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Urban Design Toolkit

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Urban Design Toolkit

Second Edition
Published in February 2006 by the
Ministry for the Environment
Manatü Mö Te Taiao
PO Box 10362, Wellington, New Zealand

Updated April 2007

ISBN: 0-478-30132-4
Publication number: ME 801

This document is available on the Ministry for the Environment’s website:


Acknowledgements iv

Disclaimer iv

Introduction v
About the Urban Design Toolkit v
What’s New in the Second Edition? v
The Urban Design Toolkit and the New Zealand Urban Design Protocol v
What are Urban Design Tools? vi
How to Use the Urban Design Toolkit vi

Section 1 Research and Analysis Tools 1

Understanding the Urban Context and Character 1
Archive Research 2
Accessibility Analysis 4
Behaviour Observation 5
Building Age Profile 6
Character Appraisal 7
Crime Prevention through Environmental Design Safety Audit 7
Crime Prevention through Environmental Design Safety Site Assessment 8
Health Impact Assessment – Urban Design and Health/Wellbeing 9
Legibility Analysis 12
Mapping 13
Ped-Shed Analysis 15
Space Syntax Analysis 16
Surveys 17
Tissue Analysis 19
Transportation and Traffic Modelling 20
Urban Design Audit 21
Urban Morphology 22
Walk-Through Analysis 24

Section 2 Community Participation Tools 25

Encouraging Community Involvement and Informing Initiatives 25
Community Meeting 26
Design Workshop 27
Focus Group 29
Interactive Display 30
Interactive Model 31
Participatory Appraisal 32
Planning and Briefing Workshops 33
Reference Group 34

Urban Design Toolkit i

Scenario Building 35
Urban Design Games 36

Section 3 Raising Awareness Tools 37

Increasing Understanding 37
Case Studies 38
Demonstration Project 39
Design Centre 40
Display Model 41
Interpretive Trail 41
Media Techniques 42
Public Display 43
Research Reports 44
School Resource Kits 45
Urban Design Awards 46
Urban Design Champion 48
Urban Design Event 49
Urban Design Network 50
Visual Simulation 51

Section 4 Planning and Design Tools 52

Describing Intended Design Outcomes 52
Planning and Design Tools Working Together 53
Accessibility Action Plan 54
Community Plan 54
Concept Plan 56
Conservation Plan 57
Covenant 59
Design Brief 60
Design Code 61
Design Guide 62
Low Impact Design 64
Masterplan 65
Pattern Book 67
Precinct Plan 68
Priority Infrastructure Plans 69
Public Art Strategy 70
Regional Growth Strategy 71
Streetscape Plan 73
Streetscape Strategy 73
Structure Plan 74
Subdivision Code of Practice 75
Transport Energy Specification 76
Technical Guidance Note 77
Urban Design Framework 77
Urban Design Strategy 79

ii Urban Design Toolkit

Section 5 Implementation Tools 81
Establishing Processes and Organising People and Resources 81
Business Improvement District 82
Design Advisory Group 83
Design Assessment 84
Design Competition 85
Design Review 86
Incentive Zoning 87
Life-cycle Cost Analysis 88
Multi-architect Project Design 89
Pre-application Meeting 90
Project Control Group 91
Public–Private Partnership 91
Regional Forum 93
Seed Funding 93
Special Activity Area 94
Town Centre Programme 95
Urban Development Corporation 96

Appendix 1 Further Information 98

Feedback 100

Index 101

Urban Design Toolkit iii

The Urban Design Toolkit would not have been possible without the collaborative efforts of a
large number of people. The project began in May 2004 with a focus group workshop with
representatives from central and local government, the development sector, surveyors, resource
management lawyers and planners, engineers, landscape architects, architects and urban
designers. The workshop set the direction of the Toolkit towards a detailed record of urban
design methods and techniques. These techniques would inform people on the processes to help
achieve quality urban design outcomes and add value to urban design initiatives. The first
edition of the Urban Design Toolkit was published in February 2006.

Since then, a number of additions to the tools and examples have been requested. The Ministry
for the Environment would like to thank people for their feedback, because it is through this that
the Toolkit has been enhanced and developed further.

We would also like to thank urban design professionals and education providers who have used
the Toolkit as a resource in their work. This has increased the base of Toolkit users throughout
the country.

The Urban Design Toolkit is a living, web-based resource. We look forward to ongoing
feedback and contributions of additional tools, references and examples, to help with the
development of further editions.

This edition has been project-managed by Melissa Keys, with input from the Ministry for the
Environment’s Urban Team.

The tools within this Toolkit can be used to facilitate high-quality urban design. The linked
websites provide references to examples and publications that describe the tools. The Ministry
for the Environment is not responsible for the content or reliability of the linked websites, and
does not necessarily endorse the views expressed within them.

iv Urban Design Toolkit


About the Urban Design Toolkit

The Urban Design Toolkit is a compendium of tools that can be used to facilitate high-quality
urban design. For some, the Toolkit will provide an important resource, assisting them in the
application of quality urban design projects. For others, the Toolkit may provide increased
insight into the breadth and depth of urban design and a starting point in identifying how to
achieve quality design. The Toolkit includes a wide range of tools that are typically used by a
number of different professions, both in New Zealand and overseas. The bringing together of
these elements into one resource will enable a broader understanding of potential tools and
provide a wider knowledge base to different professions, New Zealand Urban Design Protocol
signatories and sector organisations.

What’s New in the Second Edition?

This second edition of the Urban Design Toolkit contains six new tools and over 135 new
examples and references from New Zealand and overseas.

A new research and analysis tool – the Health Impact Assessment – has been added to section 1.

Five new planning and design tools are included in section 4:

• Low Impact Design
• Priority Infrastructure Plans
• Regional Growth Strategy
• Subdivision Code of Practice
• Transport Energy Specification.

Throughout the Toolkit, a variety of new examples and references have been added to existing
tools. For example, the ‘School resource kits’ tool in section 3 has eight new international
examples of resources to enhance students’ understanding of urban design and the built
environment. The ‘Planning and design tools’ section contains the majority of the new
examples. These are largely New Zealand-based, and include new community plan, concept
plan, masterplan and regional growth strategy examples. New examples and references that
integrate urban design with transport, health and/or environmental responsiveness can also be
found within the Toolkit.

The Urban Design Toolkit and the New Zealand

Urban Design Protocol
This Urban Design Toolkit supports the implementation of the New Zealand Urban Design
Protocol. The Protocol, launched in 2005, is a voluntary commitment by central and local
government, property developers and investors, design professionals, educational institutes and
other groups to create quality urban design through undertaking specific urban design actions.

Urban Design Toolkit v

The collective actions that individual signatories take will, together, make a significant
difference to the quality and success of urban design in our towns and cities.

The Urban Design Toolkit is one of a number of supporting resources available to help
signatories to the Protocol, and others involved in urban design, to create high-quality urban
design outcomes. Other resources supporting the New Zealand Urban Design Protocol include
the Action Pack, Urban Design Case Studies and The Value of Urban Design.

What are Urban Design Tools?

Urban design tools are specific techniques that can be applied at appropriate stages in the design
or project planning process to facilitate quality outcomes. These tools can help in understanding
the urban context, encouraging community involvement, increasing the understanding of urban
design issues, describing intended design outcomes, establishing design processes, and
organising people and resources. They can be used either individually or collectively in
achieving quality urban design outcomes.

Urban design is a collaborative and multi-disciplinary process. It generally involves a large

number of people, from the initial concept phase through to implementation and ongoing
management. Several legislative tools, including the Resource Management Act 1991, the Local
Government Act 2002, and the Land Transport Management Act 2003, influence urban design.
The urban design tools can help produce statutory and non-statutory plans and strategies under
these statutes.

This Urban Design Toolkit has been designed to help those involved in every stage of the
process to work together more effectively, by describing a wide variety of tools used commonly
in urban design, and by providing a common vocabulary for talking about urban design issues.
Judicious selection and skilled application of appropriate tools and techniques will help achieve
high-quality urban design in our towns and cities. However, no tool, process or programme can
substitute for professional experience and the commitment of the people involved in generating
creative, high-quality urban design solutions.

How to Use the Urban Design Toolkit

Although you may read this Toolkit in one go, you are more likely to dip in and out of it looking
for a specific tool or suite of tools that can help you with an urban design project. To enable
this, the Toolkit has been arranged into discrete sections.

The tools have been grouped into five sections reflecting the life-cycle stages of most urban
design projects. These are:
• research and analysis tools for understanding the urban context
• community participation tools for encouraging community involvement and informing
• raising awareness tools for increasing understanding of urban design
• planning and design tools for describing intended design outcomes
• implementation tools for establishing processes and organising people and resources.

vi Urban Design Toolkit

For each tool, there is a detailed explanation on what it is, what it’s useful for and how it’s done.
References and examples are provided where the actual tool has been applied in a project. These
include references to websites, articles and publications that describe the tool, the theory behind
it, and examples related to its application. New Zealand references or examples are provided
wherever possible.

It should be noted that it was not possible to include every tool related to urban design in this
Toolkit. For example, we have not included specialised planning, public participation, project
management tools and specialist professional tools. Nor have we included tools relating to
visual assessment, project management, or financial modelling.

The underlined words throughout the document are links to tools that are available in the

Words in quotation marks are alternative names for, or particular components of, the tools.

Urban Design Toolkit vii

Section 1 Research and Analysis
Understanding the Urban Context and Character

Research and analysis tools are essential for understanding the context and character of the
urban environment. These tools should be used in the first steps of an urban design project.
They identify the qualities that make a place special, and enlighten design development and
decision-making. The wide scope of urban design research encompasses, amongst other things,
the history, physical form and characteristics of towns and cities, and the behaviour of the
people who inhabit them. Common topics for urban design research include the analysis and
aspects of activity, accessibility and liveability.

These tools can be used in various ways to inform successful design and management actions.
They are often used in a variety of combinations. For example, an urban design audit or
character appraisal of a site or neighbourhood may involve analytical techniques, such as a
walk-through, studies of urban morphology and building typology, mapping techniques, and
archive research.

This section describes:

• Archive Research
• Accessibility Analysis
Accessibility audit
Accessibility resource appraisal
Accessibility action plan
• Behaviour Observation
Behaviour mapping
Activity mapping
Physical trace observation
• Building Age Profile
• Character Appraisal
• Crime Prevention through Environmental Design Safety Audit
• Crime Prevention through Environmental Design Safety Site Assessment
• Health Impact Assessment – Urban Design and Health/Wellbeing
• Legibility Analysis
Cognitive mapping
Mental mapping
• Mapping
Overlay mapping
GIS mapping
Aerial photographs
Digital elevation model
Digital terrain model
• Ped-Shed Analysis
• Space Syntax Analysis
• Surveys
Public satisfaction surveys
3+, 3– surveys
Three questions surveys
Visual preference survey

Urban Design Toolkit 1

Post-occupancy evaluation
Design quality indicators
• Tissue Analysis
Urban tissue
• Transportation and Traffic Modelling
Multi-modal transport modelling
Traffic flow modelling
• Urban Design Audit
• Urban Morphology
Figure-ground mapping
Typological analysis
Materials and components analysis
• Walk-Through Analysis

Archive Research

What it is:
Collecting and analysing a wide range of historical data contained in, for example, institutional,
corporate or public records. Archive research provides historical information about the past
environment, activities and structures.

What it’s useful for:

Archive research provides invaluable primary and secondary source material where it is not
possible to observe, interview or survey the past community. It allows the analysis of the past
heritage, character and context for projects where maintaining an authentic sense of place is

How it’s done:

Collections of maps, drawings and photographs are particularly useful for urban design and
heritage-related research. Collections of archival material can be found in the New Zealand
Archives, the Alexander Turnbull Library (a collection in the National Library of New
Zealand), museums, most universities, as well as local council libraries and archives.

2 Urban Design Toolkit

• Archives New Zealand Te Rua Mahara o te Kāwanatanga: http://www.archives.govt.nz/.
Works to ensure there is an authentic and reliable record of government by advising
government agencies on how to create and maintain records. It preserves and provides
access to those records that need to be kept permanently, and is responsible for millions of
such items, including the Treaty of Waitangi, immigration and legal records, films and
• National Library of New Zealand Te Puna Mātauranga o Aotearoa:
http://www.natlib.govt.nz/. Has a unique role to collect and maintain literature and
information resources that relate to New Zealand and the Pacific, to make this information
readily available and preserve New Zealand’s documentary heritage for generations to
come. The National Library holds rich and varied collections of research material, and
includes the Alexander Turnbull Library – a storehouse of words, pictures and sounds that
tell us about the activities of people in New Zealand and the Pacific.
• Alexander Turnbull Library: http://timeframes.natlib.govt.nz/. Timeframes, the online
database of heritage images (a division of the National Library of New Zealand).
• New Zealand Historic Places Trust: http://www.historic.org.nz/. Has a national schedule of
New Zealand’s Register of Historic Places, Historic Areas, Wahi Tapu and Wahi Tapu
Areas. Its website is a work in progress, with 1000 places on the website out of the 6000
places on the Register.
• The Architecture Archive, University of Auckland Library:
http://www.architecture-archive.auckland.ac.nz/. Dates from 1975 and has drawings,
perspectives, photos, specifications and other articles allied to architectural and
construction processes. The archive is the repository of the New Zealand Institute of
Architecture Annual Awards from 1927 to the present.
• Architectural Archives, Macmillan Brown Library, University of Canterbury:
http:// library.canterbury.ac.nz/mb/. Consists of around 20,000 items from the 1870s
through to the 1980s. It holds drawings from most of Christchurch’s leading architectural
• The Hocken Collections, University of Otago Library:
http://www.library.otago.ac.nz/hocken/index.html. Includes material from Otago and
Southland, including material from architectural practices.
• Dictionary of New Zealand Biography: http://www.dnzb.govt.nz/dnzb/. Contains over 3000
biographies of New Zealanders who have ‘made their mark’ on New Zealand.
• Also contact your local museums, historical societies and libraries.

Urban Design Toolkit 3

Accessibility Analysis

What it is:
The combination of an ‘accessibility audit’ and an ‘accessibility resource appraisal’ provides the
base data on whether people can easily get to places of work, health care facilities, education
facilities, food shops and other destinations that are important to local residents’ wellbeing and
social inclusion.

What it’s useful for:

Providing base data and evidence to guide decision-making and the creation of an accessibility
action plan.

How it’s done:

An ‘accessibility audit’ identifies barriers to accessibility, drawing as much as possible on
information already held by local authorities and other bodies. The audit could be carried out
through GIS-based mapping of socio-demographic information, data on deprivation and car
availability in relation to public transport routes and the location of services; complemented by
consultation with local communities and liaison with frontline professionals and providers of

An ‘accessibility resource appraisal’ identifies the best value-for-money solutions for tackling
accessibility barriers. The appraisal should consider whether better use could be made of
existing services and facilities through co-location of services, changes in opening times or
partnership agreements.

• Accessibility planning: http://www.dft.gov.uk/pgr/regional/ltp/accessibility/. Provides a
variety of information on accessibility planning and analysis, including background reports,
accessibility processes, case studies and planning initiatives in the United Kingdom.

4 Urban Design Toolkit

Behaviour Observation

What it is:
Observations that track and record on maps and diagrams the movements, use and interaction of
people with urban spaces and the built environment.

What it’s useful for:

Understanding how the physicality of the built environment affects activities and social
behaviour, through recording the use of urban spaces by people. These observations and
understandings can help direct design development and changes to urban spaces and places.

How it’s done:

Systematic observation and recording of patterns of human behaviour through notes and
diagrams, mapping, or categorisation and counting of activities. Photographs, including time-
lapse photography, can also be used. ‘Behaviour mapping’, also called ‘activity mapping’,
involves recording on a plan or map the patterns of movement of people and use in a particular
space or place, and may include getting users themselves to plot how they use spaces.

Behaviour observation may include ‘physical trace observation’, a systematic inspection of a

place in the absence of its users to identify traces of activity. These traces may include worn
areas or paths, evidence of users adapting or personalising a place, or messages such as notices
or graffiti. Observations are recorded by counting, photographing, mapping, or a combination of
these techniques. This is best used in combination with other methods (such as interviews and
observation of users) to check hypotheses on the reasons for the observed traces.

• Gehl Architects 2004. City to Waterfront: Public Spaces and Public Life, client: Wellington
City Council. This publication details user patterns along the waterfront and in key central-
city urban open space areas using behavioural observation.
• SmartGrowth Toolkit, British Columbia. Community Mapping:
http://www.smartgrowth.bc.ca/downloads/J1_ToolKitPart_III.pdf (282 KB). Page 18
outlines a non-conventional form of mapping used to strengthen sense of place, identify
local assets and involve different sectors of the population in planning.

Urban Design Toolkit 5

Building Age Profile

What it is:
Mapping the age of buildings to show the age distribution and concentrations of buildings and
periods of urban development.

What it’s useful for:

A building age profile can identify the patterns of urban development through the age of the
building stock. For example, how much of the housing stock was built before a certain age. It
can inform and help delineate ‘heritage precincts’ or ‘character areas’ through providing
evidence of historical urban development patterns and growth.

How it’s done:

Buildings of similar age are identified and their locations are plotted on a map or series of maps,
each covering a defined time period (for example, 10 or 20 years). This gives a spatial picture as
well as providing analytical correlations of the building age with a particular building type or
style. Conversion of this data into histograms allows a simple graphic comparison of building
ages with other places. This type of information is best gained from existing council files or

• Ministry for the Environment 2005. Urban Design Case Studies: New Zealand Urban
Design Protocol: http://www.mfe.govt.nz/publications/urban/urban-design-case-studies-
mar05/html/page9.html. Character Appraisal in Inner-City Wellington. Pages 38–43
illustrate the application of character analysis techniques in established urban

6 Urban Design Toolkit

Character Appraisal

What it is:
An identification of typical development patterns that illustrate established urban

What it’s useful for:

Identifying older neighbourhoods that have retained a high degree of authenticity of form and
character. It also allows for the measurement of the value and significance of the neighbourhood
to the town or city. This tool is a precursor to the application of character and heritage
management techniques such as a precinct plan, design guide and streetscape strategy listed in
the section ‘Planning and design tools’.

How it’s done:

A full assessment of a number of character features, including: building assessment (age, type,
scale, height and style); site coverage; lot size; building setbacks on all boundaries; block size;
street assessment (pattern, design, width); landscape features (fence/wall details, tree species,
paving and street furniture); and other visual characteristics. This is followed by a character
analysis using criteria to determine the importance of that character, key elements in the study
area and their relative significance.

• Ministry for the Environment 2005. Urban Design Case Studies: New Zealand Urban
Design Protocol: http://www.mfe.govt.nz/ publications/urban/urban-design-case-studies-
mar05/html/page9.html. Character Appraisal in Inner-City Wellington. Pages 38–43
illustrate the application of character analysis techniques in established urban

Crime Prevention through Environmental Design

Safety Audit

What it is:
A ‘Crime Prevention through Environmental Design’ (CPTED) safety audit identifies the safety
issues and concerns of a community within a specific area.

What it’s useful for:

Assessing and proposing practical design changes to fix the actual and perceived safety issues
of a group or organisation in an area. It promotes community ownership and responsibility of
safety issues, while involving groups or organisations in the planning and decision-making
process. It also provides guidance and information to planners, designers and service providers
on how to improve and maintain community safety.

Urban Design Toolkit 7

How it’s done:
A local community group, local authority or the police can facilitate a CPTED safety audit. The
CPTED safety audit involves asking community user groups about their feelings on safety when
they are moving around a site, finding out what contributes to these feelings and asking what
changes they would like to make to improve their safety in these places. This encourages a
subjective interpretation of the environment from all users, including women, youth, elderly and
people with disabilities. The key steps are making contact with all community users, conducting
the CPTED safety audit, developing a summary of issues and recommendations and undertaking
discussions with people, such as the local council, who can provide design guidance, advice and

• Safer Auckland City: http://www.aucklandcity.govt.nz/auckland/introduction/safer/
default.asp. Information on minimising crime through design and safety guidelines.
• Safer Canterbury – Creating Safer Communities:
http://www.ccc.govt.nz/Environment/UrbanDesign/Guides/CPTED.pdf (672 KB). Outlines
the key principles of CPTED and provides information on minimising crime through design
and safety guidelines.

• Manukau City Council, Design Out Crime: http://www.manukau.govt.nz/uploadedFiles/
manukau.govt.nz/Publications/Plans_&_ Policies/cpted.pdf. Provides information on
CPTED principles, second generation CPTED, guidance notes, case study examples, and
useful toolkits.
• Ministry of Justice 2005. National Guidelines for Crime Prevention through Environmental
Design in New Zealand: http://www.justice.govt.nz/pubs/reports/2005/cpted-part-
1/index.html. Part 1: Seven Qualities of Safer Places, and its companion Part 2:
Implementation Guide.

Crime Prevention through Environmental Design

Safety Site Assessment

What it is:
A process by which professionals and specialists trained in Crime Prevention through
Environmental Design (CPTED) assess an existing site or proposed plans before construction to
determine the factors that impact on its actual and perceived safety. The aim is to make
recommendations for improving the safety of the site or, more importantly, to help prevent
safety issues before construction.

What it’s useful for:

Identifying the safety factors that increase the actual and perceived vulnerability for users in a
certain area. It also determines the measures and design applications required to enhance the

8 Urban Design Toolkit

safety of that area for users, and to deter potential offenders. Assessments are most effective
when undertaken before the final planning and construction of a development.

How it’s done:

A wide range of data analysis, including an exploration of social, economic and environmental
issues, is required. Several site visits may be necessary to assess and investigate various aspects
of the area at different times of the day and week and to identify the different user groups. A
CPTED safety site assessment may include a CPTED safety audit and stakeholder interviews.
The police may help with on-site evaluation, supply of crime statistics and crime intelligence.

• Ministry of Justice 2005. National Guidelines for Crime Prevention through Environmental
Design in New Zealand: http://www.justice.govt.nz/pubs/reports/2005/cpted-part-
1/index.html. Part 1: Seven Qualities of Safer Places, and its companion Part 2:
Implementation Guide.
• Ministry of Justice 2006. KnowHow Beat Graffiti Guide:
http://www.lgnz.co.nz/projects/BeatGrafiti/. This guide provides best practice tools and
techniques that councils can use to manage graffiti vandalism.

Health Impact Assessment – Urban Design and


What it is:
A Health Impact Assessment (HIA) is a systematic approach that aims to predict the potential
effects of policies, programmes and projects on community health, wellbeing and equity
(particularly unintended impacts). It can make evidence-based recommendations to improve
health-related policy planning and identify the potential impacts of future development
proposals. A broad definition of health is used that relates to wellbeing. This includes physical,
emotional, spiritual and family/community dimensions of population health and wellbeing. HIA
has a strong focus on reducing inequalities.

What it’s useful for:

HIAs have been used successfully in New Zealand on:
• local government urban growth, regeneration and infrastructure plans
• regional government land transport strategies
• local government infrastructure projects
• local government open space/recreation planning projects
• local and central government policy options
• local government urban design strategies
• central government funding options.

Urban Design Toolkit 9

HIA also has the ability to help inform the next generation of long term council community
plans through providing information on the possible impacts of decisions that influence, or are
influenced by, urban form.

It can add value to the urban policy development process by helping to identify:
• the positive impacts on wellbeing and how they can be enhanced
• the negative impacts on wellbeing and how the can be reduced or mitigated
• whether health inequalities may be reduced or widened
• unintended consequences of a policy on wellbeing and health
• ways to integrate capital expenditure programming across departments and agencies
• ways to work across sectors and benefit stakeholders.

How it’s done:

HIAs use flexible methodologies to ensure that the approach best fits with the project.
International methodologies have been modified to the New Zealand context. HIAs are typically
integrated into the policy development process and can use information that is already available
to help inform the assessment, and deliver information, when needed, to match the policy
development process. It is important to incorporate a multi-disciplinary approach in HIA work,
whether it be policy or regulatory in nature, which includes key agencies, the populations/areas
affected, and public health expertise.

• Greater Christchurch Urban Development Strategy 2006. Health Impact Assessment:
Greater Christchurch Urban Development Strategy Options 2006:
http://www.greaterchristchurch.org.nz/RelatedInfo/HIARepot.pdf (1.54 MB).The aim of
this HIA was to identify the potential impacts on health and wellbeing of two growth
models for Greater Christchurch. There was a particular focus on air and water quality,
social connectedness, housing and transport. A separate workstream focused on developing
an engagement process with local Māori around the urban development strategy.
• Manukau City Council and Auckland Regional Public Health Service 2006. Mangere
Growth Centre Plan Health Impact Assessment: http://www.quigleyandwatts.co.nz/
Mangere%20HIA%20-%20FINAL.pdf (876 KB). The aim of this HIA was to highlight
aspects of urban design that might contribute to a reduction of obesity levels in the
Manukau district. There was a particular focus on the link between urban design, physical
activity and nutrition, along with five other determinants of health.
• National Health Services London Healthy Urban Development Unit 2007. London Health
and Urban Planning Toolkit: http://www.healthyurbandevelopment.nhs.uk/documents/
it_FINAL_27.2.07.pdf (4.96 MB). This toolkit is a synthesis of the lessons learnt from
three engagement projects (2005–06) that examined how primary care trusts and local
planning authorities engage with one another and how collaboration may be improved.

10 Urban Design Toolkit

• Public Health Advisory Committee 2005. A Guide to Health Impact Assessment:
http://www.nhc.govt.nz/PHAC/publications/GuideToHIA.pdf (1.1 MB). This recently
revised guide outlines how to carrying out policy-level HIA within New Zealand.
• Public Health Advisory Committee 2007. An idea whose time has come: New opportunities
for health impact assessment in New Zealand policy and planning:
http://www.nhc.govt.nz/phac/phac_pubs.htm. This report is a companion volume to the
2005 A Guide to HIA: A policy tool for New Zealand, and is intended for public policy-
makers across sectors.
• Signal L, Langford B, Quigley R, Ward M 2006. Strengthening Health, Wellbeing and
Equity: Embedding policy-level HIA in New Zealand:
An overview of policy-level HIA in New Zealand and the environment needed to make
HIA a routine part of decision-making across sectors.
• CABE 2006. Physical Activity and the Built Environment:
http://www.cabe.org.uk/AssetLibrary/8954.pdf (258 KB). This briefing paper highlights
how the design and management of the built environment in the United Kingdom plays a
pivotal role in promoting and sustaining health and the need for health and built
environment professionals to work together.
• World Health Organisation: http://www.who.int/hia/en/. This website provides HIA
networks, links, examples, policies, tools and methods.
• HIA database: https://webcollect.rivm.nl/hiadatabase/. This provides links to international
reports, tools and guidelines, background papers and other websites about HIA.

Urban Design Toolkit 11

Legibility Analysis

What it is:
Recording on a map the mental images that individuals or the community have of the
environment as either edges, nodes, paths, landmarks or districts.

What it’s useful for:

Legibility and identity studies of the urban environment where the community’s perceptions of
features, places, neighbourhoods, towns or cities are required. This type of study provides
information on how memorable positive features can be emphasised and celebrated or negative
design features can be mitigated. Legibility analysis can also illustrate the degree to which
urban form enhances or inhibits local and regional way-finding, a community’s sense of identity
and its contribution or role within a city.

How it’s done:

The analysis combines a series of sketch maps drawn by users with interviews to build up a
collective view of a neighbourhood, town or city. The five elements – edges (for example,
beaches, rivers, railway lines, motorways); nodes (neighbourhoods, town centres); landmarks
(historic buildings, natural features); paths (key roads, pathways); or districts (land use, building
types, geographical location) – are typically identified and used to describe a collective view of
the town, neighbourhood or city. Legibility analysis was first used by Kevin Lynch in his book
The Image of the City. It is sometimes known as ‘cognitive mapping’ or ‘mental mapping’.

• Lynch, Kevin 1960. The Image of the City. MIT Press: Cambridge, MA. Lynch describes a
five-year study in USA cities that reveals what elements in the built structure of a city are
important in the popular perception of the city.

• Ministry for the Environment 2002. People + Places + Spaces: http://www.mfe.govt.nz/
publications/rma/live-work-play-jun02/. Page 40, diagram of legibility analysis.

12 Urban Design Toolkit


What it is:
A graphic technique for recording and analysing the physical features and structural patterns of
a geographical area.

What it’s useful for:

Providing base information for all types of projects and initiatives. The application of mapping
is virtually unlimited. It includes, for example, assessment of spatial enclosures, street edge
conditions, distribution of open space and street types, public–private space assessments, and
distribution of landscape elements. Mapping to scale allows quantitative analysis of physical
features, and is a base for showing planned design interventions in context. Mapping enables
comparative assessment or monitoring of quantitative and qualitative design conditions and
elements over time.

How it’s done:

Mapping techniques range from simple paper records to complex digital systems. General
mapping techniques include:
• ‘Overlay mapping’ using different mapping layers or montages of tracing paper, or within a
computer, to add or remove layers of information to reveal patterns and relationships that
would not otherwise be obvious.
• ‘GIS mapping’ is a computer system designed to allow users to collect, manage and analyse
large volumes of spatially referenced information and associated attribute data. It is an
efficient means of sourcing and presenting comprehensive graphic information on entire
neighbourhoods, towns and cities, as well as elements within them. GIS techniques enable
analysis of complex multiple map overlays. A number of local councils have simplified
GIS maps available on the web.
• ‘Aerial photographs’ are photos taken from an elevation and are generally available from
local councils and private agencies for most urban areas in New Zealand. They provide
insight into patterns of building and urban landscape development, including views into
areas and details of development that otherwise cannot be seen from ground-level
observation. Aerial photographs can also be overlaid with other map-related information,
such as topographic contours, rivers, streams, soil structure, buildings and land uses.

Urban Design Toolkit 13

• ‘Digital elevation model’ (DEM) or ‘digital terrain model’ (DTM) where aerial photos are
draped over a three-dimensional contoured model creating an image that contains both
topographic and real-life visual information that are to scale and can be used for perspective
views and fly-through observations.

• Dunedin City Council. WebMap: http://www.cityofdunedin.com/city/?
page=searchtools_gis. WebMap is a GIS mapping tool developed by Dunedin City Council.
It offers aerial photographs, a street map and other views of Dunedin City and provides
information on rates, resource consent applications, and land tenure.
• Green Map System (GMS), New York: http://www.greenmap.com/GMS. A worldwide
network that identifies, promotes and links ecological and cultural resources. It allows
design teams to illuminate the connections between natural and human environments by
mapping their local urban or rural community.

• Contact your local council for aerial photos, plans and GIS information.
• A number of local councils have aerial photos, plans and GIS information on their websites.
A full list of council websites can be found on the Quality Planning website:
http://www.qualityplanning.org.nz/contacts/index.php or Local Government New Zealand
website: http://www.lgnz.co.nz/lg-sector/maps/.

14 Urban Design Toolkit

Ped-Shed Analysis

What it is:
A mapping technique that calculates the population catchment within a five or 10 minute walk
from an activity, transport stop or node.

What it’s useful for:

Providing ‘walkability analysis’ of important destinations (for example, town centres or
transport nodes) within neighbourhoods, and how evenly these destinations are distributed and
dispersed through a town or city. When planning new developments, it can be used to identify
optimum locations for new facilities and indicate where residential density may be increased.

How it’s used:

A fixed-diameter circle is overlaid on a map with the centre placed on the destination point.
Circle radii are usually based on an average person walking 400 metres in five minutes. A
second radius of 800 metres indicates a 10 minute walk. The population density within this
radius can then be calculated to determine the number of people within easy walking distance of
the destination. A ped-shed analysis can be refined further by mapping linkages and obstacles
that may decrease or increase travel distance or time to give a more accurate population figure.

• Land Transport New Zealand 2005. Measuring Walkability, chapter 9. In: The Pedestrian
Network Planning and Facilities Design Guide. Provides methods of measuring walkability
through both desk-top exercises and on-site analysis: http://www.
landtransport.govt.nz/consultation/ped-network-plan/doc/chapter9.pdf (67 KB).
• Housing New Zealand Corporation 2002. Design Guide – Urban:
(823 KB). Includes an assessment of a housing site in relationship to urban amenity.

Urban Design Toolkit 15

Space Syntax Analysis

What it is:
Space syntax is a set of theories and techniques that analyse how street networks are connected
through mapping the spatial configurations and accessibility of open spaces and street patterns.

What it’s useful for:

Explaining why certain streets and spaces are more heavily used than others, because connected
street patterns are efficient in terms of fuel consumption and community integration. Space
syntax maps the relative accessibility of parts of a site, neighbourhood or city and identifies the
areas where improvements in access can be made.

How it’s done:

The technique determines the degree of integration or segregation of streets and other spaces
within a neighbourhood, town or city, by studying the ‘axial lines’ and ‘convex spaces’. ‘Axial
lines’ indicate primary movement routes, while ‘convex spaces’ indicate gathering points and
places where concentrations of axial lines come together. Analysis can be based on drawings
produced manually, or by using proprietary computer software available from Space Syntax,

• Space Syntax Laboratory, University College London: http://www.spacesyntax.org/. Gives
an introduction to space syntax and provides a publication list, software and database
• Space Syntax: http://www.spacesyntax.com/. Research consultancy arm of the Space
Syntax Laboratory, University College London.

16 Urban Design Toolkit


What it is:
A systematic way of determining the views and opinions of a large number of people on a
particular topic through the use of interviews with structured questions or a standardised

What it’s useful for:

Surveys can be used to gather large amounts of comparable and easily quantifiable data, and to
provide an objective basis for planning and future action. Surveys can provide both qualitative
and quantitative data. A structured interview will uncover qualitative data on people’s values
and perceptions that can be quantitatively tabulated. A professionally produced survey is a
useful means of accurately and objectively assessing community opinion on high-profile and
controversial community projects.

How it’s done:

Survey types used most commonly in urban design projects include ‘public satisfaction surveys’
and ‘3+, 3– surveys’, also known as ‘three questions surveys’. ‘Three questions surveys’ are
common in open space and neighbourhood improvement projects. They ask people to identify
three things they like and three things they dislike about the current environment, and note their
suggestions for changes. A ‘visual preference survey’ obtains community responses to a range
of images and is used to develop an understanding of, and consensus on, the character of a place
or future development.

‘Placecheck’ (http://www.placecheck.info/) is a specific urban design questionnaire for the

community, developed by the UK Urban Design Alliance, that reveals where improvements are
needed and focuses on how to achieve them. It is based on questions and answers in three
sections: people (“how can the people whose influence and actions shape the place work
together more effectively?”); places (“how can the physical form of buildings and spaces help to
make the place work better?”); and movement (“how can the network of streets, routes and
public transport help bring the place to life?”).

A further survey method is the ‘post-occupancy evaluation’, a systematic survey and study of
how occupants respond to a new or existing building or environment once it is operational. It is
used to fine-tune the design and management of a building or place, and to inform the design
brief for similar developments in the future. A refinement on this is the ‘design quality
indicators’ (http://www.dqi.org.uk/), a tool to assess design quality of proposed and constructed
buildings. This evaluation of performance or amenity can also be called ‘benchmarking’.

• Ministry for the Environment 2002. Creating great places to Live+Work+Play: Livable
urban environments: process, strategy, action: http://www.mfe.govt.nz/publications/
rma/live-work-play-jun02/guide/community-methods.html#list. Page 17 describes ‘list of
qualities’, surveys – ‘three questions’ and ‘public satisfaction surveys’ and methods, with
checklists and case studies.

Urban Design Toolkit 17

• Activity Friendly Environments, SPARC: http://www.sparc.org.nz/filedownload?id=
374dfc8b-81fc-449c-b579-4d475776defc. Provides a checklist to assess how walk and bike
friendly your current environment is.
• Placecheck: http://www.placecheck.info/. Developed by the UK Urban Design Alliance,
http://www.udal.org.uk/. This website provides information on how to undertake your own
placecheck with timelines, checklists, a set of detailed questions, and a specific placecheck
for streets, country, planning, urban design, highways and parks.
• Design Quality Indicator (DQI): http://www.dqi.org.uk/. The website provides an overview
of the process, and links into the DQI tool.
• Walkinginfo Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Centre, United States: http://www.
walkinginfo.org/cps/checklist.htm. Walkability checklist questions to help you evaluate
your neighbourhood’s walkability. This checklist provides both immediate answers and
long term solutions to your neighbourhood’s potential problems. A bikeability checklist is
also available at this site.
• Local Government Commission, United States: http://www.lgc.org/freepub/land_use/
participation_tools/visual_surveys.html. Information on public participation and visual
surveys, and detailed information on community image surveys.

• Orewa – A World Class Urban Coastal Community: Discussion Document October 2004:
df (366 KB). Used a telephone survey to obtain key urban design issues in the community.

18 Urban Design Toolkit

Tissue Analysis

What it is:
A technique that overlays a known and understood scale plan or aerial photograph of existing
buildings, lots, blocks and street patterns onto a vacant site as a rapid means of generating
design options. These plans, aerial photographs or maps are often referred to as an ‘urban

What it’s useful for:

Rapid generation of initial design options for sites and neighbourhoods that promote informed
design discussion. Because the density, activity and physical characteristics are known,
measurable, and can even be visited, there is a degree of certainty about the feasibility and
effects of different configurations of development.

How it’s done:

Aerial photographs or plans of existing, known and understood buildings, lots, blocks and street
patterns are manipulated and modified to achieve a best fit or a series of different options on a
vacant site or neighbourhood. All the urban tissues used should have a clear purpose and be
familiar to the designers or participants in the design exercise. This is a first step in providing
design variation, and helps generate ideas and options for the transformation of an urban site.
Ideally, urban tissue case studies should be developed that analyse in detail the design of a
variety of different urban tissues.

• Hayward, Richard 1993. Talking Tissues. In: Hayward, R and McGlynn, S (eds), Making
Better Places: Urban Design Now, 24–29. Explains how the Joint Centre of Urban Design
at the UK Oxford Brookes University uses urban tissues as a educational tool.

Urban Design Toolkit 19

Transportation and Traffic Modelling

What it is:
A specialised tool used by traffic engineers and transportation planners to plan, predict, monitor
and manage road and transport systems across a range of modes and spatial scales.

What it’s useful for:

Predicting traffic flows, patterns, vehicle emissions and all transport modes (including walking
and cycling) in an existing urban area, and for predicting the impact of changes to the traffic
patterns as a result of adjustments to the distribution and intensity of urban land uses.

How it’s done:

‘Multi-modal transport modelling’ uses computer simulation to predict transport mode use and
shifts in car, bus, train, walking, cycling transportation and the origin–destination of trips. This
provides important quantitative information on the predicted use of a city or region’s transport
systems, and can provide vehicle information for traffic flow models.

‘Traffic flow modelling’ uses computer simulation to predict the traffic flow capacity and travel
time implications of changed street configurations or uses within a complex street network. This
provides important quantitative information on the predicted use of streets when major urban
changes are proposed.

• Greater Wellington Regional Council 2005. Transit Western Corridor Transportation
Study: http://www.gw.govt.nz/section1675.cfm.
• Maryland, United States. Comprehensive Transportation Review (CTR):
http://www.rockvillemd.gov/residents/traffic/ctr.htm. The CTR contains principles and
methodologies to guide the US City of Rockville, Maryland in evaluating the transportation
impacts of development applications on site access and circulation, non-auto multimodal
facilities and automobile traffic.
• SmartGrowth Toolkit, British Columbia. Transportation demand management:
http://www.smartgrowth.bc.ca/downloads/J1_ToolKitPart_II.pdf (363 KB). Page 50

20 Urban Design Toolkit

highlights strategies and policy tools to fight the costs, frustrations and inefficiencies of too
much traffic. These tools can be integrated into regional and community planning policies,
including development standards, urban design guidelines and zoning bylaws.
• Transport Canada. Transportation demand management database (TDM):
http://www.tc.gc.ca/programs/environment/utsp/tdm.htm. This database contains profiles
and results from over 90 worldwide transportation projects. These projects foster energy
efficiency, sustainable development, accessibility and increased productivity by influencing
urban travel patterns and behaviours.
• Transport Canada. Urban Transportation Emissions calculator: http://www.tc.gc.ca/
programs/environment/UTEC/default.aspx. This is a tool that estimates annual greenhouse
gas and criteria air containment emissions from passenger, commercial and urban transit

Urban Design Audit

What it is:
A systematic and comprehensive analysis of an existing neighbourhood, town or city that leads
to the development of a design brief, strategy or code and the implementation of design projects.
An urban design audit will involve use of a range of urban design research and analysis tools.

What it’s useful for:

Providing extensive primary urban data through detailed assessments and analysis of existing
urban environment qualities, features and characteristics. An urban design audit can be used to
inform future design and policy initiatives.

How it’s done:

Development of a clear research brief and the use of appropriate urban design tools to survey,
check and analyse an urban neighbourhood, town or city. An urban design audit will involve
quantitative and qualitative research and analysis.

The quantitative research and analysis may include all, or combinations, of the following
• pedestrian access and circulation
• building elevations, heights and footprints
• the street network and traffic volumes during peak and non-peak periods
• the existing and projected demographic profile of an area
• natural features, such as vegetation, soils, water bodies and significant ecological systems,
micro-climate impacts (sun, wind, temperature patterns)
• significant buildings and features of heritage and cultural value.

Qualitative urban design research and analysis typically provides insight into how key urban
design elements, or combinations of elements, are likely to be perceived by users, influence the

Urban Design Toolkit 21

identity and character of built and natural form, address the needs of future users, and protect
any values, aspirations and symbols of the past.

Urban morphology techniques are often used in urban design audits involving older urban areas
at a neighbourhood, town centre or sub-regional scale.

• Living Streets Community Street Audits, United Kingdom: http://www.livingstreets.org.uk/
what_living_streets_do/cs_community_street_audits.php. Facilitators train members of the
community to analyse ways to encourage walking, through observation of their street

Urban Morphology

What it is:
Analysis techniques used to study the present and past historical patterns of urban structure,
form, land-use and patterns. Provides an understanding of the existing physical form and
structure of the urban environment at different scales, from individual buildings, lots, street
patterns and blocks. It is typically differentiated from urban design audits by its focus on the
past and present spatial patterns of a given urban area.

What it’s useful for:

Defining urban patterns and characteristics that create a unique sense of place. It helps in the
appraisal of successful and unsuccessful urban form, and can examine the processes that shaped
past change, or features that persist in the present urban fabric. It can define urban boundaries,
inform development controls, and form the basis for design guidelines for character and heritage

How it’s done:

Characteristics of an urban area, such as its buildings, lots, blocks, street patterns, open space,
land-use activities and building details, are recorded, measured, mapped and analysed using
existing and/or historical information.

22 Urban Design Toolkit

At its simplest, the mapping of buildings and open space patterns or ‘figure-ground mapping’ is
where the building footprint is blacked out, with open space left blank on a plan. With this
technique, the open space and other character features of the site can be analysed.

A ‘typological analysis’ classifies buildings, lots, streets, blocks or open space into typical or
atypical types. Type is defined by a combination of plan, dimension and use characteristics.
This information can be used in character studies, design development and urban design policy.

A ‘materials and components analysis’ is a detailed urban morphology study recording building
and material details. This can define the character of an urban area, and inform design selection
of future colours, materials and components for the elements within an area.

• International Seminar on Urban Form: http://www.urbanform.org/. Inaugurated in 1994 and
seeks to advance research and practice in fields concerned with the built environment. It
promotes conferences, publishes a journal, Urban Morphology:
http://odur.let.rug.nl:8080/isuf/template/journal/home.xml, and provides an international
framework for communication between members.
• Urban Design Group Journal. Urban Design 93, Winter 2005 issue on urban morphology.
(Editors: Evans, R and Kropf, K.) See Urban Design Group website: www.udg.org.uk.

Urban Design Toolkit 23

Walk-Through Analysis

What it is:
An assessment of urban qualities and design issues done by walking through an area and
recording observations and impressions along the way. It uses mainly graphic methods for
recording observations.

What it’s useful for:

A walk-through gives an overview of the design issues, and is often the first stage of a more
intensive appraisal that involves both qualitative and quantitative methods. This technique helps
establish the extent of the design issues and identifies further work required.

How it’s done:

Observational analysis of place that records the main features, both successful and unsuccessful,
in a preliminary urban design assessment. Key findings are often recorded by graphic means,
such as photographs or annotated sketches and plans. Checklists are typically used to ensure
consistency when appraising a number of buildings, streets or areas.

24 Urban Design Toolkit

Section 2 Community Participation
Encouraging Community Involvement and Informing

Community participation tools are fundamental in developing appropriate and effective urban
design solutions. The community and users of our towns and cities are the ultimate clients and
beneficiaries of quality urban design. Quality urban design is founded on a sound understanding
of local knowledge, values and needs. True community participation enables people to
influence, and be part of, urban design decision-making processes. This involvement
strengthens their ownership of the places they have had a hand in designing.

These tools are a means of identifying community concerns and issues, providing useful
information on user needs, values and expectations, creating opportunities for community
involvement in the design process and incorporating community concerns in decision-making.
Promoters of urban design projects who use these tools will benefit by being better informed
and having the community involved in the design and approval process in a constructive way.
Ultimately, a well-constructed community participation process contributes to a quality design
outcome and a smoother design process.

This section describes:

• Community Meeting
• Design Workshop
Community planning forum
Enquiry by design
Planning weekend
Ideas workshop
Action planning
Urban design assistance team
• Focus Group
• Interactive Display
Elevation montage
• Interactive Model
Box city
Planning for real
Urban modelling
Adaptable model
• Participatory Appraisal
Interactive display
Speak out
• Planning and Briefing Workshops
Community planning forum
Process planning workshop
Future search conference
• Reference Group
Community advisory group
Stakeholder reference group

Urban Design Toolkit 25

• Scenario Building
Participatory land-use mapping
Scenario planning
• Urban Design Games
Board games
Picture analysis
Role play

Community Meeting

What it is:
A chaired meeting held in a community place and used to present design proposals to a

What it’s useful for:

Useful for distributing information and undertaking consultation, but offer limited opportunity
to involve people in one-on-one dialogue and participation. Community meetings are a means
for presenting and explaining proposals to a group of residents, stakeholders or iwi and hapu
and an opportunity for the community to ask questions and get immediate answers.

How it’s done:

Community meetings are most usefully held in a local neighbourhood venue where they can be
open to all members of the community. Meetings can be combined with interactive displays or
other forms of community participation tools. These meetings should be thoroughly advertised
through community information networks, such as in local papers or council newsletters, on the
radio, or event notice boards.

Alternatively, a ‘hui’ held at a local marae or hall may be an appropriate way to involve
residents, stakeholders and, in particular, local iwi and hapu in the design process. A hui should
be organised and led by local iwi, and direction for its content and structure will need to be
decided upon in consultation with that iwi. Other forms of community meeting that use different
cultural protocols should be considered when working with diverse cultural groups.

• Ministry for the Environment 2002. Creating great places to Live+Work+Play:
Livable urban environments: process, strategy, action:
public.html. Page 16 provides information on a hui, with a checklist and information on a
project trail in Rotorua.
• International Association for Public Participation: http://www.iap2.org/. Provides
practitioner tools, including public participation spectrum, and a toolbox of techniques to
share information.

26 Urban Design Toolkit

Design Workshop

What it is:
A workshop that involves professional designers, the community and other key stakeholders
that is focused on generating design ideas for development. It usually runs for a defined period
of time, from several hours to a week, depending on the size, complexity of the project and the
number of people involved.

What it’s useful for:

Any design project that involves a large number of stakeholders and where there is a likelihood
of constructive participation. Typically, these are major community projects in a context that
requires both high-level professional expertise and community participation as a catalyst for
beginning the design process. The technique is best used to generate conceptual design options
and to gain a consensus on a general direction. At a smaller scale, design workshops with in-
house staff can form an important exercise in collaboration of different design disciplines.

How it’s done:

A design workshop requires a collaborative design process. The organisers and designers
provide technical expertise, facilitation and creative design skills, and work with a range of
stakeholders who provide information on their expectations and values, and offer critical
feedback on initial design options. In these workshops, design solutions are not usually tested
for technical viability because of the short timeframes. Benefits include quick response to
design options, and enhanced community/stakeholder awareness and ownership of the project.

A design workshop is also known as a design ‘charette’ and may be part of a ‘community
planning forum’.

Particular types of design workshops include ‘enquiry by design’, ‘planning weekend’ and
‘ideas workshop’. ‘Action planning’ is a design workshop where a team of design specialists,
known as an ‘urban design assistance team’ (UDAT), collaborates with community and user
groups to produce a proposal for action.

Urban Design Toolkit 27

• Ministry for the Environment 2002. Creating great places to Live+Work+Play: Livable
urban environments: process, strategy, action: http://www.mfe.govt.nz/publications/rma/
live-work-play-jun02/guide/community-public.html. Page 17 provides information on
undertaking a charette, with a checklist and project trail in Waitakere.
• National Charrette Institute, United States. The Charrette Handbook:
http://www.charretteinstitute.org/programs/charrette_handbook.html. This handbook
provides a step-by-step guide to a successful charette and offers practical tips on everything
from pre-charette preparations to project implementation.
• National Park Service (Northeast Region Philadelphia Office), United States:
http://www.nps.gov/phso/rtcatoolbox/gatherings_charettes.htm. Community toolbox and
description on charettes.
• SmartGrowth Toolkit, British Columbia. Community Design Charettes:
http://www.smar.tgrowth.bc.ca/downloads/J1_ToolKitPart_III.pdf (282 KB). Page 16
provides information on two types of community design charettes – visioning charette and
implementation charette – and outlines the key principles for conducting a successful
• The Community Planning Website, United Kingdom: http://www.communityplanning.net/.
Provides principles, methods, scenarios, formats, checklists and a range of publications on
community planning.
• The Architecture Foundation: http://www.architecturefoundation.org.uk/ framesets/
f_006b.html. Toolkit for participatory urban design. Provides inspiration, ideas and support
for creative community involvement in urban design.
• Western Australia Planning Commission 2003. The Enquiry-by-Design Workshop Process
– A Preparation Manual: http://www.wapc.wa.gov.au/Publications/28.aspx. A manual on
the process of preparing for, and holding, an enquiry by design workshop.

• Ministry for the Environment 2005. Urban Design Case Studies: New Zealand Urban
Design Protocol: http://www.mfe.govt.nz/publications/urban/urban-design-case-studies-
mar05/html/page14.html. New Lynn Town Centre – Waitakere City, p 50. A five-day
design workshop/charette was used to produce comprehensive structure drawings for the
New Lynn town centre.
• Ministry for the Environment 2005. Urban Design Case Studies: New Zealand Urban
Design Protocol: http://www.mfe.govt.nz/publications/urban/urban-design-case-studies-
mar05/html/page10.html. Christchurch Bus Exchange, pp 44–49. A series of mini-charettes
were held to conceptualise how the exchange might work within the parameters of the
• Ministry for the Environment 2005. Urban Design Case Studies: New Zealand Urban
Design Protocol: http://www.mfe.govt.nz/publications/urban/urban-design-case-studies-
mar05/html/page12.html. Lancewood Courts – Christchurch, pp 56–60. Held a number of
charettes that helped develop the overall scheme design.

28 Urban Design Toolkit

Focus Group

What it is:
A structured, small group meeting made up of stakeholders sharing common demographics (for
example, young people) or stakeholder interests, who discuss a specific topic. Often used to test
differences, degrees of consensus and deliberating opinions between groups.

What it’s useful for:

Used as an efficient means of obtaining the opinions of experts, informed members of the
community or a party on a defined topic, and deliberating on those opinions.

How it’s done:

A focus group generally meets for around half a day, is facilitated, and is usually limited to
around 10–12 people to allow full participation. A detailed record of the session is required so
that this information can be used in future design work.

• Ministry for the Environment 2002. Creating great places to Live+Work+Play: Livable
urban environments: process, strategy, action: http://www.mfe.govt.nz/publications/
rma/live-work-play-jun02/guide/community-public.html. Page 15 provides a checklist,
project trial and resources to engage the community in a focus group.
• National Park Service (Northeast Region Philadelphia Office), United States:
http://www.nps.gov/phso/rtcatoolbox/. Provides information on focus groups and tools for

Urban Design Toolkit 29

• Far North District Council Planning and Heritage Focus Group: http://www.fndc.govt.nz/
structureplanning/Appendix%203%20PlanningSum%20_2.pdf (43 KB). This focus group
identified issues that the council needed to consider in the development of the Kerikeri
Waipapa Structure Plan. Three key topics were covered: planning and zoning; visual
amenity and character; and environment, heritage and wildlife.
• Orewa – A World Class Urban Coastal Community: Discussion Document October 2004:
df (366 KB). Used focus groups to set up and explore views on high-rise buildings and test
community views.

Interactive Display

What it is:
A display on urban issues or on a project that allows the community to make its views on the
issue known by voting, putting post-it notes on the display, or physically altering the display.
Best used as part of a forum, design workshop, exhibition or other event.

What it’s useful for:

Allows people to engage and debate urban issues in a fun way by making additions or
alterations to a prepared display. It generates ideas, creates interaction and records feedback
from a wide range of participants. It can be used in exhibitions, street stalls, design workshops
or public meetings.

How it’s done:

The display material, made up of plans, photos or models, needs to be simple and clear. People
record their likes, dislikes, comments, areas in need of improvement and other issues on the
display material using post-it notes, dots or handwritten notes, or computer-aided interactive
polling techniques undertaken in especially equipped and designed rooms. People’s responses
are recorded in such a way that they can be used afterwards.

30 Urban Design Toolkit

Another interactive display tool is an ‘elevation montage’. Photographs of elevations of either
buildings lining a street or other open spaces are used to generate community discussion, and
record comments and suggestions for improvement.

• Community Planning Website, United Kingdom: http://www.communityplanning.net/
methods/methods.htm. Provides further information, tips on interactive displays and
elevation montages in the methods section of this website.
• Local Government Commission, United States: http://www.lgc.org/freepub/land_use/
participation_tools/visual_surveys.html. Provides information on public participation and
visual surveys.
• The power of the post-it – getting down to community planning with the experts: Some
recollections of a participatory planning event: http://www.rudi.net/news/features/
feat18.cfm. This Resource for Urban Design Information (RUDI) article outlines a 2005
seminar given by John Thompson and Partners in the United Kingdom on participatory
planning and interactive displays.

• SmartGrowth Toolkit, British Columbia. Visual Preference Surveys:
http://www.smartgrowth.bc.ca/downloads/J1_ToolKitPart_III.pdf (282 KB). Page 20
outlines what a visual preference survey involves, that is, showing participants a series of
different built environment images and then having them rank them in order of preference.

Interactive Model

What it is:
A model-building technique that uses a kit of simple blocks of various sizes and shapes
representing typical urban building elements. The blocks are used to construct configurations of
built urban form to scale as a way of exploring different three-dimensional options for a site.

What it’s useful for:

Useful for rapidly investigating and visualising options for site planning, urban spaces, and
building bulk and form. Helpful in community design workshops, and in urban design
education, for example, ‘Box City’ an urban design game that children can play.

How it’s done:

Timber block or paper cut-out modules are frequently used, based on common building types
and components. The components should be able to be arranged into the widest variety of
configurations, and easily reconfigured into new scenarios. The scenarios created should be
recorded as they emerge. An interactive model encourages participation, and enables members
of the community and other non-designers to get involved in the design process and to
understand the implications of decisions on three-dimensional form and space.

Urban Design Toolkit 31

Interactive modelling is sometimes known as ‘planning for real’, or ‘urban modelling’, using an
‘adaptable model’. It may be used to investigate city and regional planning issues, such as
growth, using simulation software. See also scenario building.

• Ministry for the Environment 2002. Creating great places to Live+Work+Play: Livable
urban environments: process, strategy, action: http://www.mfe.govt.nz/publications/rma/
live-work-play-jun02/guide/community-public.html. Page 18 describes urban modelling.
• Haylock, H, Burt, S, Craymer, N 2000. Remember the days in the old school yard, box city
day in Avondale. Planning Quarterly (Sept):10–13.
• Neighbourhood Initiatives Foundation 1995. A Practical Handbook for ‘Planning for Real’
Consultation Exercise. NIF: Telford, United Kingdom: http://web.mit.edu/urbanupgrading/
• The Community Planning Website, United Kingdom: http://www.communityplanning.net/
methods/method100.htm. Provides tips, sample format and additional information on
‘planning for real’.
• Box City: http://www.cubekc.org/catboxcity.html. A US teaching resource that shows how
cities are planned (or unplanned), what makes a quality city and how children can
participate in the improvement of the built environment.

• Box City Glen Innes, Auckland 2000: http://www.aucklandcity.govt.nz/council/
documents/gleninnes/strategyconsult.asp. Five hundred primary school students from four
local schools were involved in constructing their future city of Glen Innes using recycled
materials and boxes.

Participatory Appraisal

What it is:
A participation approach to gain a rapid, in-depth understanding of a community, or certain
aspects of a community, using visual techniques, models, ranking, discussions, mapping or
community inventory.

What it’s useful for:

Allowing people to share and record aspects of their own situation, conditions of life,
knowledge, perceptions, aspirations and preferences. From this, plans can be developed for
action. This tool is not restricted to urban design issues.

32 Urban Design Toolkit

How it’s done:
There are many visual and verbal techniques, methods and approaches used in participatory
appraisal. Qualified trainers and facilitators can help select the right mix of creative and targeted

Visual displays can be used that encourage wide participation and interaction between
participants as they respond to the views of others, while adding their own ideas to a display. An
‘interactive display’ can be used as part of participatory appraisal.

Verbal techniques include face-to-face interviews, focus group discussions and ‘speak out’
sessions where members of the public speak and officials listen and ask questions.

• CABE 2007. SpaceShaper: http://www.cabe.org.uk/default.aspx?contentitemid=1675. A
UK-based toolkit that uses a questionnaire and facilitated workshop to enable people to
evaluate the quality of their public spaces.
• GreenSTAT, United Kingdom: http://www.greenstat.org.uk/. GreenSTAT is a system that
gives local residents the opportunity to comment on the quality of their open spaces and
how well they feel they are being managed and maintained.
• Ministry for the Environment 2002. Creating great places to Live+Work+Play: Livable
urban environments: process, strategy, action: http://www.mfe.govt.nz/publications/
rma/live-work-play-jun02/guide/community-public.html. Page 18 provides a checklist, and
project trail information on participatory appraisal.
• Smart Growth scorecards, United States: http://www.epa.gov/smartgrowth/scorecards/.
Scorecards are basic assessment tools that allow communities to rate and analyse policies
and regulations that determine their development patterns. This site provides information
on three types of scorecards: municipal, project-specific and component scorecards.
• The Architecture Foundation toolkit for participatory urban design:
http://www.architecturefoundation.org.uk/framesets/f_006b.html. Provides inspiration,
ideas and support for creative community involvement in urban design.

Planning and Briefing Workshops

What it is:
A workshop held before beginning any design work. Its intention is to gather information on
stakeholder needs and expectations, foster constructive community involvement, and to help
develop the brief for a project.

What it’s useful for:

Providing a forum for information-gathering and allowing stakeholders and users a chance to
put forward ideas and have a say in an interactive setting early on in the project’s development.
Useful in community projects where a participatory process can help clarify expectations,
identify common ground and give direction to expected outcomes. Used to enhance
understanding and develop ideas, and can be a catalyst for further action.

Urban Design Toolkit 33

How it’s done:
Workshops may be open to the community, or limited to invited participants from key
community interest groups and stakeholders representing a wide range of views. Small-scale
projects may require only one workshop, but large, complex or controversial community
projects often justify a series of workshops. Competing perspectives need to be heard, and
participation managed so all attendees can be fully and productively involved.

When used to develop a community plan or a brief for the design of a neighbourhood, a
planning workshop may be known as a ‘community planning forum’. Where the aim is to
determine the community participation process for a project and gain community approval and
‘ownership’ of the process, it may be known as a ‘process planning workshop’. A ‘future search
conference’ is a workshop in conference format where, over a period of two-to-three days,
participants identify objectives, initiatives and actions, and establish a common vision for the

• Project for Public Spaces, New York. Place Game Workshops: http://www.pps.org/info/
services/work. These educational community workshops provide a process for the public
and private sectors to work together cooperatively to create public space implementation
• The Built Environment Trust, United Kingdom. Consulting your Community:
http://www.shape-east.org.uk/news/consultyourcommunityFV.pdf (3022 KB). This is a
toolkit for preparing and delivering community consultation workshops about the built

• Community Planning Website, United Kingdom: http://www.communityplanning.net/
methods/methods.htm. Provides information on ‘briefing workshops’, ‘community
planning forums’, ‘process planning workshops’ and ‘future search conferences’.

Reference Group

What it is:
A group of interested and affected parties that can be made up of informed community
representatives known as a ‘community advisory group’, or key stakeholders known as a
‘stakeholder reference group’, brought together by designers or policy-makers. A reference
group acts as a forum and an ongoing point of reference for consultation throughout the life of a

What it’s useful for:

Typically used on large community or private projects that are of community interest or affect a
range of private or institutional stakeholders. A reference group allows expectations, issues of
concern, and possibilities for their resolution, to be identified before the formal policy-making
or consent processes begin.

34 Urban Design Toolkit

How it’s done:
A reference group is formed at the pre-design stages of a project, and may continue to meet
throughout a project for as long as there are issues to resolve. Meetings provide a forum for
identification of issues and discussion of both shared and contradicting views.

A ‘community advisory group’ is generally established by a local authority that seeks to act on
the group’s recommendations as much as possible. The local authority provides the technical
and administrative support. Members of a community advisory group usually represent key
stakeholder groups, but may include expert advisors and individuals from the general

Scenario Building

What it is:
A means of developing ideas and systematically exploring design, growth or planning options
for a town or city under a range of potential economic, social and development scenarios. Often
uses computer simulation software both to describe and analyse scenarios.

What it’s useful for:

Providing a range of scenarios at any level, from individual development sites to city regions. It
is useful for identifying and assessing the effects, feasibility and implications of likely or
possible scenarios. It is particularly appropriate where a number of future scenarios are possible,
and the implications of each require investigation.

How it’s done:

Scenarios may relate to any combination of variables, for example, building heights, intensity of
development, town boundary conditions, or regional population growth. Scenario building is
used to show the possible directions that could be taken in comparative assessments and risk
management. Scenario building informs debate and decision-making and is also known as
‘participatory land-use mapping’. (See also interactive model.)

‘Scenario planning’ is related to the use of these scenarios, usually in strategic planning.

• Local Government Commission, United States. Participatory Land Use Mapping:
http://www.lgc.org/freepub/land_use/participation_tools/landuse_mapping.html. Provides
information on participatory land-use mapping, with advice on how to involve members of
the public in exploring local and regional land-use planning issues and organising a
mapping exercise in your area.

Urban Design Toolkit 35

• Envision Utah (Regional Modelling): http://www.envisionutah.org/. Website sponsored by
the coalition for Utah’s future, with information for keeping Utah beautiful, prosperous and
neighbourly for future generations.

Urban Design Games

What it is:
A highly visual way of allowing people to explore physical design options for a site through
acting, design puzzles, jigsaws, board games or other interactive gaming methods.

What it’s useful for:

Helping people have fun, understanding the urban design process and increasing awareness
through playing the games.

How it’s done:

Urban design games are mostly played in groups, usually with either clear instructions from
someone who has already played the games or a facilitator. Game types include ‘board games’
that stimulate planning and design scenarios, ‘picture analysis’ to see what different people see
in a photo or picture and comparing notes, ‘role play’ activities that allow people to act in
someone else’s shoes, ‘storytelling’ and ‘theatre performance’. See interactive model for further
refinement of this tool.

• Lincoln Institute of Land Policy, United States. Building Blocks – A density game:
http://www.lincolninst.edu/subcenters/visualizing_density/blockgame/index.aspx. An
interactive game that allows you to create your own neighbourhood by arranging houses,
streets, yards and parks. You can choose from pre-set low-, medium- or high-density
scenarios, or create your own situation.

• Community Planning Website, United Kingdom: http://www.communityplanning.net/
methods/method68.htm. Provides a description on gaming, with information on game
types, a list of methods to implement them, tips and links to other urban design gaming

36 Urban Design Toolkit

Section 3 Raising Awareness Tools
Increasing Understanding
This section contains tools for raising awareness and promoting quality urban design processes
and projects. Knowledge of design possibilities and an understanding of processes will help
people participate in the future of their town or city in constructive ways. As people become
aware of what is possible, their expectations will encourage investors, developers and local and
central government to provide high-quality urban environments. Knowledge encourages people
to take responsibility for local issues and, ultimately, gain ownership over ‘their’ place. At the
same time, an informed community is more likely to support and insist on high-quality design

Raising awareness tools support collaboration, information sharing and leadership in urban
design within either a selected or wider audience. These tools can increase the understanding of
quality urban design for everyone, including the community and signatories of the Urban
Design Protocol.

This section describes:

• Case Studies
Exemplar urban design projects
• Demonstration Project
Pilot project
Flagship project
• Design Centre
Community design centre
Architecture and built environment centre
Neighbourhood planning office
Planning aid
• Display Model
• Interpretive Trail
Heritage trails
Town trails
Walking tour
• Media Techniques
Media column
Press release
Urban design websites
• Public Display
Street stall
• Research Reports
• School Resource Kits
• Urban Design Awards
• Urban Design Champion
The Mayors’ Institute on City Design
• Urban Design Event
Public lecture
Open house
• Urban Design Network
• Visual Simulation

Urban Design Toolkit 37

Case Studies

What it is:
A selection of written up ‘exemplar urban design projects’, either posted on the web or
published, that demonstrate the practical application of urban design principals, or a particular
research technique in creating quality urban design.

What it’s useful for:

A valuable way of sharing project information and research methods on complex urban design
issues. Case studies are also useful for encouraging discussion about urban design best practice
and strategies to solve complex urban design problems.

How it’s done:

Collecting and writing up a set of exemplar urban design projects or research techniques. It is
helpful to have these written in a standard format so a comparison of similar projects can be

• Commission for Architecture and the Built Environment (CABE): http://www.cabe.org.uk/
casestudies.aspx. Showcases a range of completed projects from across the United
Kingdom, including transport infrastructure, civic buildings and public space
redevelopments. Describes and evaluates design processes and outcomes for each project.
Includes a photo gallery.
• Congress of New Urbanism Projects: http://www.cnu.org/about/index.cfm?formaction=
adv_project_search&CFID=12179631&CFTOKEN=17005497. The projects in this
database have appeared in the New Urban News: http://www.newurbannews.com/.
• Ministry for the Environment 2005. Urban Design Case Studies: New Zealand Urban
Design Protocol: http://www.mfe.govt.nz/issues/urban/design-protocol/case-studies.html.
Showcases 16 great examples of urban design and development from across New Zealand.
The Urban Design Case Studies demonstrate what can be achieved by good urban design.

38 Urban Design Toolkit

• Resource for Urban Design Information (RUDI): http://www.rudi.net/taxonomy_menu/
6/23/31. Compilation of case studies from around the world, illustrating ‘points of interest’
in urban design. Non-member access restricted to summaries of selected case studies. Free,
two-week membership available, enabling access to a comprehensive list of case studies.
Project overviews, including plans, images and data also available for some developments.
• Urban Land Institute: http://casestudies.uli.org. Provides a searchable database of case
studies from around the world. Non-member access restricted to summaries and features of
case studies. Membership allows access to plans, in-depth information about design,
building and post-construction process, as well as a list of participants.

Demonstration Project

What it is:
A prototype of part of a development site used to show how the development will look, or the
first stage of a much larger project that is constructed in its entirety to demonstrate how the rest
of the development will proceed.

What it’s useful for:

Demonstrating the benefits of a particular design to give confidence that an innovative approach
will be successful before starting construction, or to act as a catalyst for the development or
rejuvenation of a particular area. A demonstration project can help persuade others to follow the
precedent by providing tangible evidence of a proposal and demonstrating the success of its
design innovation.

How it’s done:

Creating community or private projects to a high quality or exemplar standard that can be
transferred to similar projects.

May also be known as a ‘pilot project’ or ‘flagship project’.

• CABE 2002. Better Civic Buildings and Spaces: http://www.cabe.org.uk/. Launched in
2000 with the aim of promoting the need for, and benefits of, well-designed public
• Buildings for Life, United Kingdom: http://www.buildingforlife.org/. Bringing together the
best designers and creative thinkers to champion quality design for new homes.

• EcoWater Demonstration Projects, Waitakere City: http://www.waitakere.govt.nz/AbtCnl/
pp/cussapreports/demproj_sum.asp. Describes eight demonstration projects within
Waitakere City that represent best practice management solutions for a range of urban
stormwater issues.

Urban Design Toolkit 39

• Ministry for the Environment 2005. Urban Design Case Studies: New Zealand Urban
Design Protocol: http://www.mfe.govt.nz/publications/urban/urban-design-case-studies-
mar05/html/page11.html. Harbour View – Waitakere, p 50. The council created Waitakere
Properties Ltd, which carried out strategic development on this site that the private market
was not prepared to do at the time.
• Waitakere City Council. Project Twin Streams: http://www.waitakere.govt.nz/
Abtcit/ne/twinstreams.asp. Aims to achieve long term sustainable management of the
Swanson catchment through a sustainable community development approach.

Design Centre

What it is:
A physical place or building that houses design services and associated events, including public
lectures, exhibitions, community education and information aimed at promoting quality design
within the community.

What it’s useful for:

Advocating and raising the profile of quality urban design outcomes within a town, city or
region through discussion, exhibitions and education. Design centres may also provide the
community with access to free or low-cost design expertise that they would otherwise be unable
to afford or unlikely to use.

How it’s done:

By establishing a design centre in a highly visible location in the city or neighbourhood centre,
staffed with committed design professionals. Close association of a design centre with a design
or planning school can benefit both the community, professionals and students.

It may be known as a ‘community design centre’ or an ‘architecture and built environment

centre’. Where the focus of activity is planning oriented, it may be known as a ‘neighbourhood
planning office’, where ‘planning aid’ is offered.

• Architectural Centre Inc, Wellington: http://architecture.org.nz/. This is a multi-
disciplinary, independent, voluntary organisation of people with an interest in architecture,
the arts, the built environment and Wellington City.
• Architecture Centre Network, United Kingdom: http://www.architecturecentre.net/. Is an
independent organisation representing centres of architecture and the built environment in
the United Kingdom.
• The Architecture Foundation, United Kingdom: http://www.architecturefoundation.org.uk/.
Is an independent architecture centre acting as a catalyst for projects, competitions,
workshops debates and much more.
• Association for Community Design, United States: http://www.communitydesign.org/. Is a
network of individuals, organisations and institutions committed to increasing the capacity
of planning and design professions to better serve communities.

40 Urban Design Toolkit

• Urban Design Centre of Western Australia: http://www.udcwa.org/. A non-profit
organisation dedicated to improving the quality of urban places in Western Australia.

Display Model

What it is:
A three-dimensional model (real or digital) of a site development or city district that shows the
proposed configuration of buildings and spaces.

What it’s useful for:

Whenever it is important that the community and other observers (who may not be familiar with
interpreting design drawings such as plans) are able to understand a project. Display models can
be valuable in circumstances where a project is contentious, or involves significant expenditure
of funds. However, if comparisons are being made between different models in a competition
situation, the same model maker should be used to allow for a true evaluation of projects.

How it’s done:

For maximum effectiveness, the model should extend to show the area around a development
site and show existing buildings and spaces so viewers have a known point of reference for
comparison. A display model makes a project real, lets people examine the proposal from a
range of viewpoints, and permits investigation of options. Representative models with a high
degree of realism are generally most effective in informing and engaging with the community.
Simpler, cheaper models can represent scale and form of a proposed development.

• Creative Spaces, United Kingdom. A toolkit for participatory urban design:
http://www.creativespaces.org.uk/. Provides information on creative community
involvement in urban design.

Interpretive Trail

What it is:
A programmed, self-guided walk with interpretative material supplied in the form of plaques,
signs, and written and audio guides.

What it’s useful for:

Raising community awareness of local history and culture, and the connection between people
and place.

Urban Design Toolkit 41

How it’s done:
Examples include ‘heritage trails’ and ‘town trails’, which usually extend over an area that can
be comfortably walked in an hour or two. May also be known as a ‘walking tour’.

• New Zealand Heritage Trails Foundation: http://www.heritagetrails.org.nz/index.asp.
Provides a comprehensive step-by-step guide to help you develop a heritage trail, signage
manual, brochure specifications and links to New Zealand’s heritage trails.

Media Techniques

What it is:
A selection of techniques used in communicating urban design information to a wide audience.

What it’s useful for:

Useful in all projects where communication of a message to a wide audience is required.

How it’s done:

There are various techniques including a:
• ‘Media column’ – a regular feature in national or local media that informs people of
upcoming proposals or keeps them informed of changes to current or ongoing urban design
• ‘Newsletter’ – a regular publication, either in hard copy or electronic form, that provides
updates on a project’s progress.
• ‘Press release’ – a written announcement issued to the news media and other targeted
publications for the purpose of letting the public know of company developments.
• ‘Urban design websites’ – can be used to promote urban design issues, information sharing
and debate.

• Housing New Zealand Corporation 2005. Talbot community renewal project:
http://hnzc.co.nz/aboutus/initiatives/communityrenewal/talbot.htm. Provides information
and newsletters sent out to the community on Talbot Park, Glen Innes, Auckland.
• Living Streets Aotearoa. WalkIT – The Walking Resources Database:
http://www.walkit.info/. An online database that provides resources for promotion of
walking in New Zealand. Its objective is to promote walking for personal health and
• New Urban News, United States: http://www.newurbannews.com/. Is a US professional
newsletter for planners, developers, architects, builders, public officials and others who are
interested in the creation of human-scale communities.

42 Urban Design Toolkit

• Ministry for the Environment, New Zealand Urban Design Protocol web page:
http://www.mfe.govt.nz/issues/urban/design-protocol/index.html. Provides information on
the Protocol.
• SmartGrowth Toolkit, British Columbia. Media and Communication Tools:
http://www.smartgrowth.bc.ca/downloads/J1_ToolKitPart_III.pdf (283 KB). Page 26
provides information on working with the media, media kits, preparing a spokesperson,
maintaining good media relationships and much more.

Public Display

What it is:
A display of a design proposal in a high-profile location, or in association with a community

What it’s useful for:

Providing information, increasing awareness and knowledge about a project and obtaining
public feedback. Useful for local neighbourhood community projects because it establishes a
profile for the project in the local community. This can be a low-cost, high-profile way of
informing and obtaining feedback from local people.

How it’s done:

Public displays require a high-profile space that is easily accessible. Project information that is
easy to read is displayed and supplemented with hand-outs supplied to members of the public
who visit the display. Ongoing supervision is also required to answer questions about the project
and record community feedback.

A public display or ‘street stall’ may be based in a caravan or other vehicle that can be moved as
a ‘roadshow’ to various parts of a neighbourhood or town.

• The Community Planning Website, United Kingdom: http://www.communityplanning.net.
Provides information, tips and inspirational messages on street stalls.

Urban Design Toolkit 43

Research Reports

What it is:
Written and graphic material that communicates either a collection of information or the active
and systematic process of inquiry in urban design. Research reports are used to discover,
interpret or revise urban design facts, behaviours and theories.

What it’s useful for:

Providing concrete qualitative and quantitative evidence-based research on urban design in an
easily read format that can stimulate policy debate and project implementation theories,
practices and methods.

How it’s done:

A research question or hypothesis is put forward to be tested. The research proposal method
uses ethical processes and primary and/or secondary research material, the collection of
information, field work and other activities. It is advisable to have a peer review undertaken
before publishing the research findings. The research report should be written and published in a
format that will reach its widest possible audience.

• Ministry for the Environment 2004. Urban Design Research in New Zealand:
http://www.mfe.govt.nz/publications/urban/urban-design-research-sep05/index.html. The
Ministry for the Environment and BRANZ Ltd have undertaken a survey to identify the
individuals and/or organisations in New Zealand that are conducting urban design research,
or research that has urban design implications (either directly or indirectly).
• Centre for Housing Research, Aotearoa New Zealand – Kainga Tipu (CHRANZ):
www.hnzc.co.nz/chr/index.html. Is committed to investing in and promoting housing
research that provides an evidence base for policies and practices that meet New Zealand’s
housing needs.
• Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute (AHURI): http://www.ahuri.edu.au/. Is a
national Australian research organisation, specialising in housing and urban research and
• Institute of Ecosystem Studies, New York. Urban Ecology: The Baltimore Ecosystem
Study: http://www.ecostudies.org/IES_urban_ecology.html. The Institute of Ecosystem
Studies (IES) has been researching the ecology of metropolitan Baltimore and the way
urban dwellers interact with their environment .
• Foundation for Research, Science and Technology (FRST). Building Sustainable Cities and
Settlements: http://www.frst.govt.nz/database/index.cfm. FRST invests in the Building
Sustainable Cities and Settlements Programme, which supports integrated approaches to
management of cities and settlements that are conducive to positive environmental, social,
cultural and economic outcomes. This site provides a link to a searchable database of
research abstracts and reports.

44 Urban Design Toolkit

• Ministry for the Environment 2005. The Value of Urban Design: The economic
environmental and social benefits of urban design: http://www.mfe.govt.nz/issues/urban/
design-protocol/design-value.html. Evaluates the claims made for the value of urban
design, considering economic, social, cultural and environmental value.

School Resource Kits

What it is:
A set of resources for either pre-school, primary, secondary or university level studies in urban

What it’s useful for:

Providing easily accessible urban design resources for teachers in everyday teaching activities.

How it’s done:

Collaboration between teaching and urban design professionals to provide an appropriate
format, topics and material for the school resource kit.

• Academy for Sustainable Communities, United Kingdom: Making Places: Creating
sustainable communities – A teacher’s guide to sustainable communities:
4D48-8522-E358FCCB9A7F. A practical resource for teachers supporting students aged
from 11–14. It aims to enhance students’ understanding of sustainable communities.
Additionally, it provides advice and information on how to help deliver sustainable
community initiatives through real-life case studies.
• Architecture Crew, United Kingdom: http://www.architecturecrew.org. This is a UK
website for young people aged from 13–19 who have an interest in architecture and the
built environment. Children can join the ‘crew’ and become involved in projects, influence
decision-makers, enter competitions, play games and meet other children in the United
• Canadian Institute of Planners. A Kid’s Guide to Building Great Communities – A Manual
for Planners and Educators: http://www.cip-icu.ca/english/aboutplan/youth.htm. This
guide is a useful resource for teaching youth about urban planning and community
development. It contains ready-made exercises and materials which teach planning
• CABE 2006. How Places Work: Teachers Guide: http://www.cabe.org.uk/default.aspx?
contentitemid=1486. This UK guide is designed to inspire secondary school children to
learn more about the built environment through a series of facilitated visits to buildings and
• CABE. Which Places Work: http://www.whichplaceswork.org.uk/default.aspx. A UK
teaching resource that introduces students to the principles of design quality indicators.
Includes a student questionnaire, a teacher resource and the charter school explorer.

Urban Design Toolkit 45

• Christchurch City Council Resource Catalogue for Schools: http://www.ccc.govt.nz/
publications/ResourceCatalogueForSchools/. This is a catalogue of resources specifically
for schools, including transport-related issues.
• Department for Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS), United Kingdom. Laying the
Foundations – Using the Built Environment to Teach:
A04D580D1FE5/0/laying_the_foundationsjuly06.pdf (1.5 MB). Shows teachers how the
built environment can be used to make connections between the school and the wider
community. The publication also lists built environment organisations that offer services,
support and resources to teachers and educators.
• eClassroom – Online Continuing Education: http://www.eclassroom.com.au/index.cfm.
eClassroom is an Australian and New Zealand service that provides online learning and
distance education to architects, landscape architects, designers and planners. Courses are
available across the core areas of design, documentation, project management, practice
management and planning.
• Education Kit Resources: http://www.waitakere.govt.nz/abtcit/ei/urbanstudies.asp. A joint
project between Waitakere City Council and Waitakere City secondary schools. This
website includes sections on local area studies, urban studies, special places, and the natural
• New Zealand Historic Places Trust. Heritage as an education resource for teachers:
http://www.historic.org.nz/. The seven lessons appearing on this site are suitable for Years
5–8, and are set at levels 2–4.
• Ministry for the Environment Year of the Built Environment Youth Activity Pack:
• UrbanPlan, Urban Land Institute, United States: http://www.urbanplan.org/UP_Home/
UP_Home_fst.html. A resource for high school students to learn about the roles, issues,
trade-offs and economics involved in urban development. It provides hands-on experience
in developing realistic land-use solutions to vexing urban growth challenges.

Urban Design Awards

What it is:
An awards programme recognising quality urban design.

What it’s useful for:

Promotion of quality urban design projects by professional, community and sector groups.
Awards can lead to substantial promotion of projects with targeted media coverage and
encourage greater emphasis on quality design.

How it’s done:

The organisation arranging the awards develops a set of design criteria for judging, asks for
submissions of projects (built, unbuilt, reports and so on) by a set date, appoints judges to assess
the submissions, and holds an awards ceremony to present the awards. Designers usually submit

46 Urban Design Toolkit

their own work for awards, but clients and community groups may also be encouraged to submit
projects for recognition.

• American Society of Landscape Architects. Professional and Student Awards Programme:
http://www.asla.org/awards/2007/rules_entries/. The annual awards have eight categories,
including two student categories, which recognise the best landscape architecture from
around the globe. A professional awards jury is convened to review the submissions.
• Auckland City Council. People’s Choice Mayoral Urban Design Awards:
http://www.aucklandcity.govt.nz/council/services/urban/awards.asp. These awards give
Aucklanders a chance to nominate buildings, spaces and places on the Auckland isthmus
they feel illustrate good urban design principles. Nominations are assessed by an expert
• Environment Canterbury. Canterbury Resource Management Awards:
http://www.ecan.govt.nz/About+Us/Awards/RMAward.htm.These awards promote the
sustainable management of natural and man-made resources in the Canterbury region
through recognising and rewarding activities that maintain resources for future generations.
• Environmental Protection Agency, United States. National Award for Smart Growth
Achievement: http://www.epa.gov/smartgrowth/awards.htm. These awards recognise
outstanding approaches to development that have successfully used the principles of smart
growth to benefit the economy, the community, public health and the environment.
• Green Flag Award: http://www.greenflagaward.org.uk/. These awards recognise the best
green spaces in England and Wales. They are helping create a benchmark of excellence in
recreational green areas.
• Gold Coast City Council, Queensland. Urban Design Awards: http://www.goldcoast.qld.
gov.au/t_standard.aspx?pid=749. A biennial event celebrating high-quality built
environments. Categories include built projects and design education. Projects are judged
against 15 different urban design criteria.
• Ministry for the Environment. Green Ribbon Awards: http://www.mfe.govt.nz/
withyou/awards/. The Ministry for the Environment runs the Green Ribbon Awards each
year. These awards recognise outstanding contributions by individuals, organisations and
businesses to protecting and improving the quality of our environment.
• New Zealand Institute of Architects annual awards: http://www.nzia.co.nz/.
• New Zealand Institute Landscape Architects biennial awards: http://www.nzila.co.nz/.
• Sustainable Transport Awards: http://www.tc.gc.ca/programs/environment/UTSP/
awards.htm. The Canadian Urban Transportation Showcase Program supports two award
programmes – sustainable community awards and sustainable urban transportation.
Nominees must demonstrate innovation and excellence in one of the award categories,
which include buildings, energy/renewable energy, residential development, sustainable
community planning and sustainable transportation. Projects that take a holistic, integrated
approach to a sustainable community development issue are encouraged.
• The Academy of Urbanism Awards, United Kingdom:
http://www.academyofurbanism.org.uk/public/awards.php. The Urbanism Awards 2006
had five awards categories: The European City of the Year, The Great Town, The Great
Neighbourhood, The Great Street and The Great Place.

Urban Design Toolkit 47

Urban Design Champion

What it is:
A senior, influential person who provides urban design leadership, promotes and ensures that
quality urban design issues are considered in all relevant decisions throughout their

What it’s useful for:

Keeping urban design on an organisation’s agenda and ensuring urban design objectives are
integrated into all relevant parts of the organisation through clear communication to relevant

How it’s done:

An urban design champion is likely to be most successful if they are a visionary and
inspirational person with leadership skills, and are either a key decision-maker or have easy
access to decision-makers within their organisation.

Training for design champions is essential. In the United States, ‘The Mayors’ Institute on City
Design’ provides urban design education for mayors, and brings together design professionals
and mayors for an intensive three-day design workshop. The underlying rationale is that the
mayor is often the chief urban design champion of a city.

• New Zealand Urban Design Protocol – Appointing an Urban Design Champion:
http://www.mfe.govt.nz/issues/urban/design-protocol/champions.html. Information for
signatories to the Urban Design Protocol on appointing an urban design champion within
their organisation.
• CABE 2006. Design Champions: http://www.cabe.org.uk/AssetLibrary/7705.pdf (28 KB).
Explains why design champions are important, and how they can operate within a
• CABE 2004. Local Authority Design Champions: http://www.cabe.org.uk/
AssetLibrary/2243.pdf (129 KB). A CABE publication on the roles of design champions.

48 Urban Design Toolkit

• CABE 2004. Councillor’s Pack: A Resource to Help Elected Members Champion Great
Design: http://www.cabe.org.uk/. CABE produces two publications:
− Local Leadership for Better Public Places:
http://www.cabe.org.uk/default.aspx?contentitemid=687 (336 KB).
− The Councillor’s Guide to Urban Design:
http://www.cabe.org.uk/default.aspx?contentitemid=1069 (2 MB).
• The Mayors’ Institute on City Design: http://www.archfoundation.org/micd/. The Mayors’
Institute on City Design is a programme dedicated to improving the design and liveability
of America’s cities through the efforts of their chief elected leaders, their mayors.

Urban Design Event

What it is:
A defined event, day, week or year that focuses on urban design promotion and education.

What it’s useful for:

Promoting urban design, increasing community awareness and expectations, enhancing
professional development, networking and generating debate. These events can also help
support marketing of private sector projects.

How it’s done:

An urban design event can include a ‘public lecture’, urban design ‘exhibition’ or ‘open house’.
An urban design day, week or year is generally coordinated across a region or nationally. It may
include exhibitions, visits to designers’ offices, guided field tours, public lectures and other
events that raise the profile of urban design.

• Architecture Week, United Kingdom: http://www.architectureweek.org.uk/. Provides
information on urban design-related events throughout the United Kingdom.
• New Zealand’s Year of the Built Environment 2005 (YBE 2005):
http://www.mfe.govt.nz/issues/urban/ybe/index.html/. YBE 2005 provided an opportunity
to explore and celebrate our built environment – the buildings, spaces and structures in

Urban Design Toolkit 49

which we live, work and play. Throughout the year a collaborative series of events focused
on, and challenged people to, recognise the role the built environment plays in our lives.
• Heritage Week Christchurch, New Zealand: http://www.heritageweek.co.nz/. This annual
celebration takes pride in Christchurch’s rich past by celebrating the city’s built, social and
environmental heritage.
• Urban Design Group, United Kingdom: http://www.urbanintell.com/udgevents.htm. This
links to a website that has a series of video stream lectures from past Urban Design Group

Urban Design Network

What it is:
A coalition of leading urban design organisations, professionals or professional bodies
promoting quality urban design.

What it’s useful for:

Outcomes of urban design are not the exclusive province of any one profession or group. Only
through collaboration and joint activity can quality urban design be achieved. An urban design
network can promote quality design, support continuing professional development events and
bring together different urban design professions and professionals.

How it’s done:

Through a formal association or liaison of professionals or institutes with a clear commitment,
mission or set of criteria that joins the members of the group together to support and promote
quality urban design.

• Urban design champions network: http://www.mfe.govt.nz/issues/urban/design-
protocol/champions.html. A network for signatories to the Urban Design Protocol.
• Urban Design Group, United Kingdom: http://www.udg.org.uk/. Is a campaigning
membership organisation that was founded in 1978. The Urban Design Group produces the
Urban Design Journal and the Urban Design Source Book, and organises events seminars,
conferences and overseas study tours.
• Urban Design Alliance (UDAL), United Kingdom: http://www.udal.org.uk/. Is a network
of key professional and campaigning organisations formed in 1997 to promote the value of
good urban design in the United Kingdom. They organise the Urban Design Week and are
partners in the development of Placecheck.
• Urban Design Alliance Queensland: http://www.udal.org.au/. Is an organisation
representing the design professions and other related groups that are committed to
improving the quality of urban life throughout Queensland, Australia.
• Urban Design Forum, Australia: http://www.udf.org.au/. Began in Melbourne in 1986 and
publishes a quarterly Urban Design Forum magazine. They initiate seminars and

50 Urban Design Toolkit

Visual Simulation

What it is:
Physically generated images (elevation, photograph or video), normally by computer, that
model the appearance of a proposed development or urban design initiative in its context. This
technique is also used to illustrate pedestrian and vehicular flows, and sun/shade impacts
associated with a given development or area.

What it’s useful for:

Used to assess the appearance of projects on sensitive sites, provide tangible evidence of
expected visual effects, and to increase certainty of a visual assessment before implementing a

How it’s done:

Visual simulations include three-dimensional animated representations that can be ‘walked
through’ or ‘flown-through’ on screen. Photo montage techniques are also common. These are
still images of an existing site, with an accurate rendering of the proposed development digitally
inserted into the image to show the proposed development in its context.

• Local Government Commission, United States. Computer Simulation as a Community
Participation Tool: http://www.lgc.org/freepub/land_use/participation_tools/computer_
simulation.html. Provides information on computer simulation and use, with examples of
this as a participation tool.
• EcoSmart: http://www.ecosmart.gov/. Is a web-based visual simulation software
programme designed to evaluate the economic trade-offs between different landscape
practices on residential parcels in relationship to energy and water use and fire prevention.
Users work in a computer-simulation environment to test various landscape and hydrologic
alternatives to arrive at environmentally and economically sound solutions.

Urban Design Toolkit 51

Section 4 Planning and Design Tools
Describing Intended Design Outcomes

Planning and design tools create a vision and set a framework for integrated development.
These tools vary in scale depending on the boundaries of the design framework. They set out
comprehensive design strategies that provide the means to describe, coordinate and apply
quality design intentions in complex urban situations.

These tools guide and promote confidence by creating a clear vision, highlighting issues,
coordinating development, and responding to change. Planning and design tools manage change
through the promotion of quality urban design, focusing on the opportunities, and contributing
to the design process through the provision of a sound policy context. An integrated urban
development strategy that uses a combination of these tools can help implement urban projects
over variable timeframes.

This section describes:

• Planning and Design Tools Working Together
• Accessibility Action Plan
Accessibility monitoring
• Community Plan
Long term council community plan
• Concept Plan
• Conservation Plan
• Covenant
• Design Brief
• Design Code
• Design Guide
Statutory design guides
Non-statutory design guides
• Low Impact Design
• Masterplan
Spatial masterplan
Development plan
• Pattern Book
• Precinct Plan
Enterprise zone
Character areas
Conservation areas
Urban quarters
Centre plans
• Priority Infrastructure Plans
Public facility plans
• Public Art Strategy
• Regional Growth Strategy
• Streetscape Plan
Main street programme
Open space plan
• Streetscape Strategy
• Structure Plan
Regional structure plan
Public open space structure plan

52 Urban Design Toolkit

• Subdivision Code of Practice
• Transport Energy Specification
• Technical Guidance Note
• Urban Design Framework
Development brief
• Urban Design Strategy

Planning and Design Tools Working Together

Many of the planning and design tools work together by providing vision and guidance at
different scales, from the city through to the site. The diagram below illustrates how these urban
design tools can be applied at all the different scales and levels of complexity. It is, therefore,
very important to remember that the decisions taken at each level will impact on the levels both
above and below.

Town or City

Urban Design Strategy Urban Design Framework Design Guide

Overall vision statement establishing Plan and policies that identify the key Policy and principles setting out
general direction for a town or city. urban design features of, and future criteria and ways of achieving quality
Identifies areas or precincts requiring development for, a neighbourhood or urban design.
special consideration. larger complex site.


Structure Plan Precinct Plan Streetscape Strategy

Overall plan for the structure of streets A plan that defines a particular Establishes design direction and
and public spaces with reference to character area or quarter within a town general criteria to apply to design of
land-use. or city and provides guidance for the public space network.
potential development.
Streetscape plan: specific design
improvements for the streets
identified by the streetscape strategy
and structure plan.


Masterplan Design Code Design Brief Covenant Technical Guidance

The final expected Template and rules Description of design Legal restriction or
physical plan of of placement and outcomes and agreement on design Details (eg, street
buildings and open design detail for lot, assessment criteria recorded on a title of furniture, kerbs,
spaces of a large building and open for an urban design a property to improve paving and planting)
development. space design. project. the quality of the built used in the design,
environment. layout, technical
specifications and
maintenance of
public open space –
streets, plazas, parks
and waterways.

Urban Design Toolkit 53

Accessibility Action Plan

What it is:
An accessibility action plan is created to promote movement to people from disadvantaged
groups or areas to essential employment and services. An accessibility action plan considers
improved transport options and the location, design and delivery of other services and people’s
perceptions of personal safety.

What it’s useful for:

Accessibility planning encourages local authorities and other agencies to assess systematically
whether people can get to places of work, health care facilities, education facilities, food shops,
and other destinations that are important to local residents.

How it’s done:

Through a process of an accessibility analysis using an accessibility audit and an accessibility
resource appraisal, which leads to an accessibility action plan and further accessibility

An accessibility action plan of agreed initiatives is formed to improve accessibility for the
identified priority issues and areas. These could include, for example, initiatives to improve
physical accessibility and availability, improved travel advice and information, safer streets and
stations, reducing the need to travel and making travel more affordable.

‘Accessibility monitoring’ uses a set of local accessibility indicators to evaluate accessibility.

• Accessibility Planning, United Kingdom: http://www.accessibilityplanning.gov.uk/.
Provides a variety of information on accessibility planning, including background reports,
accessibility processes, case studies and planning initiatives in the United Kingdom.

Community Plan

What it is:
Getting the community involved in shaping their local surroundings, through planning and
management of their environment.

What it’s useful for:

Bringing local people and resources together, making better decisions and achieving more
appropriate results, building a sense of community, and creating opportunities for speedier

54 Urban Design Toolkit

How it’s done:
There are many ways of undertaking community plans, and the approach will be different for
each community initiative or reason for the plan. Community plans can be undertaken for the
development of community facilities, urban renewal projects, neighbourhood or town centre
upgrades, housing development projects, reuse of derelict sites, heritage conservation projects or
even disaster management plans. An excellent UK website, with a number of general principles,
methods and scenarios for inspiration on community plans is Community Planning:

Under the Local Government Act 2002, local authorities are required to develop a ‘long term
council community plan’ (LTCCP). The Act sets out a formal process for preparing an LTCCP.
These plans are central to the new local government planning framework and are intended to
inform the other planning functions undertaken by local authorities (for example, asset
management plans, district plans, and waste management plans). Their main purpose is to
identify the community outcomes for the district or region and the local authority’s activities
that contribute to these outcomes.

• Christchurch City Council 2005. Christchurch Neighbourhood Plans:
Provides information on current neighbourhood plans, which draw together projects,
potential community initiatives and strategic goals into living documents that can evolve as
the community expectations change and additional renewal opportunities arise.
• Auckland City’s Long Term Plan 2006–2016: http://www.aucklandcity.govt.nz/
council/documents/focus/default.asp. This plan is based on 21 community outcomes, which
are organised into five categories – cultural, economic, environmental, social and city
• Kapiti Coast: Choosing Futures – Community Plan 2006: http://www.kapiticoast.govt.nz/
Home/CommunityPlan2006/. This plan is based on seven community outcomes, which are
linked with a number of cross outcome themes. These include quality design elements, such
as best practice subdivision design and acknowledging the economic benefits of good
design and good quality urban environments.
• Southland District Council – Long Term Council Community Plan 2006–2016:
plan-ltccp$.cfm. Southland District Council has a strong community ethic. The community
outcomes in this plan were developed through an extensive community consultation
• Tauranga District Council – Ten Year Plan 2006–2016: http://council.tauranga.govt.nz/
default.aspx?CategoryID=100610. The major focuses of this plan include managing and
monitoring future growth, transportation and community engagement. The outcomes
sought by this plan are consistent with the SmartGrowth Strategy 2051.

• Ministry for the Environment website: http://www.mfe.govt.nz/withyou/envwellbeing/. Has
information on promoting environmental wellbeing under the Local Government Act 2002.

Urban Design Toolkit 55

• Community Planning, United Kingdom: http://www.communityplanning.net/index.htm.
Provides a broad range of principles, methods and scenarios on community planning.
• Local Government New Zealand, New Zealand Society of Local Government Managers
and the Department of Internal Affairs have two local government Know How Guides on
the Local Government Act. Knowhow Guide to the Local Government Act 2002: An
overview: http://www.lgnz.co.nz/projects/archive/lgknowhow/guides/outcomes.html and
Knowhow Guide to Decision-Making Under the Local Government Act 2002:
• SmartGrowth Toolkit, British Columbia. Official Community Plans:
http://www.smartgrowth.bc.ca/downloads/J1_ToolKitPart_II.pdf (363 KB). Page 15 of this
strategic document helps determine where specific types of developments, such as multi-
family dwellings and mixed-use town centres, could be located.

Concept Plan

What it is:
A conceptual plan of how a site can be developed, which is less detailed than a masterplan.
Often related to landscape plans for street and open space development projects. Concept plans
can also be used to illustrate proposals at the city-wide, sub-regional or regional scale.

What it’s useful for:

Showing the potential development of a site before the masterplan and for drawing up detailed
project plans. Concept plans are particularly useful at the beginning of a project and during
community consultation.

How it’s done:

Development of a design concept in a plan format, often accompanied by sketch plans and/or a
rough model of the project.

• Ministry for the Environment 2005. Urban Design Case Studies: New Zealand Urban
Design Protocol: http://www.mfe.govt.nz/publications/urban/urban-design-case-studies-
mar05/html/page15.html. New Plymouth Foreshore, pp 71–76. The development of the
foreshore began with the council preparing three concepts that ranged from a heavily
developed scheme with a strong commercial emphasis to a very natural approach. These
concepts were tested through extensive public consultation.
• Auckland Regional Council. Long Bay Concept Plan: http://www.arc.govt.nz/arc/auckland-
regional-parks/northern-parks/long-bay-concept-plan.cfm. Is a preferred concept plan
considering the future of Long Bay Regional Park and open for public comment.
• Auckland City Council. Mutukaroa-Hamlins Hill Concept Plan:
http://www.aucklandcity.govt.nz/council/projects/hamlinshill/default.asp. Is a future
enhancement and development plan for the largest non-volcanic hill in Auckland, focusing
on park usage, recreation areas, public access, and vegetation planting.

56 Urban Design Toolkit

• Christchurch City Council. The Groynes Concept Plan: http://www.ccc.govt.nz/
consultation/GroynesConceptPlan/. The Groynes Concept Plan examines the current
context of the park, taking into account past and intended changes and the neighbourhood.
The overall concept, as a long term vision for The Groynes, is for a regional park that
provides linked recreational opportunities in the countryside.
• Auckland City Council. Lumsden Green Development: http://www.aucklandcity.govt.nz/
council/projects/lumsden/plan.asp. Sets out the proposed design for the Lumsden Green
Reserve. The long term vision for Lumsden Green is for it to become a gateway to
Newmarket and a park where many people like to relax and spend time.
• Auckland Regional Council. Cornwallis Concept Plan: http://www.arc.govt.nz/arc/
auckland-regional-parks/western-parks/planning-the-future-of-cornwallis.cfm. A
progressive concept plan that identifies a staged approach to the Cornwallis peninsula and
the Cornwallis wharf area development over the next 20 years. Includes visitor facilities
and enhancement of recreational opportunities, while maintaining natural and cultural
• Manukau City Council. Manurewa Town Centre: http://www.manukau.govt.nz/
default.aspx?id=3134&. The Manurewa Town Centre was identified by the Auckland
Regional Growth Strategy as a centre that could accommodate additional growth because of
its proximity to public transport. This concept plan covers an area of approximately 10
minutes walk in every direction from the town centre, and aims to help revitalise the town
• South Waikato District Council. Tirau Concept Plan: http://www.swktodc.govt.nz/pdf/
tirau_concept_plan/full%20document.pdf (1945 KB). This concept plan focuses on the
enhancement of Tirau’s retail village. Its key priorities include infrastructure planning,
traffic safety and parking and business promotion.

Conservation Plan

What it is:
A conservation plan is a document that identifies why a place is important and how it should be
conserved in the future.

What it’s useful for:

Informing major design-related decisions affecting historic places. It does this through
increasing people’s understanding of the characteristics that contribute to making a place
important and by providing direction to guide the conservation, use and development of historic
places, particularly where their future use is unknown, or undecided or where major
development work is proposed.

How it’s done:

Conservation plan preparation generally comprises a two-stage process as follows:
• Stage 1 – understanding the place through gathering and analysing documentary and
physical evidence and then assessing and stating heritage significance.

Urban Design Toolkit 57

• Stage 2 – conservation policy and implementation through gathering information to help
develop a conservation policy (for example, physical condition, external requirements such
as legal and stakeholder views, requirements for the retention of significance, and feasible
uses). Followed by developing a conservation policy and identifying strategies for its

The undertaking of the process in two discrete stages helps increase the plan’s integrity because
the significance of a place can be assessed in isolation of the practical requirements that will
inform subsequent policy.

• Kerr, JS 2000. The Conservation Plan. National Trust of Australia: NSW. (Fifth edition.)
• Bowron, G and Harris, J 2000. Guidelines for Preparing Conservation Plans. New Zealand
Historic Places Trust: Wellington. (Second edition.)

• Christchurch City Council – Conservation Plans: http://www.ccc.govt.nz/Christchurch/
Heritage/Information/ConservationPlans.asp. Provide general information concerning
conservation plans and their preparation.
• English Heritage – Conservation Plans: A Guide for the Perplexed: http://www.unitar.org/
%20Plans/Conservation%20Plans%20-%20Questions.pdf (112 KB). Provides answers to a
number of basic questions about conservation plans.
• McCahon House Conservation Plan: http://www.mccahonhouse.org.nz/house/consplan/
default.asp. Is an example of a plan prepared for Waitakere City Council and the McCahon
House Trust.
• Sydney Opera House Conservation Plan: http://www.sydneyoperahouse.com/sections/
corporate/about_us/pdfs/aboutus_conservationplan2003.pdf (3.49 MB). Is an example of a
plan prepared for the Sydney Opera House Trust.
• North Shore City. Victoria Theatre Conservation Plan: http://www.thevic.co.nz/
downloads/Victoria-Theatre-Conservation-Plan.pdf (2.7 MB). A plan to assist with the
conservation and maintenance of the Victoria Theatre in Devonport, North Shore City. The
theatre is believed to be the oldest purpose-built theatre still standing in New Zealand.
• A number of councils and professional institutes have prepared conservation plans,
however, not all of these are available on the web. Contact your local council for further
information on conservation plans. A full list of council websites can be found on the
Quality Planning website: http://www.qualityplanning.org.nz/contacts/index.php or Local
Government New Zealand website: http://www.lgnz.co.nz/lg-sector/maps/.

58 Urban Design Toolkit


What it is:
A legal restriction or agreement recorded on the title of a property that is a matter of private

What it’s useful for:

Covenants relate generally to the relationship between vendor and purchaser or leaser and lessee
and are not a public regulatory tool. For example, a covenant may be used to implement private
design controls on a site, which may cover the range of building materials used, the height and
placement of buildings, planting and tree protection, and the extent and type of site work.
Private individuals decide what is going into the covenant.

How it’s done:

Applied to a variety of matters, including aspects of design not covered by a district plan’s rules
or guidelines, but can also be applied to protect and conserve places of ecological or historic
heritage value. Covenants can be used by private developers to uphold the specific style or
design quality of their development over time. Design expertise will be needed to implement
design-related covenants if they require skilled qualitative assessment. Covenants are unlikely
to achieve high-quality results unless they are technically robust, applied with appropriate skill
and have a means of enforcement after the developer is no longer involved.

• Ministry for the Environment 2005. Urban Design Case Studies: New Zealand Urban
Design Protocol: http://www.mfe.govt.nz/publications/urban/urban-design-case-studies-
mar05/html/page5.html. Beaumont Quarter, Auckland, pp 13–17, has a developer covenant
on the historic buildings.
• New Zealand Historic Places Trust Heritage Covenants: http://www.historic.org.nz/
heritage/heritage_covenants.html. Heritage covenants are attached to the land title and
place conditions or restriction on its use. There are over 60 heritage covenants at present.
• QEII National Trust: http://www.nationaltrust.org.nz/. A QEII open space covenant is a
legally binding protection agreement. It is registered on the title of the land. There are over
2000 QEII covenants that can apply to the whole property or just part of it. They are
generally in perpetuity.
• SmartGrowth Toolkit, British Columbia. Conservation Covenants:
http://www.smartgrowth.bc.ca/downloads/J1_ToolKitPart_II.pdf (363 KB). Page 66
outlines conservation covenants, which help protect significant ecological, cultural,
heritage, aesthetic and recreational values. This toolkit highlights the key principles for
success and the challenges involved in establishing a conservation covenant.
• Christchurch City Council. Heritage Conservation Covenants: http://www.ccc.govt.nz/
Christchurch/Heritage/Information/ConservationCovenants.asp. Christchurch City Council
has a conservation covenant that ensures the protection of heritage values with the
advantages of continuing private ownership.

Urban Design Toolkit 59

Design Brief

What it is:
A coherent description by the client to the design team that sets out the desired physical design
criteria and outcomes for an urban design project.

What it’s useful for:

Used by all developers, including local authorities, to outline their vision and desired design

How it’s done:

A brief will define a site and context, and outline the vision and expectations for site
development, including the important outcomes and conditions. Often developed in conjunction
with a masterplan or precinct plan and after higher-level vision documents, such as an urban
design strategy, have been completed. Every brief should set out: the mission; objectives;
performance requirements and measures; priorities; management decisions and responsibilities;
timeframe; and who is expected to respond. A design brief may also describe required qualities
in addition to desired physical outcomes. Urban design briefs often provide a graphic indication
of key alignments, dimensions or relationships to be established with existing buildings, streets
or open spaces.

• CABE. The Design Brief: http://www.cabe.org.uk/publications/default.aspx?
contentitemid=591. This document provides information on the purpose, who should
contribute and what is needed in a design brief.

• Wellington City Council. Willis/Victoria Urban Design Brief: http://www.wellington.
govt.nz/projects/pdfs/chews-design-brief.pdf (20 KB). An urban design brief for a site with
identified heritage and urban design values in the central city.
• The Artworks Creative Spaces Project, United Kingdom: http://www.art-works.
org.uk/research/bigsink0.shtml. Provides a brief that understands the characteristics of
successful art spaces within schools, galleries and museums across the United Kingdom.
• Wellington City Council. Design Brief for Frank Kitts Park: http://wellingtoncity.govt.nz/
pdf/4_app1_Frank_Kitts_design_brief.pdf (40 KB). Outlines criteria for the redesign of
Frank Kitts Park in Wellington, which includes a Chinese Garden.

60 Urban Design Toolkit

Design Code

What it is:
A precise description of parameters for designing buildings and open space within a
development, which may also include specification on material and design detail. This is three-
dimensional, performance-based zoning.

What it’s useful for:

Used by local councils and private sector developers to control the site planning and design
quality of buildings and open space within a development.

How it’s done:

A design code usually comprises a masterplan and written information. The masterplan is three
dimensional and illustrates the development area and intended arrangement of spaces, buildings
and design details. The written information explains the plan, and details issues such as
landscape, materials and mix of uses. The more detailed design codes will probably provide a
pattern book.

• CABE 2003. The Use of Urban Design Codes: Building Sustainable Communities:
http://www.cabe.org.uk/default.aspx?contentitemid=610 (539 KB). Summary information
asking a number of questions about design codes in the UK situation.
• CABE 2005. Design Coding: Testing its use in England: http://www.cabe.org.uk/
default.aspx?contentitemid=672 (1.5 MB). A summary of the interim findings into the use
of design codes in the United Kingdom.
• CABE 2006. Preparing Design Codes: A Practice Manual:
29.pdf (2.1 MB). This UK guide shows how design codes can deliver good-quality places,
and explains how design codes can be integrated into the planning, design and development
processes that shape the built environment.
• Department of Planning, New South Wales. Residential Flat Design Code:
http://www.planning.nsw.gov.au/programservices/dcode.asp. This New South Wales
resource is designed to enable practitioners to improve residential flat design. It sets broad
parameters for good residential flat design by illustrating the use of development controls
and consistent guidelines.
• Ministry for the Environment, 2005. Urban Design Case Studies: New Zealand Urban
Design Protocol: http://www.mfe.govt.nz/publications/urban/urban-design-case-studies-
mar05/html/page6.html. Botany Downs, Manukau, pp 18–25. The role of the Design Code
for Intensive Housing within the Manukau District Plan. Each developer’s commitment to
urban design principles ensured the overall design was consistent with the proposed urban
design features.
• Office of Deputy Prime Minister, United Kingdom 2006. Design Coding in Practice: An
Evaluation: http://www.communities.gov.uk/index.asp?id=1500095 (5667 KB). This report
presents the findings of research that sought to test the impact of design coding on a

Urban Design Toolkit 61

number of outcomes. The research concluded that design codes are valuable tools for
delivering a range of benefits.

Design Guide

What it is:
A guideline that describes in words and illustrations the principles for achieving quality urban
design. Design guides can either be non-statutory or given statutory effect through incorporation
into (or referenced through) a Resource Management Act plan rule.

What it’s useful for:

Guiding decision-making and providing a consistent approach on urban design projects. A
statutory design guide makes design criteria explicit, provides consistency for the developer and
community, and allows for a robust assessment and decision-making process. Design guides
may be applied to specific areas, such as character areas, town and city centres, development
types (for example, multi-unit housing), or to design issues (for example, design for streetscape
quality or safety).

How it’s done:

The development of a design guide may start with the examination and debate of all urban
design issues. When a draft design guide is developed it can be subject to consultation before
being adopted.

Design guides generally come in two forms:

• ‘Statutory design guides’, often called ‘design criteria’, have legal status in a district plan
and provide explicit criteria for assessing the quality of design outcomes. For example, by
forming part of a plan rule or policy. They provide developers and designers with
information on critical issues before starting the design process, and ensure that the method
of assessing design quality is systematic, consistent and transparent. The statutory design
guide’s legal status gives the necessary leverage to ensure that it is followed. Design
expertise is therefore required to implement statutory design guides, because they
inevitably require skilled qualitative assessment. These guides should contain explanations
and/or illustrations to demonstrate the context and rationale for design principles. They
should also include design objectives to clarify the intent of the guidelines and allow for
flexibility in the design approach.
• ‘Non-statutory design guides’ are used for education and advocacy and, when combined
with promotion, can be an effective means of distributing information on quality design.
Because there is no compulsion for a developer or designer to consider a non-statutory
design guide, it will be most effective when the majority of users are persuaded that it is in
their interests to follow the guide. It should be attractively presented, use accessible
language and graphics, and be supported by ongoing promotion.

Site- or area-specific design guides are also used by private developers and can take the form of
a design code, pattern book or covenant where they are implemented by means of a legal
agreement or covenant.

62 Urban Design Toolkit

• Ministry for the Environment 2002. People+Places+Spaces: A design guide for urban New
Zealand: http://www.mfe.govt.nz/publications/rma/people-places-spaces-mar02/.
Information on what urban design is, and how to achieve better urban design.
• Cowan, Robert 2003. Urban Design Guidance. Thomas Telford: Tonbridge. See the review
on the Urban Design Group website: http://www.udg.org.uk/.
• Land Transport Safety Authority. Pedestrian network planning and facilities design guide:
• Opus International Consultants Limited 2007. Tools for Sustainable Management of
Settlement Form in New Zealand: http://www.learningsustainability.org.nz/. This report
presents an introduction to some of the methods and tools that have been used in New
Zealand and overseas to manage sustainable settlement form and design. Design guides are
discussed on page 60 of the report.

Examples – Statutory design guidelines

• Wellington City Council. District Plan Volume 2, Design Guides: http://www.wellington.
govt.nz/plans/district/volume2/vol2.html. Statutory design guides for general, character and
precinct areas within the city.

Examples – Non-statutory design guidelines

• North Shore City: http://www.northshorecity.govt.nz/?src=/your_neigbourhood/urban-
design/overview.htm. Has produced a variety of non-statutory advisory design guides that
are available on their website.
• Waitakere City Council. Developer’s Design Guide: http://www.waitakere.govt.nz/
AbtCit/ec/bldsus/dvlprsdesgngde.asp. Guidelines to help developers and residents
understand the yardsticks by which the council measures residential subdivisions and
comprehensive housing developments.
• Auckland City Council. Residential Design Guide: http://www.aucklandcity.govt.nz/
council/documents/design/default.asp. For developments in residential zones in strategic
growth management areas.
• Christchurch City Council 2005: http://www.ccc.govt.nz/publications/designguides/. A
variety of non-statutory design guides.
• Dunedin City Council 2005. Design Guidelines: Princess Street Commercial Precinct:
f&ext=.pdf (73 KB).
• Rodney District Council 2004. Draft Gulf Harbour Non-Regulatory Design Guidelines
• Prince’s Foundation, United Kingdom 2006. HRH The Prince of Wales’s Affordable Rural
Housing Initiative – Creating a Sense of Place: A Design Guide: http://www.princes-
foundation.org/files/affordableruralhousing.pdf (3 MB). This guide focuses on the
appearance, construction and layout of affordable housing designed for villages and small
towns. Case studies are used throughout to demonstrate the principles of good design in

Urban Design Toolkit 63

Low Impact Design

What it is:
Low impact design (LID) is a site design approach that protects and incorporates natural site
features into erosion and sediment control and stormwater management plans. It uses
catchments as the ecological basis for designing sites, and the principles can be applied from
large-scale developments, through to individual lots. Key elements include working with natural
systems by avoiding or minimising impervious surfaces, minimising earthworks and using
vegetation to trap sediment and pollutants.

What it’s useful for:

It helps minimise sediment and pollutant run-off and reduces impervious areas. It also reduces
energy, infrastructure, maintenance and site development costs.

How it’s done:

LID requires the minimisation of hydrologic impacts and the provision of controls to mitigate
and restore the unavoidable disturbance to the hydrologic regime.

Note, LID is referred to in Australia as ‘Water Sensitive Urban Design’ (WSUD); in the United
Kingdom as ‘Sustainable Urban Design Systems’ (SUDS); and in New Zealand as ‘Low Impact
Urban Design and Development’ (LIUDD).

• Manaaki Whenua, Landcare Research. Incorporating urban sustainability within
community-based catchment initiatives: http://www.landcare.org.nz/integrated_
catchment_management/index.htm. This joint initiative between the New Zealand Landcare
Trust and Landcare Research aims to raise community awareness and stimulate behaviours
that lead to the enhancement of water quality and biodiversity within urban areas.
• Water Sensitive Urban Design, Melbourne (WSUD): http://wsud.melbournewater.com.au/.
Provides information on WSUD and also provides a link to WSUD case studies in
• Water Sensitive Urban Design, Sydney: http://wsud.org. This site provides information on
WSUD and initiatives in the Sydney region.
• The National Urban Water Governance Program, United States: http://arts.monash.edu.au/
ges/research/nuwgp/. This site includes information on a social research programme that
aims to provide a knowledge base that will inform and assist urban water managers build
institutional capacity, improve water governance, and deliver sustainable forms of water
• Environmental Protection Agency, United States. Smart Growth and Water: Resources and
Tools: http://www.epa.gov/watertrain/smartgrowth/resources/index.htm. This site is a
portal to US resources on zoning and ordinances, case studies, low-impact development
tools, and site planning techniques.
• The Low Impact Development Centre, United States:
http://www.lowimpactdevelopment.org/home.htm. The Low Impact Development Centre is

64 Urban Design Toolkit

a US non-profit organisation dedicated to the advancement of low impact development
technology. This website provides links to research, training and other resources.

• Auckland Regional Council. Breathing Space: Creating Memorable Places with Living
Infrastructure: http://www.arc.govt.nz/arc/environment/water/stormwater/low-impact-
design.cfm. The council has developed this simple presentation to illustrate how low impact
design, as a stormwater management solution, can add value to urban design and provide a
holistic approach to urban development.
• Auckland Regional Council. Low Impact Design Manual: http://www.arc.govt.nz/arc/
environment/water/stormwater/low-impact-design.cfm. Contains information on
approaches, resources, procedures and case studies.
• Manaaki Whenua, Landcare Research. Low Impact Urban Design and Development
(LIUDD): http://www.landcareresearch.co.nz/research/built/liudd/ Provides information
about the LIUDD research programme, which is funded by the Foundation of Research
Science and Technology. Contains numerous links to New Zealand and international


What it is:
A masterplan describes the final expected outcome of a large site and may be used to direct
development on smaller sites. It describes the physical configuration and phasing of buildings,
infrastructure and/or public spaces.

What it’s useful for:

Outlining the expected final outcome of a development with the physical layout of buildings,
public spaces, roading and possible land uses. Used to direct and coordinate further detailed
development on the site. Masterplans are used in site development and open space projects by
(public or private) developers to provide certainty about design and development intentions.
Masterplans are valuable in creating opportunities for regeneration, and in providing a plan for
either brownfield or greenfield development. Developers often use masterplans as sales and
marketing tools to illustrate the final look or character of their development scheme.

How it’s done:

Because of their complexity, masterplans typically require a multi-disciplinary team. In the
creation of a masterplan, a variety of urban design tools will be used. Masterplans that are
expected to be implemented over an extended time period can be restrictive if they are given
regulatory status, unless the status allows for change. This approach is sometimes referred to as
a ‘spatial masterplan’ or a ‘development plan’.

Masterplans are often produced with reference to a higher level urban design strategy that is
applied to a neighbourhood, city, town or region.

Urban Design Toolkit 65

• Bristol International Airport Masterplan, United Kingdom: http://www.bristolairport.co.uk/
about_us/masterplan.aspx#Documents. This masterplan sets out the airport development
proposals for the period up to 2015, with particular attention to transportation issues.
Additionally, the plan looks forward to 2030, setting out how the airport may develop in the
longer term to meet the projected growth demand in air travel.
• Ministry for the Environment 2005. Urban Design Case Studies: New Zealand Urban
Design Protocol: http://www.mfe.govt.nz/publications/urban/urban-design-case-studies-
mar05/html/page4.html. Auckland University of Technology (AUT), pp 7–12. The
masterplan for AUT is a collaboration between the project partners AUT, JASMAX, Opus
and Auckland City Council that allowed the design of buildings and activities to address
and enhance environmental characteristics.
• Ministry for the Environment 2005. Urban Design Case Studies: New Zealand Urban
Design Protocol: http://www.mfe.govt.nz/publications/urban/urban-design-case-studies-
mar05/html/page5.html. Beaumont Quarter – Auckland, pp 13–17. A masterplan was
necessary to organise major structural elements, such as pedestrian and motor vehicle
connections, and the location and massing of residential buildings.
• Ministry for the Environment 2005: Urban Design Case Studies: New Zealand Urban
Design Protocol: http://www.mfe.govt.nz/publications/urban/urban-design-case-studies-
mar05/html/page6.html. Botany Downs – Manukau City, pp 17–25. The three projects,
Eastpark, Sacramento and Botany Town Centre, were each designed under their own
masterplan within the ambit of the Te U Kaipo structure plan.
• CABE 2004: Creating Successful Masterplans: A Guide for Clients: http://www.cabe.
org.uk/default.aspx?contentitemid=451. Provides information on what makes a successful
masterplan, the masterplanning process, and how to be a successful masterplanning client.
• CABE 2004: Design Reviewed Masterplans: http://www.cabe.org.uk/default.aspx?
903KB. Is a lessons-learnt report from the CABE Design Review programme bringing
together a varied number of masterplannning projects as case studies, describing what was
proposed and CABE’s analysis of the designs.
• Wellington City Council. Port Redevelopment Precinct Master Plan:
chap13app02.pdf (368 KB). This statutory masterplan is part of Plan Change 48 in the
Central Area Review. It sets out the intended design outcomes of the Wellington Port
redevelopment. It is anticipated that the masterplan will create a new precinct within the
port area.
• North Shore City Council. Devonport Draft Master Plan: http://www.northshorecity.
govt.nz/?src=/your_neigbourhood/devonport-urban-design-competition/default.htm. This
draft masterplan stems from the development of the Devonport Centre Plan and the Urban
Design Competition. This is a summary of the developed competition winning scheme –
now called the Devonport Draft Master Plan. The plan aims to retain and strengthen the
existing town centre structure of Devonport, the street scale and footpaths and trees.

66 Urban Design Toolkit

Pattern Book

What it is:
A ‘pattern book’ is based upon the vision of a masterplan or the character of an existing
neighbourhood. It regulates the building bulk, architectural massing, building types, heights,
facades, styles, materials, and details of a proposed character, or character that you may wish to

What it’s useful for:

A pattern book establishes the basic design guidelines that will ensure that the architecture of
the individual buildings within an urban area will all be in keeping with the overall masterplan
vision. Pattern books can also describe guidelines for open space, streets, parking and service

How it’s done:

Design details are specified that aim to produce a consistent scale and proportion appropriate to
their context. A pattern book should raise the standards of design by providing options and
issues for quality design of building.

• Residential Flat Pattern Book: http://www.patternbook.nsw.gov.au/. Is a residential
resource book of ideas and precedents to guide better design of residential flat development
in New South Wales, Australia.
• Norfolk City, United States: http://www.norfolk.gov/Planning/comehome/Norfolk_
Pattern_Book/residents.html. A pattern book website organised into four sections: The
Overview, Neighbourhood Patterns, Architectural Patterns and Landscape Patterns. Each
section is designed to provide key information to help in making design and site planning
decisions for planned renovations or new house construction.

Urban Design Toolkit 67

Precinct Plan

What it is:
A plan or set of policies and guidelines used to direct development within a defined area.

What it’s useful for:

Managing and directing change consistent with the conditions and characteristics of a defined
neighbourhood or character area.

How it’s done:

The precinct is defined by its context, character and unique functions and mapped to a particular
location in a town or city. Specific policies, guidelines or plans are put together to manage
development within the precinct. Precincts may range in scale, from individual spaces within a
campus environment, to streets and neighbourhoods within a city. Examples of precinct
planning include designation of a business improvement district, an ‘enterprise zone’, special
activity area, ‘character areas’, ‘conservation areas’ and ‘urban quarters’.

Town centre plans or ‘centre plans’ usually apply to suburban businesses, retail and mixed-use
areas. A centre plan integrates planning, streetscape and public transport improvements. It is
often closely related to a town centre programme or a main street programme that focuses on the
management, physical enhancement, economic development and marketing of an area.

• Ministry for the Environment 2005. Urban Design Case Study: New Zealand Urban Design
Protocol: http://www.mfe.govt.nz/publications/urban/urban-design-case-studies-
mar05/html/page14.html. New Lynn Town Centre, Waitakere City. This case study outlines
the design process and lessons learnt with the Waitakere City-initiated New Lynn town
centre revitalisation.
• Wellington City Council. District Plan Volume 2 Design Guides:
http://www.wellington.govt.nz/plans/district/volume2/vol2.html. Includes seven statutory
design guidelines for character area design guides. Specifically, the Thorndon Character
Area: http://www.wellington.govt.nz/plans/district/volume2/pdfs/v2thorndon.pdf (403 KB),
which gives a detailed set of guidelines for the Thorndon area, Wellington, with historically
significant mid-nineteenth century buildings, streets and spaces.
• Manukau City Council. Manukau Town Centres and Business Precincts:
http://www.manukau.govt.nz/default.aspx?id=134 (440 KB). Manukau Town Centres
Strategy for its 18 town centres.
• Tauranga City Council 2002. Mount Maunganui Neighbourhood Plan:
http://www.manukau.govt.nz/default.aspx?id=134 (616 KB). Draws local community and
public planning into an integrated framework for the next 10 years.
• Auckland City Council. Centre Plans: http://www.aucklandcity.govt.nz/council/
documents/centreplan/default.asp. Information on plans, policies and reports.
• Auckland City Council. Aotea Quarter Plan: http://www.aucklandcity.govt.nz/council/
projects/cbdproject/centeringstage.asp. Is one of a number of place-based plans that are part

68 Urban Design Toolkit

of Auckland’s CBD Into the Future strategy: http://www.aucklandcity.govt.nz/council/
• Napier Art Deco Historic Precinct: http://www.doc.govt.nz/upload/documents/getting-
(1281 KB). In January 2005, the Department of Conservation released a public discussion
paper inviting submissions on the development of a tentative list of potential New Zealand
World Heritage Site nominations, including the Napier Art Deco Historic Precinct.

Priority Infrastructure Plans

What it is:
Priority infrastructure plans (PIPs) are used to identify the existing and future infrastructure
necessary to provide for estimated future population growth. They provide a clear and certain
basis for the calculation of infrastructure charges applicable to new development. Generally,
these plans include:
• stormwater infrastructure (drainage and water quality)
• transport infrastructure (roads, cycle and pedestrian paths)
• local community infrastructure (open space and land for local community purposes such as
libraries, community halls and so on).

What it’s useful for:

PIPs are a key mechanism for assisting in planning and growth management. They help ensure
water, sewerage, stormwater, public and private transport, recreational facilities, and land for
community facilities are provided in an efficient and sustainable way, and new developments
pay their fair share of the cost of providing infrastructure.

In New Zealand, PIPs can help inform structure plans by helping identify the location of
essential infrastructure, such as roading.

How it’s done:

PIPs establish an infrastructure planning benchmark for the planning scheme. They identify:
• where growth is expected to occur
• the nature and scale of this growth
• the plans and desired service standards for the infrastructure necessary to service the

In Australia, PIPs are prepared in consultation with the state government and take into account
local and state government policies, infrastructure efficiencies, expected population growth, and
demand for serviced land and market expectations. They identify the areas within a locality that
are, or are planned to be, serviced with development infrastructure.

Urban Design Toolkit 69

In the United States, PIPs are often referred to as ‘public facility plans’ and are administered at
both local and state levels, depending on the nature of the infrastructure. They are undertaken in
a similar manner to PIPs and regulated according to the likely impacts.

• Tauranga District Council. Urban Growth Area Structure Plans:
http://council.tauranga.govt.nz/districtplan/operative/maps/Section8_Index.pdf (428 KB).
Although referred to as structure plans, these planning maps provide classic examples of
• Cairns City Council, North Queensland 2004. Priority Infrastructure Plans: The Cairns
Tool Kit: http://www.qela.com.au/_dbase_upl/20_J_Elphinstone.pdf (99 KB). Provides an
overview of the Cairns City Council draft PIP. This toolkit has been designed to assist
local governments who are seeking to prepare and implement their own PIP.
• Gold Coast City Council, Queensland: http://www.goldcoast.qld.gov.au/t_standard.aspx?
PID=5456. The Gold Coast City Council has prepared a PIP for the city. This plan
identifies where growth is expected to occur, and the nature, scale, timing and funding of
this growth.
• Queensland Government: http://www.ipa.qld.gov.au/infra/infraPlanning.asp. This link
provides an overview of the Queensland government’s infrastructure planning and
information on PIPs.

Public Art Strategy

What it is:
A strategy that commits a council or organisation to supporting and encouraging art in its town
and city. Aims can include: supporting the development of local artists; generating new art-
related employment; expressing different cultures; developing opportunities in the urban fabric
where arts can be expressed and people can participate; and improving the quality of the built

What it’s useful for:

Supporting the recognised key role that public art plays in a town or city’s social, cultural and
economic development, and as an important vehicle for urban renewal and city marketing.

How it’s done:

Working with the art community to create a challenging and creative strategy with social
outputs and local involvement that is fully integrated with wider planning, policy and design
tools. The strategy may start small, with a number of local art-related events, and build up to a
number of high-profile, national-interest events or artworks.

‘Public art’ is defined in the widest possible sense as artistic works created for, or located in,
part of a public space or facility and accessible to members of the public. Public art includes
works of a permanent or temporary nature located in the public domain.

70 Urban Design Toolkit

• Auckland City Council. Central Area Public Art Policy and Guidelines:
http://www.aucklandcity.govt.nz/council/documents/publicart/default.asp. Provide a vision,
objectives, policy and guidelines on public art in the central area of Auckland.
• Christchurch City Council. Arts Policy and Strategy: http://www.ccc.govt.nz/policy/arts/
CCCArtsStrategy.pdf (147 KB). Provides policy goals and objectives plus information on
the significance and importance of the arts in Christchurch.
• New Plymouth District Council. Community Arts Strategy 2003–2007:
trategy.htm. Outlines the vision and goals of the Taranaki Arts Community Trust, which
acts as the main organisation to develop and enhance local community art within Taranaki.
• Dunedin City Council 1998. Art in Public Places Policy: http://www.cityofdunedin.com/
city/?MIvalObj=policy_art_public&MItypeObj=application/pdf&ext=.pdf (13 KB).
Provides the purpose and guidelines for the role of art in the public places of Dunedin City.

Regional Growth Strategy

What it is:
A long term strategy that provides a comprehensive spatial framework for managing a region’s
growth. These strategies have regard to the functions of an urban community that are influenced
by spatially focused policies, activities and services, and seek to integrate these in a sustainable
manner. For example, the location and density of housing, transportation and other
infrastructure networks, protection of the natural environment, spatially led social planning, and
the location, intensity and employment opportunities associated with existing and future
business centres. The growth strategy will often incorporate other high-level urban design tools,
such as a regional or city-wide urban design strategy.

What it’s useful for:

Helps provide a clear, spatial framework and strategic direction(s) for anticipated future growth
in a region. Enables integrated multi-disciplinary planning to occur at the regional level in a
manner that guides, directs and influences local decisions to ensure growth is addressed across
all scales and disciplines. For example, the best locations for future growth nodes and transport

Regional growth strategies also help inform documents such as regional policy statements,
regional land transport strategies, district plans and long term council community plans.

How it’s done:

A regional forum undertakes technical analysis and research, alongside political input and joint
consultation with numerous people and organisations. A cross-section of people are involved,
including politicians, developers, planners, architects, infrastructure operators, iwi, stormwater
and environmental experts and business people. A draft strategy is released for consultation and
submissions are made on the draft content before the final strategy is implemented.

Urban Design Toolkit 71

• Jowett, Stephanie 2002. Managing Growth, Planning Quarterly December:
http://www.qualityplanning.org.nz/pubs/Managing-Growth.pdf (765 KB). This article
provides an overview of the Auckland Regional Growth Strategy and describes the
development and implementation of the Liveable Communities Strategy 2050.
• Ministry for Economic Development (MED). Strategies for Regional Growth:
http://www.med.govt.nz/templates/ContentTopicSummary____21319.aspx. These regional
economic development strategy guidelines were produced by the MED to contribute to the
continual development of high-quality strategies.
• Opus International Consultants Limited 2007. Tools for Sustainable Management of
Settlement Form in New Zealand: http://www.learningsustainability.org.nz/. This report
presents an introduction to some of the methods and tools that have been used in New
Zealand and overseas to manage sustainable settlement form and design. Growth
management strategies are discussed on page 19.
• Tucker, Michael and Waghorn, Brenna 2006. Multiple Strategies in Search of Coherent
Implementation: http://www.qualityplanning.org.nz/pubs/Multiple-Strategies-in-Search-of-
Coherent-Implementation.pdf (2.2 MB). This article outlines the various strategies and
plans developed for the Auckland region, including the regional growth strategy in 1999.

• Auckland Regional Council 1999. Auckland Regional Growth Strategy:
This strategy sets a vision for how the region’s growth can be sustainably managed over the
next 50 years. The key issues it covers include: urban form, housing, transport, business
and economy, employment location and the environment.
• Greater Christchurch Urban Development Strategy 2006.
http://www.greaterchristchurch.org.nz/. The intent of this strategy is to provide the primary
strategic direction for the greater Christchurch area and establish a basis for all
organisations and the community to cooperatively manage growth. It considers the
complexity and inter-relationships of issues around land-use, transport and infrastructure
including community facilities, while incorporating social, health, cultural, economic and
environmental values.
• Wellington Regional Strategy: http://www.wrs.govt.nz. A sustainable economic growth
strategy that was developed over two years by the region’s nine local authorities. It contains
a range of initiatives, including transport, housing, urban design and open spaces, aimed at
getting the Wellington region to realise its economic potential and to enhance regional
• Western Bay of Plenty, Smart Growth Strategy: http://www.smartgrowthbop.org.nz/. This
50-year strategy was developed by Smartgrowth and implemented in May 2004. It
provides a context for considering the sub-region’s growth-management decisions and how
they may affect the welfare of future generations. A range of initiatives is covered by this
strategy, including the location of housing and employment and their impact on
transportation networks, and the need to protect versatile land resources that provide a
strong base for the region’s economy.

72 Urban Design Toolkit

Streetscape Plan

What it is:
A design plan that details development, improvements or regeneration proposals for a single
street or open space.

What it’s useful for:

Guiding refurbishment of specific streets and spaces in the city, often as part of a wider public
space enhancement strategy, and sometimes integrated with marketing and economic
regeneration initiatives or a town centre programme or main street programme.

How it’s done:

An overall design vision is required to direct the construction and management proposals of a
streetscape plan. A number of tools, including research and analysis, community participation
and awareness raising, will be used in the development of a streetscape plan. It may also be
known as a ‘open space plan’.

• Auckland City Council 2005: http://www.aucklandcity.govt.nz/auckland/transport/
projects/default.asp. Transport projects, including a number of street upgrade plans.

Streetscape Strategy

What it is:
A planning policy that describes at a high level the visual qualities and (sometimes)
management and maintenance requirements that must be met by the design of open space and
public areas.

What it’s useful for:

Providing coordinated guidance for the design of a street system and associated public spaces
within a town or city.

Urban Design Toolkit 73

How it’s done:
A streetscape strategy may cover a neighbourhood, or an entire town or city centre. Based on an
understanding of local context, character and needs, the strategy will usually identify the
intended hierarchy of open spaces and the general design approach at all levels of the hierarchy.
It may also be known as a ‘open space enhancement strategy’ and will sometimes include
detailed streetscape plans for identified streets and masterplans for key public spaces.

Structure Plan

What it is:
A high-level plan that shows the arrangement of land-use types, and identifies public
infrastructure, such as streets, schools, rail, reservoirs and natural features. The integration of
multiple transport modes and destinations can also be shown.

What it’s useful for:

Guiding the future development or redevelopment of a particular area by coordinating and
defining land-use patterns, areas of open space, the location and distribution of infrastructure,
including integration and accessibility of transportation with land-use, and other key features
that influence or manage the effects of development.

How it’s done:

A structure plan is typically prepared by local government to show how a given area and its
supporting networks link it to other areas. When produced at the regional level, it describes
arterial routes and is called a ‘regional structure plan’. When applied at the precinct or district-
wide level in open space planning, it is often described as a ‘public open space structure plan’
and shows all open spaces and access connections.

• Quality Planning Guidance Note on Structure Planning:
http://www.qualityplanning.org.nz/plan-topics/structure-planning.php. Provides detailed
information on structure plans, including definition, content of structure plans plus practice
examples and case law.
• Ministry for the Environment 2005. Urban Design Case Studies: New Zealand Urban
Design Protocol: http://www.mfe.govt.nz/publications/urban/urban-design-case-studies-
mar05/html/page6.html. Botany Downs – Manukau City, pp 18–25, was part of the Te U
Kaipo Structure Plan, which established the development pattern before land was released
for urban development.
• Kerikeri – Waipapa Structure Plan: http://www.fndc.govt.nz/structureplanning/. Provides
information about the Kerikeri–Waipapa Structure Plan, how the council is developing a
vision for Kerikeri–Waipapa, moving toward an integrated plan and providing for the area’s
rapid growth.
• Opus International Consultants Limited 2007. Tools for Sustainable Management of
Settlement Form in New Zealand: http://www.learningsustainability.org.nz/. This report

74 Urban Design Toolkit

presents an introduction to methods and tools that have been used in New Zealand and
overseas to manage sustainable settlement form and design. Structure plans are discussed
on pages 58 and 59.

Subdivision Code of Practice

What it is:
A subdivision code of practice sets out requirements and conditions for the approval of
earthworks, road layout and stormwater, and the design, construction and maintenance of land
proposed for subdivision. It provides a means of complying with conditions imposed by
resource consents, and subdivision rules and criteria within a district plan. It applies to urban
and rural subdivision practices for residential, business and recreational purposes.

What it’s useful for:

Assisting territorial authorities in controlling the development and protection of land and
associated natural and physical resources in a district. Many New Zealand councils are
beginning to review their subdivision codes of practice to support better urban design.

How it’s done:

Subdivision codes of practice have, in the past, presented a traditional form of subdivision
development. A number of councils are reviewing, and developing new, subdivision codes of
practice that incorporate urban design principles and requirements. These new codes of practice
guide developers to ensure compliance with design rules and performance criteria in the district
plan. When a proposal is submitted to the council for subdivision consent, planning staff assess
the application to ensure it complies with the district plan. Preferably, pre-application meetings
are held to ensure the proposal complies with good urban design principles. Some of the new
codes of practice have alternative approaches that allow for variation in the ways that
compliance with district plan requirements can be achieved.

• Kapiti Coast District Council 2005. Subdivision and Development Principles and
Requirements 2005: http://www.kapiticoast.govt.nz/NR/rdonlyres/9F4609A8-1DD3-
Requirements.pdf (2.33 MB). This guide to subdivision and development provides
alternative methods of compliance with the district plan that allow for innovative design.
• Quality Planning Website. Subdivision Guidance Note: http://www.qualityplanning.org.nz/
plan-topics/subdivision.php. Outlines how subdivision provisions are a useful method in
controlling the environmental effects of land-use, and provides an overview of how
subdivision can be managed in the district plan.
• Selwyn District Council 2005. Towards a High Standard of Urban Design in New
Subdivisions: http://www.selwyn.govt.nz/uds/urban-design/I&OConsultation.pdf (198 KB).
This report considers the various issues surrounding the design of residential subdivision
and discusses potential implementation mechanisms, one of which is the subdivision code
of practice.

Urban Design Toolkit 75

Transport Energy Specification

What it is:
Transport energy specification (TES) combines urban GIS data with transport service supply
information to produce an indication of the transport energy efficiency of any urban form,
transport infrastructure or transport service supply.

What it’s useful for:

Assisting developers and local governments in the creation of low energy dependent
urban/suburban areas and helping enhance transport efficiency for residents and businesses.

How it’s done:

A TES includes data on energy use (energy type and quantity), carbon dioxide emissions and
population density and distribution. In overseas examples, an energy regulation/limit can be set
for the area by local government with advice from transport and research professionals. Future
urban/suburban developments, or areas to be redeveloped, are then measured with the TES to
quantify the energy dependency of the specific area. The measured energy dependence is then
compared with the regulation/limit. If the proposal meets the regulation, development can
proceed; otherwise infrastructure or land-use changes are required to reduce the transport energy
dependence of the proposal.

• EECA and Opus 2006. Transport Energy Specification (TES): Tauranga Trial:
http://urbanstep.co.nz/media/TES_Tauranga.pdf (418 KB). This trial illustrates the
potential use of the TES in New Zealand cities with local government cooperation.
• Karlsruhe, Germany Trial: http://urbanstep.co.nz/media/TES_Karlsruhe.pdf (1.47 MB).
This German case study was used as an international benchmark for sustainable transport.
Karlsruhe is well known for its sustainable transport system and high levels of walking and
• Sao Carlos, Brazil Trial (Land Use Modifications): http://urbanstep.co.nz/media/
TES_Brazil.pdf (260 KB). This trial was performed in Brazil to test the applicability of the
TES to a country that uses large amounts of bio-fuel. The trial was also an important step
forward for the TES because it was the first trial to simulate land-use and transport
infrastructure changes.

• Urban Step – Sustainable Transport Energy Planning: http://urbanstep.co.nz. Provides
information on the transport energy specification and includes links to New Zealand and
international case studies.

76 Urban Design Toolkit

Technical Guidance Note

What it is:
A detailed design description of key elements, such as street furniture, kerbs, paving and
planting. Used in streets, plazas, parks and waterways. It sets out the design, layout, technical
specifications and maintenance of these elements.

What it’s useful for:

Wherever consistency and quality urban design details are required for a large urban area over
an extended time. For example, the technical guide in Melbourne has been part of an ongoing
implementation strategy since 1985.

How it’s done:

Proven design solutions consistent with the overall strategy for the design of a place are
documented to allow them to be repeated without need for redesign. Technical notes provide
guidance for people responsible for implementing design, and are often used to describe types
of street furniture and urban landscape detail.

• Auckland Regional Council. Stormwater Treatment Devices: http://www.arc.govt.nz/arc/
index.cfm?34C9C2A8-1BCF-4AA1-91AF-CC49CFE4A80C. Provides guidance on
designing, constructing and maintaining stormwater treatment devices to improve water
quality and manage flooding and erosion.
• Roads and Traffic Authority (RTA), New South Wales 1999. Beyond the Pavement: RTA
Urban and Regional Design Practice Notes: http://www.rta.nsw.gov.au/
constructionmaintenance/downloads/urbandesign/urban_design_dl1.html. These practice
notes have been developed to assist road and traffic authority managers who are responsible
for the design, building and upgrading of road and transit-way projects at all scales.

Urban Design Framework

What it is:
A document that describes an overarching vision, and the intended outcome for an entire urban
area, and gives direction to direct subsequent policies and site-specific initiatives within that

What it’s useful for:

Used in areas undergoing change or where growth or change needs to be promoted. Provides a
vision and flexibility to guide large complex projects that are implemented over time. Usually
applied to large or complex sites by both the private and public sectors to set design,
management and delivery parameters.

Urban Design Toolkit 77

How it’s done:
Often produced with reference to an urban design strategy, it is a ‘higher-level’ document than
either a masterplan, design guide or design brief. It is used to coordinate these detailed site-
specific initiatives and usually covers the means of implementation and governance (in the case
of a public project) as well as setting general design direction. Because it can address economic
and activity criteria, management and project delivery as well as design, it is sometimes called a
‘development brief’.

• Wellington City Council 2001. Wellington Waterfront Framework:
http://www.wellington.govt.nz/plans/policies/waterfront/pdfs/framework.pdf (1.18 MB).
This framework provides an overarching vision supported by values, principles and
objectives that reinforce these themes.
• Auckland City Council 2003. Newmarket Future: http://www.aucklandcity.govt.nz/council/
documents/newmarket/default.asp. This framework provides an integrated approach to
dealing with the complex transport and land-use issues facing Newmarket, as well as
addressing community concerns.
• Tauranga City Council 2001. Tauranga Waterfront and CBD Urban Design Framework:
(910 KB). Sets a broad vision to shape the development of the Tauranga waterfront and
central business district, with objectives, a set of key elements and a rational for an urban
design structure plan. It also identifies possible development projects and their critical
relationship in a planned and coordinated way.
• The London Thames Gateway Social Infrastructure Framework Tool Kit 2006:
Toolkit_15.05.06.pdf (1.4 MB). Aims to set a framework for social infrastructure to help
create healthy sustainable communities in the London Thames Gateway area. The purpose
is to guide social infrastructure decision-making at the local level.

78 Urban Design Toolkit

Urban Design Strategy

What it is:
A written policy document that describes in words and images a vision for developing a
neighbourhood, town, city or region.

What it’s useful for:

Used to direct the physical development of a neighbourhood, city, town or region where an
overarching vision is required to direct and coordinate different design initiatives.

How it’s done:

The focus is on general configuration and design direction, design qualities or principles and
their means of implementation. An urban design strategy is based on an appraisal of the
physical context, is informed by community and stakeholder participation, and provides a long
term and high-level comprehensive vision that is the basis for shaping policies and
implementing design initiatives. An urban design strategy may apply at a range of levels: to an
entire city or settlement; to a part (for example, a central area design strategy); or to one aspect
(for example, a streetscape or lighting strategy) of either all, or part of, a town or city. An urban
design strategy may be implemented through a range of mechanisms, including urban design
frameworks for parts of a town, city or region, district plan policies and rules, design guides,
and open space development projects and capital works through long term council community

• Ministry for the Environment 2002. People+Places+Spaces: A design guide for urban New
Zealand: http://www.mfe.govt.nz/publications/rma/people-places-spaces-mar02/index.html.
Pages 24–25 provide information on the process of preparing an urban design strategy.
• Ministry for the Environment 2002. Creating great places to Live+Work+Play: Livable
urban environments: processes, strategy, action: http://www.mfe.govt.nz/publications/rma/
live-work-play-jun02/live-work-play-jun02.html. Provides information on community
consultation when designing a strategy.
• SmartGrowth Toolkit, British Columbia. Growth Management Strategies:
http://www.smartgrowth.bc.ca/downloads/J1_ToolKitPart_II.pdf (363 KB). Page 10
describes the purpose of these strategies, which is to make choices about where, and in
what way, urban development should take place. They involve: setting goals for regional

Urban Design Toolkit 79

and community development; stating social, environmental and economic objectives;
evaluating and selecting policies; taking actions; monitoring and reporting.

• Wellington City Council. Urban Design Strategy: http://www.wellington.govt.nz/plans/
policies/urbandesign/. Developed in 1994 in A3 format with illustrations, this word-based
document sets out a 2020 vision for Wellington.
• Auckland City Council. Urban Design Strategy: http://www.aucklandcity.govt.nz/
council/documents/urbandesignstrategy/background.asp. Has been developed on the
council’s principles for the city’s future, articulated in the 2003 growth strategy:
http://www.aucklandcity.govt.nz/council/documents/growth strategy/default.asp. The
purpose is to work towards the Council’s goal to “enhance the quality of the built
environment with forward-looking urban design” (from Auckland City’s July 2002
strategic plan, Focus on the Future: http://www.aucklandcity.govt.nz/council/
• Greater Christchurch Urban Development Strategy 2006.
http://www.greaterchristchurch.org.nz/ This strategy focuses on achieving quality outcomes
and taking a sustainable development approach to managing growth in the greater
Christchurch area.
• Hastings District Council 2005. Hastings Urban Design Strategy Study:
http://www.hastingsdc.govt.nz/policiesandplans/huds/. Aimed at identifying urban
development options and areas in the Hastings district to satisfy demand for new housing
for the next 25 years.
• Tauranga City Council 2006. Urban Design Strategy for Tauranga:
(11 MB). A three-year plan aimed at promoting and enhancing high-quality urban design in
Tauranga City. This strategy focuses on the involvement of stakeholders, developers and
the community, and the elements of the physical environment that influence the quality of

80 Urban Design Toolkit

Section 5 Implementation Tools
Establishing Processes and Organising People and

Implementation tools offer different mechanisms for the delivery of quality urban design
outcomes, and are used by a range of professionals to manage, motivate and organise urban
design projects. While disparate, the implementation tools focus on the means of building
quality urban design projects. Implementation can therefore be considered through all stages of
an urban design project.

A number of the tools focus on discussing and resolving design issues before the construction of
a project. Implementation tools can help clear roadblocks in the design process, provide
collaborative management structures, and develop creative design solutions.

This section describes:

• Business Improvement District
Town improvement zone
Main street programme
• Design Advisory Group
• Design Assessment
• Design Competition
Open design competition/ideas competition
Limited design competition
Two-stage design competition
• Design Review
Urban design panel
• Incentive Zoning
Transferable development rights
• Life-cycle Cost Analysis
• Multi-architect Project Design
Multi-designer project team
• Pre-application Meeting
• Project Control Group
Project steering group
• Public–Private Partnership
Public investment
Financial incentives
• Regional Forum
• Seed Funding
Community projects fund
Gap funding
• Special Activity Area
Urban priority areas
Enterprise zone
• Town Centre Programme
Main street programme
• Urban Development Corporation

Urban Design Toolkit 81

Business Improvement District

What it is:
A defined area in a city or town where a partnership between public and private interests plans
and manages events, marketing and the public environment in order to enhance local business.
A ‘business improvement district’ or BID can be used to collect a special differential rating that
is applied to specific projects within the zone.

What it’s useful for:

Any town, city centre or main street that has private and public interests willing to support joint
management and regeneration projects.

How it’s done:

Support must be gained from both the local government and private business owners to form the
zone. If a differential rate is set, agreement must be gained as to what projects or actions the
money is to fund. This is the US equivalent of the UK ‘town improvement zone’. A business
improvement district can provide funding for a town centre programme and ‘main street
programme’. The development of a precinct plan or streetscape plan sets the development
policies and guidelines for a business improvement district.

• Manukau City Council. Business Improvement Districts Policy:
http://www.manukau.govt.nz/uploadedFiles/For_Business/BIDsPolicyJune05.pdf (363
KB). Sets out an operational policy to assist those responsible for establishing and running
business improvement districts in Manukau City.
• Auckland City Council. Main Street Programme: http://www.aucklandcity.govt.nz/
council/documents/mainstreet/section3-0.asp. Provides information on the approach of
Auckland City to main street programmes.
• Town Centre Development Group 2005. Business Improvement Districts: International
model/New Zealand implementation: http://www.towncentredevelopment.co.nz/downloads/
edanzcof_2005.pdf (481 KB). This paper compares and contrasts business improvement
districts (BIDS) in the United States and New Zealand and also identifies and compares
emerging trends in BIDS in the United States and New Zealand.
• National Trust for Historic Preservation, United States. Main Street Programs:
http://www.mainstreet.org/content.aspx?page=3564&section=15. Throughout the United
States, communities are using main street programmes to revitalise their commercial
districts. This website provides links to main street programmes in the United States.

82 Urban Design Toolkit

Design Advisory Group

What it is:
A group made up of design experts and/or informed decision-makers, brought together to
provide high-level design strategy advice and direction. This type of group generally provides
strategy and policy advice, in contrast to an urban design panel that offers design assessment
and project-based critique.

What it’s useful for:

Useful where inclusiveness, wide ownership, independent/neutral advice, and local and expert
knowledge are required to direct and lend authority to advice on an important urban design

How it’s done:

Members of a design advisory group are usually selected for their experience and authority as
practitioners in their disciplines.

• Auckland City Council 2005. Auckland Mayoral Task Force:
• Ministry for the Environment 2005. New Zealand Urban Design Protocol, Urban Design
Advisory Group: http://www.mfe.govt.nz/publications/urban/design-protocol-
• Urban Design Taskforce – The Community Planning Website, United Kingdom:
http://www.communityplanning.net/methods/method122.htm. Outlines the role of an urban
design taskforce and provides links to further information.

Urban Design Toolkit 83

Design Assessment

What it is:
An assessment prepared by the designer on the rationale behind a design proposal for a project.

What it’s useful for:

Explaining how the project meets the design brief, design guides or other urban design criteria.
Design assessment is essential in projects that involve a design review process. A design
assessment is also helpful any time a project proposal is presented to an audience to help
explain and clarify a particular design approach.

How it’s done:

The designer should write the assessment outlining how the design meets the design brief,
guidelines or other criteria. When it is part of a resource consent application, a design
assessment requires the designer to explain their design approach. This ensures the designer has
considered all aspects of the design guidelines that may be evaluated under a design review.

• Scottish Executive Development Department. Planning Advice Note – Design Statements:
http://www.scotland.gov.uk/Publications/2003/08/18013/25389. This Scottish publication
explains what a design statement is, why it is a useful tool, when it is required, and how it
should be prepared and presented.

• Liveable neighbourhoods, Western Australia: http://www.planning.wa.gov.au/udmp/
liveable.html. A Western Australian assessment tool for greenfield structure plan and
subdivision development in metropolitan areas and rural centres.
• Oriental Parade Height Limits Urban Design Assessment 1998: http://www.wellington.
(616 KB). This urban design assessment contains recommendations regarding the height
limit controls in Oriental Parade, Wellington.
• Transit New Zealand 2006. SH20 Manukau Harbour Crossing Project Urban Design
Assessment: http://www.transit.govt.nz/projects/mhc/resources/pdf/Vol2-PartB-Tech-Rept-
App-08.pdf (2396 KB). An urban design assessment prepared by Transit on the impacts of
the SH20 Manukau Harbour Crossing Project.
• Urban Perspectives Ltd 2005. Taradale Town Centre Urban Design Assessment:
http://www.napier.govt.nz/item/taradale_assessment.pdf (1035 KB). An urban design
assessment prepared for Napier City Council to investigate and evaluate the existing urban
design elements of the Taradale town centre and identify how these elements can be
enhanced in the future.

84 Urban Design Toolkit

Design Competition

What it is:
A process for selecting a design solution for a site or project where a variety of design proposals
are submitted and judged according to a design brief provided by the competition organisers.

What it’s useful for:

Generating a number of creative design solutions from a wide range of designers. Often used as
a way to select designers for large public-interest projects. Competitions can also be a useful
means of community education and participation, depending on the type of competition.

How it’s done:

Entries are invited to respond to a competition brief that includes assessment criteria, and the
process of evaluation. The evaluation is normally undertaken by an urban design panel. A
robust, fair and open process is required so the competition avoids controversy and/or

Typical variants are:

• An ‘open design competition’ – open to all members of various design professions and/or
the community. It is usually used to generate ideas and stimulate interest, in which case it
may be an ‘ideas competition’. Concepts are usually then incorporated into a brief for
design development or the next stage of a multi-stage competition. Typically, entrants are
not paid.
• A ‘limited design competition’ – open to a small number of participants, generally three to
five people, who are invited on the basis of their creative ability and, in the situation where
the competition winner will go on to deliver the project, their professional capability to
deliver the entire project brief. Participants may be invited to compete in limited design
competitions for public projects following review of credentials submitted in response to
advertisements for registrations of interest. Typically, participants are paid a flat fee.
• A ‘two-stage design competition’ – has an initial ‘ideas’ stage to select a short-list of
participants for a second stage that will produce a defined design proposal. Teams
undertaking the second stage of such a project are usually required to have the capability
both to design and deliver the final product. Participants are typically paid a flat fee if
selected for the second stage.

• New Zealand Institute of Architects. Guidelines for the Organisation of Architectural
Design Competitions: http://www.nzia.co.nz/.
• New Zealand Institute of Landscape Architects. Guidelines for Landscape Design
Competitions: http://www.nzila.co.nz/.

Urban Design Toolkit 85

• Ministry for the Environment 2005. Urban Design Case Studies: New Zealand Urban
Design Protocol: http://www.mfe.govt.nz/publications/urban/urban-design-case-studies-
mar05/html/page7.html. Britomart – Auckland, pp 26–31. Auckland City Council
embarked on a two-stage design competition to make the best use of the Britomart site.
• Housing New Zealand Design Competition. Housing New Zealanders 100 Years On:
improvement/design-competition.htm. This 2005 competition aimed to stimulate debate
and encourage more designers and architects to be involved in designing social housing.
Designs were invited that responded to New Zealand’s changing housing needs, greater
cultural diversity, new building practices, materials and technologies. Entries were assessed
by a panel of judges including national and international architectural and design experts.
• Taupo District Council. Urban Design Competition: http://www.nzplanning.co.nz/
Events/Urban-Design-Competition.asp. Taupo District Council is searching for a
sustainable and innovative design solution for the development of a greenfield site on the
eastern slopes of the Taupo township. An assessment panel will consider all designs
submitted as part of the competition. The designer of the final chosen option will be offered
the opportunity to work with the council in implementing the winning design.

Design Review

What it is:
A formal assessment of the merits of a project design proposal by an expert or an ‘urban design
panel’ of experts.

What it’s useful for:

Used where there is a requirement to ensure implementation of high-quality design. Generally,
design review is applied to types of development that are considered significant because of their
potential effects on the public environment resulting from their size, frequency, intended
activity, location, or a history of poor development. Private sector developers use design review
where a high quality of design is required for buildings on individual lots in a subdivision,
especially when there is a ‘covenant’ on the land. Design review is particularly effective when it
is initiated early enough in a project to allow the developers and designers to modify their
design approach easily.

How it’s done:

Design review should be guided by design guides to ensure a consistency of approach by the
developer and the surrounding community. Design review may be carried out by a single person
who is skilled and experienced in design, with peer review, or by an ‘urban design panel’. This
panel should comprise a range of independent and experienced design experts with the support
of in-house design expertise.

86 Urban Design Toolkit

• Information on the Auckland City Council Urban Design Panel:
• Ministry for the Environment 2005. Urban Design Case Studies: New Zealand Urban
Design Protocol: http://www.mfe.govt.nz/publications/urban/urban-design-case-studies-
mar05/html/page4.html. Auckland University of Technology, pp 7–12, demonstrates a
coordinated approach to urban design between AUT, JASMAX and Opus with the
Auckland City Council’s Urban Design Panel.
• Napier City Council. 2000. The Ahuriri area. Developers – West Quay Guide:
http://www.ahuriri.co.nz/fr_developers.htm. West Quay Design Team established,
comprising expertise in planning, architecture, landscape architecture, art and engineering,
together with experience in dealing with historical and cultural issues. The design team’s
role was two-fold in assisting the council with the streetscape design for West Quay and
responding to resource consent applications with appropriate pre-consent advice to
potential developers.
• CABE 2002. Design Review: http://www.cabe.org.uk/default.aspx?contentitemid=486.
A document describing the design review process established by CABE.
• CABE Design Review publications: http://www.cabe.org.uk/Publications.aspx (select
‘Design Review’ from the ‘By subject’ drop-down menu) on urban housing, town centre
retail and masterplans.
• Wellington City Council Technical Advisory Group for the Wellington Waterfront:
• Queenstown Lakes District Council 2004. Urban Design Panels for the Queenstown Lakes
District: http://www.qldc.govt.nz/.
• Manukau City Council. Urban Design Panel: http://www.manukau.govt.nz/
default.aspx?id=5766. Provides professional advice and expertise for a range of
development projects within the city.

Incentive Zoning

What it is:
A zoning mechanism that increases the permitted development rights for a particular site in
exchange for the development providing a designated community benefit, for example, public
open space, walkways, artwork or protection of a heritage building.

What it’s useful for:

In high-value development areas where there is a need for public facilities, but where these
cannot be achieved without compensation to landowners and developers.

Urban Design Toolkit 87

How it’s done:
Incentive zoning takes the form of increased development rights, usually measured as increased
plot or floor area ratio, in exchange for a benefit, such as public plazas or access through a site,
a high-quality public space on the site, or the retention and conservation of a place of historic or
heritage value. Incentive zoning may also involve transfer of development rights between sites.

‘Transferable development rights’ are a form of incentive zoning where the developer can
purchase the rights to an undeveloped piece of property in exchange for the right to increase the
development proposal on their site.

In every incentive zoning situation, precise assessment criteria are required to ensure the public
good delivered actually benefits the public.

• Ministry for the Environment 2005. Urban Design Case Studies: New Zealand Urban
Design Protocol: http://www.mfe.govt.nz/publications/urban/urban-design-case-studies-
mar05/html/page18.html. Vero Building – Auckland, pp 90–94. An important part of the
design process was driven by the ‘bonus’ provision of the district plan for public open
space and public art. The Vero Building contains a number of bonus elements, including a
public plaza and works of art.

Life-cycle Cost Analysis

What it is:
The calculation of expected future operating, maintenance and replacement costs of a
development to help provide a realistic design and budget estimate. The analysis can be used to
evaluate the cost of a full range of projects, from a complex site through to a specific building
system component.

What it’s useful for:

Encouraging sustainable development and where a developer is required to take a long term
interest in a project or initiative. Important in evaluating alternative design ideas at a conceptual
stage of a project. Can be implemented at any level of the design process and is an effective tool
for the evaluation of existing project upgrades.

How it’s done:

Life-cycle cost analysis considers both the initial cost of development and construction, and the
cost of maintaining the development over its life. A standard process involves defining the
scope of the project, detailing the cost model to be used, collecting historical data/cost
relationships data, and defining a project schedule, developing a cost estimate, and analysing the

88 Urban Design Toolkit

• Vesely, E et al 2005. The economics of low impact stormwater management in practice –
Glencourt Place: http://www.landcareresearch.co.nz/research/urban/liudd/documents/
Vesely_et_al_2005.pdf (443 KB). This paper compares the performance of low-impact
stormwater management practices with conventional practices, it is based on the criterion of
cost minimisation.
• Kats, Greg et al 2003. The Costs and Financial Benefits of Green Buildings: A Report to
California’s Sustainable Building Task Force: http://www.landcareresearch.co.nz/
(2.2 MB). This report provides a comprehensive analysis of the life-cycle costs and benefits
of green buildings compared with those of conventional buildings.

Multi-architect Project Design

What it is:
An approach to the design of large development projects where a number of architects or
designers independently complete the design of separate buildings.

What it’s useful for:

Useful where visual diversity and ‘fine grain’ (small building footprints and blocks with a
mixture of uses and an interconnected street network) are important, particularly on very large
projects where the site comprises a number of independent buildings, lots or blocks that are to
be developed separately.

How it’s done:

The design for each building is usually carried out in accordance with a design brief or
masterplan, which ensures coordination between adjacent sites. Designers may be selected to
design particular buildings within the overall development, for example, a library or retail
complex, or to focus on particular types of buildings, for example, medium-density housing.
The success of multi-architect project designs is often dependent on the quality and clarity of
the design brief. The brief needs to provide enough guidance to ensure coherence within the
development, and enough flexibility in its interpretation to ensure the result is sufficiently
diverse and avoids negating the purpose of having more than one design team.

Urban Design Toolkit 89

This process is distinct from ‘multi-designer project teams’ where a number of designers
combine in a single team.

• Sebastian, Rizal 2003. Multi-architect Design Collaboration on Integrated Urban Complex
Development in the Netherlands, Journal of Design Research 3(1):

Pre-application Meeting

What it is:
A meeting held between the project designer and council officers to discuss design issues before
developing initial design concepts or lodging a land-use or subdivision resource consent

What it’s useful for:

Ensuring all major design issues have been identified and addressed before any resource consent
application that will be subject to design review. Applicants and local authorities benefit from
gaining a better understanding of the design issues before significant cost and time has been
incurred by both parties. Local authorities benefit from receiving improved applications that
have a higher degree of resolution of design issues before beginning the formal consent process.

How it’s done:

A meeting is organised between the applicant and the local authority at a stage in the design
process where the majority of the design issues can be discussed. The local authority should
provide the full range of professional advice at the meeting so all design issues can be canvassed
with all officers present. This ensures all design issues are resolved together rather than in a
piecemeal fashion with one design issue being resolved to the detriment of another. In addition,
applicants need to be willing to change the design in response to constructive urban design

• Ministry for the Environment Quality Planning Website 2005. Best Practice Resources:
http://www.qualityplanning.org.nz/consents/pre-app.php. Provides guidance on pre-
application meetings, plus forms and checklists, relevant publications and current changes
in practice.
• Auckland City Council. Urban Design Panel: http://www.aucklandcity.govt.nz/council/
services/panel/default.asp. Provides an independent urban design panel peer review within
Auckland’s central area or isthmus.
• Waitakere City Council 2005. Pre-application Discussion: http://www.waitakere.govt.nz/
CnlSer/pl/subdivapp/preappdisc.asp. Provides information on the pre-application

90 Urban Design Toolkit

• Ministry for the Environment 2005. Urban Design Case Studies: New Zealand Urban
Design Protocol: http://www.mfe.govt.nz/publications/urban/urban-design-case-studies-
mar05/html/page16.html. Northwood Residential Area – Christchurch, pp 77–83. This five-
year design process included extensive pre-application discussions between the land
developer, consultants and local authority staff.

Project Control Group

What it is:
A group comprising representatives from all project participants, responsible for controlling and
directing project delivery.

What it’s useful for:

A standard management technique used in both public and private sector projects. Project
control groups provide direction to the designers, plan and monitor progress and make design

How it’s done:

A project control group includes client representatives, project management specialists,
designers and cost management professionals. The group will meet regularly to plan, give
direction and monitor progress. The type of project control group that focuses on overall
direction, as opposed to the details of project delivery, is known as a ‘project steering group’.

Public–Private Partnership

What it is:
A formal collaboration between public and private sector interests to ensure delivery of a project
where there is a clear public benefit or need for regeneration in an area.

What it’s useful for:

Producing a mutually beneficial result that neither the public or private sector could achieve

How it’s done:

A public–private partnership may include assistance with funding, communication of
information and advice, and coordinated management and planning. Main street programmes
and town centre programmes are examples of public–private partnerships. ‘Public investment’
in this type of partnership may include purchase or development of strategic assets, or purchase

Urban Design Toolkit 91

of key sites to facilitate a specific type or scale of development. There may also be direct
‘financial incentives’ of grants, rates relief, waivers of development contributions and fees, land
cost-write-downs, construction of project infrastructure, low-interest loans or loan guarantees.

• The US National Council for Public–Private Partnerships: http://www.ncppp.org/.
Advocates and facilitates the formation of public–private partnerships in the United States.
This website has links to resources, case studies, publications and membership information.
• The Canadian Council for Public–Private Partnerships: http://www.pppcouncil.ca/
index.asp. Fosters innovative forms of cooperation between the public sector and private
sector. This website has links to project information within the transport, hospital and
health care, and water and wastewater sectors.
• Partnerships UK: http://www.partnershipsuk.org.uk. Supports and accelerates the delivery
of infrastructure renewal, high-quality public services and efficient use of public assets
through the public and private sectors. For example, the Partnerships for Health is a joint
venture between the local Primary Care Trusts and a private sector partner, which is a new
programme of investment in primary and community health care facilities.
• Partnerships UK Project Database: http://www.partnershipsuk.org.uk/projectsdatabase/
projects-database.asp. Can be used to search for public–private partnership projects within
the United Kingdom. It includes urban regeneration, transport, environmental and health
services projects.
• 4ps Local Government Project Delivery Specialist: http://www.4ps.gov.uk/. 4ps works in
partnership with all local authorities in the United Kingdom to secure funding and enhance
the development and implementation of public–private partnerships.
• United Nations Development Programme (UNDP): http://pppue.undp.org/. Public–private
partnerships for the urban environment. This programme aims to alleviate poverty through
public–private partnerships in poor cities throughout the developing world by promoting
inclusive partnerships between local government, business and communities.
• Public-Private Partnerships for the Urban Environment (PPPUE): http://www.yale.edu/
hixon/programs/pppue.html. This Yale/UNDP programme is a global, collaborative
learning effort to collect, analyse and disseminate lessons learned on the use of public–
private partnerships to improve the delivery of urban environmental services in developing

92 Urban Design Toolkit

Regional Forum

What it is:
A forum of local and central government and private sector decision-makers that is convened to
coordinate planning and infrastructure initiatives across local authority boundaries.

What it’s useful for:

Assisting and informing common local initiatives (such as growth, regeneration, transportation
and infrastructure strategies) that rely on a coordinated and consistent approach across a region
to succeed. Regional forums can identify, resolve and coordinate regional growth strategies or
regeneration strategies across a region.

How it’s done:

Involves setting up an informal or formal triennial agreement between local authorities in a
region on how they will work together. This is normally done in the six months after a local
authority election.

• Auckland Regional Growth Forum: http://www.arc.govt.nz/arc/index.cfm?D51CB225-
E018-8BD1-327E-3DC1C057C001. A cooperative partnership between the Auckland
Regional Council and the region’s territorial local authorities with the purpose of
implementing the regional growth strategy to manage the effects of growth in the region.
• Greater Christchurch Urban Development Strategy Forum:
http://www.greaterchristchurch.org.nz/Forum/. A collaborative initiative between the
Christchurch City Council, Selwyn and Waimakariri District Councils, Environment
Canterbury, and Transit New Zealand.
• Western Bay of Plenty. SmartGrowth Committees: http://www.smartgrowthbop.org.nz/
smartgrowth-committees.htm. Five key groups are responsible for the implementation and
management of the SmartGrowth Strategy. These include the implementation committee
and the Strategic Partners Forum.

Seed Funding

What it is:
Funding made available to help start projects that are designed to benefit local communities or
community groups.

What it’s useful for:

Used where there is community interest and public benefit in completing a project, but where
the project is unlikely to proceed without some financial support to get it started.

Urban Design Toolkit 93

How it’s done:
Seed funding is typically distributed as a grant following competitive application. Often directed
at providing sufficient funding to make marginal public benefit projects viable, and to enable
community groups to employ professionals to help start a project or to carry out specialist
responsibilities. Grants from such a fund act as a catalyst to community groups or the private
sector, that then commit their own resources to complete the project. Often administered as a
‘community projects fund’. It may also be known as ‘gap funding’.

• Wellington City Council. Heritage Fund: http://www.wellington.govt.nz/. Supports
initiatives to strengthen heritage buildings.
• Ministry for the Environment. Sustainable Management Fund: http://www.smf.govt.nz/.
• New Plymouth District Council. Heritage Protection Fund:
ageProtectionFund.htm. Helps maintain and preserve heritage values.
• Southland Regional Heritage Development Fund: http://www.icc.govt.nz/
index.cfm?11382F48-ADCC-DE20-77F3-6B633BCD477E. Provides grants for projects
and initiatives that preserve, communicate and promote Southland’s heritage and are of
significance in a regional context.

Special Activity Area

What it is:
A zone in, or part of, a town or city, selected on the basis of need and consistency with the
wider strategic intentions of the town or city, where special public sector incentives or controls
are established to encourage targeted activity types.

What it’s useful for:

Encouraging activity in areas that require private sector investment, development or
regeneration. Particularly suitable for a special activity area of strategic benefit to the town or
city. Can be worthwhile in areas that might not otherwise be developed in a way that is
beneficial to the town or city. It may create a set of planning policies, regulations and approval
criteria unique to that particular area to address a single, or series of, challenges that would
otherwise remain unresolved. Special activity areas are used extensively in the United States to
revitalise town centres, industrial brown field areas, and mass transit corridor nodes.

How it’s done:

Special activity areas are selected on the basis of need and consistency, with consideration given
to the wider strategic intentions of a town or city. Incentives are specified to the area and may
be financial in nature, or involve fast-track planning procedures that are tailored to promote the
targeted special activity. A special activity area, designated for initiatives that target urban
design, investment and development or regeneration, may also be known as a ‘urban priority

94 Urban Design Toolkit

area’. Where the primary focus is on fostering economic activity, an area may be known as an
‘enterprise zone’.

Town Centre Programme

What it is:
The planning and coordination by an authorised manager of a range of public and private
initiatives that have impacts on a town or city centre.

What it’s useful for:

Any town or city centre that requires management and improvement for ongoing viability, and
with a constituency that is willing to actively support this. Used to coordinate change and
maximise the benefit of initiatives within a town or city centre.

How it’s done:

A town centre programme uses a four-point management approach that involves key
stakeholders of the local authority or economic development agencies, businesses, building
owners and local community. The four-point approach is based on: organisation and
management; physical enhancement; economic development; and marketing and promotion.

A ‘main street programme’ is a similar management process, based on a traditional shopping

street or small town centre. The process is instigated with a stakeholder board or committee,
usually assisted and coordinated by a main street manager.

• Town Centres Association of New Zealand: http://www.towncentre.org.nz/. New Zealand’s
national body that provides town and city centres throughout New Zealand with
programmes and resource material.
• Association of Town Centre Management: http://www.atcm.org/. United Kingdom website
with a network of interests and skills in town and city centres of over 10,000 leading
businesses, government agencies and professions.
• Auckland City Council. Mainstreet Programmes: htttp://www.aucklandcity.govt.nz/
auckland/introduction/mainstreets/default.asp. Over 15 main street programmes have been

Urban Design Toolkit 95

established within Auckland City that seek to identify and reinforce the unique identity of
these places.
• Ponsonby Road Promotions, Auckland City: http://www.ponsonby.org.nz/prp.php. This
main street programme aims to ensure Ponsonby remains competitive with other centres,
and also plays an important role in the preservation and enhancement of historic buildings.
• Kapiti Coast District Council. Town Centres: http://www.kapiticoast.govt.nz/
DistrictDevelopment/TownCentres/. Town centre redevelopment projects are currently
underway in six areas on the Kapiti Coast.
• Waitakere City Council. Town Centre Strategic Partnership Programme:
http://www.waitakere.govt.nz/AbtCit/cp/towncentres.asp. A partnership between Waitakere
City Council and the community that aims to identify, reinforce and promote the identity of
Waitakere’s town centres.

Urban Development Corporation

What it is:
A quasi-governmental authority established to develop designated areas within towns or cities.

What it’s useful for:

In situations where conflict of interest is likely if local or central government were to be directly
responsible for development, and where significant funding and consolidating land ownership
are required to revitalise an economically deprived area.

How it’s done:

Specific powers can be designated to facilitate the work of an urban development corporation.
Powers given to an urban development corporation can include the acquisition of land by
agreement or compulsory purchase, and the vesting of public land for development. Overseas
corporations have also taken on planning and plan-making powers with the resources to provide
new (or to refurbish existing) infrastructure.

• VicUrban: http://www.vicurban.com/. Based in the State of Victoria, Australia, and is one
of the land developers and facilitators of urban development in the state. It has an excellent
track record in quality urban design, for example, the Melbourne docklands has attracted
international interest for its modern architecture and design.
• Landcom: http://www.landcom.com.au/default.aspx/. Is a leader in innovative urban design
and has developed residential, commercial and industrial properties for about 30 years in
New South Wales, Australia. An example is Park Central, which is Campbeltown’s first
masterplanned, medium-density estate, strategically located adjacent to a regional shopping
• Sydney Harbour Foreshore Authority: http://www.shfa.nsw.gov.au/. Is one of the biggest
landholders in Sydney, Australia. It is responsible for Sydney’s most historically and
culturally significant waterfront locations. For example, Ballast Point will be the largest

96 Urban Design Toolkit

green addition to Sydney’s harbour in a century. It will feature a range of open spaces and
provide increased public access to and from the water.
• East Perth Redevelopment Authority: http://www.epra.wa.gov.au/corporate. An urban
renewal authority in Western Australia, the role of which is to create cities that continue to
flourish into the future based on good land-use principles, and attention to social, economic
and environmental balance.
• English Partnerships: http://www.englishpartnerships.co.uk/. Is the national regeneration
agency helping the government to support high-quality sustainable growth in the United
Kingdom. It sets benchmarks for high-quality urban design, construction and environmental
sustainability and acts as a catalyst for development. English Partnerships operates, or is a
participant in, a number of programmes and initiatives, for example, town centre
regeneration, urban development corporations, and urban regeneration companies.
• Catalyst Corby: http://www.nndev.co.uk/. Is the urban regeneration company for Corby in
Northamptonshire. Its aim is to “transform Corby into a vibrant, successful and sustainable
community, providing homes, jobs and a good quality of life for a growing population”.
Central projects include: creating high-quality public space, leisure and education facilities,
town centre living, transformation of the shopping centre, creation of high-quality office
• London Docklands Development Corporation (LDDC): http://www.lddc-history.org.uk/.
History of the regeneration work by the LDDC across the London Docklands area from
1981 to 1998.

Urban Design Toolkit 97

Appendix 1 Further Information
Many toolkit entries include references and examples. These are material or sources readily
available in New Zealand or over the internet. A lot of these tools are described in books and
other urban design publications that may be out of print or not readily available. An internet
search based on the key words will generally identify further information and case study

Useful websites that have information on a range of urban design tools include:
• Ministry for the Environment: http://www.mfe.govt.nz/. On our website you can find out
about urban issues and up-to-date news on the Urban Design Protocol, other urban work
programmes and copies of our publications.
• Quality Planning: http://www.qualityplanning.org.nz/. This website promotes best practice
in the development of plans under New Zealand’s Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA).
It provides guidance on best practice in developing regional and district plans under the
RMA and resource consent processing. It also contains a database of RMA publications and
articles, discussion forums and contact details for councils and practitioners throughout
New Zealand.
• Commission for Architecture and the Built Environment (CABE), United Kingdom:
http://www.cabe.org.uk/. This is a comprehensive website outlining CABE’s aims,
activities and publications. The site aims at well-designed homes, streets, parks, work
places, schools and hospitals as a fundamental right of everyone.
• Smart Growth, United States: http://www.smartgrowth.org/. This website is a subset of
http://www.sustainable.org/, developed and maintained by the Sustainable Communities
Network (SCN), and supported with funding from the US Environmental Protection
• SmartGrowth Toolkit, British Columbia: http://www.smartgrowth.bc.ca/
index.cfm?Group_ID=3383. This toolkit introduces Smart Growth and provides an
overview of numerous Smart Growth and Citizen Involvement tools. Links to additional
references and resources are also included.
• Creative Spaces, United Kingdom: http://www.creativespaces.org.uk/. This is a toolkit of
methods and stories from the Architecture Foundation Roadshow (1998 and 2000), which
brought together residents and designers to think creatively about the future of local sites.
• The Glass-House, United Kingdom: http://www.theglasshouse.org.uk/. The Glass-House is
a UK design service offering design courses, advice and support to tenants, residents and
professionals working in neighbourhoods undergoing change and renewal. The Glass-
House is jointly managed by The Architecture Foundation:
http://www.architecturefoundation.org.uk/ and Trafford Hall: http://traffordhall.com/, home
of the National Tenants Resource Centre in the United Kingdom.
• Community Tool Box, United States National Park Service (Northeast Region
Philadelphia Office): http://www.nps.gov/phso/rtcatoolbox/. This toolbox describes new
ways to help communities work together to improve their special places. The toolbox
provides a checklist and description of community participation and collecting information
tools. These tools are equally valid and useful in the urban environment.

98 Urban Design Toolkit

• Resource for Urban Design Education (RUDI), United Kingdom: http://www.rudi.net/.
Based at Oxford Brookes University, Oxford. Commissions, researches and creates
materials, and also re-publishes significant documents contributed by professional and
government bodies, practitioners, academics and community organisations.
• The Community Planning Website, United Kingdom:
http://www.communityplanning.net/. This website provides best practice information to
residents, local government and professionals involved in community planning. The content
of this site is taken largely from the ‘Community Planning Handbook’ published by
Earthscan in 1990.
• Planning Contributions Kitbag, United Kingdom: http://www.sportengland.org/index/
get_resources/resource_ps/kitbag_front_page.htm. Sport England web pages provide local
authorities with practical help and information to help secure improved sport and recreation
facilities. The kitbag is a one-stop, on-line resource for local authorities, giving helpful
summaries of recent good practice, practical tools for measurement of sporting needs and
real-life examples of what can be achieved.
• Higher Density Toolkit, East-Thames, United Kingdom: http://www.east-thames.co.uk/
highdensity/overview.asp. This toolkit draws together a range of resources to deliver best
practice in higher density housing. Includes a checklist to obtain an overall feel of the
quality of scheme proposals and provides links to UK publications, reports and useful
• Urban Land Institute: http://www.uli.org//AM/Template.cfm?Section=Home.The Urban
Land Institute is a worldwide, non-profit research and education organisation which
provides leadership in the responsible use of land and in creating sustainable communities.
This website provides links to publications, case studies, research and worldwide networks.

Urban Design Toolkit 99

The Urban Design Toolkit is a living, web-based resource and we encourage your comments on
it. This includes feedback on additional references and examples, or debate on the tools
themselves. Additional examples could be in the form of a new urban design case study, a link
to an appropriate website, research or written publication. So please contact us by emailing:
urban.design@mfe.govt.nz, or phoning: (04) 439 7488.

Please supply the following information if emailing:


Email address:


100 Urban Design Toolkit


3+, 3– survey (Three questions survey), 17 Crime Prevention through Environmental Design
safety audit, 7, 9
Accessibility action plan, 4, 54
Crime Prevention through Environmental Design
Accessibility analysis, 4, 54
safety site assessment, 8
Accessibility audit, 4, 54
Accessibility monitoring, 54 D
Accessibility resource appraisal, 4, 54 Demonstration project, 39
Action planning, 27 Design advisory group, 83
Activity mapping, 5 Design assessment, 83, 84
Adaptable model, 32 Design brief, 17, 21, 53, 60, 78, 84, 85, 89
Aerial photographs, 13 Design centre, 40
Architecture and built environment centre, 40 Design champion, 48
Archive research, 2 Design code, 53, 61,62
Axial lines, 16 Design competition, 85
Design criteria, 62
Design guide, 7, 53, 62, 78, 79, 84, 86
Behaviour mapping, 5
Design quality indicators, 17
Behaviour observation, 5
Design review, 84, 86, 90
Benchmarking, 17
Design workshop, 27, 30
Board games, 36
Development brief, 78
Building age profile, 6
Development plan, 65
Business improvement district, 68, 82
Digital elevation model, 14
Digital terrain model, 14
Display model, 41
Case studies, 38,
Centre plans, 68 E
Character appraisal, 7
Elevation montage, 31
Character areas, 6, 68
Enquiry by design, 27
Charette, 27
Enterprise zone, 68, 95
Cognitive mapping, 12
Exemplar urban design projects, 38
Community advisory group, 34, 35
Exhibition, 49
Community design centre, 40
Community meeting, 26 F
Community plan, 34, 54 Figure-ground mapping, 23
Community planning forum, 27, 34 Flagship project, 39
Community projects fund, 94 Focus group, 29, 33
Concept plan, 56 Future search conference, 34
Conservation areas, 68
Conservation plan, 57 G
Convex spaces, 16 Gap funding, 94
Covenant, 53, 59, 62, 86 GIS mapping, 13

Urban Design Toolkit 101

Health Impact Assessment, 9 Participatory appraisal, 32
Heritage precincts, 6 Participatory land-use mapping, 35
Heritage trails, 42 Pattern book, 61, 62, 67
Hui, 26 Ped-shed analysis, 15
Physical trace observation, 5
I Picture analysis, 36
Ideas competition, 85 Pilot project, 39
Ideas workshop, 27 Placecheck, 17
Incentive zoning, 87 Planning aid, 40
Interactive display, 26, 30, 33 Planning and briefing workshops, 33
Interactive model, 31, 35, 36 Planning for real, 32
Interpretative trail, 41 Planning weekend, 27
Post-occupancy evaluation, 17
Pre-application meeting, 75, 90
Legibility analysis, 12 Precinct plan, 7, 53, 60, 68, 82
Life-cycle cost analysis, 88 Press release, 42
Limited design competition, 85 Priority infrastructure plans, 69
List of qualities, 17 Process planning workshop, 34
Long term council community plans, 10, 55, 71, 79 Project control group, 91
Low impact design, 64 Project steering group, 91
Low impact urban design and development, 64 Public art strategy, 70
Public display, 43
Public facility plans, 70
Main street programme, 68, 73, 82, 91, 95
Public lecture, 49
Mapping, 13
Public open space structure plan, 74
Masterplan, 53, 56, 60, 61, 65, 67, 74, 78, 89
Public satisfaction surveys, 17
Materials and components analysis, 23
Public–private partnership, 91
Mayors’ Institute on City Design, The, 48
Media column, 42 R
Media techniques, 42 Reference group, 34
Mental mapping, 12 Regional forum, 71, 93
Multi-architect project design, 89 Regional growth strategy, 71, 93
Multi-designer project teams, 90 Regional structure plan, 74
Multi-modal transport modelling, 20 Research reports, 44
Roadshow, 43
Role play, 36
Neighbourhood planning office, 40
Newsletter, 42 S
Non-statutory design guides, 62 Safety audit, 7, 9
Safety site assessment, 8
Scenario building, 32, 35
Open design competition, 85
School resource kits, 45
Open house, 49
Seed funding, 93
Open space plan, 73
Space syntax analysis, 16
Overlay mapping, 13
Spatial masterplan, 65
Speak out, 33

102 Urban Design Toolkit

Special activity area, 68, 94 V
Stakeholder reference group, 34 Visual preference survey, 17
Statutory design guides, 62 Visual simulation, 51
Storytelling, 36
Street stall, 43 W
Streetscape plan, 53, 73, 74, 82 Walkability analysis, 15
Streetscape strategy, 7, 53, 73 Walking tour, 42
Structure plan, 53, 69, 74 Walk-through analysis, 24
Subdivision code of practice, 75 Water sensitive urban design, 64
Surveys, 17
Sustainable urban design systems, 64

Technical guidance note, 53, 77
Theatre performance, 36
Three questions survey (3+, 3– survey), 17
Tissue analysis, 19
Town centre programme, 68, 73, 82, 91, 95
Town improvement zone, 82
Town trails, 42
Traffic flow modelling, 20
Transferable development rights, 88
Transport energy specification, 76
Transportation and traffic modelling, 20
Two-stage design competition, 85
Typological analysis, 23

Urban design assistance team, 27
Urban design audit, 21, 22
Urban design awards, 46
Urban design champion, 48
Urban design event, 49
Urban design framework, 53, 77, 79
Urban design games, 31, 36
Urban design network, 50
Urban design panel, 83, 85, 86
Urban design strategy, 9, 53, 60, 65, 71, 78, 79
Urban design websites, 42
Urban Development Corporation, 96
Urban modelling, 32
Urban morphology, 22
Urban priority area, 94
Urban quarters, 68
Urban tissue, 19

Urban Design Toolkit 103

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