On The Fibonacci K-Numbers: Sergio Falco N, A Ngel Plaza
On The Fibonacci K-Numbers: Sergio Falco N, A Ngel Plaza
On The Fibonacci K-Numbers: Sergio Falco N, A Ngel Plaza
We introduce a general Fibonacci sequence that generalizes, between others, both the classic Fibonacci sequence and
the Pell sequence. These general kth Fibonacci numbers fF k;n g1
n¼0 were found by studying the recursive application of
two geometrical transformations used in the well-known four-triangle longest-edge (4TLE) partition. Many properties
of these numbers are deduce directly from elementary matrix algebra.
2006 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
1. Introduction
In the present days there is a huge interest of modern science in the application of the Golden Section and Fibonacci
numbers [1–19]. The Fibonacci numbers Fn are the terms of the sequence {0, 1 , 1, 2 , 3, 5 , . . .} wherein each term is the
sum of the two preceding terms, beginning with the values F0 = 0, and F1 = 1. On the other pffiffi hand the ratio of two con-
secutive Fibonacci numbers converges to the Golden Mean, or Golden Section, s ¼ 1þ2 5, which appears in modern
research in many fields from Architecture, Nature and Art [20–30] to physics of the high energy particles [31–33] or
theoretical physics [34–41].
As an example of the ubiquity of the Golden Mean in geometry we can think of the ratio between the length of a
diagonal and a side of a regular pentagon. The paper presented here was originated for the astonishing presence of the
Golden Section in a recursive partition of triangles in the context of the finite element method and triangular
Grid generation and, in particular, the construction of ‘quality’ grids is a major issue in both geometric modeling
and engineering analysis [42–46]. Many of these methods employ forms of local and global triangle subdivision and
seek to maintain well shaped triangles. The four-triangle longest-edge (4TLE) partition is constructed by joining the
midpoint of the longest-edge to the opposite vertex and to the midpoints of the two remaining edges [47,48]. The
two subtriangles with edges coincident with the longest-edge of the parent are similar to the parent. The remaining
Corresponding author. Tel.: +34 928 45 88 27; fax: +34 928 45 87 11.
E-mail address: sfalcon@dma.ulpgc.es (S. Falcón).
two subtriangles form a similar pair that, in general, are not similar to the parent triangle. We refer to such new triangle
shapes as ‘dissimilar’ to those preceding. The iterative partition of obtuse triangles systematically improves the triangles
in the sense that the sequence of smallest angles monotonically increases, while the sequence of largest angles monoton-
ically decreases in an amount (at least) equal to the smallest angle of each iteration [44,48].
In this paper, we show the relation between the 4TLE partition and the Fibonacci numbers, as another example of
the relation between geometry and numbers. The use of the concept of antecedent of a (normalized) triangle is used to
deduce a pair of complex variable functions. These functions, in matrix form, allow us to directly and in an easy way,
present many of the basic properties of some of the best known recursive integer sequences, like the Fibonacci numbers
and the Pell numbers.
Since we were interested in the shape of the triangles, each triangle is scaled to have the longest-edge of unit length.
In this form, each triangle is represented for the three vertices: (0, 0), (1, 0) and z = (x, y). Since the two first vertices are
the extreme points of the longest-edge, the third vertex is located inside two bounding exterior circular arcs of unit
radius, as shown in Fig. 1. In the following, for any triangle t, the edges and angles will be respectively denoted in
decreasing order r1 P r2 P r3, and c P b P a.
Definition 1. The longest-edge (LE) partition of a triangle t0 is obtained by joining the midpoint of the longest-edge of t0
with the opposite vertex (Fig. 2(a)). The four-triangle longest-edge (4TLE) partition is obtained by joining the midpoint
of the longest-edge to the opposite vertex and to the midpoints of the two remaining edges (see Fig. 2(b)).
In the 4TLE scheme, subdivision leads to subtriangles that are similar to some previous parent triangles in the refine-
ment tree so generated. Other subtriangles may result that are not in such similarity classes yet and we refer to these as
new dissimilar triangles. We define the class Cn as the set of triangles for which the application of the 4TLE partition
produces exactly n dissimilar triangles.
Let us begin by describing a Monte Carlo computational experiment used to visually distinguish the classes of tri-
angles by the number of dissimilar triangles generated by the 4TLE partition. We proceed as follows: (1) Select a point
within the mapping domain comprised by the horizontal segment and by the two bounding exterior circular arcs. This
point (x, y) defines the apex of a target triangle. (2) For this selected triangle, 4TLE refinement is successively applied as
long as a new dissimilar triangle appears. This means that we recursively apply 4TLE and stop when the shapes of new
generated triangles are the same as those already generated in previous refinement steps. (3) The number of such refine-
ments to reach termination defines the number of dissimilar triangles associated with the initial triangle and this numer-
ical value is assigned to the initial point (x, y) chosen. (4) This process is progressively applied to a large sample of
triangles (points) uniformly distributed over the domain. (5) Finally, we graph the respective values of dissimilar trian-
gles in a corresponding color map to obtain the result in Fig. 3.
0 0
γ0 r2
3 t t1
β0 α0
t0 t0
a b
Fig. 2. (a) LE partition of triangle t0, (b) 4TLE partition of triangle t0.
0.9 16
0.8 14
2 10
0.2 3 4
4 4
0.1 5 2
6 5 6
18 18
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Fig. 3. Subregions for dissimilar triangle classes generated by Monte Carlo simulation.
Definition 2 (4TLE left and right antecedents). A given triangle tn+1, has two (different) triangles tn, denoted here as left
and right antecedents, whose 4TLE partition produces triangle tn+1.
As an example, triangle tn+1 in the diagram with vertices (0, 0), (1, 0) and z in Fig. 4(a), has left antecedent tn with
vertices z, (0, 0), and z + 1 in Fig. 4(b), and right antecedent tn with vertices z, (1, 0), and z 1 in Fig. 4(c).
t n+1
z z+1 z—1 z
(0,0) (1,0)
t n+1 t n+1
(a) Triangle tn+1
(0,0) (1,0) (0,0) (1,0)
Theorem 3. The relation between the apex of a given triangle z in the right half of the diagram and the apices of its left and
1 1
right antecedents may be mathematically expressed by the maps fL ðzÞ ¼ zþ1 , and fR ðzÞ ¼ 2z , complex z.
Remark. Notice that for z having 2
6 ReðzÞ 6 1 then Re(fL(z)) 6 Re(fR(z)) (and hence the ‘left’/‘right’ terminology
given to these complex functions).
Theorem 4. The class separators determined experimentally in Fig. 3 may be generated mathematically as a recursive com-
position of left and right maps fL(z), and fR(z).
Function fR is a Moebius transformation (also homography or fractional linear transformation) [49,50], while
function fL is an anti-homography. Both may be considered as maps of the extended plane C into itself. fR is a con-
formal map, and hence it preserves angles in magnitude and direction, and straight lines and circles are transformed
into straight lines and circles. On the other hand, fL is not conformal, but angles are preserved in magnitude and
reversed in direction, as the complex conjugation. Also fL takes circles to circles (straight lines count as circles of
infinite radius).
a b
In general a Moebius transformation hðzÞ ¼ azþb czþd
is defined by the matrix: H ¼ , whose elements are con-
c d
stant complex numbers and its determinant is not null to avoid the constant transformation. In similar way, an
anti-homography presents the form hðzÞ ¼ a czþd
and also has the same associated complex matrix.
0 1 0 1
In our case, let R ¼ , and L ¼ be the associated matrices to functions fR and fL, respectively. The
1 2 1 1
composition of two of such functions has as associated matrix the product of the matrices associated to the two initial
transformations. Similarly, any particular combination of transformations fR and fL is determined by the product of the
corresponding matrices in the same order. For instance, transformation ðfR fL ðzÞÞ ¼ fR ðfL ðzÞÞ ¼ fR ðzþ1 1
Þ ¼ 21 1 ¼ 2zzþ1
0 1 0 1 1 1
could be given more easily by the matrix product R L ¼ ¼ . Therefore, from now on, we
1 2 1 1 2 1
will substitute the use of the transformations fR and fL by the use of the associated matrices R and L.
Let us find the product Rk1L associated to the composition fRk1 fL which will be used below. It is easy to prove
k þ 2 k 1 k þ 2 k 1 0 1 k1 1
that Rk1 ¼ for all k P 1, and so Rk1 L ¼ ¼ .
k þ 1 k k þ 1 k 1 1 k 1
3. k-Fibonacci numbers
In this section, a new generalization of the Fibonacci numbers is introduced. It should be noted that the recurrence
formula of these numbers depend on one integral parameter instead of two parameters. We shall show that these num-
bers are related with the complex valued functions given above, and then, in some sense, with the 4TLE partition of
normalized triangles.
Definition 5. For any integer number k P 1, the kth Fibonacci sequence, say {Fk,n}n2N is defined recurrently by
F k;0 ¼ 0; F k;1 ¼ 1; and F k;nþ1 ¼ kF k;n þ F k;n1 for n P 1:
Particular cases of the previous definition are:
For the shake of clarity we note in the sequel by T the matrix Rk1 Æ L. In this section, we shall study some properties
for the kth Fibonacci sequences which are directly obtained from the determinant of matrices Tn = (Rk1 Æ L)n, that is,
from the associated matrices to transformations fR and fL.
Proposition 7 (Catalan identity). F k;nþrþ1 F k;nþr1 F 2k;nþr ¼ ð1Þnþr .
• If k = 1 and r = 0, the Cassini’s identity or Simson formula for the classic Fibonacci sequence appears:
F nþ1 F n1 F 2n ¼ ð1Þn .
1620 S. Falcón, Á. Plaza / Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 32 (2007) 1615–1624
The relation between matrix Rk1 Æ L and the kth Fibonacci sequence is given by the following proposition.
In this section, we shall show some properties for the sum of the terms of the kth Fibonacci sequences, obtained by
summing up the first n matrices (Rk1 Æ L)n.
Pn 1
Proposition 8. i¼1 F k;i ¼ k ðF k;nþ1 þ F k;n 1Þ.
Proof. Note that the term a12 in matrix Tn = (Rk1 Æ L)n is precisely Fk,n. Let Sn be the sum of the first n matrices
Tj = (Rk1 Æ L)j. That is, Sn = T + T2 + + Tn. The argument here is the same that used in the proof of the sum of
the n first terms of a geometric numerical progression:
Since SnT = T2 + T3 + + Tn + Tn+1, then Sn(T I2) = Tn+1 T, where I2 is the 2 · 2 unit matrix. And,
therefore, Sn = (Tn+1 T)(T I2)1.
Note, now, that
F k;nþ2 F k;nþ1 F k;nþ1 k1 1 F k;nþ2 F k;nþ1 k þ 1 F k;nþ1 1
T nþ1 T ¼ ¼ :
F k;nþ2 F k;n F k;nþ1 þ F k;n k 1 F k;nþ2 F k;n k F k;nþ1 þ F k;n 1
On the other hand,
k2 1 1 0 1
T I2 ¼ ) ðT I 2 Þ1 ¼ :
k 0 k k 2k
1 F k;nþ2 F k;nþ1 k þ 1 F k;nþ1 1 0 1
Sn ¼
k F k;nþ2 F k;n k F k;nþ1 þ F k;n 1 k 2k
and, finally, by obtaining the term a12 of the previous product, since this term is at the same time i¼1 F k;i , we get the
result. h
Particular cases:
By summing up the first n even terms of the kth Fibonacci sequence we obtain
Pn 1
Proposition 9. i¼1 F k;2i ¼ k ðF k;2nþ1 1Þ.
Proof. The proof is similar to the proof of Proposition 8, and we only show an outline of it. The sum is
S2n = T2 + T4 + + T2n where T = Rk1 Æ L. By multiplying by T2 and, after some algebra, we get:
S2n = (T2n+2 T2)(T2 I2)1.
S. Falcón, Á. Plaza / Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 32 (2007) 1615–1624 1621
1 1
Note that ðT 2 I 2 Þ1 ¼ 1 and since, the terms a12 of both sides are equal, the formula is
k k k1
obtained. h
Particular cases:
Now, considering Propositions 8 and 9 it is rightly obtained the sum of the first odd terms of the kth Fibonacci
Pn 1
Corollary 10. i¼0 F k;2iþ1 ¼ k F k;2nþ2 .
Particular cases:
In a similar way, many formulas for partial sums of term of the kth Fibonacci sequence may be obtained and par-
ticularized for different values of k. For example:
Pn 1
Corollary 11. i¼0 F k;4iþ1 ¼ k F k;2nþ1 F k;2nþ2 .
Let p be a non-null real number. Next Proposition gives us the value for the sum of the first kth Fibonacci numbers
with weights pi:
Proposition 12. For each non-vanishing real number p:
X n
F k;j p 1
¼ ðpF k;nþ1 þ F k;n Þ 1 : ð2Þ
pj p2 kp 1 pnþ1
Pn 1 k1
Proof. The proof is similar to those given above, but now considering the matrix S n ¼ j¼1 p R L . h
Eq. (2) is known as Livio’s formula [2]. It should be noted that the denominator of the right-hand side of Livio’s
formula is precisely the characteristic kth Fibonacci polynomial. P F
Now, and also by using elementary matrix algebra, we will obtain a closed expression for limn!1 nj¼1 pk;jj .
1622 S. Falcón, Á. Plaza / Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 32 (2007) 1615–1624
Proposition 13. For each real number p, such that p > kþ 2k 4:
F k;j X 1
F k;j p
lim ¼ ¼ 2 : ð3Þ
p j
p j p kp 1
Proof. The proof is based in the so-called Binet’s formula for the kth Fibonacci sequence:
pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
kþ k 2 4 k k 2 4
Let rn1 ¼ 2 and r 2 ¼ 2 , where r1 and r2 are the fundamental roots of the kth Fibonacci sequence. Then,
r rn
F k;n ¼ r11 r22 . n n
F ðrp1 Þ ðrp2 Þ
As a consequence, if p > r1, then limn!1 pk;n n ¼ limn!1 r1 r2 ¼ 0. And, therefore, limn!1 nj¼1 pk;jj ¼ p2 kp1
. h
Particular cases:
P Fj P1 F j 10
• If k = 1, for the classic Fibonacci sequence is obtained: 1 p
j¼1 pj ¼ p2 p1, which for p = 10 gives: j¼1 10j ¼ 89 [2].
P1 P j P
, which for p = 10 gives: 1
p Pj 10
• If k = 2, for the classic Pell sequence appears: j¼1 pj ¼ p2 2p1 j¼1 10j ¼ 79
P Hj P1 H j 10
• If k = 3, for sequence {Hn} results: 1 j¼1 pj ¼ p
p2 3p1
, which for p = 10 gives: j¼1 10j ¼ 69
In this section, we shall prove some interesting properties of the kth Fibonacci sequences which may be easily
deduced from the product of matrices of the form (Rk1 Æ L)n. The first property is called convolution product:
Proposition 14.
F k;nþm ¼ F k;nþ1 F k;m þ F k;n F k;m1 : ð4Þ
Proof. Given the matrices (Rk1 Æ L)n, (Rk1 Æ L)m as Eq. (1), and considering the term a12 of the product
(Rk1 Æ L)n · (Rk1 Æ L)m, which is equal to the term a12 of matrix (Rk1 Æ L)n+m we get the result. h
Particular cases:
• If k = 1, for the classic Fibonacci sequence is obtained: Fn+m = Fn+1Fm + FnFm1 (Honsberger formula [2]).
• If k = 2, for the classic Pell sequence appears: Pn+m = Pn+1Pm + PnPm1.
Eq. (4) may be particularized in many ways. For example, if m = n we get: F k;2n ¼ ðF k;nþ1 þ F k;n1 ÞF k;n ¼
F k;nþ1 F k;n1
ðF k;nþ1 þ F k;n1 Þ k
, and, therefore,
F k;2n ¼ ðF 2k;nþ1 F 2k;n1 Þ; ð5Þ
which may be particularized as follows:
F k;4n ¼ ðF 4k;nþ1 þ 2k 2 F 4k;n F 4k;n1 Þ þ 4F 3k;n F k;n1 ; ð8Þ
which, for k = 1 reads: F 4n ¼ F 4nþ1 þ 2F 4n F 4n1 þ 4F 3n F n1 .
Remark. Notice that, if in the matrix product of the beginning of this section we would have considered the term a22
instead of the term a12, we would have obtained the following equation
F k;nþm þ F k;nþm1 ¼ F k;nþ1 F k;m þ F k;n F k;m þ F k;n F k;m1 þ F k;n1 F k;m1 ;
which, for k = 1 may be written as
F nþm þ F nþm1 ¼ F nþ2 F m þ F nþ1 F m1 ¼ F nþ1 F mþ1 þ F n F m :
7. Conclusions
New generalized kth Fibonacci sequences have been introduced and studied. Many of the properties of these
sequences are proved by simple matrix algebra. This study has been motivated by the arising of two complex valued
maps to represent the two antecedents in an specific four-triangle partition.
This work has been supported in part by CYCIT Project number MTM2005-08441-C02-02 from Ministerio de Edu-
cación y Ciencia of Spain.
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