seals • Type 304 Stainless Steel

rBottom Seal Plates on Valve • Type 304 Stainless Steel

Valve Top Seal Neoprene

Natural Rubber

Culvert Valve Liner • ASTM A276, Type 410 Stainless Steel**

Culvert Valve Side Seal-

Embedded • ASTM A276, Type 410 Stainless Steel

Culvert Valve Connecting

Strut • ASTM A276, Type 410 Stainless Steel

Tainter-Valve Activating System

Strut Arm Schedule 100 Steel Pipe

Bell Crank ASTM A53, Grade B Steel Pipe

Hydraulic Cylinder ATSM A668 Steel Forgings

Fittings for Strut Arms

and Bell Crank ASTM A27, Grade 65-35 Cast Steel

|*Preferably with fluorocarbon inserts for rubbing-contact areas.

*For high-lift locks.

Tainter-Valve Components

Hydraulic Cylinder ASTM A668 Steel Forgings

Piston Hods Type K Monel

• Carpenter 450 Stainless Steel
• Armeo 17-4PH Stainless Steel
Anchorages ASTM A36 Steel

Bushings ASTM B148 Aluminum Bronze, Alloy C95400

Pins ASTM A668 Steel Forgings

Emergency-Gate Machinery

Anchor Bolts for Wire Rope ASTM A307, Grade A Steel

Anchor Bolt Assembly ASTM A307, Grade A Steel


Angles ASTM A36 Steel

Axle ASTM A668, Class C Steel Forgings

Bearing Block (Roller Bearing) ASTSM A36 Steel

Bearing Pedestal ASTM A148, Grade 80-40 Cast Steel

Bearing Stance ASTM A148, Grade 80-40 Steel

Blind Flange (for Bearing Cover) ASTM A36 Steel

Shear Bolt ASTM A663, Grade 75 Steel

Roller Support Bracket QQ-S-681 Steel Casting

Bull Gear ASTM A27, Grade 60-30 Steel Casting

Bull Gear Pinion ASTM A291, Class 4 Steel Forgings

Bull Gear Rim ASTM A290, Class D Steel Forgings

Sheave Bushing ASTM B584, Copper Alloy C95500

Sheave Block Wheel Bushings ASTM B854, Alloy C95500

Carriage Wheel ASTM A36*

Embedded Roller Track • ASTM A240, Type 410 Stainless Steel

Drum Plates ASTM A36 Steel

Drive Link for Indicator • Type 304 Stainless Steel

Drum Tie Bolt ASTM A307, Grade A Steel

Machinery Base ASTM A36 Steel

Spacer/Spool ASTM A36 Steel

Sheave ASTM A148, Grade 80-40 Steel Castings

ASTM A27, Grade 70-36 Steel Castings

*With Type 304 Stainless Steel Rim.

Emergency-Gate Machinery (Continued)

Cartridge Wheel ASTM A36 Steel

Rope Separator • ASTM A743 and A744 CF-8 Stainless Steel

Separator Pins • ASTM A743 and A744, CF-8 Stainless Steel

Segmental Valve Machinery

Anchor Bolt Assembly ASTM A307 Steel

Angles ASTM A36 Steel

Arm for Magnet Mounting Indicator ASTM B584, Alloy C90500

Base ASTM A36 Steel

Bearing Bracket ASTM A148, Class 80-40 Cast Steel

Bell Crank Assembly

Pipe Schedule 100 Steel

Bushing Aluminum Bronze

Forgings ASTM A668, Class C

Turned Bolts ASTM A307 Steel

• Type 304 Stainless Steel

Hold-Down Bolts for Cylinder ASTM A307 Steel

Bushings ASTM B584, Alloy C90500

Cylinder Bracket ASTM A668, Class C Forgings

Trunnion Bushing ASTM B584, Alloy C90500

Struts and Clevises ASTM A27, Grade 70-40 Steel Castings

Hydraulic Cylinder ASTM A106, Grade 2 Steel Pipe

Cylinder Heads ASTM A148, Grade 80-40 Cast Steel

ASTM A27, Grade 60-30 Steel Castings

Cylinder Rocker and Base ASTM A441 Steel

Gland for Hydraulic Cylinder ASTM B584, Alloy C90500

Hinged Bearing ASTM A27, Grade 70-36 Cast Steel

Selsyn Keys • Type 304 Stainless Steel

Spindle Nut ASTM A668, Class H Steel Forgings

Segmental Valve Machinery (Continued)

Spring for Strut ASTM A689 Steel

AISI 5160H Steel

Stop Plates ASTM B584, Alloy C90500

Strut Spindle ASTM A148, Grade 90-60 Cast Steel

Pillow Block at Fulcrum ASTM A148, Grade 90-60 Cast Steel

Pistons ASTM A 4 8 , Class 40 or Class 50*

Piston Rod Hydraulic Cylinder ASTM A524 Steel Pipe

Piston Rod • Carpenter Custom 450 Stainless Steel

• Armeo 17-4PH Stainless Steel

Piston Rod Connecting Casting ASTM A27, Grade 60-30 Cast Steel

Piston Rod Eyebar ASTM A27, Grade 70-36 Cast Steel

-Used in Nashville District

Emergency Dam (Wicket Type) Components

Structural Steel A S T M A36 Steel

Lin k Chain Ductile Iron

Dogging Device • Type 304 Stainless Steel


Drum ASTM A290, Type G Steel Forgings

Countershaft ASTM A290, Type G Steel Forgings

Drum Pinion ASTM A291, Class 6 Steel Forgings

Pinion for Reducer ASTM A291, Class 6 Steel Forgings

Intermdiate for Emergency

Machinery ASTM A27, Grade 65-35 Steel Castings

Bull (Rim) ASTM A290, Class 1 Steel Forgings

Intermediate Gear Rim for

Emergency Machinery ASTM A290, Class G Steel Forgings

Tainter Gate Dogging Device

Assembly Phosphorus Bronze

Worm Gear for Tainter Gate

Dogging Device Assembly • Type 304 Stainless Steel

Bull/Tainter Gate Machinery ASTM A148, Grade 105-85 Cast Steel

Tainter Gate Machinery Pinion ASTM A668, Grade G Steel Forgings

Sector Gear for Miter Gate

Machinery ASTM A148, Grade 90-60 Steel Castings

Selsyn Drive for Miter Gate

Machinery ASTM A711 Steel Forgings

Tainter Gate Machinery ASTM A148, Grade 90—60 Steel Castings


Brake Wheel Shaft AISI 1045 Steel

Countershaft ASTM A291, Class 5 Steel Forgings

ASTM A668, Class F Steel Forgings

Drum for Emergency AISI 4140 Steel

Gate Assembly

Dium for Tainter Gate ASTM A293, Class 5 Steel Forgings


Emergency Gate Machinery:

Bull Gear Shaft, Inter­
mediate Gear Shaft, Bull
Gear Pinion, and Inter­
mediate Gear Pinion ASTM A291, Class 5 Steel Forgings

Emergency Gate Machinery:

Carriage Wheel Shaft ASTM A291, Class 3 Forgings

Reducer Shaft for Emergency

Gate Machinery AISI 4140 Steel

|Miter Gate Machinery: Ring-

Spring Mandrell ASTM A668, Class G Steel Forgings

Emergency Gate Sleeve Shaft ASTM A291, Class 4 Steel Forgings

Tainter Gate Machinery:

Indicator Hand Shaft ASTM A276, Type 304 Stainless Steel

Bull Gear and Drum Shaft ASTM A668, Class C Steel Forgings

Emergency Gate Roller

Assembly Shaft Aluminum Bronze, Class 3

Torque Shaft for Tainter

Gate Machinery ASTM A108, Grade 60-40 Steel

Sheave Shaft for Emergency

Machinery ASTM A668, Class C Steel Forgings


Main Rod and Piston Rod

for Valve Machinery ASTM A668 Steel Forgings, Class K

Latch Pins for Tainter

Gate Bulkheads • ASTM A473, Type 431 Stainless Steel
• ASTM A276, Type 410 Stainless Steel

Hinge Pin for Valve Machinery ASTM A564, Type XM-25 Stainless Steel
• Armeo 17-4PH Stainless Steel
• Carpenter Custom 450 Stainless Steel

Vertical and Horizontal Roller

Pins for Miter Gate Machinery • ASTM A276, Type 410 Stainless Steel

Steel Reinforcements for Concrete

Rods ASTM A322, Grade 5160 Steel Bars*

Post-Tension Cables ASTM A416 Steel; Seven-Strand Wire

Bars** ASTM A29 Steel Bars*

ASTM A722 Steel Bars*

Grout (for bars) Portland Cement with Shrinkage Inhibitor

*Fusion-bonded epoxy coated with seawater service.

**Other than ordinary reinforcement steel.

Hydroelectric Plant Components

Francis Turbine Wheel • ASTM A743, CA-6NM Stainless Steel

Packing Box Shaft Sleeve ASTM A276, S21800 Stainless Steel
• NITRONIC 60 Stainless Steel

Interior Wicket Gate Grease Pipe ASTM A53, Grade E and S Steel pipe
Scroll Case Vinyl Coated Carbon Steel

Intake Gate Hoist Cylinder

Piston Rods • Carpenter 450 Stainless Steel
• Armeo 17-4PH Stainless Steel
Intake Gate Hoist Cylinder Pipe • ASTM A312, Type 304 Stainless Steel
Intake Gate Guide Tracks • ASTM A176, Type 410 Stainless Steel
• ASTM A276, Type 304 Stainless Steel
ASTM A167, Type 304 Stainless Steel
Wicket Gate Wear Plates • Type 304 Stainless Steel
Intake Gate Roller Chains • ASTM A276, Type 410 Stainless Steel
ASTM A564, Type 630 Stainless Steel
• Carpenter Custom 450 Stainless Steel
• ARMCO 17-4PH Stainless Steel
Intake Gate Structure ASTM A36 Steel

Intake Trashracks ASTM A36 Steel

Intake Screens ASTM A36 Steel

Generator Heat Exchanger Tubes ASTM Bill, Alloy C70600

Powerhouse Pipe/Tube

Up to 125 psig for Generator

Cooling, Raw Water Service,
Spiral Case Drains, Spiral
Case Fills, Draft Tube Drains,
Under-watering, Drainage Pump
Discharges, Turbine Glands,
Water-spray Fire Protection
(upstream of deluge valve),
and Turbine Air Supply WW-T-799, Type K Copper Tube for Lines
Under 3-Inches (Soldered)
ASTM A53 Steel Pipe for Lines 3-Inches
and Larger (Welded)

Hydroelectric Plant Components (Continued)

Potable W a t e r , WW-T-799, Type K Copper Tube for Lines

125 p s i g Under 3-Inches (Soldered)
A S T M A5 3 Steel Pipe for Lines 3-Inches
and Larger (Welded); Galvanized

Waterspray Fire Protection

( d o w n s t r e a m of d e l u g e v a l v e ) , A S T M A53, Schedule 40 G a l v a n i z e d Steel
up to 150 p s i g Pipe for Lines Less than 3-Inches
A S T M A53, Schedule 40 G a l v a n i z e d Steel
Pipe for Lines 3-Inches and Larger

C i r c u l a t i n g W a t e r for A i r
C o n d i t i o n i n g , up to 125 psi g A S T M A 5 3 G a l v a n i z e d St e e l Pipe for Lines
U p to 2 . 5 - I n c h e s (Threaded)
A S T M A 5 3 B l a c k Steel Pipe for L i n e s 2.5-
Inches and Larger (Welded)

Building and Roof Drains,

Sanitary Drains and Vents,
and Water Di sc harges A S T M A 1 2 0 Ga l v a n i z e d Steel W h e r e E x p o s e d
WW- P - 4 0 1 Cast Iron Hub and Spigot Pipe
Where Underground

Turbine Vacuum Breaker

and Sump Vents ASTM A120 B l a c k St e e l (Welded) Pipe

Battery Room Drains Polyvinyl C h l o r i d e S c h e d u l e 80 P i p e

Where Exposed
Duriron Pipe Where Underground

Pressure Sewage, u p to
100 p s i g A S T M A 5 3 B l a c k Steel S c h e d u l e 80 P i p e
Where Exposed
WW-P - 4 0 1 Cast Iron Pipe W h e r e

Piezometer, u p to 125 p s i g WW-T-799, Type K Copper Tube for Lines

U p to 3 - I n c h e s

G o v e r n o r , L u b e Oil, C i r c u i t
Bre a k e r , a n d T r a n s f o r m e r
Oil U p to 150 p s i g WW-T-799, Type K Copper Tube
Hydroelectric Plant Components (Continued)

Service Air, Brake Air,

Draft Tube Air, Depression
Air and Bubbler Air, up to
125 psig WW-T-799, Type K Copper Tube for Lines
Under 3-Inches (Soldered)
ASTM A53 Galvanized Steel Pipe for Lines
3-Inches and Larger (Welded)
Governor Air and Nitrogen,
up to 600 psig ASTM A106, Schedule 80 Steel Pipe

Carbon Dioxide ASTM A53, Galvanized Steel Pipe

Governor Air, up to 1100

psig • Type 304 Stainless Steel, Schedule 40
• Type 316 Stainless Steel, Schedule 40

Hypochlorite Polyvinyl Chloride Pipe

Floatwells WW-T-799, Type K Copper Tube for Exposed

Lines Under 3-Inches (Soldered)
ASTSM A53 Galvanized Steel Pipe for
Exposed Lines 3-Inches and Larger

Sleeves ASTM A53 Black Steel Pipe

ASTM A120 Black Steel Pipe
Polyvinyl Chloride Pipe

Basket Strainer Bodies ASTM A126, Class B Cast Iron

Basket Strainer Baskets • Type 304 Stainless Steel

Dielectric Unions WW-U-531

*With socket-weld joints.

Pi sheries

Rearing Ponds 6061-T4 Aluminum Alloy

Directional Jets Schedule 40 Aluminum Pipe

Exit Screens 6061 Aluminum Alloy

5086 Aluminum Alloy
Anodized 5052 Aluminum Alloy

Fish-Handling Equipment
(Spawning) • ASTM A276, Type 304 Stainless Steel

Traveling Fish Screens

Chain Pins ASTM A276, Type S21800 Stainless Steel

• ARMCO NITRONIC 60 Stainless Steel

Bushings ASTM A564, Type 630 Stainless Steel

ASTM A564, Type 631 Stainless Steel
• ARMCO 17-4PH Stainless Steel
« ARMCO, 17-7PH Stainless Steel

Rollers Dupont Delrin 500

Pin Link and Roller Link

Plates ANSI B29.4
Epoxy-coated C2162H Chain

Cotter Pins ASTM A276, Type 302 Stainless Steel

Sprockets Ultra High Molecular Weight Polymer

(e.g., Holstelen Gur No. 413)

Chair Tracks Ultra High Molecular Weight Polymer

(e.g., Holstelen Gur No. 413)

Structural Steel ASTM A36 Steel

Wire Rope • RR-W-410, Type 302 Stainless Steel

• RR-W-410, Type 304 Stainless Steel

Bolts • ASTM A193, Type 304 Stainless Steel

Nuts Armco Nitronic 60 Stainless Steel

Screen Polyester Monofilament (PET)

(e.g., Trevira, Type 930)

Sluice Gates Cast Iron with Aluminum Bronze Seating


Floating Orfice Gates and

Weir Gates • ASTM A276, Type 410 Stainless Steel*

*With stainless steel isolated from structural steel using Oilon Pv80.

Miscellaneous Components

R.0« Slide Gate Piston Rods ASTM A668 Steel Forgings

• ASTSM A276, Type 410 Stainless Steel

Superstructure for Power Houses ASTM A36 Steel

ASTM A441 Steel

Slide Gate Discharge Line for

Temperature Control Cast Iron

Doors 3003-H14 Aluminum Alloy

6063-HT5 Aluminum Alloy

Heating/Ventilating Louvers 6063-T5 Aluminum Alloy

3003-H14 Aluminum Alloy

Handrailings Aluminum Tube/Pipe

Floating Mooring Bitts Posts ASTM A106, Grade B Schedule 160 Steel

Floating Mooring Bitts ASTM A36 Steel(1)

Filament Reinforced Plastic

Grease Lines for Floating

Mooring Bitts High Pressure Neoprene Hose
• Type 304 Stainless Steel Pipe/Tube

Rollers for Floating Mooring Bitts • ASTM A416, Type 410 Stainless Steel
• Carpenter 450 Stainless Steel
• Armeo 17-4PH Stainless Steel

Shafts for Floating Mooring Bitts ASTM A176, Type 410 Stainless Steel
Carpenter 450 Stainless Steel
Armeo 17-4PH Stainless Steel

Roller Bushings for Floating

Mooring Bitts ASTM B148, Alloy C95500*
ASTM B22 Bronze*

Floating Bulkheads ASTM A36 Steel**

Water Supply Conduit Regulating

Gate Hoist Piston Rod for
Fishladders ASTM B164 Monel

**Vinyl coated.

Miscellaneous Components (Continued)

Firehose Cabinets 5005-H15 Aluminum Alloy

6061-T6 Aluminum Alloy

Tank Liners for Fish Hauling

Trailers Type 300 Series Stainless Steel

Drain Line for Fish Hauling

Trailers Type 300 Series Stainless Steel

Circulating Water Pipe For Fish

Hauling Trailers Type 300 Series Stainless Steel

Waterstops Natural Rubber

Polyvinyl Chloride

Stainless Steel Wire Rope RR-W-410, Type 300 Stainless Steel

Wire Rope Sheaves and Drums • Type 304 Stainless Steel*

Wheel Bushings for Vertical

Lift Lock Gates ASTM B22 Bronze, Alloy C86300**

Axles for Vertical Lift Lock

Gates ASTM A668 Steel Forgings
• Carpenter Custom 450 Stainless Steel
• Armeo 17-4PH Stainless Steel

Cables for Vertical Lift

Lock Gates RR-W-410

Seal Heater Pipe for Vertical

Lift Lock Gates • Type 304 Stainless Steel

Wheels for Vertical Lift

Lock Gates ASTM A441 Steel*

Bolts for Vertical Lift

Lock Gates • Type 304 Stainless Steel
• Type 410 Stainless Steel

Nuts for Vertical Lift

Gates Armco NITRONIC 60 Stainless Steel

*For wet locations. Carbon steel drums should be coated with

Elastuff 504.
**Avoiding the use of Lubrite.
+Brinell hardness of 200 to 215.

Miscellaneous Components (Continued)

Shafts for Deep Well Drainage

Pumps • Type 303 Stainless Steel
• Type 416 Stainless Steel

Impellers for Sewage Pumps Bronze

Fasteners for Sewage Pumps • Type 304 Stainless Steel

Casings for Water Pumps Cast Iron

Shafts for Water Pumps • Type 416 Stainless Steel

Impellers for Water Pumps Bronze


38. Typical mechanical property data have been presented for 14

stainless steels that are becoming more available for Civil Works applica­
tions: the wrought austenitic alloys NITRONIC 60 and Types 302, 303, 304,
308, and 316; the wrought martensitic alloys Types 410, 416, and 431; the
wrought martensitic PH (precipitation-hardening) alloys 17-4PH and Custom 450;
the wrought semiaustenitic PH alloy 17-7PH; the cast martensitic alloy CA-6NM;
and the cast austenitic-ferritic alloy CF-8.

39. While stainless steels are viable options for many lock, dam, and
hydroelectric plant applications, no single stainless steel available exhibits
the desired mechanical properties and corrosion resistance for all applica­
tions'. Alloys must be carefully selected and specified for a particular
application, and the components must be properly designed and fabricated.
General guidelines for selection of materials for specific components are
provided in Part V.

Table 1

Corrosion Behavior of Carbon Steel and Stainless Steels*

Material General Corrosion Pit Depth, mils

Rate, mpy**
M ax. Avg.

Carbon Steel 1.2 55 42

Type 410 Stainless + 27 16

Type 302 Stainless 0 0 0

*Based on 8 years of exposure to Mississippi River water at Winfield, 1

**Mpy is mils (thousandths of an inch) per year.
+Loss was totally due to pitting attack.

Table 2

Nominal Compositions of Stainless Steels for Lock, Dam, and

Hydroelectric Plant Applications*

Alloy Cr Ni C** Mn — Si** p** s** Fe Other

302 17.00- 8.00- 0.15 2.00 1.00 0.045 0.030 Bai.

19.00 10.00
303 17.00- 8.00- 0.15 2.00 1.00 0.20 0.15 Bal. .060 Mo
19.00 10.00 (optional)
304 18.00- 8.00- 0.08 2.00 1.00 0.045 0.030 Bal.
20.00 10.50
308 •19.00- 10.00- 0.08 2.00 1.00 0.045 0.030 Bal.
21.00 12.00
316 16.00- 10.00- 0.08 2.00 1.00 0.045 0.030 Bal. 2.00-3.00 Mo
18^.00 14.00
NITRO 16.GO- 8.00- 0.10 7.00- 3.50- Bal. 0.08-0.18 N
(NIC 60) 18.00 9.00 9.00 4.50
410 11.50- — 0.15 1.00 1.00 0.040 0.030 * Bal.
416 12.00- — 0.15 1.25 1.00 0.060 0.15*** Bal. 0.60 Mo
14.00 (optional)
431 15.00- 1.25- 0.20 1.00 1.00 0.040 0.030 Bal.
17.00 2.50
1 7-4pH 15.GO- 3.00- 0.07 1.00 1.00 0.040 0.030 Bal. 3.00-5.00 Cu;
17.50 5.00 0.15-0.45 Nb
+ Ta
CUSTOM 14.GO- 5.00- 0.05 1.00 1.00 0.030 0.030 Bal. 0.50-1.00 Cu;
450 16.00 10.00 1.25-1.75 Cu;
8xC (min) Nb
17-7pH 16.00- 6.50- 0.09 1.00 1.00 0.040 0.030 Bal. 0.75-1.50 Al
18.00 7.75
CA-6NM 11.SO­ 3.50- 0.06 1.00 1.00 0.040 0.030 Bal. 0.40-1.00 Mo
IA.00 4.50
CF-8 18.00- 8.00- 0.08 1.50 2.00 0.040 0.040 Bal.
21.00 11.00

*Values expressed in weight p e r c e n t .

**Max imum value except where otherwi se noted
***Mi n i mum.

TabLe 3

Typical Mechanical Property Data for Stainless Steel

Alloy Form Condition UTS 0.2% YS % E % RA Hard. Strength
(ksi ) (ksi) (ft-lbs)

302 Bar Annealed 85 35 60 70 Bhn 150 Izod no

Plate Annealed 90 35 60 70 Rb 80 Izod no
Wire Annealed 90 35 60 70 Rb 83 Izod no
303 Bar Annealed 90 35 50 55 Bhn 160 Izod 80

304 Bar Annealed 85 35 60 71 Bhn 149 izod no

Tube Annealed 85 35 50 71 Rb 80 izod no
Plate Annealed 82 35 60 71 Bhn 145 izod no
k 308 Bar Annealed 85 30 55 65 Rb 80 Izod no
} Wire** Annealed 95 60 50 - - Izod no
316 Bar Annealed 80 30 60 70 Rb 78 izod no
Tube Annealed 85 35 50 70 Rb 79 izod no
60 Bar Annealed 103 60 64 74 Rb 95 Charpy 240

10% CD 120 91 51 68 Rc 24 -

40% CD 195 153 20 57 Rc 38 -

*UTS = Ultimate Tensile Strength, YS = Yield Strength, E =

Elongation RA ,
= Reduction in Area, Bhn = Brinell Hardness Number, Rb =
Rockwell B Hardness ,
Rc = Rockwell C Hardness, CD = Cold Drawn, SA = Solution Annealed, WQ = Water
Quenched, AC = Air Cooled; OQ = Oil Quenched. Those associated with 17-4 PH and
17-7 PH refer to special conditions developed by Armco, Inc.
**Soft temper.

(Continued) (Sheet 1 of 3)

Table 3 (Continued)

Alloy Form Condi tion UTS 0.2Z YS X E X RÀ Hard. Strength
(ksi) (ksi ) (ft-lbs)

410 Bar Annealed 75 40 35 68 Rb 82 Izod 85

QQ + 1 hr/300°F 195 150 15 55 Bhn 390 Izod 35

QQ + 1 hr/1100°F 125 100 22 65 Bhn 262 Izod 35

PI ate Annealed 70 35 30 68 Bhn 150 Izod 85

416 Bar Annealed 75 40 30 60 Rb 82 Izod 20-64

QQ + 1 hr/300° F 195 150 10 40 Rc 41 Izod 20

QQ + 1 hr/1100°F 125 100 17 53 Rc 26 Izod 28

431 Bar Annealed 125 95 20 55 Bhn 260 Izod 50

QQ + 1 hr/500°F 198 149 16 55 Bhn 415 Izod 40

QQ ♦ 1 hr/1100°F 140 115 19 57 Bhn 302 Izod 48

17-4 PH Bar A 147 130 18 59 Rc 34 Charpy 47

H900 200 185 14 50 Rc 44 Charpy 15

H1025 170 165 15 56 Rc 38 Charpy 35

H1075 165 150 16 58 Rc 36 Charpy 40

HI 100 150 135 17 58 Rc 35 Charpy 45

Bar HI 150 145 125 19 60 Rc 33 Charpy 5Ó

450 Bar SA 141 118 13 50 Rc 28 Charpy 95

Aged at 850°F**'V 196 186 14 54 Rc 44 Charpy 20

Aged at 900°F 195 186 14 55 Rc 42 Charpy 41

Aged at 1000°F 173 169 17 63 Rc 39 Charpy 51

Aged at 1150°F 142 91 23 69 Rc 28 Charpy 97

***Aging time of 4 hrs for all temperatures,

(Cont imied) (Sheet 2 of 3)

Table 3 (Continued)

Alloy Form Condition UTS 0.2% YS Z E % RA Hard. Strength
(ksi) (ksi) (ft-lbs)

17-7 PH Bar RH950 185 150 6 10 Rc 41

TH1050 170 140 6 25 Rc 38

CF-8 Cast WQ from above +♦

1400°F 77 37 55 - Bhn 140 Charpy 74

CA-6NM Cast AC from above

1750; tempered
at 1100°F 120 100 24 60 Bhn 269 Charpy 70

+Charpy keyhole notch; all other Charpy impact data are for V-notch.

(Sheet 3 of 3)

N All of the above are more cavitation resistant than cast iron or
S ral steel.

Table 4

Values for the Currents in Selected Stainless Steels*

*) *)
Stainless Steel/Condition** Ep» Volt c , amp/cm ip , amp/cm Etp, Volt

vs. SCE*** vs• SCE

Type 304, Annealed + 10% CW -0.347 4.28 IO'4 3.27 X IO’6 +0.89

Type 410/Annealed -0.376 1.49 X 10-2 5.27 X 10-6 +0.81

Custom 450/SA -0.256 3.68 X 10-5 1.92 X 10-6 +0.92

Custom 450/Aged at 1150°F -0.277 2.63 X 10-5 2.00 X 10"6 +0.87

17-4PH/Condition A -0.269 1.60 X 10-4 2.02 X 10-6 +0.89

17-4PH/H1150 -0.312 8.75 X 10'5 2.53 X 10-6 +0.88

NITR0NÎC 60/Annealed -0.346 3.63 X 10-4 1.58 X 10-6 +0.92

*E = passivation potential, iQ = xriticl current density for passivation,. ip =

passive current density, and Etp = transpassive potential
**See Table 3 for condition abbreviations. All samples are deaerated IN sulfuric aci
at ambient temperature.
***Saturated calomel electrode.

Table 5

Galvanic Series for Selected Alloys

Al 1oy/Condition* Potential, Volt Initial Driving Voltage

vs. SCE ** of Alloy Coupled to A36
Steel, Volt

NITRONIC 60/Annealed -0.327 0.247

Type 304/Annealed
+ 10% CW -0.328 0.246

Custom 450/SA -0.330 0.244

Custom 450/Aged at
1150°F -0.362 0.212

17-4PH/H1150 -0.384 0.190

17-4PH/Condition A -0.396 0.178

Type 410/Annealed -0.488 0.086

ASTM A36/Normalized -0.574 0.000

♦See Table 3 for condition abbreviations. All samples are 0.5 M sodium chloride
solution at ambient temperature.
♦♦Saturated calomel electrode.

Table 6

Galvanic Corrosion Current Densities for ASTM A36 Steel

When Metallically Connected to an Equal Area of
Stainless Steel

Galvanic Corrosion Current

Density for A36^Steel,
Stainless Steel Condition* ampere/cm

NITRONIC 60/Annealed 1.4 X 10~5

Type 304/Annealed ♦ 10% CW 2.1 X 10 ^

Custom 450/SA 2.0 X 10 ^

Custom 450/Aged at 1150°F 1.6 X 10 ^

17-4PH/H1150 1.9 X 10~5

17-4PH/Condition A 2.2 X 10 ^

Type 410/Annealed 2.5 X 10 ^

*See Table 3 for condition abbreviations. All samples exposed to aerated 0.5M sodium
chloride solution at ambient temperature.

Table 7

Ranking of Stainless Steels Compared to a Low-Alloy Carbon Steel*

Brinell Hardness Erosion Rate

Ranking Stainless Steel/Condition** No. inch/year

1 NITRONIC 60/Annealed 201 0.4

2 17-4PH/H1150 388 1.2

3 Custom 450/Aged at 1150°F 320 1.3

4 17-4PH/Condition A 321 1.6

5 Type 304/Annealed + 10% CW 197 1.7

6 Custom 450/SA 270 1.9

7 AISI 4130 Steel/Normalized 286 2.5

8 Type 410/Annealed 223 * 3.8

*Based on cavitation resistance according to ASTM G32 testing.

**See Table 3 for condition abbreviations.

Table 8

Threshold Galling Stresses (ksi) for Stainless Steels*

Block Material ' g H t t o n J i a ^ U l and Threshold Galling Stress, psi

Type 410 Type 416 Type 303 Type 304 Type 316 17-4PH NITRONIC 60

Type 410** 3 4 4 2 2 3 50+**

Type 416 4 13 9 24 42 2 50+

Type 3 0 3 ^ 4 9 2 2 3 3 50+

Type 304^^^ 2 24 2 2 2 2 50+

Type 316§ 2 42 3 2 2 2 38

17-4PH§§ 3 2 2 2 2 2 50+

NITRONIC 60§§§ 50+ 50+ 50+ 50+ 38 50+ 50

-Results in psi based on "Button and Block" galling tests.

--Hardened and stress relieved to Bhn 352.

***50+ indicates that no galling occurred at. 50,000 psi.

^Hardened and stress relieved to Bhn 342.
^ A n n e a l e d to Bhn 140.
■ ^Annealed to Bhn 150.
§Annealed to Bhn 150.
§§Condition RH950 to Bhn 415.
§§§Annealed to Bhn 205.

Armco 17-4 PH Precipitation-Hardening Stainless Steel Wire and Bar. 1983.

Armco, Inc.

Armco NITRONIC 60 Stainless Steel. 1984(a). Armco, Inc.

Armco Precipitation-Hardening Stainless Steels. 1984(b). Armco, Inc.

Carpenter Custom 450. 1971. Carpenter Technology Corporation.

Department of the Army, Office of the Chief of Engineers. 1966 (August).

"Design of Spillway Tainter Gates," Engineer Manual 1110-2-2702,
Washington, DC.

Komp, M. E. and Schmitt, R. J., 1966. "Selection and Application of Stainless

Steels for Corrosive Environments," reprint of paper presented at the
First University of Florida Symposium on Methods of Materials Selection,
Gainesville, Florida.

Nickel Alloy Steels Data Book. 1965. The International Nickel Company, Inc.

Pecknar, D. and Bernstein, I. M. 1977. Handbook of Stainless Steels. McGraw-

Hill Book Company, Inc.

¿'Return on Investment Case Study: Material Selection and Corrosion

Analysis." 1980. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Information Exchange
Bulletin, Vol R3, No. 2.

Schumacher, W. J. 1986. "A New Stainless Alloy for the Hydroelectric

Industry," paper presented at the ASME International Symposium on
Hydropower Fluid Machinery, Anaheim, California.

Schumacher, W. J. 1977. "Wear and Galling Can Knock Out Equipment," Chemical
Engineering, Reprint, May 9, 1977.

Segan, E. G., et al. 1982 (March). "Wrought Stainless Steel Fasteners for
Civil Works Applications," U.S. Army Construction Engineering Research
Laboratory Technical Report M-306.

Source Book on Stainless Steels. 1971. American Society for Metals.

Stainless Steel Selecting Alloy Data Fabrication. 1987. Carpenter Technology


Working Data: Carpenter Stainless and Heat Resisting Steels. 1965. Carpenter
Technology Corporation).


Phone No•: 217-373-7235

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ATTN: USA-CECER-EM, Dr. Ashok Kumar
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